The Edge of Darkness

By Ethan Y

Published on Feb 2, 2018


The following story is a work of fiction and does not represent any living person. They story contains sex between consenting adult men. The author retains all rights to the story. Please do not reproduce without prior consent.

The Edge of Darkness By Ethan Y.

------------------------------ Chapter Two -- The Arrival ------------------------------

Winding his way though the bumpy back country roads, Liam knows he should have left before nightfall. He's driving slow, one because he can't really see, and two because he doesn't want to wake up his boyfriend, Zach. Even though they've been dating now for a few weeks, every time Liam says the word `boyfriend' it excites him. Zach is actually Liam's first boyfriend ever.

Liam only started coming out about three years ago, when he started university. He thought it would be completely different when he came out. He would finally leave his small town, come to the big city, and tell everyone he is gay! And the world would change, he thought. He would be happy. He would be confident. He would be proud.

None of that happened.

The city overwhelmed Liam, and so too did the gay scene. So instead, he stayed in his shell. He felt safe in his shell. Liam told himself he was happy, though deep down he knew that wasn't true. His main problem was, and to a degree still is, that he is extremely shy. He really has a hard time making friends. Part of that is because he never thought he was good enough. First, Liam thought he was too skinny; what guy would want to be with this twig? Then he thought he gained too much weight. Then watching all that porn, Liam thought he didn't have enough muscles. He always found a reason to doubt himself and withdraw from society.

That's how he spent the first three years of university. Before starting his final year, he talked himself into joining the gay student group at school. He figured it would be a good first step. He went to the first meeting and guess what happened? He was overwhelmed. He ran out without even thinking, or looking, and ran right into a guy. That's when everything changed. He apologized and tried to get away, but the other guy could tell Liam was not doing okay. There was just something about this mystery guy that made Liam feel safe, and so he stayed. The man was kind, patient, and gay. Liam was in love. Well, not really, but at the moment he thought he was in love. But of course, the mystery guy was taken and Liam was crushed. Feeling like a fool for a second time he tried to run away, but the guy didn't let Liam leave. And Liam is glad he didn't, because now the two are close friends. Logan has helped Liam grow so much this past year. He helped Liam get over his insecurities. He gave Liam the confidence to put himself out there.

Glancing over at his sleeping boyfriend, Liam feels as if he is the luckiest person alive. He knows it is still early, but he is falling for Zach, and hard. Half the time Liam is nervous he will screw it all up, say the wrong thing, or come off as too needy or desperate. He still remembers the first time the two had sex. Liam was convinced he wouldn't be good enough, since it was his first time ever sleeping with a guy. He was ashamed to even tell Zach; he figured Zach would think he was a loser for being a virgin at 21. But Zach was incredibly patient. He took his time to make sure Liam was comfortable and felt safe. It was one of the best nights of Liam's life.

Since their relationship is so new, and Liam is a bit superstitious, he decided not to tell anyone, even his friends. But he changed his mind this morning. He thought it would be great to bring Zach to the cottage this weekend, so he told Logan. Logan was of course thrilled to hear the news, but also a bit annoyed when he found out the two had been dating for a month already. But he quickly forgave his friend.

"Alright, we're finally here!" Liam sighs, pulling the car into the driveway. At one point in time he doubted he knew where in the world he was going. "Hey, wake up, we're here," he says softly nudging his boyfriend awake.

The two grab their bags and make their way to the door.

"This place looks ..." Zach starts to say but before he can finish the door swings open.

"Hey! You guys ..." Logan opens the door with a big smile on his face. But that smile quickly disappears " ... made it."

"Hey ..." Liam says noticing the visible change in his friend.

Confused, Liam looks from Logan to Zach. Zach too has the same expression. What is going on, Liam wonders? "This is my boyfriend Zach. Zach, this is my good friend, Logan."

Logan is the first to come back to reality. "Hey, Zach, nice to meet you," he says extending his hand.

"Nice to meet you too," Zach says, a smile returning to his face.

"Come in! You guys must be tired," Logan says stepping out of the way. He quickly gives the two a small tour and shows them to their room.

"Everyone else asleep?" Liam asks.

"Yeah. Oliver and Rhys were both pretty tired so they went to bed early ..."

"They're probably having sex ..."

"Probably," Logan replies. "Anyway, this is where you guys will be sleeping. I've left extra towels on the dresser over there if you need them. You saw the kitchen as you came in. If you need anything at all, if you're hungry, take whatever you want. I'll let you guys get settled in."

"It's a nice place," Liam says to Zach when they are alone.

"Yeah, it is. Huh, they finally got rid of that ugly ... um, I mean, it looks like they recently redecorated," Zach says trying to recover from what he realized would have been a major slip up. He wants to tell Liam the truth, but he has to speak to Logan first. "I'm just going to grab a drink of water, be right back."

Zach has a feeling he knows where he will find Logan. Just as he predicts, he finds him in the kitchen, eating cookies. Logan doesn't pig out on junk food much. But when he is upset, he eats cookies.

"Still have that cookie addiction, I see," Zach says startling Logan.

"It's not as bad as before ... but you know from time to time. Would you like one?"

"I learned my lesson the hard way; you don't get in between the cookie monster and a box of his cookies. I'm okay, thanks."

Both of them fall silent. There is so much both want to say, but neither knows where to even begin.

"I'm not sure what to tell Liam ... he really is a good guy," Logan starts.

"I know."

"I don't want to hurt him."

"Neither do I," Zach says.

"I figure we don't say anything ... it's too late to say we know each other."

"So you want me to lie to him ... like you used to lie to me," Zach says with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I never lied to you," Logan says his voice rising. He quickly calms down. He knows this is neither the time nor the place to have that conversation. "Look, it's up to you what you say to him. I won't stop you."

Zach knows he should tell Liam the truth, but he also knows it won't lead to anything good. "You're right ... I think it is best we don't say anything. As for us, it's only two days. We keep it civil and keep our distance."

"That's fine by me," Logan says in agreement.

"What's fine by you?" Liam asks, emerging from the dark hallway.

"Just talking about what's on the menu for tomorrow's breakfast," Logan says. "Eggs, bagels, you know, the regular."

"Anyway, I'm beat. Wanna go to bed?" Zach says grabbing Liam's hand.

"Sure. Goodnight, Logan."

"Night guys," Logan says as the two walk off.

"Finally alone!" Zach says wrapping his arms around Liam's waist when they are back in their room. He plants a kiss on Liam's lips. "I've been looking forward to having you all to myself all day long. I could barely concentrate at work."

"Me too," Liam says stealing one more kiss. "Is everything okay with you and Logan?"

"Yeah, everything is fine," Zach says kissing Liam again.

"He is a really good guy, once you get to know him."

"Oh, it's all fine. Now, how about you lose that shirt and join me in bed."

Liam doesn't move though. "I thought you were tired?"

"Is that a no to sex?" Zach asks with a smile on his face.

"No, of course not."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Zach asks.

"I ..." Liam starts to say as he fumbles with his belt buckle.

"Shh. Let me."

The cookies are long gone, but Logan is still here, sitting at the kitchen table. He is lost in dozens of thoughts, but the one that keeps coming back to him is the last time he ever saw Zach. It was actually not far from here, over by the secluded cliff he goes to sometimes to get away from the world. He keeps replaying that conversation over and over again. That was more than two years ago, but Logan still remembers it clearly. He doubts he will ever forget.

When the clock strikes one, Logan realizes it is time to go to bed. There is no point in travelling down memory lane. It is just full of thorns. As he walks to his room, he hears them. There is no denying the sounds that are coming from behind the door. The sound of sex. The sound of Zach. He knows that sound all too well. It sends a chill down Logan's spine. They're boyfriends, he says to himself, they are going to have sex. But still, it bothers Logan more than he cares to admit. He quickly makes his way to his room.

Down the hall, Jacob can hear the quickening footsteps. Logan is finally coming to bed. But instead of waiting up, he quickly throws the covers over himself. He'd rather pretend to be asleep. It's probably the smart and safe thing to do. If he is asleep then the two can't fight again. The fight took Jacob by surprise. It was their first big argument since they started dating ten months ago. Sure, they've had some minor issues, but nothing serious. The fight itself doesn't bother Jacob; it is what they fought over. Jacob moved here from across the country last fall to start his master's degree. About two weeks into the school year, he met Logan at an event for graduate students. The two have been together ever since. Both of their master's programs end next month, so Jacob thought it would be good to talk about their future. Jacob has no doubts about Logan - he loves him and wants to stay together. He thought Logan felt the same way. But when Jacob brought up the subject, Logan seemed non-committal. Jacob wasn't looking for a hard answer, or a marriage proposal, but he at least wanted to have a discussion. Logan, though, didn't. All he kept saying was he didn't know. He didn't know where they would live. He didn't know if he wanted to move to Jacob's hometown, or stay here. And so they fought. The fight left Jacob wondering if Logan will ever be able to commit, or if his boyfriend is permanently scared from his previous relationship.

Jacob's best friend, Oliver, is convinced their relationship won't end well. He is urging Jacob to dump Logan and move on. Jacob isn't sure if he should believe his friend; Oliver has always been overly critical of Logan. Jacob still has hope. But, ever since that fight there has been a distance between them. This weekend, Jacob was hoping to close that gap and to spend at least some private time with Logan. Hang out together, talk, laugh, make love. Return to how they used to be. They haven't had sex ever since their fight. Jacob was hoping that would change tonight ... but now he isn't sure. And he just doesn't have it in him to get rejected again. So as Logan enters the room and gets into bed, Jacob pretends to be asleep.

"Jacob, you awake?" Logan asks.

He could continue to pretend to be asleep, but he decides to answer. "Yeah, half awake. What's up?"

"I want you to fuck me."

He opens his eyes instantly. "Excuse me?"

"I want you inside of me. Right here, right now. I miss you," Logan says placing his hand on Jacob's ever hardening dick.

There is a longing in Logan's voice that takes Jacob by surprise. As any guy in his early 20s, Logan is usually horny, but something about tonight seems different to Jacob.

Before he can even answer, Logan's lips are on his. And it is not some soft peck, but a full on kiss. Logan plunges his tongue deep inside Jacob's mouth. He presses his body against Jacob's, and rolls on top of him. Before Jacob can even reciprocate his passion for Logan, Logan has moved on, finding the edges of Jacob's shirt.

"Hey, slow down, buddy," Jacob starts to say.

But there is no slowing Logan down tonight. Within seconds Jacob's shirt is flying in the air. Logan starts to kiss his way down Jacob's torso, all the while rubbing Jacob's stiff, trapped, cock. Usually the two fool around a bit, kiss, play with each other's bodies, tease each other, but Logan is in no mood for any of that tonight. Tonight is not about making love. It is about one thing only; sex. Hard. Passionate. Raw. Sex.

Jacob's shorts are gone in an instant. In mere seconds, his dick goes from being covered by cloth, to being devoured by Logan's mouth. Logan presses his tongue against the throbbing cock in his mouth, tasting every inch of his boyfriend's manhood. He moves his tongue from the base to the tip, swirls it over the head, and goes back down, taking all of it into his mouth.

"Fuck, Logan ... ease up man ..." Jacob says. He already feels close, which is surprising, given they just started. This is the one command Logan listens to. He doesn't want Jacob to cum just yet.

When Jacob tries to move so that he can return the favour, Logan stops him. Instead, as he rips off his clothes, he tells Jacob he wants his dick inside of him, now. Jacob doesn't argue. He grabs some lube and a condom from the side table. But when he tries to open the bottle of liquid, once again Logan stops him. Instead, Logan squeezes the liquid onto his hands and quickly massages it into his ass.

"You're going to hurt yourself," Jacob says as Logan positions himself on top of his boyfriend.

"I'm good," he says with a wicked smile, lining up his waiting hole with Jacob's hard dick.

"No condom?" Jacob asks.

"Tonight we go raw. I trust you."

"What has gotten into you tonight?" Jacob is very confused. This is not like Logan at all.

"Nothing yet, but soon, you," he says leaning down and giving Jacob a quick kiss.

Logan leans back on one hand while using the other to position Jacob's dick in line with his waiting hole. It doesn't go in as easily as it normally does; that's because usually Jacob takes his time opening Logan up. But Logan didn't want to wait tonight. He needs to be fucked. He needs to feel Jacob inside of him. He'll work through the pain, he says to himself. And he does. Within seconds, his hole starts to give way, and the head pops in. He slowly lowers himself until Jacob is completely inside of him. He grabs the headboard for support and slowly starts to lift himself up and down again. He is going to ride this dick tonight until he cums. To pick up speed, he leans back, placing his hands on the bed behind him. Arching his back, he slams down on Jacob's dick harder, even though his legs are starting to ache. His breath - as is Jacob's - is staggered, and heavy. As he slams down on Jacob's cock, Logan doesn't try to stifle his moans. He is loud, and he knows it.

"Oh, fuck ... Logan ... you're going to wake ... everyone up," Jacob says as he tries to keep his composure.

"Good ..." Logan says trying to catch his breath, "they'll know how fucking awesome you are."

Logan always turns Jacob on, but tonight, with this new-found aggression, Jacob too is overtaken by the moment. He no longer wants to be just the passive recipient. He wants to take control. He places his hands on Logan's sides and pushes him down onto the bed. With one quick motion, he props himself up on his knees, and lifts Logan's legs in the air. This time, Jacob surprises Logan.

"Well, if you want to give them a show, then lets give them something to rave about," Jacob says licking his lips.

His dick easily finds Logan's waiting hole. This time it slips in effortlessly. Jacob, usually a gentle lover, sheds all of his hesitations. He goes after Logan's hole with a ferocity that has his boyfriend loudly begging for more. Within seconds, both are panting, their bodies covered in sweat. Jacob leans forward, planting his lips firmly on his lover, as his dick continues to pound Logan's hole. Logan digs his fingers deep into Jacob's skin, arches his back and moans. Each time Jacob's cock plunges into him, hitting his prostate, it sends waves of pleasure down his spine. And then, without warning or notice, Logan does something he has never done before. Without even touching his dick, he starts to cum. Streams of hot white liquid shoot out of his cock, landing all over his body. The sight of his boyfriend's glistening body all covered sends Jacob over the edge too. He pulls out and within seconds erupts, adding his signature to the canvas that is Logan's body. Exhausted, he flops down onto the bed beside Logan.

"Fuck, dude that was ..." Jacob starts to say still struggling to catch his breath.

"Surreal. Sorry for ruining it at the end by cumming early ..."

"What? Are you crazy? That was awesome. I've never fucked the cum out of a guy before!"

"You were just too good," Logan says with a smile of satisfaction.

"What in the world is up with you tonight? Does this have to do with our fight?"

"No ... yes. I was an idiot. I love you, Jacob, and I want to be with you. Here, somewhere else, anywhere. We'll figure it out, but what matters is wherever we end up ... we are together."

"I love you too, Logan."

His body lurches forward, pressing deeper into Liam. He takes a hand to wipe the sweat pooling on his brow. He is close.

"Fuck, Lo ... ah ... Liam, I am almost there," Zach says pulling his dick out of Liam. He peels off the condom and throws it to the side. He starts to jerk his cock, while Liam works on his. He beats Liam to it. Within seconds streams of cum are shooting out of him, covering Liam's body. Seconds later Liam follows suit. Cum lands on his chest, stomach and the sheets. Zach flops down onto the bed beside Liam, panting.

"That was good," Liam says

"You're good," Zach says with a smile. "Quick shower and then bed time?"

"Yeah, but I think I'm going to take that shower alone. If we go in together you know what's going to happen."

"That is true," Zach says kissing Liam. "Be quick."

"Will do. Do you mind changing the sheets? There should be a set in the closet."


Liam steps into the shower, letting the water wash away the cum and sweat from his body. He can't help but smile. He couldn't have asked for a better night. He finally found a great guy, and the sexual chemistry between them is off the charts. And tonight was perhaps the best sex they've ever had. Something was different about Zach tonight. Liam could feel this fire within him. He was insatiable. Liam loved every second of it.

All clean and warm, Liam steps back into the room to find a naked Zach in the exact same spot he left him. Only now he is asleep on top of the dirty sheets.

"Hey, Zach, get up, I have to change the sheets," Liam says. But all he gets back in return is a moan.

"It's fine ... change morning ... come bed ... sleepy ..." Zach incoherently rambles.

Liam walks over to the closet to grab a clean set, but when he opens the door, there is nothing inside. "Dammit! Logan forgot to put a spare set of sheets in the room. Now where am I supposed to find clean sheets at this hour?"

"They keep extras in the closet," Zach says between yawns, "at the end of the hall. Top shelf."

"How do you know that?" Liam asks.

But he doesn't get a response from Zach. He is out cold. Liam walks into the hallway to find this mysterious closet. Sure enough there it is, and on the top shelf, extra sheets.


He can't stop running. He can't. If he stops then .... No. He can't think about that. He can't stop. He has to keep running.

Liam doesn't know where he is running to. All he knows is that he has to get away. Far, far away. Wherever his legs will take him. He darts through the thick forest. Jumps over fallen branches, trips on rocks, but doesn't slow down. If he slows down reality will catch up to him. So he has to run. But deep down he knows there is nowhere he can go. There is nowhere to hide. What's done is done. Now he has to live with the consequences. The pain is already deeply embedded within him.

Nothing will ever be the same again.

End of Chapter Two.

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Next: Chapter 3

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