The Dunes. A holiday romance

By cliff .

Published on Jan 1, 2000



This is a work of fiction, pure and simple. It should not be taken as encouraging anything at all which is considered improper or illegal in your neighborhood. If you are under age you shouldn't be reading it anyway. Feel free to copy or post this story provided you acknowledge that it is copyright

The story is fiction. The place is real, and just as idyllic as I have tried to make it sound. If you want details or if you have any comments, drop me a line

The Dunes. A Holiday romance.

When my parents told me about our holiday plans, at first I thought it was marvellous. I'd never been to the Canaries and I'd heard great things about how lively the resorts there were and what fun there was to be had. It seemed even better when they told me that they had to go in October and I would have to take a couple of weeks out of school

"That's why it has to be the Canaries - we want to be reasonably sure it will be warm in October, but we don't want to go too far".

"Fine" I said. "Wonderful. Where are we going? Somewhere with a bit of life?"

"We've chosen a very nice hotel where we shall be very well looked after, but our plan is for a quiet beach holiday, so we have chosen to go to Fuerteventura. There's not a lot there except wonderful beaches."

My heart sank. Two weeks with nothing to do except sit on a beach and watch the old folks turning red in the sun, and because it was term-time, there probably wouldn't be anyone else my age there either. Doom and gloom.

"Can't I stay at home? I ought not to miss school. I can look after myself and it will be good to have somebody here to look after the house. You don't want to be burgled whilst you're away."

The holiday is booked and you'll enjoy it when we get there." Dad said, but I knew I wouldn't. I can't say I sulked (I NEVER sulk) but I made my feelings very clear. It didn't make the slightest difference and all too soon we were disembarking from the plane and being loaded into a coach.

The place was desolate! Nothing green except a few weary looking palm trees and some plants that looked as if they belonged on Mars. It didn't get better and I settled down to hate the place. The black rocks gave way to sand, and then in the middle of nowhere I could see a couple of big white buildings - miles from anywhere in the middle of more sand than I could imagine outside the Sahara. The bus stopped.

"This is our hotel. Come on and help to get the luggage".

I have to say that the hotel was fine once we got inside, but I knew I was in for two dreary weeks, so I didn't care what it was like. Dad booked us in and we were shown up to our rooms.

"I'm afraid your room is a bit away from ours." mum said. "They haven't got a lot of single rooms. If you want anything just use the phone. Now, do you want me to help you unpack?"

"I can do it" I said with a heavy sigh. "I'm sure dad needs you."

"Just dial the our room number if you want anything. I'll ring you when we are ready to go down to dinner. You've got about an hour."

I have to say that the room wasn't bad, and I showered and changed, then sat down to wait for mum to ring.

Dinner was marvellous - three huge buffets with an enormous selection of food, and a dessert counter to dream of. The wine waiter came to our table.

"Peter, now you're sixteen, do you want to share our wine or would you rather have a soft drink?" It was the first time my parents had offered me alcohol.

"Could I have a beer rather than wine, please?" Suddenly I felt very adult. It was a better start than I had expected.

Breakfast was just as good as dinner, and then we got our things together to go down to the beach. It was a surprise.

Outside the hotel the beach was crowded, so we wandered a few hundred yards down to where it was quieter. Mum turned to dad

"You didn't tell me about this."

"I'm as shocked as you are. Do you want to go back nearer to the hotel?"

What had surprised them was that about half of the people on the beach weren't wearing any clothes at all. I didn't know where to look.

"Peter, what do you think? Shall we stay here or go back to where people wear swimsuits? Are you embarrassed?"

"I don't care as long as I don't have to undress. Now we've come this far, I don't want to trail back, and the beach is a bit less crowded here."

That made our minds up and we claimed sunbeds and an umbrella and set up camp for the day.

"Come on," dad said, as soon as we had our swimsuits on. "Let's try the water".

The sea was marvellous, warm and with waves big enough to be exciting but not so big they spoiled our swim. I enjoyed it, and as we came out of the water I began to look round at the beach. We had gone a bit further down the beach whilst we were swimming, and a group of lads were playing beach volleyball. One of them waved and ran over to us.

"Just arrived? Are you all on your own? Do you want to join in? We could use another player."

"I'm Peter. My friends call me Pete."

"I'm Peter. My friends call me Pete".

We laughed - it's not that uncommon a name but the introduction struck us as funny.

"How did you know I'd just arrived?"

"White skin and the look on your face when you saw us nude. I looked like that three days ago. Do you want to join the game?"

I looked at him. About my own age, slim, dark and athletic. He was tanned but hadn't the deep tan that some of the other lads had, but I found it difficult not to stare at his prick which seemed to have taken a deeper tan than the rest of his body. It was soft and dark, swinging with every movement of his body.

"Come on, you don't have to strip off, you know, if you don't want to. I didn't for the first day I was here."

Suddenly the holiday came to life. I wasn't going to be stuck with my parents for two boring weeks. The lads Peter introduced me to were a smashing bunch and enormous fun and we had a marvellous game, then ran into the sea to cool off and flopped on the beach to let the sun dry us off. I began to wonder about my wet, clinging trunks.

Dad waved and beckoned - he and mum were a couple of hundred yards up the beach. As I set off to see what he wanted, He waved again and signalled to bring Peter.

"There was a drinks vendor just now so I got a couple of cokes for you and your friend".

I introduced him, and I noticed that because he wasn't embarrassed about his nudity, nobody else was either. I made a decision.

"Mum, do you mind if I scrap the trunks?" She smiled.

"How did I guess? Just put plenty of sunscreen on the bits where the sun never shines." She handed me a bottle of high factor sunscreen. "Since you've been in the sea, you'd better do the rest again as well. How about you Peter? Do you want some screen? We can't keep calling you both Peter. From now on we'll call our Peter Pete when you're together. That way you know who we're talking to".

I felt very awkward taking my trunks off. It wasn't just that there was a beach full of people, but I hadn't stripped in front of my parents for years. I hadn't blushed in front of them for a long time either, but I did now. I put on the cream and found it even more difficult to stand there rubbing my privates in front of them. I began to get a bit hard and ran down towards the sea before they could see it. Peter of course came too. I turned to wave and could see them laughing. I suppose as parents go they could be worse.

Peter and I had a great morning. More volleyball with the lads, more swimming, more sitting on the sand getting to know one another. It's strange how sometimes you meet someone for the first time and feel like old friends in about ten minutes, but that's how it was between us. Dad waved us across again.

"Pete, these are Peter's parents. They saw us talking and introduced themselves. We're all going up for lunch at the beach restaurant. Put something on, please."

The six of us went up for lunch, then when we came back to our places, Peter's parents both stripped off their shorts, and to my amazement, so did Dad.

"If you can't beat them, join them," he grinned. Mum raised her eyebrows.

Peter and I decided to explore, so we set off walking down the beach. It went on for miles and after the first few hundred yards was almost totally nude. It was wonderful to swim, then dry off in the sun, then swim again. When we had gone as far as we wanted, we decided to go back through the dunes which seemed to run inland for miles behind the beach and to be almost totally deserted.

The shock came as we topped a dune. There in the hollow behind it were two men lying on towels, and one of them leaned across and kissed the other, who raised his arms and pulled him down into a passionate embrace. I looked away, or tried to, but I found it so captivating to watch that I had to stare. I could feel my cock rising as I watched them.

Suddenly they became aware that we were there and pulled apart. By this time I could see that they both had hard erections - bigger than I had ever seen before, for this was the first time I had seen a grown man with a hard on. I knew that I was in the same state, and when I looked down, so was Peter.

They looked at us, saw the state we were in, then grinned and waved and went back to one another.

I turned to Pete. "Ought we to do something?"

"Such as? Didn't you find it exciting to see two men kissing? I did."

"It shows. Me too. I've never seen men doing that before."

I felt his arm come round my waist and he gently pulled me round to face him, then leaned forward and very gently kissed me on the lips. I couldn't pretend that I didn't want it because he could see and feel what it did to me.

"Boys." One of the men in the hollow called us. "If you are going to do that, don't stand on the top of a dune or you might give somebody heart failure. Be discreet." He grinned and waved cheerfully, then turned back to his partner.

It was good advice and we went down into the next hollow, and this time I took the initiative and put my arms round my new friend. To pull him into a proper embrace. His hands were on my buttocks pulling me in to his body, and suddenly I felt like a man instead of a boy. As we pulled apart (you have to breathe sometimes) I said

"I've never felt like this before about anyone. But you're a boy and we've only just met. It's crazy."

"I feel the same" We kissed again and this time I felt bold enough to run my hands down his front and touch his cock. It was wonderful, hard, hot and a perfect handful. He did the same and I felt as if he had my whole being in his hands. It's not the same, I realised, when someone else holds your prick as when you do it yourself. We lay down on the sand and began to wank each other off. All too soon I came, and so did Peter.

"Where do we go from here?" I asked. "I think I love you."

"For now we'd better go back to our parents or they will wonder what has happened to us. I KNOW I love YOU"

Hand in hand we ambled back through the dunes, then ran down to the sea to wash off any evidence of what we had been doing, and back to our families, trying to act as if nothing had happened.

Our parents had obviously made friends, and the six of us had a last swim, then walked back to our hotel together to shower and relax before dinner. It seemed odd to be wearing clothes again - it's surprising how quickly you get used to going without.

I showered, then the phone rang.

"Yes, mum."

"It's your lover, not your mother. I rang to say I love you. See you at dinner"

It rang again, and just as I was about to say "Hello lover", mum's voice came.

"Pete, we'll see you outside the dining room in fifteen minutes. You might like to know we've arranged to be at the next table to your new friends so you and Peter can sit together."

Dinner was even better than the night before, then afterwards, Peter and I went out for a walk in the dusk, watching the sea as the moon rose. We had left our good clothes in our rooms, and when we got to the beach we stripped again and walked naked. Sometimes we paddled along the water's edge, sometimes went further back on to the beach, enjoying the feel of the evening breeze on our bare bodies, simply holding hands, occasionally stopping for a kiss, just two young lovers discovering one another at the beginning of a perfect holiday.

I think this is complete and the rest better left to the imagination. If you want possible story lines to trigger the imagination, remember that the boys are in single rooms, ask if the two men from the dunes reappear, query whether the romance could outlive the holiday.

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