The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Sep 1, 2006


Disclaimer/Reminder: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional occurrences. It contains sexual acts between males in high school as well as with males beyond high school age. There are scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails or flames expressing outrage will be ignored. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to

Note: All names and locations have been altered to protect the innocent. The state in which the story originally happened - coincidentally - has a legal age of sixteen; the "fictionalized" location does not. Also descriptions of unprotected sex are fictional due to story restraints. You understand you are reading a work of fiction; behave accordingly. Again, do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations or activities which can be classified as bdsm.

Chapter forty-two

When Bob was able to breath normally again, Kroos said "Billy why don't you help the coach here to the shower. I think he could use it."

"Mr. Bernan? Coach?" and Bob looked up "c'mon let's get you cleaned up."

Bob looked around in a daze and then down at himself. It looked like someone had splattered drops of paste in his pubes. He looked up at Billy and said "gimme a hand here Herms. I'm in no condition..."

Billy helped him to his feet and then putting his arm around his shoulder half carried him out the room and down the hall. As he expected Gus was still there under the showerhead.

"C'mon Gus make room for the coach here."

Gus opened his eyes and then stepped aside so they could take the shower head next to him. Billy got Bob positioned under the spray and propped him up against the wall. He leaned there, the water bringing him back to earth.

For a long time the only sound was the water splashing off their bodies and the floor. Finally Gus grunted.

"You don't gotta say it" he said keeping his eyes closed "I know how I looked in there."

"How YOU looked?" Bob was recovering a bit now that the water was doing some good "what do you think I looked like? What I LOOK like?"

"Man what happened to you?" Gus finally opened his eyes, to the sight of Bob's front.

"Coach here had the cum pumped out of him" Billy said from the door soaked but not complaining in the least, nothing left to hide as far as those two were concerned "you shoulda seen it. Coach here came like everything!. He shot off like he was gonna explode if he didn't. And man his cock like doubled in size!"

"I ain't never done anything like that" Bob said "ever."

"Coach you shoulda seen yourself. It was like the most amazing thing. Man if you could die cumming you almost did."

Bob was doing his best to clean himself off but he had to soap himself several times to get it all. And then he tried getting at his butt. As soon as he did he felt the tingling again.

"Damn" he muttered, gingerly trying to soap his butt "that stuff's still inside me."

"Need some help coach?" Billy asked.

"Don't even think about it!" Bob snapped.

"Hey I didn't mean anything by it. I'll just help you clean up. Nothing else, geez."

Bob turned around and leaned forward "you try anything Herns..."

"Just relax coach" and Billy started to work the lather around his crack, water flying everywhere "I'll be careful."

Billy carefully soaped around his swollen hole trying to get a finger inside. At first Bob snapped at him but then let him continue.

"Turn around coach, get under the water."

Bob turned around and Billy directed the stream at his ass. With his finger and the water he was able to flush as much of the green stuff out of him as he could reach. After a few minutes, Bob turned away,

"Fine kid, I'm still kinda sore back there."

But both Billy and Gus could tell that he was starting to lengthen again.

"Damn coach" Billy said "didn't mean to get you all worked up so soon after... man didn't you just cum?"

"But you gotta admit" Gus added "when you get worked up that's something to draw a crowd! Hell that's one fine dick ya got there. Anybody'd be proud --"

"Well I used to be proud--"


"But after tonight I don't know how I'll face you guys, anyone again. How I'm gonna face anyone in this two-bit town."

"Hey Bob" Gus said turning off his shower "keep it in perspective okay? I was the one getting porked in there not you."

"Tell me that didn't hurt" Bob was starting to relax a bit now that it didn't feel like someone constantly playing with his insides.

"Normally I don't do that stuff" Gus said trying to keep his eyes off Bob's tube "but sometimes..."

"Are you okay coach?"

"I'm feeling a bit better" and he rinsed his face under the water then turned it off "thanks" more to himself than Billy.

"Now you ain't mad at me or anything" Billy saw the problems down the road.

"You? Why should I be mad at you? It wasn't your fault" Bob said "but we got a bit of a problem here don't we?"

"Like what?" Billy asked.

"What we did in there" he looked at Gus "all of us... well we don't want we CANNOT have it getting all over town right?"

"Let's get some towels" Gus said dripping wet "Billy where are they?"

"Follow me."

"They went back into the exam room. Both docs were gone and the camera as well. Billy went over to the cabinet and found big towels for all three of them. From the hallway outside they could hear voices.

"They ain't coming in here are they?" both Gus and Bob started to cover them selves fast.

"Nah that ain't gonna happen. Let's get you two dried and dressed and on your way. You've both had enough of this place for one night" and went over to the cabinet, starting to collect clothes.

"Thanks kid" Gus said "you sure can make yourself useful."

"What kinda crack is that?" Bob said looking around.

"He didn't mean anything bad" Billy said "it's just Gus and me.... well we know each other before this."

Bob looked at them back and forth "I better not know about this."

"Nothing like that" Billy quickly cut it "Gus here been doing some work for my dad and all. I got to help him put in our pool."

"That so?" Bob was almost dry and looking for his clothes. Billy was making two piles, forgeting about the switch-up. Bob didn't seem to notice and started to put on Gus' shorts. Billy quickly saw the problem but didn't dare stop him. Neither did Gus, watching the whole thing.

"So look guys it's like this" coach said shifting into his normal voice "what happened here stays strictly between us okay?"

"Swear coach."


"Look Bob" Gus starting to get into his clothes, looking at Billy as he stepped into Bob's boxers "you think I wanna see my business go down the tubes if it gets around town what kinda shit I'm into?"

"Okay it's settled. Not a word of this okay?"


"I'll shake on it" and Gus held out his hand. Bob reached over and shook it.

"Last time I grabbed something, it sure as hell wasn't your hand Gus" but Bob gave him a friendly punch in the shoulder.

"Okay I'm counting on you, gentlemen" and he looked at Billy "but I've had enough of you two for one night. Billy, have the doc call me tomorrow."

"Ah yeah, sure coach."

"See ya" and he was gone.

After a while Billy got dried off and went looking for the docs. He heard them in the other "observation" room. After a moment the doc came out and signaled him not to make any noise.

"So what happens now?" Billy said.

"Billy we just want to tell you that you did real fine in there" the doc said.

"Okay then you guys owe me a favor" yeah like tell me where those tapes end up and that key for starters.

"We owe you more than one of those favors" Kroos added, coming through the door and closing it behind him.

"Okay out with it" the doc's face set and grave.

"Well I'm thinkin here the three of us need to have a talk -- an important long-overdue talk -- and come to an agreement on several things, like if I'm gonna keep workin here or not, and what about Joel, and lot's more, but not now" Billy said "but you guys owe me."

"Deal" the doc said, very relieved for the moment.

"Oh and by the way the coach wants you to call him tomorrow" he looked around "like you didn't hear."

"Very well."

"You have more patients?" Billy tried to hear what was going on behind the closed door.

"Yes but we won't be needing help with them. You are free for the night."

"Thanks doc."

Billy went out and found Gus in the reception area.

"So ya leavin?" Billy saw him hanging around like he was still waiting for instructions or something.

"That all depends."

"On what?"

"So what's the fuck's the deal here, Bill?"

"Whatd'ya mean Gus?"

"You tell me" Gus was not pissed just very edgy.

"Hey I didn't know you were gonna be here tonight."

"So you work here every night? Hard? Work?"

"Hey I'm just trying to make some quick cash. It's not normally like this" he lied.

"So you fuck all the patients?"

"C'mon Gus it ain't like that."

"Then tell me what it is like... 'boss'? All I know is your dad and I are talking and I ask him if knows a good doc and he recommends the doc here. So he's in on this too?"

"He had nothing to do with this" Billy was getting a bit concerned now "he had no idea what this was all about. Look Gus" he went over and grabbed him by the shoulders, maybe a bit outweighed "you think he'd let me work here if he knew about this shit?"

"Knowing your dad..."

"What does that mean?" and Gus realized it was a stalmate.

"Nothin... I guess you're right. So now what? You gonna run home and tell your dad you saw me get fucked with the coach watching and all that?"

"You mean like I told him about you guys working in the backyard butt naked? Like that Gus?"

"Okay okay you win" Gus figured out fast Billy didn't know about his dad watching on Friday. He grabbed his things and finally started to leave "you need a ride?"

"Sure why not?"

The two left and went out to Gus' truck. They got in and headed up seventh street. After a while Gus said "you hungry?"

"I ate supper before."

"You mind if I made a detour? Drive-thru?"

"It's fine. I'm not that late" it was going on ten.

Gus found a burger drive-thru and ordered. When he pulled around he gave Billy a burger "hey you didn't have to."

"It's cool kid. I know you're hungry after... that" and Billy had to admit he was right, as he polished it off.

They sat in the parking lot while Gus finished the first two, then started the car.

"Hey we don't haveta leave" Billy said "you're still eating."

"I'll finish it at home. Right now we gotta get you back before they have the cops after us."

They drove for a while and then Gus started "so now you must really have no doubts I'm the sickest fuck..."

"For what?"

"For letting that Kroos fuck me like that, in front of everybody."

"Hey remember, I know what you're into" Billy added more quietly "and you know what I'm into."

"Yeah kid I do" he rested his hand on Billy's leg. Billy didn't object. When his hand started heading up the thigh, Billy looked around, making sure no one was watching. They continued down Tenth street, the only car in sight. When Gus' fingers found the fly, Billy moved his hands out of the way. His left hand just accidentally grazed Gus' thigh and when it went under the steering wheel to find what was poking straight up, he felt Gus' fingers open the fly and let his hard cock out for air. Still no other cars interrupted their actions.

"Honest Gus, I was just jerkin ya at first..." as his hand starting doing the same through the fabric "I had no idea you'd really do it, y'know. Or Kroos would do it! I never in a million years thought -- I mean -- hell you know what I mean. I just know you like playin games n'all -- you like taking orders -- " feeling Gus' hand giving him a rapid jerking up and down.

"Almost as much as you like givin them right?" Gus turned onto a busier street, but kept his hand in place. Billy was not so brave.

"Hell I don't know..."

"Guess we got ourselves all figured out, it's like you like taking charge and I like..." Gus continued until he reached Billy's street. His hand was getting Billy good and ready when he pulled up in front "the opposite."

"You like being told what to do" Billy looked down at their crotches, wishing he could prove his point but this was not the time.

"More that that" Gus said turning off the ignition "it's a real sex charge when someone orders me around. It's like a master slave kind of thing. And getting the guy off, well..." his hand toying with the edge of the crown, making Billy gasp.

"Oh shit... especially if he's getting off in you right?" Billy felt himself start to get close and with Gus' hand doing what it was doing, it was only a matter of time.

"Okay I like to get fucked kid" Gus said matter-of-fact "if that makes me a perv then that's that."

Gus took his hand away from Billy's crotch letting it bob there in the glow from the streetlight.

"Man kid" Gus said adjusting himself "you're as bad as I am."

"Worse" Billy said, not sure whether to stay or go. Why couldn't Hank be here to make the decision easy for him. Not sure if it was too late to call he tucked it away and started to leave.

"I gonna see ya around?"

"Count on it" Billy said and left.

Gus drove off, his hand still warm and smeling of Billy's crotch. And damn if he wasn't again horny enough to do something crazy. He pulled a wicked u-turn at the next intersection.

Next: Chapter 43

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