The Estate

By Marty Daniels

Published on Feb 19, 2021


This story is pure fiction. This story is set in the UK, so many of the terms used are based on British English. Feedback by email is welcome.

There is some straight sex in this story, but it is limited to one event in Part 1 only.

Part 1

I sat on the balcony of the flat where I lived with my Dad and my older brother Aaron. We lived on the top floor, so the balcony was a good place to relax in the sun on a nice day. I took off my t-shirt and leaned over the railing, to have a look down at the garden and the playground that sat in the middle of the estate.

The estate consisted of several blocks of flats packed close together. The estate had a bad reputation for crime and drugs. Me and Aaron tried our best to stay out of trouble. Aaron had taught me that having a reputation for being tough was important on our estate, and it was important to never expose your weaknesses to anyone. None of the other bullies on the estate gave us any hassle, because they knew me and Aaron would stand up for ourselves and each other.

My Mum died when we were quite young. My Dad always worked hard and made sure we were both clothed and fed. I was lucky to have Aaron. Aaron was only two years older than me, but he had always taken care of me. Aaron was like a parent, brother and best friend rolled into one person.

Aaron worked in construction, and he helped me get an apprenticeship in the same trade. I was due to start my apprenticeship in two weeks. In meantime, I had plenty of time to relax. I gave up school at the first opportunity, so I skipped having to take my exams. I was not an academic person, the only subject I was good at was Physical Education.

We both worked out together a lot, so we both had lean hard muscular bodies. Me and Aaron looked alike, except he was a little bit taller. Neither of any body hair except under our arms and pubes, which we both kept trimmed. Our cocks were the same size flaccid. I had never seen Aaron's cock hard, but my thick cock was around nine inches when fully erect, and I suspected Aaron's was the same.

Although Me and Aaron were similar in many ways, there was one big difference. Aaron loved girls, he would talk about them endlessly, boasting that girls loved his muscles and his big cock. Aaron would try to encourage me to meet some of his girlfriends, but I was never excited by girls so I would always make excuses. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me, as most of the other guys I knew were already having sex. I had plenty of opportunities but I just didn't have the same urges. Aaron had recently found out that he had made a girl pregnant, but they were still deciding whether to keep the baby.

As I continued to look out over the estate, I noticed a couple of lads pushing another much smaller guy around. I recognised the two bullies, it was Tony and Brian, and they were both in Aaron's year group at school. Tony was a big brute and the more dominant one, he was tall and bit overweight. Brian was around my height and he had a slim build. I hated bullies, and I was not going to let these two get away with what they were doing. I ran down out of the flat and down the stairs, and then I continued running to confront the bullies.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I shouted out, as I continued towards them.

"What's it to you, mind your own business?" Tony shouted back.

"I'm making this my business, what are you going to do about?" I growled back.

"That's Aaron's brother, perhaps we should leave it," Brian said to Tony.

The two of them backed down and started to walk off. I walked over to the boy on the ground.

"I know you, you're Jack, you were on my year group at school. Thanks for getting rid of those two." the boy said. He was shaking uncontrollably, so I helped him back to his feet. He had a red mark near his eye, and he had mud on his clothes.

"Yeah, you're right I remember you now, but I don't know your name. What did those guys want from you?" I asked.

"My name is Tim and they wanted my money. They are always picking on me, so I never carry anything valuable with me," Tim replied.

"I'm going to walk you home, in case they come back," I said. Tim was much smaller than me in height and build, and he looked quite fragile in this state. I vaguely remembered him from school, he was one of the clever boys.

"Thank you, Jack, I appreciate what you're doing," Tim said.

As we walked to Tim's place, I explained why I had dropped out of school. Tim told me about the exams he had just taken, he had most of the summer off as he was waiting for his exam results. We finally arrived at Tim's flat on the third floor of the building opposite where I lived. Tim invited me in. Upon entering, we walked into the kitchen, and Tim's mother noticed the state of him.

"What happened to you?" Tim's mother asked.

"Some boys from the estate punched me then pushed me onto the grass before Jack helped me". Tim stated. His Mum was making a real fuss over him and hugged him. At that moment, I missed having my mother around while growing up.

"I know you, Jack, you're Alice's boy. I used to know your Mum, we were good friends. Thank you for helping Tim, your mother would have been proud of you," Tim's mother stated.

"Thank you, it was no problem," I said.

"You must stay for dinner and you can call me Tina," his mother continued.

"I'm not dressed properly. I left my t-shirt at home in the rush to help Tim. Perhaps I should go home," I said.

"No you must stay, I insist. Don't worry about your t-shirt it's no big deal," Tina said as she fetched some ice from the fridge. She wrapped the ice in a dishcloth before placing it on Tim's eye.

"Tim, hold this ice next to your eye for a few minutes or you'll have a black eye tomorrow. Now, show Jack your bedroom, while I make dinner. And you need to clean all that mud off you." Tina said.

Tim showed me his bedroom. He had a tidy room with a double bed that had pristine bed covers. He also had a large TV in front of his bed, with games console. He had several shelves full of books, and an immaculate study desk.

"You got a nice room. Have you read all of these books?" I asked.

"Yeah, I love reading. I want to study physics next year. I'd love to be famous like Stephen Hawking." Tim said. He switched his TV and games console on, then he adjusted the pillows on his bed.

"Dinner will be ages yet and I need to have a shower, you can sit on the bed and play a game while you wait," Tim continued.

I took my trainers off and I sat down on Tim's bed reclining against the pillows and loaded up one of his games. I wasn't very good at the game but I continued to play while I waited for Tim. Tim eventually came back into his bedroom looking clean, he was only wearing his boxer shorts and I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Tim had a thin slender body, with smooth skin. He had narrow hips and a small butt that sat perfectly on top of his skinny legs. Tim watched me playing the game, but I couldn't focus on playing the game properly as I just wanted to look at Tim's body. I always knew I liked the look of other boys, but looking at Tim's body was making my cock incredibly hard.

"Let me show you how to do this stage properly," Tim said, as he sat down on the bed next to me. I gave him the game controller and he completed the stage of the game within a minute.

"I've never been very good at games, I spend most of my spare time working out with my brother," I said.

"You have amazing muscles, I wish I looked like you then I wouldn't be picked on so much," Tim said as he put the game controller down. Tim then shifted his position so that he was facing me. "Do you mind if I feel your muscles?" Tim asked.

"Yeah sure go ahead," I replied. Tim placed his hand on my arm and felt my biceps. I tensed my arm so Tim good feel the muscle properly, then he moved his hand across my pecs and my abs, his touch felt electric.

"Your muscles are cool," Tim said as he squeezed my pecs as hard as he could. He noticed my cock was creating a large tent in my fleece jogging bottoms. He could see the outline of my cock as it poked upwards. He continued to run his fingers along the ridges of my abs.

"Wow, you got a big package down there, can I see it properly?" Tim asked. I was stunned that Tim wanted to see my cock.

"Yes but, what if your Mum comes in?" I asked

"She always knocks before coming in," Tim replied.

I lowered my tracksuit bottoms and my boxer shorts, so Tim could get a good view. It was the first time I had shown my erect cock to anybody.

"I bet all the girls love your cock, mine is so small compared to yours," Tim said.

"You can touch if you want," I replied, desperately wanting Tim to play with my cock.

Tim moved closer to me and I put my arm around him. He then touched my cock, which sent another rush of blood to it. My cock was now super hard, and Tim rubbed his hands lightly over my cock and balls. After a few seconds, Tim took hold of my cock and started to jack me off slowly. His small hand felt amazing rubbing my cock. I gasped for air as Tim tightened his grip on my cock.

"Does that feel good?" Tim asked, as my breathing became more erratic.

"It feels amazing, keep going," I encouraged Tim. Tim increased the speed and pressure on my cock. He focused on wanking the top of my cock, to pleasure my cockhead. I loved what he was doing.

"Your cock is so thick and long. I love it." Tim said. "You can cum if you want, I want to see it shoot out," Tim continued.

Tim continued to jack my cock, as I started to rub the smooth skin on his back. I loved the feeling of his slim delicate body. After a minute I could feel my orgasm approaching.

"I'm going to cum soon, I can't hold it anymore," I whispered.

"Go for it," Tim said as he started to jack my cock as fast as could. I moaned as boiling hot cum surged through my groin, and then I felt masses of cum burning its way through my cock. My cum stopped for a few seconds within my cock, before a small shot of cum spurted onto my abs. My orgasm intensified further before I shot a long rope of cum over my face and chest. Three further ropes of cum landed on my chest and stomach. I then dribbled three smaller shots of cum over my stomach. Tim continued to wank my cock until the last drop of cum had dribbled out of me.

"That was intense, I need something to clean all this up," I said. Tim surprised me by licking some of the cum off my chest. It grossed me out at first, but I let Tim continue.

"Tim, dinner is ready," Tim's mother shouted.

"We'll be there in a minute," Tim shouted back. Tim sat on me straddling my hips and he continued to lick all of my cum of my torso. "Can I lick it off your face," Tim asked.

"Yeah sure", I replied. Tim licked cum off my chin and then my cheek. I could feel the heat of his breath on my face. Instinctively, I turned my head to kiss him and he kissed me back. I could taste my cum in his mouth but I didn't care, as it was the first time I had ever kissed anyone on the lips. We kissed passionately for a few seconds before Tim pulled away.

"We should go or my Mum will get impatient," Tim said.

Tim got off the bed and he started to get dressed.

"You better freshen up yourself," Tim said, and he threw me a can of deodorant. I got off the bed and pulled my tracksuit and underwear over my cock, then I sprayed myself with the deodorant.

Tim put on some shorts and a t-shirt and we went to eat dinner. We both sat down at the dining table while Tina finished preparing our food, Tim got us both a can of cola. My mind still was buzzing with strange feelings. I enjoyed letting Tim wank me off. I had suspected I was gay for some years but I never wanted to accept it. Right now all I wanted to do was take Tim back into his room and run my hands all over his body.

Tina had made us fish and chips for dinner and she sat with us to eat.

"Does your Dad cook for you Jack?" Tina asked.

"He used to cook for us, but then my brother Aaron took over when he was old enough. But now I can look after myself," I replied.

"How is your brother?" Tina asked.

"He's doing well, he works in construction. He helped me get an apprenticeship too," I replied.

"I used to babysit for you when you were younger," Tina said. "You and Tim were good friends when you were both toddlers but then you both got different friends once you started school.". We continued to eat and talk. I was amazed at how much Tina knew about my family history. I tried my best to answer her questions, but I was distracted by Tim's cute face. I wanted to kiss him again.

Suddenly we heard something drop through the letterbox, and the atmosphere changed in the room. Tim ran towards the front door, and I followed him.

Someone had posted dirty takeaway food wrappings through the letterbox. I opened the front door and could hear someone walking away, I ran after the footsteps and I could now see it was Tony and Brian.

"Come back here," I shouted, Tony and Brian saw me and started running, "You're a bunch of cowards," I continued.

I walked back to Tim's flat, and I could see Tim and Tina were both upset.

"This estate never changes, why can't people just leave us alone," Tina said.

"I don't think they will bother you again, I've scared them off," I reassured them both.

"They'll be back, they always come back and next time it will be worse," Tina said.

"I can stay for a bit if you like, in case they come back. Those boys are scared of me and my brother," I said.

"Thank you, Jack, you're a good boy, I would like you to stay if you don't mind," Tina said. She started to smile again.

We continued to eat dinner. Once we had finished, me and Tim watched TV, while his Mum went to fill the dishwasher.

"I'd like to watch my soap operas now, Tim why don't you take Jack to your room", Tina asked.

"Sure let's go Jack", Tim said. I followed Tim to his room, and I closed the door behind me. Tim turned to face me and then he took a step towards me. I lowered my head, and we kissed passionately on the lips. We broke out kiss and I pulled his t-shirt over his head then I picked him up of the floor and Tim wrapped his legs around my waist. Tim was as light as a feather.

I noticed he didn't have any hair under his arms or on his legs, he was totally smooth. We kissed again. I loved the feeling of his smooth chest against mine. I walked him over to his bed and placed him down. I lay down beside him, and I ran my hands over slim torso, while he explored my pec and abs.

My cock was now hard again and I could see a tent in Tim's shorts too.

"Can I see your cock again?" Tim asked. I lowered my jogging bottoms and underwear once more. "Take them off completely," Tim continued. I threw my clothes on the floor, then Tim removed my socks, so I was naked. Tim moved in-between my legs. "I want to suck your cock, just relax you'll love it," Tim said.

Tim licked my cock, which sent a shiver through me. I rested my head on the pillow and watched Tim as continued to kiss and lick around my cock and balls. Then Tim tried to take my cock into his mouth.

"Your cock is so big", Tim said softly before he adjusted his position so that he could get my cockhead inside his mouth. I gasped as Tim closed his lips around my cockhead and started to massage the base of my cock with his hand. He then moved his hand down my cock and massaged my balls and he started to bob his head up and down to pleasure me. I could see the top of my cock disappearing inside Tim's mouth repeatedly. His mouth felt warm and moist, and I could also feel his saliva dribbling down my cock. His taste buds scraped against the underside of cock repeatedly. I loved the warm and wet feeling around my cock.

Tim kept going for a few minutes as I sat up resting my elbows on the bed, so I could get a better view. Tim took my cock out of his mouth and he jacked my cock furiously for a few seconds, making me moan.

"I'm going to cum soon", I gasped, as I felt hot cum flowing through my groin. Tim took my cockhead back into his mouth, he used one had to stroke the base of cock and the other to massage my nut sack. I moaned out loud, as my cum travelled slowly through my cock until my orgasm reached maximum intensity. I blasted my first wad of cum into Tim's mouth. We both moaned before I dumped several more wads of cum into his waiting mouth. Once I had shot my load, Tim held my cum in his mouth for a few seconds before he swallowed.

"You can shoot an amazing amount of cum, I love it", Tim said gleefully.

"You're good at cocksucking, have you done it before?" I asked..

"Yes, me and friend Amar suck each other now and again, when he comes over to study", Tim said.

"Well that was my first blowjob and you were great. I want to see your cock now," I said.

"You know you don't have to, I'm more than happy to suck you off," Tim said.

"Don't be silly, come on let me see," I said. Tim's body was beautiful and wanted to see and touch all of it.

"Well my cock isn't as big as yours," Tim said, as he rolled onto his back and he pulled his short and underwear off. Tim's cock looked like it was about five inches long and it was as hard as a rock. Tim didn't have any hair around his cock, I guessed he must have shaved it off. I thought his cock looked amazing.

Tim rested his head on the pillow as I moved beside him for a closer look at his cock. Tim's cock was perfectly shaped and stood at a 30-degree angle to his body. I reached out to touch his cock, and I started to jack his cock slowly like it was my own. Tim gasped out as he felt my hand on his cock.

I started to rub his smooth ball sack, and then I tried to take his cock in his mouth. I was careful to keep my teeth away from his cock. I used my lips and tongue to create a tight seal around his cock. I bobbed my head up and down taking in as much of his cock as I could. I felt his cock against the back of my throat and tried my best not to gag. I liked the feeling of his cock in my mouth and it felt like the perfect size.

I went back to jacking Tim's cock with my hand while I caught my breath back, then I resumed the action with my mouth. I could hear Tim moaning with pleasure.

"I'm gonna cum soon", Tim warned. I sped up sucking his cock, as he had done for me. After a few seconds, Tim unloaded his first shot of cum in my mouth, quickly followed by another and then several more. I tried to swallow as best as I could, but lots of his cum dribbled out of my mouth. Once he had stopped shooting, I took his cock out of my mouth and I wiped my mouth hand.

"Was that OK?", I asked Tim.

"That was perfect," Tim said, as he passed me a tissue from his bedside table, so I could clean his cum from my lips.

"I've never done anything like this before, does this mean I'm gay?" I asked as I lay down next to Tim. I started to stroke his smooth chest.

"Maybe, depends whether you guy or girls or both," Tim said.

"I think I just like guys, so I must be gay," I said in a disappointed voice.

"Cheer up, there's nothing worry about. It's important, to be honest to yourself and try to enjoy it," Tim said.

"Yeah I suppose so, does your Mum know you're gay," I asked.

"Yes she does, I told her a year ago. I think she had guessed anyway. She was nice about it," Tim said.

"What about your Dad," I asked.

"I only see my Dad once or twice a year, he has his own life and another family. I'm not close to him, so I may not bother telling him. He will work it out himself eventually," Tim replied.

"I worried about telling my Dad and my brother Aaron. I don't want them to be disappointed in me," I said.

"You should try talking to them, the sooner the better," Tim replied.

"I think you're right. I'll speak to them soon," I said.

"Would you like to stay the night? It's Saturday tomorrow, and my exams have finished now," Tim asked.

"That would be nice," I replied.

"Put your clothes on we check with my Mum," Tim said. We both got dressed, and we joined Tina in the lounge where she was watching TV.

"Mum, do you mind if Jack stays over tonight," Tim asked.

"Yes it's getting late, I don't like the idea of you boys walking around outside," Tina replied.

"Thank you Tina," I said.

"I feel safer if you're here. Now why don't you boys let me watch my TV programme," Tina replied.

We went back to Tim's room and played with his games console. Tina knocked on the bedroom door sometime later, as she was going to bed. We continued to play games until we were also tired.

Tim gave me a new toothbrush before he went to clean his teeth, then I used the bathroom after Tim. When I got back to his bedroom, Tim had switched on his bedside lamp and he was now shirtless, wearing just his pyjama bottoms. Tim looked cute in his pyjama bottoms and my cock became hard once more.

"I am definitely gay," I said as I lowered my jogging bottoms to show Tim my stiff cock.

"You should sleep naked, I would like that," Tim said. I took off my jogging bottoms and boxer shorts and I got into bed. Tim climbed on top of me and resting all of his weight on my body. We kissed passionately once more, and I rubbed my hands over his back.

I moved my hand down to feel his butt cheeks, under his loose-fitting pyjamas. I loved the feeling of Tim's butt and ran my fingers through his butt crack. As my finger skimmed his butt hole, Tim stopped kissing me.

"That feels nice, do that again," Tim said. I moved my finger over Tim's hole, making Tim wriggle around.

"That's awesome but let's save that for another day, put your hands behind your head. I like to have a wank before bedtime," Tim said, as he unfastened the button fly on his pyjamas.

I put my hands behind my head as Tim asked. Then Tim straddled me so our hard cocks were close to each other. Tim held both of our cocks with his hands, and he started to jack us off. Both of our cocks met at the tip and could feel his smooth balls sack rubbing against the base of my cock.

"There's so much cock meat in hands", Tim whispered as he used continued to use both hands to stroke our cocks. I lay back and enjoyed the feel of Tim's cock and balls rubbing against my cock. Tim increased the speed at which he massaged both of our cocks. I could feel Tim nuts tighten, and suddenly he shot 3 ropes of cum over my chest.

He closed the button fly of his pyjamas. Then he focused his attention on me, using both his hands to wank me off. I loved the tight wank I was getting. I watched Tim's cute face, as he watched me while I enjoyed the pleasure he was giving me. We continued to look into each other's eyes, as my orgasm approached.

Hot cum heated my groin before it travelled into my cock. The pressure in my cock built up slowly and then I fired four ropes of cum over my chest and abs. Tim made sure he had wanked me dry, before he lay down on me once more, sandwiching our cum between us.

I cuddled Tim to hold him in place on top of me. Tim fell asleep first, and I fell asleep shortly after.

The next morning, I was woken with a knock on the door, I expected Tim to respond but he didn't. I tried to move but Tim was still on top of me. Tina entered the room, holding some clothes. Tina noticed us cuddled up.

"You two look cosy," she said. Tim woke up.

"Mum you shouldn't just come in like that," Tim said.

"It's OK don't mind me. I'll be more careful next time," Tina said, as she placed the clothes inside one of the wardrobes before she walked out.

Tim peeling himself off me slowly as our cum had glued us together. My cock was as hard as a rock.

"Is your Mum OK, with us sleeping like this?" I asked.

"She'll be fine", Tim reassured me. Tim ran his hand over my hard cock, then he started to wank me off.

"I would love to do this every morning," I said, "Why don't you get your cock out," I asked, as Tim was still wearing his pyjama bottoms.

"I need to take a pee soon, I'll just wank you off for now," Tim said as he continued to jack my cock.

Tim gripped my cock perfectly. He ran his spare over my abs and chest and then he rubbed my ball sack. I loved the tight feeling around my cock, as I lay back enjoying the sight of Tim's cute chest. I could feel my cum approaching, Tim then lowered his mouth to my cock. He held his mouth at the end of my cock and continued to wank me off while massaging my balls. Hot cum washed out of nuts and through my cock. The force of my orgasm made me raise my head off the pillow as I fired several large cum shots into Tim's mouth. Tim raised his head and swallowed my cum.

"I like your cum," Tim said before he walked out of the room to use the bathroom. I couldn't believe Tim enjoyed my cum so much.

I looked at the time and I realised I was late for my work out with Aaron. I got out of bed and I quickly put on my clothes. Tim returned to the bedroom, looking cute in his pyjamas.

"Sorry Tim I've got to go, perhaps we can do this again soon," we swapped phone numbers before I left.

"I'll send you a text or something," Tim said in a sleepy voice.

I ran to meet Aaron, at our garage which we used as our weights gym. I was planning to tell Aaron I was gay after our work out. Aaron was already doing some chest presses when I arrived. He was shirtless, just like we always were whenever we worked out. Aaron finished his exercise before he spoke to me.

"I see you didn't come home last night, and you smell funny," Aaron said. Aaron sniffed my chest. "Ah, I know what that is, so who was she. She clearly didn't let you cum inside her," Aaron continued.

"Aaron, it's not what you think," I said.

"Don't worry, it's perfectly natural. Now see if you can do twenty chest presses," Aaron ordered.

I started doing the exercise, and soon the conversation turned to our exercise and diets. We continued to work out for another hour before we made our way home.

"You need to have a shower first. Clean that fishy smell of you, before Dad starts asking questions," Aaron said.

I had my shower and put on some fresh clothes. I wore some clean tracksuit bottoms and a tight fit white t-shirt.

I walked back into the kitchen and Aaron gave me a protein shake. Aaron's torso was still shining with sweat from our workout

"I need a big favour from you tonight," Aaron said. "Promise me you'll help me out, I'm pretty sure you'll like it".

"Anything name it," I said.

"Do you remember Sara and Stephanie from your year group at school?", Aaron asked.

"Yes, I remember them," I replied.

"Were you even aware that they both had the hots for you when you were at school, those girls are fit," Aaron said.

"I sort of knew, they followed me around for a week," I replied.

"Well, it just so happens, that those girls also have the hots for me. Now Stephanie wants to fuck me, but those two have some kind of pact, where they want to lose their virginity at the same time. So that's where you come in," Aaron said. "Today is Sara's birthday and she wants to fuck you at the same time that Stephanie fucks me.".

"Aaron this is crazy," I protested.

"Oh come on brother, please don't let me down. I really want to fuck Stephanie. Those girls have never had sex before, and they want to ride our cocks. This is too good to be true. All you have to do is copy what I do, and you'll have a great time."

"OK, but I hope we will be using condoms, you have already made Emma pregnant," I demanded.

"No no, I hate using condoms, it's just not the same. Don't even mention condoms in front of them. These girls are well up for it, please don't mess this up for me," Aaron begged.

"OK, I'll do it, don't worry, what time are we seeing them?" I asked. I could see this meant a lot to Aaron and I found it difficult to say no to him.

"I'll arrange for them to come over here after 10 this evening. Dad is going out later, so we'll have the place to ourselves for a few hours. I'm going to put clean bed sheets on my bed, we can fuck them in my room," Aaron stated. "Now, when was the last you time shot your batter? Girls don't like it if you cum too quickly," Aaron asked.

"This morning," I replied. Aaron smiled.

"You really did have a fun night. That's perfect, I did the five-finger shuffle this morning, so we are both good to go," Aaron boasted as he went to have a shower.

I knew Aaron would do anything to make me happy, and it was rare for Aaron to ask me to do anything for him. I decided to delay telling Aaron I was gay for now. The thought of having sex with Sara did not bother me. I remember her being nice to me at school and I was confident that be horny enough by the evening.

After Aaron's shower, he met me in the lounge.

"So where did you get to last night?" Aaron asked.

"Tony and Brian from the estate were bullying one of the families in another block, so I chased them off.

You may know them. The ladies name is Tina, she was our Mum's friend, and she has a boy called Tim," I said.

"Yeah I know, Tina. She is nice, she used to babysit us when we were young. So what were Tony and Brian up to, do you want me to knock their heads together," Aaron asked.

"I think I've sorted it for now, but they have mugged Tim a few times and posted some crap through their letterbox, so we'll see if they lay off him," I said.

"If they give you any more trouble, we'll go and see them together," Aaron said.

The front door opened. My Dad was back from his overnight work shift.

"I hope you boys have been good," My Dad said, it was his standard line.

"Yes, Dad all good. How was work?" Aaron asked.

"Same as always, I need to get to sleep so don't make too much noise, remember I'm out with my friends this evening," my Dad said as he made his way upstairs to sleep.

"No problem Dad," I replied.

We decided to go out to the shops, to give my Dad some peace and quiet. As we stepped out, we noticed Tony and Brian sitting on a bench.

"Leave this to me," Aaron said.

"Just leave them Aaron," I said, but it was no good. Aaron walked over to Tony and Brian, and I followed.

"I hear you've been bullying little kids, trying to take their money Tony," Aaron said.

"And why do you care, your boyfriend is he," Tony said.

"He might be. If you do it again, we'll be coming for you," Aaron said firmly. "Do you remember that time you tried to pull a knife on me Tony," Aaron continued.

Tony did not reply and Brian looked worried. We both walked away. Aaron had broken Tony's arm in a previous fight after Tony had shown a knife to Aaron.

We continued on our way to the shopping centre, and we spent all afternoon there. Aaron bought an aftershave to impress the girls that evening. We then went back home and we had our second workout of the day, to pass time.

That evening we cleaned the flat after our Dad went out. Aaron and I then got dressed in our smartest jeans and underwear. Aaron wanted us to remain shirtless, as the girls would like to see our muscles. We also remained barefoot, as Aaron didn't want us to waste time removing footwear later. We went to the bathroom and styled our hair properly and we sprayed ourselves with Aaron's new aftershave.

"We look so alike, I'm surprised that we aren't twins," Aaron joked.

"Apart from the fact that my cock is bigger than yours, and the girls will soon see it too," I joked back.

"Yeah right, remember I'm older and taller, so naturally mine will be bigger," Aaron replied.

"These two girls get off on the fact that we look alike and act alike. So whatever I do to Stephanie, you have to do the same to Sara," Aaron continued.

"Sure I can do that," I replied.

While we waited for the girls to arrive, I tried not to think too much about what I getting myself into. My mind was pre-occupied thinking about Tim. I had butterflies in my stomach each time I thought about him. I wondered if I had paid enough attention to him, and if should have spent more time with him that morning, instead of rushing to meet Aaron. Just after 10pm there was a ring at the doorbell.

"Remember just follow my lead," Aaron said. He answered the door and invited the girls in. They were heavily made up and they were wearing plenty of sweet perfume.

"So what would you like to do first, shall we order some food," Aaron said.

"Stuff the food, let's go to the bedroom," Stephanie said.

Aaron led the way to his bedroom, and Stephanie followed.

"Hi Jack, it's been a while," Sara said, as she brushed her hand and over my chest and then she kissed me on the lips.

"Happy Birthday Sara, c'mon let's go," I said. I took Sara by the hand and she followed me to Aaron's bedroom.

"Can you two stand next to each other, just for a second," Stephanie asked, so I stood next to Aaron.

"You two are almost identical," Sara said.

"Aaron do you love Jack?" Stephanie asked.

"Yes, of course, he's my boy," Aaron replied

"I love Aaron too before you ask," I interjected.

"Prove it, I want to see you boys hug," Stephanie requested.

Me and Aaron turned towards each other and hugged, This did not feel strange as we hugged all the time.

"You guys look sweet together," Sara said.

"Yeah, that's really cute. You better can stop before I get sentimental," Stephanie said.

Aaron walked over to Stephanie and he put his arms around her, so I did the same to Sara. Sara kissed me on the lips again and I kissed her back as passionately. She started running her hands all over my naked back and then she felt around my chest and abs. I imagined it was Tim's hands touching my body, and my cock was now super hard.

Sara pulled her dress over her head and she kicked off her shoes, and Stephanie did the same, they were both naked. I noticed neither of them had any pubic hair. The girls removed our belts and unfastened the buttons on our jeans. Me and Aaron helped by taking off our jeans and underwear, so all four of us were nude. Aaron caressed Stephanie's breast, so did the same to Sara. Stephanie then pushed Aaron back onto the bed, so I lay down next to him.

"Even your cocks are the same size. Now I want you two, to hold hands," Stephanie asked. So we did as Stephanie asked.

The girls started kissing our bodies. They kissed our chest, abs, arms and down our legs. They then got in-between our legs and licked our cocks all over. Me and Aaron lifted our heads to watch. It felt nice, but Tim was far better cock sucking than Sara. Sara tried to get my cock inside her mouth, but she didn't open wide enough and returned to just licking and kissing around my cock.

Then Stephanie moved to straddle Aaron's waist and Sara did the same to me.

"Go slowly now girls, there no rush", Aaron said in a caring voice.

The girls slowly lowered themselves onto our cocks. The four of us gasped and moaned, as our cocks entered their snatches for the first time. The girls held themselves still as they got used to having our cocks inside them. My cock was only a third of the way inside Sara, I couldn't tell whether she was in pain or whether she was enjoying it. After a minute, Sara started to ride my cock slowly. Stephanie took more time before she started riding Aaron.

Sara was now taking my cock down to halfway, I focussed on the tight feeling around my cock, it felt amazing. I closed my eyes and I imagined Tim was riding my cock. I could hear Sara yelping and moan with pleasure. My cock felt warm and wet inside Sara's tight snatch. Sara now had most of my cock inside her, I briefly opened my eyes and she looked like she was lost in the moment. I closed my eyes again, so I could focus on the slick massage my cock was receiving. Aaron squeezed my hand, and when I looked at him, he smiled back at me. I was glad, that Aaron was happy, and I too was enjoying the slow fuck. After a minute, Aaron moaned louder.

"Slow down or I'm gonna shoot", Aaron said. Stephanie stopped and she lowered her head to kiss Aaron, while Sara continued to ride my cock. The tight friction around my cock felt amazing. Sara's snatch felt like the perfect home for my cock. Sara started to speed up and her breathing became heavier, she started running her hands over my chest, digging fingers into muscles. Then she moaned even louder and her snatch pulsated around my cock. My cock and balls felt wetter, I guessed that Sara had just cum. Stephanie started to ride Aaron's cock once more, this time she was riding Aaron faster and they were both moaning.

Sara recovered and continue to ride my cock, she increased speed she resumed running her hands over my chest, and now I could feel my cum approaching. My groin heated up intensely before cum seared through my cock. Aaron squeezed my hand as I could hear Aaron him having his orgasm in the background. I closed my eyes as I fired my first volley of cum inside Sara, I opened my eyes and I noticed her looking down at me. Sara continued to ride my cock as I fired another torrent of cum inside her. I closed my eyes and shot five more large wads of cum inside her before my orgasm subsided.

Aaron let go of my hand as Sara and Stephanie collapsed on top of us. I put my arms around Sara, as we lay there recovering for a few minutes.

"That was amazing," Aaron said, once he caught his breath back.

"It was lovely, but we better go soon," Stephanie said. I was surprised that the girls were leaving so soon.

"It was fantastic", Sara said as kissed me again. I kissed Sara back. Then both girls got off the bed to get dressed. Me and Aaron put our underwear and jeans back on, and we walked the girls to the front door. I kissed Sara goodbye and Aaron did the same to Stephanie.

Once the girls had left. Aaron turned to me and hugged me once more.

"That was amazing, we made them cum too," Aaron said gleefully, hugging me tightly.

"Yeah it was good, but now we need to have proper chat. I've been meaning to speak to you all day, but you've been too excited about these girls all day," I said.

"OK brother, you're worrying me now, what is it," Aaron asked.

"Let's go and sit down," I said. We both went to sit on the sofa in the living room. I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"Come on Jack, tell me what's wrong," Aaron asked.

"You promise you won't be angry, you'll hear me out calmly," I asked.

"Yes of course, when have I ever been angry with you," Aaron asked.

"Plenty of times," I said.

"Well that's because we're brothers and you annoy me sometimes, but I've never hurt you. Please tell me what's wrong Jack," Aaron insisted.

"I'm gay," I said. I paused for a few seconds before speaking again. "I don't fancy girls, I like boys instead," I continued.

"But what about what we just did," Aaron asked.

"That was just sex, and I only did it to make you happy," I said. My emotions were getting the better of me and felt like I wanted to cry.

"I'm still surprised you've not told me before," Aaron said. I could feel a single tear running down my face. Aaron stood up and reached out to me. "Give me another hug," he insisted.

I stood up and hugged Aaron again. Aaron kissed me on my cheek like he would do when we were kids.

"Don't worry, you're still my boy. I will always love you. This doesn't change anything," Aaron said. We broke our hug and we sat down again

"What about our reputation on the estate, won't people think we're weak if I'm gay," I asked.

"No we'll be like the Kray brothers, one of them was gay and everyone knew about it. It's not good to hide something like this because that will make you weak. I think you should tell Dad too, we can do it together if you like," Aaron said.

Aaron and I continued to talk about my feelings until our Dad came home.

"Hi boys", my Dad said as he joined us in the lounge. "Have you two been working out at this time of night?" he asked us, as we were both shirtless.

"No we've just been watching TV, did you have much to drink," I said. I didn't want to tell my Dad I was gay if he was drunk.

"No I've just been watching the boxing at a friend's house," my Dad replied.

"Dad can I speak to you for a second," I asked.

"Yeah sure, in a minute", my Dad said. My heart was beating fast once more. He used the bathroom and then came to sit down.

"Dad I need to tell you, that I'm gay," I blurted out. My Dad was quiet for a few painfully slow seconds.

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to say that. Are you sure? Do you have a boyfriend then?" my Dad asked.

"Yes I'm sure, and I don't have a boyfriend," I replied.

"It's fine to be gay. The important thing is that you're happy. Are you OK with it?" my Dad asked.

"Yes I'm fine, I've just never talked about it before," I said.

"Well, I'm glad you told me, son. I know I'm not always around, but you can talk to me if you want about it," he said. My dad seemed like he needed time to absorb what I had told him.

"Thanks, Dad, I think I'll go to bed for now," I left the room with a weight off my shoulders. I had a shower and I put on some lounge shorts to sleep in.

Once in bed I sent a text message to Tim saying "Hey Tim what have you been up to. I really enjoyed our time together. I hope I can see you again soon.".

"It was fun. I'd like to see you again too, sleep well," Tim wrote back almost immediately.


Next: Chapter 2

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