The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Sep 12, 2006


Chapter forty-five Wednesday Aug 7 evening

Billy wolfed down his supper and then muttered he was heading to Cole Park and would be back before ten.

"Make that nine" his mom said.

"It's still light out then" Billy said but was already out the door "okay nine-thirty."

He biked over to Hank's apartment, thinking maybe Hank might be a bit miffed at him blowing him off the last few nights and he might not be home. He was wrong on both counts.

Hank buzzed him in and met him at the door wearing his worn cut-offs.

"Hey" Billy said not sure if Hank would ask him in "can I come in?"

"Fuck you stud" Hank said grabbing him and pulling him in the door. They threw their arms around each other in a big kiss.

"I was hoping you still wanted to come over" Hank said when they finally disengaged.

"Wanted to since Monday but..."

"So what's been going on? What's this work you gotta do at night of all things?"

"I er... well... y'know I need all this money right? For this pool and all, well I ah... I work at a doc's office. Part time." he scrutinized Hank's face for any reaction but miraculously there was nothing "hey, I gotta construction crew to pay off. I was supposed to be there y'know at the docs like tonite too but..."

"But you came over!"

"Damn straight."

"So we're still cool?"


"If you are" and they went back into the huddle.

"But the boss here convinced everyone that you and me are not even speaking" Hank tossled his hair "like a pro!."

"Thanks to you" Billy said not able to keep his hands off Hank's bare chest.

"You did good bonehead."

"Good enough for payback on our little agreement?" Billy said running his hands down to Hank's belly.

"Why did I know you were not gonna forget huh..."

"Not a fuckin chance!"

"Okay you win. We agreed." Hank hung his head trying not to smile. In a way he was glad Billy remembered. If he ever found out what he did, what only two nights ago? Billy would kill him. Or maybe not kill him but definitely not want anything more to do with him. So Hank felt it was like doing his penance. Maybe it might balance the scales in a way. But sooner or later he knew Billy was gonna find out. Sometime soon Hank had to come clean.

"Tonight I call the shots right?"

"You call the shots."

"Anything I want?"


"Nothing illegal like draggin you downtown at noon buck naked, but anything I want right?"

"That's the deal" Hank said looking down. Shit, that comment came too close for comfort. Did he know something already? Just how close were Billy and Joel anyway?

"Okay" Billy said starting to rub his hands all over Hank's front "go get me some rope."


"You know rope, clothes line. Like you hang clothes on."

"Hey us cityfolk have us real washers and dryers" Hank broke into a lousy hillbilly accent.

"Funny boy. Save your laughs for later. But ya gotta have something around."

"I'm just fuckin with ya stud. Yeah I could find some rope" and Hank went into the kitchen and came back with a tangled mess of white cotton coils "like this?"

"Yeah I knew you might. Okay ya big stud into the bedroom."

Billy walked him into the bedroom and had him lie down.

"Okay on your back and lift those big arms up."

"Billy are you sure?" Hank said rolling over on to his back "don't you want me... y'know, face down?"

"You arguing with me slave?" Billy tried to look menacing but only in part.

"No sir!"

"Then do what I told you or suffer the consequences."


Hank lay flat and raised his arms until he grabbed both corners. Billy managed to unravel the knots from the rope and tied first the left hand to the upper corner and then the right to the other. When he was done he was out of rope. He wanted to tie his ankles to the bottom two corners as well but then realized it might be better to have Hank's legs free. He went up and checked the knots.

"Too tight?" Billy asked a bit concerned.

"No they're fine...sir."

"Good" and Billy started to rub his hands over Hank's arms and down to his armpits. Hank squirmed and started to laugh.

"Ticklish huh?"

"No... I mean yes.. sir."

"Well I'll remember that" and Billy continued to stroke and massage Hank's upper torso, playing with his pecs and then his nipples. When he got them good and hard and started to hear Hank's heavy breathing he slowly started to work his hands down the faint trail of hair down to his navel. When he got to the waist of the cutoffs he saw how the front was pulling up and it looked like the head of Hank's cock was poking out of one of the pantslegs.

"This turn you on slave?"

"Yes sir very much sir" Hank was starting to sweat, a shiny coating on his muscular chest.

"You are so hot Hank, I mean slave. You should see yourself like this all tied and hard. Man your dick is starting to poke out your shorts" and Billy slid down and just ran his tongue around the head getting it red and wet. Hank was panting.

"You look the major stud hunk now" Billy continued "I know how you can see yourself! Where's that camera?"

"Billy no!" Hank tried to struggle out of the ropes but they were tight enough. He was pinned. Shit not another camera! Billy must have found out!

"Where is it slave?"

"No Billy c'mon."

"Tell me or else!" and Billy started to tickle Hank's armpits and sides. After about twenty seconds of bucking and laughing uncontrollably Hank gave in "okay okay stop! Please!"

"Then tell me!"

"Billy please no, not a camera!"

"C'mon slave" but Billy could tell Hank was having big issues about the camera all of a sudden. Had he been caught in the dragnet with the docs? Why else would he do this one eighty with cameras? Hell, he was the one to start it last time, singlets and all. Something was fishy and Billy was going to find out! He looked around the room, "so where is it?"

"Billy please not that" but his cut-offs were staying stretched.

"If it's freaks ya out so much then why are ya still so hard?"

"No Billy..." but he was looking under the bed, nothing. The side table drawer, nothing. Then to the chest of drawers...

"Stop Billy please!"

Billy started opening drawers, the top with underwear and hello? a muscle mag?

"Well what's this slave?" Billy brought it over and started slapping his chest with it "looking at guy pics?"

"Nothing wrong with it, it's just -- "

"Just guys right slave?" Billy started slapping the end of his cock with the mag. Hank was bucking like crazy.

"Stop please!" but Billy could tell Hank was getting a major turn-on from it.

"This don't stop" slapping again and again, into his balls, against his dickhead, the soft belly below his navel "until you talk slave! Where's the camera?"

"It's in the second drawer, just stop!"

Billy let go of the mag and went back to the drawers, and sure enough it was there.

"Film in here stud?"

"It's digital" Hank gasped getting his breath back "just hit the button, it's on auto. It'll do the rest."

Billy took it over to Hank who showed him how to hold it. When he had tried a few shots and Hank was tortured into explaining the display and review part Billy was set.

"Okay you win sir" Hank lay still, his breathing all but normal but still sweating. Billy took a few shots of Hank from different angles and then set the camera down.

"Okay you happy?" Hank said "now untie me."

"Fuck slave we're just getting started. Tonight I call the shots remember?"

"C'mon Billy you got your shots."

But Billy went back to Hank's crotch and started to massage it. In a manner of seconds Hank's cock was swelling again and the head started to poke out the pants leg. Billy leaned forward and sucked on just the head getting it shiny again. When he was satisfied with how the hard was poking out he got the camera and took a few more shots. Hank started to protest but realized it was no use. Billy had him.

Next Billy unfastened the cut-offs and pulled them down to his knees. He went back to work on Hank's cock until it was pulsing against his belly, red and shiny. Again he got more pictures and closeups of Hank's hardon and wet balls. But Billy was not satisfied yet. He looked around for Hank's shoes and unlaced one. Hank looked down and tried to complain but Billy started to encircle the base of his cock and then a figure 8 around the balls until he came to the end of the lace. With his hand and spit he got Hank's cock swollen and red but with the tying it looked like someone took an airpump to it. Billy went back to the camera and took more pictures.

"C'mon Billy... I mean sir enough's enough."

"Just lie there and take it slave" and Billy took another picture, this one of him lowering his mouth onto the head. Hank started to feel himself getting ready to shoot.

"Don't Billy it's not tight enough I'll cum if you don't stop."

"Perfect!" but Billy stopped and looked at his handiwork. Hank was all but spread-eagle with his very red and swollen cock pointing at the ceiling, his sweaty chest panting for air but no where to go.

Billy stood up and took off his shirt. Hank's eyes were glued to him as first his shirt came off and then Billy's pants and shorts were tossed away.

"Fuck me you are the stud!" Hank muttered, wanting to reach out but unable.

Billy got on top of Hank's chest and pushed his dick into his face. When it reached Hank's lips he reached over and got the camera again. He raised it over his head so the camera was looking down as Billy's cock plunged into Hank's open mouth. After several shots Billy put the camera back on the side table.

He forced his cock again and again into Hank's mouth not stopping until he felt himself start to lose it. When he couldn't take it any more he pulled out and jacked himself shooting all over Hank's face. With his sticky hands he grabbed the camera and captured Hank's startled face covered with his cum and his still half-hard dick resting on his chin.

"Yeah that's hot slave" Billy grunted "you should see yourself covered with my cum"and he leaned forward and kissed him, cum mixing in their mouths.

"Now it's your turn big boy" and Billy smeared some of his cum into his hand and brought it down to Hank's still hard cock. Hank gasped and bucked as his hand made contact.

"Fuck Billy, I mean sir, I'm real close" Hank warned.

"Then just relax and enjoy" and Billy reached up and got the camera and took some shots of his hand working up and down Hank's shaft. He even got a shot or two of his mouth on it. But once he started to suck in earnest he heard Hank yell and he quickly pulled his mouth off. As his hand continued to milk it Hank shot all over himself. But Billy would not let go until Hank started to yell "stop stop it's too sensitive!"

Billy wiped his hands on the bed and took more pictures of Hank's torso, now splattered with his cum but his cock still rock hard and a deep angry red. When he had enough pics he carefully undid the shoelaces from Hank's genitals, seeing a few last drops of cum squeeze out the head once the pressure was released.

"Whew that was intense" Hank said looking down at him "I guess you got me back. So untie me already."

"Who said we're finished slave?"

"C'mon Billy how much more?"

"We're just getting started. You see I always had this fantasy about messing around with a guy and just keep going and going until we can't go anymore. Just again and again and again."

"How many times you think I can cum?"

"You tell me Hank."

"I don't know..." he stopped to think "once with Janie we did it twice in one night but..."

"Well if you can cum with a girl twice..." Billy was playing with both their balls now "you think you can cum for me at least that much?"

"Fuck!" Hank said feeling the hands on his balls "you really wanna do that?

Do that to me?"

"To both of us. My trip tonite is just see how much we can keep cumming" and he got up on his knees and scooted up on the bed, again getting over Hank's chest and bringing his cock up to Hank's wet face.

"You wanna suck this?" Billy taunted.

"Yeah stud, I could suck that cock of yours all night."

"Really want my dick?"


"Beg for it slave!"

"Please sir I'm begging. Shove that cock in my mouth sir. Fuck my mouth with your dick!" so Billy pushed his cock into Hank's open mouth. Hank started to suck it and tongue the underside. It only took a few minutes before he felt it swell and fill his mouth. Billy's cock was hard again.

He plunged it in and out a few times until he knew it was full hard then pulled it out.

"C'mon man let me suck you some more."

Billy took the camera and set it down at the foot of the bed.

"Okay slave lift those knees and spread'm."

"C'mon Billy no, not that" Hank tried and even attempted to yank one of his hands free but now they were sweaty the ropes were all but glued on.

"Really Billy not that, not with me tied up."

But Billy pushed his legs up and spread his feet apart until his ass was exposed. Billy brought the camera in close for a shot of his butt crack. He spit on his fingers and started to work the hole. Hank tossed his head back and let out a loud hiss. Billy's finger found the opening and slid in.

He worked it around and then got the second in. With two fingers in his butt, Billy took another pic before Hank could clamp his legs together. Finally Hank gave up and lifted his legs into the air, arching his back until his feet hit the wall behind the bed.

"Billy at least gimme a pillow okay?" Hank grunted, his chest bearing the weight of his knees.

Billy got a couple of pillows and shoved them under Hank's back so he had something to support his weight. Hell, Billy wanted him to suffer, not... suffer!

When Billy got the third finger in Hank hissed "bottom drawer."

Billy got off the bed, his half-hard bobbing back and forth and went to the dresser. He found a box of all sorts of things Hank had hidden there, including a tube of lube and brought it back to the bed. He smeared some onto Hank's ass and then pushed a glob into his butt. A deep "yeah" came from Hank.

When he got the hole fully stretched and his own cock coated with the stuff, he got onto his knees and positioned himself against Hank's warm buttocks. His dickhead found the opening and as he started to push in, Hank lowered his legs onto Billy's shoulders. Billy grabbed the ankles and lunged in. Paydirt!

"Oh man Billy I wanted you like this all the time!" Hank grunted as Billy fucked him again and again. His prostate was perfectly lined up to take the full impact "Oh Billy fuck me, fuck me stud! Do what you want to me, fuck me Bill!"

Billy was in heaven. Feeling himself full deep inside of Hank was the best rush in the world. He could have stayed like that forever but in a surprisingly short time he felt himself start to get close again. He almost forgot the camera until it was too late but then reached over and starting taking pictures of his cock going in and out of Hank's butt, with Hank's balls and cock flopping around as he did. He barely put the camera down before he felt his cock swell inside of Hank and start to gush his load into him. After he was spent he pulled out, his cock greasy with cum and lube. Almost as an afterthought he took another couple of pics of his cock resting on Hank's balls, a bit of cum still leaking out the tip.

"Oh man Billy that was awesome" Hank said "you are the fuckin stud!"

"Your turn" Billy was still out of breath, but he got the lube and started to smear it all over Hank's balls. Hank moaned and relaxed, feeling the blood return to his crotch. As Billy suspected the stimulation had its effect on Hank's cock as well. As soon as it started to thicken, Billy smeared more lube onto Hank's cock and started stroking it firmly and rhythmically. It didn't take long for Hank's hardon to return.

"Oh yeah Billy that feels sooo good. Just like that don't stop. Man pull a load from me stud!" but Billy took his hand away and got to his knees. Before Hank could react Billy had straddled Hank and started to lower himself onto Hank's cock.

"NO!!!" Hank yelled as loud as he could "Billy stop don't! I'll hurt you like that stop! I mean it!"

"C'mon Hank I can take it!"

"No Billy I'm serious!" but Billy had already made contact with the head against his hole. He relaxed and squeezed but the head only went in about an inch. Damn, he thought, this is bigger than that jerk, Gerry.

"Billy stop please" Hank was begging "if I hurt you I'll never forgive myself."

"But Hank I want this really."

"No Billy it's not right."

"Please Hank please!" now Billy was begging "it would mean so much to me. To us..."

"Billy I shouldn't" but Billy could hear the hesitation in his voice.

"Let me just try then" Billy was bargaining.

"I don't wanna hurt you Bill."

"You won't."

"I will like this. Let me help. But you gotta untie me. C'mon Billy trust me."

"I trust you Hank."

Billy got off Hank and crawled up the bed until he could reach the ropes. He untied one hand and then he and Hank both untied the other. Hank was rubbing his wrists getting the circulation back.

"Sorry Hank. I didn't know they were so tight."

"It's okay kid. They just got bad when they got wet."

"I won't do that again, okay?"

"Hey" Hank was now free to grab him, so he rolled him on his back, hugging and kissing his face.

"That was the worst, not be able to hold you" Hank said free to fondle and massage Billy now.

They rolled around, kissing and stroking each other. Hank slowly worked one hand to Billy's ass cheeks and then went into his crack. Billy moaned when he found the hole.

"If this hurts stop me."

"Go on Hank do it."

Hank felt one finger go on, but Billy didn't say anything. He reached around and found the lube and greased up Billy's hole enough for a second finger to go in.

"Am I hurting you?" Hank was worried.

"It hurts but go on" Billy was getting to the point where he could have taken Ger's cock again but Hank's was so much larger and thicker that he knew it would be rough.

Hank started to work a third finger in and Billy flinched.

"Okay that's enough" Hank started to pull them out.

"No go on just give me some time. Please Hank I wanna do this."

"Just tell me when it's too much."

Hank got the three fingers back in and started a steady massage, bringing his other hand up to Billy's balls. As his balls responded Hank felt the hole start to relax and he managed to get the fourth finger in. As he felt less resistance he brought the other hand up to the head of Billy's cock and started to gently stroke it. That did it. He felt Billy open and was able to get the fingers in all the way to the knuckle.

"Are you sure Billy?"

"Do it Hank. Just do it" but Billy was starting to zone now, so Hank took the hand away from Billy's cock and started to stroke and grease himself. In a few short strokes he was ready. He brought the head up to his hand and as he slowly removed his fingers he gradually replaced them with his cock. He was able to get all of the head in before Billy gasped "stop!"

Hank quickly pulled out with a pop.

"I'm sorry Hank you're just too big."

"Sorry Billy" Hank rolled to his side.

When Billy recovered a bit he said "no goddamnit I wanna do this. Let's try again."

"No I'll hurt you. I'll split you in half."

"One more time c'mon Hank please."

So Hank rolled onto his back again and said "okay this is easier for you. You were right before, you just weren't ready" and he started to stoke himself and then held it pointing straight up. It looked like he was holding a stake to his crotch.

Billy squatted over him and gently lowered himself onto the head. This time he was able to get the head in. Once the head was past his ring he relaxed.

"Damn" Hank moaned "you did it. You got the head in you" and he gently started to press it up and deeper into him. Billy winced but started to rock up and down on it, each time letting it go another half-inch or so deeper into his hole. But Hank was starting to get out of breath.

"Damn Billy you don't know how good that feels" he got out between grunts.

"You're not even all the way in man."

"Don't matter" he gasped "if you don't stop I'm fuckin gonna cum just like this!"

"Don't cum yet" Billy started to lift off "where's the camera?"

"Billy no" Hank tried to grab him "no pictures like this! Not me fucking you!"

"Why not?"

"It ain't right is all."

"Shit, if I can take pics of me fucking you-"

"That's different."

"Too fuckin bad. Remember I call the shots tonight."

"C'mon Billy really."

But Billy looked around and saw where it was hidden under the folds of the bedspread. He checked to make sure there were shots left and put it where he could reach it. He got back on top of Hank and after a bit of massaging and stretching again got the head inside him.

"Oh man" Hank said, quickly getting back to that level of intensity again.

Billy started the slow descent onto the big tube and when he had made the same progress again he grabbed the camera and took some pictures, from several angles so he could see how stretched he was and how much he was taking. He put it down and started the slow up and down motion on the top of Hank's cock and after several minutes Hank started to gasp,

"Stop Billy stop I' gonna cum if you don't stop"

But Billy just sped up the pace and Hank screamed and Billy felt the warm cum start to fill his insides. He never felt anything that before and it was like nothing he would have imagined. With Hank's dick still half-inside him he started to pump his cock with his sticky hand and almost by accident he felt his cock harden and a thick heavy glob of cum oozed out of him and down his hand. His butt clenched tight and he lifted himself off now feeling the pain in his rectum. But the warmth of the liquid inside him was like a drug.

Before he started to slide into that relaxed state he got the camera and took a pic of Hank's cock coming out of him, covered with cum and grease, and then his own hand and cock, dripping with that thick rope of cum. Then he had no choice but to roll off Hank and collapse.

"Damn and double damn" Hank moaned softly "you shouldn't have done that Billy."

"Didn't you like it?"

"I could make a habit of that, but I almost ripped you open."

"Well then" Billy reached over and rubbed his balls "we'll need to practice."

"Fuck..." and Hank rolled against him, their two bodies held together.

They lay like that until Billy noticed the light in the room start to change.

"When I gotta get you home?" Hank said, stroking Billy's chest.

"Soon" Billy's hand started to roam down Hank's front "but not right away" and he found Hank's cock, shrivelled and sticky.

"C'mon Billy give that thing a rest okay?"

"No slave you're not finished yet."

"Billy what more you want?" but Hank felt his cock start to respond to Billy's hand. Damn, he thought, that kid's gonna turn us both into sex fiends.

"One more and then you may go free slave" and Billy started a gentle stoke behind the head. He felt it start to tighten and harden.

"Yessir" Hank said and straightened out. flat on his back with his hands behind his head "I'm all yours."

"Tell me" Billy egged him on "tell me what you want me to do to you."

"Play with my cock sir" Hank said, closing his eyes "stroke my meat. Use you hand to jack me off. Make me cum sir. Use my cock sir."

Billy applied more lube and started a steady stroking feeling Hank's cock swell to full hard. With his other hand he massaged Hank's balls keeping the pressure steady and constant. He just kept it up stroking and stroking, without stopping. Two minutes, ten minutes, he just kept jacking him.

"Harder sir, stroke it harder" Hank finally said his chest rising and falling, the muscles in his legs tensing and quivering.

"What do you want boy?"

"Make me cum sir. Jerk me off. Jerk my cock until it shoots sir."

Billy sped up and the pace and then used both hands on his cock, faster and tighter. Hank's body was shaking, every muscle clenched and then he spasmed and a thick glob of cum oozed out of him and down Billy's hands. Billy leaned forward and swallowed the last clump as he squeezed it out of Hank's red and stretched cock.

"Mutherfuckerrrrrrrrr" Hank grunted as all the energy was pulled out of him. When he felt Billy's mouth touch the sensitive head he jerked but his strength was gone.

"Three! I got three."

Billy would have been proud but he was spent too. He spread himself atop Hank's body and lay there. As he felt himself almost falling asleep Hank slowly rolled him off.

"Wake up stud. Let's get you cleaned up."

"Why can't I stay like this forever."

"Maybe next time" and Hank started to guide him off the bed, while moving the camera to the bedside table making sure it was safe.

"What time is it Hank?"

"Going on nine. C'mon let's get you in the shower."

Billy enjoyed the feeling of being half-carried into the bathroom. Hank got the water going and they stepped in, the warm water was heaven.

They both stood soaking before Hank took some soap and started lathering Billy's back and then his stomach. Billy leaned against the wall letting Hank clean him everywhere.

"You don't know how good that feels."

"Yeah I do" Hank said enjoying the feeling of his hands all over Billy's back and chest and down to his pubes. His dick was so swollen he couldn't tell if he was responding or not. Fuck, he thought, the damn thing's on autopilot by now.

When he got him rinsed he steered him out and got a towel around him. A vigorous rubdown helped to bring Billy back to the real world.

"I don't know what to say" Billy was almost talking to himself.

"Then don't say it okay?"

"But I wanna say how much..."

"It's okay stud. You don't gotta say a word" and Hank gave him a long kiss.

"Is this weird. For us? For two guys?"

"When it starts feeling weird just tell me okay?" Hank held him at arms length looking him full in the eye.

"I guess."

"No really Billy. If you think this is not what you want you just say so okay?"

"Damnit Hank" and Billy pulled him into him not wanting to let go.

"Okay the feeling's mutual" Hank said pushing him away "but right now we gotta get you dressed stud okay?"


They got into their clothes not saying much. As they were leaving Billy said "Now what happens?"

"Whatya mean?"

"I mean do we still hang out?"

"Let's just take this a step at a time okay stud?"


They got Billy's bike into the back of Hank's truck and tore off for home. Once they were a few door from Billy's house Hank said "Wanna do something tomorrow night?"

Billy got quiet.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothin I guess."

"Then what?" Hank stopped the engine. It got very quiet.

"I gotta be back at the doc's again..."

"You sure this ain't about something else?" someone else, Hank almost said.

"No it's not like that" Billy said softly "it's a job I do."

"A job? Y'mean like work job?"


"Well that's nothin to be worried about, or should I be worried?" Hank had weights coming off and then going back onto his chest.

"I gotta call you Thursday then okay? I'll tell you all about it, okay Hank? You ain't mad?"

"I got something to be mad about?"

"We can get together on Friday okay? You'll still wanna see me right?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Promise me okay?"

"Okay stud I promise."

"Thanks Hank. I mean really thanks! For everything" and Billy rubbed Hank's shoulder and lifted his bike out of the truck and was gone.

Next: Chapter 46

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