The Elevator

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Sep 28, 2007


Standing in the corner naked and listening to the instructions to the new guest made me start to harden and get excited. As he went through his routine I could hear the new guy breathing with an occasional moan and wondered if I was that loud when he felt my body. He finally advised the new guest that he was smooth enough and had done a good job of following instructions, except that he was ten minutes late and for that would be punished before we started our fun.

I was told to turn around and as I did so found the most beautiful young Asian man standing there naked and shivering as I had done. The two things I noticed were that he appeared to be about eighteen years old and that his cock was nearly erect and uncut. While not large, I guessed maybe six and a half inches, it appeared large on such a slight frame.

We were instructed to follow him through a doorway to a long hall with several closed doors on each side. It became apparent that his unit had been a conversion of two apartments allowing for this unique design. He opened a door and instructed us to enter. The room was relatively small and appeared to have a sound insulation material on the walls and ceiling. There were only a few chairs and what looked like a padded bench in the middle of the room. There were hooks on the legs of the bench and its purpose quickly became apparent when the Asian boy was told to bend over the bench and spread his legs. He was shaking and had a terrified look on his face but complied with the instructions. The "hands guy", who we were later instructed to just call sir quickly, attached leather cuffs to his ankles and wrists and secured them to the hooks. A box was opened and a two foot long leather covered thin paddle was removed. At this point the boy had tears in his eyes and a look of absolute panic on his face.

The man stood in front of the terrified lad and explained that because he was ten minutes late he would get ten strokes of the paddle. He then offered to stop and release him but said that there would never be any more conversation or contact with him. Well, do you want to continue or leave? The boy nearly sobbing at this point said he wanted to continue. Ironically his cock was as hard as mine.

While I watched, with my cock as hard and throbbing as it has ever been, the man walked behind the boy and ran his hands over his beautiful smooth round butt and between his legs caressing his balls and said what a shame to beat on this sweet ass. He lifted the paddle and made a long smooth stroke striking the boy on the left side causing him to scream out and jerk at the leather cuffs. In quick succession he administered the remaining nine strokes each time resulting in a scream and jerking motion from the boy. When he finished the boy was sobbing and begging him to stop but his cock was rock hard and dripping. The man without word walked over to the box and picked up a bottle of lotion which he applied to the boys butt.

The boy was released but had difficulty standing. I was instructed to assist him as we headed down the hallway to another room. It was interesting to be half lifting carrying a naked man when you are naked yourself. I was both aroused and sad at the same time.

We arrived at the next door and it was opened. This room was much larger and better lighted. The contents were to say the least bizarre. This room contained every imaginable restraint contraption for bondage and sex. While the boy was strapped into a strange chair I was bent over a padded bench similar to the one used in the boy's earlier punishment. The only difference was that my legs were more wide spread giving clue to what might happen next. The chair and bench were positioned in such way as to allow him to watch me and me to see him. At this point we were advised that this would be the last chance to back out of our "initiation". Sir went on to explain that were about to be offered an opportunity to join an exclusive club of men that enjoyed sex with each other. He first asked the boy what he wanted to do and the boy said he would like to join. Being bent over the bench as I was, I suspected what this part of the initiation was going to be and thought very carefully before saying that I wanted to continue.

The lights dimmed a little and the door opened. Eleven men in various stages of undress walked in and formed a line against the wall. Sir continued to talk explaining that we were each going to get fucked by three men and be required to suck off three men before we would be considered full members. At this point I need to point out that I have never been fucked and have never had anyone's cock in my mouth. I must say that the smell of sex in that room had my cock so hard it hurt.

Lots were drawn and the men removed their remaining clothes and assumed positions three in front of the boy and three behind me. The rest stood where they had the best view of the action. They were instructed to begin with the smaller guys going first to give us time to adjust to the increasing size. While I felt the butt plug being removed and my ass being probed and lubed by the first guy in line I looked at the boy taking his first cock and watched his eyes water as the cocked hit the back of his throat. The guy behind me got close and said in my ear that because of his small size he usually gets the most virgins. He slowly pushed his stiff cock into my ass and in spite of his small size resulted in some discomfort. He let me get used to it before starting a regular in and out motion. It wasn't long and I looked forward to feeling his in strokes because he would rub against my prostate. It wasn't long and he stiffened and groaned and released his load. At the same time I heard the boy gagging as his first erupted in his mouth.

Not wanting this to get boring I will just say that I took two more cocks up my ass and actually enjoyed the larger one at the end. We switched places and I sucked three cocks, again enjoying the last since I had learned how to do it. When they finished it was noted that neither the boy nor I had actually cum, although both of us were dripping like a bad faucet. It was decided that our final act would be to suck each other off and with the toss of a coin the boy sat in a chair and I knelt between his legs and took his cock into my mouth. Now this was my fourth cock of the night but my first uncut and by far the youngest. I peeled his foreskin back with my lips and tasted the sweet taste of his youthful drippings. His cock just reached the back of my throat and his light pubic hairs just brushed my nose. After only a few minutes he erupted with no warning and filled my mouth with the sweetest taste I could remember. I had just swallowed the last of his seed when he jumped from the chair and said now it's my turn. His mouth felt so incredible that within a minute I came and filled his mouth.

On completion the group applauded and we were somehow viewed as equals. We were then handed a directory of about fifty members including us complete with photos, sexual preferences (for us it just said "new") and contact information and we were instructed that we must now only have sex with members and that all members were available to us. It was explained that at any time we wanted to go outside of the group we could simply contact Sir and resign our place in the directory. It was explained that once a month there was a party in "Sirs" party room and attendance was optional.

As the Asian boy and I left he asked if I would like a drink and invited me to his place which was on the same floor. While having a glass of wine we discussed what had just happened. I asked why if he lived on the same floor he arrived late. He just smiled and said sometimes he likes to be punished. He then commented that he saw my cock get harder and harder as he was spanked and thought we might enjoy spending some time together. Even though I had just cum my cock started to stiffen at the thought. He explained that his ass really hurt and we would have to do it some other time but suggested that another blow job would be nice.

Back at my place I thumbed through the directory thinking, wow this is like the Sears catalog of sex.

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