The Estate

By Marty Daniels

Published on Feb 26, 2021


This story is pure fiction. This story is set in the UK, so many of the terms used are based on British English. Feedback by email is welcome.

Part 2

I woke up on Sunday morning and my cock was as hard as a rock. I thought about wanking myself off. But I decided to text Tim first.

"Good Morning Tim, just wondering if you wanted to meet up today," I wrote. Tim did not reply straight away, so I lowered the waistband of my shorts, and I started to rub my stiff cock slowly. Then suddenly my phone pinged.

"Hi Jack, my Mum is out this evening why don't you come over around 6pm. I've been researching how to suck your big cock better. I can't wait to try again," Tim wrote.

"I'm looking forward to it. See you then," I replied. I resisted the temptation to wank off. I pulled my shorts back up and I got out of bed. I met Aaron in the lounge.

"Erm, excuse me. I can call Sara to come around and see to that, but I'm not sure how you feel about it," Aaron said. My cock was still creating a tent in my shorts.

"My mind is frazzled at the moment," I said, as I sat down placing my hand over my shorts to hide the tent.

"I'm going to take a look at a second-hand car this evening, do you want to come?" Aaron asked.

"No, I'm busy this evening," I replied.

"And will you be staying out all night again," Aaron asked.

"Maybe, it just depends how things go," I replied.

"You've got a date then have you?" Aaron queried.

"Well yes, it's Tim, Alice's son," I replied.

"So have the two of you done it yet," Aaron asked.

"Yes, we've sucked each other off," I said. I then showed Aaron the text message from Tim.

"No wonder your cock won't go down. I bet he sucks your cock well," Aaron said gleefully.

Me and Aaron spent most of the day working out in the garage. After working out, I got myself ready to see Tim. I had been thinking of him all day, and I was desperate to see him. I put on my favourite jeans and a tight white t-shirt.

When I arrived at Tim's flat, I knocked on his front door and he let me in. Tim was only wearing his shorts and could see his slim smooth torso. I closed the door behind me. Tim jumped towards me and lifted him off the floor. He wrapped his legs around me and we kissed passionately.

"I've been looking forward to this all day," Tim said.

"So have I, let's go to your bedroom," I said. Once we were in Tim's room, I took off my t-shirt while Tim unfastened my belt. He got my button fly open, and I hooked the waistband of my boxers under my balls, revealing my hard cock.

Tim dropped to his knees and started sucking my cock, he wanked the base of cock and he took my cockhead inside his mouth. I started to buck my hips as I desperately wanted him to take more of cock inside his mouth. I loved the feeling of his wet and warm mouth. Tim then stopped suddenly.

"I want to show you another position, take your clothes off," Tim asked. I removed all my clothes, while Tim lay on his bed then he hung his head over the end of the bed.

"I want you to fuck my mouth while I'm in this position," Tim begged. I walked over to Tim, and I slowly pushed my cock inside his mouth. I was about four inches in before I could feel some resistance, so I stopped. Tim then placed his hands on my butt, and encouraged me to push in further. I could feel my cock enter his tight throat. It felt amazing but I noticed Tim was struggling to breathe through his nose. I pulled back a little, and then Tim pulled me back in, this time I could feel his nose on my ball sack. I loved the tight feeling of his throat. Tim was making muffled moaning sounds as I started to fuck his mouth slowly. Tim gave up controlling me and he concentrated on taking my cock inside him.

I started to fuck Tim's mouth a little faster, to see whether he could take it. Tim didn't seem mind so I continued to thrust my cock in and out of his throat picking up speed gradually. The slick wet feeling of tight his throat felt amazing. Tim forced his tongue against my cock. I loved the tight feeling of my cock entering his throat with each stroke.

I desperately want to cum in Tim's mouth, so I started thrusting faster. My cock continued to slip past his lips, over his tongue and into his throat with ease. I could feel my orgasm approaching as hot cum burned its way through my balls and then it blasted its way through my cock. I moaned loudly as I fired seven volleys of cum into Tim's mouth and throat. I pounded my cock inside Tim while he kept still, throughout my orgasm.

Once I had shot all of my cum, I pulled my cock out of Tim's mouth and we both tried to catch our breath.

"That was awesome," I said. I could see Tim's cock tenting his shorts. "I'm going to suck your cock next," I continued.

"No, not yet," Tim replied.

"Why not? I seen your cock already. You've got a great cock," I replied.

"I want to fuck me when you're ready. I want to cum with your hard cock in my butt, I've heard it feels amazing," Tim said.

"I'd love to fuck you, but you'll have to give me some time to recover," I said.

"Take your time, you'll be able to last longer now that you've already cum once," Tim replied. It was obvious Tim had planned our evening carefully.

"Take your shorts off and let's get into bed," I suggested. Tim pulled a bottle of lube from his bedside drawer and placed it in easy reach, he then stripped naked and we both got into bed. I kissed Tim passionately again and I could still taste my cum in his mouth. I then ran my hands over his skinny little body, and pert little butt. Tim ran his hands over my body at the same time.

"Can you use your finger to loosen me up," Tim said, "You'll need to use this". Tim said as he passed me the lube.

"Sure I said," I didn't have clue what I was doing but I was willing to try. Tim lay on his back and raised his legs, so I could access his butt. I placed some lube in my hand and I spread it over my fingers. I then used my middle finger to rub around his hole, and then I pushed my finger inside. Tim gasped as my finger entered him. His hole was so tight I doubted whether I would be able to get my cock inside him.

"That feels nice, put another one inside," I pushed my ring finger inside him and started to massage inside his inside for a few minutes. Tim moaned quietly as I continued to finger fuck. I imagined what it would feel like to have cock inside him instead. My cock was hard again, and Tim was enjoying himself.

"Can I fuck you now?" I asked

"Yes go for it," Tim said.

I spread lots of lube on my hand and then my cock, and I got myself into position in-between Tim's legs. Tim placed his feet on my shoulder to give me better access to his hole. I placed my cock at the entrance to Tim's butt and I guided my cock inside with my hand. Tim winced as I pushed in. He looked like he was in pain.

"Hold it inside me," Tim gasped, as he struggling to speak. Tim started taking deep breathes. "Push it in some more," Tim continued. My cock felt like it was being strangled inside Tim's butt.

It took me a while before I had all of my cock inside Tim. Then I pulled out halfway before shoving my cock back inside. The heat around my cock felt amazing, but I was overwhelmed with concern for Tim.

"Now fuck me," Tim begged. I started to fuck him slowly. The friction on my cock felt awesome. I felt like Tim's butt was pulling me back inside him, each time I pulled out.

"Fuck me harder," Tim said. I rested my elbow on the bed, and I started to fuck Tim as hard as I could. Tim started running his hand over my chest and down my side as I fucked him. Then he reached down to his cock and he started to wank himself off. I wanted to touch his cock, but I didn't want to lose my rhythm. I continued to fuck Tim's tight warm hole, while he enjoyed wanking his cock at the same time. I could hear my balls slapping his butt cheeks. We were both sweating and breathing deeply. Suddenly I could feel Tim tense up, and his butt squeezed my cock before he moaned loudly and he shot five ropes of cum over himself. I sped up my action and soon I could feel my orgasm approaching. My cum heated my groin, and then the warm juice flooded my cock. Suddenly I fired four shots of boiling cum inside Tim.

"I loved it," Tim said. "I loved your cock in my butt," Tim said. I crashed down on top of Tim and he warped his arms and legs around me. "Next time I'm going to ride your cock," Tim continued. We lay in bed recovering for a few minutes before Tim spoke again.

"Can you be my boyfriend officially? Then you could fuck me all the time," Tim asked.

"Yes, I would like that," I said, "What about your friend, Amar?" I asked.

"Amar is my boyfriend too. He always says we play the field," Tim said

"Does Amar have other boyfriends besides you?" I asked.

"No he's never done anything with anyone else, but he's always talking about his fantasies with other guys to me. I'm sure he would be happy to meet you too," Tim replied.

"Did you two ever fuck?" I asked, as I started to stroke Tim's body.

"You were my first fuck. Me and Amar have sucked each other off a few times. When he comes around to study we sometimes 69 before he leaves," Tim said.

"If you still want to see him as well, that's fine with me," I said.

"You're so cool, I wish I could be more like you," Tim said.

"I'm not as clever as you are," I replied. "I came out to my dad and my brother yesterday, they were completely cool about it," I continued.

"Wow, that must have taken some guts," Tim commented.

"I knew my brother would be cool, but my dad surprised me a bit," I said.

"Would you like to meet Amar, he's really cute and a good cocksucker," Tim asked. Tim showed me a picture of Amar on his phone. Amar had smooth skin, amazing brown eyes and a cute face.

"Yeah sure, he does look cute," I replied.

"He's got a swimmer's body, you'll love it. We could have a threesome, and maybe you guys could spit roast me," Tim commented. "My Mum is out at work most days, Perhaps we meet up on Tuesday," Tim asked excitedly.

"OK I'll come over on Tuesday", I said. My cock was now hard and Tim noticed. Tim jumped out of bed. He left the room and came back a few seconds later.

"I don't want to taste my butt on your cock," Tim said, as he wiped my cock with a cold wet wipe. Once my cock was clean Tim carefully dried my cock with a towel. Then Tim took my cock into his mouth. He closed his lips and tongue tightly around my cock, and he bobbed his head a few times, while I lay back and got comfortable.

Tim was now able to take most of my cock into his mouth and I could feel my cock inside his throat briefly with each stroke. Then Tim stopped bobbing his head and he ran his tongue under the rim of my cockhead making me moan with pleasure.

"I want to ride your cock now," Tim said. I picked up the bottle of lube and I covered my cock with the slippery liquid. Tim placed an extra pillow behind my back, so I was sitting up a bit more, then he straddled my stomach and he guided my cockhead into his hole once more. Tim lowered himself down slowly, it was difficult to tell whether he was in pain or enjoying himself. Eventually, Tim had all of my cock inside him, and he started to buck his hips slowly.

"This is awesome," Tim gasped. Tim had a confused look on his face, as he appreciated our new position. I ran my hands over his small chest and slender arms, while he bucked his hips. I noticed Tim's cock was hard, so I closed my hand tightly around his cock. I jacked his cock, as he continued to ride my cock. The tight friction around my cock felt amazing, and I never wanted this feeling to end. Tim increased his speed, and he started yelping with each stroke.

I was completely absorbed in the feeling on my cock, but I tried my best to pleasure Tim's cock simultaneously. Tim's slim torso looked amazing as he flexed and bounced on my cock. Tim then started to breathe and moan harder. Tim's butt hole pulsated around my cock and then he shot six long ropes of cum over my chest. Tim kept bucking his hips and soon, I could feel my orgasm approaching. Hot cum seared through my groin and then it filled my cock. I shot several volleys of cum into Tim's little butt.

Tim lifted himself off my cock and he lay down by my side. He rested his head on my shoulder and I put my arm around him.

"That was awesome, your cock filled me up completely", Tim said.

"Yeah, I like fucking your little butt," I said, as I drifted off to sleep. Tim woke me up sometime later.

"My Mum will be home shortly, we should put some clothes on," Tim said.

"OK," I replied. I reluctantly got out of bed and got dressed.

Shortly after we could hear Tina open the front door as I slipped my t-shirt back on, we left the bedroom to say hello. Tim hugged his Mum.

"Hello boys, it's nice to see you again Jack. I'm glad you two are getting on so well," Tina said, "Can I ask you boys, for a favour," Tina asked.

"Yes sure," I replied.

"Can you pop out and get some milk from the local shop. We are out of it, and I forgot to buy it on the way home," Tina asked.

"Sure Mum," Tim replied.

We both left the flat and walked down the stairs to the ground floor.

"Can we hold hands while we walk, like a proper couple," Tim asked. I was surprised by Tim's request, but I also remembered what Aaron had told me about trying to hide being gay.

"Yeah sure," I said and I took hold of Tim's hand, but I was now on edge. As we walked through the estate we passed one other man, he noticed we were holding hands but he didn't seem to care. Then I noticed Tony and Brian in the distance. I held Tim's hand tighter are we continued to walk towards them. As we approached Tony and Brian, Tony wolf-whistled.

"Got a new boyfriend there Jack," Tony said in a camp voice.

"Yes I have, are you jealous," I asked.

"No, but you can suck my cock if you want," Tony said in a deeper voice.

"I reckon your cock is too small. Perhaps, I'll give you a fuck instead, so I don't have to see your face," I replied casually making Brian snigger.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" Tony scolded Brian wiping the grin off Brian's face.

Me and Tim continued walking. Once we arrived at the shop, Tim let go of my hand, and he picked up some provisions. We walked back through the estate holding hands, we got a few strange looks but nothing eventful happened. I walked Tim back to his flat then I made my way home.

I next saw Aaron on Monday evening, after he finished work. We met at our garage, for a workout.

"So did your boyfriend suck your cock? Was it good? I want to know everything," Aaron asked.

"It was incredible, he managed to get all of it in his mouth. Tim is an expert cocksucker," I replied.

"And does he swallow your cum?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, he swallows every time," I replied. Aaron looked surprised.

"Most girls don't let you cum in their mouth and others spit your cum out. No girl has ever swallowed my cum," Aaron said.

"Have you guys fucked yet?" Aaron asked.

"I've fucked him twice yesterday, he likes to cum while I'm fucking him," I said. Aaron looked surprised again.

"So he sucks your cock, and he lets you fuck him. He doesn't fuck you back?" Aaron tried to confirm.

"That's what Tim likes, and I like it that way too," I replied.

"Wow, I hope you didn't mind fucking Sara the other day. I appreciate you only did it for me," Aaron said.

"I'd do anything for you, Aaron. I'd do it again if you asked me to. Are you going to see Stephanie again?" I asked.

"No, I don't want to get into anything too serious. I reckon those two would be up for meeting us again, but I haven't committed to anything," Aaron replied. "Do you know what I liked most about Saturday night? It liked that we were both there together, I liked holding your hand while we both shot our spunk inside those girls." Aaron continued.

"Yeah that was cool, I felt really close to you that day," I replied.

"You know if the situation were reversed, I would do the same for you. Imagine if two guys wanted to suck our cocks and they swallowed our cum. That would be cool, I'm getting hard just thinking about it," Aaron said.

"Are you serious, you would let a guy suck your cock?" I asked.

"Only if you were there of course, and we are both getting sucked off," Aaron clarified.

We continued to work out until it was late, then we made our way home. I received a text message from Tim

"Amar is coming over at 10am, I've told him all about you. He's looking forward to meeting you. Can you make it?" Tim asked.

"I'll be there, see you tomorrow, good night," I replied.

I resisted wanking off that night and on Tuesday morning. By the time I got to Tim's place, I was desperate to shoot my load.

I rang the doorbell when I got to Tim's flat. Tim answered the door, he was only wearing his shorts. My cock got hard instantly as soon as I laid eyes on Tim's cute body. Tim introduced me to Amar. Amar looked just as cute as he did in his picture, he was also shirtless and he had a smooth hairless chest. He did a swimmers body with strong pecs and arms, he also had nice bubble shaped butt. I tried to kiss Amar on the cheek and he turned his head towards me, so we kissed on the lips briefly, then we made our way to Tim's bedroom.

"You got a nice body Amar," I said.

"Thanks, you look pretty fit too," Amar said.

"Take your t-shirt off, let Amar see you properly," Tim asked. I pulled my t-shirt over my head.

"You must work out a lot," Amar commented.

"I want you boys to spit roast me," Tim stated.

We moved to the bed and Tim handed Amar the bottle of lube.

"I want you fuck me while I suck Jack's cock," Tim said to Amar.

We removed the rest of our clothes and Tim sat on his hands and knees in the middle of the bed. I sat on my knees and leaned against the headboard to bring my cock into line with Tim's mouth. Amar moved behind Tim and took a good look at my large stiff cock before Tim took it into his mouth. Amar spread some lube on his semi-erect cock. I watched Amar massage his cock until it was fully erect, it was around 7 inches long and it was thicker than Tim's cock. Amar climbed on the bed and carefully pushed his cock inside Tim's hole. Tim squealed, as Amar pushed his cock inside.

"That's amazing, you're so tight," Amar gasped. The look of surprise on Amar's face suggested that this was the first he was fucking anyone.

Tim took my cock back in his mouth and he started rocking back and forth as he tried to please both of us. I watched my cockhead disappear inside Tim's mouth, again and again. It was awesome, he had a tight grip on my cockhead with his tongue and cheeks. I could feel vibrations of his pleasure moans, through my cock. I looked up at Amar, who looked cute, enjoying the feelings on his cock.

The muscles on Amar's torso flexed as he involuntarily twitched his neck and shoulders around, to the same rhythm as the action on his cock. We kept this going for another minute, I was trying hard not to cum, as I wanted Tim to enjoy this for as long as possible.

Then Tim took one hand off the bed, and started wanking himself. Tim stopped rocking, so Amar and I started pushing our cocks back and forth into Tim. Tim started moaning, and after some time I could tell he was cumming, this set Amar off too. Amar moaned out loud as his orgasm approached, he looked like his body had been possessed by the feelings on his cock, Amar started shooting his load into Tim, the sight of Amar struggling to contain himself set me off too.

I felt a warm surge of cum work its way through my groin and into my cock, before I shot several wads of cum into Tim's mouth. Tim pulled my cock out of his mouth, as he was out of breath. He quickly grabbed my cock again and licked it clean as he noticed another dribble of cum leaking from the tip. We then all lay down on the bed to rest.

"That was great I've always wanted to do that," Tim said.

"I've always wanted to suck off a straight guy with a huge cock", Amar joked. "What would be even better is I could wank myself off at the same time and the straight guy didn't mind" Amar continued.

"Well Jack has got the biggest cock, and I'm glad he's gay," Tim commented.

"Oh well, maybe I can suck Jack later," Amar replied.

"Yeah I can't wait," I commented. Tim and Amar kept talking, I started to feel drowsy and I drifted in and out of sleep as lost track of the conversation. After a while, I woke up and realised they were discussing the best way to be fucked if it was your first time.

"Well I've decided I want to ride Jack's cock," it was the last thing I heard Amar say, and I then drifted off to sleep again.

I woke up with Amar sat in-between my legs sucking on my semi-erect cock. It felt awesome and my cock got harder. Tim cuddled up next to me, and I put my arm around him.

"Amar's going to ride your cock, it's his first time, so be careful with him," Tim said.

Once my cock was hard, Amar stopped sucking and he spread cold lube over my cock and then he got himself into position to ride my cock. He placed my cockhead at the entrance to his hole and then he lowered himself slowly.

Amar let out a painful gasp, as my cockhead entered his hole.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to the size of it," Tim said to Amar.

I lay perfectly still. Amar continued edged my cock into his hole slowly, taking an inch at a time inside, he stopped every few seconds to get used to the feeling. From the look on his face, he looked like he was in pain but he also seemed to like it.

Eventually, Amar had got all nine inches of my cock inside him. It felt like his butt had created an airtight vacuum seal around my cock. He felt so warm inside, and I could feel every movement he made from the inside. Amar adjusted himself so that his knees and lower legs were rested on the bed. He placed his hands on my shoulders and started to fuck my pole very slowly. I was really loving the feeling. Each time he moved up, it felt like his butt was sucking him back down again. From the look on his face, he was now enjoying himself more, his breathing was really heavy and his body was getting shiny with sweat. He looked really sweet as looked at me in the eyes and said "It feels so good, you're cock is massaging my nut with every stroke," I wasn't sure what he meant, but we were both enjoying it.

He started to speed up, then he removed his hands from my shoulders and used his palms to rub up and down my chest and abs, as he bounced slowly up and down my cock. My breathing started to get heavier, as Amar bounced his hips up and down. I tried to think of something else so that tight warm feeling on my cock would last as long as possible, but it was no good, the sight of Amar getting fucked on my pole, kept bringing me back to reality. I looked down at Amar's stiff cock, and Tim moved beside Amar and closed his mouth around Amar's cock. Amar was now fucking Tim's mouth while bouncing on my cock.

It didn't take Amar long before started to moan louder. The muscles inside his butt started pulsating against my cock making the grip he had on me even tighter. Tim started to moan as Amar was now firing his cum into Tim's mouth. The feeling against my cock set my orgasm off. The warm glow around my cock built up to an unbearable level, Amar's butt pulsated once more, which in turn, squeezed my cock as my cum struggled to find its way up my cock. I fired several jets of cum deep inside him. Once orgasm passed, Amar slowed down, and then lifted himself off my cock and he lay down on the bed.

"That was hot," Tim said as he took Amar's place straddling my stomach. Tim started to wank himself off.

"Let me do that," I said to Tim. I took hold of Tim's cock and I started to wank him off. Tim massaged my pecs as he enjoyed the swift wank. After a few seconds, Tim started to moan, and his cute face looked concerned and contorted before he fired four ropes of cum over my chest. After he had cum, Tim massaged his cum into my chest until it had dried up.

Tim lay down by my side and I put my left arm around. I gestured to Amar, to also lay down beside me. Amar rested his head on my right shoulder and I put an arm around him too.

"If you really want to suck a straight guy's cock, I could ask my brother if he'll let you do it. He looks just like me, he is just a bit taller and more muscular. Do you want me to ask him?" I asked Amar.

"Do you honestly think he would let me do that?" Amar replied

"He's had blow jobs from girls before, but they either didn't let him cum in their mouth or they spat his cum out. He wants the perfect blow job where his cum gets swallowed," I said.

"I would swallow for sure," Amar replied.

"I'll ask him later," I said.

We rested for a while, Tim placed his hand on my cock and I drifted off to sleep again.

I was woken up suddenly with Tim cleaning my hard cock with a cold wet wipe.

"Sorry to wake you, Jack, we thought you might like it if we sucked your hard cock. It needs a clean first since it's been inside Amar," Tim explained.

"Yeah I would like that," I replied in a sleepy voice.

Once Tim had wiped my cock clean, he lay by my side and he took the top half of my cock in his mouth. Amar moved to the opposite side from Tim and started licking the lower half of my cock and my balls. I opened my legs further to give Amar better access. Tim bobbed his head up and down, forming a tight hole with his lips and tongue. The two boys worked on my cock for a minute, before swapping places. Amar now worked on cockhead, bobbing his head as fast as could, while Tim licked my balls. Amar started to focus on the rim of my cockhead, using his tight lips to pleasure under the ridge. I moaned quietly as I enjoyed the attention on my cock from both boys.

Amar and Tim swapped places once again. Tim took my cockhead back in his as sucked my cock furiously, while Amar focussed on my nuts. They continued for a minute until Tim offered to swap places.

"I want to get to more of it in my mouth," Amar said as he adjusted his position. Amar lowered his mouth over my cock, and tried his best to take my cock deeper inside. I could feel my cockhead skimming the back of his throat. Then he started to bob his head. His nose was now touching my body as my cockhead went inside his throat. Tim used his hand to massage my balls. The tight warm feeling around my cockhead felt amazing. Amar used his tongue to pleasure the base of cock as best as he could.

I let out a long moan as my orgasm approached. Tim sighed with disappointment but he continued to rub my ball sack. Hot cum heated my groin intensely, and my cum pushed through my cock slowly until it reached the tip. My cum paused inside my cockhead for a few seconds, before I fired my first shot into Amar's throat. More cum filled my cock and moaned out loud before I fired four more wads of cum into Amar's mouth.

Amar withdrew my cock from his mouth, and Tim took my cockhead into his mouth to catch any more cum that dribbled out of my cock.

"That was incredible guys," Amar said as tried to catch his breath, "I'd love to do this again sometime," he continued.

"Yep you're a good cocksucker," I replied.

"Unfortunately I've got to go. I've got to help my Dad out later, if I can still walk straight," Amar joked, as he got off the bed and he started to get dressed. Amar kissed me and Tim goodbye before he saw himself out. I noticed Tim was looking disappointed.

"Are you OK Tim?" I asked.

"Yes, did you enjoy Amar's blow job," Tim said sheepishly.

"Yeah, it was great. I liked being sucked off by both of you at the same time," I replied.

"You seemed to enjoy being sucked off by Amar more, then when I did it," Tim said.

"That's nonsense, I loved it when you did it," I replied. For some reason, Tim was feeling insecure after our threesome.

"Well can I suck you off now then," Tim said.

"Tim, I've already cum three times, in the last few hours. It's not all about sex you know. How about we try something different," I replied.

"OK, what?" Tim asked.

"Let's get under the bed covers, and I'll show you," I said. We both got into bed under the covers. We lay next to each other and I kissed Tim passionately on the lips. "We can touch each other anywhere except our cocks, until I say different," I continued.

I kissed Tim again while he rubbed my back. Tim tried to move on top of me and I pushed him back down pinning him to the bed. Tim rested his head in the crevice of my elbow, while I used my other arm to explore his body. I kissed him on the lips again and then I kissed his neck, while Tim's hands roamed across my body. We stopped kissing and I touched Tim's slim arms and torso, and then I ran my hand over skinny legs. I could see Tim's cock was hard again, but I was determined to tease him some more. I ran my hand between his legs and he lifted his butt, to allow my hand to go underneath, I squeezed each of pert butt cheeks, before I ran a finger through his butt crack. I continued to feel around Tim's body while kissing him for a while longer and he continued to rub my back and chest.

"Now it's your choice I can either suck you off or we can keep kissing you while I wank you off slowly," I asked Tim.

"I want you to kiss me some more," Tim replied.

We kissed again on the lips, exploring each other's mouths with our tongues. I started to run my hand loosely around his cock to tease him and then I rubbed his nut suck.

Tim's cock was now super hard. We continued kissing, and I started to wank his cock, tightening my grip gradually. Tim started moaning into my mouth. I tightened my grip on his cock and started to jack his cock quickly. He moaned again as we continued to kiss, and he was breathing heavily through his nose. Suddenly his body jerked and he quickly fired four sharp shots of cum over both of us. His first shot landed on our chins, the second on our necks, followed by two loads on our chests. We finally stopped kissing so Tim could catch his breath.

"Did you enjoy that?" I asked.

"Yes it was lovely," Tim gasped.

I continued to stroke Tim's body lightly until he drifted off to sleep. I watched Tim sleep for a few minutes then I pulled my arm from under him. I wanted to get an early start on my daily workout, so got dressed again.

"Where are you going?" Tim Mumbled.

"I'm going for a workout," I replied.

"But, I wanted to suck your cock again," Tim said.

"I'm all spunked out at the moment. why don't come over to my place later and you can stay the night," I said.

"OK, I text you later," Tim said.

I kissed Tim goodbye and I headed to the garage. I took my t-shirt off, and I worked out for an hour before Aaron joined me.

"How's it going brother, have you had any more blowjobs?" Aaron asked as he removed his work clothes and put on his tracksuit bottoms and trainers instead.

"Yeah, two guys sucked me off earlier. One swallowed my cum, the other was disappointed that he didn't get to finish me off," I said.

"You're onto a winner there," Aaron said.

"The one that swallowed my cum, is into straight guys. He wants to know if you'll let him suck your cock," I said. Aaron immediately put his dumbbells down, he looked like he was in shock momentarily.

"So this guy will suck my cock, swallow my cum and then leave. No questions asked, and no stories to tell?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, that's right. I reckon we do it Saturday night. Dad's going to watch a footy up North, so he won't be back until Sunday evening," I stated.

"OK make it happen, but I've got some conditions. I want it to be like last weekend. I want us both to get sucked off at the same time, in the same bed. I want one guy sucking my cock and another sucking your cock. Once they arrive they just suck our cocks and leave, I don't want any chit chat," Aaron requested.

"OK, I think they'll be fine with that, what if they want to wank themselves off as well?" I asked.

"Sounds even better, It's OK as long as they don't cum on me or you," Aaron requested. "A few more things, we are going to do this in your bedroom, not mine. They must only use their mouths, no hands are allowed. They have to cum first while they are sucking our cocks, afterwards, they have to make us cum simultaneously," Aaron insisted.

I could tell Aaron was looking forward to Saturday and I was hoping Tim and Amar would be OK with all of Aaron's conditions. We continued our workout for a while before Aaron mentioned one final condition.

"I'm going to save up my cum from now until Saturday, and I want you to do the same. That means no sex and no tossing off, until then. I want us to fill their mouths with the biggest loads that we can manage", Aaron insisted.

"But, Tim was going to stay over tonight at our place tonight", I said.

"You've already had your cock sucked once today. Do you have a boyfriend or a vacuum pump," Aaron joked.

"OK I'll put him off," I said.

"We have to keep this between us, or I won't be happy," Aaron stated the obvious.

After our workout we headed home, I went to my room and started a video call with Tim. Once Tim was online, I asked him to add Amar to the call.

Once all three of us were on the call, I told them Aaron wanted his cock sucked and I mentioned all of his conditions. We agreed that Amar would suck Aaron's cock while Tim sucked my cock. Amar and Tim seemed to be excited by the idea. I didn't mention that me and Aaron were going to save our cum in the meantime.

"I can't wait. Can I just check that we can be naked in front of your brother, and he will be OK with me wanking off?", Amar asked.

"Yes you can both wank off, he wants you both cum first, I think he wants you guys to focus us while we cum. Please don't tell anyone else about this. Remember he is straight and got he has got a reputation with the ladies to maintain."

"Scout's honour," Tim chirped.

"Jack, can you check with your brother, if it's OK for me to rub his balls while I suck his cock? I'm sure he would enjoy it," Amar asked.

"I'll check with him," I replied. "Tim something has come up and you can't stay over tonight. I've got fill out some forms for my new job, and it's going to take me ages," I lied, as I thought Tim would not see the point of Aaron's no sex rule.

"Well when can I see you next," Tim asked.

"I can't see you until Saturday now, I've got too much on over the next few days," I replied. I felt I had to refrain from seeing Tim, it was the only way I could save up my cum for the next four days.

"Well OK then, I'll set up a group chat, so we can make arrangements for Saturday then," Tim said sounding disappointed as we ended the call.

I spent all of Wednesday lounging around the flat and I sunbathed on the balcony for a while. I met Aaron for our daily work out after he finished work.

"I'm not sure if I can last until Saturday without wanking off. This will be the longest I have saved my cum for since the first time I spunked," I said while Aaron did some press-ups.

"You can do it, it'll be worth it, you'll see," Aaron replied.

"Oh, and one of the guys want to know if it's OK for them to rub our balls while they suck us off?" I asked. Aaron stopped his exercise and thought about his response.

"No that's cheating. Tell them they can use their mouths on our balls too, but no hands. I want this to be pure," Aaron replied. After our workout, I sent a text message to Tim and Amar to let them know Aaron's decision.

On Thursday, I went to see my friend Adrian, he made his girlfriend pregnant while we were still at school. He was now living with his girlfriend and her parents. I told him I was gay. Adrian was fine with it, he thought I was lucky as there was no risk of me making my partner pregnant. Adrian allowed me to hold his baby girl for a while, which was nice. I met Aaron for our usual workout in the evening.

I texted Tim to ask what he had been up to. He was in the middle of reading a book about Parallel Universes. He spent the day with Amar. Amar had fucked Tim once and they had sucked each other off.

On Friday, I met up with Ben, he was my best friend from school. I told Ben I was gay and I had a boyfriend. Ben was shocked and didn't respond for a few moments. Ben was disappointed as he felt like he was the last one to have sex out of all of his friends. He met his current girlfriend through his new job. Even though they had been dating for a month, they still had not had sex. Ben was surprised when I told him that I had sex with Tim the day we met and we still hadn't been on a date.

Me and Aaron worked out on Friday evening for several hours. It was the only way we keep our minds off sex.

On Saturday morning, Aaron went to the bathroom as soon as he got up, I could hear his electric shaver buzzing through the bathroom door for quite some time. Me and Aaron didn't have much facial hair, so I guessed that Aaron would be trimming his armpits and pubes. Then I heard Aaron shout my name. I knocked on the bathroom door, and Aaron unlocked the door and let me in.

"Can you check my pubes, I want to make sure they nicely trimmed for later," Aaron asked. I knelt down and a good look at Aaron's pubes, Aaron lifted his cock for me, so I could check underneath.

"It's all good down here," I said.

"Right take your clothes off, and I'll do yours. I want our pubes to be the same length," Aaron requested.

"I can do it myself Aaron," I said, I was worried my cock would get hard if Aaron touched it.

"Take your clothes off, I want this to be perfect," Aaron insisted.

I took all of my clothes off, and Aaron went to work on my pubes, I held my cock out of the way of the razor. I tried to think of war movies, to stop my cock from getting excited.

Then suddenly the electric razor made a strange sound.

"I'm sorry the razor slipped, it was an awkward angle," Aaron said.

I looked down and Aaron had shaved a patch of my hair down to the skin. I was shocked and worried about what Tim would think.

"You'll have to shave them all off, otherwise it will look stupid", I stated. As Tim didn't have any pubic hair either, I guessed he would not mind.

Aaron shaved all of my pubes off. He continued to shave the hair on my upper legs clean so everything looked coordinated.

"I'm going to shave your armpits clean too, otherwise it won't look right," Aaron said.

I was now completely hairless below my neck. Aaron shaved his armpits clean then he asked me to shave his pubes and legs, so we both looked the same. I took extra care to make sure I shaved every single hair from his ball sack, while Aaron held his cock clear of the razor. Once we were both shaved, Aaron gave me some moisturiser for my shaved skin. Aaron had a shower, and then I followed.

I sent a text to Amar and Tim to come over to my flat at 9pm. We then went to the garage and we worked out for several hours. Afterwards, we both took another shower.

Afterwards, I went to my bedroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. Aaron followed me to my room, and he gave me a new pair of bright red loose-fitting lounge shorts. Aaron was shirtless and he was already wearing a similar pair of shorts. I put the shorts on, then Aaron helped me style my hair so we looked alike in every way possible. Both of our cocks were now hard, and you see the tents in our shorts.

We then went to my bedroom and we changed the bedsheets. I strategically four pillows on the bed, as I wanted us to lie back in a reclined position while getting sucked off. I also placed two towels on the base of the bed, so that Tim and Amar could toss their cum over them.

Tim and Amar finally rang the doorbell at 9:06pm. I opened the door and let them in. We walked through to the lounge where Aaron was waiting.

"Amar this is Aaron, you'll be sucking him," I said.

"You two really do look alike," Amar said nervously as he shook Aaron's hand.

"Aaron this is Tim," Tim shook Aaron's hand. Tim seemed very excited, and he couldn't take eyes off the tents in mine and Aaron's shorts

"Right let's go to my room," I suggested.

Aaron led the way and he lay down on the bed. Amar and Tim stood at the end of my bed, while I laid myself down next to Aaron.

"You two should get undressed now," I said. Amar and Tim slowly removed their clothes keeping their eyes on each other. I watched them get undressed, while Aaron casually looked up at the ceiling.

"Guys can remove our shorts for us please," I asked, once Amar and Tim were naked. Tim reached over my legs and pulled my shorts off, taking care to lift the waistband over my cock, and Amar did the same for Aaron. Me and Aaron spread our legs and Tim climbed in between my legs and he licked my ball sack. Amar got on the bed next and he gave Aaron's cock a lick from base to tip. Aaron gasped as felt Amar's tongue on his cock for the first time.

Tim took my cockhead in his mouth and bobbed his head up and down. I looked over and I noticed Amar was doing the same to Aaron's cock. Me and Aaron looked at each other, Aaron's had a look of pure pleasure on his face. Aaron reached for my hand, and we held onto each other tightly. Tim continued to massage my cockhead inside his warm wet mouth. Me and Aaron moaned with pleasure, as our cocksuckers continued to bob their heads slowly.

I looked at Amar, he was trying to take all of Aaron's huge cock inside him, and I could now feel the inside of Tim's throat each time he bobbed his head downward. Aaron moaned again as Amar deep throated his cock. Tim was now massaging my cockhead inside his throat too. I felt Tim's lips stroking the base of my cock. Amar came for air followed by Tim, but both boys kept our cockheads inside their mouths.

Aaron squeezed my hand once more as Tim engulfed my sensitive cock into his throat. Tim bobbed his head a few times, giving my cock tight pleasure once more. Amar then sat on his knees and parted his legs so that he could wank his own stiff cock. Tim took my cock head back into his mouth and he reached for his cock. Tim moaned into my cock as he started giving himself a swift wank. He continued to massage my cockhead tightly with his lips and tongue. He then lowered his head more allowing my cockhead to skim his throat. I could now feel my orgasm approaching. Tim stopped sucking on me, he held my cockhead inside his mouth and he focused on pleasuring himself while I recovered.

Amar deep throated Aaron once more, making Aaron moan out loud. Tim resumed sucking my cock, taking his lips from base to tip repeatedly, allowing my cock to enter his throat with each stroke. Amar was now licking around Aaron's cock to give Aaron a break.

Tim took my cockhead deep inside his throat and bobbed his head, Aaron's cock was now back inside Amar's throat. I squeezed Aaron's hand as I felt an impossibly tight feeling around my cock. The sound of sucking, moaning and choking filled the room.

I could feel my cum approaching once more, and Tim stopped sucking. I was desperate to shoot my load, but our cocksuckers were trying hard to make me and Aaron shoot simultaneously.

Tim gave me a few moments to recover, holding his head still with my cockhead inside his mouth. Amar bobbed his head furiously making Aaron moan. Tim started sucking my cock once more, while Aaron bucked his head, making Amar pause to give Aaron a break. Amar and Tim continued jacking their own cocks. Amar started to bob his head, to pleasure Aaron's cockhead once more.

Amar started to moan erratically and he was now jacking his cock as fast as he could, then suddenly he dumped his cum onto the towel beneath him, while moaning into Aaron's cock. Amar went back to work on Aaron giving his cock long strokes with his lips. Aaron moaned gently as he enjoyed Amar's mouth.

Tim bucked his head faster allowing my cockhead to skim his throat. Tim started to wank himself hastily, he moaned into my cock and continued to pleasure me tightly. I could feel vibrations through my cock, as Tim let out a long deep moan. I looked down and I saw his cock shoot five wads of cum onto his towel.

Amar started to deep throat Aaron's cock and once Tim had recovered, Tim started to deep throat my cock once more. The tight wet feeling around my cock felt amazing. I squeezed Aaron hand once more. Our cocksuckers sucked our cockheads in their mouth while they caught their breaths back. Then they both took our cockheads deep inside their throats to pleasure us tightly. They bobbed their heads as fast as they could, as they choked on our cocks. I moaned loudly as could now feel my cum approaching, Aaron started to buck his head and moan too, making it clear his orgasm was close. Our cocksuckers doubled their efforts bobbing their heads with our cockhead deep inside their throats.

A wave of boiling hot cum burned its way from my balls to my cock, passing the point of no return. The juicy cum seared through my cock and it stopped inside my cockhead for a few seconds before I blasted my first cum shot inside Tim's throat. I could hear Aaron moan as he relieved himself inside Amar's mouth and throat. Me and Aaron squeezed each other's hand as a second wave of cum burned its way through my cock and rocketed into Tim's mouth. I could feel Tim swallow as another torrent of cum blasted through my cock and straight down Tim's throat. Another huge wad of cum shot out of my cock and into Tim's mouth followed by three smaller shots, which Tim swallowed down.

Tim and Amar milked our cocks until the last of our cum had dribbled out, making my body twitch. Then they withdrew our cocks from their mouths, and we all tried to catch our breaths.

"That was fantastic, thank you very much," Aaron said proudly.

"It was my pleasure. I can't believe how much cum you produce, and it tastes the same as Jack's," Amar replied.

"I must've swallowed about four mouthfuls of the stuff", Tim stated, in a curious tone. Which made me and Aaron snigger.

I watched Amar and Tim get dressed. Aaron squeezed my hand again, I looked at him and he had a big grin on his face.

"I'll send you a text later," Tim said to me, as he walked out of the bedroom with Amar.

"Speak to you later," I shouted back. We heard the front door open and then close, as Amar and Tim left the flat.

"That was incredible. They took our cocks fully into their mouths and down their windpipe. It felt so tight. They swallowed all of our cum too, you feel them gulping it down. No girl would ever do that," Aaron said. "And to think, you must be get sucked off like that whenever you want," Aaron continued.

"I liked it more than normal because you were by my side," I replied.

"Come over here and give me a hug," Aaron asked. Me and Aaron were still holding hands, and Aaron pulled me closer. I moved closer to Aaron, and he put his arm under my body, and we lay side by side hugging each other. I could feel Aaron flaccid cock against mine.

"I love you, you're the person I'm closest to and I never want that to change," Aaron said.

"I love you too. It won't ever change," I replied.

"We used to hug like this all the time when we were kids, and for some reason, we don't do it so much now," Aaron said

"I've never hugged you naked before," I reminded Aaron.

"I know, but this is nice. I feel safe and cosy hugging you. Nobody else makes me feel like this," Aaron said.

"Do you remember when we used to sleep together as kids? I would come into your bed at night if I felt scared?" I asked.

"Yes I remember, I thought it was my job to protect you. But now, we protect each other," Aaron said.

We continued to hug for some time before Aaron complained that his arm was going numb. So we swapped our positions with me placing my arm under his body, so we could continue hugging.

"I can feel your cock pressing into my stomach", Aaron commented. I suddenly noticed both of our cocks were hard again. Aaron's stiff cock was resting against my stomach, and my cock was poking straight into his abs.

"We didn't cum for four whole days, I'm going to have to see Tim again tomorrow," I replied.

Aaron pushed closer into me, so our cocks were squashed in-between our bodies. We hugged in this position for a few more minutes.

"I can't take it anymore, my cock is too hard I need some release," Aaron gasped.

"Let me help you," I said. We parted our bodies slightly, and I took hold of Aaron's cock.

"That feels so nice", Aaron whispered.

I started to wank Aaron's cock slowly, and I could hear him breathing in my ear. Aaron tried to take hold of my cock, but my arm accidentally knocked his hand out of the way, as I continued to wank Aaron off.

"I'll do you next," Aaron said, as he kissed me on the cheek. My cock felt extremely hard, and I wanted it to be touched. Aaron was moaning gently in my ear, as he continued to enjoy the slow wank. Aaron's thick cock felt amazing. Besides my cock, I had never felt a cock as big as his. Aaron's moaning soon became louder and his body jerked suddenly, I could tell his cock was about to erupt. Aaron groaned with relief, and I could feel his cum squirting against my body from his pulsating cock. Two volleys of cum hit my chin and four more ropes of cum landed on our chests. Aaron's body jerked one final time, as the last of his cum dribbled out his cock.

I let go of Aaron's cock, and Aaron took hold of my cock. I gasped as wrapped his hand tightly around my super hard cock. Aaron wanked me with long slow jerks, massaging my entire cock, just as I had done for him.

"Tell me how it feels," Aaron whispered in my ear.

"It feels gorgeous, it feels just right. It's perfectly tight", I gasped. Aaron kissed me on the cheek again, and he increased the speed at which he was jerking my cock. I moaned gently as enjoyed Aaron's hand apply the perfect amount of pressure to my large cock.

I could soon feel my orgasm approach. I held onto Aaron a little tighter, as warm the warm glow of release gushed through my groin and into my cock. As my cum approached the tip of my cock, I moaned into Aaron's ear, and I suddenly blasted countless wads of hot cum over our bodies.

"You got some on my face," Aaron said, as my cock continued to shoot a few more spurts of creamy juice.

"That was intense," I said.

My left arm was now totally numb. Aaron lay flat on his back and invited me to lie down next to him. I picked my quilt off the bedroom floor, and I covered our bodies with it to keep us warm. I cuddled my body next to Aaron, resting my head on his shoulder. I rested my free hand on his chest. Cum trickled down our chests and onto the bed sheet, as we both fell into a deep sleep.


Next: Chapter 3

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