The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Sep 4, 2006


Chapter forty-three

As soon as Billy got inside he called Hank. He wasn't home -- or answering -- so Billy left a message. Hell what if he had been home? Like he could get out this late?

When he got to the living room his dad was there watching TV. When he saw Billy sit down he looked over at him.

"So you're finally home. I was getting worried. You're late again you know?"

"Sorry" Billy was trying to be non-committal.

"You at the doc's this whole time?"

"Yeah" Billy hoped the onions on his breath didn't give him away "I just stopped to get a burger is all."

"Maybe we better talk about it" Joe said turning off the TV.

"Okay" Billy said. Hey, at this point he really had nothing to hide "where's mom?"

"Upstairs working."

"Thought she was finished with the Conner project, meeting the clients and all..."

"She is. This is something new. Something larger. She may have to hire some people to help her. I suggested you."

"Why me?" Billy did not hate the idea of spending more time with her but he knew something else had to give. And this was supposed to be summer vacation.

"She was very impressed how you handled the pool project."

"Yeah like she knew what I did."

"No she didn't" Joe got up and headed towards the kitchen "let's go sit outside okay?"

"Fine" Billy agreed, hoping Hank wouldn't call.

They went out to the new pool and around to the back area.

"So what d'ya think?"

"I think it looks fine" Joe said "we should try it out tomorrow."

"Juan said give the chemicals twenty-four hours so it should be ready by then I guess."

"Okay but I don't want you going in by yourself. Either wait for me to get home or..." Joe looked around and turned on a radio he brought with him "or your friends comin over again?"

"You think I could keep them away?"

"Just so you don't bother your mom too much and..." he adjusted to volume to make sure they were drowned out "and there are no repeats of Friday."

"What do you mean?" Billy wanted to hear how bad this was going to be, and especially about that damn tape.

"You know what I mean Bill" Joe looked around and then back at the house "look up at the window."

Billy looked up at the parent's bedroom window seeing the clear view of the entire backyard "you were watching the whole damn thing weren't you."

"Yeah the whole thing. I saw how you made the guys strip and work naked and..." Joe looked Billy in the face "all the rest."

"So you... I... hell my guess is you didn't think it was so gross or pervo--"


"In fact my guess it was a turn on for you wasn't it?"

"Billy I'm your dad."

"Admit it" Billy stood up looking down at him "go on. Admit you thought it was hot watching them working like that, naked and sweating--"


"And then I got them to work with their dicks hard--"

"Not so loud your moth--"

"Yeah you were watching. Watching me work them with their rods waving in their air. And then doin'm one by one."

"Except Hank--"

"Fuck I knew it!" Billy said a bit too loud.

"Billy! language!"

"Dad I just knew you were watching!" but Billy's thoughts returned to that tape he had seen just that afternoon. Damn, where did he put it?


"You could've come down here and busted up the party but hell no, you stayed up there and watched the whole scene just play itself out, didn't you?"

"For crying out loud."

"And you got so turned on the next time you see Gus you fucked him downstairs Monday--"

"What did he tell you!?"

"He didn't have to, dad. Your cum stains were still on the floor. Lucky for you I cleaned them up before mom found them.."

Joe tried to stand but decided not to.

"And you can't even stand up now cause you threw a rod just thinking about it right?"

"Billy really--"

"So it's like this dad. You know my scene and I knows yours so it's no use kidding each other, playing all innocent, okay?"

"Really Billy I'm your dad--"

"Who likes to get off with guys almost as much as I do."

"Who you been... y'know having sex with? Besides the guys Friday."

"Well you have a pretty good idea what happens at the doc's exams..."

"He's not making you do things... like..."

"No dad I'm not getting fucked by the patients if that's what you mean."

"I don't think it's a good idea to talk here" Joe said, standing up after a certain hesitation, holding the radio in front of his crotch "let's go for a ride."


"Yeah now Billy."

"I'll meet you there in five seconds. I gotta pee bad."

"Okay you got two minutes buster."

Billy ran inside and downstairs. His dick had never gone down since the ride home, but was softening enough he was able to piss after about a half minute. He finished and ran back into the kitchen. His mom's voice on the stairs stopped him,

"Joe that you?"

"Mom it's me."

"Where's your dad?"

"We're going to the store need anything?"

"Have him get some milk and paper towels and anything he needs for breakfast tomorrow."

"How about you?"

"I'm fine" she said and then added "tell your dad to get me... just, well he'll know."

"Okay back in a flash" and he was out to the car.

"What took you so long?"

"Mom was there. She needs some stuff from the store. That's where I told her we were going."

"Good excuse" Joe said starting the car and driving off "but then you're getting good at that aren't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well I imagine you been covering your tracks prettty good lately."

"Well yeah..."

"Like your friend Hank."

"Which Hank?" Billy was trying to stall.

"No I don't mean our cousin Hank, no, the new one who works for Gus. You two been messing around right?"

"Something wrong with that?"

"Maybe not."

"Okay then."

"He's not forcing you... y'know... to do stuff."

"Dad let me explain this" Billy said looking straight out the window "Hank is a very very good bud. He ain't forcing me to do stuff. He ain't raping me or anything like that. In fact..." but Billy wasn't sure how to finish it.

"Fact what?"

"Well" Billy thought he should tell him "in fact if anything I'm the one doin the forcing him, to y'know do stuff."


"Like when he met me he thought I was the best thing since ... well since ever. He doesn't have too much experience I'm guessing. So it's like I get to suggest stuff. And whatever I want he's willing to do."

"No way."

"Way. It's like you and Gus but without the weirdness."

"And just what do you think we did?"

"I know Gus likes to be ordered around. He likes to take orders. And he'll bend over to do what he's told, am I right?"

Billy saw his dad adjust himself. Billy wanted a real good look.

"And we both know how he'd do summersaults once he got a look at what you got boning between your legs, how he'd do anything to feel it in him, how he gets off when you plow a great big dick like yours into his butt. And how his dick gets real hard and thick and his head pops out of the skin--"

"Billy please."

"And how when he cums his butt clenches tight on your dick and man if that don't make you shoot your load..."

"Okay really Bill that's enough."

"Enough dad? Enough to get you hot? Enough to make your dick hard?"

"C'mon son."

"Go on show me dad. Show me how your cock's not hard. Show me."

"Not while I'm driving, are you crazy?"

"Okay then. Over there" and Billy pointed to a turn-off from the road, leading down a deserted street "pull off there."

Joe really wanted to get out of traffic because he was starting to have trouble concentrating on the road at the same time listening to what he was hearing. More for himself than for Billy he pulled off and drove for a while until he found a road leading to a dead-end. He went down the dirt road and then pulled over, turning off the engine.

"Really Billy you can't talk like that."

"Cause it turns you on doesn't it?"

"Billy please."

"Go on dad. Unzip yourself. Show me I got your dick hard."

"No Billy."

"Well dad it would not be a good idea if it got out you were watching all of the action on Friday and beating off doin it" Billy was guessing but wanted to see if knew about the tape being moved "and five bucks says you even filmed it from up there."

"How do you know?"

"Yeah I thought so. And I would not want to be in your shoes if anyone found out about the other stuff. Hell you know mom would--"

"You would NEVER--"

"No I don't want to. That's why it's no use hiding anymore. So stop hiding what is making a lump in your pants right now. Go on dad..."

"Billy..." but Joe saw his severe disadvantage. If anyone got in trouble it wouldn't be Billy. It would be the adult. It would be Joe.

"Go on pull it out."

Joe looked around to make sure no one was around, but the unpaved road was barely under construction. He looked over at Billy and then down at himself. His hand went to his fly.

"Yeah dad do it. Pull that big stick out and let it get some air."

Joe unzipped himself and digging around inside managed to free the head. He only let the top inch or two come out.

"No pop, the whole thing. I wanna see how big I got you."

Joe reached down and opened the belt and when he did his cock pushed up through the opening in his shorts. He sat exposed in the dark.

"Why don't you turn on the light so I can see better."

"Not out here. Someone might see."

"Like who? The mosquitoes? Do it dad."

Joe turned on the overhead light but it was very bright. He reached up and covered it with his hand. He reached under his seat and fished out a napkin from some fastfood place and stuffed it into the light, dimming it a bit.

"Looking real hot dad."

"Okay now you happy? You got me hard okay? Can we go?"

"Not til you blow a load, dad."

"Billy why?"

"Cause you're hot. You don't know how sexy you are. And that shaved crotch only makes you look bigger. Hell Gus thinks your a hunk and so do I."

"But I'm your father."

"And you're a stud okay?"

"Can't remember the last time someone called me that."

"How about Monday."

"Maybe" and Joe absent-mindedly started to pull on it.

"Yeah go on jack yourself."

Joe immediately stopped. He looked over at Billy who was rubbing himself through his pants.

"Damn I know this is so wrong..."

"What is?" Billy said rubbing himself openly now that his dad was watching.

"I shouldn't even think it... much less say it."

"Go on dad. What's that horny brain working on?"

"I... well... can you?"

"What dad? You want me to suck you?"

"Billy NO!"

"Then what?"

"Just... well...I never saw you... y'know.. really play with yourself up close."

"That's all?" Billy almost laughed "that's all you want? You want to see me jack my cock in front of you?" and he unzipped himself, pulling his hard cock free "you want to see my hard cock?"


"Yes or no, dad? You want to see me shoot a load right now with you watching?"

"Well... I guess."

"Say it. Say it. Tell me what to do."

"Go on Billy. I want to see you masturbate for me" and he felt like he had crossed an invisible line now. No turning back. Up to this point, even the mess that Saturday, could be passed over as someone else's idea, someone else's fault. But now... he put himself in the hotseat, knowing it would come back to bite him sooner or later. But all the times with Billy just kept gnawing at him more and more. Maybe it might get it out of his system.

"Deal pops" and Billy spit on his hand and started to stroke it slow. He knew it might happen too fast, but this was too hot. He was going to jerk with his dad in the open. Finally.

Joe looked over and saw Billy get his cock all shiny and taught. He was glued to the sight and started to play with himself carefully, knowing he could cum easily if he let himself. When Billy reached over and grabbed it he gasped,

"No don't."

"C'mon dad no use playing anymore."

"No it's no that. I'm real sensitive."

"You mean you're so horned by this that you're close right?"


"Okay I'll take it easy on you" and Billy again spit on his other hand and slowly worked it around Joe's big head. Joe let out a small groan.

"Like that don't you?"


"Like my hand on your cock. Don't bother lying I can feel it."

"Damn Billy."

"You know what else you'd like?" and Billy took his hand away "bet you'd like to hear what went down at the doc's tonight."

"No I don't."

"Well I'm not supposed to tell" Billy went back to jacking himself, his dad watching his every move "but your fuck buddy Gus was there."


"And someone else had an exam at the same time."


"Thought you'd be interested. No one but Coach Bernan" and Billy rewetted his hand and started to slick his dad's cock.

"Football coach Bernan?"

"The two of them in the same room dad. Doc had coach strip down in front of Gus, so of course when it was Gus' turn he was all hard. Hard dad, for all to see. Hard right there in front of the coach" and Billy gave it a squeeze seeing the end bead with precum.

"Stop Billy."

"But it gets better. Coach then had to watch Gus get his asshole examined by Kroos, and you know once you start playing with his butt he'll do anything, ANYTHING! to get fucked. Yeah dad, and Bernan's watching this his eyes bugging out. And then when Kroos got Gus all worked up he gets a dildo--"

"Billy!" Joe's breath was getting ragged now, a steady slick of pre-cum shining the head as Billy's hand was slowly, very very slowly smearing it all down the underside, keeping him right on the edge "a dildo dad! and then with the whole room watchin Kroos bends him over and shoves it up his butt" Joe was almost holding his breath trying hard not to lose it completely "but then the coach got hard when the doc started playing with his tools next."

"Billy no..."

"Well I'll won't tell ya the whole thing but you'd want to know that I was there when Kroos bent Joe over and fucked him with his own cock. Right in front of the coach.. "and Billy was working himself off now.

"Billy no."

"Yeah it was really hot. Just thinking about it is gonna make me cum. You wanna see that? you wanna watch me cum dad?"


"Okay here it comes" and Billy leaned back and let it erupt. Even in the bad light Joe could see it hit the front of the t-shirt and make puddles in Billy's crotch.

Joe tried wacking himself but Billy pushed his hand away and before Joe could react Billy had plunged his mouth down on the head . He tried to pull him off but too late. He felt himself go and started pumping his load into his son's mouth as Billy milked the cum out of him, swallowing it down. When Joe was spent Billy finally let go.

"Billy why?"

"Told you dad, you're the stud. Man, I get to suck off my own dad. What's better than that?"

"You must never never do that again" Joe was bundling himself back together and starting the car like he was being timed "clean yourself up we gotta get home."

Billy took the napkin off the light and started to clean himself. They both forgot how bright it was now. Joe immediately turned it off.

"Okay we gotta get back now it's late."

"Mom wanted some stuff from the store. We gotta stop or she'll get mad."

So they went and got the stuff Billy could remember. He tried to explain the last thing his mom wanted but Joe knew what she meant. He got everything and they went home. Billy checked the messages and found a call from Big Hank but it was too late to call him back so he went to bed and Joe ducked in and took a quick shower to get the smell of sex off him. Luckily Cath was still up working. He slipped into bed and was quickly asleep.

Next: Chapter 44

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