By Matthew Watt

Published on Jun 27, 2013



Innocent beginning!? People can scoff as much as they like, when they talk about me now but it was just that. Innocent. I was at the beach and watching a spirited game of volleyball. One team, local islanders, were short a man and asked me if I'd join them. I didn't mind at all. I had always liked volley ball and was pretty good at it. As it turned out, we won, and I was feted by the team as the deciding player.

Pleased with the outcome, we went off for a drink and worked off our tiredness in pitchers of beer. As the afternoon dragged on, everyone seemed to become more and more mellow and loose. Someone, it might even have been me myself, made the suggestion that we all go back to my bungalow for some beer there. It was generally agreed that it would be a good idea.

They arrived and I settled them in with beer and said that I would be right back, I was going to take a shower. Still innocent; I swear it. Showered and feeling better, I emerged from the bathroom with only a towel around my waist only to find three of them lounging on my bed and drinking. They were grinning at me and I was a bit surprised but not alarmed by it.

"Come now," one said, "Pictures; we must have pictures."

"I'll dress and be right there," I said.

All three of them gestured and said: "Come now! Pictures."

A sense of almost daring and maybe danger swept over me and I went with them, with the towel wrapped around my waist. The others clapped for us, when we emerged from the bedroom. A camera and tripod was set up and the group gathered for a photo.

A few photos were shot, and I realized that the atmosphere was getting tense but didn't know what to do about it. (I had only ever had one sexual encounter with a man, my brother, when I was a kid and this was confusing me.)

"More pictures," someone said, and, after a bit of talking in their language, someone removed my towel. They pointed at my semi-erect cock and laughed. I tired to join in and laugh with them. The picture was taken. First, I was standing in the middl of them. Next they wanted me seated in the middle of their half circle. I sat down and some more pictures were taken. Then there was a rustling and I realized that they were all taking off their clothes now.

I still made no movement to do anything about it, to alter what was happening in any way. They were in charge, I wasn't. And for some reason that was fine with me.

They crowded around me close and the next photo was one where they laid their cocks on my shoulders, and my head. They were joking and laughing and obviously enjoying themselves.

Then they wanted me to lie down on the floor. I did. I was by then beyond reasoning and knew that I'd deny them nothing. They knelt around me and it was a picture of a captured and tamed animal---me! Tamed by them and captured by them.

They pulled me into the middle of them then and the final step was taken.One of them slapped the side of my face with his cock. Without being told, I opened my mouth and began my career as a cock sucker.

All the next group of pictures were of me sucking their cocks. Then they wanted a series of photos of me licking their assholes.

I should say that it was to my great shame that I did all this but in reality I was so turned on by it that I would deny them nothing. By the time that the evening was finally over, I'd sucked all their cocks twice and obediently swallowed all their cum.

I knew that in the morning, despite the hang over, I'd regret this. At least that's what I thought. They finally left laughing and smirking as they went.

It was much later, I really don't know exactly when though; a few of them came back. What happened then, I think, kind of set the tone for much of the later incidents in my year long stay there.

The door was apparently unlocked and a few of them, still horny it seems, came sneaking back into my place. They discovered that I sleep at times really soundly and don't wake easily. But also that when I am groggy with sleep I respond to what I'm told to do and become even more compliant than I was with them the previous evening.

They woke me with difficulty. When I awoke I was disoriented at first but realized quickly that someone was hitting the side of my face, the cheeks back and forth, with the head of his cock.

"Yes," I finally managed.

"Ah," one of them said, "The English boy is awake."

For some reason the name stuck with them and I was forever after known as the English boy. It never mattered to them that I am in fact American. But the real discovery was that without any hesitation or any back talk at all, I was willing to do everything they told me to do.

For me of course the conquest had already been made, and there was a sense with which I went to sleep after the jamming with all eight of them that the humiliation and the sex were among the most powerful experiences that I've ever had.

I was simply willing to do what they wanted. The cock hitting my cheeks was put into my mouth and I gladly took it and allowed it to rummage around in my mouth and eventually head for the back of my throat.

At the same time someone was playing with my asshole, preparing it for another kind of invasion and a hand was jerking on my cock. I was totally transported by the treatment. If they wanted a white male slut, they had gotten one in me. I sucked the cock, and was fucked in the ass, while a mouth descended on my rampant prick and sucked on me.

One of them pinched a nipple really hard and in a guttural whisper said to me: "Grunt for us, English boy; grunt while you suck my cock and get fucked. Grunt for us, English boy; show us how near to a pig you can be."

It too tickled my imagination and was not too much of a humiliation for me and I grunted and snorted, making noises that they liked.

"He is so much easier," one of them said. Another, a very wise one, added: "He is not so much awake, our English boy, and he is in that state much easier to control. Aren't you, English boy?"

I grunted my agreement, bobbing my head up and down both on the speaker's cock and also in compliance with what was said. They liked that.

The one fucking my ass was moving and cooing as though I were his true love. It was strange how different these men were. The one jerking me off treated me as though he were the servant and not I. But the one with his cock down my throat was a rough one.

Eventually they were done and they left, or so I thought. But one came slowly, softly back. I didn't know which one until I felt the tell tale slapping of my face cheeks with a rather large, now soft cock.

He whispered: "English boy, English boy, open your mouth one more time."

I did as I was told but as hardly ready for what happened. His soft prick entered my open mouth and he simply pissed. Holding me by the ears so that I could not get away, nor did I want to, he filled my mouth with his piss and I swallowed and swallowed.

He laughed, when he was done saying: "English boy, you're so much fun." Sleep came quickly after that.

It went that way for a while, and a kind of a schedule, at least for them or among them, was established. There were times when I woke in the morning with a residue of cum both in my mouth and on my face and in my hair. There were times that I woke in the morning and I was wearing a pair of sexy panties, and I knew that the night before I had been fucked. There were times that I woke sore and had bruises to show for it. During those early days it was a game for them to come and use me and not wake me up. The thought of it and the humiliation of being a night time available slut for them, their English boy, was a powerful turn on for me.

Our paths rarely crossed during the day, since my job had me often in other places during the day. But at night I was theirs to command for anything. I never knew what happened to the other eight. I had visits from those three. I mentally named them the lover, the slave and the master.

Each was totally different. The lover invaded my place always bringing a pair of panties for me to wear for him. He was all about kisses and gentle fucking. The lover was fun.

The slave came to worship and he sucked my toes, and jerked me off, sucked my cock and licked my asshole and made no demands. The slave was relaxing.

But the third was the master. He was like the sweet, wonderful dark chocolate of life. He always whispered to me. From then on I can never listen to someone whisper without getting really turned on by it. He was a whisperer.

And, I will admit right here, he was my favorite. I waited for his turns. He always came with new forms of humiliation, new forms of inflicting pain, new ways to use me.

I was his English boy who would grunt when told and allow him to do anything dirty to me that he wanted. He awakened in me a sexual longing for pain and humiliation that was a total surprise, certainly a matter of things that I had long suppressed. It was heady stuff.

I woke in a groggy state with the sensation that a mouth was on my cock. I smiled and settled back to enjoy being effortless and allowing the slave to take care of me. Then the mouth holding the head of my prick tightened around it and he bit the head of my cock. It rocketed me up from my sleeping position.

And the unmistakable voice of the master whispered: "English boy, grunt for me." I made piggy noises for him as he rummaged with me.

Settling his hand on my balls and squeezing as I grunted and oinked more and more fervently, and he laughed. He eased up and then came to sit on my chest. He proceeded to engage in one of his favorite things: slapping my face, cheek after cheek, with his hardening cock.

"English boy," he intoned to me, still slapping me with his cock. "You want me to spank you, I think." It made a shiver run through me, and I realized that `yes', I would like that.

"Yes," I said longingly, `yes'. "Then ask nicely, English boy," he demanded.

I rose up and put my arms around his waist, feeling the tightness of his stomach and trapping his full grown cock between us. Kissing and kissing his stomach and chest I begged to be spanked, I begged for pain:

"Let me be your pain toy, please, sir; let this English boy, your grunting piggy, be your pain pig also."

"You ask so nicely, dirty English boy," he whispered and the whispering sent a thrill through me. "I will grant your wish, pain it will be but first get your naked ass up and put on a pair of those sexy panties that Tontin gives you; then go out to the corner and fetch in here Fat William and tell him that I have need of him.

I did his bidding immediately, he would brook nothing less. I drew on the sexy nylon panties, these were blue and went out into the night darkness. The sense of my nakedness in the darkness of the night wearing only panties made my cock as hard as possible. I crept along hoping not to be discovered and did see Fat William sitting on his usual street corner wall. I went up to him and Fat William smiled a strange smile.

"Ah," he said, "It is the English Boy; yes, this is known to me. And what do you want at this late hour."

"It is Monkku the masterful one," I said breathlessly, "he wishes to have you present in my hut, if you please, Fat William."

Fat William smiled and put his cigarette out and came to me. I hoped he would accompany me.

"And how nice this English cock looks all trapped inside of girlie's panties." He was stroking my cock as he said this.

"Please, please, Fat William come with me so as not to make Monkku angry."

"And what will Fat William get for this service to come with the English Boy and keep him out of trouble with Monkku the masterful?"

"Whatever Fat William needs to have, I will do." I said simply.

"Ah, yes, fine," was his laughing answer, "Fat William will collect that for sure. But you go first; let me see the wiggle of your English woman's ass in those pretty panties."

I moved ahead of him and exaggerated my walk to make my ass cheeks wiggle for his benefit.

Monkku was waiting for us. "Ah, Fat William, my friend. The English Boy is asking me to beat him with the belt and I will gladly make him my pain pig but I want him to have his mouth on your cock, while I'm doing it."

He turned to me and demanded: "Take off Fat William's clothes."

I did as I was told. Fat William did have a prodigious stomach with laps and folds and a nice looking cock jutting out of the middle of it. Fat William, at Monkku's direction, settled on the bed and I nestled between his massive thighs. Directing my head and my lips, Monkku ordered me to begin kissing and licking Fat William's stomach and thighs.

As I didi this, with my cock stretched tight against the fabric of my panties, the first of the whistling belt strikes landed. My cock was now jutting out enormously. And as the beating now regularized and continued, my groans and cries of pain were muffled by Fat William's cock in my mouth. I sucked harder and harder with ever stroke of the belt, now on my ass, one cheek first and then the other; now on my thighs. Monkku was furiously into the beating and Fat William was holding my moaning mouth on his cock as hard as he could.

Monkku stopped long enough to say that Fat William probably needed a cigarette, after cumming prodigiously in my mouth and throat. He lighted the cigarette as I began to lick and clean his spent cock with my mouth. The belt now continued and my moans were amplified.

Fat William reached down now with the cigarette and touched it to my right nipple. My scream was huge but muffled by the fat on William's stomach, as he pulled my head into his folds. And then I was cumming myself, wetting the front of the panties and groaning and moaning like there was no tomorrow.

My mouth crept up to and encased the head of Fat William's softening cock inside the warmth. I swirled my tongue around the head of his prick and put my tongue tip into the slit at the head. Fat William let out a groan as I licked the slit of his cock. I felt the tug of my panties being removed by Monkku behind me.

I raised my head but received a rebuking slap to the ass from Monkku saying roughly: "Get him ready, English Boy; get Fat William ready for your mouth and throat again. I will take care of you here."

I obeyed at once. I learned not to disobey what Monkku wanted of me. I continued the progress that my tongue was making up and down the increasing hardness of Fat William's cock and reached up to caress his nipples at the same time. He was fat enough to have saggy breasts and I treated them with tenderness as though they were the lovely tits of a woman.

Fat William smiled and laughed a dirty laugh. "He knows how to serve, this one," he said to Monkku.

"Give me a cigarette, Fat William," Monkku said.

By then Fat William's cock was hard again and was pushing into my throat. I bobbed my head up and down on his cock, feeling his guiding hand on the back of my head, as I sucked.

Then I felt the insertion. My panties were gone and Monkku pushed, without warning, the large head of his big cock into my ass. I let out a kind of a suppressed squeal around the blocking insertion of Fat William's cock.

"Good," Monkku said determinedly, as he continued to push his girth into my ass. The pain was somewhere between unbearable and flat out wonderful. "Good," he continued, "Now grunt for us; grunt for us like a pig, English Boy; grunt for us around the cock in your mouth."

Then it was that Monkku applied the cigarette to my ass cheek. I bellowed around the mass of the prick in my mouth and throat making a kind of a subhuman noise.

"Wonderful," laughed Fat William, "Burn him again; let's hear him make his true noises."

The cigarette was applied again to my ass, as Monkku continued to fuck my sore asshole with vigor and determination. As the cigarette came home again onto the surface of my ass, eliciting a huge wail from my filled throat, Fat William grabbed my ears and pulled my face down farther onto his cock, cumming and filling my throat with his spend.

I swallowed continuously to make sure that I lost none and felt Monkku stiffen behind me as he exploded into my ass. After one last burn to the ass by the cigarette, he disposed of it and pulled me from the huge pillow of Fat William's massive stomach. Tears were rolling down my face and I was shaking from the treatment.

"Did you like that, English Boy? Do you like the way that Fat William and I use you like some little pig bitch?"

"Yes, oh yes," I wailed, "Yes, darling Sir; Yes, Master Monkku. It makes me so proud when you make me yours, your own."

"Good," he then continued, "Pay our friend Fat William for letting you use his prick to satisfy you."

I quickly rose and gave Fat William the $25 that Monkku demanded. He left saying that I still owed him more and that he would collect it. In agreement I knelt before him and put my mouth to the lump in his pants beneath his huge belly, breathing into his crotch and onto his cock.

"Thank you, Fat William. I will be here." "I know," he smiled and nodding to Monkku, he left.

"I must leave soon but come first to the bathroom."

I went with him suspecting what was next but not objecting. He ordered me to kneel next to the toilet with the lid up and stick my face far forward. I complied and felt the stiff stream of his piss on my face almost immediately. Opening my mouth to accommodate his stream, I drank what he wished to give me. It was then that I came once again. And in the quiet, once Monkku left, after I was allowed to kiss his feet and breath also into his crotch and onto his cock, I pulled out my prick and jerked off again.

Sleep was sweet that night and undisturbed by visitations.

The next day I had a full round of inspections to make. It was a side line of my job but a necessary one. Working for a contract company I periodically was asked to do safety and sanitation inspections at various public or semi public buildings. Today one such was a workers' club. The manager, a Mr. Magsay, was not all that happy to have me there inspecting but I used my firmest manner and insisted that the cleaning that I detailed for him in my report sheet had to be done.

He immediately barked an order to three young men who were idly `working' there and they went at it with a will. I was surprised that the three of them stripped to their thongs to do the bathroom work, but the manager, sensing what he thought was embarrassment, explained that they didn't wish to get their clothes dirty at the task. My actual feelings were much different than he had supposed.

I was simply turned on my their semi nakedness and, when I could do so surreptitiously, put my hand in my pocket to rearrange my growing cock. It was pressing against the front panel of a pair of lovely pearl white panties with lacy waist and leg bands. I had been in panties so much lately, both from `the lover', who brought them to me, and from Monkku, who demanded them of me for humiliation, that I now wore them most of the time.

I also thought that I caught a gleam in Mr. Magsay's eyes as he looked at the moving asses of the guys doing the bathroom floor. Little did Mr. Magsay know that a mere word from him would have seen me at his feet just as nearly naked and ready to suck his cock or perform any dirty action that he wished.

Mr. Magsay made it abundantly clear that he wasn't pleased with my inspection report. There was also the lingering suspicion that he knew how aroused I was by the sight of his nearly naked workers' busy asses.

Shortly after that I made excuses and tried to get on with the rest of my day.

I decided to stay in that night. The thrilling scene with Mr. Monkku and Fat William was still replaying constantly in my fevered brain. I settled down, after a sparse dinner, to my computer to seek out sites that would add to the thrill of being driven by Mr. Monkku to do whatever I was told.

I was in the middle of such a search, when the door opened and he stood there himself. I was dressed at the time in my pjs, anticipating an early evening but he was grinning at me in such a way that I suddenly wasn't sure about that at all.

"Mr. Monkku!" I said truly pleased to see him. "I'm so pleased to see you."

"Pleased, you say, english boy, english pig, when you greet me dressed in such a disgusting fashion."

"I'm truly, truly sorry, Mr. Monkku," I said, and I scurried, absolutely scurried to kneel at his feet.

In that position I leaned forward to try my best to placate him. I looked up briefly, and apologized again, taken in and enchanted by the dangerous look on his face. I leaned down then and kissed the toe of his shoe. Following instincts then that I neither wanted to nor could deny, I began to languidly extend my tongue and begin the process of licking his shoes. I moved my tongue all around the outside of his shoe, and then looked up to see if he was satisfied. His gaze alone told me that he wasn't. I lowered my head again but this time, he raised his shoe so that the sole of the shoe was in my face. I continued my humiliation by licking the dirty off of the sole of his shoe, and then I went on to the other shoe.

When I was finished, he said to me:

"Be back here wearing panties in 2 minutes or I will take you tonight and leave you as a pansy boy in the slums. Go."

I went hurriedly, frightened by what he said. I knew that I didn't dare get up from my hands and knees, and didn't try to.

I was back in time, wearing a pair of light pink panties, and I knelt at his feet again.

"I'm here for you, sir," I said meekly.

"We're going out," he said, "I have a friend who wants to see you."

"Yes, sir," I said immediately.

"What shall I wear, sir?" I asked.

"What you're wearing now and a few items that I have for you."

He had a bag with him and pulled a pair of `slave' sandals out. They were flat sandals with long thongs of leather that scrolled around my legs up almost to my thighs. I liked the look of them; just wearing them made my cock hard. Then there was a dog collar with a ring for a leash, which Mr. Monkku had and attached. Then, with an evil grin, he pulled two small alligator clips out of the bag. With a smile and a flourish, he attached these to my nipples.

I yelled and my yelling made him smile even broader. There was a chain that dangled from the clips and hung down in front of me. He attached the rubber ring, at the end of the chain, around my balls and cinched it tight. Then he added a rubber cock ring to keep my prick erect. He stood back and admired his handy work and pulling me by the leash led me outside.

"We have a visit to make," he said to me, "So come along, English Boy pig and we'll go."

I followed him, scurrying behind him, as he pulled on the leash attached to the collar around my neck. He made me kneel in the foot well of the back of a taxi, at his feet, as we made our way toward the destination.

I was both shocked, worried and turned on in no small way, when we pulled up to the door of the very same worker's club.

I turned to Mr. Monkku and, with my head down and eyes averted, said:

"Please, sir . . ."

He cut me off by pulling tight on the dog leash and collar around my neck, silencing me completely. He went to a side door and knocked. It was answered by Mr Magsay, who looked at us with a huge, feral grin on his face.

"Welcome, my friend, Monkku, and your pet . . .er dog?"

"More like a pig, my friend Magsay," Mr. Monkku said and yanking on the leash drove me to my knees.

"You pig, English Boy," he thundered, "Show my friend proper politeness in greeting him."

I lowered my head to the floor and began by kissing the toe of Mr Magsay's shoe. He laughed and said: "Very nice; very obedient!" to Mr Monkku.

"Finish, pig!" Mr Monkku thundered, and I continued to run my tongue along the sides and backs of both of Mr Magsay's shoes.

"Now higher," Mr Monkku thundered at me, pulling on the leash and pushing my face and nose into Mr Magsay's crotch. I could hardly believe how turned on I was by this treatment and breathed my hot breath onto Mr Magsay's cock through his trousers.

"Hug him, English Boy!" was the next order shouted at me.

I obediently put my arms around Mr Magsay's waist and grasped his ass cheeks and pulled his crotch into my face, framing his growing cock with my lips, as I did.

"Now," Mr Monkku continued, "I understand, English Boy, that you've given my friend Mr Magsay some trouble? Is that so?"

I blushed to admit it but quickly said: "I am so very sorry, sir, but that is true."

"Good," he came back immediately with, "So tonight you will begin to pay for that."

Turning to Mr Magsay, he said: "Is your stage available for what I have in mind?"

Mr. Magsay smiled broadly and said: "Yes, it certainly is."

Mr Monkku led me in the direction of the noise of the barroom; he stopped at a curtain and held my leash tight. Mr. Magsay went through the curtain and I heard him announce that there was a special treat for them tonight. There were cheers at that announcement. Then he went on to say that a new servant was being introduced to the worker's bar that evening and they would get the joy of watching him prepared.

On that cue, Mr. Monkku went through the curtain and pulled on my leash to bring me out behind him. There was stomping and cheering in the bar as they saw me come forward on the leash and wearing the slave sandals and the pink panties.

"Here he is," Mr. Magsay announced, "The English Boy. His owner, my good friend, Mr. Monkku is graciously donating the English Boy's service as a bar waiter. He will be with us, serving you, three nights a week from now on."

I looked up with some consternation on my face but Mr. Monkku responded to my look by slapping my face. This brought another round of applause and shouts from the all male crowd, and I lowered my head in humiliation.

"A chair," Mr. Magsay shouted, "We must prepare this new barroom slave for his duties."

I notice then the chair was brought to the stage and other items that were needed by the same three workers I'd seen earlier in the day. They were dressed, now as then, only in their thongs. My cock involuntarily stiffened, as I saw them approaching me with wicked grins on their face.

I had no idea at all about what would happen then. It all occurred quickly enough. I was sat down in the chair and the first thing to happen was that one of them produce a clipper and another a pair of scissors. I actually sobbed, as they cut off my hair and then shaved me bald. My cock, however was straining against the panties that I was wearing.

Then I was gotten up by the three of them and had my panties and shoes taken off. The next humiliation was the shaving of the rest of my body hair: chest hair, armpit hair, pubic hair, leg hair, ass hair. Every single bit of hair was removed .

When they were done, the three of them pushed me to my knees and crowded around me. The crowd was stomping and shouting as, one after another, they produced their large cocks and forced those cocks into my mouth. I gave each of them the blow job that he demanded, and still my cock was stiff.

I continued to kneel on the stage, once the three of them were finished with me and a shout was heard from the crowd. A youngish man came forward and begged the privilege of sucking me off. There were shouts then again.

I continued to kneel where I was and he inserted his head between my thighs and gave me a blow job, while the crowd cheered.

When he was finished sucking me and taking my cum in his mouth, the three workers appeared again, still dressed only in thongs. They took me by the arms out a side door to a dirt area, and with the windows filled with onlookers, used a hose to hose me down, making be shout and dance because of the cold water in the hose.

Then Mr. Monkku came to where I was standing and shivering. He gave me a smallish towel to dry with, and I thanked him and kissed his hand.

"You are really, really mine now, English Boy," he said.

"Yes, sir, I am," I answered.

"Good," he said then here are my instructions:

"You will work for my friend Mr. Magsay, three days a week, weekends. You will always wear these slave sandals, a dog collar and a pair of panties. Any tips that you receive for sucking cocks, being sucked or being fucked here will go to me and Mr. Magsay. Do you understand?"

I knelt, realizing the weight of this new arrangement, and the very strange fact that it suited me so well.

"Yes, sir," I said to him, "I understand perfectly."

"You will maybe want to see if you can get your work extension to stay here among us, English Boy?"

"Yes, sir, I will do that at work tomorrow."

"Fine," he continued, "Now deal with me here."

I knew what he wanted and shuffled over to him, still on my knees to take his cock out to suck on it.

"After you work here, English Boy, Fat William and I will be at your house; we will use you tonight and hurt you."

"Yes, master," I said. It was a whole new world.

The End

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