The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Jul 3, 2006


Chapter twenty-two Friday August 2

The next day at breakfast Bill's parents had a long, and from Billy's perspective, almost testy conversation about what she was leaving for Joe to do over the weekend. She had to leave mid-morning and would not be back til Sunday sometime.

"I'm starting to feel like a widow here" Joe said only slightly joking "I had no idea this project would be taking up so much time."

"We discussed this already" she said nodding at Billy "and you know how demanding Connors can get and his business has sunk a lot into this already."

"You're working too hard Cath" Joe said trying to unruffle her.

"We all are" she said to Billy "even you."

"Don't worry mom I'll help out with stuff around the house" he said "I'm getting well rewarded for this... I'm getting a pool!" which was something he had been promised too long.

"Cath, Billy is doing more that I could get done around here already" Joe said looking at Billy "and I won't neglect him as much from now on and maybe try to get home early-"

Don't! I mean I'm fine here dad" Billy panicked "no it's okay I got things under control. If I need help I'll call you like I been doin."

"There you see Cath" Joe said as soothingly as he could "we got things covered and we'll finish up the housestuff for you. Just make that Connors happy and we'll all celebrate when his hefty check finally comes in."

"You sure?" Cath looked at them "Billy?"

"Sure as sure" Billy cut in "and then some."

As they were finishing breakfast the crew showed up and started to check the progress of the concrete sides and bottom. Satisfied with the curing they went back to finishing those surfaces not completed the day before. Billy checked in with them but they seemed to be busy and did not need anything from him.

To speed his mom on her way Billy started cleaning around the house and getting some laundry done. His mom looked at the kitchen getting straightened up and the laundry disappearing into the basement and decided to stop worrying and gather her things. By nine-thirty she was backing her car down the driveway and leaving.

Within a half hour the guys started to shed the shirts and dust started flying everywhere as the sanders started the loud whining from at least two spots at a time. Billy barely heard Ger starting to shout for him and the mask he was wearing didn't help matters. It seemed that everywhere he needed to work and everything he needed to do required two guys and Gus and Big Hank were too busy with their own work. Before he knew it Billy was running around playing "fetch boy" for Ger as well as helping him lug around boxes and tools. After a while he was covered with sweat and dust running at his beck and call. He kept trying to catch Gus' eye to see what was up but Gus was at the bottom of the pool and preoccupied. After an hour or so Billy collapsed in a chair, threw his mask away and stripped off his now greyish-blue t-shirt stiff with caked-on dust.

"Hey Billy something to drink!" Ger ordered and Billy automatically got up and brought them some iced tea he had made during a break cleaning the kitchen.

When Ger had drunk a couple of glasses he shouted over the noise, "We're taking lunch now!"

Billy looked at his watch. It was barely eleven-fifteen. He looked at Gus who was finally getting out of the pool bottom.


"Hey Bill you're the boss. You decide." he said pulling up his face mask. Billy was too tired to run or lift anymore for Jer so he grunted "fine, break for lunch everyone." Ger just gave him a smirk.

Ger started into the house saying over his shoulder "Billy boy I'm taking a shower." just like that.

Billy struggled to his feet after him catching up with him on the stairs "wait a sec."

"Unless you got any objections?" Ger was already in the bathroom and starting to unzip his fly. As Billy managed a "n-n-n-not really" Ger had pulled out his long thin dick and a loud stream of piss hit the bowl.

"You like watchin guys piss?" Ger said, almost more of a statement starting to goad him on "well fine you just watch me piss. Go on look at this hot dick of mine" and he started to milk out the last drops "now get over here."

"Cool it Ger" Billy tried to reestablish his role "it ain't like that, I'm-"

"You're what?" Ger leered at him "you're getting over here and taking off my pants for me that's what!"

"Yeah right..." but Billy could not generate any conviction.

"Yeah right. Right now" and Ger folding his arms over his chest "I ain't gonna ask you twice."

"Ger what's your problem?" Billy tried to keep things light but felt himself losing ground.

"My problem? I'll tell you what my problem is" Ger said leaning forward "my problem is I know that you and Hank and Gus too been messing around here at lunch and I'm out sitting with sandwiches while you're in here what? sucking them off? That's my problem!"

"Ger you're full of shit!" and Billy started to back out the room.

"Am I?"

"Ger just give it up man."

"No Billy boy, you're gonna give it up and right now!" and Ger grabbed him and started to push him to the floor. Ger was about the same height and weight as Billy but much stronger and better muscled.

"Start takin those pants off right now."

"Ger I'm tellin ya! Knock it off-"


Billy felt Ger's strong fingers dig into his bare shoulders, the dust and grime like sandpaper ripping his skin. He let himself be pushed to his knees and just like that started to unbuckle Ger's pants and pull them and the shorts to the floor. Ger obliged by lifting first one and then the other foot and Billy took them off.

"And I want them clean when I'm finished" so Billy tossed them in the sink and started the water to rinse them.

When he turned around Ger was still standing there trying not to touch his crotch with his grimy hands, his balls still knotted up.

"Loosen my balls for me they're itchy."

"C'mon man what're ya tryin to do-"

"Now kid" so Billy obliged him by pulling his balls away from where they had gotten glued to his crotch. His long circumcised dick flopped around as he did giving off a sweaty ripe but not unpleasant smell.

"Get the water goin and it better be right."

Billy started the shower and adjusted it for slightly warm. Ger stepped in and about ten pounds of mud started to slough off his body and down the drain.

"Hurry up and soap me down kid." Billy took the soap and started to lather him up feeling his pants start to soak.

"Get outa those clothes kid. Geez I gotta tell you everything?"

"No...sir" Billy hesitated.

"That's right 'no sir' 'yes sir', you are getting the idea." and Billy kicked out of his pants and got into the shower with him. Another torrent of mud headed for the drain.

"That's better kid you were a mess. Now you are starting to look like something" but Billy saw how Ger's muscles were responding to the cleaning and the lathering. His sinewy muscled body, hairless except for the small patches under his arms and over his dick, started to glow and ripple with the lathering. As Billy watched he couldn't help but start to stiffen.

"You like this don't you kid-"

"Guess I-"

"Look at you you're getting a bone rubbing my body aren't you?"


"Aren't you!"


"Yes what?"

"Yes sir."

"That's right Billy boy, you like being able to touch my body. You like my body don't you?"


"Show me!"

Billy started to rub him down harder and started to work his hands lower. He worked them down until he felt the few hairs above his dick, "go on kid, show me how much you like my body."

And Billy started to massage Ger's dick with his soapy hand feeling it turn to hard rubber and then start to lengthen and arch forward. The more he soaped it the more it pulled up until it was flat against his stomach pointing straight up. Billy then started soaping below to the balls and then into the crotch.

"Rub your dick against mine. I wanna feel how hard it is, how much I am turning you on."

Billy's dick, fully hard now, was pressed against the underside and then slid upwards until both cocks were sandwiched together pointing at their chests.

"Yeah I turn you on don't I?"

"Yes, sir."

"Tell me."

"You turn me on."

"Go on. More."

Billy was rubbing their two fronts together, their dicks squeezing between their stomachs, "you turn me on, your hard dick is making my dick hard, your arms are strong" rubbing his free hands up his arms to his shoulders "you are a stud. You got stud arms and your chest is hard as rocks and your dick is a big hard slab of stud cock."

"Yeah just like that. I knew I could make you turned on" and Ger started working his hands now over Billy's body down his shoulders to his back and then to his ass. Billy shivered.

"You like this stud feeling up your ass?" Billy just kept rubbing himself against Ger's dick.

Ger started working his hands around Billy's ass and then into his crack pulling him against him hard. Then his fingers started to play with Billy's asshole.

"You like that?"

"Yes...sir" Billy started to whisper.

"You ever had a stud play with your butt?"


"You mean Hank or Gus never did THIS?" and a soapy finger slid into him. Billy gasped.

"You never had their fingers in there?" Ger repeated.

"Hell no" Billy muttered.

"Then who?"

"N-n-naw no one" Billy said.

"No one ever got this sweet ass before?" and Billy felt Ger's dick throb against his belly.


"Turn around kid."

Billy carefully turned around.

"Okay grab the wall and lean back" and Billy felt his ass push back into Ger's crotch. The wet pubes tickled his crack.

"Oh man kid you are too sweet for this stud" Ger started to massage Billy's hole "now spread em."

Billy grabbed his cheeks and pulled them apart. He felt one and then two fingers enter him. It was like the doctor's office, and he admitted he lied but he didn't want to admit what had just happened that Monday at the doc's office. But a real live cock in his ass! Billy had to play it innocent though. Now with his ass wide open and a third finger entering him he thought he should go for the grand prize. He felt how big Ger was hard and although one of the longer ones he had seen it was not as thick as most. Instead it was just about the right size for what Billy was thinking. But he didn't want to let Ger figure it out.

"Ouch sir it's too much. I never had anything like that done to me" but Ger could feel the muscle tighten and then loosen up just fine.

"Kid you never done this?"

"No... sir. Never." Liar.

"Okay I'll go real easy on ya. I don't wanna hurt ya with this stud pole of mine."

"No sir."

And Ger now had four fingers inside and was working around the hole and knew the kid could take him. He brought his dick to Billy's crack and used his other hand to pull the head down to the hole.

"I'm gonna fuck you kid. I'm gonna fuck your cherry butt right now."


Ger slid the fingers out and pressed the head against the hole. He felt Billy tense and then start to breathe slowly. As Billy gave a push of air out his lungs, Ger popped the head in.

"Fuck!" Billy shouted.

But Ger let it sit inside him for a while till he felt Billy relax his ass muscles. Then the long tube started to inch its way in.

"Fuck" Billy muttered but Ger saw him reach down and start to grab himself.

"Get your hand away from your dick kid!"

"Yes...sir." and both hands went back to the wall. Ger reached around and grabbed Billy's dick and started to bring it back to rock hard. As he did he slowly started to pull Billy back into his crotch, impaling him deeper. Billy hissed and let his weight fall backwards.

"Yeah you're getting dicked alright... you like my dick in you? You like losing your cherry to this stud?"

"Fuck no... sir." and he started to push himself in farther but Billy was too tight for him and after maybe twenty seconds Ger started to tense.

"Damn you kid" Ger gritted out "you making.. me.." and he popped out and a shot of cum hit Billy right above his crack and then Ger was shooting straight up to the small of Billy's back, even hitting himself in the chest once.

"Damn kid damn kid damn kid" he grunted as he shot and shot and then just slammed his cock along Billy's crack.

Billy started to push back against it while reaching for his painfully swollen cock. Ger came down from the rush to grab his hand and pull it away.

"Ger damnit I gotta-"

"Damn kid don't get to cum. Not after you made me nut in your hole."

"Whatyamean MADE you nut-"

"You heard me. I came up here all innocent to just take a shower and you got me all aroused against my will and made me fuck you."

"Fuck you Ger!"

"You made me have sex with you so fuck if you get to cum."

"What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem-"


"So get outa my shower and find me some dry clothes" pushing him out "NOW!" and Billy felt his strong arms practically topple him.

"You got fifteen seconds-"

So dripping wet and still soapy, his asshole throbbing and his hard red dick bouncing in front of him, Billy ran into his bedroom and grabbed a t-shirt and shorts and ran back as Ger was drying himself. Ger looked down at Billy's condition and smiled.

"Okay ya got two minutes to get my clothes in the dryer, get me and the boys some food and drinks and meet me outside. Starting NOW!" Ger had to keep from laughing as Billy grabbed the dripping clothes and still naked and hard dash down the stairs almost slipping.

Ger put on Billy's clothes knowing they'd fit well enough and proudly walked downstairs and outside.

He looked at the other two who saw what he was wearing and started to gape.

Ger just looked at them and said "Lunch time!"

Next: Chapter 23

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