The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Nov 18, 2006


Saturday Aug 10 morning

That is how Randy found Joel and Kroos the next morning: their bodies plastered together, sheets and bedding knotted and twisted everywhere, clothes and linen scattered with the appearance of a terrible windstorm, but with the most amazing expressions on their faces. Like they knew how they looked lying there, with the strong stench of sex swirling like a bright blue cloud around them.

Randy had waited until nine before making his appearance. He was a bit surprised to find them still there, still making themselves quite at home in his apartment. Joel had given him the impression he needed the place for a quick hour or two of hot wild sex, that's all. Now it looked like the two of them had been having an all-night orgie-athon!

But that's not what caused Randy's jaw to hit the floor when he came around the doorway. It was who the person was that was glued to Joel's back; it was Kroos!

Never in a million years would Randy have imagined that Joel was telling him the truth. He imagined one - or maybe two? - of Joel's buddies from school. Or in a wild leap of faith, Joel found some trucker who might have reminded him of Kroos in dim lighting. But not the real Kroos, not doctor cut-throat "businessman", not the hard-ass manipulator he had been working with on and over over the summer. Not the sinister ringleader - or one of them at least - who was orchestrating all of this sex-shit. Hell, even that Mort guy was afraid of him. Even those other dudes, the ones who seemed to be bankrolling all of these events, gave this Kroos guy a lot of room. No one ever crossed this big guy, not from what Randy could tell.

The first time Randy saw him he almost wet himself! The guy was big and mean and not to be messed with. So Randy was more than happy to let someone else do the final dealings with him, be the middle-man as it were. The less direct contact he had with him the better!

So when Randy came home and came around the corner to the bedroom door and saw that! he almost shit! He stood there a second not believing his eyes; yes it really was the real Doctor Kroos in the flesh, or rather in bed - in his bed! - with his cousin. His first reaction was to retrace his steps double-time and get the fuck outa there before Kroos caught him! But after two steps he slapped himself upside the head: dude this is YOUR apartment!

Randy went back to the bedroom door, not sure what his next move would be. After a long hesitation he decided to unearth his favorite chair buried beneath layer after layer of clothes and wet towels . Hell this was his bedroom he told himself. He would wait for these two to wake up if it took the whole morning. And hell, Randy had all morning. And right now there was nothin better on his agenda than perving on these two half-naked hunks all cozy and shiny in his bed.

Randy sat there, quietly watching the two sleep, amazed how totally out of it they were. Shit, they musta been screwing all fuckin night, he thought. And who would blame'm. Randy watched them lie there, snoring and rustling. Occasionally they would roll onto their back or twist onto their side or throw an arm or a leg back and forth. That was how the last of the bedsheet got pulled out and ended up a crumpled mess around Joel's waist. It did little to cover his midsection; it did nothing for Kroos.

Randy sat there, feeling himself get very very turned on just watching Kroos flop onto his back, his newly shaved crotch a spotlight on his full erection. Randy watched the uncircumsized dick flip up and over with each breath, the head still covered with its foreskin, but stretched tight and shiny, still red and bruised from its previous night's workout.

Randy sat there watching Kroos in all his naked glory, the great adversary bare-ass naked and much more bulked than Randy imagined. He knew the guy was muscled, but all the hair came as a shock. And the major meat the guy was packing was way beyond his fantasies. So it wasn't long before he felt his hand wander, slowly stroking himself through his jeans, wondering if this was time to find out if his bed could hold three. He was just about to reach down and pull off his shoes when he exploded with a gunshot of a sneeze.

"Fuck" he muttered under his breath, looking up to see if that shattered the moment. How could it not! The neighbors were probably calling the bomb squad by now!

Joel cracked one eye open and immediately saw Randy sitting there. He started to panic but Randy's finger at his lips told him to cool it; everything was just fine.

"Randy I - er - I mean -- "

"Chill dog" Randy whispered back "don't wanna disturb this pretty picture..."

"Sorry" Joel started untangling himself from the knotted sheet, sliding off the bed as quietly as he could "we musta fallen asleep -- "

"Y'think?" Randy made a point of taking in Joel's pisshard, then glanced at Kroos "but man... bringing public enemy number one here..."

"Say wha?" Joel stopped in his tracks half way to the bathroom.

"What?!?!" from Kroos, opening his eyes to see they had company. He looked at Randy, recognizing him in spite of his groggy state, then over to Joel standing naked and hard in front of the bathroom door, then down at himself, fully exposed and showing everything. He reached down to cover himself, grabbing a corner of the sheet as best he could.

"Morning... doc" Randy's gaze stroking up and down Kroos' front "man ain't this a sight!"

"Randy..." Kroos sat up, stuffing the balled-up sheet into his crotch "I guess I should have realized whose apartment this was."

"Glad to play host to such a..." Randy just sat there, his hand in his crotch as well "an important visitor. Man Kroos, I always thought you'd be somethin under those clothes but... man... you are like way beyond even my sick j o fantasies."

"Look Randy, I never -- "

"No shit Kroos!" Randy looked and saw Joel emerge from the bathroom, the toilet flushing "all I can say is my eyes almost popped outa my skull seeing what Santa left under my tree" he chuckled, Joel cracking a grin as well "okay under my sheets - or in your case no sheets at all!"

"Joel I should be going -- "

"Going? Where?" Joel went back to bed and sat on the side "remember?"

"Man Joel y'shoulda seen what a sight you two were! Man if I hadda picture a that -- "

"No more!" Kroos tried to pull himself out of bed fast.

"Kroos you forgettin somethin? Unless this is Monday and we slept away two fuckin days..."

"What's the deal here cuz?" Randy had a hard time tearing his gaze away to Joel "I missin somethin here?"

"I must go" Kroos was on his feet "I have appointments today -- "

"Thought you already cancelled'm Kroos" Joel blocked his way "you only got one today. Me!"

"Joel can we talk about this in private -- "

"Deal's a deal Kroos" Joel stood his ground "so back on the bed -- "

"Come on Joel, I must use the bathroom badly -- "

"Well then the faster you do what I say, the sooner y'get to piss" and Joel rubbed Kroos's belly for emphasis.

"Really Joel..." looking over at Randy "your cousin..."

"Yeah Randy, my COUSIN, was just sayin how he wished he had a picture to remember what Santa brought down his fuckin chimney -- "

"Joel can we talk about this?"

"Do first, talk later."

"At least let me" nodding at the bathroom.

"Do first, piss later. I say, you do, remember?"

But Kroos muttered something under his breath, then waddled over to the bed. Joel got back in bed as well.

"Camera's on the floor" Joel announced matter-of-fact, "but you might haveta download first. There are a whole lotta pics in there" looking at Kroos, daring him to say a word "the dowload file's called 'weekend' under 'pics'" seeing Kroos' alarm "and no Randy, y'can't keep'm. You can view them, but they're leaving on a disc with us as soon as we get cleaned up, right stud?" he gave Kroos' leg a squeeze, threatening to rub his full bladder again.

Kroos watched with increasing alarm as Joel crawled on the floor until he found the camera under someone's shorts. As he suspected, the camera displayed "full file".

"First thing we can do" Joel got comfortable "is get rid of this" he tugged the sheet away from Kroos' midsection. Kroos tried to resist but Joel would have none of it. But the time Randy had reloaded the camera, his eyes wide with just a sample of what he could see on his hardrive, he returned to the bed.

"So Randy" Joel smiled at his cousin's expression of disbelief "how were we again? When you came in here?" stroking his chest lazily.

"Sheeet" Randy whistled "you are one sick horndog y'know that?"

"Had a good teacher" Joel laughed. Kroos and Randy looked at each other not sure which one he meant.

Next: Chapter 67

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