The Edge of Darkness

By Ethan Y

Published on Feb 1, 2018


The following story is a work of fiction and does not represent any living person. They story contains sex between consenting adult men. The author retains all rights to the story. Please do not reproduce without prior consent.

The Edge of Darkness By Ethan Y.

-------------------------- Chapter One - The Edge --------------------------

He has been here countless times before, yet he never gets tired of the view. Ever since he was a child he has been drawn to this cliff. It is his small piece of heaven on Earth. He usually comes here before the crack of dawn. Sitting on the edge, he watches the sun rise over the valley, the light waking up the slumbering branches, bringing the forest back from the darkness. This is the place he comes to when he needs to think, when he needs to be alone. It was here, just a few years ago, he came to terms with being gay. It was here he found the courage to come out to his family. They accepted him without hesitation. It was here he learned about true love, but also where he learned about heartbreak.

Even though Logan frequently visits this place, he didn't expect he would be here this morning. He had come up to his parent's cottage with a bunch of friends a few days before. It was meant to be a fun and relaxing weekend. A few days in the wilderness, hanging out with the guys. A small reprieve from university and that damn never-ending thesis he is trying to finish. When he planned this trip it seemed like a great idea. Now, not so much.

Now, he's left wondering how it went so wrong, so fast. Originally, a total of five guys were supposed to come to the cottage for the weekend: Logan and his boyfriend Jacob, Oliver and his boyfriend Rhys, and another friend, Liam. But soon there was an addition. A sixth guest joined them, someone Logan thought he would never see again. Yet, there he was, standing on his doorstep, Logan's past staring him in the eyes. And in an instant he was taken back. Taken back to a time long gone. Taken back to those feelings of joy and regret, anger and frustration.

His soul in disarray, Logan thought he would find solace in his boyfriend. He always felt safe wrapped tightly in Jacob's arms. Yet that sanctuary was starting to slip from his fingers. A few days before coming to the cottage the two got into a fight, which was odd because they rarely fought. And it was no simple clash, but one that almost ended their relationship. Logan tried to make amends, but he knew he was not being fully honest. Now he just feels guilty. He fears their fragile union may simply be an illusion.

And so his head clouded with emotions, early this morning, Logan set out for the one place he believed he could find clarity. Sitting on the edge, he watched as the sun brought the forest back to life. He watched the clouds listlessly drift by, as birds soared in the sky. He watched and watched, but nothing changed. He didn't find any clarity.

And so he continues to sit staring off into the distance.

A noise brings him back to reality. Logan turns to see the source of the intrusion. It sounded like footsteps. But there is no one there. This place is very secluded, surrounded by thick trees, so it is rare for anyone besides Logan to come here. Perhaps it was just a squirrel or another animal, Logan thinks to himself. Or he is simply going crazy. It could be the latter; he didn't sleep much at all last night.

His investigation over, Logan turns his attention back to the valley. His thoughts return to the unwanted guest and the night before. It all happened so fast. One minute the two were talking ... arguing ... and then the next it all went to hell. Logan knew what happened was wrong. He had gone down that path before and been burned. He promised himself he wouldn't get hurt again. Yet, one sight of the man from his past, and all of his defences failed. Worst of all he knew his actions would likely hurt a lot of other people too.

Then there is that noise again. This time it is louder, closer. Logan knows he is no longer alone. Someone is here. As he gets up he sees a silhouette emerging from the trees.

The rhythmic drone of beeps and hums brings Logan back into this world. In-and-out of consciousness, dazed and confused, he doesn't know where he is. But slowly, as the agonizing pain seeps into his bones, his eyes open. His first sight is of his mother slumped over in a chair, asleep. He tries to call out to her, but no words escape him. He tries to reach out, but instead a shooting pain climbs up his arm. His eyes close. He returns to his dreams.

A murmur. A soft whisper. They bring Logan back. It has been a full day since he last opened his eyes, but Logan has no sense of time. He tries to focus his gaze, but all he can feel is the throbbing pain in his head. Slowly, he starts to realize he is in a hospital. His mother is still slumped over, fast asleep in a chair. That image looks so familiar to him, but he does not know why.

"Logan, you're awake ..."

A strange voice catches his attention. He slowly turns to look towards the foot of the bed.

"It's good to see you open your eyes," the stranger says with a smile. "I'm Dr. Young, one of the physicians who has been looking after you in the ICU."

Logan opens his parched lips and takes a deep breath. "What ... happened?"

"You had an accident and hurt yourself pretty badly. We had to do surgery, but it went well. It will take some time for you to heal, but it looks like you should be able to make a full recovery."

"Accident?" Logan says confused. His memories are a blur. Nothing makes sense. The pain is all he can feel, all he can think of.

"Yeah. Look, we can talk more about that later. But for now you need to rest, okay, buddy."

"My arm ..."

"It's broken, along with your leg. Both of them will heal. It's going to take some time."

"Thanks ..." he barely whispers.

"Of course. Now get some sleep," he says as he turns to leave.

"Stay." Logan can barely get the word out of his mouth. He would never admit it to himself, but he is scared. Of what, he does not know.

The man pauses. "Sure," he says turning around. "But only for a few minutes."

"Thanks ..."

"No worries. How about you close your eyes and try to rest."

He doesn't want to, but he does. He is gone within seconds.

His memories come back to him slowly. But they are not fully formed. They are fragments, mixed together, jumbled. A mess of random pieces. He remembers the cottage. He remembers his friends. He remembers the cliff. And nothing more. It's as if time stopped on Sunday morning, and only resumed today.

It is his mother's sweet voice that greets him as he wakes again. And the sound of an unknown man. He slowly opens his eyes to find his mom, standing by his bed, talking to what looks to be a police officer. Confused, he closes his eyes and listens.

"How is the investigation going? Have you learned anything?" his mom asks.

"We've spoken to all of his friends. All of them say they were somewhere else when Logan fell."

He fell? He tries to remember. Nothing.

"Do you think they're telling the truth, and it was just an accident?"

"Well, we would like to talk to Logan about that. Your neighbour was quite clear he heard an argument. He was on his daily hike when he heard screaming and followed the sound. When he got closer he says he thought he saw someone running from the area. So someone is lying."

"I can't believe one of his friends would do this to him," his mom says.

What would his friends do? Logan wonders. None of this makes sense to him. What argument? Who ran?

"I can't believe one of his friends would hurt him," she continues.

"Well, that's the scenario we are working off of right now, that this was deliberate," says the man. "Don't worry, we will find out what happened to your son."

It can't be right, Logan argues with himself. My friends wouldn't hurt me. Why would any of them want to cause me pain?

Then it all starts coming back to him.

The cliff. The valley. The noise. The man in the trees.


"Hey, Logan. I've been looking for you," he says as he gets closer.

"I've been here since morning," Logan replies.

"I know what you did."

"I can explain."

"It won't make a difference."

"What's your problem?" Logan asks.

"You're my problem."

"This is pointless," Logan says trying to end the conversation. "Can you get out of my way?" Because of the cliff he is blocked from leaving.

But he doesn't move. "I just want to know why you're such a fucking asshole. Then you can leave."

"Fuck you. I don't need your crap, get out of my way." Logan demands again.

"No," he says stepping forward. "Not until you explain yourself."

"I don't need to answer you. We're done. Move."


"I said move," Logan says taking a step forward. But he is much bigger than Logan.

"Make me."

With all his force Logan tries to push the man out of his way. But he barely moves an inch. Instead, he lurches forward and pushes Logan, hard. Logan stumbles backwards, as he tries to regain his composure. But then the earth slips from under his feet. And everything goes dark.

End of Chapter One.

The remaining chapters will explore the weekend to determine who pushed Logan. Read on, to find out. Comments. Questions. Criticism. Email

Next: Chapter 2

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