The Emperor's Delight

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Nov 15, 2000


(scat ws ff)


"You the new sentinel?" the handsome guard asked, gruffly.

I nodded. "Marcus, sir. I'm..."

"Rather young. Well, come with me. I'll help you get outfitted."

"B-but, isn't my dress and armour appropriate?" I asked confusedly. "I've been in the guard for several months now."

He laughed. "Not in the palace, obviously. I'll bet you've never even been in the palace, have you?"

"No...I haven't. I'm very excited. Is it as magnificent as I've heard?"

"Oh, yes. Quite magnificent! Right through here." He led me into a dressing area. "If you'd ever been in the palace you'd know that, while the Sentinel Guard is part of the regular guard, the emperor prefers a...shall we say...less intimidating uniform for palace sentinels." He laughed again. Somehow it unnerved me.

Still, my excitement overwhelmed me. My father had been a Sentinel, and now, at 19, I was to become one.

"STRIP!" he barked, and began rummaging around through a basket of fine fabric. I removed my plating and weapons, then my blouse and tunic. I soon stood in my undergarments awaiting his instructions.

"No, no...all of it! Naked."

I thought this strange, but complied. My long dick flopped about as I bent to remove the laces from my sandal-boots. I stiffened my nude, well-developed body and stood proud, in military fashion. Nudity certainly didn't bother me, on the contrary. Yet, my youthful lustiness often caused me embarrass- ment in moments like these. Once free, my cock always seemed to prefer an upright position. It often got me in trouble. I felt it begin to rise steadily when he turned to me.

"By Jupiter's balls!" he exclaimed, looking me over. "Say, how did you get this commission?"

"The Emperor himself!" I gushed, proudly. "He...he was reviewing the troops and told me to report for sentinel duty."

"Figures," he smiled. Then he came forward and started to fondle my cock! "Quite a firebrand!" Instinctively, I pulled away.

"Centurion!" I cried.

"Heh, heh," he chuckled. "Are you in for a surprise! You don't know the first thing about palace sentinels, do you?"

"Of course, my father was a sentinel. Not in the palace, though."

"He never told you about palace sentinels?" he smiled.

" there a difference?"

He held up a short, flimsy white blouse and a matching, skimpy skirt. "Put these on."

I slipped the blouse over my head, then stepped into the other, extremely short, garment...a tunic of sorts that barely went below my low hanging genitals. I pulled the drawstring around and tightened it, awaiting the rest. But he just stood there, smiling and staring. "Turn." He gently touched my shoulder and I about-faced. "A little short, I think." He ran his hands over the fabric, reaching under to run his finger up into the crack between my buttocks. I flinched, but endured his ministrations. After all, it was probably an accident. He was only doing his duty. Yet, my flesh quivered at his touch. But then he stroked my fleshy backside. I could feel my prick enlarging, lifting the fabric up obscenely.

"Yes, much too short," I agreed. He suddenly turned my hips around to face him. He knelt, pulling the tunic edges down, then bent his head down, peeking under.

"Oh, yes. We can't have you going around with those big bollocks of yours hanging out far all to see...not to mention THIS!" He grabbed my hard prick through the fabric and stroked it. "When it goes soft it will doubtless also be hanging below! Perhaps we'd better check that." He lifted my tunic high. I gasped, my cock springing up stiff and angry. It was inches from his face. I stood there embarrassed. He merely smiled up at me and quickly ran his tongue up the shaft and took a quick suck on my knob!

"Centurion!" I cried out. Again I tried to back away, but he had maneuvered me into a position so that I was against a wall.

"Relax, boy. Now spread your legs a little and hold this up, I'm going to suck the nectar from your balls!" I hesitated. "THAT'S AN ORDER, SOLDIER!"

He was my superior, so I obeyed, holding the fabric high, completely baring my naked midsection. My eyes shot open wide as I saw him quickly engulf about half of my big throbbing cock. No one had ever touched me besides myself. The feeling was incredible. He began to suck madly on my prick, progres- sively devouring more and more of it until, amazingly, he was nuzzling my crotch hair--my cockhead pulsing as I felt it actually enter his throat! He just held it there, using his throat muscles to squeeze my shaft mercilessly. I didn't say a word. I couldn't even get my breath. I wondered how he could! Finally, he pulled off and took in a huge mouthful of air, then plunged down on it again, working his mouth up and down every inch until he had me shaking. Then he pulled off suddenly and looked up at me.

"Want me to stop?" he smiled innocently.

"N-no! Please! Don't stop. Here," I grabbed my shaft and shoved my cockhead at his mouth. "It's al...alright...DO IT!" I spread my legs even wider and offered anything he wanted. I never knew such sensations were possible.

He licked one of his fingers. "Squat down a little," he ordered. Bending my legs slightly, I slid down a ways against the wall. He began to fiddle with my balls as he sucked me back in. Then I suddenly felt that moistened finger playing around my asshole. I squeezed tight, then as I felt it twiddle my anal lips I remembered the sensations I had often induced in myself. I was gasping for breath as it was, so I just let my hole relax so he could play around it. He poked a little harder just as I was about to erupt. I met his insistence with pressure of my own. I jammed my bottom onto his probing finger, driving it up into my rectum. He worked it rapidly around in circles as I shot into his mouth! He gulped and gulped, drinking down my hot juice, finger-fucking me into the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced!

My balls drained, he pulled off me. I slumped over his shoulder in temporary exhaustion. He reached his other hand around and fondled my bottom as he slowly withdrew his finger. I straightened up, blushing. He stood up also.

"That was delicious, young one. And a cock to rival Zeus himself!"

I smiled, appreciatively, then gasped as I watched him calmly lick all over the finger that had been up my asshole!

"Centurion!!" I cried. "That's...that's filthy!"

"Not at all," he laughed. "Just a bit of tasty ass juice! Besides, if that offends you, get over it quickly. You'll witness, and probably engage in, more extreme acts of debauch- ery within these palace walls during your assignment. Believe me, I know well. Now, let me get you a more comfortable pair of these. Your sweet knob does indeed hang below!"

" mean that's ALL I wear?!" I asked dumbfounded.

"That's it. The Emperor didn't pick you for your military excellence. He picked you for your EXCELLENCE!"

"I don't understand."

"You will. Let me remove my armour and I'll escort you. I'm on duty also. Even regular guards wear no weapons in the Assembly."

He quickly divested himself of all but his uniform jacket and tunic...even removing his undergarments. He walked to me and took my hand in his, suddenly thrusting it under his tunic. Naked underneath, I found myself forcibly fondling an enormous set of genitals. He held my hand fast, and with his other hand lifted the tunic to give me an unencumbered view of what I beheld. Huge testicles and a fat, sturdy organ with a large purple head. It was slowly rising. Unable to pull away, I allowed him to move my fingers all over his impressive privates. A strange thrill ran through me, but I tried hard to convey my reluctance.

"No time now, but I thought perhaps these might interest you for some time later! In the Assembly, even the guards must be nude under their dress."

"But for what purpose?" I gulped as he relinquished my trembling hand at his crotch.

"For the Emperor's pleasure, of course!" Pulling the drawstring, he removed my tunic and gave me another. It was perhaps an inch longer, no more. He smiled mischievously. "Come now, it is time."

He led me through corridors until we reached the ante- chamber of the Assembly where the Emperor held court. We were silent during the walk. I took the time to reflect on the personage of the Emperor.

Pervertus II, son of Pervertus I, was a mere 17 years old ...two years younger than myself! He became emperor at the age of 14 when his father was taken by illness at an early age. The Empire had been enjoying an age of prosperity and peace since the ascension of Pervertus I. Both father and son were beloved rulers, though rumors abounded about the son's unorthodox methods or punishment for lawbreakers. People tended to be reluctant in discussing it, explaining that the details were simply too dreadful for innocent ears! The only rumors I'd been able to catch were fleeting remarks about Pervertus I's youthful debauchery. Perhaps I would soon find out what was meant. In the antechamber my new friend, Cassius, gave me a gentle warning.

"You'll do fine if you remember one important thing, Marcus. The Emperor is young, but he is the Emperor! No matter what...and I mean NO MATTER WHAT...he is to be obeyed! His laws call for death only in the most extreme circumstances; but he can mete out punishments in some rather bizarre manners. Believe me, whatever you may be called upon to do--unpleasant as you may find it--will be mild compared to what you may have to endure if you refuse. You'll witness some of his punishments this day. Today he presides over civil infractions."

We entered the large hall, moving along the side, until we were about twenty feet to the right of the throne. I had seen perhaps half-a-dozen young sentinels dressed like myself scat- tered around the perimeter. I was instantly struck by their youthfulness and beauty. Then, as several bystanders moved aside, I noticed the Emperor himself! Out of uniform. I realized that during our passing moments I had hardly taken a good look at him in my nervousness. He looked small and delicate comfortably sprawled on the huge throne, yet with a commanding sense of authority. He was bare-chested save a silver cloth banner, and wore only a very short tunic, one not much longer than my own. I was struck by his incredible beauty! A young Adonis, yet with a lascivious, perhaps even cruel, leer that seldom softened.

Behind the throne stood rigidly two massive bare-chested Apollos. "His personal bodyguards," whispered Cassius.

"And them?" I asked, nodding toward the two naked boys sprawled on massive pillows at the emperor's feet, each with an arm draped around and gently caressing one of the Emperor's calves. They were no more than 12 or 13 years of age.

"Personal slaves," said Cassius, "Nordics captured during a recent campaign in the north." That explained their blonde hair and pale complexions. But what could explain the actions of one of the boys as he reached up under the Emperor's tunic and fiddled thereabout? The Emperor nonchalantly slapped the boy's hand away. The child looked disappointed and chastised, until Pervertus bent and kissed the boy fully on the lips, sucking at his pouting mouth. The lad beamed, his scolding now forgotten, and resumed his reclining position on the pillow.

I looked back up to the Emperor to find him looking at me! He crooked his finger, motioning me forward. I gulped, and started to make my way toward him. Cassius quickly whispered, "Remember...ANYTHING!"

Standing at attention before him, I quickly relaxed my stiffness, fearful that in pulling my chest up, my tunic also pulled up. It would not do to offend the Emperor by having my naked genitals thrust out! He smiled, seeming to notice my discomfort. "Ah, the new one! Marcus, is it not?"

"Y-yes, sire!"

"Here, come closer," he cooed in a hypnotic, melodious voice. The naked boys moved aside, allowing me to approach the throne. He motioned me to one side, until I was next to him. "I trust you will perform your duties well, Marcus," he said, as he reached down and began to run his hand up the back of my thigh, until he had cupped one of my buttocks and began gently squeezing it.

"I...I...I will do my best, sire," I stammered. With his other hand he reached right under my tunic and grasped my cock, pulling it out for all to see! I was soft, of course... especially as I was nervous. But even soft, my cock hung long and floppy in his caressing hand as he unashamedly fondled me in full view of the entire assemblage. No one said a word, of course, and I quickly realized that the Emperor was used to doing whatever he wished--whenever he wished. I was blushing furiously, but dared not demur. Not even when he spoke again.

"Turn around, Sentinel. Let me examine the other side!" I turned obediently and bent at the waist at his command. He lifted my little tunic, resting it on my back, completely exposing my bare ass to his gaze. I felt extremely uncomfor- table being so indecently displayed, but then felt fearful when he pulled me to his face and began sniffing at my anus! Silently I prayed to Zeus that I was clean, not wishing to offend my emperor at any cost, regardless of his strange behavior.

"Lovely! Intoxicating!" he whispered. I did smell! Far from minding it, he seemed to revel in it. His thumbs pried my bottom apart, and soon he was shamelessly licking right into my gritty hole! I hung my head, unable to look at the personages witnessing this vile exhibition. But just below me was one of the slave boys looking up at me with distain. No, not distain exactly, jealousy! Then the Emperor embarrassed me even further as he slapped my ass and exclaimed loudly, "BY THE GODS, THAT"S A SWEET HOLE! Keep nearby, my lovely Marcus. I'll be calling upon you from time to time." With that, he dismissed me. I quickly retreated to my former position near Cassius.

"The Emperor is rather restrained today, Marcus," he remarked. "But he's obviously quite taken with you." I gave him a look expressing my displeasure at the honor. "Be not disturbed. You may find it quite rewarding."

The Emperor clapped his hands and the first of the civil cases was brought before him.

A fellow Sentinel escorted two middle-aged peasants forward. "Sire," he bowed, as did the defendants.

"What is the problem here?"

"This man killed my goat, Sire!" one man exclaimed, respectfully.

"Is this true?" he asked the other man.

"It is, Sire. But I warned him over and over that his goat repeatedly ventured into my garden and destroyed it."

"Did you take precautions? Did you, perhaps, fence in your garden?"

"No, Sire, I did not."

"A simple remedy, don't you think?" the Emperor chastised. "In failing this, you are ordered to pay for the goat, and..."

The Emperor ordered both men to drop their lower clothing. The goatkiller was commanded to suck the prick of his victim, then to bend over and allow himself to be sodomized! Both men we taken aback but quickly complied. Exhilarated at winning his case, and excited at the prospect of humiliating his enemy, the man instantly raised a bone as his prick was reluctantly sucked. Once hard, he quickly shoved into the agonized man, eliciting painful screams. After a while it became apparent that he had great self-control. He was purposely holding back his orgasm in order to inflict as much torment on his enemy as possible.

Realizing, in his fairness, that it had gone on long enough, Pervertus ordered one of his young slaves to assist. Obediently, the boy approached the fucking man and knelt down behind him. He began to lick the man's balls and finger his asshole. This brought about a swift orgasm as he plunged deeply into the other's battered rectum. They shamefacedly departed.

A Captain of the Guards escorted the participants of the next case...a man and a young boy of 8.


"Sire," the Guard began, "this man is guilty of beating his child. His neighbors complained. He has been warned on numerous occasions, yet he persists.

"The lad is shiftless and lazy, Sire," the man tried to explain. "He constantly complains of exhaustion while working the fields."

"You know my directive on the abuse of children?"

"He does, Sire," interjected the Guard, who stripped the boy of his shirt and turned him around to display his lash marks.

"Tell me, boy," the Emperor asked calmly, "do you feel the need to piss? You do? Fine. Piss in your father's mouth! If he loses so much as a drop he will be flogged as you have been." The man started to protest, but decided otherwise. He dropped to his knees as his son apprehensively withdrew his tiny organ and approached his father. The man opened his mouth and the boy shoved it in, suddenly relishing his father's subservient attitude. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Soon it was apparent that he was releasing a strong stream of boypiss, because his father's face was disgustedly squinched up but determinedly swallowing every drop!

"Now," the Emperor directed, "if I ever hear of you mistreating this child again you will be brought before this court to kneel again. But instead of drinking his flavorful piss YOU WILL EAT A TURD FROM HIS LOVELY LLTTLE BOTTOM! Understood?!"

"Oh, y-yes Sire," he promised. " will never happen again. On my word!"


Now that was a punishment I was not expecting. Fear tactics, I was sure. Yet, I wondered if the Emperor would actually command it. I began to wonder if anything was beyond the Emperor's devious cruelty. Obviously, he devised punishment that was extremely humiliating, yet not life-threatening. And apparently he derived pleasure from these exhibitions. He raised his tunic and began to stroke a huge, fat erection!

Again the crook of his finger as he ordered me forward once again. This time, as I stood directly in front of him, he pulled the drawstring and let my tunic drop. Putting both hands inside my thighs, he pulled them slightly apart, then reached back further to clasp my buttocks. He pulled them apart, signaling to the slave boy who had cast me an evil look to go around behind me. He pulled my soft prick into his mouth and began to suck it luxuriously, while the young boy began licking my asshole! When he had aroused me into a state of rigidity, he motioned me to his side as he lifted his legs onto the throne armrests and scooted his body down. The other lad immediately moved into position and started to frantically suck on the Emperor's exposed anus, digging his tongue inside and making lewd sucking noises that reverberated throughout the hall. Meanwhile, the Emperor continually stroked and licked my cock.

After a while of this ribald display he rose and directed me to sit on the throne! I complied, sitting there naked with a roaring, moist prick aiming skyward. He turned his back to me, facing the spectators, and straddled my legs. Reaching back, he grabbed my prick and lowered himself down onto it. Making contact with his anus, he shoved down hard and engulfed my entire 8 inches! Then he began to bounce up and down on it wantonly. My cock throbbed! I could not believe what was happening. I was sitting naked on the throne of the Empire, FUCKING THE EMPEROR IN FULL VIEW OF THE ENTIRE COURT! I should have felt disgust, but did not.

"Oh, Marcus, keep fucking that monster up my shithole just as deep as you can! Make it last, I'm in need of a thorough ravage. Peetoe!" he spoke to one of the blondes as he raised his legs again to straddle the throne chair armrests and lay back upon me, lifting my legs as well. "Lick, child, lick his cock as he fucks me. Let me feel your mouth at my hole!" The boy rose, sporting a fine hard pecker and squatted between our legs. He licked his lips, then began to move his mouth and lips over EVERYTHING! Up and down, back and forth, he managed to lick my balls, my asshole, the Emperor's prick and balls, then settled in on my squishy prick as I fucked in and out of young, beautiful Pervertus' hungry rectum! I could feel his tongue sliding up and down, then trying to dig right into the hole along with my cock! I couldn't hold off much longer. I began to moan and shake more violently. Pervertus pounded his huge prick and suddenly spurted large quantities of sperm onto his chest and stomach--one massive eruption sprayed both our faces. Instantly, I shoved deep and exploded into him. We lay back exhausted. As one slave pulled my prick from the gaping hole and began to suck and clean it, the other attached his mouth to the Emperor's asshole and began to noisily suck all I had deposited right back out again! A faint odor rose to our nostrils, making me realize that our respective organ and hole were not exactly clean. But the traces of the Emperor's turd I must have been banging into were certainly no hindrance to those lusty boys. It was almost as if they were not only accus- tomed to the remnants of his bowels, but actually craved it!

Pervertus leaned hack and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, Marcus. We'll have to arrange for more experience for you to increase your stamina. I enjoy shooting 3 or 4 times during one fuck. I'll be calling on you again."

I bowed, rearranged my dress, and retreated to my former position beside Cassius.

"Splendid, little one!" he remarked. "The Emperor seems quite taken with you."

"He...he admonished me for coming too quickly. It was all, different. I couldn't hold back!"

"Don't worry, the Emperor has patience with favorites. Besides, he's insatiable. Look. He's already found another."

I glanced back. The Emperor was on the pillows on his hands and knees. A slave boy was under him, sucking his re-hardened prick. Behind him a husky young Sentinel with a massive organ was slowly working in and out of the steamy hole I had just fucked! Nevertheless, the Emperor called for the next case from his submissive position.

"Sire," a Sentinel approached, escorting a well-attired gentleman, a youngish scholar, and a young boy about 15. "Cantus Belizius has pressed charges against his son's tutor, Paedophilius, for corrupting the boy's morals."

"I...ah...see," Pervertus groaned. "Explain."

"Sire, I...I caught Paedophilius in the act of sodomizing my son Delectus. I demand justice!"

"Sodomizing?" Pervertus looked bewildered, thrusting his bottom back to meet the strokes of his fucker. "Uh, just what is 'sodomizing'?"

The father looked shocked. "Why, Sire, it''s exactly wha..."

Interrupting him, Pervertus flipped his hand. "Never mind. Perhaps it would be better understood if Paedophilius and your son demonstrated exactly what took place."

"But, Sire!" the father objected.

"Silence! Show me!"

With a gleam in his eye, the tutor stripped naked and approached the boy. Delectus smiled up at his teacher and allowed his lone garment to drop. He knelt and began licking the man's genitalia. He started with the testicles, then was soon running his tongue all around the rising shaft, moistening it well, softly moaning. Meanwhile, his father shuddered in anguish at what he knew would soon take place, at what he was now witnessing, and more by his own son's obvious lack of reticence.

Rigid and ready, Paedophilius lifted the boy and turned him around and bent him over at the waist. He knelt behind the succulent round buttocks and began to tongue the boy's anus. Lubricating it well with his spittle, he reluctantly pulled away. Rising, he directed his stiff, thought average-length, organ to the boy's bemoistened hole. He entered only slightly, then waited until the boy reacted. Squirming about, Delectus gasped and backed onto the tutor's prick, engulfing its entirety in one stroke! The boy's cock rose instantly, pointing downward stiff and eager.

"Peetoe!" cried the Emperor, as he gushed a load into the slave boy's sucking mouth. The Sentinel continued to fuck rhythmically, grasping the Emperor's buttocks possessively. Catching his breath, Pervertus enquired, "Is that sodomizing?"

"Not quite, Sire," Paedophilius replied. "This is!" He began to ram his prick into the boy, banging his bum quite industriously as the lad met every thrust while stroking his own cock. His father was aghast!

"Lictoe!" The Emperor celled to his other slave boy. "Young Delectus seems about to soil my marble floor. Prevent that!" Lictoe quickly arranged himself under Delectus and took his cock in his mouth. The boy erupted immediately, shaking violently in orgasmic delight. Paedophilius likewise flooded the boy's rectum. When he withdrew, he looked over.

Pervertus motioned him forward. "Interesting," he said, sniffing at the tutor's still-rigid prick. "Put it in my mouth ...I must see how 'sodomizing' tastes!" The young Emperor sucked in the cum-and-shitstreaked prick of the squatting, handsome tutor and cleaned it most thoroughly!

"So," he finally acknowledged, "that is sodomizing. Now I understand. My regrets, Cantus Belizius. Your charge is unfounded. It is my observation that Paedophilius is well- versed in the instruction of man-boy love...a noble art of the Greeks if I'm not mistaken!"

The father was crest-fallen. He was completely defeated at the Emperor's next words.

"As you can readily see by observing Lictoe's dripping chin, young Delectus relishes his instruction, and is hereby ordered to continue. I, myself, will determine his progress two months hence. You are ordered to bring the boy back at that time. Dismissed."

The Emperor's fucker continued to bang mercilessly into the wanton young ruler's twitching asshole. Resting his head on his folded arms, the supreme authority of most of the civilized world loudly muttered obscene words of encouragement to have his asshole fucked inside out! All this in full view of the entire court! Surreptitiously, hands were actively fondling under tunics here and there as I gazed about the hall. I wondered how many eyes were probably upon us, as Cassius freely lifted my short tunic and played about my exposed buttocks, running a finger masterfully up and down my asscrack. My bottom twitched involuntarily as I tried to remain calm and not draw attention to my predicament. Such a calm attitude was not entirely possible, however, when Cassius suddenly licked his finger then eased it deep inside! I gasped, and slightly pressed backward, allowing him to drive it further into me

"A taste, perhaps, Cassius?" I heard whispered behind me.

"Nay, Senator," replied Cassius in a low, friendly voice. "Find your own...the boy's in my charge. I'll be licking his goodness myself, later. Another time!"

I looked over my shoulder quickly to see a rotund Senator licking his lips while he watched the moist digit slipping noiselessly in and out of my exposed rectum. What was it he wanted to taste, I wondered? Is everyone perverse here? Has the Emperor's lewdness affected everyone, so that they ALL crave the foul taste of each other's bottoms? Or was mine somehow special? Special enough that even the Emperor himself had tasted of it! And Cassius, my new friend, had he not licked the finger he was now stroking me with, after he had previously driven it in there?! 'A bit of tasty assjuice,' he had said! I was repulsed, yet could not help wondering just what was the fascination they all found so intriguing. Did I dare to ever venture to find out? I thought not, as I wriggled free, drawing my tunic down, virginally embarrassed.

Pervertus was just turning over. On his back, he lascivi- ously threw his legs up and back, exposing his battered fuck- hole, and urged the sentinel to resume his relentless public sodomizing!

"FILL ME UP, YOU BRUTE!" Pervertus squirmed, demanding more cock. "By Jupiter, I NEED SOME SHIT TO LICK! Captain! Send in the next petitioner and strip him. Whoever he is, I must lick him! Bring him in and strip him naked. I'll have him on my face, immediately!"

"B-b-but...sire," the Sentinel warned, "it is...please,'s the emissary from..."

"I don't care who it as I order!"

The 'next petitioner' had already entered. The entire court gaped as the poor Sentinel attempted to carry out his orders. He gingerly began to handle the visitor in an attempt to strip him. But the emissary, a tall, muscular black, calmly pushed the man's hands away. He had heard of this young emperor... heard of his sexual wantonness...and seeing the boy in performance, a somewhat cruel smile crossed his dark, handsome face. Drawing the lone, thin garment slowly up his sleek, long legs, he quickly straddled the Emperor's glassy-eyed face and squatted his muscular, ebony buttocks down to the Imperial Lips!

The tall Negro was quite impressive. Such a proud stature! And here he was--dusty and apparently unrefreshed after a long journey--a journey in which he had probably shitted several times. Now, by his own orders, young Pervertus was suddenly presented with a massive pair of black, unwashed buttocks. What would he do, I wondered?

"AHH, SPLENDID!" cried the Emperor, grabbing the fragrant bottom and pulling it to his face. He noisily slurped up and down the shitty crack, washing it thoroughly and lovingly.

"DELICIOUS!" he cried. "Captain! Who is this? I must have him regularly!"

"Uh, Sire...that is...the emissary from Ethiopia!" he bent down to whisper, embarrassed. "He's come about the trade alliance."

"Well, this is certainly one emissary who knows how to improve relations!" He returned to the pungent hole, eating it out. This inflamed the Emperor's fucker. Watching the proud black squatting while his ruler kept his mouth flush to the dark, musty shithole was about to put him over the edge. The little Nordic slave boys crawled up on either side of the trio. Fascinated by the black's massive, rigid prick, they tenta- tively began to fondle it. As they looked up plaintively, the huge man smiled, then grabbed a handful of blond hair in each big hand and pressed the boys' faces to his organ. Cuddling up closer, they happily began to lick up and down both sides of the long organ.

The Sentinel fucked his throbbing prick rapidly in and out, banging the mushy Royal Asshole mercilessly, as his fuckee did likewise with his tongue to the dark pit, savoring the bitter taste.

The emissary lifted slightly and farted in the 17-year-old emperor's face. Then he settled back down on the probing tongue, pressed the licking mouths hard to his shaft and worked their heads up and down. Geysers of creamy white juice spurted from the satiny, bulging cockhead--some flying across the Emperor's body, splattering the fucker, the rest overflowing his throbbing shaft which the boys quickly slurped up. The fucker shot a huge load up the Royal Asshole, while Pervertus, still relishing the unexpected toxic fart, shot all over himself!

" it always like this?" I asked Cassius, gasping at the sight.

"With some variations," he laughed. "Remind me to tell you about his father, Pervertus I."

"I'm not sure I..."

"Sssh, the Emperor speaks," hushed Cassius. We turned to listen.

"...indeed, Caesar, be assured it was my pleasure!" the emissary said with a gleam in his eye as he now stood before the Emperor. I am Bohtu, son of Chief Watambe. I bring gifts for Caesar to seal our agreement."

He clapped his hands. Half a dozen handsome, dark natives entered carrying armloads of ornate riches. They were followed closely by three lovely young girls bedecked in colorful garments.

"My solemn apologies, Caesar," he continued, slyly. "My father is rather conventional in thinking. If the slave girls displease you, perhaps you would prefer to choose three of my bearers. I can personally attest to their delightful range of talents!"

"You are most accommodating, handsome Bohtu," Pervertus cooed, "but I would not dream of depriving you of your favorites. I know how hard it is to train good slaves!"

"So true, Caesar," Bohtu smiled, glancing at the beautiful blondes.

Catching his meaning, Pervertus laughed. "Ha ha ha, these two?" He reached down and pulled the sweet boys to their feet. "Peetoe! Lictoe!" he addressed the boys gruffly. "You are free. I will arrange passage home for you immediately!"

"NO!" they cried in unison. 12-year-old Lictoe dropped to his knees, crying, and thrust his head under the Emperor's tunic, frantically licking his inner thighs while begging Caesar to change his mind. Peetoe, 6 months older than his bawling friend, displayed a bit more maturity. Standing defiantly, hands on slim hips, adolescent voice cracking, he shrieked, "WE REFUSE...Sire! We are slaves, now. We wish nothing more than to serve you! Please don't send us back. We'll be beaten and starved again!"

"And tortured!" Lictoe piped up.

"Ha ha!" Pervertus looked at them sternly. "You were both sons of noblemen, YOU LITTTLE LIARS! You lived in luxury! Here, you are my slaves! Made to perform unspeakable acts at my every whim. Why do you wish to remain with me knowing I might piss or even shit on you, right here in this public arena! Lictoe?"

"Be...because you're more FUN! At home we had to study and behave. With you we can be nasty as all fuck!"

"Such language for a young boy! Any other reason to stay? Peetoe?"

Again defiant, the boy stood his ground as only a youngster could to the face of ultimate authority. "YOU KNOW!"

"No, I can't imagine," Pervertus teased. "TELL ME, YOU LITTLE SCAMP! OR I'LL FEED YOUR BALLS TO THE LIONS!"

"NO YOU WON'T!" he bent and yelled at the Emperor. "YOU LOVE MY BALLS!" Then he blushed at his own outburst, and more calmly continued. "And...and you love me...and Lictoe, too. And we love you!"

Pervertus threw up his hands and looked at Bohtu. "What's a boy to do? I rule an entire empire, yet I'm powerless to free a couple of troublesome slave boys!"

Bohtu laughed loudly, his massive, glistening chest heaving. For a quick moment: he turned, his sparkling eyes met those of a young bearer. "I agree, Caesar. Power is a simple concern, but matters of the heart can be most perplexing!"

Pervertus smiled, acknowledging the big man's truths, and admiring his intelligence. I looked around. On nearly every face in the court was a similar smile. A smile of personal recognition of his truth, but also collective warmth for their Emperor. It had, after all, been a public acknowledgement of something they knew inwardly that the Emperor truly loved his Nordic boys. Their expressions dismayed me. I could tell they were all reliving the wanton displays witnessed between the Emperor and the boys--and were re-viewing it all as mere expressions of LOVE!

I simply could not understand this. Such foul acts were wrong, I had been taught. Disgusting remnants of man's animal- istic nature. DAMN! I reached down to hide my own animalistic erection which was becoming disturbingly persistent!

"A banquet! All leave now," directed the Emperor, "return home and rest. All are invited for an evening feast in honor of our guests!" And in a low voice to Bohtu, "Your ladies and bearers would not be adverse to displaying their, ah, talents tonight, I pray?"

"Not in the least, Caesar! Should be most delightful!"

"And Captain!" he pointed to the Sentinel, "the tutor and the boy!"

"Yes, Sire!"

"Come, Marcus," said Cassius, taking me by the arm, "we'll go to the baths to rest up for the feast."

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