The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Nov 12, 2006


Chapter Sixty-four

Friday August 9

Tommy picked up his kit and followed Lou's lead, not sure where this was heading. He half-carried, half-dragged his equipment through the door and down the hallway where Mort directed both them to a smaller doorway. He opened it and held it for them. Tommy knew he should not be doing this, he knew this was way beyond his area of familiarity, but the visions of what he could do with all that money were blinding him to all the alarms going off. Was he really going to do this? Was he really going to strip down to what? A pair of shorts? his underwear? even worse just a jock? And other guys right there, watching him, staring at him. And worse, taking pictures of all of this? There was no way -- no way in the world! -- he was gonna show dick! Just standing there in his underwear, the outline of his goods showing was bad enought. And to add insult to injury, Lou would be right there, with that cocky daredevil jut of his jaw, smiling his evil smile, enjoying Tommy's embarrassment like he designed this whole thing from the get-go.

"Gentlemen, inside you will find a dressing area. Strip down to your underwear, and then" pointing at their step-in bags "put those on."

"Everything" Tommy was almost weaving a bit, the drinks catching up with him "like helmets and everything?"

"Then what?" Lou followed Tommy through the door, seeing a regular looking dressing room "here? you gonna take those pictures of us here?"

"Not exactly" Mort stood at the doorway "after you are dressed in your uniforms, wait for your cue -- I mean, someone will come for you, and give you directions. If you get thirsty, there are bottles of sports drinks in those lockers. Please help yourself. Now if you will excuse me" and he was gone.

Tommy went to the nearest locker, intending to change out of his street clothes and into his gear. He opened it and was rather surprised to see some else's clothes already there.

"Holy shit!" he held it open so Lou could see "somebody's here already!"

"Yeah..." Lou came over to get a better look "but how kinky weird can it be right? I mean they look like regular clothes."

"Wow" Tommy removed the shirt, holding it up" look at this! It's like a triple XL or something!"

"Triple X at least" Lou sat down on the bench, opening another locker. He was not surprised to see more clothes "man, they must be -- what is this? Like a convention or something?" looking at the second set "well at least it's not another fat slob..." he pulled out the pants, seeing a thirty-eight waist "or maybe not" trying two more lockers before finding one empty. Empty except for those several plastic bottles of something whose labels he did not recognize. And hanging from a hook was a jockstrap. That gave Lou something to chew on while he opened one of the bottles and took a swig. It was not ice-cold but was still sweating in the warm air. After the drinks before he was not very impressed with the flavor.

"What is it?" Tommy froze in front an empty locker, seeing a jockstrap and bottles in his as well "booze?"

"You wish" Lou closed the first two lockers, almost expecting their owners to show up with dirty looks "naw, it's like some cheap-ass gatorade or something" taking another swig "but a beer right now ain't a bad idea."

"What's the matter" Tommy stood there, not making any move to get started "tell me you getting all chickenshit now?"

"Me?" Lou sat there, staring at that jockstrap hanging from the hook. Seeing that brought it all into focus. He was going to be wearing that! and maybe only that! with some guy or even guys taking pictures of him. Wearing nothing but maybe his helmet and a jock! And that grinning idiot Tommy right there, laughing his head off "Fuck no! You're the one who's chickenshit!"

"Me? Fuck no."

"Then how come you're just standing there still dressed?"

"I don't see you in a big hurry shucking out of your clothes" Tommy sat down, reaching for the jockstrap hanging there. Instead his hand grabbed one of the cool wet bottles "yeah, just what I always thought! Big mouth Lennelli! All talk and no action!"

"Watch it!"

"All this talk about you being this big crazy stud, getting into all your crazy shit, like that shit about taking on two chicks at once!"

"That happened!"

"Yeah and that time you did the whole scene with that couple!"

"I did!"

"Fuck, that's what I thought" Tommy laughed and took another swig, still as metallic and sour as the last one "you never did any of that shit."

"You're full of shit!"

"Me?" Tommy threw his head back and laughed loud and deep "I'm full of shit? All that shit at the firehouse, getting the guys thinking you're this big stud fuckin anything that moves--"

"Just because you're stuck in that marriage--"

"ShutUP about my--"

"And when's the last time she put out? Last night?"

"Fuck you!"

"Last week?"


"Last month's more like it" Lou finished the bottle, still staring at the jock "no wonder you're so horny you'd agree to go through with this shit!"

"And you ain't?" Tommy looked at the empty locker, envisioning it filling with his clothes, his body naked and getting put on exhibit like a bull at the county fair. He knew he was in better shape than Lou over there, hitting the gym maybe three or four times a week. He told himself it was to prevent injuries when he went out on a call. But he knew the real reason was pure male vanity. Vanity and that chick with the tits who made a point of smiling at him every time she saw him at the gym. Him and his wedding ring "bet you ain't had no play since the last time we got snow!"

"Fuck you."

"Yeah you're just horny enough t'do this shit, you ain't foolin no one Lou!" Tommy sat there, still not ready to see that locker fill up with his clothes "like that shit before with the owner, Mort."

"What about Mort?"

"Comin on to him" Tommy made a point of untying one of his shoes, hoping to make it last several hours "all that shit about you pretending to get into that bi shit. What a load of bull!"

"Ain't bull..." Lou sat watching Tommy toying with the shoelaces "I did shit lots of times, with guys."

"Bullshit" Tommy went to work on the other pair "hell you're even piss-shy.

All those times at the station, hell I can count on one hand the times I seen you take showers and somebody else is around."

"Crap" Lou did not know what to do. To keep his hands busy he started unbuttoning his shirt. Like the concept of buttons was beyond the range of his motor skills at that moment "I shower with the guys all the time."

"When they're not there. And actually doing something with another dude? Shit, I bet you never even so much as touched another dude below the waist -- no, give it up -- and actually touching another guy's joint? Yeah I can really see you trying blowing some dude. You wouldn't know which end is which!"

"Tommy you are just too funny some times" finishing with the first button "you straight boys don't know what you're talking about."

"And okay yeah, how about taking it up the ass?" Tommy tossed one of his shoes into the locker with a loud bang for emphasis "you'd be half-way to Canada if anybody so much as looked at your ass cross-eyed."

"You the one who'd run like shit!"

"Like right now!" the other shoe slammed into the locker underlining the word "you can't even shuck outa your clothes now, with somebody watchin ya" and Tommy swayed to his feet, his hands at his pants "crazy... ya, my gramma's crazier than you. You're all hot air Lennelli! You're all bull! Tommy started struggling with his belt. Maybe he stood up too fast. Or else downing that bottle on top of all the booze tonight was real stupid. Like the old warning about drinking water on top of beer.

"Fuck you Williams" Lou pulled the shirt free of his pants, not worrying about the buttons any longer. He pulled it over his head, his t-shirt coming loose in the process. Tommy got a good look at the hairy belly hanging over the belt, a familiar and slightly ridiculous sight. He watched Lou toss the shirt and the t-shirt as well into the locker, then start tugging at his belt, like he was out of practice. Before he could say any more, Lou unzipped himself and pulled his pants and shorts down past his knees, standing there exposed "okay? That naked enough for ya? Or ya wanna see me jack off too?" starting to pull at his fat salami, his hand tugging at it like it would double in length to make up for its flaccid state.

"Save it for the paying customers" Tommy turned away "I seen at all before" and went to work on his socks. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lou settle his ass back on the bench, struggling to get his pants and shorts over his shoes. Before long he navigated the complicated task and managed to get out of everything, throwing his clothes into the locker without hurting himself. Tommy was relieved he didn't have to do it for him.

"See? Naked and everything" Lou sat there, rubbing and scratching the hair on his chest and belly. He even did something crazy like scratch himself in the pubes when he thought Tommy was stealing a look "now y'believe me?"

"Shit Lou..." Tommy stood up to pull his shirt over his head "you could barely do that with me watching. How you expect to do that with... y'know... 'them' watching. And taking pictures and everything!"

"You the chickenshit one" Lou nodded at his Tommy's pants "you ain't naked yet. Let's see ya show dick, with me staring at it. Serious like."

"No biggie" Tommy started unbuckling his belt, then unzipped the fly. Before he had a chance to see what goofy expression Lou was pulling, he hung his pants up neatly. When he was down to his white briefs he turned to see what stunt Lou was planning next. When he saw Lou with both hands slammed into his crotch he didn't know what to say. But when he saw how red in the face he was, the redness spreading down to his neck and chest, he was shocked "what's up with that Lou?"

"With what?"

"Trying to cover up all shy again?" Tommy let his hand graze against the front of his briefs "what ya hidin there?"

"Ain't hiding shit!"

"Prove it. Stand up and move yer hands a sec."

"Eat shit Williams."

"Fuck Lou..." but Tommy could see the embarrassment written all over his face. Suddenly mister cockiness was all freaked out. Yeah, cockiness indeed. Like hard cockiness "you bonin?"

"Fuck you."

"Damn you are, ain't ya?"

"Drop it Williams, okay?"

"Hey it's cool..." Tommy gave an evil wink "I won't tell the guys..."

"You do and you're dead meat."

"Fuck I knew it!" Tommy could not help but laugh "all the bullshit, all the big talk. You were just trying to cover up! Like you're trying to cover up your bone right now!"

"Just let it go okay?"

"Go on Lou" Tommy pulled at the elastic waistband of his briefs, giving a tease "shit I'm gonna see it sooner or later. Or ya want me t'call those dudes with the cameras..."

"Fuck..." Lou removed first one hand, revealing his balls tight and swollen. When he pulled the other away, Tommy let out a low whistle. Lou sat there, his fat swollen cock half-draped over his right thigh, the head tight and the shaft pulsing in time to his heart-beat. Tommy pulled down the front of his briefs, exposing his pink cock and balls to Lou, watching as his cock gave a hard throb and start filling out with some serious swelling, not stopping until eight inches of hard angry cock was pushing towards his navel.

They paused and looked at each other, then Tommy stepped out of his briefs and hung them up. He pulled the jockstrap out of the locker and stepped into it, tugging at it to bring it over his meaty thighs. When it was in place he tugged at it, trying to get it to stretch.

"My luck they give me some kids-size jock" Tommy tried to kid, hoping to defuse the tense situation "sure as hell you wouldn't fit into it."

"Look Tommy..." Lou tried putting his hands back in lap "if anyone found out..."

"That you been playin the big crazy horndog to cover up..." Tommy started pulling thing out of his bag, finding a dark-blue t-shirt. He regretted now not having washed it when he had the chance "for what? That you really are a horny crazy... what? Man Lou what a scam you working there. Pretending to be something... pretending to be all bi and shit... and you really ARE bi! What a fuckin hoot!"

"C'mon Tommy! Be a pal! You can't be tellin--"

"Tellin what? Us two got our balls in a sling doing porno together?"

"No really Tommy I'm beggin ya. Ya can't tell anybody okay?"

Tommy stood there, almost feeling sorry for the big guy. Lou was sitting on the bench naked, his cock pointing at the ceiling like it would never go soft again. And why? Cause he was sitting there watching him strip down? What a trip!

"Ya big dumb meathead!" Tommy pulled the dirty t-shirt over his head, imagining how wrinkled and filthy it looked. It even smelled like smoke "all this time putting on the big act so the guys wouldn't figure out the big act was not a big act! And all this time--"

"This time what?"

"You coulda been... shit you think you're the only dude at the station... shit!"

"What Williams! Say it!"

"I ain't sayin shit okay?" Tommy got busy pulling his pants from the bag and stepping into them. He was in his lug boots and working at the suspenders before he would answer Lou "forget I said anything."

"You tellin me... guys? other guys at the station?"

"I ain't saying nothing cause I said nothing okay?"

"Who? What guys?"

"No one okay? I mean it coulda just been soap on J-I mean some guy's shoulder. I don't know for sure it was cum."

"What? In the shower? At the station?"

"I'm just sayin all this time you fuckin around n'all..." Tommy started to get warm, seeing Lou still sitting there naked, his dick enjoying the conversation "so ain't you getting dressed?"

"Oh yeah..." Lou stood up, trying to cover the log sticking out of his hairy crotch.

"Don't bother" Tommy shook his head "I seen it now okay? Beside I probably will-- hey!"

They both saw something tumble from the pouch of Lou's jock as he removed it from the locker. It looked for all purposes like a metal hole punch. It tumbled to the floor with a loud clack!

"What the hell's that?"

"Fuck if I know" Lou picked it up, no longer worried about covering his bone "what the hell is this?"

"And what's it doing in your jockstrap?"

"Shit..." Lou put it back on the shelf, like finding somebody else's sextoy, not wanting to get caught with it when they returned. He noticed a small piece of paper fallen to the bottom of the locker, apparently when he removed the jockstrap. He picked it up and read it.

"Don't tell me" Tommy came over to look "gotta be something bad."

"Don't know" Lou handed it to him, then stepped into the jockstrap, wanting to cover himself up. The too-small jock did a bad job of tucking his hard-on into the pouch. He settled for it sticking out the waistband, the red head peeping out the top. Tommy finished reading the note, then noticed Lou's problem.

"You gonna... y'know... go out there like that?"

"I'm counting on it going down by then" pulling his uniform from the bag and stepping into his pants.

When they were both dressed, they left the changing room and went out the back door. As instructed on the note, Lou tossed the metal tool into a pocket and joined Tommy as they went around to the back of the stage area. When they heard the sound of the showers running they almost thought there were in the wrong place. But two large white "X"s taped on the floor showed them they were at the right place.

They were not waiting more than three or four minutes before the alarms started to go off, the red lights flashing like crazy. Lou threw on his helmet, nodded at Tommy doing the same, yelled "showtime" over the din and came around the far end of the stage. What greeted them almost made them fall on their asses!

Lou was first around the back of the stage and almost collided with Harry on the slippery tiles. Or rather he was moving so fast he almost didn't see him in time and skidded into him, almost falling over him still crouching in the middle of the room. He did not know whether to help him up or just stand there with the stupid shocked expression on his face. Harry's expression seeing the big firefighter materialize right on top of him was hardly better.

Tommy was moving so fast he was around and through the doorway into the locker area before he realized where he was. In the confusion and pandemonium he collided with Klu who was trying to do the same from the opposite direction. Klu went flying as did Tommy. When he looked up and there was a naked Bo offering to pull him to his feet he thought he must have hit his head and this was his version of the "circling little birdies" because no way what he was seeing was real!

Lou was half-bent over Harry, seeing the naked guy in what could only be a sexual position. When Harry straightened up, Lou's eyes darted to Harry's crotch. When he saw the tangled mess his tools were in, he was pulled back to reality fast. Just as the alarms were silenced and the regular floodlights returned Lou recited the scripted lines from that sheet of paper,

"Sorry folks, false alarm. False alarm."

"What? Who? But?" from everyone all at once, the sound man throwing his hands in the air.

Bo and Klu were struggling -- no flying! -- back to their lockers, white towels whipped around their midsections so fast it looked like special effects. But not before Lou and especially Tommy registered the dead giveaway sticking out of Klu's hairless crotch, still hard and shiny with lube. He had "guilty" written all over him, or rather his crotch. At that point none of them had more script to fall back on; they were all nosediving into uncharted terrritory now.

"Who the hell are you?" Bo got out over the noise and confusion "what the hell's goin on here?"

"Un-I mean dad they're like firemen okay?" Klu had enough sense to see the cameras were still rolling, and heading his way fast. He tucked himself together under the towel as best he could, but that one smaller firefighter was watching his every move. And if he didn't get his shit together, man his eyes were gonna bug out so far they're gonna pop right out! Klu decided he needed to take the bull by the horns. Or else the whole shit was gonna go down the crapper fast. And with his luck that meant not getting paid for any of this!

"So false alarm huh?"

"What?" from Tommy who was the closest. He looked around to see that blond naked white guy coming through the doorway, followed by Lou, still in full gear. Tommy's helmet was already tossed onto the bench, his hair plastered with sweat. He looked at Lou like a drowning man. Of all the scenarios he envisioned before, this was NOT even CLOSE! "Lou what are --"

"False alarm... I guess" Lou repeated, looking at the other stage area. This was maybe what he imagined for their "performance" area, but this additional cast of characters had him in a major tailspin "and thanks... Tommy" thanks for using my real name, asshole!

"So what..." from Tommy.

"You guys ain't really..." from Harry, wiggling his way over to his locker.

"Boy maybe we oughta be..." from Bo.

"C'mon pops" from Klu, grabbing at the dollar bills flying out the window "y'heard the dudes. All false alarm shit, and they like leaving now right?" looking at the two. No way in the world they were part of this kinky shit, no fucking way! "then you can show me -- and this dude here" nodding at Harry "that work-out you promised--"

"Work-out?" from Bo "boy you trippin? You know -- "

"Work-out?" Tommy heard someone throw him a life preserver "you guys just here for -- "

"Yeah... Yeah! that's it" from Harry, getting a good look at the uniforms of the two fire fighters. And a better look at their insignias. They were real alright! He even had some dealings with their department a year or two back and was hoping, no praying! they were not going to recognize him. So the sooner he got their asses outa there, the sooner the three could wrap this up. As far as he was concerned, he would settle his score with that Kroos bastard another time. Cock restraint or no cock restraint. The pain of wearing this damn thing another day was child's play to anyone finding out about this! "so thanks... you two" where the fuck was his towel? he knew he left his right there "for coming all this way, but like you said, false alarm. Good night" take the hint! Leave!

"Good idea" from Tommy of all people. He caught Lou's eye and tapped his wrist. At first he could not figure out what the hell he was getting at. When Lou's glazed expression did not change, he continued "good idea, right... Louie?"

"What is... Tommy?" no bastard, your name stays.

"You were sayin y'need t'get back into a work-out routine --"

"What?!?!" from about fourteen directions at once. The loudest from Lou who had to repeat himself six or seven times,

"What are you talking about Tommy?"

"Y'know you were saying just tonight, you wanted to get back into it. Y'know getting all outa shape and all."

"Fuck you" Lou looked at the others, especially that blond guy who was having a real hard time stuffing his tortured dick into his shorts "besides ain't we due back at the truck, y'know... false alarm and all?" or, I ain't doing shit til these three guys leave! Especially the dude into that kinky shit with his dick and balls all tied up like that.

"Just call the truck" Tommy was almost slurring his words "y'know on your radio?"

"Fuck" Lou stepped back into the shower area, removing his radio from his jacket. Making sure it was tuned to a non-existent frequency he made a point of "calling in" their position and giving an all-clear. He was not oblivious to a camera watching the whole charade. Just to flip the guy a bird he made a point of walking over to the shower and turning it off, "gotta save our precious natural resources" he announced to the lens with a sneer.

"Hey Louie get in here yer missin it!"

"Missing what?" Lou came back through the doorway, seeing Tommy whipping Klu's towel away from him.

"So what's your story kid?" Tommy lost the battle, Klu tugging it back around him "you ain't old enough to be running around with lube on your dick!"

"Fuck you! What?" from even more directions this time, Bo winning the shouting match this time.

"You better watch yourself!" Bo came over and placed his three-hundred pounds of persuasion between Tommy and Klu.

"So how old is this kid of yours?" Tommy was gambling this was all an act. If not Lou would back him up. At least that what the "beer muscles" were telling him at that point, "sixteen?"

"I'm thirteen!" Klu yelled. Hell, only his uncle knew he was the master of bullshit, at least when it comes to these white dudes.

"What?" Bo spun around, that firefighter temporarily off the hook "say wha?"

"C'mon pops" Klu pulled away "remember my birthday last month? I ain't twelve no more."

"What you pullin here Klu?" Bo glared at him. This ain't the time for b.s. not with these two strangers here!

"Yeah, thirteen and..." looking at Harry trying to struggle into his pants "always horny. Right man?"

"Knock it off--" Harry tried, but was drowned out.

"Yeah, you two dudes ain't fuckin blind" Klu looked at Bo "you saw what was goin down when you bust up the scene, right?"

"You mean..." Tommy looked at Lou, help me out here! "I wasn't imagining things, when I saw you and --"

"Yeah" Klu looked at Bo, then Harry "the dude there likes nothin better than two black dicks fillin--"

"Shut the fuck UP!" Harry tried to come at him but between the pants half-on half-off and Bo and Tommy both intercepting him he was shut down fast.

"Well that ain't our business" Lou looked at Tommy, then tapped his wrist in turn "so why don't you three finish up what you were doing -- no not that! -- and the two of us will finish our final inspection" finish getting our money! "after you leave" get the hint!

"Well you heard the officer" Klu looked at Bo "we gotta finish, right dad?"

"Finish what... exactly" Bo looked at Harry, struggling into his pants at last, pulling shoes out of his locker.

"You can sort it out, I'm outa here" Harry just grabbed the last of his clothes, even the sports clothes they provided, and started for the inner door.

"Ain't you forgetting something?" Tommy was having too much fun. Seeing the embarrassment and confusion on Lou's face, hell he would have paid them for this fun. And the longer he postponed the inevitable the happier he was. As long as he got all that dough they were waving in his face. Everytime he saw those cameras he saw dollar signs "leaving so soon?"

"Yeah" Harry had his hand on the doorknob "and no I ain't forg--"

"Show him... Louie."

"Show him what?" Tommy you high or something?

"What we got for... any emergencies" Tommy smiled at Harry, then at Klu "right pocket? Remember?"

"Fuck..." Lou reached in and pulled out the hole-punch tool "y'mean this?"

"I'm thinking that's just what you need" Tommy went over to Harry, his hand blocking the door from opening "I didn't get the name..."

"Fred!" Harry snarled.

"Didn't the kid call you Harry?" Tommy looked at his chest "and I don't think he was talkin about your bod... Harry."

"Funny..." Harry removed his hand from the door. He would walk off the stage if he had to "for a fire fighter."

"Takes all kinds..." Tommy looked at the knot of clothes in his hands "just like some dudes like to mess around with underage kids--"

"Watch it!"

"Ain't sayin anything" Tommy looked at Bo "if dad over there's cool, I ain't complaining."


"And my partner over there got the way of getting your dick outa that sling. But..."

"But what?" from Harry and Lou both.

"Yeah where is this going?" Bo looked at Klu, smelling something real fishy now.

"Well, no reason to be leaving so soon" glancing to Lou expecting a comment "yeah yeah, we were supposed to... finish our... inspection, but I'm thinking that can wait" looking out to the darkness past the cameras and lights "and that idea about you dudes working out would be just as fine... right Louie?"

"Okay Tommy" Lou nodded at the shower area "I gotta talk to you. NOW!"

"Don't sweat it..." Tommy started unsnapping his heavy jacket, pulling it off his discoloring t-shrirt "partner. We're cool here" looking at Klu "show's all yours... kid."

Lou made several more attempts to pull Tommy aside for a little one-on-one, but Tommy just shrugged and plunked down on one end of the bench. He opened a locker, finding some clothes hanging there "you leave these?" to Harry.

"No I'm leaving" he tried walking off stage.

"And go where?" from Lou "you're already in this shit, so just park your ass. Unless you want..." stopping him from almost backing into one of the cameras, a power cord close to tripping him "this crap to stay like this" grabbing him right in the balls "and for nothing. Stay or go, up to you" Lou took a step back into the bright area "but your ass is over a barrel I'm guessing" holding up the tool "right?"

"Fuck..." Harry stood there, not sure how to pull this one out of the fire "fuck fuck fuck" looking at Bo waiting for the comment about language. When Bo ignored him he knew this whole screwed-up evening just got worse "okay..." he walked away from the camera, back towards the lit stage "but no more of..."

"Of what?" Klu asked, all innocent.

"You know what."

"We'll sort that out" Tommy looked at Lou biting his lip "you getting buttfucked by this kid--"


"... and all that stuff we walked in on. But looking at the condition of this kid" Tommy looked at Klu "thirteen? really? you really fuckin this dude in the ass?"

"Maybe" Klu looked at Bo.

"And dad, where were you when this was going down?"

"Dad was getting a blowjob!" Klu blurted out "sorry dad, I know I promised."

Bo just shrugged and sat down on the bench next to Tommy, running his hand over his face, wiping the sweat out of his eyes, almost dislodging his moustache in the process.

"See Louie?" Tommy laughed "and you said this call would be boring!"

"Okay knock it off" Lou looked around, waiting for a cameraman or someone to put an end to this "you made your point, okay?"

"C'mon partner" Tommy started tugging at his boots "ain't ya burning up over there in all that gear? Setting a bad example for the kid here aren't ya?"

"What are you talking about?" Lou's hand went to his jacket by reflex "you drunk or something?"

"C'mon partner" off came the second boot "y'can't be burning up in front of the kid. Bad example for a... fire fighter. Get it?" he elbowed Bo next to him "burn up? firefighter?"

"Maaaan" but Bo could smell his breath. The dude had been doing some serious drinking "maybe y'better cut back. Have one of these" and he stood up to grab one of the bottles from his locker. He handed it to Tommy as his towel came untied and fell to the floor. Tommy whistled,

"Whooah!" he took the bottle from him "with a hose like that, maybe you should be putting out the fires."

"Real comedian you got here" Bo looked at Lou "so you stayin or leavin?"


"Cause if you're stayin y'better shuck outa some of those before y'keel over."

"Yeah partner" Tommy unscrewed the bottle and took a swig "join the..." burp! "party!"

"What's with you?" Lou wiped his forehead, yeah he was overheating in all the heavy gear under those lights "thought you were in this big hurry to leave? Something about a boat you wanted to work on?"

"Naw" Tommy finished the bottle, looking around for a trash container "you're thinking of our kinky friend here.. right... Harry?" but Harry just stood there, his locker blocked by Bo and Tommy "but looks like he ain't in any hurry now. And yeah, that boat needs lots of... money to finish, right partner?"


"Or you forgetting that?"

Soon as Klu heard the magic word, he just knew these two dudes were in on the whole freaky thing. Somebody went through a lot of trouble to bust up that scene before, and his dick was still angry about it. He looked at Bo, that dirty towel back around his large waist,

"C'mon pops... Spot me" Klu went over to the weight bench, looking around for something resembling the rest of the set-up. He found the stand off to the side behind a table, as well as some weights that would not make him look totally lame. He fitted the bar into the holder, and threw on some fifties, then a couple of twenties to make this interesting. He got down on the bench and slid under the bar, not real surprised to see the lights move and hear a camera roll into position "pop?"

"Klu we don't--"

"I don't" Klu grabbed the bar and lifted it off the rack "but you do, right?"


"C'mon pops... ain't hurtin nobody" I'm keeping your ass outa the sling, unc! Play along!

"Hope you know what you're doin here boy" Bo came around the bench and stood over Klu, grabbing the bar as Klu started doing some classic wide-grip bench presses. It did not take long before Klu's towel came undone, falling away from his front. His newly-shaved crotch and shiny cock flipped free of the covering, glistening under the lights "shit boy, cover up already!"

"What for pops" Klu continued with the presses "besides I got my hands full."

"Then let me" Bo let go of the bar and came around.

"Don't bother pops" Klu set the bar back onto the rack "ain't that serious."

"These men don't --"

"They seen it all before" Klu raised his head, winking at Harry "right? So Harry, your turn."


"C'mon dude" Klu sat up, then got off the bench, wiping it with his towel. He put it around his shoulders, his shiny naked torso the focus of all eyes, his greasy shaved crotch begging for a comment "take a turn. Or this serious weight too much--"

"Just knock it off... Clue" Harry stuffed the pile of clothes into the locker at the far end, making no effort to put on more clothes. Or take any off for that matter "I ain't--"

"You still sore?" Klu winked at Bo "about before?"


"Not not that kind of sore" Klu rubbed his ass for effect "I mean you still pissed--"

"Just drop it okay?"

"Naw the kid's got a good idea" from Tommy, tossing the empty bottle into his locker "and after you my outa shape partner can take a turn, right Louie?"

"Both of you!" Lou's hand never left his jacket "what you--"

"For starters, lose the jacket bud. I know you gotta be dying over there."

"Shit..." Lou went over next to Harry, tossing his jacket in the locker next to his. The cool air washed over his body before the lights took over.

He knew he was going nowhere, not with Tommy calling him out like this. He sat down next to Harry, tugging at this boots "well?"

"Well what?"

"Y'know the kid ain't takin no for an anwer, right?"

"What's it to you?"

"Nothin" Lou shrugged "yet."

Harry smelled the booze on his breath, and knew it spelled major trouble. Obviously, these two were set up to complicate their little "party". But why? Not to break it up, that's for damn sure. Were they gonna get into it too? All he knew was that big drunken slob held the key. How he knew Kroos, how he got that device "planted" on him, how far this was going to go he dreaded to find out. All he knew was that everyone was now waiting for his next move.

Harry looked over at Bo, seeing the side of the moustache drooping a bit. He caught his eye and itched his upper lip. Bo was too near-sighted even without those thick glasses to see the gesture clearly. Harry stood up, removing his pants as he did. He walked over to Bo wearing somebody's shorts.

"Bo" Harry came up to him "y'need to... y'know, the moustache?"

"What?" Bo brought his hand up, feeling one side coming loose "shit" and went over to his locker. Tommy watched the exchange then looked over to Lou. Lou sat there bare-chested, his suspenders digging into his matted chest. Lou looked back and shrugged.

Harry went to the bench, examining it closely for booby-traps.

"Don't sweat it" Klu smirked "I wiped it good, remember?" holding the towel away from his shiny chest.

"You gonna run around bare-ass naked all night?" Harry sat down, then slid under the bar. He looked down briefly to see one camera pointing up the opening of his shorts.

"Sure why not?" Klu lifted the bar off the rack, bringing his crotch over Harry's forehead "you know us kids..."

"Damn..." Harry looked up, seeing the shadow of Klu's crotch right over his face. He took the weight from Klu and started doing a set of similar presses. The weight was not enough to cause him any difficulty so he was surprised when Klu started taking the bar from his grip.

"Yeah you're doin just fine dude" Klu gripped the bar but did not replace it in the rack "and you know what'd be better?" and Klu leaned forward until his balls were right in Harry's face "yeah, go on man..."

"Fuck!" Harry tried to pull away, but Klu used the weights to make the motion awkward at best. Before he could get his balance Harry had a face full of Klu's smooth sweaty balls "fu...." but his protests were muffled as Klu lowered himself down on Harry.

"Yeah that's what y'really want, right man? To get your mouth on my nice sweet meat... no don't deny it man. These dudes all saw you on your hands and knees taking my dick up your ass. Had I known they was players too I woulda stayed and give ya the fuck ya were beggin for right?" but Harry pushed away and sat up, swearing and coughing.

"Or maybe my dick ain't big enough for ya..." Klu set the bar back on the rack "and y'want my old man's cock rearrangin yer tonsils like before these two dudes show up. That it?"

"Fuck this..." Harry stood up "just gimme that damn thing and lemme get outa here."

"You mean this?" Lou fished in his jacket until he found that tool "this thing here?"

"Yeah gimme that!"

"Well..." Lou stood up and came over to Tommy. Before he could react, Lou took the tool and shoved it down the front of Tommy's pants. Tommy jumped and wiggled away from him, pulling the cold metal away from his skin "no do it bud. You ain't gonna have many pockets soon right? Only one place to put it this dude wouldn't go grabbing for it, right?"

"You crazy?"

"You know me" Lou looked at Tommy's crotch "and ain't no place safer right?"

"Okay" Tommy shoved the clamp at him "you do it! Put it in yer own damn jock."

"Fuck no" Lou shoved it back into Tommy's grip "my luck this dude would be all too eager t'dig it out with his mouth!"

"Yuck!" from Klu and Harry, even Tommy it sounded to Lou.

"And I know you ain't letting anybody get their mouth near your stuff" Lou pushed again "right? Ain't that right... Tommy."

"Fuck" Tommy saw he was trumped. He shoved it down his jock, the cold metal making contact with his pubes "okay wise ass. Then it's your turn."

"Turn for what?"

"That" Tommy nodded at the bench.

"Hey what about me?" Harry saw his exit evaporate "what about--"

"Guess y'just gotta wait your turn" Tommy looked at Bo "unless you...?"

"I'm thinkin it's gettin late. Son?"

"C'mon pops" Klu went back to his position, still making no effort to cover himself "I'm thinkin it's just warmin up in here."

"Boy you really playin with fire--"

"Not worried" Klu picked up the bar, testing its weight "we got the whole department here, remember?" and before anyone could decide what to do, he started loading another set of weights onto the bar. When he heard the bigger one, Louie? start protesting, he could not hide his laugh "guess that means you, huh?"

"C'mon kid" Lou looked around, seeing Harry calculating how he was going to get at Tommy, or rather his crotch "it ain't like--"

"Ain't like y'can't handle the weight?" Klu re-attached the locks, and curled it to his chest once for effect "hell a skinny-ass twelve-year old can do it--"

"Thought you were thirteen?" Lou smirked.

"Oh yeah, forgot. Birthday" he winked at Bo "so y'gonna let some thirteen year old kid show you up? You this big macho stud fireman n'all? How would that look?" he looked at Tommy "he big, but not so strong as you? That it?"

"I can do it" Lou cut in before that Tommy did any else stupid "that ain't it."

"Then what?"

"It's just...." he looked down at his pants. Hell, his balls were already cooking, what the hell "damn..." and Lou came over to the bench and started to sit down.

"What? You trippin dude?"

"What?" Lou turned to look at Klu. Or rather that crotch at eye level "what's--"

"You can't do shit like that! You gonna tear up the bench with that on!"

"Ain't your bench, what you care?"

"Dude, ain't the point" Klu scratched his left ball by accident "just get rid of those funky trousers. Thems for fightin fires, not workin out!" he looked at Tommy "he always slow like this?" back at Lou "I know y'got shit under that, right?"

"Fuck..." Lou got back to his feet. As he could have guessed an hour ago, as soon as he did, a camera came around to get a close look. This was the moment. This was what he signed that damn contract for. This was the time to earn some serious dough. They want to see the big crazy fire fighter strip off his duds, fine. At least he still had that jockstrap on, for crissakes. Hell, that kid's running around showing dick, and they did pay him serious money to parade around in next to nothing. He looked at Tommy and pulled the suspender strap off his left shoulder. He waited for him to say something. Luckily the bonehead kept his big trap shut! Staring into that black merciless lens, Lou let the other strap fall off his shoulder, and the weight of the pants pulled them down to his thighs. Before he got cold feet, he pushed them all the way down, and with a bit of toppling, got out of them. He stood there, rubbing his hands over his chest and belly, then down to his wet thighs, the camera following his every move. He did it; he pulled it off. He swore he heard the sound of his money being poured into a bag somewhere.

He sat back on the bench, knowing the camera was doing a close-up of his left ball, half-out of the pouch. Fuck it, he thought, let's get this over with!

He leaned back and like it was rehearsed, there was Klu lowering the bar down to his grasp. He lowered it down to his chest with a whoosh and started raising it, slowly at first as he got the balance, then with a cocky rhythm as the muscles in his chest and shoulders warmed to the effort. When he knew he had done his duty, he lifted up the bar to the rack, expecting Klu to assist getting it into the two brackets. Instead Klu lifted it back down to his chest,

"C'mon you can gimme more" Klu winked at Tommy "the big strong fireman ain't gonna let no punk-ass kid make him look like no pussy. Gimme five, ya big stud. Five, that's all."

Lou felt Klu's grip leave the bar as it settled down to his chest again. He could hear his heart pounding and the blood pumping into his filling warming muscles. He lifted the weight up as high as his arms would go then eased it back down, his muscles starting to bulge with the effort. Again and again he did the routine, not slowing until he passed seven. When Klu grabbed the bar he was almost glad. But when Klu leaned forward with the weight, Lou almost feared he would topple unto him. And when he felt something warm make contact with his forehead, he knew when the kid was doing. And when those balls slid down to his nose, he could not help himself but breathe in the scent of the kid's sweaty crotch. He lay there catching his breath, getting the strength to push up but those balls in his face... then he felt the blood pumping south. He knew he was in trouble.

Lou pushed and slid away from Klu, sitting up as the pouch of his jock started to swell. He sat there sweating and panting, not daring to look at anyone. Or anything, hearing the purring of the camera six feet in front of him.

"Hey dad" he heard Klu behind him "I'm getting tired here. How about you spottin this big stud a while?"

"Klu?" Bo came away from his locker, the moustache re-glued. He looked at Klu who pointed at his face. Bo remembered to put his glasses on again. He doubted if he would need twenty-twenty vision for anything now "what?"

"C'mon pops. Spot this guy a while" Klu wiped his face and chest with his towel then tossed it overhand towards Harry. He barely ducked in time "don't worry you get your turn."

"No I'm fine" Lou looked at Harry. How the hell could he let Harry replace him on the bench without standing and showing off his nice fat hardon? "I'll just sit here a sec."

"Here I'll help ya" he heard Bo's booming bass behind him "I'll fix these" hearing Bo clanging with the weights. Was he putting on more? Lou turned and it looked like Bo was taking off the twenties "boy thinks it's all about how much y'can do" looking at Lou "not how y'do it, right?"

"I... er... what..."

"Nothin to worry about" Bo re-fastened the locks, then lifted the bar off the rack "so take it already."

"But --"

"Nothin to worry about Big Louie" Bo repeated "y'can do it in your sleep..." Lou stole a look at Tommy sitting there, then that Harry guy. Neither of them seemed concerned. Well this was not in the bargain, Lou thought, sensing Bo's calm impatience growing. Well here goes nothing.

He leaned back, assuming the thing pushing out of the front of his jock was taking center stage. He slid under the bar, taking it from Bo waiting for him to say just one word, one more deep booming word, calling this whole thing off. Instead, Bo gave the slightest grunt and removed his grip. This time Lou started a series of fast lifts, hoping to get this over and let that Harry dude have this hot seat for a while.

"No man, slow down" he heard Bo above him "you gonna break somethin like that" Bo grabbed the bar as well, slowing his lifting to a third of his frantic speed.

"This guy need help?" Lou heard Klu behind Bo, as he started to lift the bar in tandem with Bo, slower and slower each time. And each time more and more blood pumped into his muscles, and then kept going south. He knew he had to be showing serious wood by now.

"Lemme help" Klu reached around Bo's waist and before anyone could react, undid the towel, bringing it around his shoulders "gettin in the way right dad?"

"Klu put that... back" but Bo felt Klu's crotch behind him, leaning into him. Slowly Klu was pushing him forward, until Bo's crotch was over Lou's forehead. When it was over his nose, Bo lowered himself down, the head of his fat uncut dick pointing right at Lou's mouth. When the loose foreskin made contact, Lou sputtered and tried to pull away. As he did, his own cock pushed free of the pouch, as hard if not harder than before. When he heard Tommy give out a whistle he knew he had gone too far. This was more than he agreed to!

"Dude!" he heard Klu behind him as he tried pushing the bar up to Bo, sliding away as he did "you always do that lifting?"

"Fuck you" Lou reached down and tucked his cock back inside the jock. Again he had to settle for the head popping out of the waistband.

"You better watch how you talk to my boy here" Bo stood there, naked and threatening.

"Sorry..." Lou stood up and staggered away from the bench. He went over to Harry "your turn bud!"

"Like hell" Harry looked at the father-son team, naked as before. This was where he came in. And this was where he wanted to leave it "how about your buddy here?" slapping Tommy on his t-shirt covered shoulder "ain't you kinda overdressed for this?"

"Tommy?" Lou looked at him "or you rather be home working on that... boat?" remember why we're here dude, okay? You agreed to this shit too.

"Now...?" Tommy's voice cracked "I gotta... y'know... do it now?"

"Sooner or later" Lou looked around "yeah."

"But just... y'know" looking at Lou's hardon poking out.


"Man..." Tommy got to his feet, a condemned man going to his firing squad. He looked at the camera, then looked away fast as his hands went to his suspenders, pulling them down. The heavy pants fell down to his knees, but his t-shirt covered his crotch. Not for long as he pulled it over his head, exposing his smooth muscled chest. He heard several deep breaths as he tugged the pants down and stepped out of them. He stood there in his jock, his tight toned muscles front and center "okay?"

"More than okay!" Klu burst out "man you cut or what?"


"Finally somebody lookin fine enough for this... y'know."

"No I don't--"

"Never mind" Klu almost elbowed Bo to the side "man you toss these weights and that's gonna be some serious thing to see, right?"

"No... I mean... I just..." Tommy stood there, not knowing what to do. He knew the agreement was for them stripping out of the uniforms, down to their jocks. If they wanted more, like getting full monty naked like those two black guys over there... well they didn't talk about that. And now here's Lou showing dick and more than dick, hard dick! Lou was the crazy one, not him! Hell he had a wife and kid at home!

"Come on dude!" Klu used Bo's towel to wipe off the bench "you the one shoulda been showin off with the weights the whole time. Come on, you'll look..."

"Stupid?" from Tommy looking to Lou for bail-out here. Lou looked at Harry.

"Fuck, no! You the one make us lookin stupid now. Man you all ripped and shit!"

"Maybe Harry here is impatient t'do his and leave, right?" Lou looked at Tommy "or you forget about what Tommy boy's wearing there."

"No I ain't forgetting"

"While they arguing, c'mon dude" Klu was patting the bench "just do it."

Tommy adjusted the device in his jockstrap "I gotta wear this still?"

"No I'll take it" just like that Lou reached inside Tommy's jock and pulled it out. Tommy was shocked but a bit slow on the uptake. When Lou gave him a gentle push towards Klu, Tommy tumbled in that direction. Lou chuckled as he stuffed it down his pouch, his cock pushed to the side "unless you wanna dig it out" to Harry. What he didn't expect was Harry taking him up on the offer. When he saw the guy reach for his dick he sputtered, "with your... with your mouth!"

"And if I do?" Harry had enough of this endless cat-n-mouse game. Once he had these two out of the way, he could get back to the real game. Bo and Klu. Or rather Willis and Son! "if I fish it out with... with my mouth, then y'gonna get this thing off me? That's why you got it right? Cause of this?" Harry pulled the front of his shorts down, showing Lou why he was there.

"Yeah... that's the game plan, I'm thinking" Lou stood there, his hands on his waist, almost jutting his crotch in Harry's face "but you ain't gonna do it!"

"Try me!" and just like that Harry dropped to his knees, his face buried in Lou's pouch. Tommy let out a gasp!

"Lou! Are you crazy?" nodding at the cameras.

"Yeah, crazy enough for this" rubbing it back and forth against Harry's mouth.

"Ignore'm" Klu pushed Tommy back onto the bench "you the real thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Here lemme help ya" Klu picked up the bar and offered it him. Tommy pulled his gaze away from what Lou was doing and tried to focus on something normal. Like pushing around some iron. Anything to get his mind off... just thinking about...

He took the bar from the kid. He was almost embarrassed by the lesser weight on the bar as he started a few easy reps, just to get the muscles loosened. He closed his eyes, listening to his blood pumping, his breaths slow and steady. But no matter what, he could not get that image out of his head. Imagining Lou standing there, more naked than not, and some guy, some good-looking healthy buff blond guy, on his knees with his face in Lou's crotch, Lou's cock harder than he's ever seen it... Tommy's eyes opened and right above him was that smooth hairless crotch of that kid. Maybe he was thirteen maybe not. But he never ever saw anything so up-close and personal like that. And never a black kid. And never a black kid with such hefty equipment. He lowered the bar to his chest, letting himself cool a bit, and letting himself get a look at what was swinging a few inches over his nose. He could smell the sex scent coming off the kid, wondering if he really was old enough for... but hell yeah! didn't they walk in on the three of them screwing right there on the floor of the shower room? Well he didn't see -- not really see -- them doing it. But the way they came apart, he just knew... oh shit...

"Yeah... you're doin just fine... real fine" Klu was saying above him "man just a few more... those muscles all ripped and pumped like that... man you're lookin so fine..." Klu lifted the weight from his chest and started raising and lowering the bar with him. Each time he did those smooth black balls brushed against Tommy's face. And Tommy's hands were too busy to reach down and adjust the growing in his jockstrap. And the more that weight went up and down, the more the blood pumped through his veins, the more that booze and those sports drinks went right to his cock. Before he knew it he was showing.

"Stop... stop" Tommy panted, not out of breath, but losing the battle regardless "I gotta..."

"Naw you're doin fine... stud... you lookin mighty fine" Klu pulled the bar up to the rack, one hand on Tommy's chest holding him flat, the other on his own growing hard-on "ain't he fine dad?"

"Klu?" Bo turned from watching Harry and Lou, his hand giving himself a tug every now and then.

"Don't this white dude look good enough to eat?" and before Tommy could raise up, Klu leaned forward until his mouth made contact with Tommy's jock.

Tommy squirmed and twisted as best he could, finally sliding sideways off the bench. But not before his mouth tasted something impossible and amazing. And not before something even more impossible and amazing: a mouth on his dick!

Tommy almost fell to the floor, his weight landing on his left hand. He was expecting the kid to jump him, but Klu and then Bo grabbed him by his arms and pulled him to his feet. By the time he had his wet hard cock back in his pouch, he saw what he had been missing.

Harry was still on his knees, Lou's jock down to his thighs, his cock plunging in and out of Harry's mouth. But Harry's hands were busy at his own crotch, trying to get the device to unhook the straps around him.

"Harry you're gonna hurt yourself" Tommy came over and lifted him to his feet. Or rather his mouth off Lou's red and vein-swollen cock. Tommy had to clear his head as he took the tool from Harry's grip. Once Harry realized Tommy was not going to toss it over the stage wall, but was crouching down in front of his crotch, he let him get on with it.

Tommy had seen something similar to this in his paramedic training, but the way it was all swollen and twisted, he knew he had to be extra careful so he didn't send this guy to the ER. Wouldn't that be some explaining to do, he thought. Running his fingers around and under where Harry's cock was bent back upon itself, he felt and then saw where the snaps were joined together.

He eased the pronged end of the device into the crease, then slipped the connection between the two prongs. As he suspected, they fit together perfectly. He pressed the handle together and heard a sharp snap!

"Owwwww!" Harry yelled but his cock came unbent, the two strap ends dangling loose. Before he could jump away, Tommy went to work on the middle and finally the end snaps, Harry's testicles coming unknotted, and finally the whole arrangement falling to the floor.

Harry's hands flew to his tortured flesh, kneading the circulation back into his balls, a bit surprised to feel Tommy's hands doing the same. When they went to his mangled foreskin, he stepped away,

"Thanks, I can do it" tugging at his flesh, looking down to see the red indentations where the straps had buried themselves.

"S-s-sorry" Tommy struggled to his feet. As soon as he did he realized his mistake. His own cock was sticking straight out, red and weeping several strands of clear sticky fluid.

"Wow...." from Lou and Klu both "man..."

"Sorry" Tommy tucked it back inside his pouch. But all it did was push it up and to the side, a large dark spot where the head continued to pump pre-cum into, and then through the material. He looked over at Lou who just stood there, his fists on his hips, his cock staring at him.

"Some serious meat here" Bo looked at them, his hand giving himself a gentle rub "even on you" pointing at Harry's crotch, the circulation returning it to something almost human. No one noticed Klu sneak to his locker and pull something from it. They did notice him when he dropped to his knees and made a lunge for Tommy's crotch.


"C'mon dude" Klu's hands were lightning fast at Tommy's pouch, pulling his hardon free "lemme..."

"No way!" Tommy pulled back fast. He bumped into someone behind him. Or rather something! He never felt a hard dick at his crack and boy did he move!

"Yeah!" Klu's mouth was waiting for it as Tommy jerked away from who? Lou?

When he felt that mouth on his cock again his first instinct was to stop. But until five minutes ago he never felt a mouth on his cock, ever! His wife almost decked him the first time he suggested it. He never brought it up again. And when this kid, this young kid started sucking him off he knew this was something he would never allow. He hesitated long enough for Klu to get enough of the gel from his tongue onto the underside of Tommy's hard oozing cock. Tommy pulled away as he felt himself going over the line. He pulled his cock away just as he felt a rush of tingling, itching sensations overwhelm every nerve ending and his cock throbbed and the head filled out and before he could react, his cock started blowing! Without touching himself, or grabbing it in time he started shooting load after load right into Klu's face, into his nose, his mouth, all over his cheeks. But the time he grabbed himself and started pulling it towards the floor it was too late. He had blown like he never blew before, like two weeks' worth of semen just emptied from him in one massive explosion. When he felt Lou's arm come around his chest, he leaned back, too overwhelmed to move. They stood like that until a loud boom! shook the flimsy set!

"What was that?" Harry looked up from his bruises.

"Somebody upstairs comin for us" Bo laughed at Klu "or maybe just you!"

"Wow..." Klu knelt there, clearing the jizz from his nose. Then a second and a third clap of thunder rattled the building, not as loud as the first.

"Shit Tommy" Lou held him tight, enjoying the feeling of his cock pressing into Tommy's warm crack "when you shoot you shoot! You gotta warn people..."

"Like me!" Klu got to his feet, wiping his smiling face.

"I'm so sorry" Tommy tried to wipe his cum off Klu's face "I didn't--"

"Stop apologizin dude" Klu wiped some off his finger, and into his mouth "you sure are prime A-list stud!"

"Okay okay" Tommy pulled away, seeing what was poking his behind "that's enough" and he nodded at the showers "so those really work right?"

"Yeah they really work" Lou looked around for a clean towel, but was out of luck "remember coming in here before?"

"Barely" Tommy stepped through the doorway, turning on the nearest shower. He almost jumped when real water came out.

"Well we are sure as hell bare" Klu looked at Bo "maybe next time" and shrugged.

"Next time?" Harry heard that, clear as a bell.

"Don't mind the boy" Bo found the only clean towel left "he got sex on the brain, twenty-four seven!"

"Hey I'm only thirteen remember?" heading into the shower area, taking the head next to Tommy.

"You really thirteen?" Tommy asked him quiet enough no one could hear. But Klu was busy rinsing his mouth, spitting out greenish-tinged cum, his back to most of them. Damn! talk about nasty-tasting shit! To keep his mind off the swelling of his tongue, he went to work scrubbing and lathering all the scum off his body. Tommy had a hard time keeping his eyes off the show, catching himself staring at the young kid, his muscles rippling, the soap sheeting down his back to that perfect ass, two perfect hard muscled globes of black temptation. And when he turned, that smooth crotch with those perfect genitals was hard to keep from ogling at. Klu could not help but notice the attention.

"Quit hoggin the whole room" Bo joined them, and to Tommy's surprise did not take the third shower, but started jostling with Klu for his. Tommy had two sets of genitals to look away from then.

Harry watched the parade heading for the showers, ready to call it a night.

The cameras rolled over there as well, leaving him in the locker room to sit and stew. Fine, I got my cock outa the sling, I just go over to that doc's office and beat the crap outa him. He looked around, seeing Bo's glasses, or someone's glasses sitting on the bench there. It hit him like the next rumble of thunder: he still didn't get what he was after. He still needed some real serious dirt on that Willis guy -- or rather that Willis clone in there, getting all clean and ready to leave. And what he wanted was a real show stopper! Like Bo, Willis, sticking that big pole of his right up that kid's butt! Willis buttfucking his own kid! right on camera!

right in front of witnesses! And no better witnesses than half the damn fire department! He needed to make sure Willis would never bother him again! He picked up the glasses and headed for the shower room, a determined look on his face.

Next: Chapter 65

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