The Estate

By Marty Daniels

Published on Mar 11, 2021


This story is pure fiction. This story is set in the UK, so many of the terms used are based on British English. Feedback by email is welcome.

Part 4

I woke up the next morning with Brian sucking on my morning wood.

"Good morning Brian," I mumbled.

"Morning," Brian said, then he got back to sucking my cock.

"Do you want me to suck your cock too, we can 69 or something," I asked before I let out a gentle moan of pleasure.

"I want to get some cock sucking practice, just go back to sleep," Brian said.

Brian licked my smooth balls and then he traced his tongue up to the tip of my cock, and then he took my cockhead in his mouth. He created a tight hole for my cock with his tongue and lips and then he bobbed head up and down slowly. He tried bobbing faster and then he slowed down again. I moaned as Brian continued to suck my cock for a minute. Then he wanked my cock and he rubbed my ball sack a little before he took my cock back into his mouth.

Next, Brian tried to take my cock into his throat. He lowered his head until he had seven inches of cock inside him, and he made a gagging sound. He withdrew my cock from his mouth and coughed before trying again. He took my cock deep inside his mouth, then he coughed once more and tried again, and this time he had got the hang of it. He kept my cock in his throat and he lowered his head further, taking all of my cock in his mouth for a few seconds. His throat was unbelievable tight. He then withdrew my cockhead back into his mouth again.

"That's intense," I gasped.

Brian took a few deep breathes and then he went back to work on my cock. This time he kept my cock in his mouth and I could tell that he was now wanking himself off. He bobbed his head as fast as he could, taking my cock down his throat occasionally. I could feel my cum work its way through my groin. I moaned loudly, as cum slowly filled my cock before I fired a large wad of juice into his mouth. My cock was inside his throat, as I released another two shots of liquid. He then took my cockhead back into his mouth, and he used his hand to milk the base of my cock as I unleashed four more wads.

"You're a fast learner," I said.

"I want to cum on your face," Brian said. Brian got up and straddled my chest. He started to jack his cock, aiming his cockhead at my face. His cock looked enormous so close to my face.

"Let me do that," I said. As I took over jacking Brian's cock. I looked up at the concentrated concerned look on his face, as he looked back at me. All of a sudden Brain bucked his hips a little and he moaned. Moments later, he blasted five ropes of cum across my face and neck. I raised my head to lick his cock clean, tasting his juicy spunk once more.

"You look cute like that," Brian said as he looked down at me. "I want to ride your cock next, I'm going to shoot cum all over your body," he continued.

Brian's phone rang, so he got off the bed to answer it. Brian's demeanour changed from being happy to sad once more. He agreed with everything the caller was saying and then he put the phone down.

"Look I got pick up Tony from outside the magistrate's court, he's going to be out on bail until his hearing," Brian said.

"OK no problem," I said as Brian started to put his boxer shorts on hastily.

"You better wipe your face", he said as he passed me the towel I had used the previous day. I wiped my face, neck and chest and then I got up and to get dressed.

"Please don't tell anyone about what we've just done. I haven't told anyone I'm gay, and I'm not ready to face the world with it," Brian requested.

"No, of course, I'll keep it to myself," I said. As we continued to get dressed.

Brian saw me out of his flat. I felt a bit dejected that my time with him had ended so suddenly. I kicked myself mentally for not asking him for his phone number.

I went home to freshen up, then I went to the garage in the afternoon. I did a work out with the door open hoping that Brian would walk past and stop. After two hours I gave up and went home. I went out to our balcony and looked out over the estate. I noticed Brian and Tony sitting on a bench. Tony was waving his arms about as he spoke to Brian. I guessed Tony was telling Brian about his time in police custody.

I sunbathed on the balcony while I waited for Aaron to finish work, so we could work out together. When Aaron arrived home he suggested we go for a run instead. He thought we were both getting too muscular, he also suggested we stopped lifting heavy weights for a while. We ran around the estate for an hour, completing eight laps around the outside. We were both shirtless of course, so Aaron could get the attention of all the females that we passed. We then did one more lap walking to cool down.

"You look annoyed about something, tell me what it is?" Aaron asked as we walked.

"It's nothing, it's just something I'm trying to forget about," I replied.

"It might help you to forget if you told me and we shouldn't keep secrets from each other," Aaron insisted.

"OK I'll tell you when we get home in private, if you promise not to tell anyone or get annoyed with me," I said.

"Of course, I'll try not to get annoyed," Aaron promised.

When we got home I told Aaron I would speak to him after we got cleaned up and we had eaten some food. I knew Aaron was more likely to be annoyed when his blood sugar level was low. After dinner, I asked Aaron to come to my bedroom so we could speak.

"I slept with Brian yesterday," I said. Aaron looked stunned and didn't speak for a while.

"You see I'm not annoyed, but you are going to tell me how this happened," Aaron requested.

"Well he stopped by the garage yesterday and we got talking. I made him apologise to Tim and his mother. He told me he was gay and it sounds like the bad stuff he gets up to is because Tony makes him do it"

"I agree Tony is the trouble maker, but Brian is always with him and backing him up," Aaron stated.

"Well I think he's misunderstood and I think Tony bullies him into doing bad things," I said.

"Are you going to see him again or are you drawing a line under it? Personally, I would steer clear of them," Aaron asked.

"I don't know. We didn't get a chance to discuss what might happen next," I said.

"Well if he hurts you, he is going to have to deal with me," Aaron stated.

"Thanks, Aaron and remember you need to keep this quiet," I stated.

"What about the cocksucker boys, are you still seeing them," Aaron asked.

"I told Tim that I'm no longer his boyfriend. I'm just going to use those guys for sex now," I stated.

"So nothing's changed there then," Aaron said.

I spent most of Saturday with Aaron. Went for a run during the day then he had a date in the evening. Aaron didn't come home all night. Tim invited me over for a threesome with Amar, but I turned them down. I didn't hear from Brian either. I spent the evening with my Dad watching TV.

On Sunday, I went for another run with Aaron. He boasted about his date from the previous night. He went out with some girl he had met through work. She made him wear a condom when they had sex, but Aaron still seemed happy with his recent conquest. In the evening I got myself ready for my new job. I ironed my clothes and polished my shoes.

On Monday I started my new job. Even though I hadn't wanked all weekend, I still resisted tossing off in the morning. On the way home from work, I finally met Brian by chance and he was also on his way home from work.

"Hi Brian, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good I started my job at the fire station today. My new colleagues stripped me down to my boxer shorts, then they tied me to some scaffolding and sprayed me down with a water cannon for my induction," Brian laughed.

"I started training for my job in construction today, they made us work in teams to build a house out of Lego, we forgot to fit doors to it, so we failed our test," I said, making him smile again.

There was then an awkward silence.

"Would you like to meet up again soon, we could go out or spend time at your place," I asked.

"I'm meeting up with Tony most of the time, but he is away this Saturday, perhaps we could meet up then," Brian suggested.

"OK that's fine, can I have your phone number, so we can arrange it," I asked. I typed my number into Brian's phone and he gave me a missed call.

"We should walk back to the estate separately, I don't want Tony to see you with me," Brian stated.

"OK well, I'll see you on Saturday," I walked the shortest route home, and I didn't look back.

That evening, me and Aaron went for another run.

On Tuesday, I spent the day wondering if it was worth pursuing Brian. I was not going to be happy if I could only see him when Tony was busy. When I met Aaron, he told me that he was going to see Emma at the weekend, they were going to discuss whether she should keep their baby. I sent a text message to Brian asking him about his day, however, I didn't get a reply.

By Wednesday, my balls had reached their maximum capacity. I desperately wanted to wank off in the morning, but I had woken up too late. Brian had still not replied to my text message. I was distracted during my training at work, and couldn't think of anything but blowing my load. I fantasised about spunking out all over Brian's skinny body, then I thought about holding Tim's head while I fucked my cum down his throat. I decided to message Tim at lunchtime.

"Hi what are you up to this evening?" I asked.

"I'm spending the day with Amar, but you're welcome to come over later. My Mum is out," Tim replied after a few minutes.

"OK, I'll be over at 7:30," I replied.

After work, I went for a run with Aaron. When we got back, I used my electric shaver on my armpits and pubic area, to clear away any growth, then I had a shower. Afterwards, I wore some clean jogging bottoms. I didn't bother wearing any underwear or a t-shirt as I would only have to take them off later on. Me and Aaron ate a low-carb meal together, then I slipped on my trainers.

The thought of meeting Tim after so long made my cock hard on the way to his flat. As I walked through the estate, I casually put my hand down my jogging bottoms to hide the tent my cock would have created. When I got to Tim's place, I removed my hand from my cock, and I rang the doorbell. Tim answered the door and he noticed the tent in my jogging bottoms. Tim was wearing a pink t-shirt and white shorts. I kissed him on the lips passionately then we walked into his bedroom. Amar was sitting at Tim's computer, he was shirtless just wearing light blue shorts. Amar's hair was ruffled and he looked just as cute as he always did. Me and Amar exchanged smiles as I walked in. I adjusted some pillows on Tim's bed, then I removed my trainers and my jogging bottoms. I sat down on the bed in a reclined position with my legs parted.

"We're all wacked out, we've been shagging all day," Amar commented.

"I couldn't care less, I've got five days' worth of cum in my nuts, who wants to suck me off," I said confidently.

"I will," Tim said, as he climbed in-between my legs.

"I will too," Amar said, as he followed Tim onto the bed.

"Which one of you boys wants my huge load," I asked.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind," Amar said.

"I want it too," Tim said.

"OK the one that sucks me off best, can have my cum," I said.

"I'm going first," Tim said eagerly, as he took his t-shirt off.

Tim licked my super sensitive cock from base to tip making me gasp, then he licked all the way down. He licked my balls before licking back up to the tip of my cock. He took my cock into his mouth swirling his tongue around my cockhead, and he bobbed his head a few times. I loved the warm wet feeling around my super sensitive cock. Tim forced more of my cock inside his mouth and soon I could feel the tip of my cock scraping the back of his throat, then he went to work with his tongue and lips on my cock head. Tim licked around my cock, and then he slowly lowered his head over my cock, until my cock plunged deep into his throat, he bobbed his head a few times, while he stroked my ball sack with his fingers. I could feel my orgasm approaching. Tim took my cock out his mouth to catch his breath.

"I need a break," I gasped. I lay there with my cock twitching, and the two boys watched my cock for a few seconds.

Amar took my cock deep in his mouth and he stroked my cock tightly with his lips from tip to the base and back again repeatedly. Then he took my cock into his throat and massaging my cockhead while he tried hard not to gag. I moaned with pleasure, enjoying his tight throat around my cock. Amar then licked around my cockhead while he jacked the base of my cock with his hand. I could feel my cum swirling inside me once more.

"Stop Amar", I said. Amar took my cock out of his mouth. "You are both amazing and I would love to cum inside both of you," I said. I looked at their cute faces as they waited for me to decide. "But I'd like to shoot in Tim's mouth," I concluded.

I didn't check Amar's reaction, I looked up at the ceiling and Tim took my cock back into his mouth. He licked around my cockhead, then he closed his lips tightly around my cock and he bobbed his head up and down, letting more of my cockhead into his throat each time. He wedged my cockhead deep inside his throat and he continued to bob his head. He tickled my ball sack with his fingers and the orgasmic feeling in my nuts returned. Tim withdrew my cock from his throat, and closed his mouth tightly around my cockhead, while jacking the base of my cock swiftly. I moaned as my cum made my cock glow intensely. I rocked my head back and forth, as a stream of cum blasted out of my cock followed by another and another. I groaned as Tim bobbed his head furiously, trying to milk my cock dry. I fired four more jets of cum into his mouth before my orgasm subsided. Tim swallowed two more times while keeping my cock in his mouth. He continued to jack my cock as I felt a few more dribbles of cum leak out. My cock stayed hard and he continued to suck even though my cock now felt over sensitive. Tim finally let my cock go, once it started to go limp.

"That was ace," Tim said, as he got up to stretch his back. I felt giddy with pleasure. "When you get hard again, I'm going to ride your cock", Tim continued.

Amar got off the bed and put his t-shirt on. He left the room to use the bathroom.

Tim stripped himself naked and he climbed on top of me straddling my waist. He kissed me on the lips. I raised myself so I could sit upright. Tim moved closer and wrapped his arms around my neck, I held him close to me and we kissed on lips passionately.

"Amar fucked me twice today, but I haven't cum yet. I wanted to be extra horny for you," Tim whispered in my ear. Tim's cock was as hard as a rock, and we continued to kiss until Amar returned to the bedroom.

"I'm going to ride Jack's cock, then I'm going to suck you off", Tim said to Amar. Tim and I then kissed some more. After a while, I could feel my lazy cock come back to life. I started to run my hands over Tim's little body while he kept his arms wrapped around my neck.

"You'll need this," Amar said as he passed me the bottle of lube. I spread lube over my cock and I tossed the bottle on the floor. Tim then raised himself up and lowered his butt onto my cock. Tim took half of cock immediately and then slowly lowered himself down further until he had taken all of it inside. The tight feeling around my cock felt incredible.

Tim kept his arms wrapped around my neck, and he started to ride my cock slowly. We both moaned with pleasure. I helped Tim ride my cock, by holding his butt cheeks to give a lift every time he lowered himself down. We kissed once more, and then I held Tim as close to me as I could, without breaking his rhythm. Tim started to grind his hard cock against my abs and he moaned with each downward stroke. I could feel Tim's chest rubbing against mine.

"I want to cum so bad", Tim whispered in my ear. I thought about wanking Tim off, but he seemed to be enjoying rubbing his cock and balls against my stomach. Tim started to ride my cock a little faster, "This is too much," Tim gasped.

The feeling of Tim's body rubbing against mine and the friction around my cock felt amazing, I did not want this moment to end. Tim continued to bounce up and down, and he moaned with each stroke. He continued scraping his cock and his smooth balls over my abs. Tim moaned louder, and he started to ride me faster. I felt his butt tighten around my cock. Tim's cock squirted a shot of cum, it sprayed out onto my chest, another shot hit my chin and more cum shot against my stomach.

I was amazed that Tim had cum without touching his cock, but he now looked tired. I used all my strength to lift Tim up and I dumped him down on the bed. I put his legs over my shoulders, and I pushed my cock back into his hole. I started to fuck him as hard as I could. His cum dripped off my body onto his body. I continued to pound his tight hole for another minute until I could feel my orgasm approaching. I moaned loudly as hot cum seared through my groin and into my cock, I continued to fuck Tim, as a wave of cum gushed through my cock filling his hole. Another wave of hot cum passed through my cock as my body collapsed downward onto Tim, then another wave of juicy cum pumped through my cock.

I took hold of Tim and I rolled onto the bed taking Tim with me, Tim was now on top of me and we both kissed passionately, for a minute. When we broke our kiss, I rolled Tim onto his back and I got up off the bed. I decided I had better leave Tim and Amar, to their loving relationship.

I got off the bed, and put my jogging bottoms back on followed by my trainers. I still had Tim's cum on my body, I rubbed a larger wad of cum into my skin, and I didn't bother to wipe off of the rest.

"That was fun chaps, but I got to go," I said. Tim got off the bed and he put his underwear on so that he could see me out. Tim walked me to the front door of his flat.

"When can I see you again, I miss you," Tim said.

"I'm working most days now and you're going to see Amar's garden party this weekend, so perhaps we can meet after that," I suggested.

"OK text you soon," Tim said.

I spent the next day at work, wondering why Brian had not acknowledged my text message, and I regretted having sent it in the first place. After work, I walked home through the estate, I noticed Brian and Tony sat on a bench. I walked straight passed them and Brian tried to avoid catching my eye. I decided that I would have to stop thinking about Brian, as he seemed to value Tony's friendship over mine.

I met Adrian in the evening. Adrian was happy that he now having regular sex with his girlfriend. He found it strange doing it while their baby slept in the same room, but he was getting used to it.

On Friday evening, I met Ben after my run with Aaron. Ben and his girlfriend were now obsessed with sex. There were trying out new positions all the time. They had tried oral sex on each other. He told me why he liked sucking his girlfriend's snatch and he wanted me to describe sucking cock to him. We had a good laugh, although we never convinced each other that we should swap roles.

On Saturday morning, I woke up considering whether I should wank off, for the first time in three weeks. Tim was going to Amar's garden party all day and I still hadn't heard from Brian. I was not going to contact Brian first as he had ignored my previous text message.

My hard cock was straining against the material of my pyjama bottoms. I pushed my quilt off the top half of my body and I could see my cockhead poking out under the waistband. I unfastened the button fly of my pyjama bottoms to free my cock and balls. I stroked my smooth chest, feeling the ridges of my pecs and abs. I ran my fingers over my smooth balls, which sent a tingly sensation up my spine. I took hold of my thick cock with just the right amount of pressure and started to jack myself off slowly. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the tight movement around my cock.

Sudden my phone pinged, I wondered if it was Tim or Brian. I was tempted to continue wanking, but I reminded myself that sex was better than a wank by myself. So I stopped and I read the message.

"Hi Jack, sorry I haven't been in touch all week. Would you still like to meet up today," Brian asked. I thought about how to respond. I did not want to appear too eager. I fastened the button fly on my pyjamas back up and I waited for my erection to subside, then I got up and I met Aaron on the lounge.

"I'm going to be out all day today, I'll be meeting Emma later. Sounds like she wants a serious chat about the baby. She wants me to speak to her parents too. They've asked me to stay the night, in their spare room," Aaron said.

"Sounds serious, do you want to keep the baby?" I asked.

"I think so, it would be a shame to get rid of an innocent life." Aaron said, "Anyway, what are you up to?" Aaron asked.

"I might see Brian again today," I said.

"Personally, I wouldn't trust anyone that is a friend of Tony, just so you know," Aaron stated.

"I'm beginning to wonder the same myself," I said.

"Dad left some money for you on the table, he won't be back until late tomorrow either. He's gone up north to watch a cricket match with his mates," Aaron said.

"Well good luck with Emma, shall we go for a run before you meet her," I asked.

"Yeah, let's do that," Aaron said.

We went for a long run, then I had a shower. Aaron got ready to leave, so I sent a message back to Brian.

"It would be nice to see you. You can come to my place in one hour, I live at number 84. Everyone else is out for the day," I stated.

"See you soon," Brian replied. I felt a wave of excitement, as Brian replied to my message. I wanted to see him again, but I was wary of his tendency to go cold on me. I cleaned my room, and I tidied the rest of the flat. Aaron left to go to Emma's place. I got undressed, and I put on a pair of clean jogging bottoms without any underwear. I sprayed Aaron's expensive aftershave over my neck and my bare chest and then I waited for Brian. Brian arrived ten minutes later.

I opened the front door for Brian and I pulled him into the flat. He removed his t-shirt revealing his slim body. I picked Brian up easily, he wrapped his legs around my waist and kissed him passionately pushing him against the wall in my hallway. When we stopped kissing and I put him down. I pulled Brian into the bedroom, and we collapsed on to my bed.

"I want to ride your cock," Brian said hastily. He got up off the bed and he pulled my jogging bottoms off me. He smiled when he noticed I didn't haven't anything on underneath. I was completely naked in front of him, with my hard cock standing in the air. Brian stripped off the rest of his clothes, while I fetched the lube from my bedside drawer. I spread lube over my cock, and I lay back on my bed. Brian straddled my chest with his hard cock standing out proudly from his slender frame. I noticed Brian was now clean-shaven around his pubic area to match me.

"Be careful, go slowly," I warned him.

Brian held my cock at the entrance to his butt and he slowly lowered himself onto my cockhead. He moaned as he took my cockhead inside himself. He paused while he got accustomed to feeling. I stroked Brian's leg, and I edged my hand towards his ball sack. Brian lowered himself further, taking more of cock inside him. It was difficult to tell whether Brian was in pain or not, but he continued to lower his body down. Once he had most of my cock inside him, he started to buck his hips slowly pleasuring my cock with his tight warm hole.

I started to jack Brian's cock as he rode my cock. He rested his hands on my shoulders to stabilise himself, and then he started to ride my cock a little faster. I continued to wank him off simultaneously. We both moaned as we enjoyed each other's bodies. I could feel tight friction around my cock and Brian's hands stroking my shoulders and chest. I liked the feeling of his thick hard cock in my hand. I stroked Brian's ball sack with my spare hand, and I jacked his cock a little faster. Brian moaned and he rocked his head back and forth as enjoyed my cock inside him while I wanked him off. Suddenly I could feel Brian's balls retract into his body and his butt started to convulse around my cock. I moaned again and then he started shooting his cum all over me. The first rope of cum hit my chest, the second and third hit my face and neck, two more strands of cum landed on my chest and stomach.

Brian continued to buck his hips and he looked down at me and smiled, as he continued to ride me as fast as he could. I started to feel my cum work its way through my groin. Then a surge of boiling hot cum travelled through my cock slowly while Brain tightly massaged my cock inside his butt. I moaned as my cum reached the tip of my cock then I fired multiple shots of thick juicy liquid inside Brian's hole. Once my orgasm subsided, Brian lay down on top of me, as we both caught our breath back.

As my cock slipped out of Brian's hole, as he lay down by my side and I put my arm around. Brian played his cum on my chest.

"You look nice with my cum on your face," Brian said.

I kissed Brian, knowing he would taste some of his cum that was on my lips. We lay next to each other for some time, enjoying the quiet and the warmth from each other. After a while, I went for a quick shower as Brian's cum was streaming down my face, then I got back into bed alongside him.

"It would be nice if we could see each other more regularly," I said.

"I know I need to speak to Tony, I just didn't find the right moment last week. He was stressed about his trial. You just need to give me some time," Brian said. "What about Aaron, what would he think about us?" Brian asked.

"Aaron just wants what is best for me," I replied. "Shall we go out for a bit? It's a nice day outside," I asked.

"Yes we should, but I want to do something else first," Brian stated.

Brian kissed my nipple then he kissed his way around my chest until he reached my other nipple. He kissed me around my abs several times and then my legs, making my cock hard once more.

He kissed my ball sack once and then worked his way back up my body until he kissed me on the lips. I rolled Brian onto his back, and then I kissed his body. I kissed his little pecs, and around his cute six-pack abs. I then kissed him on the lips followed by his nipples. I worked my way back down his torso, then I kissed and licked his cock which was now hard again.

"I want to suck you off too," Brian said.

I got myself into position so that we could suck each other off while lying on our side. Brian shuffled into position, and I then took his cock in my mouth.

I closed my mouth around his cockhead, and I applied pressure with my tongue. I stroked his cock up and down repeatedly. Brian sucked my cock simultaneously. He licked around my cockhead and massaged my nut suck, before taking as much of my cock as he could manage. Brian bobbed his head to pleasure my cock and I did the same to him.

Brian then rolled me onto my back, and he climbed on top. He started to fuck my mouth, and he licked my cock and at the same time. I focussed my attention on pleasuring him. I lifted my chin to provide him with better access to my mouth and he started to fuck my mouth as hard he could. He jacked my cock with his hand, whilst he continued to pound my mouth.

I moved my tongue from side to side to increase his pleasure and I used my hand to rub his body. Brian gave up on my cock, and he concentrated on pounding my mouth. He started to moan, and speed up. I could tell he was about to shoot his cum. He continued to fuck my mouth hard, his cock entering my throat with each thrust. Then hot cum began to flood my mouth, while I could hear Brian moan with pleasure. Five large wads of cum engulfed my mouth and throat. Once he had finished shooting his cum, his cock flopped out of my mouth.

Brian now focussed on my cock. He took my cock inside his mouth and started rocking his body back and forth over mine. He forced my cock down his throat slowly and then deep throated my cock for a few seconds before, he pleasured my cockhead with his tongue instead. He used his hand to massage my nut sack while he continued to lick around my cock head.

I enjoyed the tight slick feeling of Brian's mouth, he created a perfect tight hole for my cock with his lips and tongue. With each thrust, I could feel my cockhead slip over Brian's lips and onto his slick tongue. Brian then took my cock into his throat once more.

He jacked my cock a few times inside his throat and could now feel my orgasm approaching. Brian continued to rub my ball sack and stroked my cock faster inside his mouth and throat. Boiling hot cum swelled up inside my groin, and then it rushed through my cock. My cum stopped inside my cock briefly before I moaned and fired several volleys of hot cum into Brian's mouth and throat. Brian turned himself around and he kissed me on the lips, and I could taste my cum from his mouth.

We lay back recovering for a while. Eventually, we decided to go out, we both used mouth wash and got dressed. We took ourselves away from the estate and found a nice caf‚ for lunch. Then we sat in the beer garden of a pub to watch an England international football match on TV. We both liked football, so we got absorbed into the match and the atmosphere.

"England are playing again on Tuesday night. I can get tickets if you want to go to it," Brian asked.

"I would love to go to a match, I've never been to an England match," I replied. I was already getting excited about Tuesday night.

We continued to watch the game on TV, and we stayed at the pub, for a long chat. Brian had a couple of pints of beer, I stuck to soft drinks as I was underage and I cared too much about my fitness regime.

I found out Brian had lived with his grandparents most of his life. His parents couldn't look after him as they were still very young when he was born. He was still in contact with his parents but they both had separate relationships now. He had 2 half-sisters from his dad's side and a half-brother from mum's side. Brian liked his siblings but they were all much younger than him. The tattoo on Brian's chest represented his grandmother who had passed away. He said he wanted to keep his grandmother close to his heart, and the red rose was her favourite flower.

I explained how my Mum had passed away when I was younger. I also explained my relationship with Tim and Amar. Brian found it funny when I told him that I was no longer touching Tim's cock during sex.

We made our way back to my place after our drinks, and we watched a movie until late. We took our t-shirts off during the film. Brian rested his head on my chest as we snuggled together on the sofa. I liked stroking Brian's hard chest and running my hand down the side of his slim stomach.

By the end of the movie, I was feeling horny again. I took Brian into my bedroom, and I unbuckled the belt on his shorts, then I pulled his shorts and underwear down and told him to lie down on the bed. I got naked too and I lay down next to him. I kissed him on the lips passionately. Then I kissed him around his chest, stomach and arms.

I took hold of Brian's thick hard cock and I started to wank him off while kissing him at the same time. I loved the feeling of his fat cock in my hand and the way he forced his tongue into my mouth as we kissed. As he got near to orgasm, I stopped stroking his cock, and I started to rub his ball sack instead. I kissed him all over his chest and stomach then I kissed him on the lips once more. Then I went back to jacking his cock and we continuing kissing each other on the lips. I could feel him trying hard to breathe as I continued to jack his cock swiftly. As he got close to shooting his cum, I let go of his cock and I moved my hand back to massage his nut sack.

"Do you want me to kiss you while you cum or do you want to cum in my mouth?" I asked.

"I want to kiss you", Brian said. I wanted to kiss Brian too, so I was glad of his decision. I kissed him passionately once more. He delved his tongue deep into my mouth and I pushed back with my tongue. I started to jack his cock as fast as I could. After a minute, I could feel his breathing get deeper. As we continued to kiss, his cock shot a long rope of cum over us, landing on my shoulder and his stomach. Another rope landed on my ear and his chest, he fired another shot hitting my cheek and his chin. He then fired three more shots of hot cum onto his stomach.

I let go of his cock and we finally broke our kiss. It took Brian sometime before he regained his breath.

"I need some more cock sucking practice", Brian said.

"How about we try something different" I suggested. I wanted to try a position that me and Tim had previously tried. "Lie down on the bed, with your head hanging off the edge of the bed," I continued.

Brian did as I asked. I stood at the end of the bed, so my cock was level with his face. I placed Brian's hands on my butt cheeks. I rested one hand on the bed to keep my balance.

"You can control how much of my cock goes in your mouth," I said.

"OK let's try it," Brian said eagerly.

I used my spare hand to guide my cock into his waiting mouth. Brian controlled how much of my cock he was taking by pulling me in slowly, and then l would pull out again. The feeling was awesome, the heat and the grip Brian had on my huge member was intense. I could see and feel my cock entering Brian's mouth and scraping against his tongue slowly. Then Brian started to pull me in further, allowing me to penetrate his windpipe, which bulged out a little with each entry, I was amazed by how he could control his breathing through his nose. Eventually, I was all the way in, Brian stopped the control with his hands which my cue to fuck his face slowly. All I had to do was keep my movements slow and manageable for him. I could feel Brian's nose touching my dangly ball sack, as I pushed my cock in and out of his mouth. I occasionally shoved my cock deep into his throat. The pleasure felt intense, I wanted to fuck his face harder, but I knew I had to limit my pace.

I did not want this feeling to ever stop. After a couple of minutes, I could feel cum starting to boil up inside me. I was in complete heaven as my orgasm built up to maximum intensity, I gave one last push into Brian's mouth, as I fired my first spurt of hot cum directly down his throat. I followed on with shallow hip thrusts so the second and third spurt flowed into his mouth.

I fed Brian the rest of cum taking long slow thrusts, I could see his windpipe contract as he swallowed my juicy load. I then took my cock out of Brian's mouth.

"You were incredible," I said.

"I didn't know someone could produce as much cum as you do," Brian said. He laughed moved back up the bed to lie on the pillow.

"You produce a fair amount yourself," I replied.

I lay down next to Brian and he moved to rest his head on my shoulder, and I started to stroke his back.

"I like you rubbing my back," Brian said.

"I like doing it," I replied.

We continued to talk for another hour before we both fell asleep.

The next morning Brian woke up before me. He climbed on top of me and straddled my waist, so our hard morning cocks were side by side. I was semi-awake. Brian wrapped both of his hands around our cocks and started wanking both of cocks together.

"I have to get going soon, I have to check on my grandad," Brian said, as he continued to wank both cocks.

"Let me wank you off", I groaned.

I took hold of Brian's cock and he wrapped his hand around mine. We started wanking each other off swiftly. Brian applied just the right amount of pressure, and I tried to do the same to him. I loved watching his chest and abs muscles shift around. I could feel his smooth ball sack rubbing against mine. The tight friction around my cock felt awesome. We both moaned as we continued to enjoy our swift mutual wank. Suddenly Brian bucked his body a little and then he moaned before he sprayed my body with five ropes of thick cum. Two of his cum shots landed on my face, which made Brian smile.

Brian continued to wank my cock and he used his free hand to rub my ball sack. Soon I could feel my orgasm approaching. I moaned as my cum slowly worked its way out of my balls, heating my groin intensely. I then felt my cum slowly travel up my cock, until it reached the tip and after a brief second, a wad of cum landed on my stomach, followed by three long ropes which landed on my chest and face, another two wads landed on my stomach.

"You look nice covered in cum" Brian said, as he got off the bed and started to get dressed.

"Can you pass me my t-shirt so I can wipe this off me?" I asked. Brian ignored my request.

"I'll see you Tuesday," Brian said as walked over to me and kissed me on the lips. We kissed again passionately before Brian saw himself out of my room and then I heard him leave the flat.

Brian left me on my bed covered in our cum, and I had nothing to wipe myself down with. I didn't want to drip cum on the floor, so carefully massaged all of our cum into my skin. It took some time until all of the slimy mess dried up. I then covered the lower half of my body with my quilt and I drifted off to sleep again.

Aaron, woke me when he got home.

"It stinks in here, you must have had a good night," Aaron said. He sat down on my bed.

"Yeah Brian came over, and he stayed the night," I said.

"I still can't believe you like Brian. Does Tony know you are seeing him?" Aaron asked.

"No, Brian hasn't mustered up the courage to tell him yet," I replied.

"That will be a shock for him," Aaron said.

"How did you get on with Emma?" I asked.

"Good, well better than good. I got on with her parents, I was on my best behaviour. We are keeping the baby," Aaron said, as he showed me a picture of a baby scan on his phone. "It's a little boy," Aaron continued.

"That's amazing," I said

"I spent the whole night with Emma, and I even wet the baby's head. If you know what I mean," Aaron joked.

"That's disgusting Aaron," I said.

"No more disgusting than you lying here in your own filth", Aaron laughed as he spoke. "You should get ready, we should go for a run," Aaron said as he left the room.

I went for a run with Aaron and then we both sunbathed on our balcony for the rest of the day. I looked out over the balcony briefly and I could see Brian and Tony loitering around as they always did.

On Monday, I went back to work. My manager offered me the chance to train as a plumber and an electrician, as there was a skills shortage in those areas. So I decided to accept his offer. More training was a good thing in my eyes. I didn't hear from Tim or Brian.

I spent the evening with Aaron. We decided to start doing light weights again, as he wanted us to get leaner. Neither of us wanted to look like a bodybuilder. We also went for a run after working out.

On Tuesday I started my plumbing course, I liked learning about water pressure, and I wondered how much pressure my cum was under when it spurted out of my cock. Brian sent me a message confirming he had got the tickets for the football match, and we decided on a place to meet after work.

After work, I met Brian and we made our way to the stadium by train. Outside the stadium, I bought two England scarfs from a souvenir stall, and I gave one to Brian. It was the last match of the football season, so the atmosphere was great.

Once we found our seats, I took off my work shirt and I encouraged Brian to do the same so I could see his sexy body. There were plenty of shirtless guys in the audience so we did not look out of place. Brian's bare chest looked awesome. As he held his scarf in the air, I caught a glimpse of his smooth armpit. His stomach looked slim and hard against the waistband of the denim jeans he was wearing. My cock got hard looking at him, so I tried to focus on the match instead.

As expected, England won the match and we made our way out of the stadium. The queue for the train station was long, as thousands of people had attended the match.

We put our shirts back on as we waited in the queue.

"Do you want to come back to my place afterwards?" I asked. I knew Brian would not come back to my place because of Aaron, but I was hoping he would ask me to come back to his place instead.

"I can't I have to see Tony later", Brian replied. He showed me his phone briefly. "I've received five messages from him asking me where I am," Brian continued.

"Why didn't you just tell him, you were going to see the match," I asked.

"You don't know Tony like I do. He would ask a million questions and then get angry because I didn't ask him to come along," Brian stated. "I haven't got a clue how to tell him that I'm gay," Brian continued.

"We can tell him together if you like," I volunteered.

"No he will get super mad if he finds out I've been spending time with you," Brian said.

We eventually boarded a train. Brian looked depressed during the journey home. Our stop finally arrived, and we started our walk back to the estate.

"You better take my scarf I'm going to run directly to Tony's place," Brian said as he handed me the scarf I had bought him. "It's better if we go back to the estate separately. I'll be in touch," Brian said as he started to run ahead of me.

I continued to walk home on my own. I felt sad that we could not be together more. It seemed like Brian was scared of what Tony's reaction would be, and there was nothing I could do to help.

When I got home I sent Brian a message thanking him for taking me to the match. I didn't get any reply. Aaron was already in bed, and it was late, so I decided to go to sleep myself.

On Wednesday, I didn't hear from Brian. I decided to message Tim in the afternoon, to see if he wanted to meet up, as I hadn't shot any cum since Sunday morning. Tim replied immediately and I arranged to visit him after my evening workout.

After work, I met Aaron and we went for a run around the estate. Afterwards, I got ready to visit Tim. I knew Tim's mother was due to be at home, so I decided to wear a t-shirt as well as my blue jeans and trainers.

I made my way to Tim's flat. Tina answered the door, she told me Tim was upset but she said I could go through to his bedroom. As I entered the bedroom, I noticed Tim looked like he had been crying, he walked over to me and hugged me.

"What wrong Tim?" I asked.

"Amar dumped me, he said he doesn't want to see me anymore," Tim said.

"Why did Amar dump you?" I asked. We sat down next to each other on Tim's bed.

"He thinks, I enjoy sex with other people more than I do with him," Tim said.

"That doesn't make sense Amar also enjoyed it when had a threesome," I said.

"Well on Saturday, we had a threesome with Amar's cousin. They spit roasted me. I sucked his cousin's cock while Amar fucked me. How could he expect me not to enjoy it?" Tim asked.

"I have no idea. It's difficult dealing with a three-way relationship. Perhaps you just need to keep your sex life simple," I suggested.

"I want Amar back, he means everything to me," Tim said.

Tim's comments disappointed me. I had hoped that I could have had a proper relationship with Tim if Amar was out of the way. But Tim was still wanted Amar back, so he was clearly not ready to be my boyfriend. I moved closer to Tim and I wrapped my arm around him. I stayed with Tim for the rest of the evening. He wasn't in the mood for sex, so after a few hours, I decided to leave.

"Tim, I have to go soon as I have work tomorrow," I said.

"OK, I'm sorry we didn't fuck today. How about if I come over to your place on Saturday morning? I could suck your morning wood again," Tim suggested.

"Yeah sure I would like that, see you on Saturday," I replied. I made my way home and I went straight to bed.

Thursday passed by, I simply went to work, and then I had a workout with Aaron. We were still sticking to light weights and running.

Friday started as a normal day. I was still attending my plumbing course and I was enjoying it.

In the morning, I noticed Aaron had tried to call me, but there was no way I could call back during the training course. I called Aaron as soon as I was released for lunch.

"Hi Aaron, I noticed you tried to call me earlier," I said.

"Hi Jack, are you somewhere private?" Aaron asked.

"Yes why what's wrong?" I asked, as I quickly moved into a vacant meeting room at the training centre.

"Look I'm sorry to have to tell you this over the phone, but, I had a call from Stephanie this morning. She told me that Sara is pregnant." I was stunned and couldn't think of what to say. "Are you still there?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, I'm still here," I replied.

"You're the only one she has had sex with, so it's definitely your baby," Aaron stated. "I'll text you Sara's phone number, I think you should arrange to see her."

"OK I'll do that, bye Aaron", I said, as I cut the phone call off. My phone pinged as Aaron had sent me Sara's phone number. I took a few deep breaths as I contemplated my next move. Then I sent a text message to Sara.

"Hi Sara, Aaron told me the news. Can I see you this evening, please? Jack." I wrote.

"Meet me at the coffee shop near the estate at 6:30" Sara replied.

"OK see you there," I replied.

I continued to sit in the meeting room. My head was spinning with thoughts, then I heard my phone ring, and it was Aaron.

"Hi Jack, just checking that you're OK," Aaron asked.

"Yes, I'm fine it's just a bit of a shock. I've arranged a meeting with Sara after work. So I'm going to skip our workout today," I replied.

"That's fine. Just make sure you stay clear of Tony," Aaron stated.

"What has this got to do with Tony?" I asked.

"Tony is Sara's brother. I don't know what Sara might have told him, but he's not going to be happy when he finds out," Aaron replied.

"OK I'll steer clear of Tony," I replied.

"Can you meet me outside the library, at 5.30? We then go back to the estate together from there," Aaron asked.

"OK see you there," I replied.

I spent the rest of the afternoon wondering what I would say to Sara. Each minute passed by slowly and I found it difficult to focus. We were learning how to use a soldering iron and I nearly burnt myself twice.

Eventually, the workday ended. I made my way to the library which was a short distance from the estate. Aaron arrived 5 minutes later and he gave me a hug before we made our way home.

"I'm sorry Jack, I know this is my fault. I shouldn't have got you involved in my adventures," Aaron said.

"Don't worry I'm not blaming you. I like being involved in your adventures. I just want to do what's best for the future," I replied.

"Where are you meeting Sara," Aaron said.

"The local coffee shop at 6:30," I replied.

"I'm coming out with you, I'll keep an eye out for Tony while you're speaking to her," Aaron reassured me.

"He's going to be so mad when he finds out. Not only have I been sleeping with his best mate, but I've also made his sister pregnant" I said. "The sooner he finds out the better, I hate having to sneak around," I continued.

"We can handle Tony together, I'm not scared of him," Aaron said.

"Neither am I," I replied.

When we got home, we got changed into our casual clothes, then we then made our way to the coffee shop. Aaron waited across the street, while I went inside the coffee shop.

Sara was sitting at a table with Stephanie, so I walked over to their table.

"Hi girls," I said

"Hi Jack, I'll leave you two to talk," Stephanie said before she left the coffee shop. I sat down at the table.

"I'm going to keep this baby," Sara insisted.

"Good, I'm glad. I want to be as involved as I can be," I replied. Sara gave me a little smile, she seemed to be glad that I wanted to keep the baby.

"You're a nice boy, I've always thought so," Sara said.

"Have you told your Mum and Dad?" I asked.

"Yes, I have. Tony knows too. But I haven't told him it's yours. He hates you and your brother. Everyone keeps asking me who the father is, it's not easy keeping it secret"

"Well perhaps we can tell them when the time is right," I said. "Is there anything I can do to make things easier for you?" I asked.

"Well, you could make an honest woman out of me. We could just try dating, it would be nice for the baby to grow up with two parents rather than one?" Sara asked.

"Sara it wouldn't be right for me to date you. The thing is that I'm gay," I explained. Sara seemed surprised.

"You can't be gay, you're lying. Why did you do it with me if you were gay," Sara asked.

"Aaron convinced me to do it, he didn't know that I'm gay at the time. It seemed like fun, so I went along with his plan," I replied. Sara looked disappointed.

"OK, if you want to be involved. You'll have to take on a lot of responsibility. Like babysitting at weekends, and whenever I want to go out. Are you ready for that?" Sara asked.

"Yes I'll do it, I'll do whatever it takes," I said.

"Good. I'll have to tell my family about you soon. Now is not the right time, they need to get used to the idea of me being pregnant first," Sara said. "I'll be in touch," she smiled as she stood up and she walked out of the coffee shop.

I took a minute to gather my thoughts, then I met Aaron outside.

"She hasn't told Tony yet, and she is keeping the baby. I told her I would help in any way I could," I told Aaron.

"Well done, we have to tell Dad too. We don't want him finding out from someone else," Aaron said.

When we got home, me and Aaron made dinner. We ate normal food for a change instead of our usual health food, as our Dad was eating with us. We told him about Sara's pregnancy. He was surprised, that he was going to be a grandparent twice, and he even more surprised as I had previously told him that was gay.

I spent the rest of the evening in my room thinking about the future, I wasn't in the mood to do anything else. Eventually, I got ready for bed. I took all my clothes off and put on my red shorts that Aaron had bought me, which had recently washed. My mind was still too active, so I knocked on Aaron's bedroom door. Aaron was getting ready for bed, he was shirtless and he was just wearing his pair of red lounge shorts that matched mine.

"I can't sleep," I said.

"You can get into bed with me if you like, we can talk ourselves to sleep," Aaron said.

I got under the covers of Aaron's bed. Aaron then turned out the light and he joined me.

"Do you want a cuddle?" Aaron asked.

"Yes I do," I replied.

We moved closer together and we hugged each other laying on our sides. I felt safe in Aaron's arms, he made me feel like everything would be OK. We lay still for a few minutes.

"Your cock is hard and it's poking into me", Aaron said. "We can toss each other off again if you like" he continued.

"Sorry Aaron, I just want you to hold me. My cock has got a mind of its own" I replied. I hadn't noticed that my cock was hard until Aaron mentioned it, but, I could now feel his hard cock pressing against my body too. We continued to hug for a few more minutes, but my mind was still buzzing.

"I don't want to be a bad father," I stated.

"You'll be a great dad. Don't worry it will work itself out," Aaron said.

"I don't think I can sleep," I said.

Lie on your back I'm going to wank you off, it will help you to relax," Aaron insisted.

"You might be right, I haven't cum since the weekend", I turned on my back, and I took off my shorts.

"I haven't cum since Saturday night either", Aaron said as he removed his shorts. He climbed on top of me sitting on my thighs, so our cocks were touching. I could feel Aaron's heavy nut sack resting on mine. I noticed Aaron had let his pubes grow back, although they were still very short.

Aaron took hold of my sensitive cock, and I took hold of his large pole. I gasped as Aaron started to rub my cock. Aaron's cock felt huge in my hand, as I started to stroke his cock slowly. Aaron jacked my cock at the same pace, applying the perfect amount of pressure. I could feel Aaron's hairy balls rubbing against my smooth nut sack.

"Describe how it feels," Aaron asked.

"It awesome, it feels so right. I can't wait to shoot my load," I said.

"Yeah it feels good, you know how to treat my cock," Aaron whispered.

Aaron stroked my cock from base to tip, increasing speed gradually, and I did the same to him. We both moaned quietly as we enjoyed giving each other a perfect wank. Aaron had his eyes closed and he started to moan louder. I started to feel my cum swirling within my groin.

"I'm going to shoot soon," Aaron whispered, as he started to breathe heavily. I moaned as the tension of my own orgasm approached.

Hot cum burned its way from my balls into my cock. Aaron moaned with relief as cum spurted out of his cock landing on my stomach. I fired a long rope of cum over my face and chest. Aaron then splattered my face and chest with a massive cum shot. We both moaned as we continued to fire multiple shots of cum over my face, chest and stomach. We continued to milk each other's cock until we shot the last of our cum.

"That's better," Aaron said, as he laughed at the amount of cum that was covering my body.

"I'm completely drenched," I laughed back. Cum was pooling and dripping down my body. Aaron put on his shorts and he went to the bathroom to get me a towel for me to wipe myself down with. I cleaned myself as best as I could and then Aaron got back into bed beside me. I turned on my side to face Aaron and we hugged once more.

"We should try and get some sleep. Try not to worry, we will get through this together," Aaron said. I lay on my back while Aaron lay on his side, resting his arm on my chest.


Next: Chapter 5

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