The Encounter

By Darian McCrae

Published on Mar 5, 1999



The Encounter: PART 1

As I pulled into the almost vacant parking lot, excitement overwhelmed my body. I was finally going to meet him. After all the weeks of e-mailing, phone calls, and talking online, I was finally going to meet one of the cutest, most adorable guys I had ever seen. My eyes darted all over the place looking for his truck. Then I spotted it, sitting off by itself at the far end of the lot. I was so happy to see it that my foot accidentally hit the accelerator and my car lurched forward suddenly. I felt really stupid as I pulled into the small spot next to him. As I put the car in park, he look up at me from the driver's seat in his truck and smiled his incredible smile. I returned the smile with one of my own and quickly shut off the car.

We both jumped out of our modes of transportation and made out way around to the back of my car. Without any hesitation, we embraced and hugged each other for what seemed like forever, but still wasn't long enough. His big, strong arms held me tightly, my tiny body pressed close to his large bear body. He was just as wonderful as I had imagined: cute, adorable, soft, and huggable. I could've stayed in his arms forever.

Soon we separated enough to look into each other's eyes. We both still were smiling incredibly large smiles and he leaned forward and gave me a light kiss. His lips were wet and soft as our mouths met for a quick instant. The little, bushy, yet neatly trimmed, moustache and goatee on his charming face tickled my bare chin and lip but sent chills down my spin with ardor. I couldn't wait to find out what he had in store for me.

We decided to leave my car in the lot and both hopped into his truck. As we got on our way he reached over and took my hand. His paw was warm and friendly and I gripped it with confidence. It was like a dream come true.

He drove us to a small inn down the road a ways and parked his car in the back lot. We both were reluctant to release our firmly clasped hands but had to in order to get out of the car. He led me to a door in the back and opened it for me like a true gentleman. In his soft voice he said with a smile, "After you." I almost melted with adoration. I stepped through the door and found myself at the bottom of a stairwell. "Third floor, " he said as he closed the door behind us.

We trekked up the stairs and went through the door with the large white `3' painted on it. It opened into a nicely carpeted long hallway. He pointed over my shoulder to the left and we walked down the hall together until we came to room 311. As he opened the door, I felt a ping of excitement rush through my body from all directions, all colliding in the sensitive spot between my legs.

In the dimly lit room was a double bed and a long dresser/counter where a T.V. sat. Past the bed was a table with nice cushioned chairs. On the table sat a pair of handcuffs, rope, and a bandanna.

I turned around and looked at my close friend with a slight grin of surprise and exhilaration. He took me by the shoulders and lowered me down till I was sitting on the bed. Our eyes never left each other.

"I've been waiting for this for a while now, " he whispered lovingly. His soft hand caressed my short, reddish hair. I looked longingly into his eyes and reached my small arms around his beautiful body. I loved the feel of his soft stomach against my cheek as I drew his close to me and he leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

As I held him, he reached down and started to lift up the back of my t-shirt. I raised my hands above my head and he slid it off quickly but affectionately. I tugged at his shirt but he grabbed my hands and said, with surprising force, "Not yet. You'll do this my way." His forceful tone intrigued me and suddenly I realized that I was to be his little slave boy. I had no objections so I let him dominate me all that he wanted.

"Lie down on your back, " he commanded.

"Yes, sir, " was my only response.

He went over to the table and picked up the handcuffs. Turning slowly, he smiled an incredible smile that sent me over the top. I had felt a constant rise in the area just south of the border the whole time and his beautiful smile drove me crazy. My cock shot up to attention as he walked over to me and commanded me to roll over.

"Yes, sir, " I answered softly. As I laid on my stomach, he pulled my arms behind me and slipped the cold metal cuffs around my small wrists. As they clicked in place, he pulled my arms tight behind me. I felt his warm breath on my neck as he leaned over to whisper in my ear: "You're so cute, my little slave boy." His voice was soft and soothing and my body went limp.

He pressed his large bear body against my back and lightly kissed the nape of my neck. The soft, wet lips were comforting, and chills ran down my spine. Slowly he kissed his way down my back, letting his tongue emerge every so often to tenderly lick my sensitive skin. His hands, soft and caring, roamed around my back, rubbing and touching, getting the feel of my body, learning every crevice.

When he finished experimenting with my back, lightly but forcefully he rolled me over. I stared into his beautiful eyes as he bent over to kiss me. Our lips met and he suddenly lifted me up and wrapped his arms around me. We kissed passionately for what seemed like an eternity, our tongues playing happily together inside our united mouths. Releasing his grasp on my tiny body, he drew off his shirt and exposed a soft hairy chest and stomach, just the kind I longed for. He saw my eyes sparkle and stepped closer to me, pulling my head tight to his furry belly. The hair tickled at first but then I began to lovingly rub my head up and down his tummy, feeling the hair pass against my cheek. He stroked my hair affectionately as we experienced our flesh meeting for the first time.

I sat back and stared up into his beautiful eyes once again and he pushed me back to lie on my back. I gave out a yelp of pain as my cuffed hands dug into the small of my back. Quickly he pulled me up and turned me around. "I'm sorry... I forgot that handcuffs can get kinda painful." I heard a click and the cuffs were off in a flash. Then his hands were on my shoulders rubbing and soothing my body. I closed my eyes with intense pleasure and he leaned forward and began to kiss my neck again. I reached behind me and stroked the soft hair on his head. His hairy belly and chest were lightly touching my back, making my spine tingle with delight. His hands wandered down my back, feeling and touching me all over, stopping on my small ass. He gave a little squeeze that made me jump in surprised pleasure, then he was gone.

The Encounter: PART 2

I looked over my shoulder and saw him back at his table of goodies again. He picked up the rope this time and swiftly made his way back over to me. I knew what was next and laid down on the bed against the head board, doing a spread eagle for my adorable teddy-bear. Without hesitation, he tied my hands to the bed posts. The knots were tight and the rope was rough against my soft skin. When he finished tying my arms, his hands wandered yet another time over my body, this time over my scrawny chest and weak stomach. His touch tickled a little and I giggled as he passed his hand over my belly. As he bent over and started to kiss my chest his hands went to work on unbuttoning the jean-shorts I had on. I faintly heard the zip of the zipper from my state of euphoric ecstasy and then my mind flew into disarray as his mouth surrounded and teased my left nipple.

As his moist tongue caressed my nipple, I boosted my waist and ass up in the air to allow him to remove my shorts. His hands slowly slid the coarse material down my thighs, releasing my fully erect cock to breath, held back only by my small jock strap. His lips left my nipple and kissed down my stomach while his hands continued to slide the shorts down my legs and off my feet. He tossed them away and turned his attention immediately back to me. I looked down across my lean chest and stomach and saw him staring longingly at my six inch dick. I could tell he wanted it, so I lifted it up a little, offering it to him. He kissed it lightly through my jock-strap, his compassionate lips touching the tip and shaft of my cock repeatedly. He was driving me wild and knew it. Then he produced another rope which I hadn't seen before. I nodded excitedly and suddenly his hand grasped my jock-strap and ripped it off with one giant swoop of his huge arm. My cock popped free and he stared at it the whole time he tied my feet to the bed posts at the foot of the bed.

When he finished strapping me in, he stood back and admired his handy work. He could tell I was restless and wanted his mouth around my horny dick, so he slowly walked over to me and started to rub and caress and kiss and lick my whole body, intentionally avoiding the one spot I wanted it the most. I whimpered in need of his lips around me and his face was suddenly in front of me. "I want you, slave boy, " he whispered. I let out a low moan and he said, "I know you want it, but you don't get it until I say so. So just wait, and you'll get yours." Then he began to kiss his way south, heading for the area waiting for him between my legs, making me wait as long as he could.

He paused to kiss and lick my navel and then ventured down a little further. But, just before he reached the sweet spot, he stopped and slid back up my body to speak to me. I laid there in an unquenchable euphoric state and realized that he knew he was torturing me and we continue to do so until I could bare it no more. "Know what?" he said with a sly grin, "I think it'll be my turn first." Immediately I knew what he meant and he untied my arms and legs quickly, only to retie my hands together behind my back. He pulled me off the bed and pushed me down on my knees before him.

As I stared straight into his crotch, I saw the outline of a huge appendage waiting to be released from its captivity in his loose shorts. It was the largest I had ever seen up that close and at once I wanted it. My eyes shifted from his package to his handsome face and he spoke in hushed yet forceful words. "Get my shorts off, slave boy. And only use your teeth, nothing more."

My face lit up with glee as he gave me this order. I dove right in and began working, tugging and pulling, yanking and biting, ripping away with my teeth as fast as I could. Finally I got the button undone and chomped down on the zipper and pulled down as hard as I could. His fly opened with surprising ease and I started to ease the shorts down his legs, exposing bare skin as I pulled further and further. Finally I got his shorts down to his ankles and looked back up to see a seven inch cock staring me straight in the face.

My jaw dropped open in astonishment at his beautiful penis and he took this to his advantage and shoved his overgrown member into my mouth. I wasn't quite expecting it and half choked as it hit the back of my throat. I quickly adjusted and began sucking and sliding back and forth, creating a hot friction between my lips and his dick. His hands were on my head, helping me with the pumping motion, stroking and caressing my hair all the while. As I continued to provide my love with pleasure, I glanced up at his face. What I saw made me hornier than ever. His head was tilted back and his mouth was wide open, his whole face twisted in sexual pleasure. He wanted this just as much as I did and how I did give it to him.

After what seemed like an endless blow-job, I felt his hands grab the hair on the back of my head and give a slight tug. I knew he was about to shoot his load, and I clamped my lips shut and took in as much of him as I could. Suddenly, I felt an extremely large amount of hot, thick cum spraying the back of my throat. Before I had a chance to taste it, most of it began to run down my throat and I was forced to swallow it all down. I sucked him as dry as I could and continued to suck until he began to fade. Each time I ran my tongue over the tip of his cock, his body would shudder and twitch with excitement and unbearable pleasure.

As I withdrew my satisfied lips from his body, he picked me up and pushed me back down on the bed. As quickly as they were untied, my hands and feet were retied to the posts on the bed and my lover went to work on me once again. He kissed here and rubbed there, licked here and sucked there, slowly making his way down to my still rock solid cock.

The Encounter: PART 3

I waited and waited to feel the sensation of my cock being surrounded by his wet lips, but the feeling never came. Suddenly I felt something cool and smooth rubbing against my balls and shaft. I looked down and saw a strange apparatus wrapped around my balls, tugging at them and pulling them further and further away from my body. Attached to this leather ring around my balls was a chain that I saw my divine love tying to the bed post at my right foot. The sensation of my balls being pulled away from me was practically intolerable. It drove me wild just the same, and my cock became even harder than it was, something I thought was impossible.

He glanced up at my youthful face when he completed this task and smiled once again. "You like that, do you, slave boy? I knew you would." He spoke loud and clear this time. "Oh, " he added a bit quieter, as if almost embarrassed to say so, "for a sixteen-year-old, you have one incredible set of lips I have ever experienced." I opened my mouth to reply and it was suddenly filled with the bandanna. "See how you like being gagged as well as bound, my little serving boy," he said, changing the subject quickly. He lifted my head and I held it there while he tied off the bandanna behind my head. "Maybe, if you're good, I'll let you have another taste. But for now--" His voice trailed off as he leaned down and began to kiss and lick and taste my slightly haired inner thighs. He seemed to know each and every sweet spot on my body and attacked this one with just enough vigor to drive me mad.

Each kiss, each touch from his tongue, sent my body shivering uncontrollably. Then I felt a wetness on my balls. He had begun to please me in the way I had been waiting for. He took both of my balls into his mouth easily with them bound in the leather strap carefully encased around them. He sucked and licked and pleased my balls for an infinite amount of time without pausing. My body tingled with utter delight as his mouth began to slow down and prepare to move in for the kill.

His downy lips kissed each of my balls as if to say farewell and began to ascend up the shaft of my cock. He shot out his tongue as he reached the top and teased the head of my dick for a moment. I moaned incessantly as he continued to explore the outside of my dick. When he finished his examination of my crotch, he paused to look at what he was about to take on. I waited for his lips to embrace me and finally the fire of sexual tension in my head and between my legs was extinguished as he took at least four inches of my cock into his mouth. He sucked and sucked and occasionally stroked my dick for a while.

I could feel the gratification building up inside me as I edged closer and closer to ejaculating. After a lengthy span of time, I finally felt the feeling that all men experience before coming. My body tensed up and he sucked harder as I arched my back and pressed my crotch into his face. The load I shot was large and hot. He swallowed it all with no hesitation and continued on sucking until I had nothing left to give to him.

I was completely spent, but my love continued to suck on my diminishing erection as my body tingled with exuberance. When I had nothing left to give him, he kissed his way up to my lips and suddenly I was tasting my own cum. It was sweet and rich and sent wild chills down my spine. The passionate kiss lasted for a few moments, all the while his hands working on exciting me again, which was quite easy for my hirsute friend. His cock grew at the same time he was working me back up and we reached our full potentials at the same time.

With my cock hard and ready, he jumped up and went back over to the table. From it, he retrieved a small can of Vaseline which I hadn't seen there before and brought it back over to the bed. Immediately he was lubricating up my cock with the clear unscented cream and each touch from his paw sent shivers through my body as I thought of what he was going to do next.

Finally, with my dick drenched in Vaseline, my furry friend climbed on top of me and squatted over my waiting cock. Slowly he lowered himself onto my cock, facing me, and I tried to steer myself into his hot hole. His ass-cheeks spread apart as my dick slid in-between them and quickly found his opening. He continued to slid down my shaft, taking me further and further into him, soft moans escaping his lips every now and then. About five inches down I thought that he was as low as he could go but then he put just a little more weight back and slid the rest of me inside him. As his ass pressed down and touched my stomach he gave out a loud sigh of pain and pleasure. I could feel the heat inside his warm body and I wriggled my dick around inside him to give him some pleasure right away. My movement startled him and he immediately started to slid up and down on my cock, squeezing his ass-cheeks together every so often.

While he moved his body up and down, working my cock like a hand, he grabbed his own dick and started to jerk off. He used the left over Vaseline on his hand to lube it up. He increased the speed of my fucking him as he increased the speed of his hand on his cock. Soon I felt the cum traveling through my body, towards the tip of dick.

"I'm coming!" I mumbled through the bandanna right before I shot a huge load of steaming white cum into his body. There was so much that it started to ooze out of his ass bit by bit. He continued to jerk himself of as he lowered himself all the way down once again and stayed there. I could tell that having me that deep inside him caused him some pain but he was the one who could change that, not me.

"Open up, " he commanded me. Immediately my mouth was open. He scrunched his face up tight, stroking faster and faster until his body suddenly jerked back and he released a stream of cum right into my face. It sprayed all over my face and ran down towards my mouth. What I caught in my mouth I quickly swallowed and then shot my tongue out to try and lick up what I could. My dick slowly began to shrink back down to it's normal size and he stood up and released it back into the air. A slight slurping sound happened when I slid out of him as the air rushed in through his cum-soaked hole. Some of his cum had landed on my stomach and chest and he scooped it up with his finger and fed it too me like a mother would feed her baby.

As I swallowed the last drop, he was starting to release the chain connected to the leather ring around my balls. He removed the love toy and then proceeded to until my feet and hands from the bed posts. When I was once again free, I untied the bandana from my mouth and handed it back to him. He shook his head and told me to keep it as a memoir of our meeting. We assisted each other in dressing and then went back out to his truck.

The drive back to the parking lot where we left my car was silent. He laid his paw upon my small hand and smiled at me repeatedly as he drove me back. When we reached my car, I stepped out of his truck and he met me behind my car. Just as we had met, we departed with a large, loving bear-hug. I didn't want to let go of my new very close friend, but I had to. We both returned to our respective vehicles and drove away, satisfied and fulfilled... until our next meeting.

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