The Emergence Center for Men

By moc.liamg@1594whs

Published on Jan 12, 2023


Note: This is a work of fiction about consenting adults for readers 18+. Feedback welcome:



The guests returned to the house around five. They took showers and found water and snacks. After a day together, they had already formed two distinct friend groups--Henry/Sam/Eli and Travis/Devon/Steve. Seth seemed to prefer the quiet, intellectual quality of the former, while Jon gravitated toward the jock vibe of the latter. Ren and Joaquin--Henry discovered they were a couple--were older and less involved with the social aspect.

While chatting on the deck, Ren emerged to announce the evening plans.

"Our guides will be leading tonight's sessions. You can proceed to the main room now, where Jon will run a warmup activity while Joaquin cooks. After dinner, Seth will lead the night's main event."

The guests followed Jon into the main room and mingled in their separate groups. The room had been arranged for a show: a row of seats facing a big padded mat.

"We're going to play a game called `Angels or Devils.' It looks like you're already in groups of three, so those will be your teams," Jon said.

He stood behind a table next to the mat. It had a few objects on it: the gong from the welcome ritual, an hourglass, a black-and-white dice. There were towels and a bottle of liquid coconut oil by the mat.

"Devon, Travis, and Steve please come to the mat. Everyone else can take a seat."

The other guests sat down with Ren.

"You will each take turns rolling the dice. The number corresponds to a position, which you must stay in for the whole round. Then your teammates will have five minutes to do whatever they want with you."

Devon and Steve joked with each other while Travis pulled on his cock in anticipation.

Jon continued, "If you roll even, they'll be angels and make you feel good. If you roll odd, they'll be devils, and use you however they please."

Travis volunteered to go first, rolling a three.

"Devils. Position: on your hands and knees," said Jon.

Travis gamely took his place on the mat while Devon and Steve whispered their plan. When Jon called time, they approached him from either side. Devon slid himself into Travis's mouth. Steve used the slippery oil to lube up Travis's hole, grabbing his firm, athletic ass with both hands. He slipped in two fingers, then three, then managed to plunge his cock all the way in. He thrusted about three times before the gong rang. Travis rolled onto his side, panting and looking devilish himself.

Steve went next, rolling a two: "angels." His position was easy. He lay flat on his back, folded his hands behind his head, and closed his eyes. Travis drizzled oil all over Steve and climbed onto him. He sat back down on Steve's cock and started to ride him. Devon used the oil to massage Steve's thighs, calves, and feet. The sound of the gong was nearly drowned out by their moaning.

When Travis and Steve had recovered, Devon rolled a five: flat on his back with his knees held over his chest. With his legs spread, his hole was fully exposed to the audience. Travis crouched on Devon's face and made him eat his ass, fresh with the taste of Steve's cock. Steve held Devon's thighs, nibbled hard on his nipples, and pumped his oily cock along the edge of his hole.

"The teams will now switch places," said Jon.

Henry rolled first: four. He had to lie with his face on the ground and his ass in the air, so he couldn't see what was happening. When time started, he felt oil drizzling on his back and dripping down his ass crack onto his dangling balls. He felt four hands moving all over his body but he didn't know which were Eli's and which were Sam's. His shoulders, hips, and glutes were massaged with long, gliding strokes. Slippery fingers pressed on his hole and perineum, fondled his balls, and reached under him to milk his hanging erection. Then it was time.

Eli went next. He rolled a two and lay down supine. Squatting naked by Eli's head, Henry oiled up his hairy chest and massaged his shoulders and pecs. Sam worked on the other end, starting at his feet and working up to his sensitive inner thighs. With each stroke, Henry let his hands reach lower until they were massaging Eli's belly and the throbbing erection lying on top of it.

Finally it was Sam's turn. He rolled a five, same as Devon.

"Don't go easy on me," he whispered to Henry as he took his place on the mat, like he wanted Henry to know he could be as dirty as the others.

Henry didn't want to disappoint Sam. Using his fingers, he stretched open Sam's exposed pink hole, spat in it, and began to rim him, eliciting a cheer from the audience. Sam's whole body quivered and he let out a moan. Eli carefully removed Sam's glasses, tilted his chin up, and jammed his cock down his throat. The light brown hairs around Sam's hole were slick with Henry's saliva. Henry worked a finger inside. He wanted to keep going, but the gong rang, and it was time for dinner.

Joaquin served fresh pasta on the deck, with wine from a local vineyard. After dinner, the guests stood on the lawn drinking wine and looking for stars. Eventually Ren called everyone back to the main room for Seth's event.

The room was now dark, lit only by candles and a glowing red LED light. Ambient music pounded from the speakers. The atmosphere was somewhere between a temple and a club. There was nothing on the floor but five large mats and a drawstring bag next to each.

As each guest undressed and entered the room, Jon offered them a sniff from a bottle of poppers.

Seth was seated on the center mat, with the other four arranged around him.

"Please find a partner and sit together on a mat," he said.

Everyone paired off: Henry and Sam, Eli and Steve, Travis and Devon. Ren and Joaquin took the final mat, and Jon joined Seth on his.

"Welcome to the tantric workshop," said Seth.

Seth started by guiding the group through a warmup of partnered stretches and yoga poses. During one pose--Sam on all fours and Henry holding him from behind--Seth made an announcement.

"We are going to help our partners open their seven chakras, starting at the root and progressing to the crown. If you're on the mat, stay there and relax. My instructions now are for the rest of us. Let's start by removing the items in our bag."

Seth would demonstrate everything on Jon and the others would follow. He guided Jon to stretch his arms out, rest his head on the floor and leave his ass up in the air. Henry eased Sam into the same position, then reached into the bag. Two water bottles, a hand towel, a large contoured vibrator, and a bottle of massage oil.

"The root is the chakra of trust, located at the base of the spine. It is the foundation for everything else. Your partner can't see what you have in your hands, so he will have to trust you."

Following Seth's lead, Henry and the others massaged their partners' backs, buttocks, and legs with oil, then lubed up their open holes. Sam tensed up, so Henry spent some time fingering him until he could slide two fingers in and out easily. Sam whimpered in pleasure.

Henry lubricated the thick, curved toy and pressed it against Sam's hole, slow and firm until the top popped through. It was easier to push the rest in, ignoring Sam's moaning until the wide base was flush with his cheeks. Only then did Henry press the power button. The vibrator immediately started to pulsate far more powerfully than he expected. Around the room, loud grunts, groans, and buzzes began to drown out the music. When everyone's "roots" were "opened," the red LED light changed colors, casting the room in an orange glow.

Leaving the vibrator in, Seth flipped Jon onto his back.

"Next, the sacral chakra, which represents sexuality and creativity."

As everyone else flipped their partners over, Seth spat on Jon's engorged cock and took it in his mouth. Henry couldn't resist the chance to finally taste Sam's cock. He licked and slobbered and deep throated until he lost track of time. The light changed to yellow and Seth was talking again.

"Solar plexus chakra...power."

While Seth kissed Jon's abdomen, Henry licked the sweat from Sam's happy trail, kissed his abs, licked up his pre-cum, let it dribble into a puddle under his ribs, and licked it up again. He could feel the vibrations radiating through Sam's core. Sam's body seemed nearly paralyzed by the intensity of the sensations.

"Heart and healing," Seth said as the light turned green.

Following the demonstration, Henry drizzled oil on Sam's chest, then his belly, then his cock and legs. He made long massaging strokes from his heart outward until Sam's whole body was slippery with oil.

"The throat chakra represents communication."

In the now-turquoise light, Seth, Henry, and the others lay down on their partners' vibrating, shiny, ecstatic bodies. Henry glided up and down against Sam, enjoying the feeling of their boners rubbing together, their stomachs and nipples touching. He kissed Sam's lips. Sam wrapped his oiled arms around Henry's waist and pulled him closer until they were making out, sticking their tongues down each other's throats.

"The third eye chakra...awareness," said Seth, straddling Jon, and climbing forward until he was sitting on his face.

The light turned blue. Henry crouched over Sam's open mouth and moaned as Sam's tongue probed his hole. He allowed his dick to rest on Sam's face, laughing as it brushed his "third eye."

"Finally, the crown...spirituality," Seth said as the room faded to purple and the music increased in volume.

Everyone carefully removed their partners' vibrators and turned them off, eliciting sighs of relief. Sam sat up cross-legged and Henry wrapped his legs around him from behind. Holding him close, he massaged Sam's scalp and ran his fingers through his hair. When the light shifted to red again, they all took a break to hydrate and clean up.

And the cycle repeated. Henry, Seth, and the others took their place on the mat, while Jon demonstrated what to do for each chakra--though by now it was quite obvious.

Sam oiled up Henry and jammed in the toy with slightly less care. Henry couldn't even think or control his body once it turned on. It warmed up in addition to vibrating, and also seemed to be rotating and bending back and forth inside him. He had to slow Sam down during the blowjob to keep himself from orgasming. When they got to the throat chakra--both covered in oil--Sam opened Henry's mouth and spat in it before kissing him. Sam rubbed his ass all over Henry's face and playfully smacked him with his cock. They were both deliriously horny and exhausted.

After everyone had recovered from the chakra ritual, Seth told them to stand in a circle and lube themselves up. He rearranged the mats in a row at the center and passed around bottles of lube.

"I hope you're all feeling euphoric, open, and ready to release," Seth said.

"I could cum instantly," said Devon, squirting lube on his fingers and reluctantly reaching back to work it into his hole.

On Seth's instruction, Jon lay down on his side on the far left mat.

"Jon is an Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Anyone else?" said Seth.

A few people laughed when they realized what was about to happen.

"Taurus?" asked Seth.

Eli and Joaquin both raised their hands. They determined that Eli's birthday came first. He positioned himself next to Jon and easily slipped his cock into him. Joaquin followed, spreading Eli's hairy ass open and working his way in. Eli moaned, reaching back to feel Joaquin's hairy muscles against his own.

"Gemini? ...Cancer? ...Leo?"

Ren was a Leo. He joined the fuck chain, wrapping his arms around the men and sliding into his boyfriend's hole.


Sam approached hesitantly, realizing he would have to fuck the leader.

"Don't be shy," said Ren, adjusting his legs.

Sam spooned Ren, who was much older and more muscular than him. He lined his cock up with Ren's open hole and pushed it in.

"Fuck," Sam moaned as he thrusted out and back in.

"Libra? ...Scorpio?"

Travis was a Scorpio. He grinned, spat on his cock, and climbed down next to Sam. Henry knew enough about astrology to find this match appropriate, and felt a devilish pleasure as he watched Travis take hold of Sam and drive his uncut boner deep into him.


Steve got down next to Travis. The chain was getting unwieldy now: a jumble of awkwardly positioned arms and legs with minimal thrusting. After some adjusting, he managed to get in a comfortable position and enter Travis.


Devon practically ran to the mat, found his angle, and rammed the head of his cock into Steve's asshole.

Only Henry and Seth were left standing. Seth asked if anyone was an Aquarius. Henry was.

He knew Devon was on the brink of orgasm so he slid into him slowly, enjoying the groans of pleasure it produced.

"And I'm a Pisces. This is it for the night guys. Congratulations. You can release wherever and whenever you want," said Seth.

Henry felt Seth's strong arms wrap around him, his hairy chest brush against his back, and his wet cock slide against, and into, his hole. He pushed deeper into Devon and felt Devon's whole body gyrate.

"Fuck," Devon groaned, releasing his load into Travis's hole while Henry continued to fuck him.

After a short time, the fuck chain began to dissemble. Some stayed in position until they came. Others split off into pairs to fuck, suck, and kiss.

Henry pulled out of Devon and rolled onto his back. He let Seth properly fuck him. Seth lifted Henry so he could suck his dick while they fucked. It was too much for Henry to handle. He spurted a massive load onto Seth's beard and into his mouth. Seth continued to fuck Henry, kissing the cum into Henry's mouth, then pulling out to shoot his own load on Henry's face. Henry was too tired to move. He relaxed on the cum-covered mat between Devon and Seth and watched the others.

Eli and Jon were cuddling. Joaquin and Ren were getting up to leave. Steve was fingering his load back into Travis's hole while Sam, covered in his own cum, sucked and jerked off Travis until he came in his mouth. They all collapsed on the floor.


Henry lounged naked on a pool float, sipping a Bloody Mary and piecing together the previous night. He had fallen asleep on the floor after the orgy and woke up an hour later, took a long shower, and climbed upstairs to bed. There were no plans on the final day, just food, coffee, drinks, and sunshine.

Sam and Eli were sitting in the pool and talking. Steve was napping on the lawn. Travis was swimming laps. Devon was sitting on the pool edge, trying to get someone in the pool to come suck his dick.

Ren approached the pool. Like the guests, he had also dispensed with wearing any clothes.

"I hope this retreat has met your expectations," he said humbly.

"I feel like a new man!" Devon said.

Everyone agreed it had exceeded their expectations and offered Ren their profuse thanks.

"Please enjoy the morning and help yourself to whatever is left in the kitchen. You will join us for a cleansing ceremony at noon, then Seth will drive you all to the train."


At noon, everyone gathered in the luxe downstairs bathroom. It had been turned into a steam room, hot, cloudy, and fresh with the scent of eucalyptus. Joaquin stood under the rain shower beside a table of soaps, oils, and scrubs. Seth and Jon were using them to scrub, wash, and massage Joaquin from head to toe, sloughing off his dead skin, cleansing his pores, using the powerful shower hoses to stimulate his cock and ass.

While Jon kneeled before him and worked on his feet, Joaquin casually released a stream of piss all over Jon's face and chest. When Joaquin was clean, he sat on a wood bench and began to jerk off. Jon took his place under the shower and Ren stepped in to help clean him. When Jon was clean, he joined Joaquin.

The guests needed no instruction. One at a time, they took their places in the hot water, helping to massage and deep-clean each other's bodies, then joining the circle jerk when they were ready. When someone had to piss they let go wherever they were, the streams landing on whoever happened to be in proximity at the time. Henry scrubbed the dead skin off Steve's feet, then sat on the shower floor while Steve and Sam playfully pissed on him. Sam rinsed and teased Henry's hole with a high pressure shower head.

When everyone was clean, they jerked each other off and shot their loads without a care. The steam was so thick Henry couldn't see more than a foot in front of him. Spurts of jizz flew across the room and disappeared into the hot steam, drained into the shower, landed on anonymous bodies. After a final rinse, everyone dried off with fluffy towels.

One by one, they escaped the heavy steam and emerged naked into the crisp, cool house--healed, transformed, reborn. They drank icy fruit-infused water and waited on the lawn. Jon loaded everyone's bags of personal possessions into the van and removed the flip phones. Seth blindfolded the naked guests and escorted them to their seats.

The mood in the van on the winding drive back was light and silly, with groping, kissing, and begging of Seth to let them take off their blindfolds. Almost all of the guests lived in the same city, and they were excited this wasn't goodbye. Sam and Henry made plans. Steve offered to host a party the following weekend.

When they were a few minutes from the train station, Seth allowed them to take off their blindfolds and get dressed.

"Some rules before you depart," said Seth, lowering the music.

"The location of the Center must be kept secret. You may not speak or write about the Center. If you would like to refer a future guest, contact us first. If he is approved, we will send an invitation."

Copyright © 2022 S. Wolf. All rights reserved.

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