The Emergence Center for Men

By moc.liamg@1594whs

Published on Jan 10, 2023


Note: This is a work of fiction about consenting adults for readers 18+. Feedback welcome:



The light had changed when Henry woke up; the sun was starting to set. He was curled up on the couch and Sam was gone. The effects of the tea had worn off. He wondered where Sam was and hoped their moment together hadn't been a dream. Realizing he was incredibly thirsty, he went downstairs.

He found the kitchen, appointed in understated steel and natural wood. Fresh snacks were arranged on a side table--fruits and vegetables, breads and cheeses. A chef Henry didn't recognize was busy cooking, so he quickly filled a plate, grabbed a bottle of sparkling water, and exited through a sliding door to the deck.

He was pleased to see Sam and Eli at a table drinking wine and eating olives. Eli's hairy body was damp. He had a towel wrapped around his waist.

"How'd you sleep?" Sam asked.

"Great, how long was I napping?"

"About an hour more than me. I fell asleep too and came down when I woke up."

"How did you get wet?" Henry asked Eli.

Eli pointed to the illuminated, heated pool, glowing turquoise in the darkening yard. Travis was swimming laps and Devon was floating on a raft, sipping a cocktail. Both of them were nude.

"I think I need one of those cocktails," Henry laughed. The surroundings looked magical as dusk set in, all purples and dark greens.

Sam and Eli shared a furtive grin before directing Henry to the poolside bar.

Henry made his way to the small bar where Jon was serving wine and a choice of cocktails. He ordered a smoky tequila drink.

Before handing it over, Jon said, "In lieu of tips, I'll need foraged greens for tonight's dinner."

He pointed to the end of the bar: four piles of freshly picked greens and herbs, each with a small label indicating who had found them. The only names missing were Henry and Steve.

"Find whatever you can that looks edible, before the sun sets."

Realizing that this task would have consequences later, Henry took a gulp of his drink and ran off toward the edge of the woods. It was hard to see in the rapidly dimming light. He plucked every weed he found, stuffing his pockets with a variety of leaves and stems. He kept an eye out for a real garden, but knew he only had a few minutes until sunset. He wondered where Steve was. Perhaps he had missed the challenge entirely.

Right before the sun dipped from view, Henry caught his breath and delivered his findings to Jon. He collected his drink and returned to Sam and Eli, who had been watching him the whole time.

"At least you beat Steve!" laughed Eli, raising his glass in cheers.

After a dinner prepared by Chef Joaquin, the guests were invited to an intimate lounge area for drinks. Tucked away in an alcove behind the staircase, the room had dark blue walls and warm, dim lighting from lamps and candles. It was furnished with bookshelves, a dark wooden bar, and a big sheepskin rug surrounded by comfortable couches and chairs.

Jon refreshed everyone's drinks and Joaquin, a tall, bearded man dressed in the same uniform as the others, announced the results of the surprise challenge.

"Congratulations to Travis, you found the dandelion, sorrel, and parsley for tonight's salad. Tied for second place, Devon, Sam, and Eli also found some dandelion."

Everyone jokingly applauded. The intensity of the journey and welcome ritual had a natural bonding effect, giving the evening the mood of a college orientation. Everyday social reservations were dropped and it felt natural re-introduce yourself, ask questions, and connect on a deeper level.

"Now, the losers. Henry found some lovely plants, but none of them were edible. And Steve did not make it to the bar in time to compete."

"What's my punishment?" Steve asked, laughing and shaking his head.

"I think you should both get naked, right now," said Joaquin.

"Shall we Henry?" Steve asked, already slipping off his pants to reveal his hairy pelvis and fat, floppy cock. Henry took his off too.

"What about me? Don't I get a prize?" asked Travis.

Ren cleared his throat.

"We will get to that later, Travis. Can everyone please form a circle, with our losers at the center?"

Henry and Steve stood on the rug while the others organized around them. Ren, Joaquin, and the guides joined the circle as well.

"It's been a long day, so we will conclude with a relaxed session of mutual self-pleasure," said Ren.

A circle jerk, Henry thought. He was amused by Ren's consistent avoidance of crude language.

"Steve, who missed out on foraging earlier, will have his own kind of treasure hunt now. And Henry, who didn't find anything edible, will be given something he can eat."

Henry blushed and covered his rising erection, quite certain he knew what Ren meant.

Jon used pieces of cloth to bind the losers' hands behind their backs.

"Steve: using only your mouth, you will go around the circle, remove each person's pants, and get them lubricated and hard," said Ren.

"Oh shit," said Devon, adjusting himself in preparation.

"I think I'll start with Devon," said Steve. He walked to Devon, stopping once they were face to face and his exposed cock pressed into Devon's oozing bulge.

"I've been waiting for this all day," said Devon.

Steve, like Devon, had a more masculine energy, and Henry was interested to see how he'd handle his submissive duty.

Up for the challenge, Steve made a show of kissing Devon on the lips, then licking down his chest and abs until he was on his knees. Moving around to Devon's ass, he grabbed the waistband in his teeth and tugged until his plump glutes were exposed. From there it was easy; the loose pants dropped to his ankles and he stepped out, playfully smacking Steve's cheek with his boner. Already dripping pre-cum, it didn't take much sucking for Steve to get the whole thing slick.

Steve worked his way clockwise around the room, stripping the slightly more bemused Sam, Eli, and Travis, and dutifully slobbering on their dicks. Henry was still naked and handcuffed, sitting on the floor. His punishment was evidently a turn-on for the others, who eyed him up and down as they masturbated or lent a hand to their neighbors.

Jon, the most junior of the staff, enjoyed a real blowjob from Steve, yanking his messy brown hair as he slid himself in and out. Steve was surely lingering here because Ren, Seth, and Joaquin were next in line. No one had seen them naked. Sex with the de facto authority figures was a threshold yet to be crossed.

Ren used the pause to explain Henry's role.

"When you are ready to orgasm, you will feed Henry your seed."

Henry's eyes widened as he counted the number of loads he'd have to swallow: nine including Steve.

Steve then removed Ren's pants, revealing a tan, well-proportioned, still flaccid penis. Everyone in the room stopped to look. Ren made a mischievous half-smile as Steve licked his hairless balls and tried to get him hard.

Once everyone was jerking off, Ren said, "Excellent job Steve. Your fate tonight is now up to the winner, Travis."

Travis, intently focused on edging himself, looked up in surprise.

"Travis, you have a few choices. A: Send Steve back to the center with Henry. B: Untie Steve and choose someone to replace him. Or C: Untie Steve and don't replace him."

The winner smirked as he contemplated his desired outcome. His pierced nipple, bleached hair, and athletic build suggested something slightly kinky.

"Steve, you're a great cocksucker. Why don't you come stand next to me. I'll even repay the favor."

The group made room for Steve. Travis untied his wrists, then got down and sucked him off for a minute. Ren seemed pleased to let Travis take over.

"Fuck, I'm so close," said Devon, who had been waiting to cum all day.

Travis smirked.

"I think I'd like Devon to help Henry down there," said Travis.

"Please you've got to let me cum first," whined Devon, grimacing.

Jon retrieved the cloth and tied Devon's hands behind his back, a bit tighter than he had the others. He escorted Devon to the center and sat him on the floor next to Henry.

"Fuck man, I was in second place," Devon said.

Henry didn't say anything, just smiled at his friend Sam, who grinned back with a mix of encouragement and pity. He noticed that Ren was in a trance, stroking himself with his eyes closed.

Big and burly Chef Joaquin was first to release. He made it to the center just in time to shoot several bursts of semen across Henry and Devon's chests, then a final spurt on Henry's tongue. Henry swallowed. The taste of it made him hornier. He turned toward Devon so their cocks could rub up against each other. Both of them let out a moan in relief, Devon's pre-cum rubbing on Henry's belly.

Jon and Steve went next, taking turns jerking each other off onto Henry's smooth face. Steve used his hands to smear some of the cum into Henry's mouth.

"You're fucking hot," he told him.

Up next was Travis. Travis deposited his entire load in Henry's mouth, then leaned down to make out with Henry. He then leaned over Devon's face and let a long dribble of cum and spit drip into his hesitantly open mouth. Henry and Travis continued kissing and licking until their faces were clean.

Sam, unwilling to degrade Henry after their tender moment in the library, released on Devon's abs and chest.

Eli and Seth came over next. Eli gave Devon a facial while Seth unloaded on Henry's body.

Unexpectedly, Seth used his discretion as a guide to untie Henry and lower him to the ground. Seth got on his knees and tenderly licked up his own cum from Henry's abs and cock. This turned into a blowjob which ended somewhat quickly. Henry's body rocked in orgasm, shooting straight down Seth's throat.

Ren suddenly snapped from his trancelike edging, emitted a startlingly loud moan, and shot his load from his place in the circle directly onto the side of Devon's head.

The others started to leave the circle, relaxing naked on the couches and returning to their drinks. They cracked up as Devon realized what had happened. He was done obeying the rules. He stood up, straddled Henry's face, and begged for relief.

Henry took hold of Devon's dick and guided it into his mouth.

After just a few thrusts, Devon said, "Fuck, I'm gonna cum," and pulled out as he released the final load on Henry. Jon arrived a moment later with two glasses of water and a steaming tray of hot eucalyptus-scented towels. He untied Devon's wrists and let the two boys relax while he carefully toweled them clean.

Once the staff retreated, several guests migrated to the outdoor hot tub. Ren reminded them that sex was prohibited during downtime, but that didn't stop a few of them from continuing to make out. Henry and Sam were both exhausted and decided to finally find the bedroom.

Back upstairs, they found a huge, dimly lit suite with an angled ceiling, a skylight, and a floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the starry sky. The room contained four king-sized beds, each with heaps of pillows and a cloud-like white comforter. Ren and Joaquin were asleep on opposite sides of one bed, Jon and Seth in another, and Steve stretched out naked on another.

"Care to join me?" he asked.

Henry and Sam climbed under the covers. Steve spooned Henry and Henry spooned Sam. Lying together in the dark, Henry realized something. With his back to Steve's chest and his legs intertwined with Sam's, he was almost certain these were his anonymous seat mates from the car ride, so many hours before.


When Henry woke up the next morning, the bodies in the room had changed. Sam's thin, tall frame was still curled up under his arm, but Steve was gone, and Eli was lying awake on the other side of Sam. The staff members were all gone. Devon was passed out on his belly in another bed.

Henry got up to piss in the en suite bathroom, which also featured a high-concept urinal/water feature.

"How'd you sleep?" Eli asked, smiling at Henry's morning erection and fondling his own.

"Was last night a dream, or did I actually let nine strangers jizz on me?"

Eli laughed, "Nope, that was real. You were a champ."

"Thanks. I might allow the details to remain hazy."

Out the window, Henry could see Travis already jogging on the hiking trail. He wondered what time it was. He went back to sleep.


In the kitchen, Joaquin had prepared a buffet of eggs, toast, smoked fish, fresh fruit, and coffee. A plate of banana muffins had a handwritten label: "Warning: contains cannabis." Steve had already eaten several and appeared to be heavily stoned on a pool float. Seth was practicing yoga on the lawn. It was a clear, sunny day.

A note from Ren explained that today should feel like a vacation. They were encouraged to read, swim, sunbathe, and follow the hiking trail to a waterfall nearby.

After eating brunch, Sam, Eli, and Henry brought their coffees and pot muffins down the pool. Henry brought a sketchbook from the library and drew for a few hours, using the others as nude figure models.

Later in the day, all six guests decided they'd walk to the waterfall as a group. They put on their uniforms (and provided sandals) and set out on the trail. It was about a mile and a half up and downhill from the start of the woods. Led by Travis, they made their way deeper into the trees in silence, feeling reverent as sounds of birds and insects increased. Enhanced by the muffins and perfect weather, they all felt connected to nature and each other.

Trickling water could be heard in the distance, and soon after, they arrived unexpectedly at a clear waterfall brilliantly reflecting the afternoon sun. Steve was first to strip off and run into the natural pool at the base. The others immediately followed. They spent the next few hours swimming and lounging on big, sun-baked rocks.

Floating together in a crevice behind the waterfall, Henry and Sam discussed the contrast between this playful, unstructured time, and the tightly controlled games and activities. They agreed that both offered their own kinds of pleasures, and that the structured periods made the free time feel more meaningful. Either way, the whole thing was better than the "real lives" they had temporarily left behind.

Next: Chapter 3

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