The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Jun 30, 2006


The next day the crew showed up at eight as promised. Hank and Ger started out wearing wife-beaters but Gus was wearing a baggy flannel shirt with the sleeves ripped off. It made his arms look good but his ample stomach was not camouflaged. They went to work on the floor of the pool while testing the sides making sure everything was setting correctly. Again Billy was dispatched for the tile order and after a quick call to his dad who told him to ask his mom she settled on some colors and patterns and a call to his dad again and the order was placed. His mom told him that she was leaving and any more design decisions would have to make by either him or his dad. She bundled her folders and boxes into the car and left saying she'd be back before his father got home and there were more sandwiches and drinks in the frig as before.

A different truck arrived around eleven-forty and dropped off the tiles and other supplies as before. As he was doing the checking while still juggling his caulking gun and Billy was busy with the signing Gus managed to get caulking all over his left arm. He looked at himself, laughed and called for lunch.

"Hey Billy where can I wash this off before I'm wearing a cast?" Gus was trying to scrape it off but instead just smearing it more.

"C'mon Gus" Billy said leading him into the kitchen.

"You think I could rinse this off in the shower? Don't want this messing up the sink."

"Ah..." Billy was thinking now, wondering about Big Hank who might also be needing the shower "yeah I guess c'mon" and he led him up to the bathroom.

Gus immediately went to the toilet and unzipping himself with his good hand pulled out a short uncircumsized plump head and started to piss.

"Hope you don't mind-"

"N-n-naw..." Billy got out, watching him mouth gaping.

"Cause I don't wanna get the crew in trouble or anything-" Gus kept pissing not trying to hide himself but watching Billy's reaction "cause you've been a good boss so far" he was shaking it and then just left it hanging out "and we don't wanna do anything you don't want" and he started unbuttoning his shirt with one hand still keeping his eye on Billy "cause you are in charge and you're doing a good job..."

"Thanks I guess" Billy was watching more and more of Gus' hairy chest come into view.

"And you just tell us what and we'll do it. We do really good work right?" Gus stopped moving his hand, his shirt now hanging open, his fat soft dick still poking out of his fly.

"You just tell us what you want, you are the boss."

"Okay" Billy was not sure where this was going.

"So go on Billy" Gus said still not moving "tell us. Tell us what to do."

"Ah..." Billy looked straight at Gus "you said you wanted to take a shower right?"

"Is that what you want? You want us to take a shower?"

"Well yeah Gus take your shower already."

"Tell me. Tell me to take the shower boss." and Gus started to turn on the water.

"Geez Guz don't you want to get outa those clothes first" Billy said trying to make a joke.

"You want me to take these off? Tell me boss" Gus said his eyes firmly on Billy now "tell me."

Billy looked at him and slowly it dawned on him; he got what Gus was getting at. It was like bidding on his dad and how he felt calling the shots just for that one time. But now it seemed Gus was giving him another chance to order around a "contestant". Billy wanted to see how far he could push this, before Gus snapped out of it.

"Okay Gus take off the shirt."

"Yes sir" and Gus slowly started to pull it off, watching Billy closely.

"And the shoes and socks. Kick em over there" Billy pointed to the corner.

Gus did as directed. He finished and just stood there. Billy thought, okay here we go.

"Gus, take off the pants and anything underneath and give them to me."

Gus, still watching Billy, slowly unsnapped his pants and pushed them down with his boxer briefs and picking them up with his foot gave them to Billy. Billy folded them over the rack and looked at Gus who was now naked in front of him. Billy looked close and it seemed that Gus' cock was thickening. Well so much for that idea!

"Okay Gus get in the shower but leave the curtain open-"

"Don't wanna get water all over-"

"Just do it. And get that arm cleaned up before it gets harder or somethin."

So Gus got into the shower rubbing his muscular forearm under the water until all of the paste was washed away. Billy stood there feeling himself go to full hard and not worrying about Gus noticing or reacting. He watched the water bounce off Gus' full stomach and run down into his very full bush and then redden his cock and balls. "Okay Gus you need to clean yourself off now. Use this soap" and Billy handed him some of his mom's bath lotion. Gus started to smear it all over his chest, the soap's white lather swirling though his hair the white trails running down his front.

"You're not doing it right" Billy said his eyes almost bugging.

"I'm doing what your telling me boss" Gus said "if I ain't doing it right ya gotta tell me."

"You're not cleaning yourself good enough..." Billy was staring as Gus' soapy crotch "y'know, down there."

"Yes sir" Gus said and started to lather his cock and balls.

"Yeah" Billy exhaled feeling a wetness inside his shorts. He started to unbuckle his pants but left his undershorts on. Gus watched his every move and when he saw the tented shorts he let out a soft growl.

"Tell me what to do boss, is this right?" and Gus was starting to stroke himself.

"Naw you still ain't doing it right" and Billy's hand started to reach out almost by itself "I gotta show ya" his hand started to grab Gus' cock slick with the water and lather "like this."

Billy's hand slid back and forth up and down Gus' short stubby cock. Gus let out a hiss and Billy started to feel a distinct counter-pressure pushing back against his hand. As he slid it back and forth Gus' cock just got wider and wider until it was almost too big for Billy's hand to get around. It was pushing straight out and a little to the side and as Billy slid his hand back to the balls he felt the skin start to give way and an almost bluish pink head popped through the foreskin. It had a distinct color that Billy had never seen before as it continued to swell.

"Boss what do you want me to do?" Gus' breathing started to speed up. But Billy just continued to stroke it back and forth, feeling the head go in and out of the skin with a slight pop on each stroke.

"Boss you better hurry and tell me what you want" Gus hinted as his knees started to shake.

"Don't cum, don't you dare cum" Billy ordered.

"Yes sir" and Gus took a deep breath squeezing his eyes shut. Billy's hand went away from his dick leaving it throbbing again and again, only a clear drop hanging from the slit, and his hand slid down and started massaging his ballsac trying to pull it this way and that, but it was shrinking up and swelling tight.

"Please don't sir they're very sensitive..." Gus whispered "don't play with my balls if you do not want me to shoot."

"Turn around" and Gus did so, the water splashing off his shoulder drenching Billy's front. His shorts now wet were clinging to his genitals, every inch clearly outlined.

Billy started smoothing both hands over Gus' cheeks rubbing all around and down his thighs and up into his crack. Except for that brief chance with his dad, Billy never allowed himself to feel up a guy completely. Especially not a full grown big hairy adult like this. He could not see the opportunity coming again any time soon so he took full advantage.

"Gus crouch down and spread them."

"Yes Sir!" and Gus opened up his crack with his hands "you just tell me what boss, I'll do it."

"Just like that Gus, don't move" Billy started to run a finger around and around the button.

Gus let out a gasp and threw back his head.

Billy ran it around and around thinking, he won't actually let me stick it in there will he? Maybe he'll let me rub his cock, but no way he'll let me do this! He'll stop me, he's gotta stop me, if he don't... and Billy started to press his finger against the hole. But Gus just spread himself wider.

Shit, Billy almost said out loud, he ain't stopping me he's gonna let me do it, man! he's gonna do it, and the finger slid in. Gus let out a loud grunt.

"You just tell me boss, you just say the word."

"Gus are you sure?" Billy whispered, the words barely getting out.

"You're the boss. You tell me what you want."

But now Billy stopped trying to talk and just kept pushing it in until it wouldn't go any further. Then he pulled it out and started to push in two. Again Gus gasped. When he pushed in three and then started to push in four he braced hmself waiting for Gus to yank his hand away but instead Gus started to squeeze out and push his ass back onto Billy's fingers.

A soft "mutherfucker" escaped from Gus' throat and he started to shake.

"Don't you dare cum until it tell you" Billy ordered. A strangled "no sir" came from deep in Gus' chest.

Billy started to spook when he saw almost all of his fingers and even the tip of his thumb going deep into Gus' hole and when it started to reach his knuckles he had to let it slide back out. Gus was gasping now.

"Turn around."

"But sir-"

"I want you to turn around."

"Whatever you want boss" and Gus turned around opening his eyes. He looked down at Billy's wet front and said "damn."

Billy could barely belief Gus was still very hard after that ordeal, but the head was again covered with the foreskin. He slowly retracted it and saw how the head was darker and redder, as well as stretched and shiny. As the water washed away the last of the soap Billy said,

"Don't move!"

"No sir."

"Or try to stop me okay?"

"Yes sir."

"I mean it."

"Whatever you say, you're the boss" and before Gus could move Billy finally let himself lean forward and press his lips against the head. As the water started to wash over him he pulled the skin back and covered it with his mouth. He finally had a complete stranger's cock in his mouth and no one could stop him. Finally.

Gus carefully reached over and turned off the water seeing Billy start to lose his breath. Billy took it as a cue to start giving him a full and unstoppable blow job. After a minute at most Gus grabbed Billy's head and pushed it away.

"Gus I told you not to move!" thinking Gus would stop him.

"GodDAMN you kid!" Gus said and pushing his hands away pulled Billy's waist forward to him and with a quick hand yanked down his dripping shorts. Before Billy could react he plunged his mouth down on Billy's upright dick and after four very long and very tight strokes Billy screamed and flooded his mouth with several days of cum. When he has siphoned every last drop from him Billy collapsed onto Gus' wet shoulders and lay there getting his wind back. Finally Gus felt Billy speaking "I told you not to move."

"Sorry sir but-"

"Stand up and this time if you move you're fired."

"Sir-" but before Gus could get out another word Billy pushed his shoulders back and lowered his head again towards Gus' dick.

"Not ONE muscle..." and Billy pushed his mouth down as far as it would go, tasting a salty taste guessing it was Gus' precum. Gus let this happen about ten seconds and then started whimpering as shot after shot went into Billy's mouth and down his throat. But Billy clamped his mouth tight and just swallowed and swallowed until Gus finally stopped cumming. But it took him a good minute to stop the spasms.

Billy finally released his hold on Gus' softening cock and the head went back into the foreskin. Gus went over to the sink and started washing himself.

"Goddamn you kid" Gus muttered.

"What? You're pissed?" Billy straightened up and started looking around for something to dry himself with.

"Damn you coulda told me ta do anything. I told you you're the boss. I woulda done anything ya told me to."

"Hell I did" Billy looked confused and maybe a bit hurt "and you did. Why are you upset? Ya gonna tell my dad?"

Gus grabbed Billy by the shoulders and gave him a hard shake "I told you ya coulda told me ta do anything. Anything!" and he stuffed himself back into his sweaty clothes and hustled back downstairs.

Billy stood a second getting his head together, a bit frightened. Gus seemed really angry at him and for a second he thought he was going to deck him almost. Billy went back to his bedroom and found something dry to wear.

By the time he got up the nerve to go back outside the three were sitting around like any normal day. As soon as he saw Billy, Gus started "Hey Bill you're just in time. We are just about finished with lunch but we'll need a few more things" and he gave him a list of some odd supplies.

Billy took the list, looking at Gus carefully but Gus seemed to be back to his normal good-natured, low-key self.

"How soon can we get this stuff because we'd like to finish the sanding and finishing today."

"Let me make some calls" Billy said trying not to sound a bit offguard "I'll see what I can do."

He went into the kitchen and called his dad. He read the list to him stumbling over some of Gus' handwriting but Joe was able to make sense of all of it.

Within the hour a truck arrived and a different guy showed up. He looked to be about Big Hank's age but shorter and built more like Gerry maybe a bit bigger in the shoulders and arms, but darker complexion, almost Mideastern or something. And he seemed to think shaving was a odd activity only resorted to in desperate times. Today was not one of them. He dropped off the items which Gus went through one by one. He seemed slightly surprised to see that everything was there, even the right models and brands. He gave the packing slip to Billy who signed it and kept it and the delivery guy made a couple of comments to Gus and left.

"Good goin' Bill you just saved us a half a day" Gus said and clapped Billy on the back, maybe a bit too hard for Billy's taste but he secretly enjoyed the fact they were friends again.

The day went well as the final surface treatments were completed and the boxes of tiles laid out for the next day. Billy had to run some papers downtown and stopped by the store to get his dad to go over some permits. He said he would get them taken care of in a day or two. Billy was not back a half hour before the crew started to clean up for the day and Joe drove up.

"Gus at this rate we'll be in the pool by the weekend" Joe said looking at Billy.

"Joe don't get your hopes up. The crete's still curing and we still got to connect all the plumbing and electrical connections and that will take more time" Gus said winking at Billy "we still got a lot of territory to cover here."

They packed up and left for the day as Joe and Billy headed in for supper.

"Are they working you too hard?" Joe said settling in "don't forget we're paying them!"

"No dad they're working their butts off" Billy said hoping he didn't start to blush "but I'm keeping a close eye on them to make sure they don't take advantage of my good nature."

"You do that Bill" and they started into supper.

Next: Chapter 22

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