The Estate

By Marty Daniels

Published on Mar 4, 2021


This story is pure fiction. This story is set in the UK, so many of the terms used are based on British English. Feedback by email is welcome.

Part 3

My phone pinged the next morning waking me up from a deep sleep. I peeled myself off Aaron's body, as dried cum had glued us together. My cock was as hard as a rock. I lifted the quilt to check Aaron's cock, which was also hard. I picked up my phone from the bedside table. I noticed it was just after 9am and I checked my text messages.

"I'm coming over to see you, I hope you don't mind," Tim said.

"OK see you soon," I messaged back.

"Aaron wake up, you need to go to your room, Tim is on his way over," I said, shaking Aaron's shoulder to wake him up.

"Oh Ok", Aaron said, forcing himself out of bed. Aaron stood up, and he stretched his body, with his cock still standing to attention. Aaron picked his red shorts off the floor, and he put them on. I got back into bed.

"I need to get a drink," Aaron said, as he made his way to the kitchen. The doorbell rang a minute later and Aaron let Tim into the flat.

"Good morning Jack. Wow, you must be really happy to me," I heard Tim say.

"Jack is in his bedroom. You woke us up and this is my morning wood," I heard Aaron say to Tim.

"Oh sorry my mistake, you two look so similar," Tim said to Aaron.

"Gosh, it smells funky in here," Tim said as he entered my bedroom. "You must have been wanking all night," Tim said, as he placed a carrier bag on my bedside table. Tim started to undress. I looked inside Tim's carrier bag, there was a bottle of lube and a packet of wet wipes inside.

Once Tim was naked, he climbed onto the bed and he pulled the quilt off the top half of my body. Tim was about to take my cock in his mouth, but as he moved his mouth closer, he stopped.

"You stink of stale cum," Tim said. Tim felt the smooth skin where my pubes had been shaved, then he pulled back the foreskin of my hard cock. "Oh, that's a strong smell," he continued. "I licked your cock clean before I left yesterday, what have you been up to?" Tim asked.

"Your blow job made me so horny yesterday, I had another wank before bed. I forgot to clean up before I fell asleep," I said. I could hear Aaron giggling outside the bedroom door. Tim lay down on the bed next to me.

"There is a wet crusty patch here, how much cum did you shoot?" Tim asked as he repositioned him near my side of the bed. "I don't think I can suck your cock, it's just too smelly. You're going to have to fuck me and don't forget the lube," Tim continued.

Tim lay down flat on the bed face down, with his legs spread apart. I took the bottle of lube out of Tim's bag and I spread some liberally over my stiff boner. I felt Tim's small butt cheeks and I pulled them apart, so I got a good view of his little hole. I got into position, hovering my body over Tim's. I placed my cockhead at the entrance to Tim's butt and pushed two inches of my cock inside his butt. Tim looked back at me with a painful look as my cock stretched his hole.

"Push it all the way in," Tim gasped. I pushed in further, and Tim took a moment to relax. "That nice, it feels so big inside me," Tim continued. I withdrew my cock and then pushed it back in slowly, and I repeated the process a few times. I then started to piston my cock in and out of his tight warm hole. Tim moaned with pleasure. He turned his head to look back at me from the corner of his eye. The tight friction around my cock felt amazing. I kissed Tim's back and around his neck and then I continued to fuck him harder. I slammed my cock in and out of his butt with long strokes, making him squeal and moan with pleasure. I could then feel my orgasm approaching so I pulled my cock out of his butt.

"Sorry, I nearly shot my load," I said. Tim turned onto his back revealing his hard cock. I felt the smooth skin around his pubic area, then I took his cock into my mouth giving him a good suck. I formed a tight hole with my mouth and I applied pressure with my tongue. I massaged his whole cock in my mouth for a minute, then I licked his smooth ball sack while I jacked his cock with my hand. I took his cock back in my mouth, swirling my tongue around his cockhead, then I sucked his whole cock bobbing my head as fast as I could.

"I don't want to cum yet," Tim interjected. I stopped sucking Tim's cock and I lay down on the bed beside him. "I want you to fuck me again," Tim said.

Tim raised his legs into the air and I got into position on top of him. Tim rested his ankles on my shoulders, and I used my hand to guide my cock back into his hole. I pushed my cock inside Tim inch by inch until it was fully inside him, then I started to buck my hips. The tight friction around my cock returned, Tim took hold of his cock and he started to give himself a swift wank. Tim moaned as he enjoyed being fucked while he continued wank himself off. I enjoyed the sight of Tim's smooth torso tensing and relaxing as breathed deeply under me. I fucked Tim for a minute as hard as I could, taking deep long strokes to pleasure my whole cock.

Tim's butt started to contract around my cock and his breathing became more rapid. He moaned loudly before he fired five long ropes of cum over his face and chest. I continued to fuck him until I could feel my orgasm approaching.

Hot cum flowed out of my balls and straight up my cock. My cum stopped inside my cock for an intense moment before I fired several rounds of juicy cum inside Tim's hole.

I lay down beside Tim and pulled the quilt back over our legs. Tim cuddled his body next to mine and he rested his head on my shoulder. I started to rub the skin of Tim's silky smooth back. Tim's cum trickled down his body onto mine.

"I'm glad you've shaved down here," Tim said, as he stroked the area of skin around my cock.

"That was Aaron's idea," I said. Tim lay still for a few minutes while I continued to stroke his back.

"Have you ever fucked Amar?" I asked Tim. Tim had never expressed an interest in fucking anyone, so I was curious to know if he wanted to do it.

"No, I've never fucked him. I want to, but he said my cock is too small, and he only wants to be fucked by a big cock," Tim replied.

"That's nonsense, you have a lovely cock, and it's a good size. You have a big cock compared to the rest of your body, so it suits you," I replied. "Did you ever want to fuck me?" I asked.

"Things are different with you. You're manlier than Amar. You make me feel safe and gooey inside. I like sucking you off, and being fucked by you." Tim said. "Why do you ask? Do you want to be fucked?" Tim asked.

"I thought of being fucked myself, just doesn't turn me on. I was just curious because I want you to be happy," I replied.

"Well thanks for checking, I sometimes wish Amar would be as considerate as you are," Tim stated. "I have to get going soon, I promised my Mum I would help her this afternoon". Tim said as he rolled himself out of bed. Tim could barely stand as he got up to put his clothes back on.

"Do you mind seeing yourself out, I need to get some rest," I said.

"No problem, perhaps you can come over to my place tomorrow," Tim said, as he limped out of the room, taking his bag with him.

"Sure see you tomorrow," I replied. I rested my eyes and then I heard the front door slam shut, shortly after Aaron walked into my room.

"My God, you fucked him like a machine. The little guy loved it too," Aaron sounded fascinated.

"Yeah he loves being fucked," I replied.

"I need to find myself a regular girlfriend, it would be good to have a regular fuck buddy," Aaron said.

I had a short sleep and then Me and Aaron went for a run around the estate. We wore our gym shorts and trainers, but we remained shirtless. Aaron thought it was a good way for girls around the estate to notice us. We noticed a few people looking at us. Aaron smiled at any female he liked the look of. He seemed to like women of all sizes and backgrounds, even if they were with another man. When we returned home, we both took a shower and I changed my bedsheets again. We then cleaned up the flat, as we wanted everything to be nice for when our Dad got back from his trip. Me and Aaron watched a movie together for the rest of the evening.

I decided not to wank off that night or the next morning as I knew I would be seeing Tim and possibly Amar that day. Shortly after I woke up I sent a text message to Tim, and he asked me over to his place. When I arrived Amar was already there. It was a nice day, so Tim suggested we go out to the local park before we had our usual fun. Tim packed some refreshments and two picnic blankets for us to sit on. When we got to the park, Me and Amar took off our t-shirts, but Tim decided to keep his one on.

Tim and Amar seemed to have a lot to discuss. They talked about books they were reading and the qualifications they were going to study for. I tried to change the subject to sport and fitness a couple of times, but they didn't seem to be interested. Eventually, I gave up trying to engage in conversation. I lay down on the blanket and closed my eyes. I just listened to their conversation. After a while, their conversation then turned to a future event.

"Do I need to wear anything special to that party?" Tim asked Amar.

"Not really, you can wear your best casual clothes, my parents are quite easy-going," Amar replied.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked.

"Amar's parents are having a garden party in two weeks. I've met his parents before, so it's no big deal," Tim said.

"I'm going to introduce Tim as my boyfriend to my parents," Amar said. There was an awkward silence for a few moments until Tim started to speak again.

"Amar why can't you invite Jack along too?" Tim asked.

"I'm not sure what my parents would think of Jack," Amar replied

"My mum likes Jack a lot, maybe even more than she likes you," Tim replied to Amar.

"Look it's OK, I'm not interested in coming anyway," I said trying to end the awkward discussion.

"Well it's just that you're not exactly boyfriend material," Amar said to me. I tried not to get offended by the comment, but I needed to find out what he meant.

"You didn't seem to mind when you had my cock up your arse," I said casually.

"That's different, you're a nice bit of rough, but Tim is my boyfriend," Amar said.

"Can you please stop it both of you?" Tim interjected.

I decided not to push it any further, as I didn't want there to be any friction between us. We stayed in the park for a little longer before we made our way back to Tim's place.

"I want you guys to spit roast me again", Tim said as he ripped his t-shirt off. Tim walked us to his bedroom. Tim could tell I was not happy so he tried to cheer me up by undressing me. Tim pushed me over to the bed, forcing me to sit down, Tim then removed my trainers and socks, and he pulled my shorts and underwear off, while Amar undressed.

"You fucked me too hard yesterday, now my butt is too soar to take your big cock. So I'm going to give you a nice deep suck instead, now lie down properly", Tim said as he looked up at me with a puppy dog look on his face. Tim made me smile and my cock got harder.

I watched Tim undress and then he threw a bottle of lube in Amar's direction. Amar caught the lube and started to apply some to his stiff cock. I lay down on the bed in a reclined position and Tim crawled in-between my legs, holding his butt in the air for Amar.

Tim licked around my cockhead and then he licked my balls. Amar held Tim by the hips and he pushed his cock inside Tim, making Tim gasp before he went back licking my balls. Tim slowly worked licked his way up my cock until he reached the tip. Amar was now fucking Tim, and suddenly Amar's body juddered and he moaned, as he shot his load inside Tim. Tim stopped licking my cock.

"That was quick, you're supposed to let me cum first. You know I like to cum with a cock inside me," Tim said disappointedly.

"Sorry, I just lost control," Amar said.

"Perhaps, I can fuck you, while Amar sucks your cock," I suggested.

"You can't fuck me hard today, but perhaps I can sit on your cock while Amar sucks me off," Tim countered.

"Sure that's fine," I replied. Tim lathered some lube on my cock, and then he straddled my cock facing away from me. He lowered himself slowly onto my cock, and then rested his body on top of mine. Amar then got in-between both of our legs and started to suck Tim's cock.

I had my whole cock inside Tim and I started to run my hands over Tim's smooth chest as Amar continued to suck his cock. I loved Tim's little body. Tim moaned as he enjoyed the attention he was receiving.

"That's it keep doing that" Tim encouraged us both. Tim rested his head back against my chest and he continued to moan. After another minute Tim's moaning got louder and could feel his butt hole pulsating against my cock. Tim let a long loud moan and he bucked his hips once, my cock slipped out of Tim's butt as enjoyed his orgasm. Amar stopped sucking once Tim had filled his mouth with cum.

"I loved that," Tim said as his body relaxed against mine. "Do you want me to suck you off now", Tim said to me.

"Not yet, I like feeling your body", I said. I continued to run my hands slowly over Tim's slim silky smooth stomach and chest. My cock was super hard and it was resting comfortably in between Tim's cheeks. I kissed the back of Tim's neck and shoulders and I ran my hands down his arms, then I returned my hands to his chest and stomach.

"Perhaps you could fuck me instead," Amar suggested after a few minutes.

"I'm enjoying this, why don't you suck Tim's cock, I want to see him hard again," I asked Amar and he complied. I was beginning to like Amar again.

Amar got between our legs and he started to suck Tim's semi-erect cock, while Tim relaxed in my arms. I loved feeling Tim's body while I was so turned on. Amar sucked Tim's cock and until it was fully erect, then Amar continued sucking with deep long strokes, making Tim moan.

"Amar, why don't you suck my cock, while Tim fucks you?" I asked. Amar stopped sucking.

"What, Tim doesn't like to fuck," Amar objected.

"It's a shame you want me to fuck you, but you won't let your boyfriend do it. Perhaps your relationship isn't that strong," I said.

"Tim can fuck me anytime he wants," Amar said.

"Of course I want to," Tim said. I picked up the bottle of lube from the bedside table and I spread it over Tim's cock. Tim raised himself off me, and then he cleaned my hard cock with a cold wet wipe. Amar got in between my legs, and Tim positioned himself behind Amar excitedly.

Amar licked my cock once, and then he paused as Tim held his cock, at the entrance to Amar's hole. Tim had a lustful look on his face, as he was about to fuck for the first time. Tim pushed his cock inside Amar slowly until he was all the way in, making Amar gasp with pleasure.

"Does it feel good," I asked Amar.

"Yeah it feels nice, I just need to get used to it," Amar gasped.

Tim started to fuck Amar, and Amar tried to suck my cock at the same time, but he was not able to maintain his balance.

Tim moaned as he thrust his little body back and forth. I loved watching his muscles tense and flex as he fucked Amar. I held my cock away from Amar's mouth as I just wanted to focus on watching the boys fuck.

"Fuck him harder, I want to see it," I requested. Tim sped up, fucking Amar as fast as he could. Tim moaned continuously as he enjoyed destroying Amar's hole. My cock was so hard that I wanted to wank off over Amar's cute face, but I managed to resist.

All of a sudden, Tim moaned louder and he bucked his head back and forth as he shot his load inside Amar's butt. Tim smiled with satisfaction as he pulled his cock out of Amar.

"That was awesome. We need to finish you off now," Tim said to me. Amar made space for Tim and I spread my legs a little wider. Tim licked my cock, then he took my cock deep inside his mouth allowing my cockhead to skim his throat. He then started to bob his head as fast as he could, trying to make me cum. After a minute, he allowed Amar to take over. Amar deep throated my cock expertly for few seconds and then he bobbed his head making my cockhead enter and leave his throat repeatedly until I could feel my cum approaching.

"I want to cum in Tim's mouth," I said. Amar allowed Tim to take over. Tim took my cock inside his mouth and he bobbed his head up and down as fast as could, and then he took my cockhead into his throat. Then he massaged my cockhead inside his throat as could feel my orgasm return. I moaned out loud, as cum heated my groin. Tim kept my cockhead inside his throat and he continued to jerk his head, as my cum travelled up my cock, and after a few seconds, I blasted six shots of boiling cum into Tim's throat. Tim coughed as he released my cock.

"That was intense", I gasped. Tim smiled back as he tried to catch his breath back. I could see Amar's cock was hard. I got off the bed and I put on my underwear and shorts.

"I got to dash boys, it's been fun", I said. I put on my socks and trainers and I picked up my t-shirt before I left Tim's flat. I was not interested in finishing Amar off, and I was pretty sure their conversation would have bored me for the rest of the afternoon. I liked Tim and Amar physically, but I was beginning to think we had nothing else in common.

I went home and changed from my casual shorts, into my gym shorts. I then went to the garage and started to workout. It was a nice day so I left the garage door open.

I received a text message from Tim sometime later saying, "I told Amar off, for the things he said to you earlier."

"Perhaps we should talk about it face to face when Amar isn't around," I replied.

"OK, I'll come and see you tomorrow morning," Tim replied.

Then I received another text message from Amar on our group chat. "I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to offend you".

"It's OK no problem," I replied. I decided it wasn't worth me holding a grudge against Amar. At least he was speaking the truth and I knew where I stood.

I continued to exercise until Stephanie and Sara walked past the garage. They looked carefully to see whether it was me or Aaron inside.

"Hi Jack, I nearly mistook you for Aaron," Stephanie said, "How's it going?" she asked.

"Hello ladies, I'm very good. I'm a bit sweaty so you don't want to get too close," I warned. "How are you both?" I asked.

"Yeah we're good, did you enjoy our double date," Stephanie asked.

"It was more a brief encounter than a date, but yes it was good fun," I replied.

"Well we can always try a proper date if that's what you boys want," Sara stated.

"Perhaps you should ask when Aaron is around, he'll be back from work in a couple of hours," I said.

"OK, well maybe we'll pop by later," Stephanie said as they both continued on their way.

By the time Aaron arrived, I was exhausted. Aaron started his work out while I watched.

"Stephanie and Sara came by earlier, they want us to go on a proper date with them," I said.

"I haven't spoken to them since we fucked them. You would think, that they would have got the message by now," Aaron said. He sounded heartless.

"Perhaps you should let them down gently Aaron," I said.

"They had a crush on you at school, they only wanted me there because they thought we looked alike, so perhaps you should let them down gently," Aaron joked.

"They aren't my problem," I said.

"Unfortunately, we are both guilty this time. It was their first time. For girls, the first time is a big deal. I'm actually not surprised they are still sniffing around. If it wasn't us they would have gone with someone else anyway, so I don't feel bad about it," Aaron said. "You know we are too young to be tied down in a relationship," Aaron concluded.

Aaron was right, the girls would get over us in time. I was beginning to think it was too early for me to be tied down with Tim, and Amar had already made it clear I was not tied to him.

After our workout, we both went for a long jog before we headed home. Aaron and I then spent the evening watching a football match on TV.

The next morning, I was woken up by a ring at the doorbell to our flat. My cock was in morning wood mode, so there was no way I was going to get up. I heard Aaron answer the door, and then I heard Tim's voice. I looked at my alarm clock, and it read 6:37am, Tim then entered my bedroom and he shut the door behind him.

"Good morning," Tim said as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. Tim took off his trainers and he climbed on the bed. He pulled the quilt off the top half of my body. I was wearing the red lounge shorts Aaron had bought me.

"Looks like you need some attention," Tim said, staring at the tent in my shorts. Tim lifted the loose waistband of my shorts over my cock and he rested it under my ball sack. Without saying another word, Tim started to lick my morning wood. I parted my legs more and Tim used his hand to massage my ball sack before taking my cock into his mouth. I moaned as Tim sucked on my cockhead while massaging my nuts.

Tim then jerked my cock a few times tightly with his hand before he went back to work with his mouth. He took my cock deep into his throat and bobbed his head a few times, then he pulled my cock all the way out and he jerked my cock tightly with his hand again. Tim repeated the action of sucking my cockhead, then deep throating and then a few jerks with his hand two more times.

I could feel my cum heating my groin as Tim jerked my cock once more. I moaned and lifted my head to watch the action. Tim took my cock into his throat once more as my cum surged through my cock, the tightness of Tim's throat stopped my cum flowing inside my cock for a second, before I blasted six volleys cum into his throat and mouth. I could feel Tim's throat contract as he swallowed my cum.

Tim lifted his head off my cock, and he rested his face against my hip, as we both recovered.

"You said you wanted to speak to me yesterday," Tim said wearily.

"My Dad's due back from his nightshift soon, and he will want to sleep, so we can't talk here. I'll take a shower then we can go somewhere for breakfast," I said. I handed Tim the remote control to my bedroom TV and left him in the bedroom. I knocked on Aaron's bedroom door. Aaron was only wearing his boxer shorts, as he was getting ready for work.

"Aaron, can I borrow some money? I want to take Tim out for breakfast," I asked, as Aaron was putting on his jeans.

"Did he come over just to suck your cock?" Aaron asked while handing me a œ20 note from his wallet.

"He came over to talk," I replied.

"I never heard much talking. All I could hear was sex, you want to keep hold of him," Aaron laughed as spoke.

"Thanks, Aaron, see you at the garage later", I said. Aaron never expected me to repay him. As I was starting my new job soon, I was hoping it would be the last time I would have to ask for money.

I took a quick shower, and I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before me and Tim headed out. When we got to the local caf‚, we both asked for coffee. Tim ordered a fried breakfast, while I ordered porridge oats and a banana. The caf‚ was busy, but we managed to find an empty table. There was plenty of background noise in the caf‚ which meant we could talk in private.

"What did you want to talk about?" Tim asked.

"I just thought it would be nice for us to spend some time together. Whenever we meet we either have sex or Amar is also around. We never seem to talk much ourselves. I've had longer conversations with your Mum," I said.

"I agree, we should spend more time together," Tim said.

"So apart from sex, what else is going on in your life?" I asked.

"Well Tony and Brian, offered Amar drugs on his way home yesterday," Tim said.

"Those two are always up to no good, what did Amar do," I asked.

"He walked away, they didn't ask him again," Tim said.

"What are you up to later then," I asked.

"I asked Amar if he would come to the Art Gallery with me this afternoon, so we are going there. Then we are going to watch a movie about Stephen Hawking's life this evening," Tim said.

"That's nice, why didn't you ask me to come along?" I asked.

"I didn't think you were interested in Science and Art?" Tim replied, as our food arrived. Tim was right, but I still would have liked to have been asked.

"The real problem is that I'm not happy with the current set up. I would have been happy involving Amar in our relationship if had a proper three-way relationship. At the moment, it feels like you and Amar are having a relationship and the two of us have a separate relationship," I said. "We should call a spade, a spade," I stated.

"What do you mean?" Tim asked.

"I'm not your boyfriend, Amar is your boyfriend, and you both just use me for sex. So from now on I don't want to be your boyfriend, but we can still have sex if you want," I said.

"OK, I won't call you my boyfriend, but nothing changes then does it?" Tim asked.

"When we have sex in the future, I'm not going to suck or touch your cock anymore. I'm not your boyfriend, so I'll just have sex in the way that pleases me most. You can still suck my cock and we can fuck," I stated. Tim had a surprised look on his face.

"I'm not sure whether to be upset or turned on by what you're saying. What about Amar do you still want to see him?" Tim asked.

"That depends on whether I want a threesome or not, but I'm not going to touch his cock either," I stated firmly.

"What if I want you to be my boyfriend, we could just use Amar for sex?" Tim asked.

"If you want to be my boyfriend, I will continue to make love to you properly, but then you would have to dump Amar. We would need to be loyal to each other, with no third parties involved. It's your choice," I said.

Tim thought about his choice carefully, before speaking. We both concentrated on our food for a minute.

"Me and Amar go back a long way, and like sex with you. I want Amar to be my boyfriend. I'd like us to continue seeing each other on your terms. I don't mind if you don't want to touch my cock, I'll play with myself," Tim stated.

"OK sounds good," I concluded.

"Can me and Amar see you tomorrow, we can all meet at my place," Tim asked.

"I don't want to see Amar tomorrow, just you," I said.

"OK fine, you can come over after you wake up, I'll make sure Amar isn't around," Tim confirmed.

We continued eating our food, and the mood of the conversation improved a bit. I was not surprised by Tim's choice, he and Amar had a lot in common. I was surprised that Tim accepted the changes to our sexual practices so easily. It felt good to be free of my relationship with Tim, and I could now use him for sex instead.

After we finished breakfast, I made my way to my friend Adrian's place. I spent the rest of the day with Adrian. We took his baby to the local park, to get some fresh air. Adrian told me he had sex with his girlfriend for the first time since she gave birth. He now had to use a condom during sex to avoid another pregnancy. I met Aaron in the evening for our usual work out.

I woke up on Wednesday morning with my usual stiff cock, I knew I was seeing Tim later, so I resisting wanking off. I sent a text message to Tim, to confirm I would be coming over, and then I had a shower. I checked my messages after my shower.

"Can you buy some lube on your way over, I'm waiting for you," Tim wrote. He included a picture of himself in bed, he was bare-chested, cuddling his quilt and a teddy bear. I decided not to wear any underwear or a t-shirt, I slipped on my jogging bottoms and my trainers. I stopped at the local pharmacy shop to buy two tubes of lube, and I stuffed them into my pockets.

When I arrived at Tim's place, he opened the front door. He was only wearing his cute pyjama bottoms. He put his hands on my shoulders and picked him up off the floor. Tim then wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. My cock was getting harder as each second passed.

"Can we still kiss?" Tim asked.

"Yes, of course," I replied. Tim kissed me passionately on the lips, as I walked us to his bedroom.

"First, I want you to fuck my mouth, and then you're hard again I will ride your cock," Tim stated eagerly. My cock was now as hard as a plank of wood.

"OK sounds good," I replied. Tim straightened his legs and I let him drop to the floor. I placed the contents of my pockets on the bedside table. Tim lay down on his bed with his head hanging off the edge, and he opened his mouth as wide as he could. I took the hint, I hooked the waistband of my joggers under my ball sack and I lowered my cock into position, fitting it into his open mouth. I rested my hands on the bed to support myself, placing one hand on either side of Tim's body.

I started to fuck Tim's mouth slowly, to allow him to get used to the rhythm. At first, I kept my cock in his mouth and after a few thrusts, I pushed my cock into his throat to see if he could take it. I kept bucking hips pushed a little more cock into his throat each time, until I was confident he could take it all. I continued to fuck Tim's mouth slowly pulling my cock out until only my cockhead was in his mouth then I pushed my cock in all the way wedging my cockhead into his throat. I could see Tim's tight windpipe expand as he accepted my cock, and then contract as I pulled out. I loved the slick tight feeling around my cock. I could see Tim's stiff cock straining against the material of his pyjamas.

I increased my speed which intensified my pleasure. I could hear Tim making muffled moaning sounds as my cock invaded his throat repeatedly. I continued to pound Tim's warm wet mouth for another minute. I enjoyed watching his throat bulge out again and again. I could now feel my orgasm approaching, I kept up my pace hoping Tim would be able to manage my load. I moaned as hot cum trickled through my cock warming it up from the inside. My body jerked a little before blasted my first and second cum shot down Tim's throat. I then let him taste my cum, as shot the rest of my cum into his mouth. I noticed Tim's windpipe expand once more as he swallowed the liquid in his mouth.

I pulled my cock out of Tim's mouth and I pulled tracksuit bottoms back up. I took my trainers off and I lay down on the bed. Tim joined me for a cuddle in my arms.

My phone pinged, I reached for my phone and checked my messages, I could see Amar had sent a message to me and Tim.

"Hi guys, would you like to meet up this afternoon?" Amar asked.

"Do you mind if I reply?" I asked Tim.

"Go ahead," Tim said.

"I'm already with Tim, but I'm busy this afternoon," I wrote back.

I closed my eyes and rested. Tim started to run his hand over my chest and abs and then he kissed me on the cheek. I tried not to engage in conversation and I started to rub Tim's back instinctively with my eyes closed. I briefly opened my eyes and I noticed Tim had his hand inside his pyjamas, and he was massaging his cock.

After a while my cock started to come back to life. Tim could see the tent in my tracksuit bottoms, so he got up to free my cock. I lifted my butt to make it easy for him, and he pulled my tracksuit right off, then Tim took off his pyjamas. I threw Tim and a tube of lube from the bedside table and he applied the cold liquid to my cock. Tim straddled my stomach and then he kissed me on the lips.

"Will you let me cum first," Tim asked, as he guided my cock into his hole.

"Yes of course," I replied.

Tim slowly slid his body down the length of my cock, and then he started to ride my cock slowly. Tim's cock was rock hard. I was tempted to take hold of his cock, but I resisted as I wanted him to realise he could not have everything his way.

Tim started to buck his hips. I loved the tight warm feeling inside his butt and the friction around my cock.

"Put your hands behind your head," Tim requested. I did as Tim asked. "I like that look," Tim gasped.

Tim continued to buck his hips for a minute and then he started to increase his speed. The tight feeling around my cock felt intense. Tim was watching me closely and soon I could feel my orgasm approaching, and Tim stopped bucking his hips.

"That was close," I said, gasping for air.

"Don't worry, I can tell when you're getting close. I won't let you cum first," Tim said.

Tim started to ride my cock again. The friction and heat around my cock felt amazing. I watched Tim's stomach muscles as he bounced his hips. He had a cute mischievous look on his face.

Just as I could feel my orgasm approaching Tim slowed down and stopped rocking on my cock. He gave me half a minute to recover and then he bucked his hips once more. The pre-orgasmic feeling returned quickly this time, and Tim stopped his motion.

"It's going to be a while before I can cum," Tim said.

"You can always play with your own cock," I said.

"I like watching you in this position, you look nice battling the urge to cum," Tim said.

Tim started to ride my cock again and I was beginning to wonder if I would have to give in and jack his cock for him.

Tim rested his body and we kissed each other. Then he rose once more and he rested his hands on my shoulders, Tim bucked his hips, to bring me to the edge once more. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling around cock. Tim stopped his action just as my cum started its approach. Tim gave a few moments to recover before he started to buck his hips again. He had to stop again after a few seconds.

Tim was now sweating and he looked like he needed to cum too. Tim gave me a little longer to rest this time, and then he started to buck his hips slowly, he took hold of his cock and he gave it a few tugs. He started to moan loudly, and he increased the speed at which he was riding my cock, soon I could feel my orgasm approaching once more. I started to moan as I felt my cum pass the point of no return.

Tim's butt clenched hard against my cock, he fired two ropes of cum over me. His butt squeezed my cock once more, pushing my cum awkwardly through my cock. I started shooting my cum inside Tim as he fired four more ropes of cum over my face, chest and abs. Tim continued to buck his hips until we both unloaded out cum.

"That was incredible," Tim said.

"Yeah it was intense," I replied.

Tim kissed me again, I removed my hand from behind my head, and I pulled him closer to me. Tim lay on top of me as we recovered for a few minutes, his cum dribbled down my body. Then I got up and he fell off my body. I picked up Tim's t-shirt off his floor to wipe his cum off me.

"I have to get going," I said.

"Why don't you stay," Tim asked.

"I'm only here for the sex remember, if you wanted me to stay, you should have chosen me as your boyfriend," I stated.

"Can I see you tomorrow," Tim asked.

"No, I'm seeing a friend in the morning and I'm working out all afternoon," I said.

"What about the evening," Tim asked.

"I'm spending time with Aaron. We can talk by text and we can meet again real soon," I promised.

I got dressed and I stuffed my belongings back into my pocket, leaving one tube of lube for Tim. I didn't have anything to do that afternoon but, I wanted Tim to realise he couldn't have me whenever he wanted me.

I headed back home and I tidied the flat, I spend the rest of the day with Aaron. I resisted wanking that night and the next morning. I was getting used to all the sex I was having, so wanking felt like a waste of spunk.

On Thursday morning I met up with my friend Ben. He finally had sex with his girlfriend. His girlfriend was on the pill, so he felt relaxed shooting his cum inside her. He kept talking about how great it was to lose his virginity, it was a real weight off his mind.

In the afternoon, I went to the garage early for my workout, As usual, I was shirtless, just wearing gym shorts and trainers. Aaron was not due to finish work for another hour. I left the garage door open as it was too warm inside. I was doing some chin-ups when Brian walked passed the garage, he stopped and looked at me. I let go of the bar.

Brian was a good looking guy, he had a cute innocent face and he was around my height. His body was thin and awkward looking. He had slightly curly hair, that was short on the back and sides, and it flopped over his forehand at the front. Brian looked sad, he was wearing smart trousers and a smart white t-shirt.

"I hope you're not here to cause trouble. Where's Tony," I asked.

"Tony's at the police station, they picked him up for dealing earlier today. He's already got a suspended sentence for something he did before. He could be in big trouble," Brian replied.

"Oh well, I can't say I'm sorry. What about you, how come you didn't get caught with him," I asked.

"I don't deal drugs, that's all Tony. Besides, I just had an induction day for my new job. I start work as a trainee fireman next week," Brian said.

"Well that's very interesting but Aaron will be here in an hour, so you better not hang around," I stated.

"Can I speak to you in private, you know with the door closed," Brian asked.

"Ok you better step inside," I said. I pressed the remote control button and the garage door started to close. The internal light switched itself on automatically. I was not worried about being alone with Brian. If it was Tony I would have been more concerned.

As soon as the door was closed, Brian pulled his t-shirt over his head and he dropped it on my exercise bench.

Brian had a smooth chest and a very slim body that showed his pecs and his six-pack abs. He had skinny arms, but he had some good biceps. He also had a small tattoo of a red rose on one of his pecs.

Brian slowly walked closer to me, and I could feel blood rush to my cock. Brian stood right next to me and feel his breath on my face. He tried to kiss me on the lips, I was surprised at first, but then instinctively I started to kiss him back. Brian felt my hard cock under the material of my gym shorts. He dropped to his knees and he pulled my shorts and underwear down, and he took my stiff cock into his mouth. I gasped for air, as I held onto the bars of my workbench to steady myself.

He then licked around my cockhead and then took it inside his mouth again, he bobbed his back and forth slowly. I gasped once more, as I enjoyed the attention my cock was receiving. Brian withdrew my cock from his mouth, and he used his hand to wank my cock, while keeping the tip of my cock near his lips. He gave me a tight swift wank jacking my cock as fast as he could. I closed my eyes and I enjoyed the feeling. As I started to feel my orgasm approaching, I called out to Brian.

"I'm gonna shoot," I warned. Brian continued to jack my cock quickly. I felt hot cum gush out of my balls and burn its way through my cock. I squirted five large shots of cum into Brian's mouth as he finished me off taking my cockhead inside his mouth. Brian stood up and he swallowed my cum.

"I never thought you would be gay," I said.

"You should see my collection of dildos," Brian said nervously.

"Look I appreciate you sucking my cock, but I can't take this any further until you apologise to Tim," I said.

"Yeah sure, I just want someone to talk to. Tony hates gay people and I've not got many other friends," Brian said, sounding agitated.

"OK, calm down. How about you meet me back here at 8:30. If Aaron sees you when he gets back, there will be trouble," I tried to reassure Brian.

Brian agreed to meet me later, and he left. I continued my workout. I wondered why I got so easily turned by someone I had disliked before today. I also wondered why I had not realised that Brian was so cute looking.

Aaron arrived a few minutes later. We worked out for another hour and then we went home to eat. I had a shower and got dressed. The temperature outside was still warm enough for shorts and I wore a t-shirt for the first time that day.

I met Brian outside the garage as planned. He was now dressed in shorts instead of formal trousers.

"I want you to apologise to Tim and his Mum too," I said "They live their lives fearing you two, and an apology would go a long way to making things better," I continued.

"I know what I've done," Brian said.

We walked over to Tim's flat, and I rang the doorbell. Tim opened the door shortly after. Tim looked shocked when he saw me with Brian.

"Tim would you come outside for a minute," I asked.

"Who is it?" Tina called out from inside the flat.

"I'll just be a minute Mum, it's Jack," Tim shouted back. "Why have you bought him here?" Tim asked me.

"I want to say I'm sorry for all the things I've done, I know we've bullied you a lot," Brian said.

"What about Tony, is he sorry too?" Tim asked.

"I can't speak for Tony, but I'll try and make sure he doesn't bother you again," Brian stated. Brian pulled his wallet out and he gave Tim œ40 in cash. "I know we took some money from you if that's not enough I'll give you some more," Brian continued.

"OK, apology accepted," Tim said, as he took the money from Brian.

"Can I speak to your Mum as well," Brian asked. Tim called for his mother and she came to the door.

"Mum this is Brian, he is one of the guys that posted stuff through our letterbox," Tim explained.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry and it won't happen again," Brian said.

"Do you know, how you have made me and Tim feel, with your behaviour. How would your mother feel if she knew what you were doing?" Tina asked.

"She wouldn't be proud of me I'm sure", Brian answered.

"Well OK, I'll let it lie, as long as it doesn't happen again," Tina stated.

Tim and Tina went back inside and closed the door.

"Well done Brian," I said

"Will you come back to my place? I'd just like to talk," Brian asked.

"Yes, of course," I said.

Brian lived in the same block as me but on a lower floor. He lived with his grandfather. His parents didn't seem to be around.

"Will your Granddad be ok with me being around," I asked as we entered Brian's flat.

"He'll be asleep and he won't hear us, his hearing is not very good," Brian said.

Brian's flat looked clean and tidy, especially Brian's bedroom. Brian's room contained a single bed and computer desk. Brian's phone then pinged and Brian checked his messages.

"It's Tony's sister, she's just letting me know that Tony is going to plead not guilty to the magistrate in the morning. They'll probably let him go on bail after that," Brian said.

"How about we forget about Tony for one night," I suggested. We both sat down on Brian's bed side-by-side resting our backs against the wall.

"Aside from today, I've never done anything about my sexuality. I can't talk about it with Tony. My Grandad isn't really in a fit state to talk about it. I've met a few people online and never anyone face-to-face." Brian said.

"Well, you can talk to me if that helps," I replied.

"I want to meet someone, I'd like to have a relationship, with someone kind and considerate. Not just someone who wants sex," Brian said.

"Well if it any consolation, I was in the same position as you until two weeks ago, then I met Tim," I stated.

"Are you serious about Tim," Brian asked.

"Not really. I like him a lot, but he's got another boyfriend. We just use each other for sex. If I was in a proper relationship I wouldn't bother with him," I replied.

"If I had a chance of a relationship with you, I'd never let you go," Brian stated

"Well maybe you have got a chance of a relationship with me", I said. I looked at Brian to gage his response. Brian moved his head closer to mine and we kissed passionately.

We stopped kissing and Brian smiled, he looked so happy to have kissed me. Brian changed his position to face me and we kissed again, I delved my tongue deep into his mouth. My cock was hard again.

"Can I see you with your t-shirt off again?" Brian asked.

"Only if I can see you too," I replied.

Brian took his t-shirt off and I did the same.

"You have a great body. I just look like a wimp compared to you," Brian said.

"I think you have a nice body, I like slim guys like you," I said, making Brian smile again. "You've got a great smile too. Why don't you lie down so I can kiss you properly?" I continued.

Brian lay down on his bed and lay down by his side. The bed was only single sized, so we were forced to be close together.

"Put your arm behind my back, there will be more room on the bed that way," I said.

Brian wrapped his arm around my back and I stroked his skinny chest. We kissed again. Brian ran his hands over my chest and back. I noticed the bulge in his shorts and I tried to ignore my own stiff cock.

"You've already seen my cock, but I haven't seen yours," I said.

"I haven't shaved my hair down there like you have," Brian stated. Brian made me laugh as I remembered why Aaron had shaved my pubes off.

"It doesn't matter I'd like to see your cock," I said.

Brian tried to use his free hand to unfasten his belt. I raised myself to free his arm, so he could use both hands. He removed his belt and unfastened the button fly on his shorts. He then raised his butt lowered his shorts and underwear to his knees. His cock was hard, it was just over six inches and it curved upwards slightly. Brian had nicely trimmed pubes, a narrow waistline and skinny legs.

"You got a nice piece of meat there", I said and ran my fingers over his thick cock and through the hairs on his balls, making Brian gasp. I repositioned myself on the bed, bringing my mouth closer to his cock, and then I licked his cock while I stroked his ball sack. I licked his cock from base to tip and then down again.

"Do you want me to suck your cock too?" Brian whispered.

"Maybe later, just relax and enjoy yourself for now," I insisted.

I took Brian's cock into my mouth, I bobbed my head a few times and I could hear him. I then licked his ball sack while I jerked his cock with my hand.

I stopped for a moment and removed Brian's shorts and underwear from around his knees and then I sat in-between his legs. I started to suck his cock deeper into my mouth while massaging his nut sack with my hand. I tried to take his cock into my throat briefly and could hear Brian moaning some more. I bobbed my head up and down a few times, allowing his cock to enter my throat repeatedly. Then I focussed my tongue on his cockhead, massaging the ridge of his cockhead with my tongue and lips. I took his cock into my throat once more and I repeated the whole process.

I released his cock from my mouth and I jerked his cock with my hand to give me a chance to breathe. I could tell he was getting close to shooting his cum, so I took his cock deep into my throat and bobbed my head as fast as I could. He started to moan louder, and I noticed his abs flexing around. Suddenly his cum filled my mouth. I swallowed as much as could. I continued to bob my head and swallow, as my mouth was flooded with more shots of cum. His cum had less flavour than Tim's, but it was equally nice. Once he had finished shooting cum, I released his cock and swallowed what was left in my mouth.

"That was amazing, I loved it," Brian said.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said as lay down by his side once more.

"Will you fuck me next," Brian asked.

"Yeah but perhaps we should wait until you're hard again, I want to make you cum with my cock inside you," I said. I wanted to fuck Brian straight away, but I wanted him to enjoy his first time as much as possible.

"I would like that," Brian said

"Do you have some lube? We're going to need it," I asked. Brian got out of bed and opened his bedside drawer. He shuffled around in the drawer and he retrieved a tube of lube. He then showed me his collection of sex toys, he had two dildos and a butt plug.

"I'm not into this stuff. The idea of being fucked, doesn't really turn me on. But I'll fuck you if you still want me to," I said.

"I'd love to try. I want to try it with me lying on my back first," Brian said, with a cute smile on his face.

"It might hurt at first, but if you relax and give some time the pain will go away," I warned.

"I know, I've read a lot about it on the internet", Brian said. Brian coated one of his dildos with lube. "Can you push this one inside me, it will help me prepare for your cock", Brian continued.

"Yeah sure, lie down on the bed next to me?" I asked. Brian handed me a long glass dildo with ridges down the side. He lay down on the bed and he raised one leg and I reached in-between his legs and I pushed the dildo slowly inside his butt. Brian closed his eyes tightly as I pushed it all the way in.

"I can't wait for your cock to be inside me," Brian gasped. I felt around his torso and his skinny little butt. Brian turned onto his side so I could hug him. Brian hugged me tightly in return. We parted slightly, so he could feel my chest and abs. He then touched my cock, giving it a few jerks. We lay together caressing each other for a few more minutes until I noticed that Brian's cock was also hard. I reached around him and slowly pulled the dildo out of his butt.

"Why don't you lie on your back, and raise your legs in the air for me," I said. Brian complied. I put the dildo on the bedside table and got myself into position on top of him. I placed his feet over my shoulders, and I aimed my cock for his butt hole. Brian passed me the lube and I coated my cock with the slippery liquid. I tossed the bottle of lube on the floor, and I position my cockhead at the entrance to his hole.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes, go for it," Brian asked.

I pushed my cockhead inside him easily. Brian moaned as my cock stretched his hole, but it didn't look like I was hurting him. I waited for his facial expression to relax and then pushed my cock inside him some more. Brian gasped for air, and then I pushed in two more inches and after a few seconds, I pushed in all the way.

"That feels so strange," Brian said.

I started to fuck Brian slowly, he looked like he was enjoying it. He looked helpless but content at the same time. I tried to take hold of Brian's cock, but it was difficult for me fuck Brian and wank his cock simultaneously, Brian removed my hand and he started to wank himself off.

I started to fuck Brian harder, making him moan, with each thrust. I loved the warm tight feeling around my cock, while watched the cute guy beneath me enjoy himself. We both moaned, as I continued to thrust my cock in and out of his hole, while he wanked his cock. Brian started to moan louder and could feel his butt tighten around my cock, forcing me to slow down. Brian's cock started to shoot cum, covering his chest and stomach. I continued to fuck him as his butt hole clenched around my cock.

Brian stopped wanking, and I could now feel my cum heating my groin. Hot cum swept through my balls and into my cock. My cock was filled with juicy cum. I moaned out loud before I fired several wads of cum into Brian's hole. I withdrew my cock from Brian's butt and I fell on top of him.

"I loved that," I said as I noticed Brian had tears running down the side of his face. "Are you OK?" I asked.

"I'm just happy," Brian said. "Will you stay with me tonight?" Brian asked.

"Yes of course," I said. We rested in bed for a few minutes. Then I asked Brian if I could use his bathroom, and Brian fetched me a towel. While in the bathroom, I used some mouth wash and had a quick shower, so I could clean my cock. Then I returned to the bedroom. Brian got out of bed when I entered the room.

"Can you lie down on your back?" Brian asked. I lay down on the bed and Brian lay down on top and he pulled the quilt over us to keep us warm. We kissed on the lips passionately once more.

"Does your brother hate me?" Brian asked.

"I'm not sure, he thinks you and Tony are trouble and he doesn't want anything to do with you?" I said.

"All the bad stuff is Tony really, and people tar me with the same brush because I hang around with him. I hope Tony stays in prison." Brian said.

"Let's forget about Tony," I asked. We kissed again, and gradually we both fell asleep.


Next: Chapter 4

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