The Edge of Darkness

By Ethan Y

Published on Feb 7, 2018


The following story is a work of fiction and does not represent any living person. They story contains sex between consenting adult men. The author retains all rights to the story. Please do not reproduce without prior consent.

The Edge of Darkness By Ethan Y.

-------------------------- Chapter Five - The Fall --------------------------

His bare skin glows under the moonlight.

Jacob watches as Logan's body dances underneath him. The way it moves and reacts to each wave of pleasure. The way he arches his back, the way he tilts his head back. The way he closes his eyes, licks his lips, and moans. The way Logan edges him on to press into him deeper, harder.

Jacob's movements are deliberate and calculated. He fully withdraws his dick from his lover's ass and waits. He waits for that look, that desire, in Logan's mesmerizing eyes. The way they plead with Jacob to fill him once more. And he does. He moves back into Logan, pressing hard into his body, as Logan's fingers dig deep into his biceps.

Over, and over, Jacob fucks the man he loves. He moves into him deeper, until their bodies are pressed together. But no matter how close they are, it is never close enough.

Throughout the night they change positions. At one point Logan is on his stomach, his beautiful butt exposed to the midnight air. Jacob kisses each cheek softly. He lines his dick up against Logan's hole and leans forward. His cock slips in easily, returning to a familiar place. The position allows him to press even deeper into Logan. With each thrust, he feels their bond grow stronger.

The pleasure building inside of him, Logan arches his back and moans. Jacob places his arm over Logan's shoulder, and across his chest. He slowly lifts Logan until he too is on his knees. Both of his arms now tightly wrapped across Logan's chest, Jacob picks up speed, pounding the man he cannot live without. Logan turns his head slightly to the side, and their lips meet for a brief second.

In that moment, for Jacob, nothing else matters in the world.

Walking hand-in-hand, through the dense trees and early morning fog, Jacob realizes this is perhaps one of the best moments of his life. He looks over at Logan and smiles. When he sees him smiling back, he knows they are back on track. He has never felt as connected with Logan than he does in this moment. First there was Friday night, and that raw sexual energy that unleashed emotions inside Jacob that he never knew existed. Jacob didn't think they could ever top Friday night. But he was wrong. Last night was a complete contrast. Logan suggested the two spend the night alone in the forest. In the open air, the two made love. It was slow, sensual and deep. The connection they shared was electrifying. It was more than just sex. Jacob felt they connected on every level. He knew at that moment he did not want to let go. And so, as the light came up on a new day, lying in the tent next to Logan, he asked him again if they could live together. Logan said yes.

Now, as the two travel back, walking in silence, there is nothing more left to say. With Logan by his side, Jacob feels complete. He feels as if he can conquer the world.

But that's not why Logan is silent. He is filled with remorse. He keeps replaying sporadic scenes from this weekend over and over again. There was Zach. Then there was Jacob. And in the middle a sea full of guilt. Logan knows he should tell Jacob the truth, that he shouldn't agree to live together, while holding on to this secret. He knows the signals he is sending are easily misconstrued. Yet, he doesn't stop himself. He is using Jacob. He is letting his own emotions get in the way. But perhaps that is a good thing, he feels. Perhaps, Logan argues with himself, this is how it is meant to be. He is supposed to be with Jacob. This is how he is meant to be happy. But he's not convinced. He feels like he needs to get away.

"Here we are," Jacob says as they stand outside the cottage. "I can't wait to take a hot shower, and then take a nap." The two didn't sleep much last night. "You want to join me?"

"You go ahead, I have stuff to do before the guys get up. I'll see you inside in a bit, okay?"

"Okay." He leans in for a kiss. When their lips touch, it is as if Logan is not there at all. His mind and spirit are somewhere else.

Alone, finally, he can think.

He can reflect on all the mistakes he made this weekend and try to find a way to make it right. But he doesn't know how. Logan doesn't know how he will be able to fix anything. He just wants to get away. Far, far, away. He needs to go to the one place he always finds solace: the cliff.

Logan quickly makes his way to the back of the cottage to put the tent and gear into the shed. He wants to get away before anyone wakes up.

"Logan ..."

He turns to see the one person he really did not want to see; yet at the same time, the one person he most has been yearning for. "Zach ... "

It's odd even after all these years, one look at Zach and Logan's heart skips a beat. His hands get sweaty. He gets nervous. The spell Zach's presence casts on him is still as strong today, as it was years ago. But today he is nervous for other reasons. He knows they need to talk about that kiss.

"We need to talk." Zach's seriousness catches Logan off guard.

"I agree ... we should talk about yesterday ..."

"Yesterday doesn't matter. Forget it ever happened."

"What? You were the one that ..."

"I know what I said. That's before I found out you were the one that betrayed me."

"What are you talking about now? I thought we were past that cheating bullshit."

"Compared to what you did, cheating is nothing. I always wondered how my parents found out about me. Now I know. It was you."

"What!?" Now that really catches Logan off guard. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"It was you. You told them."

"I didn't tell them anything!" Logan yells. But Zach isn't listening.

"Out of everyone, you knew just how afraid I was for them to find out. You knew just how close minded they are, how bigoted they are. You knew how they would react. Yet you still told them. You took away my right to tell people about my sexuality. For years I wondered how they found out. And the answer was so simple. It was so obvious. It was you. I never thought you would go that low. I just want to know why? Was it out of spite? Is it because I dumped you? Did it make you happy?"

"Listen to me carefully, Zach. I never told your parents anything. I would never do such a thing. There is nothing you could have done that would have made me out you. Nothing. Where in the world did you even hear that?"

"It doesn't matter how I found out. All that matters is that I finally know the type of person you are."

"The type of person I am? I'm the type of person who hid his own happiness, his own sexuality from everyone, just so that there wouldn't even be a doubt of suspicion on you. I'm the guy that went out of his way to make sure no one ever found out about us. That's the type of guy I am. I didn't tell your parents. I would never even dream of doing so. The fact that you're even accusing me shows me just how little you know about me." Logan can no longer control his anger.

"So you're going to deny it?" Zach asks.

"You know what, Zach ... go fuck yourself. We're done."

With that Logan storms off. When he rounds the corner he slams into Rhys, knocking a bag out of his hand. A bunch of stuff spills out -- including Logan's mom's figurines.

"Logan ..." Rhys says startled. They both look to the ground.

"Sorry Rhys .... why the fuck are my mom's figurines in your bag?"

"I can explain ..." Rhys starts.

But Logan cuts him off. "Of course you can. Everyone can always explain. I trusted you. I brought you all to my house, didn't even ask you to chip in for food or anything, and you steal from me?"

"I wasn't stealing ..."

"Then why do you have my mom's stuff? It all makes sense now. All sorts of things have been going missing, money, watches ..."

"I didn't take anyone's money or watch," Rhys tries to defend himself.

"Jacob told me you were struggling with money, and that you couldn't pay your tuition. Is that what this is about? If you needed some cash you could have just asked, as opposed to stealing from me."

"Oh, so because I'm not rich like you, you think I need hand-outs, and that I can only make a living by stealing?" Rhys yells back.

"All I know is that you need to go back inside, put everything back where you found it, and then get the fuck out of my house. Or I will call the police. You better be gone by the time I am back." With that Logan walks off into the forest.

"Oliver, dude, wake up!" Jacob says barging into Oliver's room. "I have exciting news!" He says trying to shake his friend awake.

"Five more minutes," Oliver says still fighting to stay asleep.

"Dude, this can't wait!"

"Jacob, man, let me ... shit, Jacob!" Oliver says opening his eyes wide. "Where the hell have you been? I was looking for you all night?"

"Logan and I decided to pitch a tent in the forest and have a quiet, private night. But dude, I have some amazing news!"

"I have something important to tell you too, man, and I don't know how," Oliver says concerned.

But Jacob doesn't notice. He isn't even really paying attention to what Oliver is saying. Jacob is in his own world at the moment.

"I'm in love, man, I'm in love! I never thought I would feel this way about anyone. But when I am with Logan, it is ... it is heaven. He is everything I could have ever dreamed of, everything I have ever hoped for in a partner. The past two days with him have been ... man how do I even describe them ... they have been the best in my life. I can't tell you how good the sex has been ... and it's been more than just that ... the connection ... the intensity ... the passion, I've slept with him before, and never have I felt so alive!"

Oliver tries to smile, but he can't. He knows what he is about to say to his friend will crush him. He doesn't have a choice. "Jacob, that's great, but you have to listen to me, I really need to tell you something."

It is only then that Jacob actually looks at his friends and hears what he is saying. Jacob knows that look on Oliver's face. Something is wrong.

"What is it?" Jacob asks, coming down from his high.

"I don't even know where to begin or what to say ... I'm so sorry man."

"Dude, just say it, you're starting to scare me."

"Rhys saw Logan kiss Zach yesterday ..."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Rhys saw Logan kiss ..."

Jacob cuts him off. "I heard what you said, but that doesn't make any sense. Rhys is wrong. Logan wouldn't do that."

"He's not, Jacob."

"He's wrong," Jacob yells. "Logan doesn't even know Zach!"

Across the hall, the voice startles Liam.

"He's not," Oliver replies.

"Why would Logan kiss Zach?" Jacob asks.

"What? Logan kissed Zach?" Liam blurts out from the doorway.

"Apparently!" Jacob yells.

"I'm going to kill him," Liam says, his voice rising to meet Jacobs.

"Not unless I find him first," Jacob responds.

"He told me there was nothing between them anymore," Liam says to no one in particular.

"What does that mean?" Jacob says turning to Liam. "What does that even mean?"

Liam sighs. "Logan and Zach dated for years."

"They dated ... wait, he's that Zach?" Jacob asks.


The veins coursing through Jacob's neck and head appear as if they will burst. He has never felt this angry in his life, and he rarely gets angry. But when he does, he can barely control himself.

"Shit, dude, I'm sorry," Oliver says, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

But Jacob moves away. "He lied to me. The whole time Zach has been here and he didn't say anything. And you," he says pointing to Liam, "you knew and you didn't tell me. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Easy, Jacob, it's not Liam's fault," Oliver says as he quickly positions himself between the two.

"I didn't know he would start kissing Zach!"

"But you could have warned me at least! Given me a heads up!" Jacob spits.

"Logan is the one who asked me not to, it wasn't me."

"I need to go find that piece of shit," Jacob says as he tries to move around Oliver, but his friend quickly stops him.

"You need to calm down first," Oliver says.

"I need you to get the fuck out of my way," Jacob replies.

"No." Oliver is firm. "I'm not moving, until you calm down."

"Oliver's right," Liam adds.

"Shut the fuck up," Jacob yells at Liam. "You and me are done. I never want to see your fucking face again. You were supposed to be my friend," Jacob says.

"Jacob, it's not ..."

But Jacob doesn't let Liam finish. "Get the fuck out of here!"

"You should go," Oliver says.

"Fine, whatever." He storms out of the room and out of the house.

"Sit," Oliver says in a calm voice. "Just sit for a moment."

Jacob stares at Oliver, his eyes full of rage. But when he looks at his friend, and into his eyes, he knows Oliver is right. He sits.

"I can't believe he would lie to me like this," Jacob says, his voice deflated. "Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I thought Logan finally felt the same way I did. But was that all a lie? Did he sleep with me because of some messed up emotions for Zach? Because they kissed?"

"I don't know. I'm so sorry, Jacob. You don't deserve any of this."

"It was all fake this weekend. Everything we shared. And I thought he loved me." Tears start to roll down Jacob's face. From madly in love, to a love that drove him mad, Jacob has never felt these many emotions in one day.

"He doesn't deserve you, Jacob. You're so much better off without him. You deserve someone who knows you, who cares about you. Who is always there for you."

"Then why did I ask him to move in with me this morning," Jacob says between tears.

"You did?"

"Yes ... and he said yes."

"Oh, man ... I can't imagine ..."

"What it feels like to have your heart ripped out? I know. He led me on. He made me think he loved me. He made me feel like I was the only one." The anger is rising inside of him again. "He treated me like a fool. He treated me like garbage. How could he betray me?" The rage is back. "No. This isn't over. He has to answer for this, the kiss, this weekend. He's not getting off this easy." Jacob stands up and storms out.

"Jacob, wait!" Oliver yells.

Liam has been searching for hours, but he can't find him anywhere. He has to be here somewhere. Where did he go? He has tried calling his cell, but nothing. His stuff is all still here, and so is the car, so there is no way he could have left. But there is no sign of Zach.

Liam just wants to know what happened. Oliver was clear, Logan kissed Zach. Logan initiated all of this. Maybe Zach pushed him away. Maybe Zach tried to stop it. He wasn't going to judge Zach until he had all the facts. Logan, on the other hand, he will judge. Logan was supposed to be his friend. Logan should have known better. He trusted Logan, and Logan betrayed him.

And then he sees him. He's silently sitting on a tree stub, staring off into space.

"Zach!" Liam calls out as he walks towards him. "I've been looking everywhere for you." But Zach doesn't respond. He continues to stare. When Liam gets close he can see the intensity in Zach's eyes. "Zach ..."

It's only when Liam touches Zach that he snaps out of his daze. "Liam ... what are you doing here?"

"I've been looking for you ... I was so worried."

"I've been here," he says rather softly.

"Are you okay?" Liam asks concerned.

"No ... I'm sorry ... but I don't think we should see each other again," Zach says not looking at Liam.

"What? You're breaking up with me?"

"Coming here brought back so many memories that I fought for years to repress. It's too much."

This is not how Liam expected the conversation to go.

"This is about Logan ..."

"I was finally over him. I was finally over all of this. Seeing him ... I can't. I can't see him again. And I know you're friends ... and I don't want to come between you two. So I think it's best we never see each other again."

"Is this about last night? I know you two kissed ..."

"How did you know that?" It's the first time Zach actually looks at Liam.

"I just do."

"It's about everything." Zach gets up and gives Liam a hug. "I'll find a way to get home. Goodbye, Liam."

And with that Zach takes off. His first relationship over, just like that. Liam is crushed. He's never been dumped before. And he really liked Zach. He should have never come here, Liam tells himself. He should never have told anyone. He was happy when no one knew. And now he's alone. Zach was clear why he was leaving, it wasn't because of Liam, it was Logan. Logan. He needs to find Logan.

He has been here countless times before, yet he never gets tired of the view. Ever since Logan was a child he has been drawn to this cliff. It is his small piece of heaven on Earth. He usually comes here before the crack of dawn. Sitting on the edge, he watches the sun rise over the valley, the light waking up the slumbering branches, bringing the forest back from the darkness. This is the place he comes to when he needs to think, when he needs to be alone.

But today he cannot find peace here.

"This is pointless," Logan says trying to end the conversation. "Can you get out of my way?" Because of the cliff he is blocked from leaving.

But he doesn't move. "I just want to know why you're such a fucking asshole. Then you can leave."

Now Logan is pissed. "Fuck you. I don't need your crap, get out of my way." Logan demands again.

"No," he says stepping forward. "Not until you explain yourself."

"I don't need to answer you. We're done. Move."


"I said move," Logan says taking a step forward.

"Make me."

With all his force Logan tries to push him out of his way. But he barely moves an inch. Instead, he lurches forward and pushes Logan, hard. Logan stumbles backwards, as he tries to regain his composure. But then the earth slips from under his feet. And everything goes dark.

"Finally, another soul!" Rhys says to Jacob as he walks up to the cottage. "Where have you been?"

"I just went for a walk."

"I came by the house and it was empty. Where is everyone?"

"I don't know," Jacob says exhausted.

"Oliver won't answer his phone, neither will Logan or Liam ... Did Oliver tell you about Logan and Zach?"

"Yeah ..."

"I'm so sorry man," Rhys says to Jacob.

"It's not your fault. At least you were a friend and didn't hide it from me."

"Jacob!" Oliver's voice echoes from the forest. "There you are!"

"Oliver!" Rhys yells out. "I've been worried sick, where were you?"

"I ran after Jacob and got lost. But I am so glad you're both here," says Oliver.

"Did you find Logan?" Jacob asks.

"No, I didn't see anyone," Oliver responds.

"Hey ..." Liam says as he emerges from the trees. "Oh, sorry, Jacob, I didn't see you there. I'll leave."

"Wait, Liam," Jacob says. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier, it's not your fault."

"But it is, Jacob. You're right. Maybe if I told you none of this would have happened."

"Maybe ... but Logan could have told me as well. It was his responsibility to tell me. He's at fault, not you. I'm really sorry for yelling at you earlier."

"Where have you been this whole time?" Rhys asks Liam. "I was looking for you. I called you."

"I went for a walk."

"Where is Zach?" Oliver asks Liam.

"I don't know," Liam replies his voice full of bitterness.

"Last I saw him he was running after Logan into the forest," Rhys says.

"He did what!?" Jacob is not amused.

"Do you guys hear that?" Rhys asks. "It sounds like sirens."

"Yeah ... it does," Liam says. "It's coming from down over there."

"I wonder what's going on," Rhys says. Without thinking he starts to run towards the forest.

Oliver, Liam and Jacob give chase, following Rhys as he leaps through the trees. Soon they are at one of the neighbour's houses. The driveway is filled with police cars, an ambulance and a fire truck. That's where they find Zach.

"Zach," Rhys yells. "What the hell is going on?"

"They found someone in the forest."

"Who?" Jacob yells.

"I don't know. The neighbour found someone. They had fallen and hurt themselves. The firefighters are here to try to rescue them. Where is Logan? Why isn't Logan with you guys?" Zach asks.

"If you hurt him ..." Jacob starts to move towards Zach. But all of the guys quickly jump in his way.

"I didn't do anything," Zach yells.

"What happened to your shirt?" Rhys asks. There is a tear right near the nipple. Zach looks dishevelled.

"It got caught on a tree branch and ripped."

An uneasy feeling settles over the group. This is going to be a long and painful night.

End of Chapter Five.

Next Chapter: The big reveal. Thoughts on who it will be?

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Next: Chapter 6

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