The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Nov 7, 2006


Friday Aug 9 continued

Joel and Kroos got into Randy's apartment and stood there a second just looking at each other, Joel buck-ass naked, still wet from outside, Kroos with the wet shorts barely up to his pubes, his belly splattered with cum. Again.

"I must get cleaned up" Kroos looked down at the mess the guy made on him. His cock itched from the recent shaving and the slowly dripping cum made him feel dirty all over again.

"Don't move!" Joel's brain was already back to that camera. He pulled it off the table and aimed.

"Come on Joel you must have enough for one night?" Kroos was more exasperated than angry. Yet he stood there while Joel took two then three more pics, the wetness dripping down his hairy chest and arms, his belly rising and falling as he caught his breath. Joel covered every inch of that stud in front of him, including a close-up of the dripping cum.

"Okay lower the shorts, no just an inch" and another flash "little lower" another flash "okay show the top of your cock."

Kroos pulled the shorts down to the shave-line, the base of his softening cock showing above the waistband. Joel crouched down and pointed up from knee level. He went around behind Kroos' pulling the waistband past his asscheeks. When he got that shot he put the camera down.

"Now can I get cleaned up?"

"Okay... Carl" Joel smiled "then meet me in the bedroom."

"Finally" Kroos also smiled and stepped into the bathroom and closed the door.

While he waited, the latest set of pics were downloaded, Joel watching with a smile and a bit of worry as the file size grew and grew. He sat on the bed, thinking about what he wanted next. Shit, he wanted it all but how?

He went back to the kitchen table and grabbed his overnight bag. He remembered the "toys" he had grabbed from his dresser drawer in his bedroom.

And he remembered the tube of goo Billy must have gotten in trouble for, smuggling it out of the exam room. He had to call him tomorrow to ask what happened after he left. Hopefully nothing, he bargained. He still had to call him, shit he had to make lots of calls. Tomorrow night would be a night Kroos would never forget, he told himself, his hand stroking him crotch absent-mindedly.

Joel sat on the bed making mental plans. He was full hard when Kroos came out of the bathroom and joined him in the bedroom, a towel wrapped around him.

"Joel, I have been thinking..." Kroos stood there, his hair wet but his body freshly cleaned. Again.

"Good. Me too" Joel pointed at his hardon, bright red and unavoidable.

"No really Joel, I - "

"You can tell me all about it in the morning - "

"But - "

"But nothing" Joel looked him over, a view of which he would never tire, in the least "so lose the towel... Carl."

"That is what I want to - "

"Later" Joel stood up and went over to him. He pulled the towel off him and went to his knees in front of Kroos, naked and smelling of soap. His mouth was all over that freshly shaved crotch. When he started working on those low-hangers, Kroos was moaning. Joel's hand started a steady stroking of Kroos' foreskin back and forth over the head, a slow steady wanking he knew Kroos could not resist. By the time his mouth joined his hand, Kroos was filling out. In spite of his stubborn protests.

"No stop Joel. Really I - "

"Kroos get it figured out" Joel felt his head being pulled away "it's no good protesting, okay? Got it?" he started slapping the hardon back and forth. He did not get the reaction he expected. Instead of Kroos jerking like someone who was having his most tender area abused, he threw his head back and sighed "yeah now just get the idea you do what I say. Remember, I say, you do. Now shuttup and enjoy this!" and Joel started slapping his cock back and forth across his face, twisting it and wacking it around. At the same time he started tugging on those nice brown globes beneath it, feeling them starting to pull up and tighten. When he heard Kroos' breathing start to get ragged he looked up,

"You gonna cum for me? You gonna shoot yer load on my face?" and between his hand and his mouth it wasn't long before Kroos was rocking into him. Joel kept it up as best he could, but the deep thrusts were starting to gage him. He started seeing stars when he felt that dick swell, the head shove into his tonsils and Kroos' hot cum start to spurt down his throat. Joel quickly pulled off his dick, finishing jerking his load onto his cheek.

"Yeah!" Joel said "that was just what the doctor ordered" smirking at him "how long before you can get hard again?"

"Joel please it is getting late..."

"Naw it's still early" Joel stood up and grabbed the camera "just stand there like that."

"Joel no..."

"Just do it for crying out loud!" and Joel held the camera at arm's length taking a pic of him crouched in front of Kroos' slowly deflating cock, his face still splashed with the results of the oh-so-obvious blow-job.

After a series of pics from all angles, Joel in front of Kroos' cock, Joel wanking his cock, sucking his cock, licking the cum off his face with Kroos pointing his cock at his mouth, everything Joel could think of, he directed Kroos towards the bed,

"Okay stud on the bed - "

"Joel I must go. If I get in bed I will fall asleep but - "

"Well we just gotta make sure you don't fall asleep" Joel put the camera down. As much as Kroos protested, Joel was able to get him to crawl onto the unmade bed "okay on your belly. Do it!"

"Joel no..." Kroos protested "not that..."

"Kroos we're just getting started, stud. It's a little late in the game to play virgin with me."

"But - "

"Keep complaining all y'want but right now" Joel gave his a gentle shove, rolling him onto his stomach "this ass is mine."

Kroos stopped complaining. Even when Joel stretched his arms and legs to the four corners, he went along with it. Joel's camera did not miss a beat, with the huge muscular legs spread out, his arms angled up and to the side. Joel went into Randy's closet having a hunch he might find, and yeah, in a paper bag, there it was: several lengths of white cotton rope. When Kroos turned his head and saw what Joel was holding he almost flew off the bed. But Joel reminded him in his normal gentle manner it was not good.

"Kroos you can complain and fight me all y'want but it's gonna happen. And no I ain't gonna do anything crazy okay? Nothing worse'n what you been getting away with! So if yer worried I'm gonna castrate or something, don't worry. I wouldn't harm your dick or these" grabbing his balls between his legs "or a single hair on your - well too late for that -- for all the money in the world. But it's payback time Kroos. Like you said, if I went along with your game you'd be mine for - well let's just say I'm callin in my debts."

"Joel you don't have to... do this... I mean I'll - "

"Maybe" Joel started wrapping one of the loops around his left ankle, Kroos watching and sweating "but you got no idea how hot yer gonna look spread eagle like. I won't hurt ya!! Relax!!" and the ankle was secured, very loosely to the leg of the bed. Joel pushed Kroos back onto his stomach and pulled the right leg sideways, looping and tying as he went.

"See that ain't the end of the world right?" he pulled on the ropes, showing him how much leeway there was. Kroos felt it, telling himself he could always kick out of them if things got nasty. So when Joel pulled his right arm up and to the side, he protested but eventually relented. The when the left was stretched out as well he just lay there, expecting the worst. When he heard the clicks and saw the flashes he just closed his eyes and resigned to his predicament.

"Yeah, big fuckin hairy muscle stud all tied up" Kroos flinched when he felt a hand on his ass "yeah, looking sexy as all hell..." the hand was rubbing all over his ass, then into the crease, up and down, tickling and poking at his hole. As much as he hated to admit it, he was starting to enjoy the sensations coming from his butt. He even raised his torso up a bit, so Joel could reach underneath him and pull his dick down and back towards his balls. When he felt Joel's tongue on the back of his balls he started writhing.

"Yeah big hairy fucking stud getting into it right? Yeah y'like someone suckin at yer balls, let's see if y'like this!" and before he could react Joel's tongue was at his hole, pushing in.

"What's this?" Joel felt the slipperyness where his tongue met the ring. He brought a finger up and made a few exploratory jabs. He finger slid right in. Kroos had lubed himself! "man you big fuckin liar! You been expecting this all the time!"

"Joel... it's..."

"So when'dya lube yerself? Just now?"


"No!?!?!" Joel's finger was busy exploring the depths, meeting little resistance. Then he went at it with two fingers, both getting covered with lube "man... so when?"

"Before... when - "

"Before? Before we ran downstairs?!?!"

"Yeah..." Kroos moaned. Joel was not sure if he was answering or responding to his fingers.

"Fuck..." now three fingers were in there, prodding and stretching. Kroos' ass was bending up to meet them. Joel's other hand was keeping his own cock hard and primed. Shit, he thought, I woulda been happy to blow a load just doing this before. Now I got the whole damn thing! Main feature and all!

"Y'want me in there?" Joel was doing a slow relentless finger fuck, his dick all but screaming to replace those fingers "you really expecting me t'fuck ya in the ass?"

"This is what you wanted all along right?" Kroos was clenching his ass muscles, almost provoking him "this is what you meant before right?"

"Fuck..." Joel was poking and prodding untill he found the sweet spot. Kroos groaned something Joel could not understand "yeah but... jackoff fantasy's one thing..." he could tell his cock was rock hard, and no more waiting "you want it you gonna get it..."

Joel rolled himself over to where his bag was lying on the floor. He saw the tube of green goo. Shit he thought, this is going to be the best fuck of his life!

He opened the tube and squeezed but nothing happened. Damn, he had to punch a fuckin hole in the opening. He found his pants somehow and pulled out his pocket knife. Making sure Kroos did not see it he crawled back and punched a hole in the tube. A huge glob a green jel gushed out into his hand. He spread it on his cock, waiting for the itching to start. The rest of the glob his fingers started to work into Kroos' now stretched butthole. When Joel started rubbing it into Kroos' hard nub inside, he started bucking!

"Wwhaasasttt! What are you - what is that?!?!!?" Kroos tried to turn around to see what Joel was doing. His answer came when he felt the dull fat head of Joel's cock knocking at his back door.

"Stop NO!!" Kroos was kicking and pulling at his restraints but Joel's weight on top of him took the breath out of him. He felt the cock push into him at the same time Joel started to reach up and pin his arms to the bed. He let out a deep loud yell and Joel went into him. Deep!

"Joel NO! Get it out of me! Joel stop! No not the jel! No stop!" Kroos was bucking and thrusting, but it only pushed his ass back onto Joel's cock harder and deeper. Between the gel on his cock and the bucking broncho under him, Joel felt himself approaching the big O faster than he wanted. He closed his eyes, pretending it was not his big fucking fantasy spasming around his dick, but it was! It was Kroos! He knew he was fuckin Kroos! Then it was every guy he ever fantasized about, feeling the anger the pure lust of his swollen dick. Before he could stop himself all the hours of stimulation, and arousal, and yeah even the torture this afternoon with the guys - just seeing that scene in his head again pushed him over and he lost it. He felt his cock start to erupt but the sensation was too intense. He pulled his dick out of that spasming hole and started pumping gallon after gallon of burning lava deep onto Kroos' flexing butt. Joel saw stars and almost fainted.

"Joel stop please" Kroos was panting under him, his sweaty back and hips slapping into Joel's equally sweaty hairless chest. Joel balanced his weight and raised himself off that burning back, looking down at what he just did. His dick was slick and green and burning like he never imagined. He jumped off the bed and waddled, staggered to the shower. The cold water hit him in the stomach but he was scrubbing and soaping himself fast, getting the gel off his blood-red dick, and his equally discolored balls. After a few moments he felt the stinging lessen and jumped out of the shower, shivering and shriveling. Dripping wet he ran back to his bag and pulled out the box of baking soda he remembered to pack, shaking it into his crotch like baby powder.

He had been so occupied with his wounded dick that he only gave a few glances at Kroos' sweaty shiny backside lying motionless on the bed. He panicked!

"Shit Kroos are you okay?" he was on the bed shaking him by the shoulder. He could feel the warmth radiating up from his torso. Fuck, he ain't dead at least "Kroos!"

"Joel...?" Kroos sounded like he was surfacing from the bottom of a pool.

"Kroos... I'm... shit I got carried away" suddenly Joel was all concern and caring. The rough-stuff left behind, fading with the feeling of the world's best sex he would ever have "sorry are you okay?"

"Joel... yes..." Kroos lay there, not moving except for little grinds of his butt "amazing..."

"Sorry I didn't mean to rape ya! I just got... shit..." Joel was starting to untie the knots around his right wrist "sorry but..."

"You... that is I... I mean you... you do not need to..." Kroos twisted his head and gestured at his wrist "if you do not want..."


"Joel..." Kroos looked away, he did not want to see Joel's expression. Neither did he want Joel to see his "Joel... can you..."

"Can it what?" Joel left the knots where they were. Now he was totally confused. And it felt like that familiar quicksand again at his ankles! His balls started to crinkle and shrink. He told himself it was just from the cold shower.

"If you want... you can... do that... again..."

"Do what?" Joel started to work his shoulders like he had done "this?"

"No... you can..." Kroos squeezed his eyes shut, not believing what he was hearing "can you... fuck me... again?"

"Mutherfuck...." Joel almost got off the bed, seeing an alien lying there, not the Kroos he knew "did you just say...?"

"Yes..." Kroos whispered through his clenched teeth "fuck.. me... can you do that again?"

"You fuckin serious?"

"Yes... I am...fucking... serious" Kroos raised his butt to make the point more obvious.

"Shit..." Joel moved his hands to the muscles flexing in his asscheeks. He almost jumped when Kroos pushed back against them "okay... okay!" he felt the floor collapse under him, falling down the rabbit hole and, tumbling down, leaving behind his normal boring jack-off filled life and landing right into the middle of a real-life solid in-the-flesh sex movie! Shit and this has been going on the whole! fuckin! day!?!?! And like he was going to call it quits now!

"Shit... man okay" Joel gave his ass a slap. Kroos groaned "yeah fine. Y'want me to fuck ya silly I'll be more'n happy to oblige. Man I never thought I'd hear a fuckin superstud like you say that to a dirtball like me... but okay!" his fingers were back at Kroos' hole, swollen and slippery with greenish goo-cum mix. His fingers started to tingle but what the hell... this was too sweet to argue with!

"Y'like that?" Joel started taunting him now "y'like a fuckin highschool footballer playing with yer fuckhole?"

"Aahhhahaahhhhhh" was all that was coming from Kroos at this point. Joel grabbed Kroos' cock again and pulled it back. He was not even hard!

"What's this?" Joel started yanking it down more,until it was pointing straight south "you ain't even hard dude."


"How come y'want me t'fuck ya if y'ain't even getting off on it?" Joel was jerking him now, he had to see if Kroos would respond at all. Finally Joel felt the resistance and firming begin "yeah that's better" he crouched down and licked the back of Kroos' balls, then down to underside of his shaft, licking the head, sucking it free of the foreskin.

"Oh.... fuck...." Kroos started writhing from side to side "fuck me please."

"You sure are eager to have me back in here" jabbing a finger back into the puckered pink ring "again" he looked down at his dick, wrinkled and recovering from a day's worth of abuse "but stud, I ain't no sex machine like you are. My dick's gonna need a five minute break... but..." he pulled away from Kroos and leaned over the bed, rummaging in his bag again until his hand found the squishy texture he was looking for. Out came his dildo.

"Yeah we can keep your hole busy til I'm back in business" he reached around until he found the regular lube he also brought "and I'll spare ya the green shit this time cause I'm almost starting to like ya -- "

"NO!!" Kroos bucked off the bed, trying to turn his head to see what Joel was doing.

"What's the matter stud?" he held up the dildo so Kroos could see it. It was maybe six inches long and a couple of inches around. In other words nothing compared to the real deal.

"Don't worry this won't hurt" Joel reached for the lube and was starting to flip the cap.

"No not that!" Kroos was looking around "not that lube! The other stuff, the experimental - "

"What?" Joel almost dropped the lube "you shittin me? You actually WANT the green shit?"

"Yessssss" Kroos hissed burying his face in the pillow "y'gotta use - "


"Because..." Kroos started to test the strength of the ropes again.

"No you don't!" Joel was at the knots fast. He tightened them and added a few loop. This time there was no give in them. At all "not until you tell me what's the deal here?"

"I..." Kroos tensed all of muscles, the cords in this shoulders and arms standing out in high relief. Even through all the hair, Joel could see that Kroos was tensing up. But why? It wasn't the below average - he called it his "beginner's model" dildo.

"You really want me to stuff that shit in you again?"

"Yesssss" Kroos was pushing his ass back out, but he might have just been testing his leg knots more.

"But you won't tell me why..." Joel reached around and found the green goo.

A large glob had oozed out of the uncapped tube. Joel stabbed the end of the dildo into the spill, then for good measure, squeezed more onto the shaft of the plastic toy, until the entire thing was shiny with the stuff.

"Fuck you asked for it" and he brought it to Kroos' hole and started to ease it in. Kroos leaned back and gobbled up half of it. Joel continued to push until only the splayed end was sticking out of him. Kroos lay there like the sacrificial lamb, bravely taking the punishment.

"Yeah stud take it like a man!" and Joel started making little stabbing motions with it. Kroos started grunting and panting.

Joel leaned back admiring his work. Kroos' ass muscles flexed and unflexed, his hips rocking back and forth, as the goo started working on his sensitive inner linings. He started playing with his dick, masturbating at the sight of the big hairy stud tied up and plugged in front of him. No porno movie came close. Even though he had just cum maybe fifteen minutes before, his cock could not help but respond to his fist. As he sat there playing with Kroos' ass he came up to full hard again. And this time it felt like a tube of numb steel in his hand. He leaned forward and started rubbing it around Kroos' right asscheek.

"Y'feel that?" Joel hissed at him "y'feel that meatpole at your ass?"

"Fuck... fuck... fuck me" Kroos was panting now, waves of sweaty heat radiating up from his back. But Joel was curious,


"Please you must fuck..."

"Why?" Joel removed his cock, taunting him more "why's it different'n this!" and he gave the dildo a good jab into him. Kroos bucked hard.

"I can't tell... you..."

"Is it just too..." jab again "small?" jab and jab, twisting it in circles now.

"Ohhhhhh" Kroos was thrashing back and forth "no... not... that is not..."

"So ya want something bigger? Is that it?" Joel came off the bed, heading for Randy's closet. He remembered the camera,

"Man y'look hot like that!" he pointed and shot, the flash almost causing Kroos to pull the bed up with him.

"NO!!!!" he twisted his head just in time for Joel to take another pic, this time with Kroo's face plainly showing. "STOP!"

"Not until you tell me" Joel stood there stroking himself. Kroos looked at what he was doing "or is it you just like this in your hot fuckhole? Tell me!"

"Joel you must... please... I will do anything! Just cum in me - I mean - "

"Is that it?" Joel's face lit up like a billboard "it's the cum? My cum or anybody's cum?"

"I... don't know..." Kroos sank down, the straining and pulling again the ropes slowing.

"Shit..." Joel stood there, forgetting his own hardon "that's it isn't it? It's cum. Cum stops the green shit doesn't it?"

"I do not... know... I never..."

"Y'mean y'never actually had a dick up your butt before is that it?" Joel turned and started digging in Randy's storage closet. There under all the clothes was a cardboard box and inside and selection of sex toys like he had been collecting them for years. Joel pulled out a black dildo the size of Bo's dick, maybe bigger "just shit like this right?" waving it at Kroos.

"Joel DON'T!!!"

"Whazzamatter doc?" Joel brought it over to the bed "taste of yer own medicine?" he found the green goo again. Man, he thought, it would take the whole damn tube to grease this log. Instead he just coated the first inch of so. Let him feel it good! he thought.

"This'll get y'ready for the real deal!" Joel eased his dildo out of Kroos' swollen reddened hole. For good measure Joel put a dollop of the goo right at the hole. He brought the fat rubber head to Kroos' hole and gave it a small push. Kroos let out a yell to wake the dead.

"Y'gonna tell me now?" Joel kept up the pressure and another millimeter eased in. Kroos yelp in earnest.

"Take it out!" Kroos was pulling at the cotton ropes like he was going to pull the bed frame apart any second. Joel looked and one of the ropes was actually fraying.

"Not until you tell me what the fuck's goin on here!" and he pushed and the head pressed hard against the sphincter, dilating it to the breaking point. But the well-lubed flesh had to give and with a slight nudge it forced its way past the ring, and the head was in. Kroos deflated like a toy balloon. He lay there panting, adjusting to that huge thing in him. And the goo was just making it worse. His ass was twitching and flexing like he could twist it out of him by sheer force. But Joel's hand was there keeping the pressure up. And another inch slid in just like that. It almost looked like his struggles were going a better job than Joel's grip.

"Kroos this log's staying in you until you tell me. And I know this" he jabbed his cock into the back of Kroos' balls for emphasis "is what you need right now. A big shot of jock cum in you right?"


"Jock cum'll make the itching stop right?"

"Damn!!!!" Kroos twisted his entire body to look at Joel, the ropes digging into his wrists hard "how did - "

"You told me right?"

"No I... I mean..." and then Joel shoved another inch into him. Now it was almost half-way buried in his butt, his hole stretched so much the puckered ring was gone. Joel's hand was having little problem keeping his own log hard and ready. In fact, all of this was having too good of an effect. He found a different use for his hand. Again Kroos jumped when he saw the flash, but this time he buried his head in the pillow.

Joel took pictures until the camera was full. With Kroos lying there plugged and squirming, Joel went to the computer and did a quick download. He brought the refreshed camera to the bed with him this time.

"Okay Kroos you want this in you right?" again rubbing his rock-hard almost numb cock against his asscheeks.

"Please Joel... please..." Kroos was quivering all over, the effect of the gel inside him making him half-crazy "please hurry!"

"Man I can't tell ya how happy I am... I get to be the one to let y'know how all those vict-I mean patients of yours felt. Man now y'know."

"I already knew..."


"I had... everything" Kroos looked back at Joel "everything done to me too!"


"Okay? Now please..."

"Except for one little thing" Joel's hand found the lube, the regular stuff and smeared some in his hand. He brought it to Kroos' balls and up to his cock. This time it took some effort to pull it back. Kroos was major hard!

"Yeah the big stud likes it" and Joel started a slow wank up on down on Kroos' shaft, his hand smashed against the bedsheet "so as soon as y'blow a nice big load for me, y'get my nice soothing cum in your hole y'got it?"

"I don't think... ah... ah..." Kroos did not know what was more painful, his ass or his bent cock at this point. But Joel's hand kept up a tight steady rhythm, up and down up and down, like a milking machine. It took longer than he thought, but after a while Kroos was groaning and whining and almost by accident his cock started spurting several spasms of his white cum onto the white sheets. And Joel was right there with the camera, catching the shot of Kroos' hole plugged, his cock bent back and dripping a load.

"Yeah that's my good stud" Joel looked down and saw his cock hard and ready. He knew it would be seconds before he was unloading into him "you earned this" and he eased the black plastic thing out of him, Kroos' ass almost belching the head out at last. Before his sphincter had a chance to relax, Joel's cock slammed into him! Kroos gave a shout but too late. Joel was pumping hard into him, a brutal, rapid fuck. That gel started to work on Joel's already sensitive stretched skin, overcoming the numbness of all the previous stimulations and orgasms. Joel adjusted his weight, balanced on his hands and started a rapid steady pumping in and out of that stretched hole. He lost track of time, he forgot about the camera, the room, the storm outside, everything! All he knew was his dick was pounding in and out of Kroos, Kroos' hot squirming butt, his ultimate fantasy squirming beneath him, his ass raising up to meet his thrusts. Again and again he threw the meanest fuck into that meaty hairy ass, doing everything he could to stay in this zone, this unbelievable sensation. When he felt everything conspiring to bring him over the top he just kept pumping, his dick on auto-pilot, every muscle out of his control. His dick started jabbing rapidly into Kroos then he pushed as far as he could, pushing his cock so far he expected it to come out the front as he gasped and unloaded the burning jizz into Kroos' clenching hole. This time he saw the stars and blacked out, collapsing on top of Kroos' back, glued in place.

Next: Chapter 63

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