The Edge of Darkness

By Ethan Y

Published on Feb 5, 2018


The following story is a work of fiction and does not represent any living person. They story contains sex between consenting adult men. The author retains all rights to the story. Please do not reproduce without prior consent.

The Edge of Darkness By Ethan Y.

-------------------------------- Chapter Three - The Revelation --------------------------------

Rhys is up well before Oliver. It's the way the day usually starts for these two. Rhys will get up, change, go for a run, take a shower, eat breakfast, read the news, and maybe then Oliver will start to get up. As far back as Rhys can remember he has always been an early riser. Even if he goes to bed late, as was the case last night, he is usually up by six in the morning. Oliver, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. Anything before ten o'clock is early for him, and as for the weekends or holidays, you better not wake him up until at least noon. At first Oliver's late routine bugged Rhys. He wanted Oliver to get up early as well so they could go for a run together, or do something else outdoors. He soon gave up on that plan. But, he did discover that having the morning to himself was actually a blessing. It gave him some personal time to get stuff done or just focus on himself.

This morning, he was up at six and decided to go for a run. This is his first time here, so he decided to explore as much as possible. Rhys wasn't afraid of getting lost. He has spent most of his life outdoors. As a child, he would roam the forest near his home for hours. It was the only thing to do. His parents didn't have a fancy cottage like this, or really anything. They had several minimum wage jobs, and worked every morning, day and night, to provide for him and his sister. Spending time outdoors was free, and so Rhys fell in love with nature.

Surprisingly, this morning when he comes back Oliver is awake - and it is only eight in the morning.

"You're up early," Rhys says peeling off his clothes.

"Stupid birds kept chirping, woke me up," he says in a grumpy mood. "But seeing you strip for me is making me feel better."

"Birds chirp, mate. We're in nature, this is their turf."

"I know but can't they just take a day off or something?"

"I'll try to put in a special request with Mother Goose for tomorrow. You sleep okay otherwise?" Rhys asks losing his pants.

"Yeah, it was fine."

"Jacob and Logan didn't wake you up?"

"No. Why are they still fighting?" Oliver asks.

"No ... they definitely weren't fighting ..." he says with a smile on his face. "They were having way too much fun."

"Really?" Oliver looks surprised. He knows Logan and Jacob haven't been on good terms since their fight. Oliver and Jacob are best friends. They've known each other since elementary school. They tell each other everything.

"Yeah. I'm surprised they didn't wake the entire house up. They were really going at it. And Logan is loud! Man, you should have heard the way he was moaning. To be honest, it really turned me on."

"You should have woken me up. I would have been game for round two," Oliver says with a smile.

"Next time," Rhys says as he wraps a towel around his waist. "Now, since you're up, why don't you get out of bed and we can go for a morning hike after I shower?"

"Or, counter idea, why don't you join me in bed. I have something else nice and hard you can mount," Oliver says with a smile.

"I don't mount tiny things."

"Tiny! You had no problem mounting my beast last night."

"If you say so ..."

"You know you want to," Oliver says peeling away the blanket to show his naked lower body, and hardening dick.

Rhys just stands there with a smile. "You have two minutes to get up, or that half an hour hike, becomes an hour-long hike."

"And what am I supposed to do with this?" Oliver says pointing to his erection.

"Fine, a quick blow job. Then we go hiking for two hours."

Two hours! Oliver doesn't protest. He just enjoys the moment. Rhys just smiles. That whole strip tease, it works every time.

He really is beautiful, Logan thinks as he stares at Jacob lying next to him peacefully asleep, his brown hair scattered over his forehead. He knows Jacob truly does love him. And deep-down Logan knows he too loves Jacob. But something is missing. Last night may have ranked as one of his best, most intense sexual experiences, and yet, here he is, doubt in his mind. Jacob is everything Logan could ever dream of. And all he is asking is to move in together, not asking to get married. Yet, something inside of Logan can't commit. He's too scared to have his heart broken again.

Logan gets out of bed before Jacob wakes up. He hurries into the kitchen to get breakfast ready for everyone. Most of the guys will sleep in, well except Rhys who is an early morning runner, so Logan knows he still has plenty of time. But he'd rather not stay in bed and think - it will drive him crazy. So off he goes into the kitchen. He throws on a pot of coffee, and starts to grab things out of the fridge, eggs, butter, milk. This will distract him for a while. And it does. But not for long. Soon another person joins him in the kitchen. It's the last person he wants to see.

"Morning," Zach says sitting down on a barstool.

"Morning. You sleep okay?" Logan asks.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks."

"Coffee, tea, juice ... or something else?"

"Coffee is fine. Two ..."

"Two generous spoons of sugar," Logan says cutting him off. "I remember." He couldn't forget even if he tried. He can't even count how many times they've been here together. Zach sitting on that barstool, Logan in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"And for you, tea, lots of milk, one spoon of sugar," Zach replies. "I remember too."

"Almost. I don't take sugar anymore."

"No sugar? Really? You love sugar and chocolates and anything sweet."

"I still do, but I'm getting older. The sugar now sticks to me. Some of us aren't blessed with super-fast metabolism like you."

Zach was always a thin guy. He could've eaten anything, an entire buffet and nothing would stick to him. It still seems like that is true to this day.

"So, how have you been?" Zach asks looking up at Logan. There is so much he wants to say, to ask, but he knows now is probably not the right time.

"Good. You? You're back in town now? I thought you moved?"

Logan decided long ago it was too painful to keep tabs on Zach. He deleted him off of all of his social media accounts, including any pictures of them together, and asked their mutual friends not to talk about Zach in his presence. For the most part it worked.

"I was. I moved around a bit after school, living in different cities for the past two years. But I found something better here so I moved back about a few months ago. What about you?"

"After school I worked for a year. Now I'm back working on my master's degree."

"I remember you always wanted to get your master's. Still thinking of a PhD?"

Logan laughs. "God no. I'll be lucky if I finish this."

"You're a smart guy, I'm sure you'll be okay ..."

Silence. Zach stares into his cup, while Logan pretends to be busy.

"Were you surprised last night?" Logan finally asks, breaking the awkward pause.

"Yeah ... I didn't know we were coming here. Liam didn't say your name; he just said a friend's cottage. I fell asleep on the way, otherwise I probably would have realized where we were going. When I woke up it was dark out, but it seemed familiar. And then I saw you."

"Would you have still come if you knew I was here?" Logan asks looking directly at Zach. He knows he shouldn't ask. No answer will appease him. Yet, like the fool that he is, he asks anyway.

Zach doesn't meet his eyes. He looks down into his cup again. "I ..."

"Morning, guys," Rhys says walking out of the bathroom, with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey, Rhys," Logan says. "This is Zach, Liam's boyfriend."

"Right on, nice to meet you man," Rhys says shaking Zach's hand.


"Rhys is Oliver's boyfriend - you'll meet him later."

"Cool," Zach says.

"Do you want anything, Rhys?" Logan asks. "Coffee, tea, water -- a shirt?"

"Nah, mate, I'm good. I'm actually going to go kick Oliver out of bed. Going to pack a bit of food -- then we're going to go for a hike."

"Oliver is going on a hike?" Logan asks surprised.

"Yeah. He needed some convincing." Rhys says putting his finger in his mouth.

"Ah. That usually does it," Zach laughs.

"Catch you guys later!"

"So, Zach," Logan says turning to his guest, "what would you like for breakfast? Scrambled eggs?"

"I'm okay for now ... but about your question before ..."

"It's all good, don't worry about it," Logan says. He knows he is on thin ice, and it is better to get off while he can. Rhys's interruption was clearly a caution sign.

"Okay," Zach says.

Silence. Again. Both are on edge, not wanting to say the wrong thing. The last time they spoke it did not go so well. Both are aware emotions are still raw, even after all these years.

"You still talk to many people from high school?" Logan asks.

"Yeah, a few. Hey, what happened to those figurines your mom loves?" Zach asks pointing to the mantle above the fireplace. "Your mom never let anyone touch those."

Logan looks up to see an empty spot on the mantle. "They were there before. I don't know. Maybe my mom took them back home. My parents were here last weekend."

"Probably ..."

Silence. Again.

"About Liam ..." Logan starts. He knows this a conversation they should have while they have a few minutes alone. They need to be on the same page. "He's going to find out eventually."

"I know," Zach says.

"But maybe it's best that it doesn't happen this weekend."


Logan looks up at Zach, relieved. He knows there is no point in hiding anything, but right now is not the time for everyone to know. It will lead to questions and Logan knows it will complicate matters. "Thanks, Zach."

"Yeah, no worries."

Silence. Again. This time it is broken by the sound of a door opening. "Good morning, guys," Liam says emerging from his room.

"Morning, Liam," Logan says.

"Good morning, babe." Zach gets off of his chair and walks over to Liam. He embraces him and gives him a long and passionate kiss.

"Good morning, to you too," Liam says with a giddy smile. The public affection throws Liam off guard. Zach usually isn't this passionate, especially in front of other people. But Liam doesn't complain. He's turned on.

"You want anything to drink, coffee, tea, juice ..." Logan asks Liam. "There are eggs, bagels."

"A bagel to go would be great. Zach, I was thinking maybe we could go for a morning walk. Check out what's in this area?"

"That sounds good. Let's do it. I'm just going to go change real quick," Zach says walking off.

"What do you think about Zach?" Liam asks Logan. "Your first impression?"

"First impression, he seems like a nice guy," Logan says feeling awful for lying.

"Say, you used to play soccer in high school, right?"


"You know, Zach did too. He was on the school team. You were as well, right?"

"I was ..." Logan says. "What's up with the questions?"

"Nothing. You know Zach also went to school in the city too."

Where is he going with all of these questions, Logan thinks to himself? He wonders if Liam knows something about his past and is digging for information. But the questions come to an end when Zach appears.

"I'm ready. You ready to go?" Zach asks Liam.

"Yup. See you later."

"So, where to?" Zach asks when he is outside with Liam.

"I don't know, you lead the way, you know it better than I do."

"How would I know it better than you?" Zach asks amused.

"Well, I thought you had been here before."

"I'm sorry?" The question surprises Zach. To him, Liam doesn't know anything.

"You haven't been here before?" Liam asks, arms crossed.

"I ..." Zach doesn't know what to say. He just promised Logan he wouldn't say anything ... but it seems like Liam might know more than he is letting on.

"Because it seemed that way last night."

Zach desperately tries to remember the night before, but it is all a blank. Well, the sex isn't, but the part after is. Liam went to take a shower, and that's all Zach can remember.

"I don't know what I said to make you think that I've been here before." Zach knows he should just come clean. He's only digging himself into a deeper hole.

"Logan didn't ever bring you here when you guys went to high school together?"

"How did you ..."

"It wasn't hard, Zach. Your Facebook page lists your high school, Logan's does too. You both went to the same university too. And, this took me a while to find," he says digging his phone out of his pocket, "but there's also this picture."

It's a photo of Zach and Logan, standing together. It was posted on their high school soccer team's Facebook page.

"I can explain," Zach starts.

"I would hope so. Why didn't you tell me you two know each other?"

"I'm sorry. It's complicated ... but the simple version is we don't actually get along." Zach knows that is far from the simple version.

"Why? It seems like you did."

"We did ... we had mutual friends, which is why I've been to Logan's cottage before ... but we had a falling out years ago."

"You two dated, didn't you?" Liam asks. He doesn't know why he is sure, but he is. They couldn't have just been casual friends.

"What makes you think that?" Zach asks taken aback.

"Gut feeling, I guess. If you were casual friends you would have told me. People hide former boyfriends, not friends."

"Yes, we dated. It didn't mean anything. And it didn't end well. We actually haven't spoken ever since. Last night was the first time since the breakup."

"I don't know why you just didn't tell me any of this last night."

"Logan asked me not to. I came out to grab water, and he said it would upset you. And I thought maybe he was right. I didn't want to spoil our weekend. But I was going to tell you when we got back to the city, I promise."

"Why did you break up?" Liam asks.

"Does it really matter?"


"Fine. Logan and I hooked up in our last year of high school and continued to see each other in university. It was casual. I was still figuring all of this out and didn't want anything serious. But Logan wanted more. And so he cheated on me. I found out. I was angry. We fought and we broke up. The last time we spoke was when I confronted him about the affair. He denied it and lied to my face. A few months later I transferred schools."

"Oh ... I'm sorry that happened."

"It was a long time ago. I have no feelings for Logan anymore. I only have feelings for you. I really am sorry about not telling you. I won't lie to you again, I promise. I hope that we can still have a fun weekend ..."

Liam has no previous experience to draw on, to know how relationships work. He doesn't like being lied to, but Zach seems so genuine with his apology.

"Of course. We all have a past. I'm sorry for making you dig this all up."

"It's all fine. Now let's stop talking about Logan and enjoy our time here in the wilderness. If I remember correctly there are some great areas to see. I don't know if I still remember how to get to all of the places, but we can try. You up for an adventure?"

"Sure, lead the way."

"How did you ever find this place?" Oliver asks looking at the magnificent view. They are standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down into the valley below.

"I stumbled upon it during my morning run. I thought it would be a great place to eat," Rhys says

"Or a great secluded spot to get some loving," Oliver says wrapping his arms around Rhys's waist from behind. His dick is already hard, pressing into Rhys.

"Someone sure is ready," Rhys says pushing himself against Oliver's body. He's always loves being wrapped in Oliver's arms. The two have been dating for about a year now, and yet he never gets tired of feeling Oliver's body against his.

"I'm always ready. Ever had sex outside?"

"No," Rhys says as he stares off into the valley. "One day, maybe. If I am lucky enough to find the perfect guy. If you find him, please do let me know."

"Well today is your lucky day."

"You found him already?" Rhys teases.

"Yep, standing right behind you, and ready to get it on."

"You're not that lucky."

"I saw you pack lube and condoms in that bag of food. I know I am about to get lucky," Oliver says as he lowers his hand from Rhys's waist down to his hardening cock. "And I think this guy agrees with me."

Rhys turns around and plants his lips on Oliver. He loves nothing more than to make-out with his boyfriend. Rhys has always thought he was a good, sensual kisser. He likes to take his time, really feel his partner's lips, his tongue. And while his tongue is occupied, his hands roam over his boyfriend's body, caressing his back, playing with his hair. And just as he opens his mouth, ready for another taste, he likes to place one hand on Oliver's lower back, and gently push him forward, all the while leaning in. It's the closeness, the intimacy that fires Rhys up. He always wants to get closer.

Oliver, on the other hand, is a bit different when it comes to sex. His favourite part is undressing Rhys. He loves to slowly unbutton his shirt, pull off his pants, yank off his socks, and admire his naked form. He's always envied Rhys's physique. Rhys isn't overtly muscular, but rather a bit on the smaller side; a contrast to Oliver's wider frame. Rhys's body is tight though, because of all those hours of running, biking and hiking.

Fully naked, Oliver lies Rhys down on his back. From his ears, to his toes, each inch, each bend, each curve, Oliver loves nothing more than to explore his prize with his tongue, tasting his lover's soft skin. But his most favourite pastime with his tongue is wrapping it around Rhys's towering cock. Tasting it piece by piece, the head, the sides, and balls. He likes to tease Rhys, until he is practically begging Oliver to take it all in. And he does. Oliver has always been proud of his cock-sucking skills. He can take it all in, without even gagging, something he has worked hard to perfect. He's never been offended by the term cocksucker. He is one, and damn good at it too.

Once the foreplay is done comes the tricky part. Both Rhys and Oliver love to top. Often they end up flip-flopping, but there is always a struggle as to who gets to go first. Rhys, always the competitor, looks for creative ways to top first. But this morning, in the open air, with the trees towering over them, Rhys lays down his sword. He wants Oliver to take control and ravage him. Emboldened by the opportunity, Oliver doesn't skip a beat. He has Rhys on all fours in no time, his fingers loosening up what soon will be his to conquer. When he is nice and open, Oliver positions his dick against Rhys's hole. He wants to go slow, let Rhys ease into it. The head pops in, and Oliver stops, giving Rhys time to adjust. But Rhys is having none of that. His natural need to be in control kicks back in. He pushes back fast and hard, letting Oliver's dick slam into his prostate. Oliver, never to be undone, places his hands on Rhys's waist and starts to thrust, their two bodies slamming together. Rhys has always liked it rough. And today, Oliver has no plans on disappointing him.

They try every position they can think of - and comfortably do. Oliver has always been amazed with the ideas Rhys comes up with. He is one creative and adventurous fucker. It helps too he is flexible and can bend his body in ways Oliver could never even dream of. But no matter how they start, they tend to end in one position. Rhys on his back, legs in the air, a mischievous smile on his face. The desire in his eyes, fuelling Oliver to go on, faster, harder, deeper.


"Where did Logan go?" Zach says storming into the living room from outside.

"What?" Rhys is caught up in his own world.

"Where's Logan?" Zach asks again with attitude in his voice.

"He was here a second ago but he took off."

"Did he say where he was going?" He demands with even more attitude.

"How the fuck would I know?" Rhys spits back. "I'm not his fucking secretary. Just because I'm not as rich doesn't mean I serve him."

"What?" Zach asks confused. He doesn't have time for Rhys and his problems. "Whatever. If you see Logan, tell him I'm looking for him."

"Well, if you see him, tell him we need to talk ..."

But Zach isn't listening. He's already out the door, running into the forest ...

End of Chapter Three.

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Next: Chapter 4

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