The Emergence Center for Men

By moc.liamg@1594whs

Published on Jan 7, 2023


Note: This is a work of fiction about consenting adults for readers 18+. Feedback welcome:



Henry's alarm went off at eight am on Friday. He was already awake. He showered, put on jeans and a button down, and opened the padded envelope that had arrived at his door last night. A printed label on the outside warned him not to look inside until now.

Last month an ex forwarded Henry an email: "Just got back from this retreat. I referred you. You should do it."

Henry had scrolled down to find a mysterious flyer for the "Emergence Center for Men," an invitation-only retreat for gay men in their 20s and 30s.

Henry was 28. He lived in a big city. He was bored in his career. He spent too much time on social media. He was tired of casual hookups. It was a time in life that challenged his ideas about who he was, what he wanted, where he was going. Sexuality, identity, and relationships seemed more complicated now than before.

The retreat promised an intense weekend of connection, discovery, and transformation. He was slightly offended by his ex's suggestion, but intrigued by the mystery and hint of eroticism. Henry decided to register. He paid the fee, signed a liability waiver and non-disclosure agreement. He didn't know where he was going or what to expect. All he knew was that he couldn't bring his phone. He told friends he was going camping and wouldn't have service.

The envelope contained a cheap flip phone, the kind he hadn't seen since he was a kid. He opened it up and looked at the menu. There were three options: text, call, camera. There was one text from a contact labeled "Ren."

"Welcome to Emergence. I am your guide, Ren. Please reply when you see this message."

"Hi," Henry wrote back. It was hard to type detailed messages on the numeric keyboard.

"The weekend will involve many journeys, games, and tasks. Your job is to trust us and follow every instruction precisely. Let go of control, forget about your life. You will experience a freedom you forgot was possible."

Henry expected this from the contract he signed. He knew that if he felt uncomfortable, he could leave immediately and receive a full refund. He also knew that no guest had ever left early.

He replied, "Ok."

"It is 8:25. In five minutes you must be outside and ready to receive travel instructions. The Center will provide clothing, food, and toiletries. Don't bring anything with you except medication or other essentials."

With nothing in his pockets but his keys, wallet, and the flip phone, Henry left his apartment and walked downstairs. It felt surreal to be leaving for a trip without as much as a backpack.

At exactly 8:30, Ren sent another text: "Get to the ticket machines at Union Station by 9:30 am."

The city's main train station was half an hour from his building. Henry decided he'd walk and get some breakfast and coffee on the way.

"In order to receive your destination and train time, you must complete a task."

Henry's heart raced as he imagined what the next message would say. He already felt different, like he was suddenly on a vacation in his own city.

"Find a place on your way to the station where you can get fully erect and take a `dick pic.' Your face and clothing, including underwear, must not be visible."

The unexpected turn to sex had Henry's cock swelling in his jeans. He shut the phone and stuffed his hands in his pockets, trying to hold it down. After walking this way for a few blocks, he saw an open cafe across the street. He bypassed the counter and dipped straight into the men's room. Someone was at the urinal. Henry entered the stall and locked it behind him. He dropped his jeans and black boxer briefs around his ankles and unbuttoned his shirt, wishing he had chosen a t-shirt for today. He angled the lo-res phone camera and took a photo of his already hard cock. The tails of his shirt were visible so he had to fully remove it and hang it on the door.

The next picture worked, capturing Henry's solid circumcised boner, swollen balls, lightly hairy thighs, and pubes tapering into a trail up his flat pale stomach. It was close to 9, so Henry resisted the urge to keep stroking. He dressed, sent the photo to Ren, and returned to the counter, feeling obliged now to make a purchase.

He bought coffee, a bagel, and a magazine, figuring he'd need some form of analog entertainment for the train. He couldn't remember the last time he read a physical magazine. The world seemed more alive and interesting without a smartphone. It was a good thing he knew how to get to the station without one.

Exactly one hour after he left home, the next message arrived: "9:45 to Lakeside." Lakeside was the last stop on a train that traveled up into the mountains about two hours out of the city. Henry quickly purchased a one-way ticket and found the right track, where the train was already boarding. As he made his way through the station and into a quiet window seat, he wondered which of the guys he passed might be his fellow guests. Assuming they all got the same texts from Ren, he wondered where they had taken their respective dick pics.

Henry sighed in relief as the train snaked into the mountains. His everyday life felt impossibly distant. He didn't seem to be leaving anything important behind.

Two stops before Lakeside, Ren sent a text: "Hope you're enjoying the ride. Stay on the platform when you exit the train. Do not look at the other passengers. Wait for instructions."

At the last stop, Henry disembarked and waited on a bench facing the tracks. He kept his head down. He guessed that they didn't want the guests to meet each other before they reached the retreat.

After a worryingly long wait, Ren finally wrote: "Take the last exit on the right. Walk to the black van at the end of the parking lot. My colleague Seth will greet you."

Henry walked through the sunny parking lot, admiring the scenic, small town surroundings. There was a black tour van concealed in the shade behind a construction area. Once he rounded the construction, he saw a handsome guy in his late 30s with buzzed brown hair and a beard. He wore sandals, beige linen pants, and a matching shirt, unbuttoned to reveal his hairy chest. The material was very thin; Henry could see the outline of his dick, which seemed to be slightly hard.

"Hi, I'm Seth. Sorry for the wait. Four of the guests are already inside," he said, motioning toward the van's completely black tinted windows.

Seth was holding a bundle of fabric made of the same material as his outfit.

"When you get in the van, slide into the middle of the front row," he said, handing Henry a drawstring bag.

Without asking, Seth slipped a loop of beige fabric--a blindfold--around Henry's head. Henry could still see some light and shapes, but not very well.

"Do not speak to or interact with the other guests until instructed."

Henry was a combination of nervous, horny, and disoriented. Seth slid open the door of the van and guided Henry into his seat. It was cool inside, with soft leather seats. His hand accidentally grazed the lap of the guy to his left, but he resisted the impulse to say sorry. The door slammed shut, sealing out the remaining light. Henry tried to relax in the total darkness, listening to the others breathing and shifting around him.

After a few minutes, the door slid open and the sixth guest climbed in on Henry's right. Henry was now squeezed between the bodies of his seat-mates. Seth walked around to the driver's seat and started the van. Cool air blowed from vents and meditative, ambient music began to play. The passengers were separated from Seth by a divider; his voice came to them through a speaker.

"Congratulations and welcome. You have completed your solo journeys."

It felt like the beginning of a plane ride. The doors locked, the music picked up, and the van began to move. After a few minutes, the "pilot" made an announcement.

"I'm sure you're all eager to see where you'll be staying this weekend, not to mention each other. The Center is about a 45 minute drive into the countryside."

The van seemed to be turning onto a hilly, winding road. Henry felt slightly anxious and bored. Seth's soothing, deep voice helped.

"This weekend is about leaving your past self behind, literally. No personal belongings are allowed. Please get completely undressed. Put your clothes, shoes, and belongings in the bag I gave you, then store it under your seat. If you need something you brought later, just let a guide know."

No one moved. Henry felt himself shaking from the cold.

"And of course you'll get everything back when you leave."

Henry could hear rustling and unzipping noises from the back row. His seat-mates elbows and knees poked him as they started to undress. Henry felt his cock starting to rise. He pulled off his sneakers and socks, unbuttoned his shirt, and stuffed them in the bag. Next he undid his belt and slid off his jeans and underwear. Fully nude, he pulled the bag closed and shoved it under the seat. Adjusting for comfort, he overlapped his naked leg with the guy to his left, and rested on the bare chest to his right. His mind couldn't comprehend this intimacy with people he had never spoken to, seen, or heard.

Smells of sweat, dick, and deodorant mixed with leather and air conditioning. After twenty minutes of naked silence, Seth made another announcement.

"When we get to the Center, I will guide you into a shed on the property and set you up in position for a matching game. Once you make a correct match, you'll keep off your blindfold and join the retreat."


Seth led everyone through grass into the shed. In the daylight, Henry could see their blurry figures. He felt the sun on his naked body and heard birds chirping in the trees. The shed was darker. When everyone was inside they were instructed to stand side by side. Henry felt hands grab his waist and push him forward into a wall. There was a large hole cut in the wall at waist level. Hands on the other side tugged his cock and balls through it.

From behind them, Seth said, "When it is your turn, I will guide you to the other side of the wall. I will briefly lower your blindfold and show you a picture. With your blindfold back on, you will have one minute using just your hands to find the matching penis."

Over the next few minutes, Henry heard players shuffle between sides and make their guesses. Occasionally he felt a hand groping or stroking him in search of a particular identifying feature. Finally, it was his turn. On the other side of the wall, Seth lifted the blindfold and--after his eyes adjusted--showed Henry a printed photo of a fat pink uncut cock with trimmed pubes and an otherwise hairless torso.

The first cock Henry grabbed felt a bit smaller than his own. The next hole was empty; this one must have already been matched. The next one was thick, cut, and oozing pre-cum. He wanted to keep stroking it but he had to move on. Next he found a stretchy foreskin and reached through the hole to feel a hairless belly.

"This is it," he said, surprised to hear his own voice, just as the timer went off.

Henry was allowed to return to the other side without a blindfold. He looked around the inside of the shed. There was a small window which revealed an expansive hilly backyard and woods beyond it. He glimpsed two cute guys who had already been matched, sitting naked on a bench by Seth. He also saw another guide with straight black hair, wearing the same linen uniform.

He inserted himself back through the glory hole. Now that he could see, he was feeling more like himself, but also more self-conscious and afraid to be caught staring. This thought was interrupted by a hand reaching through the hole--now he could look down and see it--to stroke his cock and run fingers through his pubes.

"This one," said the voice on the other side. The unnamed guide walked over and motioned for Henry to come around. He joined the others on the bench and watched as the final guesses were made.

Eventually all six guests were gathered naked and un-blindfolded outside. They all felt a bit awkward, unsure if they were allowed to talk. One shorter guy was holding his crotch like he had to piss.

The compact, modern house had large windows and weathered wood siding. The property was secluded and vast, surrounded by trees on all sides. Henry could see a hiking trail leading into the woods, sheep grazing in the distance, and a deck area with an outdoor shower, lounge chairs, a hot tub, and a small rectangular pool. It would be a lovely place to spend a weekend. The strange and intense journey to get here made his real life feel thousands of miles away.

"I promise we will do proper introductions soon. First, you must wash away the final traces of the outside world," Seth said.

The group followed him into the house through a side door which led directly into a steamy, light-filled bathroom. The entire room was tiled in pale blue marble with drains hidden in the floor. Three rain shower heads were already running, wide enough for everyone to use at once. There were private toilet stalls with frosted glass dividers, a wide marble sink, shelves of white towels and bath products, and a low square fountain.

The unnamed guide wandered over to the fountain, casually pulled his tan cock out over the waistband of his linen pants, and starting pissing in it.

"Jon is kindly demonstrating how to use the communal urinal," Seth joked.

"Nearly everything we do here is done out in the open, together. Eating, sleeping, showering, pissing, sex. There are also many private places when you need a moment alone."

Seth excused himself. Jon tucked his cock away and concluded the tour.

"Take a shower, freshen up, and change into your new clothes," he said, pointing to a long wooden table with six neat piles of linen shirts and pants.

"When you're ready, follow these stairs up to the main room for the welcome ceremony. Please hold off on talking or touching until then."

Jon watched as the guests pissed in the urinal, brushed their teeth, took showers, tried different soaps and scrubs. Whenever someone was ready, he handed them a towel and uniform.

Henry's muscles felt incredible from the hot, powerful shower. He was getting used to being nude, but the uniform was soft and comfortable. The sheer, breezy pants made his loose junk feel great.

One by one, the guests made their way to the main room. It had the quality of a temple: wide shafts of light streamed through open windows onto the warm wood floors. Luxe gray cushions were arranged in a circle on the floor. A wood floating staircase led to an unseen second floor. More hypnotic music was playing.

Seth handed out small teacups from a tray. He explained that they were shots of mushroom tea, which would produce a pleasant, euphoric effect. Everyone drank their tea, reclined on the cushions, and listened to the sounds.

After some time had passed, Henry felt a wave of warmth course through his body. The room, the music, and the boys around him all looked so beautiful. He wanted to reach out and hold them.

A tall man with dark hair descended from upstairs. He wore the linen pants but no shirt, showing off a lean, muscular torso. Jon and Seth, who had also drank the tea, sat down in the middle of the circle.

"I am so glad you are all here. I am Ren, the founder of the Center. Welcome to my home."

The guests all looked up at him smiling. Everyone was feeling the effects of the tea. Ren sat down in a simple wooden chair next to a large gong.

He continued, "Each time the gong rings, you will pair off with someone you haven't met yet and perform the introduction ritual. Seth and Jon will demonstrate what to do first, then you will all join the rotation."

Ren hit the gong. Seth and Jon stood up and faced each other, smiling.

First they took turns unbuttoning each other's shirts, dropping them on the floor.

Next they embraced in a tight hug. After a minute, holding each other's waists, they stood face to face and made deep, unbroken eye contact for several minutes.

"I'm Seth," said Seth.

"I'm Jon," said Jon.

With boners poking through their loose pants, they started to kiss. Then the gong rang. They put their shirts back on. Seth and Jon moved on to new guests and started the ritual again.

Henry turned to the man next to him. They stood up and smiled, taking off each other's shirts, hugging, gazing, and kissing.

His name was Eli. He was soft-spoken and tan with messy black hair and a hairy chest.

After Eli was Travis, the short, blond, muscly guy whose uncut cock Henry had correctly matched.

Third was Sam. He was tall and cute, with glasses, gangly arms, and an awkward smile.

Then Devon, who seemed really horny, with dark, short hair and a dot of pre-cum leaking through his pants.

Finally Steve, handsome and a bit older than the others, with a beard and longish hair.

After meeting the guests, Henry did the ritual with Seth and Jon. Seth was an aggressive kisser, and Henry was thrilled to feel his hard cock pressing against his own.

Ren asked everyone to keep their shirts off and stand in a circle. He entered the circle and, starting with Jon, made his way around to do a condensed version of the ritual with each guest. Instead of making out, he gave each man a kiss on the forehead.

After completing the circle, Ren made an announcement: "Evening activities begin at 7:30 pm. You have the afternoon to relax, explore the house and grounds. You may talk, touch, and socialize freely, but must refrain from sexual contact."

Four of the guys went off to play badminton in the yard. Henry and Sam, feeling slow and blissful from the tea, decided they'd tour the house.

"Where do you think we sleep?" Sam asked, adjusting his semi-hard dick in his loose pants.

Henry suggested they explore upstairs, where a narrow white mezzanine overlooked the main room. They turned into a light-filled library. One wall was lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. Sam pulled a large red hardcover from the shelf and brought it to the leather sectional.

"Tantric rituals, very appropriate," he laughed.

Henry sat down next to him to have a look. The couch was deep and comfortable. Sam rested on Henry's shoulder as they stretched out.

"It feels good to just chill after all that," said Henry as Sam flipped to a diagram of two naked men with their legs wrapped around each other.

Sam set the book aside and, asking if it was okay, lay down with his head in Henry's lap.

"All I want to do is lie here," he said, removing his glasses so they didn't poke Henry.

Henry let a hand rest on Sam's flat pelvis, wishing he could slip it under the waistband. Sam nuzzled his head into Henry's crotch.

"I liked kissing you before," Sam said.

"Me too," said Henry as he melted into sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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