The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on May 14, 2006


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails or flames expressing outrage will be ignored. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm.

Chapter five (Saturday continued)

"Shit will you look at me! No DON'T look godDAMN!"

"C'mon Will let's get cleaned up. I'll show you where the shower is" and Hank got to his feet, pulling the stained shirt over his head, and started for the door. He looked back but Will was still crouching there.

"What am I gonna do! If my old man even HEARS bout this I'm worse than dead."

"Let's get cleaned up and get outa here." Jeff reached down to pull Will up. Will looked at the hand up to Jeff and said, shit. He let Jeff pull him up and point him to the door.

They plodded their way down the hall Hank ahead of them, "Hey don't use up all the hot water Jenkins, I'm next" Will yelled.

"It's okay we can all go in. There's room enough."

Will pulled back, "No way man I've had enough queer shit for one day."

"It ain't like that" Jeff said holding open the door. Inside Will could see the large shower area.

"I don't know, I've had enough from you two."

"Will let up! After all we just went through you getting nervous about a fuckin shower?!"

"I mean it! No more touchin shit! No drop-the-soap or any crap like that! I'm..."

"Yeah you must be a little sore back there."

"You really want me to mess you up Jenkins!"

"Look Will, right now we're all tired and just want to get a shower and get outa here as fast as possible. That's all!"

Will looked suspiciously at both of them.

"That's ALL!"

Without saying anything Will went in and took the farthest head. After a few minutes of soaking under the stream Jeff said, "Feeling better now?"

"I guess."

"That was sure the freakiest sickest..." Will felt the hot water hit him, the tenseness and anger starting to run down the drain.

"Man Will you should have seen yourself!"

"If either of your ever says a word-"

"Not word one from either of us you got it?"

"I mean it you two!"

"Okay Will we swear. Besides we're not the ones with the fuckin camcorder."

"Don't remind me. Shit was does he DO with those?"

"Ask Billy! But I don't know don't wanna know."

"If my dad ever found out..."

"Well my parents haven't heard anything, you Jeff?"

"Thank god no!"

Will raised his head and gave them both and long hard stare "What the fuck with you two? I thought you two were straight! You into all this shit?"

"Shit no" Hank broke in before Jeff could say anything "but as long as we play ball with the doc here, we're get to wrestle."

"Shit it ain't YOUR asshole he fucked."

"We never saw shit like that y'know things get outa control like that -"

"Shit you did this before?"

"Like I said Will, we just do what he says -- what the coach say."

"Okay how many times?"

This time Jeff broke in, "oh only once before" looking at Hank: don't say anything.

"So what happens now?"

"Seems like the doc now is just, I don't know, keeps making us do more and more until... fuck like I know! It's like we just gotta do it til we get it right or some shit."

"I did it right! Don't know what that shit at the end was all about."

"Yeah because you didn't cum when yer supposed to?"

"He never said -"

"Will we were just not all wound up like you. So let's just finish up and get outa here."

"You guys better not screw me on this - shit you know what I mean. I gotta trust you two not say a motherfuckin word, Cause if you do - "

"Will you're our teammate. We all wanna wrestle next year!"

"I mean it" turning his back to them"now gimme a sec alone okay? I gotta clean up... fuck y'know... back there!"

"Fuck Will after everything-"

"Damn you two! I gotta get cleaned up! I'm itchin like a mutherfucker, y'know, there."

"Fine we'll wait-"

"Outside" Hank said as they left the room and stood dripping in the hall. Neither one was in a big hurry to get back there.

"Man we are SO fucked" Jeff looked at Hank "like now Will? Who next, Moose?"

"Moose is outa town."

"This is getting outa control. And it's all my fault."

"It ain't yer fault Jeff! Why you even think that?"

"Cause if I hadn't... y'know... gotten... y'know all boned up the first time-"

"And if I hadn't gotten all turned on when..." Hank looked back at the shower room door "skip it!"

Will could not wait for the two to leave him alone so he could clean himself out. Whatever the doc used to shove that damn thing up him was causing him to squirm like all get-up. And even though the two watched him get reamed like a pussy in there, he was not about to have them watch him finger himself. He turned the shower head til it was pointing at his butt, and as best he could, managed to flush as much of the shit out of himself. When it was running clear he felt almost human. But man did he feel like the biggest pervert now! And fuck he had two witnesses! And to really screw him they were two guys he knew! But fuck there was no way! no way on earth! he would ever let on he was almost getting into it towards the end. When the doc pulled it out he was that close to begging him to shove it back in. And now with his fingers up his butt he knew he had really gone crazy, like buttfuck crazy! He would never forget the feeling of that tingling deep inside his asshole. After a while, before the two came back to find him, he turned off the water and went out the door. Sure enough, they were standing there, buck naked, waiting for him.

"Okay you two boneheads, ain't you got my towels yet?"

"Back in the room."

"Shit I gotta go back there?"

"It's cool. C'mon" and they puddled their way back, this time three of them leaving a trail. Again when they got back there were towels waiting for them. Billy had cleaned himself up as best he could and trying to look as casual as possible, was waiting for them.

"So where's the doc?"

"He had to leave. He said he'll be in touch."

"Yeah I bet! So what are you, Herms? Santa's Little Helper?"

"Hey! I'm in the same boat you are."

"Yeah but he don't have no goddamn permit hanging over you. What gives Herms?"

"Forget it."

"No Herms! where's that tape heading? Does your dad know about this shit you into here?"

Billy dropped the towel panicked, "Don't tell him Hank! Please promise me!"

"Billy why the hell would I tell your dad! What would that make me! A fuckin accomplise is what! Contributing to the delinquency-"

"Promise me!"

"Okay let's get this straight. All of us! Nobody says nothing to nobody!"

"Okay Will?"

"Okay Billy?"


"And you're gonna find out what's the deal with those tapes?"

"Ah yeah sure guys" but Billy was already out the door.

Next: Chapter 6

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