The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Nov 4, 2006


Chapter 62

Kroos stood there trying to catch his breath. Joel was in front of him, still in his pants at least, but his cock out and shiny.

"Is that what you wanted?" Kroos smeared some of the cum down his crotch "you brought me here, you went through all of this, just to fellate me? That was all?"

"For starters yeah" Joel stuffed his cock back in his fly, man I must look the pig. He saw Kroos' hand at the cum stains, "eat it."

"What?" Kroos looked at him like he had spoken in a foreign language "what did you say?"

"Eat it. Eat your cum."

"Joel you got what you wanted. We are finished now?"

"Finished? Fuck no. We're just starting remember?" Joel nodded at his hand "c'mon lemme see ya eat yer load. My load too."

Kroos lifted his hand to his face and stopped. Joel knew that now they both shot their loads the spell was broken in effect. This was a bit of a test, to see if Kroos would keep the game going or if this was it. Joel nodded waiting.

"Do it, do it Kroos."

Kroos looked at Joel, fully covered at least from the waist down, and himself standing there, pants down around his knees. He knew he was as they say "fucked". He raised his hand to his lips and licked off a clump of semen, either his or Joel's he could not tell.

"Yeah, now swallow it stud."

Kroos held his hand to his mouth. And he swallowed. He looked at Joel.

"Now are you happy?"

"Happy? Man I been happy since I first laid eyes on that bod of yours" Joel started to unsnap his pants, and then let them fall to the floor "shit now I'm in fuckin pig happy heaven dude!"

"So I take it we are not finished here" Kroos looked around for a clock. How much more of this was there going to be? He saw Joel finally stepping out of his clothes, until he was totally naked.

"Hey it's nothing you haven't seen before" Joel almost felt self-conscious then laughed "go on get outa those things."

"An then what?" Kroos looked around again, still waiting for guys to jump out of the shadows at him.

"Don't know about you but" giving himself a sniff "I need a shower. So could you" pointing at his messed front.

"Fine" Kroos pused the jock and sweatpants to his ankles and kicked them off to the side. He walked back to the bathroom and closed the door.

"Hey wait" Joel was behind him, almost catching the door in his face.

"If you will excuse me I need the facilities a moment."

"Yeah ya gotta piss?" Joel said through the door.

"Something else" he heard the sound of the toilet seat slamming down "unless you want pictures of that too?"

"Naw take your time" Joel thought, I don't need pics of his taking a shit do I? Some other time. But it did give him time to slip the camera back into the bedroom, empty the contents into the steadily growing file, and prep the camera for more fun and games.

After a while the door opened and Kroos was in the shower. Joel went in expecting it to be as bad as this afternoon at Billy's place, during his "clean-up". Just thinking about that, got the blood flowing again. Man, was that really just this afternoon? Man, that means he's already dropped two loads - well one and a half -- today. Time for Kroos to catch up, he thought.

With the ceiling fan running, and the room filled with some floral spray it was more or less breathable. And once the door was open Joel could barely tell Kroos had just stunk up the place. What next, he thought.

"Hey Kroos" Joel yelled at the shower curtain "y'better not be playin with yer dick in there."


"Y'heard me" Joel stuck his head through the curtain, but Kroos was shampooing his hair "y'ain't jackin off in here are ya?"

Kroos rinsed his hair then turned,

"Is that what you want? You want me to masturbate now?"

"Maybe..." Joel started to pull the curtain back.

"Hey" Kroos stopped his rinsing "you will get water on the floor."

"Too bad for the downstairs neighbors" and Joel pulled it all the way back, exposing Kroos' wet naked body.

"Now what are you trying to do?" Kroos stood there, moving the shower head so it was not pointing right at the floor.

"Just stand there. Keep rinsing yerself" and Joel went back to the living room and retrieved the camera from the table. He brought it back and took a pic of Kroos standing under the shower. Kroos saw the flash go off, but did not pull the curtain back. He was starting to realize it would do little good to argue with Joel any more.

"What do you want me to do now?" he started to pull at his cock "this?"

Joel watched as Kroos started stroking himself under the water. At first he was too stunned to react, then he remembered the camera in his hand and took a few pics, amazed at Kroos' sudden bravery.

"Okay stop" Joel put the camera down "now lather your body with some soap. Lemme see that ape fur all slippery and soapy white."

Kroos grabbed the container of soap and squeezed a great big glob down his chest. He saw the flash out of the corner of his eye, but continued like nothing had happened. He smeared the soap all over his chest, then his pits and arms, then down his crotch, making sure the water was flushing elsewhere.

"Is it okay if I turn off the water?" Kroos stood there smearing the lather all over his front, as Joel snapped away "otherwise we might use up all the hot water."

"Cooooool" Joel grunted "now turn around."

Kroos smeared more over his shoulders then down his back. When he got to his butt he heard the camera clicking off more pics.

"Yeah like that" Joel's voice behind him "bend your knees and lean forward."

Kroos knew what he wanted now. He spread the lather all over his ass, spreading his cheeks as he did. He worked the soap up and down his crack, the camera flash behind him going into rapid fire mode.

"You're missing a spot dude" he heard Joel, and again could read that boy's mind. He started to work a soapy finger around his hole.

"Shit..." Joel put down the camera "you are a fuckin hairy ape aren't ya?"

Kroos turned around but Joel was smiling.

"Yes, is that a problem?" he stood there covered with lather.

"I got an idea" Joel put the camera down on the toilet seat and opened the medicice cabinet. He found a can of shaving cream and a disposable razor. When Kroos saw those he almost jumped.

"What? Joel what do you want to do?"

"Relax stud" he started shaking the can, it was almost full "I ain't gonna shave ya. We'd be here til next Thursday. Turn around."

"What do you intend to do" but Kroos turned slowly, the tub very slippery now, his head half-turned trying to keep an eye on Joel.

"Bend over stud."


"We're gonna shave yer crack."

"Joel no... I mean... damn..." but Kroos leaned forward, bracing himself on the wall "Joel maybe I should rinse off first, so I - "

"Naw yer fine like that" and Joel slapped some shaving cream into Kroos' butt. Kroos flinched but kept his footing "you'll just haveta rinse again right?"

"Are you sure you know how to - "

"Hey" Joel smeared it up and down the crack, working it between his legs "I work at a doctor's office remember?"

"Just be very careful" Kroos had never shaved himself there. The thought of somebody doing this to him was not comforting. Neither was it completely repellent, he had to admit.

"Don't worry doc" Joel took a swipe or two across one of his buttcheeks "you wish y'let me do this a long time ago" and he started a slow and easy shaving of the heavily furred area between those big muscled cheeks, keeping them in their original state as much as possible. He thought of shaving a bull's eye around his hole, it was almost that hairy, he chuckled.

"What is funny?" Kroos' voice was heavy and cracking.

"Nothin doc" Joel rinsed the razor in the sink a few times "just liking what I'm seeing is all."

"Just be careful" Kroos reached behind him and spread his cheeks as best he could, covered with slippery lather. When he heard the camera click behind him he just leaned into it. But then he felt the razor back at his butt and he flinched.

"Careful there doc" Joel smoothed more lather into his hole "stand still okay?" and he slowly started to remove as much hair as he could from around the hole, almost surprised how fast it went. When he was pleased with the result he started south.

"Wait! How much - "

"Just relax doc" Joel rinsed the razor again "now crouch down some more."

With his knees bent and his feet as far apart as they would go, Joel shaved the perineal seam running to the back of his scrotum. It took maybe three swipes and that was done.

"Okay doc turn around" Joel picked up the camera, taking a few more as his lathered front came into view.

"Can I turn on the water now?" Kroos' was doing his best to cover his crotch, but Joel could tell all this playing with his butt was having a positive effect. And of course, with everything all slippery...

"Liking the job so far?" Joel nodded at Kroos' half-hard "man doesn't take you long to recover does it?"

"Well..." Kroos gave it a tug or two.

"Or you just like someone at your butt."

"Guilty" Kroos smiled, maybe the first time he started to relax all evening.

"Well then stud you're in for a real treat" Joel squeezed more lather into his hand "just relax and enjoy" and he started to work the shaving cream into Kroos' crotch, rubbing his balls and up and down his cock several times until everything was white and slick.

"Wait" Kroos tried to cover himself "you are not going to..."

"Yeah doc, can't even see your package through all that hair."

"But no I can't go around - "

"Relax doc" Joel rinsed his hand then picked up the camera "now move the hands" and Kroos did, as Joel took a few close-ups of the lather-covered crotch area "I ain't gonna shave your whole front. Just your cock and balls."

"Joel are you crazy?"

"Nope just horny doc" and he picked up the razor. Kroos pulled away.

"But I cannot let you" Kroos saw imminent castration and was starting to lose his footing as well.

"Either I do it or you do. Which is it?"

"All right!" Kroos took the razor from Joel's hand "I am not letting anyone with a razor - "

"Thought you'd come around" and he rinsed and dried his hands as Kroos pulled his balls up and started to run the razor along the undersurface of his scrotum. Tugging this way and that he managed to clean both of those large brown baseballs, then carefully did the inside of his thighs. Joel kept the camera clicking away. When it came time to do his cock he was getting more comfortable with the razor, feeling how clean it shaved without doing the least bit of damage to his sensitive skin.

"Just a little higher on the pubes stud" Joel zoomed in for a close-up "the whole idea's to be able to see that baby maker for a change."

Kroos added a small area above the root of his cock, but left the majority of the forest intact. He looked at Joel,

"Is this what you had in mind?" moving his hands to the side, staring into the camera lens as it took two more pics.

"Exactly doc" he set the camera down, and started to pull at his cock again "time for the rinse off. Let's see the finished product."

Kroos bent down and started the water, relieved to feel there was hot water left. He turned on the shower head and the soapy lather started to cascade down him like so many waves of sheeting foam . As soon as the footing was less slippery, Joel stepped in behind him, rubbing his front into Kroos' now smooth bottom. Kroos did not pull away.

"Yeah ya like that don't ya?" Joel started rubbing his cock up and down the now smooth crack. Kroos just kept quiet, but his motions were answer enough. Joel reached around to find Kroos' dick, all smooth and silky. When he started rubbing the smooth ballsac, Kroos started moaning.

"Yeah I knew you'd like that" both hands now all over Kroos' cock and balls, smoothing and rubbing and sliding everywhere. It did not take a lot of sliding of that foreskin back and forth before Joel felt the flesh firm up and a swell in his fist "yeah, stud. Y'like my hand on your new cock don't ya?"

"Yessss" Kroos hissed, reaching behind him rubbing Joel's flanks "yeah stud."

"Well it only gets better" Joel reached down and adjusted his cock so it was pointing up, the underside sliding up and down Kroos' smooth crack, the water providing just enough slickness. With one hand on Kroos' now very hard cock and the other rubbing his balls, Joel felt himself sliding up to full hard. Kroos was not minding any of this in the least.

"Better and better" Joel hissed "now don't move" and he stepped out of the shower dripping water everywhere. Kroos was starting to turn off the shower "no let it run for a bit more" he went to the camera, propped it up on the wall shelf, hit a few buttons and got back in the shower. By the time he had his cock back on Kroos' crack and his hand around his cock the flash went off.

"Joel no!" Kroos tried to pull away.

"I say you do. Got it?" and he stepped out of the shower and set the camera again, "now bend forward" and Joel was back in the shower, his crotch slammed into Kroos' butt when the flash went off again. It looked like Kroos was getting it up the chute big time.

The third time, Kroos was facing the camera head on, Joel at his side, both pulling their puds. Then next one, they were both standing hands by their side, full hard. The next, they were grabbing each other's cocks. The last three had Kroos bending over Joel, like it was the kid's turn to get it up the butt. Then the water started to chill, shrinking their hard work.

The two took their towels into the living room drying themselves and each other. It was at that point they heard the first crackle of thunder. They looked at each other and back at the bathroom, shaking their heads.

"Two naked studs found electrocuted in sex orgy" Joel quoted the headlines "film at six" and he laughed. Kroos laughed too, then his expression collapsed.

"Film?" he looked around.

"Relax Kroos" Joel's hands were roaming up and down Kroos' front, enjoying the new improved stud "this ain't a doctor's office."

"Look Joel" Kroos looked around for his clothes "it is late. I really must - "

"Kroos jeeez get it straight" Joel looked at him, his smile gone as well "we ain't done here, not by a long shot."

"I can make it up to you. Some other time. After the training camp. Then you can have me - "

"We been over that so many times it got treadmarks on it. You made your pact with the devil" he thrust out his chest "and now it's time to pay up."

"But - "

"No but's. I say, you do. Got it?"

"Joel come on..."

"Got? It?" Joel picked up his friendly companion and pointed at the couch "now sit yourself down."

Kroos looked at Joel, and at the camera. He heard another crack of thunder, this one closer. If he left now he might make it before home before it -

"Joel the truck!" he jumped up "the top is not on!"

"Shit you're right."

Joel dashed to his bag and grabbed two pairs of running shorts, throwing one at Kroos. By the time he had pulled his up they started to hear little pings hitting the windowpane. Kroos tugged his on as well, but it was a tight fit. Joel's clothes were not designed for someone of his size.

"We gotta hurry" and they were out the door and into the hallway. Kroos was heading for the elevators when Joel pushed him in the other direction.

"Stairs! They're faster!" and they threw open the stairwell door and were down to the lobby in a flash. By the time they were outside there was some serious rain coming down.

They dashed to the truck, cursing themselves for not putting on their shoes and started to pull the soft-top from the storage compartment. The first two sections went on fast and then the skies opened! By the time everything was snapped and airtight it was coming down in buckets!

"We must get back inside!" Kroos yelled over the thundering "we are both soaked and it is getting dangerous here!"

"No shit!" Joel was jogging beside him, both stepping as carefully as they could, their bare feet sensitive to every crack and pebble. Luckily no one had been tossing beer bottles around.

They got under the canopy and under the door. Then it hit them both at the same time: they were locked out!

"Damnit!" Joel yelled.

"It will be okay" Kroos locked at themselves, soaking wet, their running shorts clinging to their every curve and crack, leaving nothing to the imagination "we will wait for a break and then we can go to my place."

"Kroos how?" Joel was almost crying, or was it just the rain running down his head "your keys are upstairs."


"Yeah..." Joel looked at Kroos. Damn, he thought, even trapped out here he's like the hottest shit he's ever seen "lemme try... that neighbor again" and he hit the button. They waited.

"Maybe they are not home" Kroos stood there, trying to squeeze as much water off his hairy torso as he could "or they have gone to sleep."

Joel did not like the idea of the night going down the toilet like this. He tried the buzzer again. Again they waited.

They stood there a good five minutes, wondering what they would do. As they did they saw carlights pull into the parking lot through the rain, as a car came in and parked not far from their truck. A guy jumped out and dashed through the rain towards them. It was not until he was under the canopy with them did they recognize him. And brother did he recognize them!

"You guys!" he said, again looking them up and down "aren't you the two I saw coming in before?"

"We left our keys upstairs" Joel tried feebly.

"To go out... jogging?" he looked at their shorts, taking his time now to get a good look at their equipment. He got a slight smile on his face "jogging barefoot?"

"No..." Kroos started, smelling the liquor on this guy's breath "we had to get the cover on my truck - "

"That your Wrangler?"

"Yeah..." Kroos looked at the guy's eyes. He had been drinking but he was not falling down drunk. Just a bit... relaxed "it is a new truck..."

"It's a..." the guy checked out Kroos' tight wet shorts, his cock showing so much, anyone could he was not circumcized "studly... truck."

"Guess so" Kroos looked at Joel.

"Look we're locked out. Let us in okay?" Joel wanted this to end, he wanted back inside, and he did not know why this guy was waiting to go in. The answer came soon enough.

"So bud" he looked at Joel "y'ain't showin wood" he looked straight into Joel's eye "like last time..."

"Whaaaa....?" Joel looked down at himself, speechless.

"Fix it" he stood there, removing his keys from his pocket, waiving them at them.

"You jokin..." Joel looked at him and at the keys "c'mon bud, just let us in."

"Fix it first" he pointed at Joel's crotch "like you ain't shy about showin."

"Wait" Kroos tried to step between them, his arms flexing "we don't want any trouble" as in, you'll be wearing dentures before you take a swing at him.

"Trouble?" he looked Kroos up and down, staying with the down "I don't want no trouble either" meaning: I ain't here to fight with you.

"Then just let us in okay?" Joel wanted to avoid the confrontation fast "here is this what you mean by fix it?" and he started to rub himself for the guy.

"That's exactly what I mean" he said, his eyes locked on Joel's front.

"Joel do not do that" Kroos tried to stop him "we do not know if he is a cop or - "

"Ain't no cop" he was glued to Joel's hand "just home from the bars" his hand went to his own crotch "and horny."

Joel looked around but the parking lot was empty. Even the street had cleared once the rain started. It didn't take long before his hand got his dick responding.

"Cool" the guy saw the clear outline of Joel's hardening cock in the thin wet fabric "now you" he turned to Kroos, his hand rubbing himself in earnest now "like that thing gets any bigger."

But it almost sounded like a question. Can that thing really get any bigger?

Kroos' hand went down to cover himself protectively. He almost had forgotten how he looked in Joel's too-small shorts. Wet, transparent shorts to boot.

"C'mon it's no big thing" Joel muttered to Kroos "give'm-"

"Funny, kid" the guy was unzipping himself now, his hand blatantly stroking himself through the fly "go on King Kong" he was mezmerized "show us yer dong."

Kroos almost cracked a smile, his hand pressing ever so slightly. When he saw the guy actually reach inside his fly and pull out his own hard cock, he knew this guy was not here to cause trouble. He really was just drunk and horny. His hand was flying up and down a hefty circumsized dick, the head squeezed to a red shiny knob. Kroos' hand started sliding up and down the shaft, pulling it and lengthening it.

The guy finally pulled his eyes away from Kroos' massiveness, sneaking a look at Joel's shorts. Now Joel's cock was full hard and pointing straight ahead. The guy shifted hands, the back of his wrist grazing Joel's head now and again.

"Yeah... that's even better than the show before" the guy's eyes were bugging like they remembered "okay ya want in?"

"Shit yeah!" Joel stopped rubbing himself.

"Simple enough you two" he stopped jacking, his dick waving in the breeze, shiny and beading "you gimme those shorts and it's like 'open sesame'..."

"What?" Kroos covered himself fast "you want what?"

"Hand over those wet shorts and you're home free."

"Okay" Joel held the waistband forward almost like he was ready to do it "in the elevator, not before."

Joel knew this bargaining game. He invented it.

"No!" Kroos almost said "Joel" but this was not the time to exchange phone numbers.

The guy looked at the two packages again and turned. His key went to the lock and the door was open. Kroos almost pushed Joel in, the guy right behind him.

"Seriously... thanks" Joel dashed to the elevator and hitting the button in record time. He turned back and the guy was standing there, his cock still out, his hand working fast.

"Wait!" Kroos looked at him "what if - "

"Chance I'll take" the bell rang and the door opened "like you two before."

They piled in as fast as they could, glad to be out of the open. Joel was about to hit "2" when the guy stopped him, stepping in front of the panel. The doors closed.

"Pay up" he said, his fist going to town.

"Come on buddy" Kroos saw Joel try for the button and get intercepted "just let us go okay?"

"It's old anyways" Joel pulled his down and stepped out of it. His foot lifted it up and he offered it to the guy "okay?"

"Fuck yeah..." the guy's hand was a blur, his hips starting to buck slightly.

"Do it K- " Joel almost said his name but stopped, remembering no one had exchanged identies yet "go on... Carl" Joel faked a name.

"No.." Kroos saw Joel standing there hard and totally naked. Hell he was even starting to pull on it a bit.

"I say, you do. Got it?" Joel lowered his voice but the guy's shoulders jerked. And he really gave a jerk when Kroos looked at Joel, and lowered his shorts to his knees. His freshly shaved crotch was glowed in the half-light. His cock was half-hard, the foreskin covering all but the very tip.

"Mutherfuckin sausage on a bun!" the guy was panting breathing heavy, his hips thrusting his cock into his fist again and again "jerk it stud! jerk that telephone pole!"

Instead Joel reached out and started jerking Kroos for him, and the guy went nuts,

"Holy shit yeah! Do each other! Jerk yer dicks!" and as soon as Kroos' hand touched Joel's hardon in return the guy lost it, blowing load upon load all over Kroos' shaved crotch! They thought he was on the verge of passing out the way he doubled over, his face shining red.

Joel used the chance to reach over him and hit "2" fast. When the car lunged up, the guy almost went down. Kroos grabbed him.

"Thanks" he gasped, then looked down at what he had just done "oh shit..."


"The wife'll kill me she sees me like - " and the door opened on two. Before another second, Kroos was out the door, trying to pull up his shorts.

Joel was already stepping out, his shorts trapped under the guy's left shoe. Before the shocked guy had a chance to say anything, the door closed.

The last thing they saw was him standing there, trying to stuff his cum-dripping cock back into his pants.

"But your shorts" Kroos was starting down the hall.

"Let him explain it" Joel shrugged and passed Kroos, fished out the key again and almost pushed Kroos through the open door.

Next: Chapter 62

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