The Exam

By mt nuda

Published on Mar 24, 2013


Disclaimer/Reminder: The following story is a work of gay fiction although based on non-fictional events. It contains sexual acts involving males of high school age as well as older males. There are scenes of involuntary humiliation and punishment, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. Now kid! You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Otherwise enjoy it to your heart's content. Emails expressing interest or wishing further information can be sent to:

(NOTE: This story continues the "prequel" series begun with Chapter 110. Although this series is a stand-alone, the reader is strongly advised to begin at the beginning all the way back in Chapter One. The characters in this prequel, especially the bodybuilder Bo Harrison and the cop Jim Larson will make more sense then.) So here we go again...

Chapter 119

Wednesday Jul 3

After Rich had a notably abbreviated discussion with his dad over supper, coded and cryptic to the point of bordering on incomprehensible, more inference than substance, he retired to the garage to contemplate his next strategy in their escalating war of nerves. And of course there was that telltale itching in his crotch reminding him something was up, something important he was being excluded from. Something like hiding the presents December 23rd, like keeping him busy in the garage buying time to assemble the new bike. But this itching was something else, another one of his dick-oriented hunches like that Wednesday night he "accidentally" stumbled into the garage to see his dad and his friends, not only working out but working out naked! And not only naked but doing unbelievable sex shit! And that same hunch to go running after that chunky-monkey Larry after he broke up their fuck party. And the more he followed his hunches – okay followed his dick! – the more all the pieces just kept tumbling together. So when his dad said he was going to be over at Larry's tonight the guys getting together for a poker game, Rich smelled the whole Danish sardine factory, and springing that telltale boner in the process. He had just spent the previous night with Larry, having burgers and beers – cokes for Rich – at their downtown sports bar restaurant watching the Brewers. Lose. And no matter how many hints Rich dropped about taking the party back to Larry's, it was no go. The drive back to Rich's was torture, thinking he had done something wrong, something to turn Larry sour on their scene. So when Larry made a slight detour through the park he had Rich's pants down so fast Rich almost shot his load more from relief than from horniness. But passing car lights put a stop to that, and any chance Rich could return the favor and finish off the young hairy cop, lights or no lights was another no go. On the way home Rich had to admit they were both acting stupid but their friendship slash relationship slash sex thing was not going to be jeopardized, now that they were getting on a better footing with each other. Rich heard the word "foot" and started laughing.

"I'll tell ya all about it next time" Rich saw the front light come on "I gotta go."

"Soon, stud."

"Sooner, stud!" and Rich was in the house, cursing the automatic porch light. His hunch told him not to jack off that night but hold it for... what?

So it was one very pissed and sexually over-charged Rich who started throwing the weights around the second he heard his dad's car leave. Leaving for Larry's? Yeah right. He was tearing through his chest feeling the blood leave his crotch and pump into his pecs like two big erections when his inner alarm clock started chiming in stereo next. To keep from grabbing his dick and jacking it then and there he focused instead on his shoulders routine, the long hot minutes ticking by more and more slowly until he yelled out loud to the empty garage,

"What the FUCK? Nobody's gonna barge in on me tonight for a CHANGE?"

But there was only silence and the sound of crickets from that damp corner of the garage. He muttered "screw it, I must be losing it" and started on legs next. He hated legs. He made it half-way through the set then just sat there, throwing a towel over his head, his hands tugging at the terrycloth to keep from tugging something lower, deep in thought and doubt feeling minute after long minute getting pissed away. And his suspicions and hunches burning a hole in his tented shorts and

"Told ya he'd be in here!"

Rich whipped the towel off his head and there was the whole gang, big John smiling nervously taking up the entire doorway and behind him Joel and – surprise surprise! – John's on-again off-again summer-acquisition puppy-dog shadow Sam Timmerman, baby brother of Terry the Hulk, the dreaded but irreplaceable core of their defensive line. Sam was almost two years younger than his terrorizing brother, but what Terry did with mass and brutality, Sam did with bluff and stealth. And not a little mass. All the while playing off his "poor baby brother" act, getting into trouble almost as often as Terry. "Little" Sam may have been big for his age but everyone kidded he had played too many games without his helmet. So John just called him "my little shadow" not that the "little" sophomore took offense at it. Once they all started pouring in the door, who should be bringing up the rear but Mister Star Student, Brian Bennings himself.

"What the hell you guys doing here?" looking at John "you told me you were all going to Brian's for – "

"The game got rained out we got bored" John looked around, almost expecting naked adults to be lurking in the shadows somewhere "and I know this place is never boring so we came here instead of hanging at the mall."

"Yeah, girls drooling all over you gets so..." Sam started.

"Like totally yesterday" Joel did his best cheerleader caricature, even nailing the head-flip part. They all broke up laughing.

"So I finally get to see the famous Norton gym" Sam looked around a bit underwhelmed.

"So when did you get back Sam? Thought you guys were in – "

"This morning" Sam rolled his eyes "just in time for the relatives and holiday fun double order on the bratty cousins" looking around the garage with the same nervous expectant expression as John's "and y'know when the guys suggested coming here – "

"Geez Norton, put some clothes on!" from John, trying to keep a straight face "y'never know who might – " nodding at his bare shiny chest and semi-visible chubbing.

"Not what you expected huh Sam?" from Joel, his eyes back and forth between Rich and Sam, gauging his reaction.

"My hunch this place was – " Sam continued to scan the room, tagteaming John.

"What d'ya mean famous?" Rich glared at Joel "what did you?"

"Not word one okay?"

"C'mon Norton, the guys know your dad – the big muscle stud with the musclehead son c'mon Rich" Sam always needed to gain points with these seniors "and t'think you got to look like that with just a few old pieces of equipment like this. So very impressive Norton, so very glad I finally got invited to join the party" his eyes taking in the semi-naked muscled body sitting there, shiny sweat making all those rippled muscles look almost amazing under the lousy garage lights.

"Thanks Timberman" glancing at Brian "you sure as hell quiet tonight. What's up Bennings?"

"Don't mind him" Joel chuckled "rough weekend for party boy."

"I wish" Brian scanning the garage like he expected to see something as well, with his eyes returning again and again to Rich's bare chest "no, just I was over at Matt's and his brother..."


"No just another visit to the ER, he's fine, just his meds need to be... I dunno..."

"Sucks, sorry. Tell Matt hey and hope things get better okay?"

"Will do."

"But on a lighter note" Joel went to the set of weights "while you guys are boring each other with wholesome holiday plans – while you bore each other wasting time I so know Norton there won't mind me for one getting some quick workout time in" all but pushing him off the bench. Sam took a swig from his cup of iced coffee, almost missing the shadow of a wink between Joel and John "don't know about you guys but I don't wanna end up like Bombo there."

"Aren't you a bit overdressed?" Sam made a point of Joel's school sweatshirt and cut-off jeans "like you haven't left Bombo in the dust already" like he was one to talk. Joel turned on him but then Rich started laughing.

"He got you there, Merklins. Serves you right!"

"Careful Rich m'boy" Joel wagged his finger at him "don't wanna be getting on my bad side, remember?"

"Oh I'm SO scared" Rich was shaking and laughing.

"Yeah puppydog, Joel's right" John shook his head "in his own twisted way. We could all use some work-out time" turning to Sam, the only one who could get away with riling Joel "you too! Let's see if all those new muscles you've been bragging about are beach-ready."

"I haven't been – "

"Teams!" Joel yelled out "we can do teams. Bombo and the puppy dog there" seeing Sam's reaction and John's miffed expression "and you and me Rich m'boy."

"And what about me?" Brian stayed in his chair, wiping his forehead with the bottom of his t-shirt.

"You're the ref!" Joel gave him a thumbs-up "make sure nobody cheats. Team that does the worst hasta do – "

"Joel chill!" Rich tried.

"Yeah I can come up with penalties for the loser."


"Oh relax" Brian laughed "would you rather be teammates with me and let Joel decide on – "

"Fuck NO!"

"Well then..." Brian hid the smirk "Then girls, we warm up with jumping jacks!"

And just like that Sam and Rich started jumping.

"Penalty!" Brian laughed "I didn't say: Captain sez."

"Aw c'mon no fair!"

"Okay this once but next time, look out."

"Brian you are wicked. Lame but wicked" Joel smirked, containing his amusement.

"Coming from you that's a compliment" looking around the room "Captain sez: change into work-out clothes. Except you Norton, you're already almost naked" letting the word hang in the air long enough to hear a nervous cough or two.

"I didn't bring anything" poor sophomore Sam looked like he lost his lunch money, like he lost before the game even started.

"Here I'll find something" Rich went over to the laundry bag and dug out a pair of running shorts "here."

"Ew gross" John mugged "Rich already wore those!"

"For your information they're my dad's, like you would want them huh?"

"Clean enough, right?" Sam pulled off his three-sizes-too-big green-and-gold t-shirt and before anybody else moved a muscle tugged down his worn jeans. He stood there the second guy to be almost naked, his baggy plaid boxers hanging almost to his knees. He stepped into the running shorts from Rich, and tugged them on. They were at least two sizes too small to have been worn by either Rich or his dad but he tugged them on anyway, barely covering his boxers at top and bottom. It was too funny.

"Y'got another pair in there?" John was getting redder and redder.

"Yeah how about these?" tossing another pair at John. John recognized them right away as the ones that the Italian Stallion wore the first night. The stains were still visible.

"Ew gross" Brian mocked John.

"I'll live."

"Thanks Norton but no thanks" from Brian "remember I'm just reffing"

"Or when it gets hot in here y'could wear these" Joel pulled out a second pair from his gymbag "I least they ain't somebody's cumrag."

"Yet" John muttered soft enough so only Joel could here, forgetting Brian could real lips. Joel just shrugged and turned his back as his cut-offs came down, his meaty furry butt framed by the straps of a jock. He was a bit surprised when he noticed Brian got up to change even though he had no pressing need at that exact moment. And he was more than surprised when he saw – when everyone saw – Brian was commando under his jeans. And the bastard did not even bother turning away when his pants came down, like he wanted everyone to perv on his disproportionately long cock.

"Okay Captain says: stop staring at my dick. Penalty Joel!"

"You wish" but Joel was suddenly busy rearranging the contents of his gymbag to be caught. By a hair, if that.

"Okay okay Captain says: team one versus team two kettlebell toss" starting out with a wicked wicked exercise. He handed the twenty pound weight to Sam, suspecting he was the weak link here. After explaining the exercise to him, Sam swung it up and behind his head, giving John a real eyeful now that he removed his t-shirt for no apparent reason; all the flexing making his powerful thick stomach and chest look almost muscular with the motions, like some underaged proto-powerlifter, still more bulk than ripped. Damn, maybe the kid had been working out serious big time during his vacation, John thought, rearranging that baby fat into something like growing muscles. Sam swung the ball down past his left knee then around behind his right knee then into the waiting grip of Rich, barely enough room on the handle for both hands. Rich did his routine with little show of effort, his ripped body all but designed for this, then passed it to John, finishing with Joel. Then it was the twenty-five, then the thirty weight until Sam almost dropped the heavy amount passing it to Rich who caught it by the bottom. So they were surprised when Joel barely got his grip on it and over his head before it came crashing down on the cement floor behind him.

"HEY!" Rich yelled at Joel "y'gonna break something!"

"Think the floor can handle it."

"Not the floor Merklins the kettlebell! Bonehead!" and sure enough, Rich found a small crack in it. It might have been there before, but he still blamed Joel, who offered to pay for it "don't want your money but now you owe me."

"Like I didn't already."

"No shit" from John.

"No kidding" from Brian. But he was talking about something else, the three hoped.

"Captain... sez..." Brian looked at the two losers, rubbing his sweaty palms together with a wicked glee "ten swats with these, same time" unlooping his belt from his discarded jeans as well as John's handing one to each of them.

"No fair" Joel complained. Joel always complained "his is bigger."

"About time you noticed" Rich grabbed himself and got a laugh from John of all people.

"Okay grab each other's left arms, swing with your right, go!" and the two stood at arms reach, swinging their belts each trying to land a solid hit on the other's covered butt. A lot of the blows went wild but enough landed to cause yelps and flinches.

It took Joel a good minute to stop whining and recover, but Rich knew he was only stalling. Stalling long enough so that Rich's chub would be less noticeable. But Rich got a look from John and hoped he was the only one aware of the situation.

"Captain sez: Situps" which they all could do simultaneously once they got spread out on the hard cement floor. Of course Sam and John would have had that nailed but John's stomach cramped up after fifty, Joel and sit-up king Rich went sailing past both of them with little problem.

"Okay you two penalty" Brian chuckled, seeing Sam's nervous eagerness "what happened Sommers? Too big of a supper?"

"How'd y'guess?" but John knew he was still sore from those earlier evenings. Tony was not kidding; John would be sore for days.

"I love this one" Brian chuckled an evil laugh "Rich y'got a screwdriver around here?" looking at the array of tools on the wall "of course you do! It's a GARAGE!" cracking himself up "okay you two gotta decide who goes first."

"I will" John saw the expression on Sam's face "what are we doing exactly?"

"It's what I call Bombs Away Game. It's like Battleship but more wicked" Brian found some discarded magazines in the trash. Picking them out his sensitive nose picked up the unmistakable smell coming from some crumpled paper towels hidden in there as well. Patting himself on the back for his break-through discovery he tore one page into three sections, writing something on each one. He looked at John,

"Okay y'wanna'd to go first, lie down on the floor on your back."


"Simple game really. Sam here's gonna drop the screwdriver, and it's up to you to guess where."

"But I can see – "

"Not blindfolded ya can't!" Brian yanked his damp green-and-gold t-shirt off the floor and tied it over John's head, making sure he could not peek.

"No fair" John protested "it could land anywhere. How am I suppose to guess – "

"Only three places it can land. Your right tit, your left tit..." seeing Joel almost taking notes over there, and let that no-longer squeaky clean Rich learn something tonight "or your dick!"

"Hey!" John tried to twist off the floor "I'm not gonna let him drop shit on my stuff! That's gonna – "

"Sam you ready?" Sam took the suddenly hefty tool from him, trying to keep his hands from shaking. Again he had to reckon these guys were older and more daring than his earlier estimates. And it was becoming a full-time job to keep pace with them. But now his nagging hunches about joining up with John and his friends tonight was starting to bear fruit. Overripe sweat-smelling fruit.

"How do you know when he gets it right?" Rich shook his head, keeping his eyes on Sam "you could just say everytime..."

"I show Sam and you both one of three papers. If John guesses right, Sam says Target!" looking at the young kid "got it?"

"I g-guess" knowing his turn would be next. And John would probably be sore by then and eager for even nastier paybacks. But the now unmistakable sexual undercurrents with this group were becoming so overt even Sam could not misinterpret them any longer. This evening was going to be so worth it!

"Y'ready down there Bombo?" Brian looked at John lying on the floor again, reluctant and a bit ticked off but not daring to wuss out "if you're ready you say: Bombs Away" chuckling to himself "Bombo y'ready?"

"This is messed up" Joel grumbled.

"Just because you didn't think of it first."

"That too."


"I fuckin hate you Bennings" he tensed his muscles "okay Bombs away."

"Where Sommers?" Brian showing Sam the paper.

"Damn you. Left tit, bombs away" and he felt the handle of the screw driver hit him on his right nipple "owwWWW!"

"Good aim there Timberman. That might come in handy later" Brian showed him another piece of paper.

"How many times?" John muttered.

"Thirty, so you get used to it. Or not."

"I REALLY hate you" John snarled.

"Yeah me too" Joel grunted "but in a different way."


"Fuck you" he stiffened again "my cock, bombs away" and damn but if that hard plastic didn't hit him right in the left ball "YOWWWWWW!" he bent forward, his balls stinging.

"Target!" Sam looked at Rich for approval "right?"

"Close enough" Brian chuckled "even score. John?"

"This is fucked!" John lay back down "right tit bombs away, and the screwdriver came down, again hitting his crotch, this time a direct hit to the head of his cock. John winced and doubled forward. The group was now starting to understand the perverse logic. Brian was actually shuffling the papers, but each time John always feared that screwdriver hitting his cock. Or worse his balls! After the first ten, he was sweating and twisting with the throbbing pain in his crotch. Sam tried his best to hit the target square on but after a while it seemed like more and more times the target was John's cock. And with each drop Sam's accuracy got better until more often than not the handle was making a direct hit to John's swelling cockhead. And as first Sam then everyone else could see, the target became more and more prominent and easier for him to hit. And with each hit John's agony grew. By the time they finished thirty John was more than chubbed. He had a painfully throbbing bone.

"How'd he do?" Sam did not want to say, how did I do?

"Eleven out of thirty. Not bad for a beginner. Okay Sam, on the floor."

"Hey c'mon" Rich tried to protest "he's just a – "

"I can do this" Sam spread out on the floor, first reaching into his shorts adjusting himself. Then he took his discarded t-shirt and tied his own blindfold, Brian checking it. He lay back down and spread his arms over his face, his smooth flesh a ready target, the screwdriver going to make bright marks on that under-tanned skin "okay, ready..." biting his lip "left tit Bombs Away" and that's where it hit! The next time he called "my cock bombs away" and sure enough a direct hit. John saw the wisdom of folding your dick upwards beforehand so it was a clean hit. And farther away from those sensitive balls. He called left tit and again it was his cock. The next three he got right, then his concentration fell apart. And it may have had something to do the obvious fact that with each hit to the underside of his cock right beneath the visible ridge of his crown, his cock not only swelled it started lifting up off his full belly, each jerk flexing those ab muscles hiding beneath his firm belly. Sam coughed and reached down, then used both hands to tug the material of his shorts sideways, his young hardon clearly outlined but again flattened against his belly. Each time it hit him in the nipple he grunted and flinched but other than that dramatic reddening and even hardening of his nipples it was those blows to his cock that got him the most focused. By the time he hit thirty, his cock and nipples were all equally hard. And his thick six inches of prominent meat, that mushroom head now twice the width of the rest of his hard cock, well that was something he was slowly learning to display with less and less embarrassment. When he felt the first stirrings of his growing bone he expected the jeers and the snide comments. But when it was obvious this little punishment was getting him to respond exactly as Brian had planned, and no one was going to give him shit, he knew he was inching his way into their inner circle. A circle where hardons were not something to be terrible blunders but instead openly displayed and even proud of! Sam was learning to like this group! And learning to trust his hunches.

"What's the score?"

"Beginner's luck I'm thinking" Brian summed it up "eighteen out of thirty! Unless you did this before."

"Wow" Rich patted him on the back "that's more'n half, it's almost two outa three Sam! How'd you do that?"

"Dunno" looking down at how hard he was "guys... can I change back into pants, I'm kinda embarrassed here" which was just bullshit covering up his real feelings.

"That's not embarrassed, that's hard!" Rich laughed "it's a good thing. So how'd you do that?"

"I dunno" Sam returned the smile, noting the barely-sneaky looks at his bone "I just think with my dick I guess."

"Hey I do that all the time, but I never have that effect" Joel laughed.

"No shit Merklins" John dreaded the next part "so what's the next exercise?"

"We haven't finished this one" Brian was going to raise the stakes, bring up the houselights "since you lost Bombo, back to your position. Down Bombo."

"But we finished that!"

"Since you had a lower score than your partner" Brian looked around the room "we got one last `bomb' to drop y'might say" he went over to the tool on the wall and got a stiff paintbrush off the table "okay you gotta decide where you want this!"

"Up your ass Bennings!"

"In your dreams Bombo" Brian laughed out loud "tell Rich here, whisper it to him and if you guess the right spot it's two minutes. Otherwise five."

"This is bullshit!"

"This is brilliant" from Joel.

"No way" but John argued and yelled and with a few whispered words from Rich agreed. He whispered his guess to Rich then turned to see Brian whispering to Sam.

"Well Bombo, which is it?"

"Fuck this is sick" John reached down and struggled with his shorts and jock and then tugged them both down to his thighs "my cock, okay?" then realized the shaving he got the night before in this very garage.

"Fuck!" mixed with wow's and what's from all directions. All eyes were on his freshly shaved pubes bright white below his red tan line. His hairless crotch and balls made him look prepubescent at the same time it focused attention on his red meat, making it look even larger and fatter.

"What?" John looked down at himself "what about it?"

"You do that yourself?" from Joel "you weren't like – "

"No your girlfriend did it" John cut him off fast "she likes smooth dudes."

"Wow John" Rich put the pieces together fast "now I'm not the only – "

"Can you guys quit perving on my junk and just get on with this?"


"Sorry John, you guessed wrong. It's your left tit."

"Fuck you set me up!" trying to pull his shorts back up.

"Those stay down now, part of the punishment right guys?" and they more or less outvoted John lying there exposed "damage is done" meaning: you exposed yourself more ways than one.

"Okay Sam, ten minutes starting... now!" and Sam crouched down and started a slow rubbing and soft jabbing at that nipple, not enough to cause outright pain but enough for John's eyes to fly wide open. This was the most raunchy thing he ever did with these guys so far, briefly expecting nasty comments when he got his full-out blatant boner before. And now having to play with John's big pec and hardening nipple, he toyed with the idea these older guys were only setting him up for some worse ongoing hazing he would regret the entire school year. But the further he went along with their kinky program, it was almost like he was passing some secret initiation and becoming a full member of their odd curious clique. And these dudes were way into kinky shit, like he only imagined! Wow, he was pumped! And yet still on high alert. After all he was still Terry's brother, and knew the terrible things that happen when you drop your guard.

John lay there with his eyes squeezed shut as he bucked and flexed, the tickling and then irritating sensation growing worse and worse until the guys had to hold him down. He was laughing and crying at the same time, all the while trying to maintain some level of toughness. But once that exposed cock started filling and rising like it had a mind of its own, John's resistance collapsed. He glanced down and saw the skin of his fat head stretched drum tight, getting shiny red and smeared with too much precum to pass off as an accident. Talk about being center stage! Or rather his thick boner was. It was the longest ten minutes of his life but by the time Sam was finished, John was a pool of sweat, as exhausted as if he had been sprinting the whole time. Sprinting with a freshly shaved boner that would not quit. A boner leaking so much pre-cum out the wide piss-slit it was hard to ignore.

"We are so glad we picked you to be the ref" Rich was enjoying this too much "you are so much kinder and less perverted than Joel there" laughing with sarcasm.

"Yeah I woulda made'm keep going til you shot Bombo!"

"I think that might have been less fucked up" John struggled to his feet and pulled up his shorts "breaktime!"

"Rich get us some waters" Brian snapped his fingers.

"Right on it" and he headed for the kitchen.

"Penalty" Brian yelled.

"Huh?" Rich turned "what?"

"I didn't say Captain sez. So your penalty is to the kitchen and back balls nekkid! Go!"

"Is that all?" Rich called his bluff and dropped his shorts. His naked butt was out the door so fast.

"So my impression is you guys are cool with all this so far" Brian looked around the room but especially at "Sam?"

"Hey! I'm the one you should be asking here, Bennings! I was the one you had naked and boning from your pervy entertainment" John trying to look pissed.

"Not my fault your hairless dick rocks on this stuff."

"Remind me to keep you two far apart" looking at Joel then Brain "I'm not sure who's the sicker fuck here" and then Rich was back, juggling several cold bottles against his chest. He got them onto the table fast.

"Hmm... reminds me about something with ice cubes and – "

"Save it okay Bennings?" John nodded at Sam "there are kids here."

"Yeah, my virgin ears."

"Well at least your – "

"Zip it Merklins" John glared at him. Then a small smirk.

"Okay last event of the evening, before you guys get too jazzed up" Brian went over to the work table and rummaged around "not that I expect to find eggs lying around" finding two ping-pong balls "but these will just have to do."

"Beer pong!" from Sam of all people.

"Who brought that lush along tonight?" John laughed and then punched him in the shoulder "you're ruining your baby-ass reputation you keep that up."

"Too late for that."

"Okay everyone down to their shorts. Now" and sure enough nobody moved. Brian laughed "you guys learn. Okay, Captain sez: everyone down to their shorts" taking in Sam in no hurry to get his t-shirt back on "if you're not already."

"Which ones?" Sam was still wearing the running shorts over the boxers.

"We gotta come up with something so everyone's on the same level here."

"I saw you pull this one before Bennings" Joel rolled his eyes "so unless everyone is wearing a jock it won't work."

"Hmm... well okay yeah maybe..." Brian tossed the ping pong balls back towards the coffee cans. One went in and one bounced around the room until Rich bent down to retrieve it from behind a large box, his bare butt again covered with his shorts. If they noticed his own shaved condition when he returned from the kitchen, they did not comment. Or else they were too eager to start their ping-pong-balls-in-the-jock-pouch game. He looked inside the box and there was one of his dad's neck belts "what's that?" from Brian practically breathing down his ass.

"Just a neck belt" Rich put it back in the box "for working these" rubbing his bare ripped shoulders and neck.

"You got two of those?"

"Yeah maybe" Rich dug around until he found another one, older and cracked with age "here" he handed it to Brian, hoping he would not recognize the wear pattern. Or those stains, too fresh for Rich's taste.

"Sweet!" Brian went to the weights and hung a five pound weight from the strap "c'mere Joel!"

"Damnit Brian that's evil!"

"Isn't it though..." he twisted Joel into place putting the belt around his neck and directed John to stand in front of him "you two almost the same height, right? Okay here's the deal – "

"I know the deal Bennings. It's totally sick okay?"

"Sick enough you already know about it Merklins. The trick is to swing it into the other guy's balls without it ricochetting back into your own, got it?'

"No way!" Rich already hated it.

"Way!" Brian was gloating "Captain sez: okay Joel let's see how many John here can take before he cries Uncle!"

"More'n you, asshole!" to Brian, and Joel and the world in general.

"Captain sez: Hands behind your head John! Joel go!"

Joel had done this once before so knew the trick was to swing it forward with enough flip to hit John squarely in his nads. And yet swing his hips backwards in time to break the momentum before he caught the rebound. John was on the receiving end of two or three hard bangs before Joel smashed himself hard. He winced and turned bright red, but Brian forced him to continue despite the pain. John took two more blows before he doubled over and called it quits.

"Okay score?" Brian looked at the group. There was silence "right Captain sez: what was the score?"

"John got six, Joel two."

"Captain sez: switch!"

John put the strap around his neck waiting for the signal. When Brian gave it to him he flipped it forward, raising his hips from a squat in the process. The round weight slammed into the underside of Joel's balls with a muffled clunk. Joel doubled over, his face green. This continued three more times before Joel sank to his knees with a gasp.

"Four to zero" Brian announced but saw John hold up one finger "okay four to one" seeing John rub his asscrack where the weight swung backwards beneath his balls.

"Okay Captain sez: Rich take the belt! And begin!"

"Sorry Sam" Rich made a point of standing inches above Sam's face. Instead of large violent swings, Rich instead kept up a steady rocking motion, bumping instead of slamming the weight into Sam's crotch. Of course it rebounded to him each time as well, not enough space to avoid the bounce-back. So the two stood there almost rocking their two crotches against each other, only the weights keeping them from actually making contact. After forty or fifty of these Brian called time.

"Okay even" Brian glared at Rich "only because you weren't doing it right."

"Whatever" he shrugged, but then everyone could see the effect it had on both of their fronts. As Rich suspected, Sam had experience with things banging into his crotch; they were both hard as steel!

"Okay Captain sez: let's see if Sam here is a pussy homo cheat like Rich here!" hanging the belt around his neck. Not knowing he was just being baited, Sam took a step back and let Rich have it with everything he had! Rich gasped and dropped to the floor grabbing his crotch.

"Again!" Brian yelled, but Sam was wise to him at the same time Rich signaled enough.

"Wow!" Joel was panting "you really are Terry's brother ain't ya?"

"We sometimes take turns kneeing each other until the other guy either collapses or..." he turned beet red. But most of the others could finish the sentence for him.

"Okay looks like you two guys lost" Brian pointed at Joel and Rich. Just then Joel's phone went off.

"Hang on guys" Joel took the call, heading for the kitchen door.

"Tell me he didn't have that planned" John spat in disgust. He looked at his own phone and it was seven-thirty. On the dot "Merklins you are SUCH A DOUCHEBAG!" yelling loud enough to be heard across the street.

"Sorry guys gotta run" Joel started jumping into his clothes.

"You still have a penalty, buttmunch" John tried to stop him.

"Sommers I got hundreds of them. See ya guys!" and still dressing he was gone.

"Just when things were getting fun" John threw an empty water bottle at Joel's departing head, missing it by an inch at most "well that kills that I guess."

"Unless... unless maybe Rich here can be persuaded he is gonna take one for the team?" from Sam of all people.

"Yeah right!" seeing their eyes on him, no hint of relenting anywhere "guys... guys? C'mon guys!" Rich looked around, counting heads "no FAIR!"

"Grab him!" Brian piled onto Rich before he knew what hit him. Rich was stronger than him, but the element of surprise as well as the John ganging up was no fair fight. Sam's involvement was more show than force.

"Guys, guys GUYS get... off... me..." a muffled voice mumbled beneath a pile of flesh.

"Those belts!" Brian pointed at the neck belts "no those!" seeing the cords and ropes in the corner "tie him to that!" pointing at the Smith Machine. Rich made a loud display of struggling and yelling but when they were finished, his arms were stretched up and out to the highest rack, tied to the immobilized barbell for good measure. His perfectly muscled body a collection of shiny ripples every muscle flexing and bulging in his slowing efforts to free himself, those years of endless weight training displayed in all their glory, his buzzed strawberry blond haircut dark and spiky with his sweat.

"Okay okay I give. Now UNTIE ME!"

"What's the matter Norton?" Brian ran his finger over that bare chest, heaving and flexing from the exertion "not so strong now are we?" his fingers going further south until they rubbed against the peach-fuzz belly down to the waistband.

"Enough's enough!" looking at his ally "John!"


"C'mon bud, you owe me!" he was desperate "my dad..."

"Yeah where is he?" Brian cut in, oblivious to John's panicked attempt to shush Rich.

"Seriously Rich, isn't he due to come busting in here right around now?"


"Yeah, this garage is kinda funny spooky" John shook his head: don't worry I won't say shit "whenever we're working out in here his dad always shows up like the Seventh Cavalry at the right moment, just when I'm about to finally beat Rich at something or – "

"So where is he?" Brian needed to make sure the adult was out of the picture for what he knew he could not pull off if he tried. Since Joel's departure almost made him top dog his only obstacle should be John, but John seemed worried and very distracted about something "like he always busting in on you two circle jerking?" expecting a laugh but getting two red faces instead. There was a long deadly silence as the light bulb went off. Brian saw himself one step further down the road of his impossible plan "sweet..."

"We don't do circle jerks!" John sneered "that's for you and Merklins there!" baiting him right back.

"Well he ain't here" Brian's fingers pulled the waistband forward, his eyes looking beneath at that other shaved crotch and man was that perfect uncut dick on him too straight to be an accident "and don't think I didn't get a reaction watching you and Sam here bumping pussies before."

"Watch it!" Sam tried.

"Chill" John's hand on Sam's big bare chest "he's just yanking ya. So don't let him – "

"So Sam how come I get the idea you all eager to impress us with your evil gnarly mean streak? For starters how about a demonstration of that knee thing you and your brother do, like on Rich here!"

"No way!" from both John and Rich.

"He's tied defenseless, ain't happening" from Sam, feeling that hand on his pec give him a positive squeeze.

"Well I wanna know if the Cavalry's coming or not" just like that Brian reached forward and took a healthy grab of what was bundled in Rich's shorts, bringing a neighborhood-waking yelp just shy of a fire alarm.

"Hey!" from John.

"Okay you do it!"

"Fuck you!"

"Okay fine y'win" Sam saw John's expression "I'll do it. Here lemme" he forced himself past John into the knot "I can do this" again eager to show he was one of the guys "since Norton here was so hot to get me hard with that weight in my crotch, only fair I return the favor."

"Man Timmerman" John saw the curiosity, not fear, in Rich's face "are you like Jeckel Hyde or something?"

"More like a wolfman" Sam reached through the leg opening and with some twisting and yanking grabbed Rich's uncut meat "and it's full moon time Rich my man yech!" pulling his hand away "dude you slimed me!" his palm coming away all shiny and wet "dude!"

"You never grabbed an uncut dick before, that's what happens" Brian laughed.

"How the fuck you know?" John knew Brian let something slip.

"I hear things" not admitting to shit.

"Yeow gross" Sam was looking for a place to wipe it.

"Make him eat his own slime" Brian grunted and now John was watching him like a hawk. Now that John was getting more experience with this guy shit, he was forced to develop a sharper intuition at picking up the telltale signs and Brian's swelling crotch was a big sign. And it was big!

"No don't please..." Rich struggled, flexing his arm and chest muscles for effect. John could tell half of it was for show. Otherwise he would never had asked,

"So where is the great musclehead Norton senior tonight? Huh Rich?"

"I dunno, honest!"

"He's lying" Brian looked at Sam "make his eat his spunk!"

"No" and just like that Sam's hand was rubbing itself all over Rich's mouth.

"Yuck gross" John told his dick to go down "he knows where" turning to Sam "again!" and John felt the group energy shift. He knew Brian was getting horned up, and Rich? Hell he was always horny. And when Rich got horny John was not far behind. The only unknown here was Sam, and John had to get Sam to show his cards fast. And he knew that Sam was eager to do just about anything John suggested "again!"

"Right" this time Sam had no qualms reaching up the leg opening and grabbing that cock, twisting it downwards until the head showed out the leg opening. He could tell right away it was seriously thicker this time. John nodded at that dick and then at Sam.

"Where is your dad Norton?" Sam continued to squeeze it, even giving it some milking once he realized how the skin would slide up and down, unlike his own cut dick. This was kinky and intriguing all together. Not that he'd let on in front of these guys just yet. And yet here he was opening jacking a dude's hard uncut meat and nobody was calling him out! He had to kick this can even farther down the road.

"Answer the man!" Brian hated to feel left out when there was someone getting worked over. His rough calloused hands started on Rich's nipples next, feeling them nub real fast.

"Dunno dunno! OUCH!"

"Dudes, look at this!" Sam pulled the hardening dick all the way free of the leg opening, waiting for someone to comment on the expert job his hand was doing "the perv's seriously boned! He likes this!"

"Are you liking this Rich? You like guys working you over?" Brian's fingers started twisting those nipples harder "John take over!"


"Enough kiddie games, now it gets serious here, John keep those nips raw" taking a few steps over to the tools on the wall. He came back with an even larger screwdriver. Once he saw John's resistance collapse and even started getting into playing with Rich's nipples without fear of exposure, Brian decided to push the issue to its logical end. He held the screwdriver in front of Rich's nose "you don't want me using this, Norton!"

"Bomb's away?" Rich laughed then took in a gasp of air. He looked down and Sam was opening jacking him now, his cock being skinned none too gently. But Rich could see Sam's shorts were sticking straight out five inches at least. His only hope for putting the breaks on this was standing there grinning and jacking.

"You know this handle would really hurt" Brian rubbed it up and down those slightly furred abs "no lube, no nothing!"

"NO!" from John and Rich. Sam would have joined the chorus but he sputtered,

"The dude's gonna nut!"

"NO!" Brian yanked Sam's hand away. He felt totally vindicated realizing he was not the only one showing serious wood. This train was picking up steam just as he always suspected.

"Okay Norton" flicking his middle finger hard into the underside of Rich's bone, right into the most sensitive fleshy spot "your really want your cop daddy walk in here and see THIS?"

"Fuck..." Rich flexed his muscle tight abs, his hard red bone bobbing in time to his racing heartbeat.

"Maybe just maybe he might not be that shocked, is what I'm thinking" Brian's eyes were taking in every single movement, every reaction "he's seen this all before huh?"

"Fuck you Bennings!" like that would make his dick go down.

"Enough Brian" John knew he would sink with Rich if this went further.

"Sam go get us some more drinks" Brian pointed to the door.

"But but but... things are just getting interesting!"

"Go!" directing a mumbling pissed Sam out of the garage, tugging at his crotch as he went.

"Okay Norton..." as he hoped Rich's dick started that excruciatingly slow bob downward, losing some of its starch "and I don't want to hear boo from you Sommers but we're gonna get to the bottom of this, here and now!"

"Bottom of what?" Sam may have been big but he was fast. His short thick legs ran him back into the garage in four seconds flat.

"You ain't old enough for what – "

"He stays" from John.

"You want Hulk's brother hearing this? You sure about this Sommers? Huh? Fine your funeral then" Brian looked at the cold bottles of water "just put them on the floor and like I told Sommers here, don't wanna here one word outa you either, we clear on this?"

"I can shut up" Sam looked at Rich briefly before returning his stare at John "I'm all about zipped lips, with a brother like mine I gotta be if I want to live so what goes down here, stays here we good? I ain't dumb" quick side look at Rich. Sam was quickly following his months-long hunch Rich and John had been having workouts in this very garage that both of them had been making huge efforts to prevent the whole world finding out about. And suddenly it seemed Brian was now looking to get in on the action, from what his thick meat was indicating. Sam took a seat on the floor and rested his head on his hands polishing his innocent look.

"You want this all to stay here, you keep your mouth shut, got it Sommers?"

"I got it" John knew this was going to go real bad real fast but had no way to stop it. His nightmare about anyone finding out about him and Rich, shit him and Rich's dad! him and that Steve guy! Man he was so behind the eightball now and totally fucked!

"Okay Norton..." Brian folded his arms and stood in front of Rich tied and sweating bullets "you and..." John visibly cringed waiting for his name "and your dad..." a loud gasp from John "zip it back there Sommers! You and your dad..."

"What about him?"

"You two real chummy I'm thinking... He's this big bodybuilder. And his son ain't far behind him, gaining on him fast in the muscles department."

"Y'got that right!"

"Maybe more'n muscles, is what I'm thinking."


"You out here working out, getting all sweaty, getting hot and horny working out – " running his hands over Rich's thick hard pecs, outlining and defining them and then down to his obliques and abs prodding and jabbing as he went.

"Stop it!"

"Like Sommers said, you out here just working out and then how come he always shows up at the exact right moment, huh? I'm thinking he's like your coach and – "


"So he's seen you all stripped down and working out like millions of times. And I'm thinking he's been real good at motivating you really pushing you hard, and I'm thinking" then his fingernails leaving red lines all over those abs making them spasm and shudder, pushing it further "and I can't shake this nagging suspicion Norton, bet he's real good at coming up with penalties when you fuck up, when you don't perform like you should, no don't deny it, I am so betting when you were working out tonight you expected it would be your dad, not a bunch of your dumb-ass buds bored and acting stupid to bust in here, right? I bet you wanted your dad to come through that door, telling you to strip down to these shorts, right? That's it right? Huh Norton? I bet you a million bucks you two dudes! Tell me you two don't do naked workouts out here, bet you two really get off on checking each other out, all those hot muscles, bet he got a big fuckin dick like you do, don't he?" Brian knew he slipped up but he was on a roll "you two do naked workouts, getting sweaty, getting each other boning on each other, your dicks..." sure enough Rich's body was betraying him. What started out half-shrunken with fear when Sam was sent out of the room was now rapidly swelling by itself, again the wet cockhead getting fat and shiny bursting free of the foreskin as Brian continued "yeah, you think it's hot having a musclehead stud for a dad, I bet he thinks having his son turning into a muscle copy of himself even hotter, right? You two get each other off on naked hardon workouts both of you right? Right Rich?"

"F-f-fuck you Bennings!"

"Your dick is doing the talking for you! So you actually do it? Y'know, actually do the sex shit between you two?" the silence in the room enough to answer Brian's questions. It was like Rich just handed him a signed confession, and John's beet-red shit-faced silence implicating him as deeply "maaaaaannn... oh fuck... sweet."

"I ain't saying shit."

"So how far you two go? Trading blowjobs?" seeing the reaction on John's face, even redder, the big dumptruck barely breathing. And then Sam's face, red and horny eager! "buttfucking? You two... even... buttfuck?"

"Hell no!"

"Fuck yes!" Brian turned to John "and exactly how long you know about all this sex shit?"

"Bennings enough!"

"Seeing you two are at least circle jerk buds, I imagine you're in on some of this" turning to Sam next "pretty sick shit ain't this? Too much of a shock, a gross eye-opener for a young kid like you huh?"

Sam only sat there too focused to even shrug. He made a big display of zipping his mouth shut but boy did he have Brian's number big time, and if even half of what he was implying was true, wow! John over there, shaved and boning at the drop of a hat – correction screwdriver – well that nut still needed a bit more cracking. One hurdle at a time, he told himself.

"Sam? C'mon you don't think this is fucked up? Dad and his own son? Probably both his son and his son's friend both?" ignoring the strangled protests from both of them.

"I can't say shit remember?" Sam ignored Brian shaking his fist at him "okay okay... y'wanna know what I think? Actually" it was time to play his next hunch, see if he was holding the right hand, see if his intuition extended beyond silly games "actually, seeing as how you're asking this innocent little kid who five minutes ago almost shot off his nut in front of all his bro's teammates – dudes he hardly knows standing over him dropping shit on his bone, well Bennings I really REALLY don't think I'm the best judge of what's sick and what's..." blatantly staring at Rich's crotch "what's even okay, yeah hot in a nasty-ass don't-leave-this-garage way. But shit maybe I ain't the only bonehead in this town who thinks with his dick?" getting the laugh he expected from the two guys he expected.

"So okay Sam's in on this now" Brian returned to Rich "so you gonna admit you and your dad get into sex shit?"

"I ain't telling you shit!"

"Maybe we better ask HIM then!"

"NO!" from both John at nine point three and Rich at nine point four decibel level, two heads in the same noose.

"What dya think Sam?" Brian smirked "y'think Rich here wants us finding out the truth from his dad instead?"

"NO! NO!" Rich yelled, John knew better than to incriminate himself anymore.

"All this yelling, I'm thinking he's gonna come busting in here any minute."

"He's not coming home okay?"

"One way to find out for sure. John, you know where Rich's weak spots are. You know what'll get Rich talking before – "

"C'mon Rich you do know where he is!" John joined Brian and taking a deep breath with a sidelong glance at Sam stretched out his shaking hand and started a slow rub to those shaved balls. John could feel how tight they were, knowing how easy Rich could cum when someone massaged his nuts "where is he Rich? Just tell us t'get Bennings off your case, okay? C'mon!"

"He's playing poker, okay?" Rich hissed feeling his best bud's hands playing with his balls. And ever since they were shaved they seemed twice as sensitive – just as he hoped.

"Where?" John's hand was rubbing and stroking him in all the right places under Brian's watchful direction. When Rich started squirming and gasping John yanked his hand away "Don't take an Einstein to see Brian here's horny and" looking right at him "jazzed enough he ain't fucking around so unless you wanna feel his screwdriver where it's gonna hurt just tell us already! Where's the poker game?"

"Where?" Brian ran the head of the screwdriver around Rich's cock head, pulling the skin forward in the process, trapping both under the stretched skin. It was stabbing pleasure and exquisite agony in unequal measure.

"Where?" John's hands on Rich's nipples and just like that Sam popped up off the floor and joined them. With John's hands topside, Sam got wild knuckling those tight nuts. Not hard but thorough!

"Ouch ouch OUCH!" Rich twisted and squirmed trying to get away from all those hands "c'mon guys! Stop!"

"Where Rich?" Brian slid the handle of the screwdriver backwards between Rich's sweaty thighs.

"I can't say! Cause I don't KNOW!"

"You covering for him I know it!" Brian inched the bluntness backwards until he found the crease "same way you covering for him about you two – you three! – doing sex shit out here!"

"We don't!" Rich yelled at John "tell him!"

"It's all made up shit!" John knew if Rich went down, so did he. And with Sam right there, even though Sam swore to stay mum word would spread back to his brother Terry – yeah Terry would beat it out of Sam – and then their lives would be worse than hell! Football practice and worse the locker room would be – he could not even imagine all the consequences. The whole town would know their story!

"So if you and your dad never buttfucked..." twisting the handle until he found what he was looking for "then this is gonna... really..." Brian almost gasped when he felt the thickness slide into Rich with little resistance "damn! FUCK! Shit I'll be damned!" four or five inches of the handle pushed deep into Rich until his ring closed around the narrow metal shaft "dude... Rich!"

"Fuck... fuck..." Rich squeezed his eyes shut, the screwdriver deep in his ass.

"Dude somebody or something's been up your chute before and if it ain't your dad..." looking at John "Sommers!"

"I wish—I mean..." John gasped blushing and turned his head to see if Sam caught his slip-up.

"Wow" Sam looked at Brian "so all you guys ALL of you been doing each other? Wait til I – "

"You don't say shit kid, got it? Not to anybody, not your brother, nobody, got it?"

"I don't say shit if... IF..." time to play the next card.

"Huh?" Brian did not like Sam stealing his thunder. Not when he just discovered their muscle friend takes it up the ass! "what IF? Spit it out Timmerman!"

"If IF IF! I get to stay... for starters" his hands returning to Rich's smooth balls "and I get... to... play. Like the big boys" eyeing John's front, then Brian, finally Rich "I can keep my mouth shut, you got it? IF I get to stay" sliding his fat hand between Rich's legs until he found the end of the screwdriver "and to show you I ain't so innocent, t'show you I know my way around a guy's – I mean, er... um... how much y'wanna bet I can make this muscleboy tell ya what ya wanna hear just using this?" starting a slow jabbing of that thick intrusion into Rich's butt "and yeah, you can see him blow his load in the process."

"Where you learn about all – Oh shit..." John saw Sam's expression "okay okay, we are all agreed, you don't go running your mouth about our shit we won't about your shit."

"Real educational evening I'm having here tonight Norton" Brian went back to work on those swollen nipples "speaking of educational, you were about to tell us where we can find your dad, have a little chat is – "

"Okay okay you win!" Rich was writhing and bucking with all the hands on his sensitive parts, the thick round tool inside him starting to get him close "I was buttfucked okay? That's why my hole is so loose okay? My dad, he fucked me before you – "

"Yeah, me and Rich trade off" John knew Brian would believe anything at this point "we've been fucking each other every night all summer. Sometimes Mister Norton joins us, sometimes we just take turns sucking him off or – "

"Wow wow!" Sam's free hand pulled his cock out and was he ever primed. Six inches of very hard, very thick meat was on display, a fat red mushroom ready to explode all over Rich's crotch.

"Or I just jack off watching those two sixty-nine each other" John continued "or Rich watches me and his dad and he sucks off whoever doesn't cum first."

"You take it up the ass too?" Brian was reaching for his fly.

"Yeah all the time! You wanna try me right now?" but Sam could see John's fists were clenched. And clenched fists only made his cock harder.

"Okay now you're all bullshitting me!" Brian's cock almost ready to bust free "now I know you're making all this up" turning to Sam "put it away" nodding at his bobbing cock "they're just trying to get you to out yourself" giving Rich's hardon a good slap "like I almost outed myself! Okay Norton we're gonna get to the bottom of this. One more time where's your dad?"

"Fuck you!"

"Have it your way, we do this the hard way" Brian knocked Sam's fat fist away from the screwdriver and began his own slow rocking with it. At the same time he spit into his other hand and began a slow jacking of Rich's already sensitive cockhead "get a good look you two, cause it ain't every day you see Brian Bennings jack another dude's cock. Okay Rich, get ready to blow your nut!" and he sped up on that tight foreskin until Rich was rocking his hips forward into Brian's tight fist.

"Uhgh ungh ungh shit shit I'm gonna I gonna" Rick grunted and lunged forward just as Brian yanked his hand away "DAMMMMMMM!"

"We're gonna do this again. And again and again until you are begging me Norton" Brian's hand returned to a slow steady jacking. Again he brought Rich to the edge of cumming and stopped, Rich's screams filling the garage. Four, five six times he tortured him, glancing at John's nervousness and Sam's undisguised lust. Brian's hand was busy, but his twisted brain was busier coming up with worse to exploit all of their weaknesses, a permanent noose around all their necks he could use to keep them under his thumb the entire school year.

"Okay I think we're all getting a better understanding of each other" Brian looked at Sam first "you said you wanted to play if we let you stay, right?"

"Yeah" standing there with his cock back out of his fly.

"What you mean by play, Terry's brother? You and Terry – "

"None of your business!"

"Leave him alone" John came to his defense "besides you don't want Terry getting – "

"Deal, we keep lots of secrets" Brian looked down at his own half-open fly "well?"

"Well what?"

"Looks to me having Hulk for a brother makes you forced to do some nasty stuff I'm thinking, am I right? No you don't gotta say shit, I can put two and two together. Don't take a genius to figure out he made you suck his lob at least once or twice!" seeing and hearing the reactions right on cue "so this won't be too much worse! Get down there Timmerman!"

"No way!" not from Sam but from John "you can't make him suck you off!"

"You want to join in on this?" batting Rich's dick like it was the prize "or not?"

"If I do... if I actually y'know suck... suck you" Sam squared his shoulders, fire in his eye "I get five minutes on him!" the knuckles to Rich's balls again.

"No!" from John.

"Deal!" Brian said "but..."

"But what?" Sam smelled a switch-play.

"But you don't make him cum!"

"That's all?"

"Sam!" John could not contain his shock "you'd do that?"

"What? Suck Brian's cock or torture your bud here?"

"Both! Either!"

Sam shrugged. But when he dropped to his knees, his fingers at Brian's fly, he looked at John "remember this never leaves the room!" and before anyone could say another word, Sam had that cock free of Brian's fly and yeah, it was big, hell even bigger than Sam suspected. His mouth could barely take the head much less the whole length of it!

"Fuck Bennings..." John was having trouble breathing "is that all you?"

"Jealous?" pulling it free of Sam's mouth, displaying its full ten inches. It was not just long, but thick, the mid-shaft the thickest part, making the cut bullet head look almost small but comparison. But Sam's effort to mouth it displayed how small it really was not.

"Sam!" Rich managed to chock out "you don't gotta do that!"

"If it means working over your goddamned perfect muscle body until you scream for mercy, yeah I do" and his mouth was stretched tight over Brian's record-breaking cock again.

"Fuck fuck fuck..." Brian groaned "Hulk's brother sucking me off! Sucking ME!" his hips started spasming out of control. But that did not stop Sam from continuing his efforts. Several times he would stop and pull off that record-breaking, jaw-breaking cock, displaying it to the room like his prize catch. Which in a way it was. In Sam's logic he was not humiliating himself on his knees sucking dick; he was proudly exhibiting both his skills and what he could get a supposedly straight guy like Brian to do. Sam's mouth on Brian's cock continued its expert sucking, knowing he was letting Brian and the whole room know Brian's guesses were right on target; this was something he had done all too often. But now he was on a roll, sucking and jacking, at times using both hands until Brian was gasping and quivering with his impending orgasm. Sam knew the warning signs and before Brian lost it yanked his head away so everyone could see Brian's cock swell out, flex twice and then just explode! It was like a cannon going off all by itself, heavy thick blasts of white cum blasting out as that monster cock flexing upwards with each contraction. Sam managed to catch most of it on his face and bare chest by grabbing Brian's hairy balls, but several pints went flying all over the room.

"Dude you been holding that all summer?" John was glued to the sight, catching Rich also watching Brian's display with his mouth hanging open.

"And I just got warmed up" Sam staggered to his feet with a smug expression, his own cock now wet and shiny at the end, serious dripping going on "I'm so fucking close" turning to Rich like it was his fault "but now the main event" smearing some of the cum off his face and rubbing it around Rich's lips "yeah, bet this ain't the first cum you tasted is it?"

"You're sick Sam" Rich groaned, twisting his head back and forth in futile attempts to avoid those slimy fingers.

"Why, cause I can suck dick and not freak out?" Sam watched Brian stuff his still-hard cock back in his shorts with limited success "cause that hardly counted. Brian you shoot off like a cannon, but you can't hold it longer than twelve-year old!"


"Come back when you can make it worth my while" Sam looked around "okay guess I ain't the innocent kid anymore huh?"

"Damn that's for sure!"

"You dudes playing drop the bomb games with screwdrivers" he sneered with a wicked laugh "time I show you what screwdrivers can really do!" and his fingers were back on the metal shaft still half-out of Rich's ass. He got a good grip on the smooth metal and began a slow rotating motion, angling it forwards and back as he did. Rich's eyes flew open as he felt it rubbing and twisting into his prostate "feels good right? Yeah, nothing like massaging that nut in there to make you cream big time" looking back at Brian "next time you hold your load for two months call me. I can make you cum so much your balls will turn inside out!"

"Oh fuck oh fuck" Rich gasped in time to Sam's proddings.

"No don't worry, he ain't gonna cum" Sam looked at John's wide-eyed expression "speaking of cumming..."

"Hey, leave me out of this" John tried.

"Brian, you and the Shaved Dumptruck – I mean that in a good way – grab a couple of those" pointing at those step-up blocks stacked in the corner.

"What for?"

"Two of them" Sam took a step back "here and here" pointing to either side of Rich's bench. All the while the screwdriver continued its slow assault on Rich's prostate.

"What for?" Brian already grabbed one and dropped it in place.

"I think I ain't the only one that sucks cock around here!" smiling at John.

"Like I said, this is your trip not mine!"

"Man Sam, you are some kind of out-of-control maniac tonight!" John stood in shock ignoring Brian puttingt the other block in place.

"Ain't no kid! And you sure as fuck didn't have problems getting boned before when this kid was banging your dick with this!" still the screwdriver twisted and jabbed until Rich was whimpering and bucking, his cockhead drooling, the foreskin filled with goo "you sure got real hard real fast Sommers, and – "


"Your balls as backed up with cum as Monster Cock here?" daring to rub Brian's crotch. Brian yanked away then laughed at himself "here's the deal. Either I suck you off next or..." smearing a second glob of Brian's cum off his chest and shoving into Rich's mouth before he could close it "or Cum-breath here does the honors. Not like that never happened before I'm thinking" and he was gambling on his next hunch. Getting those two buds to suck, and in front of witnesses was Sam's next step closer to his forming plan.

"Knock it off all of you!" Rich was trying to catch his breath, now that Sam's direction was away from that screwdriver temporarily.

"You choose, Big John" Sam shrugged "your fuck-bud here, nice and gentle and warm mouth and all or..." Sam grabbed a handful of sandpaper "or the puppy dog sucks you with lots of teeth while your shaved nads get the Timmerman treatment" rubbing the two sheets back and forth, making a raspy painful sound.

"Wow, you sure you ain't Joel's brother and not the Hulk's?"

"Decide John!"

"I for one think it be so hot to see the muscle boy here with a mouthful of your cock, John."

"Well I don't!" Rich tried.

"John decide or we gonna decide for you" Brian felt the sandpaper "and we both take turns on your balls!"

"Thought this was about torturing Rich there?"

"Gee fuckin thanks John! Some friend you are!"

"I just wanna see mouths on cocks blowing their loads tonight" Sam smiled, looking like he was ready himself just standing there "y'know you ain't got a real choice John."

"Ditto that Sommers" from Brian.

"Who would turn down a hot blowjob from their best bud?" Sam chuckled "that's stupid even for me."

"It's okay John..." Rich looked at him "your balls would be sore for months."

"Hope you're happy!" John glared at Sam "both of you" pulling away from Brian trying to help him step up onto the blocks, his crotch now level with Rich's face.

"Just so there ain't no hard feelings" Sam reached between John's legs and pulled his soft cock free of his shorts "I love this part" smearing more of Brian's jism onto just the end of John's cockhead, getting his crown ridge good and slimed "feeling a dude's meat start this..." smoothing and shining the blunt end with the sticky slime "dude can't help it, his cock feels cum and can't help boning... yeah... knew this would do the trick" feeling it go from soft to hardening thickening flesh between his fingers. When it was hard enough for his taste Sam pushed John forward a few inches "okay Rich we know what happens next. Got a feeling John here won't last much longer than `bullet-train' Brian here" inching John's cock forward until it pressed against Rich's lips "take it Norton, take your bud's dick. Swallow it like you mean it" which is exactly what Rich did. After everything that had happened between the two of them, what had happened with the four of them that night, Rich leaning forward and sucking John's waiting cock was almost an anticlimax.

"Worth the price of admission" Sam went back to that evil screwdriver "okay Bennings get down here, I want you to watch this!"

"I told you he don't get to cum!"

"Rich? Cum? What kind of straight jock musclestud cums with his mouth full of cock?" Sam smirked. When his free hand found its way inside Brian's fly again, Brian let him fish out his still moist cock and play with it. Not that it would get hard, but let the kid have his fun. And Brian was very curious what Sam would pull next.

"Watch and learn" Sam leaned forward and rubbed his mouth against the underside of Rich's upturned cock. Ignoring Brian's protest, feeble now that Sam's hand was beginning a steady milking of his power tool, Sam began a slow alternating between toying with that screwdriver deep inside Rich's ass and his mouth rubbing up and down the underside of Rich's spasming cock. When Rich's hips started bucking, Sam straightened up and pressed his cock against Rich's, rubbing the two up and down against each other just enough to get a jolt spasming between their most sensitive spots. Again and again Sam went down on Rich, then toyed with the screwdriver, then pushed his cock against Rich's, over and over, until Sam's cock was covered with Rich's oozing juices. Rich was jumping and writhing and twisting with the urge to blow his steadily building load, but all that did was make that gasping mouth on John's cock suck harder and harder, bringing John closer and closer to what he felt would be one of those orgasms he'd remember for the rest of the summer. When John knew he could not hold it in anymore he grabbed Rich's head and slammed his cock deep into Rich's throat, Sam likewise jumped up and pressed his cock into Rich's cock, and all by itself Sam's fat mushroom head swelled purple, his piss-slit opened wide and began to shoot jet after jet of runny sticky cum all over Rich's crotch, smearing the shaved smooth skin with almost as much of a load as Brian's. Brian pushed Sam's other hand away from his own cock and started jacking himself, his hand a blur up and down that footlong slab of meat.

"Damn!" Sam rubbed his cock all over Rich's front, cleaning as must cum off his still-hard dick as he could "damn John I thought you'd never cum! I almost blew three times waiting for you to cum first?"

"You were waiting for ME?" John staggered down off his perch, rubbing Rich's chest with a familiar gentleness as he did "Rich you okay?"

"Please please please, I'm so close I gotta cum I gotta cum!" thrusting his crotch upwards trying to fuck the air in crazy relentless spasms, his cock completely coated with everyone's cum except his own!

But Brian took over the torture next. With Sam's butt pushed backwards into the biggest dick in the room now hard and rubbed raw, even then Brian did not relent from his torture, yanking Rich's balls down fast and hard, preventing any remote chance of accidental orgasm, Rich's jutting out seven red inches horizontal from his flexing groin, his foreskin a tight tourniquet around a bright red head, relentless bucking forward into thin air, gasping and begging for release.

"Where's the party Norton? Or you want me to turn Sam loose on your junk all over again?"

"Okay okay ouch!" Brian giving those shaved balls another tug" damn! No more okay? Owwwww! okay stop STOP! at LARRY'S okay?" Rich screamed as Brian's hand smeared the drying cum up and down his shaft slow and tight, seconds from shooting over the edge yet again.

"Larry? Larry Larry?" John almost swallowed his tongue, stuffing himself away fast.

"Okay, okay OKAY? Now UNTIE me!"

"Yeah but you don't fuckin cum! You put either hand anywhere near that dick and it's something bigger than this" Brian withdrew the screwdriver like it was now contaminated, hoping and praying the extraction did not bring Rich over the edge "let's go pay them a visit!"

Rich hoped for a choruses of "no way whys?" but instead heard,

"Yeah let's go pay them a surprise visit. Talk about payback like!"


"What?" even coming down off that hot blowjob John was still in dumb-dickhead mode.

"That's stupid even from you!" watching Brian toss the slimy screwdriver onto the bench, and joining Sam in untying his wet stubborn knots. Rich took the break to catch his breath, feeling the cum pressing back into his balls, his cock leaking and starting to look slightly less battered. He recognized his friend John in his post-orgasm glow, back to his old reckless self, something Rich usually encouraged but not in a prickly situation like this. But Rich was still horned to the max, and watching the three cleaning and rearranging their junk did nothing to help him think clearly.

"Naw it'd be hot – I mean a hoot!" John finished tucking himself back inside his fly, ignoring the expression on Sam's face, and Brian? Well Brian... "knocking on his door yelling: It's a raid! Or something like that."

"Wait wait guys! Remind me again, isn't your dad a cop?" Sam was not sure about this, his post-cum brain looking around the room, realizing what they had just done, what HE had just done! "isn't that a bad idea? Even the raid part?" he looked at John, rethinking the whole situation now that he had blown his load. And worse here was a roomful of older guys who had seen how he blew his load! The word "cocksucker" branded on his forehead was starting to throb, and Sam was looking for the exits.

"No, they'd think it's funnier than shit!" John was mopping at Rich's balls with that used cumrag, wicked and intimate in equal measure "c'mon we're doing this!"

"John you know this is a really bad idea..." especially seeing the look in John's eye. When John put his bulldozer brain to something, nobody could talk him out of it. Rich knew once John blew his load he was a different person, all determination and no nonsense. And if Rich knew anything, it was Larry would not put up with any more shit than his dad. He almost slapped himself! What was he worried about? His dad could not say boo to him now. Or John! And having Joel all but out himself and seeing Brian even worse, but that big dick more than eager for real sucking and maybe even fucking and Sam, little Sam the over-the-top terror in a small package, like their personal Trojan Horse, their own puppy-dog boobie-trap, no one would suspect him until it was too late! And even better having Joel out of the way was like the final deciding factor, like the stars were aligning and they would be idiots not to get those adults really pissing their pants,

"Okay fine..." but my hunch says look out below!

Next: Chapter 121

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