The Dude Ranch 1 of 2

By an34129

Published on Mar 5, 1995



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      • D U D E R A N C H * * *

Corey navigated the deserted highway, heading up the mountain pass, leaving behind the thoughts of the big city life. His eyes capturing the grandeur, the serenity. Most of all, not another human being for miles. He sucked in the air, smelled the essence of sand and cactus, diminishing the odor of pollution and crowded cities.

Cory Daniels, 25 years old, energetic, ambitious, racing through life like an unleashed missile. He was seeking a respit a long deserved break from the rigors of competition. It was a draining uphill climb to success. The granite and glass towers of L.A. were visual symbols of life in the fastlane. His body still plugged into that electrical field, buzzing from the intensity. He was implementing a way to defuse that highly charged condition, an overload was eminent! He was like a freight train, perilously racing down a track, headed straight for hell and disaster if he didn't get a handle on it.

Women, yes, women, they were pretty much to blame for a lot of his troubles. But then, how could a man so attractive fend them off? How could he say no to all those females pounding at this door? He was like a small boy in a candy store, helping himself to the free goodies. Yet there was price to pay for all that indulgence. He was more like a man bordering on a serious case of diabetes, he had to get out of that candy store.

"How the hell does a man get himself so dramatically caught up in the party life, the fastlane?" He'd seen more than a few of his friends, end up in the streets. The women, the cocaine, the smell of success. It had a price, most just never saw the danger signs, most went over the cliff. Corey made himself a promise, he'd never end up that way.

He was sick of all those slick commercials, offering quick solutions to everything, sex, drugs, and rock and roll! Well, not quite. Most of them never worked, but they kept on grinding out those awful commercials anyway. Whatever drove him out of the city, to seek a more deliberate solution to his own problem, was much more pervasive. He sensed something deep, disturbing growing inside. There wasn't a moment to get in touch with those primal instincts. He was an imitation of what he used to be, out of synqe with the feelings that once guided him. He felt pretty much like a piece of plastic, moving like a programmed robot, dancing to the tune of the 80s.

Something was bubbling to the surface, a rumbling of emotions beneath that torrid skin. He felt it one day, a voice whispering inside. "You better find out what you really want mister, before it's too late!" the voice urged. There was something deep and hidden. Something lying on fertile ground in there, a seed, that was suddenly ripening, pushing roots to the surface. There was no way he could talk to that source, that voice, whispering of far away places. Somehow he knew, getting away might help him discover what it was that was calling him so urgently.

He glanced at the brochures lying on the seat next to him. The rustic appeal, the rugged high country. But something else had titillated his eye, maybe it was just envy, yet that western look, the men, the way they appeared to be so damn free, so wholesome, so appealing. Maybe it was just envy, but why did he stare so much? What was it about that western look that gripped his sense of curiosity?

The Double Z Dude Ranch, offered that appealing ruggedness. Corey chose it primarily because it was strictly all male. He just couldn't have taken a vacation with man-hungry females taunting him every step of the way. That was one of the basic reasons he was getting away, he needed the abstinence, the restriction, the absence of females in his life for a change. The ranch offered likewise, a carbon copy for women, who wanted to escape the ravages of men.

Corey had driven that impressive stretch of miles, all the way across Arizona, to the northern end, to Prescott, a mountainous region, rugged and still very wild. He turned, look down the mountain, at the last glimpse of that vastness, stretched out behind him. Then the greenery, the forest quickly engulfed that last view of the great valley vanishing in the distance..

The long drive was almost over, the welcome sign, signalling the turnoff warned him he was about to leave the main highway. He swung the car off the road, followed the signs, then sped up the last few miles to the new and profound adventure, waiting to change his life forever.

There it was, Utopia, just like the brochures pictured. In a small valley, one large building, and lots of small cabins encircling it. It was rustic, the smell of pine and mountain air was truly intoxicating. Corey drew in a fresh supply, then exhaled the old air, as if he were spatting out the pollution, welcoming the free and pure oxygen of Arizona.

Corey was pleased, how often though, people were disappointed by selecting a vacation from brochures. He was confident he'd made the right choice. He noticed the license plates. Cars from all over the country, from New York to California.

What had Corey come there searching for? Was it just solace, serenity. It was much more than that, yet he didn't fully realize it yet. Those cracks in the veneer were starting to open like fissures, the gasses of some strange, exotic mystery, leeching out upon the surface. The catalyst, the permeating glue was coming together. It would soon cement all those dark secrets on the surface. The suppressed desire would show itself soon, those valid emotions would leap out of the cracks into the sunlit world. There would be no way on the face of the planet, to drive them back into the shadows. A man, a beautiful man, so stunning, so absolutely seductive, with savage appeal, would change all that very soon.

But for the moment, all those notions had to wait, they would crowd out all the roar of the city soon enough. He dropped the suitcases, making a slight noise, stirring the attention of the older man behind the desk.

"Hello there! I'm Corey Daniels, I have a reservation for today," he said cheerfully, staring at the older man, rising up to greet him.

"Well, Mr. Daniels, so glad you arrived in one piece," said the Harry Blanchard, stretching his worn hands to greet Corey.

"Very pleased to meet you sir, you have a wonderful resort here, I'm ecstatic, very pleased I chose it," said Corey, his smile, his glittering eyes, his dark hair, his sparkling green eyes beset his upbeat personality.

"Well thank you young man, we aim to please, like to think we can get you boys back to nature!" he said cheerfully. He was just the sort of man that reminded him of every uncle, that well mannered, gentlemanly appeal.

"We'll get you checked in, then I'll get your counselor up here in a flash," he said, checking off the instructions. He picked up the phone and called Wade Fuller.

"Hey Wade! got your man up here, just arrived, wanna come up and show him around the ranch?" he said, then resting back in the easy chair.

"Wade's my best man, lucky you're getting him as your counselor," he said, his eyes busying himself, up and down Corey's frame. It was almost as if he were being measure out of a custom suit. The old man eye's seemed to burn right through his clothing to his very soul. Almost as if he'd reached in a deep well, then withdrew all his well hidden secrets.

"You'll like Wade, man's a genius, got a knack at taken that city out of you boys, putting the country back where it belongs," he chuckled under his breath.

"That was strange," thought Corey, but he quickly dismissed the notion, it seemed rather personal, as if this cowboy was going to make him over.

Then he saw him, walking confidently, striding up the walkway, like an athlete, taking the highground, accepting his gold medal for excellence. He was tall, about six foot, his gate was not swaggering but rhythmic, like a big cat moving his marked territory. His short blond hair shown like copper, his face was somewhat ruggedly handsome, with a hint of innocence. But that fleeting innocence was only superficial. For beneath that boyish appeal, lay the foundations of a man with sultry sexual prowess, the mass appeal of a rock singer, the powerful thighs of a sexual leopard!

He opened the screen door, confidently strode up to the counter. That casual glance of the eyes, like Gary Cooper, cool and calculating, ripped through his clothing like a hot knife, cutting away the material, leaving him raw and naked. It was almost embarrassing, but Corey held his eyes, watched his coolness quickly turn to more important matters.

"This here is Wade Fuller...Mr. Daniels, he's gonna be stuck to you like glue for the next two weeks," he said, introducing the tanned adonis. Wade is gonna be your teacher, your constant companion, he's here to attend to your every needs," said Harry, making it pertinently clear, that Wade was going to shadow him for the next two weeks.

"Funny thing," how does a man get under your skin when you're a fully operating heterosexual?" he thought, the feelings even dug in further, threatening to pierce that armored skin. Corey felt a little disarmed in his presence. It was extremely difficult to sort out, yet the smell of the man, his body odor was going to permeate his skin, get under his nails, into his hair very soon. It was like a dog, recognizing the scent of the pack. What it meant was not entirely clear, but it sparked something new, a mystery was unfolding, the adventure was lightning up the stage like the opening of a brand new play.

Wade put out his hand to shake Corey's, taking it fully, he felt he warmth engulfing his own, the handshake lingered, while those intense, fluid blues eyes stunned him like a charged of high-energy plasma.

"You like horses Mr. Daniels, I hope so," he said, still holding his hand, the grip grew tighter, he could feel the man's heart beating all the way up the palm.

"Love horses, I go riding in the hills around L.A. a lot, but I'm looking for some more positive adventure on the back of the horse up here," said Corey, his hand still firmly clinched by Wade's. The eyes drew like a vent shaft, sucked the fires right out of the soul, melted together in some unamed dance of mind, seeking out the dark, hidden fantasies.

"Well come on, I'll show you around the ranch, maybe you'd like to get out of those city clothes first," he said, a devilish smile easing across that smooth, yet uneven perfect face.

"Yes, that would be nice, something more casual would do nicely," said Corey, following behind Wade as he led him out of the office and to the cabin reserved for him.

"Lucky thing, you got the one right adjacent to mine," he said, some sort of hidden meaning seemed to linger in that comment, hung in the air, dropped subtly to absorb later.

"You got a kitchen, all the utensils you need, microwave, an oven, but you gotta do your own dishes," he said, pointing the nicely appointed kitchen. All the way up the walkway to the cabin, Wades tight ass was glaring in his face. It was incredible how men like him seemed to be poured in to those jeans. Made him suddenly aware of his own posterior, wondering if it looked that good inside a faded pair of levis.

"Oh yes...excuse me...I was just looking around at the rest of the room," said Corey, stuttering a bit embarrassed, having stared too long at his incredibly beautiful ass. "Dammit, why was he looking at the mans' ass, he'd never been that curious about a man's ass before, women yes, but a man----no way!

Wade sprawled into the big chair, waited for Corey to change his clothes. There was no bedroom, just a small bathroom, Corey somehow felt compelled to leave it open. He stood before the mirror, the angle was precise, he could see Wade looking at him through the mirror. He paused for a moment, thought to close the door, a bit of modesty wasn't required now. He slid the shorts down his legs, revealing the evenly distributed muscles, his body was tight, well defined. Those intense blue eyes behind the boyish face were being treated to a rare delight.

Corey was suddenly aware of those eyes upon his body, his hands lingered a moment against the bare skin, touched for a second the smooth, flawless skin of his buttocks, silky, satin to the touch. He felt those smoldering eyes upon his ass, and wondered if Wade was just curious or if he was was really a homosexual. He didn't appear to be, not on the surface anyway, the idea was novel, he might even be bi-sexual, that note was interesting. It sparked a twinge, a sudden and curious fantasy lit up his brain, a notion that would prove to be on target.

They spent the day just taking in the sights, mostly walking everywhere, getting used to the ranch. Corey was quickly adjusting to Wade. It no longer mattered what the man was, he was genuine, honest, very interesting, and far more fascinating than any man he'd ever met. It was almost as if he'd suddenly acquired a best friend, a school chum from the past, suddenly appearing from nowhere. A camaraderie was quickly being forged, an attachment that would soon become far more emotionally binding.

Three days passed quickly, rejuvenated, properly introduced to the entire ranch. The sing-alongs, the meetings, the general tone of the ranch was quickly licking at his emotions. Corey wanted some excitement now. The quickened appetite for food, the upbeat energy, also lapped at another appetite. He found himself in need of some private company. There was no doubt about who that was. For three days now, he'd lay there in the dark, listened to the sounds of the night, fantasized. Maybe all he was after was a blowjob, perhaps that would quell his thirst for sex. But there was something far more appealing about these suddenly awakened notions. It was Wade who was conjuring them up. Like a big ship passing a smaller one on the ocean, he'd stirred up some pretty big waves, it was getting to the point now, he had to do something about it.

"They were walking in the forest, Wade was pointing out the tracks, the animals had made in the night, it was in that patch of sunlight that he noticed what a handsome man he truly was. He became suddenly aware of that barbarian appeal, that exterior, male appeal, that stung like a bee.

"I'd like to ask you a favor Wade, could you and I take a horseback ride out into the unknown?" I'd be glad to pay you extra," said Corey, his voice echoing back in his head, stunned at the boldness of his request. He could sense the sudden surge of adreanalin, his heart more rapid, his words echoing in his brain.

"Hey---, money isn't important, I'd be glad to, just gotta get one of the other guys to take over my guys," he said softly, turning a brief moment, a very devilish smile swept over his golden face. It was almost as if he'd known, somehow expected Corey to suggest they go off together. The gleam in his eye was like a challenge. It was too late to turn back now. Whatever forces of emotion he'd released, were going to engulf him in a torrent of passion that would change him almost overnight!

That next morning Corey was up at the break of daylight, his gut was tingling, he didn't know why. An excitement churned in his body like a fever pressing against the surface, ready to erupt. "What was this thing he felt, this wild anticipation, being with Wade? Something had awakened in him, a certainty he couldn't fight, like being hooked on booze or drugs. It was stimulating, intoxicating. He could feel the warm sensation oozing up in his throat. Yet is was queer! that growing urgency to to touch the man, to feel his skin, get hard, put his dick his pretty mouth. "Oh God! was he turning gay, was this the dark secret that was now ebbing out of his sub-conscious mind? Maybe he always had homosexual tendencies, but just never had a moment to think about them?

Something was surfacing now, that was for sure. It was eating him alive. Never in his life, never, had he ever toyed with the idea, being with a man. Now...suddenly, in this new place, this serene setting, he'd met a man that stirred more than just emotion. Wade had dislodged that want, that hunger, gone unnourished, a starving torment, reared it's head now, begging for fulfillment.

They rode out of the ranch, the horses' breath hit the cool morning air, the vapor ejecting from their nostrils formed an eerie, pinkish haze around their noses. The sun was just peeking over the mountainous ridge, spilling a brilliant golden light upon the tops of the tall pines.

"It's a beautiful morning Wade, I feel vigorous and very much alive today," shouted Corey, following close behind, the man he was becoming very obsessed with. The strange obsessive behavoir still clung like a guilt haunting him. Yet he had to follow it to the end with tenacity, otherwise there would never be a moments rest until the mystery was solved.

"Great, we've got a lot of territory to cover, got your camera handy," he said, turning, his face suddenly splattered with a shaft of golden light. He lit up like an angel, showered with gold. His hair, his face more a moment almost looked god- like, thought Corey, his admiration turning to adoration.

"Who was being seduced here?" the notion suddenly struck Corey's mind as he rambled along behind the man of his intentions. He'd punished himself enough, dealt with the awful guilt, and questioning of his sexuality. Yet who was going to judge him? Who was going to tell him that he was wrong, wanting a man for a change? "No way would he turn back now, he was going to follow his intuition, his desire, find out for sure if this hunger was real or not," the voice his head kept whispering.

How many rugged miles had they covered? the day was moving on, Corey kept thinking of ways to get Wade off that horse and into some secluded place where he could make a pass. "Jesus! what was he thinking?" he'd never made a pass at a man before." " How the hell was he going to pull this one off?" He felt strangely compelled, but so inadequate, so inexperienced. Besides, how was he to know what Wade would do, or what he might expect so far as sexual gratification? The questions plagued his mind, drummed like a steady beat, tortured him.

Suddenly they came into a small valley, Wade jumped off his horse, leading it to a tree, then tying up the animal.

"Okay guy, this is where were gonna take a break and have some lunch," he said, motioning for Corey to park his horse.

"Got a surprise, you look a little sun-drenched," he said, his face seemed to be full of surprise, the twinkling in his eyes hinted of something much more exciting, perhaps ertoic.

"I come here a lot, it's my secret, not too many know about it, found it last summer," he said, suddenly pulling his shirt off, exposing that sensational, golden body. It was completely smooth, like a womans' body, but definitely all male. Those pecs, those pink, hard tits jutting out, deserved a wild tongue, a hot mouth upon them. His torso tapered gently, rippling with muscles to his bellie button, sensously diving under the tight jeans at the waist.

"Just over there, can you hear the water running?" he said, standing there half naked, his body about to be fully exposed.

Corey tilted his head, then listened for the sound of the water running in the creek. "Yes, I hear it, must be real cold water, way up here," said Corey, quickly guessing that Wade was about to offer him a swim.

"Yes, nice and chilled, just right for two hot bodies to get cooled down he said, loosening the buttons on his jeans, kicking of the boots, then letting the jeans drop away.

"Well, don't just stand there, get those sweaty clothes of if you plan to join me," ordered Wade, his voice was stern, something compelling that Corey could only obey. He watched him turn, his eyes fell upon his backside. Those beautiful buns that had been tucked inside those tight jeans, were just thrust into his face, tucked beneath the flimsy white material of those shorts. Oh yes, they were tempting now, juicy and full, packed tightly together beneath that flimsy material

Corey shuddered, his body quivered, the sight of that beautiful male body unhinged him. He was sure of it now, 100percent sure, this teasing, the constant battle being waged inside was coming to a rapid acknowledgement. He was coming decisively face to face with his conscience, the the burning desire. It leapt into his throat, tightened like a noose. He gulped back the intensity, struggled to keep his composure. Nothing he could do now could stop this surge of passion that raged like a forest fire inside. Like a lamb to the slaughter, he followed barefooted, his tender feet against the mountain trail, following this incredible torso to some ritual. He was about to indulge, without stain of guilt or suppression, openly offer himself to this god as sacrifice.

"Can't take the barefoot eh dude?" said Wade, giggling at Corey, hopping along, dancing at the rocks and pebbles dinging his tender flesh.

"Dammit to hell Wade slow down, you're like an Indian scout, I'm a tender footed city boy you know," replied Corey, teasing at him, struggling to keep up.

Wade stopped, dead in his tracks, "Okay, city boy, let me help you, it's going to be a little rough going down the trail," he said, his eyes were deeper in color now as he offered his strong, muscled arm as support.

He put one arm around Corey, supporting him, so his full weight would not be put on his stride. He felt warm and secure, suddenly feeling Wade's arm around him, he wanted both of them now, wound around him tight, in an embrace.

"Damn, I bet you think I'm a real sissy don't you Wade?" said Corey, a bit embarrassed, having to be helped along like a child.

"Not at all, glad to be of help, after all, you city boys don't get this kind of special care all the time you know," he said, their eyes seemed to catch that deep, penetrating glimpse into one anothers souls. It was as if they were both caught again, dipping into that liquid haze, the lense of the eyes, where passion was begging to be honored.

The water was a welcome sight, the clear pool stood before the, pausing there on the bank. "I think you're okay now," said Wade, relinquishing his strong arm, then suddenly diving into the liquid depths. Corey watched the clear blue water surge as he plunge in, noted his body deep in the clear liquid, like a large fish. He quickly emerged, shaking his head, the silvery droplets enhancing his naked torso.

"Okay you chicken, come on in, don't just stand there, otherwise you'll never do it," hollered Wade for the center of the pool.

Corey looked at the water, knew it was cold, but if he hesitated, he might balk, he dove in, the cold water stung at his body, the sensation surged through him like a hot poker to cool water. He swam up to Wade, saw his legs beneath the water, grappling at them, teasing at him like boy.

"Aha! got you...said Corey, suddenly very much alive, springing out of the water, coming dangerously close to Wade's sensuous body.

"Oh god this is incredible, it's absolutely intense, I love it, I love it," shouted Corey, jumping around in the water, splashing at Wade. Soon they were in water battle, the sudden playfulness was like to young boys, teasing at one another, quickly took on another form of play. Wade was quick, sending torrents of water in Corey's face, nearly blinding him, inching closer with each flood of water until he was on him. It was only natural for him to seize Corey, the victor deserved the spoils, the triumphant became the absolute authority.

His strong arms wound around Corey, slowly he ceased the thrashing about, feeling the compulsion, the sudden awareness that Wade had him held tight. His body was caught in a vice-like grip. Never could anyone have been any closer to his skin. He felt the large, obvious probing at his backside. He was suddenly aware that this bluntness was not a hand, nor an arm, it was his cock, stiff and hard. His body flooded with a hot, aromatic flow of blood. It stunned him, that sudden awareness that Wade's mouth was now kissing at his ear. His hot breath nearly caused him to faint, the roar of his breath was fanning an incredible surge in his own crotch.

"Is it okay, is this what you want?" whispered Wade in his ear," his hands like those of a master, had already secured him, made him an instant slave to his desires.

"Yes, yes...I want it...i want it now, right here!" whispered Corey, aware that only their maker might be watching, his heart and mind had answered true and without any reservation.

Wade moved his hands, pulling down the soaked shorts, they drifted away in the light current, popping to the surface a few feet away. Corey watched the white shorts float away on the surface, and with it, the last vestige of any heterosexual virginity.

Those strong hands ground into his waist, pulling him back in the unsteady current, the big cock forcing it's marbled head between his legs. Corey felt unsteady there in the water, unsure of what was happening. It was like a dream, a wild, beautiful dream, but this was real, intense and very real.

"Can we get out the water, I feel a little weak, can't do it in the water, okay Wade?" he whispered, he didn't want to ruin that special moment, but the water was cold, if it was going to be sex, he wanted it on dry land.

"You wait right here, I'll be right back, gonna get a blanket," said Wade, his eyes were strangely excited, his body taught, he shivered, then took off for the horses, naked and beautiful.

Corey only had a moment to think, the ramifications of what was to come. He wasn't in control, he was a subject, yet the mystery, the outright fascination the electrically charged moment, caused his heart to leap in his chest. He only had seconds to think about the wild pleasures that would surely change him, yet it didn't matter anymore. He was on in this mountain, gazing at the trees and intense blue sky. For very first time in his life, he felt vibrant, alive, and not a bit ashamed of what he was about to do.

"Here we are," Wade suddenly appearing, his naked body was electric, alive and full of desire. He spread the blanket out under the trees. Soft shafts of golden light spilling through the trees. The soft, eddy of warm wind swayed the pines, adding to the heightened sense of the outdoors and the sexual dance about to begin.

Corey lay down on the warm blanket, somewhat modestly expectant, shaded his eyes from the shaft of light, dancing over Wade's nude body. He stared up at him, his caught sight of the large erection, he swallowed hard, it was about to begin. Wade gently knelt beside him. His face shimmered in the light, it was so much like a wonderful dream, yet it was real, touch, taste and smell!

"This is your first time with a man isn't it?" he said politely, gently, his voice was smooth and firm.

"How did you ever guess," said Corey, nervously, he began to shiver, the excitement coursing through his body could not be controlled.

"That was easy, you just don't look like the average homosexual," he said softly, moving closer, his warm hands not upon Corey's flat stomach. It was clear, Wade had indeed inate perception, a trained eye, but far more exciting, he was stunning, astonishingly compelling.

"Oh, and how do you tell them apart?" said Corey, lying back, ready to receive the lips that would set him aflame.

"The way you walk, your general attitude was uptight, very straight, but also very curious," he said, his eyes were changing color now, not unlike the sky, as the hours of the day change the hues, the coloring of blue.

"Then you must also realize that I have no experience, are you going to teach me what I need to know?" said Corey, his lips shuddered, his body rattled at Wade's hands exploring every inch of his body.

"Depends on how far you want to go?" he said, his voice suddenly thickened, like hot oatmeal gurgling on the stove.

"All the way, all the way," whispered Corey, his words quickly muffled, strangled out, cut off by the sudden smothering soft lips that pressed hard against his.

Wade cradled his head, his hands caressed his soft dark hair, rocked his head, rolled it from side to side slowly, deepening the kiss, hot and wet.

Corey's chest rose and fell rapidly, with each successive kiss, the tongue penetrating his mouth, launched a rapid succession of seizure like breaths. He gasped, struggled to control the overwhelming pleasure. He was like a teenage boy, the very first time, that moment of hot, undeniable love-making.

Wade's persuasive hands were manipulating him like a marionette, sending waves of hot sensation surging over his smooth body, flooding it with goosebumps, jumping up like a sea of rippling, fleshy nubs.

"ohhhhhh...slow down...slow down, you're sucking the very life out of me Wade," he couldn't control anything, he had to slow the man down. He was like a racehorse let out of the holding pen, running wild in the pasture.

Wade held his back, then plunged his face onto his chest, suck at the temptuous, reddened nipples, nibbling softly at them, sending another powerhouse voltage, coursing like a wave of nuclear fusion through his grounded body.

Wade wasted no time in finding that sweet rosebud, that tight ring of delight, the temptatious anus, the object of his probing finger. He moved it to the luburous opening, fingered it until it puckered like a mad butterfly, dancing on the end of waving wand. The magic finger pressured it, inching in a fraction, then feeling the velvet tightness tightening around the intrusion.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhhh yes! oh yes, it feels good, it feels good!" cried Corey, urging him deeper, caught in a heavy, syrupy pool of sexual gravity, tugged along in a compulsion, a vortex of ever maddening sensation.

Now Wade's finger was working the velvet passage into a frenzy, tickling the prostrate, sent another surge of delicious, new sensation flooding the perilously active glands.

"You want me to fuck you?" he sighed, his voice was devilish now, full of thick and wanton, raw sexual urgency.

"Yes, but please be easy, please be easy, don't hurt me," whispered Corey, about to plunged into an orgasmic pool, a tidal pool that would forever emersed him, color his skin, change his sexual needs like a a butterfly bursting forth from the cocoon.

Wade was precise and gentle, he knew how to fuck this guy like a woman, he was a worldwide expert in seducing heterosexuals, perhaps better at it than the devil himself. Afterall, it was folly to assume that this was his first, straight male. There were hundreds, some of them still vacationing there, anxiously waiting for another shot at him.

Wade's hand gripped the thickness of his urgent tool, the thickness wobbled in his hand, he guided it right up to the tight cheeks, gently separating them like the delicate, soft buds of a rose. The white cheeks were slick and blushed, the deeper red, circle seemed to pulse as the large, round head balked at the opening.

"Relax, relax! don't tighten up, the whole idea is to relax your entire body, let it go in nice and easy, don't tighten up or it's going to hurt," he whispered gently. Urging like a preacher, he was offering salvation, the sinner to repent, relinquish his body to him, soul and mind.

The big, nine incher periscoped even larger now, the excitement of that quivering ass only pumped more red blood into the surging mass. It swelled like the head of a cobra, ominously ordered the anus to accept the penetration. It gulped the first two inches eagerly, a howl of pain erupted from Corey. It quickly softened to a whimper with Wade's gentle persuasion. Another inch deeper, the squeals turned to quickened gasps.

Mnnnnnnnnnnnnnhhh...ohhhhhhhhhh..ughhhhhhhhhh...oh god! oh god!...Corey thrashed under his weight pressing down on his churning white buttocks. Wade fucked a little faster now, past the three inches, four, five, six! Another series of squeals emitted into the quiet forest, blending with the sounds of chattering birds, then quickly ebbing into quieter groans.

Corey's bellie ground into the blanket, his ass was being assaulted by a battering ram, churning like a huge pole, driving into his firm white buttocks. He felt a sudden carnal desire, now that the cock had drawn virgin blood, he wanted to feel it clear to his bowels. He began nudging his ass upward, jutting the smooth, sweet cheeks into Wade's churning crotch.

"You like it now, you love it up your asshole, don't you?" whispered that devious, devilish voice in his ear, that gentle persuasive man was now the barbarian plunderer, raping and pillaging at his asshole.

"Oh yes I like it! I love every inch of it, push it deeper, clear up my ass, as far as it will go!" gurgled Corey in a wanton fit of passion, his ass was raw now, taken possession by that huge cock, he danced on it, took it like a pro, it seemed as if it might have been there forever now that it was 9 inches, deep inside him.

Wade pinched at his nipples, heightening the sensation, bit at his ears now, his teeth stung like needles.

"Fuck me all the way until I cum, fuck my butt like a woman, fuck me like I was your girlfriend," he urged, the joy spilled out of his mouth, then penetrated up his ass, evoking all sorts of dirty talk, a madness had taken over his body, he could not control the words, only emulate the pleasure his felt deep inside.

With every even stride, every deliberate stroke, Wade loosened those guilty thoughts like sermon eases the pain of sin. They rolled around on the blanket, Wade never loosing an inch of ground, jostling for a new position, any way to get the big cock deeper inside Corey. Every muscle in Wade's sensuous body shuddered and strained, rippled like waves on the ocean. His strong legs snapping tight around Corey, crunching him up even tighter against this wet, velvet skin.

Corey drooled, his mutterings were nearly unintelligible, grueling pressure, immense joy, forced the sounds of pure lust pouring out of his mouth like a holy-roller in a trance.

Mnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhh...ohhhhhhhhh..uhhhhhhhh...oh yes..oh god! fuck the shit out of me! fuck my beautiful ass you fucking jock!" he screamed, the louder he shouted, the more forceful Wade became, deriving permission to sack his ass to the core. He drove and pumped until Corey suddenly let out a squeal that signalled an eminent explosion. Wade instinctively knew, felt that certain tightness around his cock suddenly squeeze even tighter. It was the obvious reaction, the split-second before a massive ejaculation, his anus puckering, all hell broke loose.

"Oh son-of-a-bitch...shove it in...shove it deeper...eeeeeehoouuwwwwwweeee!!! he squealed...then high-pitched squeals bit the air, echoing around the valley. It was simultaneous, like set charges, computerized, at a precise moment thundered together.

"Oh god...oh God! I'm cumming in you ass...I'm cumming right nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! barroommmmmmmmmm! he shot like howitzer, ushering a torrent of hot cum up Corey's ass. He wiggled, shook, slammed at his ass, his cheeks were hot and red, exposed in the sunlight now. The big mass, slippery and shiny....darting in and out of the red hole. Then a stream of cum shot out of the opening, burst out on the satin white buttocks, ran down Corey's leg.

"Oh wow man! your ass was something else, I've never fucked a guy like you before," whispered Wade, his breathing was thick and rapid, like a runner after a mile run. He fell prostrate on Corey's back, they were soaking wet, his hands clinched the firm, softened buttocks, squeezing them tight against his cock, still firmly entrenched.

"Corey was unable to speak, his voice was choked with emotion, he coughed, then choked, his asshole tightened, sent another surge of cum spilling into his sizzling anus.

"Do you all the boys..uhumm! like that," whispered Corey, his arms sprawled out, his body illuminated with moisture. "This is like a ten day workout, fucking sensational!" he lauded, lying there, unwilling to allow Wade to disattach himself.

"I don't fuck all the boys like that, you gotta have the chemistry, you do!" he complimented, his hands smoothing out the raw skin on his backside, sweeping away the thick layer of sweat, then tasting it in his mouth. "You even taste good," he whispered, then lowered his face, began licking the moisture with this warm tongue.

"Oh god! oh're driving me crazy, it tickles, ohhheee!" crooned Corey, he churned his ass in a teasing manner, bucked his ass up, driving the cock back deeper inside him.

"For a guy that's never been screwed before, you sure took to like "a duck to water," he said, tremors of a new sensation were sweeping his thoughts. He wanted something else now, he wanted to suck Corey off with his dick still charging his ass.

"What are you doing?" said Corey, surprised by his urgent hands, expertly turning him like a nurse might do with a patient.

"Just ease over, come on now..just turn that pretty body over, I've got a new lesson for you," he urged, shoving his hand under his buttocks, gently lifting him up so that they rested, came down easy on the cock stuck up his ass.

"Ohhhhhh...ohhhhboy! ohhhhhhhhh...hmmmmmmmmmm...feels good, feels great, suck me!...suck me hard! Wade's mouth took Corey's medium cock in his mouth, it wasn't as big as Wade's but it was only an inch shorter, but that lack of length wasn't going to be a problem later, when the tables would soon turn.

Wade was initiating him properly, there would be no stone unturned, no passion not exploited, he would be brought into the fold like a newly commissioned ship, a newly crowned prince. Wade sucked and banged furiously, again the air around them was tranquil compared to the roaring flames of passion on that blanket.

Wade cradled his buttocks, plummeted, barreled into him again, drove furiously with a newly heightened intensity. He glared at Corey, like a camera, attempting to translate the music of the eyes, how they danced in his head, like soaking wet, blue, lustrous marbles. Corey's eyes grew dreamy, smothered in green smoke and cool green emeralds, flushed like the mediterranean sea at sunset, lightly tinged with a warm fire.

Corey watched his golden head bounce up and down on his cock, the gurgling sensation is his throat as he attempted to swallow the entire eight inches down his throat. "God it was wonderful, those soft lips surging, licking his cock, a primo blowjob, better than anything he'd ever experienced before.

Being assaulted with intense pleasure at both ends whipped Corey to a brand new height. Propelled him like a rocket into the upper regions of ultimate ecstacy. The pleasure was so intense, so uncontrollably electric, he couldn't hold back, he felt his ass tighten again, this time he knew what it meant, the explosion would shoot in Wade's mouth and hotly up his butt.

The burgeoning cock blew, like a pressure valve, unable to hold back the hot steam, Corey shot a huge, hot load in Wade's mouth, he strangled, gulped at it, shuddered at the mass, heaved his back, shooting a mass of hot cum up his ass.

"Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! oh god fuck me Wade....harder....deeper...deeper! his frenzy nearly choked Wade, trying to swallow the hot load.

Unggggggggghhh...cough! cough! uhmmmmmmmmmmm!..oh jesus..hmmmmm...oh damn....he shuddered...damn near choked the hell out of me with that big wad. He sucked at the air...relaxed, let go his grip, his breathing calmed, he fell back pulling the big cock out of Corey's ass.

Corey lay there for a minute like a man stunned by a huge dose of electricity, like a lightning bolt had fried him. His body was still sizzling, vibrating from the ruckus fucking.

Corey sat up, gazed at the man who had just turned him 100 degrees in the opposite direction. He wanted to gaze at this seemingly god-like creature, siphon in his body odor, nuzzle up to his male prowess.

"What lesson was that...I hope it was number 1?" said Corey, his green eyes full of questions, loaded like a slot machine ready to pay off to the player, who happened to be Wade.

"What is they say? "whoever breaks the cherry, gets all the pie?" I just made that up," snickered Corey, his eyes were glistening, his body bustling with a new fever. The experience proven immensely pleasurable. Some heterosexual men might not want to repeat that sexual experience, but something was unlocked now, the door had been opened into a brand new world, he would not go back anyway soon, not until he'd learned all there was to know.

"Tell me something truthfully Wade, since your a man of infinite knowledge about sex, do you think...uhhh..pardon this question...but do you think this will turn me gay?" he said, his eyes were profoundly searching Wade's he needed a logical answer, the right answer depended on Wade.

"Not unless you want it too!" outright gay is one thing, bi- sexual is another, you have to let your conscience tell you what's right for you," he said, his eyes were softer now, more promising, full of body and deeply truthful light.

"So, if I were to tell you...I mean ask you for another date, would you mind, knowing that you might be corrupting me?"

Wade shifted his weight, allowed his hand to freely massage Corey's soft thigh, "Corrupt you! how could I corrupt a man who seems to know what he wants, the way you took that fucking, I'd say you should have tried it a long time ago?" said Wade, his words were direct and sharp as an arrow. His hand delivered a unquestionable answer, he wanted it again, the vibrations were absolutely certain.

"I'd be happy to be corrupted by you anyway, no matter what the consequences, how about tonight, wanna spend a little time at my cabin?" Corey sucked in his breath, anxiously waited the forthcoming reply.

"Why not, from what I just experienced, I surely not going to be disappointed," he replied, his eyes danced cheerfully, the promised a curtain call that would be as torrid as the fires of hell.

Corey was victorious, he leaned forward, his mouth smothering Wade's pushing him back on the blanket, kissing all over his body, he licked at his thick, pink nipples, tasted of his skin, it felt like fine silk against his tongue. Wade leaned way back, scissored his firm legs around Corey's waist, then rocked side to side, bucking his ass up in the air, teasing at his cock.

"Think you can fuck like a bronco, bust into my ass like bull? he teased, his eyes fused in liquid blue plasma.

"You you want to be fucked too?" said Corey, surprised that this muscled stud would want a dick up his ass.

"Not just everyone gets invited in you know, consider your invitation an honor!" he licked at his lips, the sudden urge to get fucked loomed in his eyes. But that would have to be later, in the confines of a bed, he wanted it that way.

The warm water ran down Corey's body, he washed himself thoroughly, spread his cheeks, allowed the warm water to wash away the stains of that hard fucking. He thought how nice it was, no telephone, not a soul knew where he was. It is even more imperative now, that none of those bitches found him.

Traces of new chemistry was forming in his mind, like tiny electronic switches going on and off. New ideals forming in his head. All the notions, the sexual mysteries were unfolding like a giant cosmic puzzle. It was becoming evidently clear, so profound, his most urgent needs had switched channels. But there still remained another riddle, "Would his appetite switch back suddenly, would he tire of this wonderful new pleasure in his life? He hoped not, at least while he basked in this incredible new adventure.

"Stop it Corey, you're not on trial, you're here to enjoy life, and I'll be damned if heaven and hell collide, I'm taking my body to the max, for the moment it belongs to Wade!" he affixed that new rule in his head.

"God he was nervous, his body quivered with an insatiable desire, it was the smell of his body he tried to reacquaint, to taste it again. It lingered all over him. He couldn't completely wash it off, it was forever, indelibly etched in his mind. Just the hint of that odor, suggested the fires of passion, conjured them into a roaring, searing pilar of flame.

The knock at the door rattled Corey, completely shook him to the core. He tucked the white robe around his body, then walked quietly, resolutely to the door. He opened it back, there stood Wade, looking buffed and ready to eat.

"Well, come on in, glad you could make it," said Corey, his eyes glistening, sparkling, as if a challenge had been met, the two gazed upon one another like wild animals circling, sniffing at the strange scent of their bodies.

"Like a beer, got some excellent German beer I picked up down the road at that little store," said Corey turning, anticipating a resounding yes!

"Sure, why not, I love German beer, in fact I'm almost 100 percent Kraut," Wade proudly boasted, taking a seat in front of the bed, his eyes not missing a curve of Corey's body.

Corey's hands were shaking, the bottles rattled, clanking, he held them tight, begged his body to stop this awful anxiety. There was nothing he could do, it was like something had taken possession, turned him inside out, now he had to deal with this tormenting wave of excitement sweeping him from head to toe.

[continued in part 2]

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"What on earth was happening to him," he pondered, pausing a moment, struggling to set his mind at ease, the voices in his head were in direct conflict. That wonderful and exciting sexual foray that day had opened up a the darkness. The sunlight spilled into the shadows, his eyes were wide open to that shadowy world kept hidden. But now, new questions were ripping into him like machine gun bullets, Corey had to deal with this moment, ask himself if he wanted to take the next step, now that it was all to evident. He begged his brain to stop the inquistion, he wanted to cover his ears, shut it out, bury himself in Wade's wonderful body.

"What are you waiting for man?" he's everything in the world, he made you feel alive for the first time in your life, don't fuck this up," the voices raged in his head. Corey turned, the balking was over, he moved in ernest to the other room.

"Here you go dude!" he said cheerfully, his decision to forge ahead was committed now, there was no turning back, he felt suddenly confident he'd made the right choice, especially now that he gazed into those liquid blue eyes.

"Thanks much Corey," said Wade, turning up the bottle, licking at the cool, golden liquid. Corey watched him, studied his body, then was suddenly emersed in some sort of hypnotic trance. Much like a blind man being led along by a guide dog. He had no license to prove himself, this was his first experience. Yet he was always a bit aggressive with females, why wouldn't it work now? He sat directly across from Wade, began to notice new curves, angles of his face, the way the light struck him. He was being inexorably drawn into the first stages of attachment, the flames were licking out, soon he'd be consumed up to his very nose.

Corey stood up, moved to shake off the awkward, clumsiness, that state of inhibitive morality. He wanted to shed the formalities, move comfortably, smell his body, take him for all it was worth. His courage fired up like a boiler furnace, the first action was to move his feet, come with inches of Wades body.

Corey sat the bottle down, Wade watched him, his eyes prowling like a cat, but made no move to stop to interrupt his actions. He put his hands on Wade's shoulders, began to massage them.

"Oh wow, you have nice hands, that feels wonderful, keep it up guy!" he crooned, his eyes shuttered, opened and close in a state of pure ecstacy.

"I think you could give a great massage, how about it?" he coaxed, his own firm hands reached out, rubbing Corey's crotch, the hardness sprung like a big balloon, suddenly filling with hot air.

In an instant, Wade had pulled the t-shirt off, whipped off the sandles, his fingers fought to open the buttons of his jeans, he slid them down, then stood up, his crotch bulging against the pure white cotton shorts. He crawled onto the bed, lying face down, the most blatant invitation was staring in Corey's surprised face.

"Come on dude, hop on, I want a full massage, the works, all the way," he whispered, his throat was gritty, disjointed, choked with emotion.

Corey wasted no time, he mounted Wade, knelt over him, gazed down upon the backside, a most intriguing new angle. He was about to learn the deluxe, lesson 2, heaped upon him by the good graces, the generosity of this beautiful man who was mostly a top. Not many, in fact a few, remote individuals had ever stuck the magic wand up this track, it was prime, grade A, reserved only for those few lucky guests.

Corey began nervously at first, his fingers dancing over the rippling muscles, so smooth, the contours ran like silky waves of exotic tissue. He firmed his hands, gripped at larger portions, felt Wade's body react to his every touch.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....oh yes, you're good, keep it's wonderful," he whispered, his face firmly entrenched in the soft pillow. His body began to sway, like a dolphin at sea, gracefully attuned to every move of Corey's hand. Like a beautiful symphony, the music began with a fortissimo, and would soon range the scale of every note know to man, the beginning of a wonderful symphony.

It was a sudden notion, it came like a darkened room, suddenly being lit up with intense lights. Corey's cock blossomed, mushroomed, stiffened hard as granite. He suddenly wanted to fuck Wade, yet he'd never screwed a man before. The excitement, the notion of shoving his cock up Wade's ass sent a flurry of hot blood coursing like a river of molten lava. Corey was being offered the most sumptuous prize of all, literally offered on a silver platter.

Corey's eyes fixated on the plump buttocks, undulating beneath his crotch, his fired up thighs. He could plainly see the tight, muscled crack, the shadows of his spine, the gentle curve diving into the white elastic band. He reached down, his fingers tugged at the material, it stretched, gave. He pulled the shorts down, the hunger surged at sight of those golden cakes. They shimmered in the light, as if they had been warmed for his taking.

"Lube yourself babe, put some grease on it," said Wade suddenly, locked in a warm state of euphoria, still churning, squirming those delicious buttocks between Corey's firm legs.

Corey applied the lotion to his cock, it was stiff as a totem poll, all shiny and pink, the marble head glistened in the softened light. He let it fall against the satin smooth cheeks, it paused, pulsed there in the deep crack.

"Shove it in... shove it in babe!" he ordered, his voice was thick, intense, full of hot expectation. He reached around, took the thick flesh, helped Corey guide it in.

"Ah!...push...yeah push hard..shove it deep, I want every inch of that beautiful cock inside me now!" he was groaning, heaving, rousting his ass upward to receive the long stiff shaft.

Corey felt the first hot sensation, the very first inch tighten around his cock, felt it pucker, then the heat of his anus invite it deeper. He fucked into the first three inches carefully, like a man in darkened fun house, unsure of what direction to take. But there was only one direction here, in, as deep as it would go. The sensation grew, as Wade's body, his anus took hold, his cock was in a siphon like grip, the satin hole sucked at his cock, drawing it ever deeper now.

Suddenly Wade bucked at it, took it five more inches inside him with a sudden gulp, he cried out, whimpering like a child, his cries startled Corey, as if he'd plunged into a virgin.

"Hey, are you alright, did I hurt you," said Corey, still frightened that he'd tore him up inside.

"Come on, I'm fine, shove it deeper, shove it deeper," he urged, his body spoke the words he could not say, whipping his ass up, driving those golden buns into Corey's gyrating crotch. The feeling was enormously wonderful, he began to push harder, with every inch, he gained stride, each stride was more confident. He was given permission, to take complete control, soon he was fucking that ass like a woman's vagina.

"Oh buddy, oh yeah Corey, you're good, fuck me like a woman babe, blast my asshole with that cock, get me pregnant," he became almost delirious, the hot pleasure of Corey's whipping body had started a passion, a fire roaring out of control, he laid into that driving cock with every ounce of energy he could muster. He thrashed about like a blind man, caught in a vortex, yet eagerly holding on to the body searing against his backside.

Something like a furious wind was moving here, like a tropical depression, spinning wildly, about to become a monstrous hurricane. The fury of the love-making churned all around them. Nothing of the real world seemed to matter. Just the fitful embodiment of their naked bodies, slapping together, fused like hot metal now, riding on the winds of absolute change. It was primal, as if the earth had suddenly heaved in volcanic eruption, rock and earth were melting, metals running together, brand new chemistry in the making, souls merging to become as one.

"Fuck me on the floor, I want it on the floor Wade urged, shifting his body, holding on to Corey still pumping hard at him. Somehow they slid off that bed, gracefully still firmly attached like big jets, refuelling in mid-air. Wade backed against the wall, flung his legs over Corey's shoulders. He needed to see this man's face, to stare into those green, intense eyes, engulf his cock up his ass, hear him breath, taste his mouth, all the time while he fucked his brains out.

"Oh god you're good, you are sensational, no wonder the women loved you," he muttered breathlessly. "Fuck me daddy, fuck me hard, all night, fuck me till I bleed!" hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....fuck me! fuck me...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeee! his head throbbed, rattled against the cabin wall, the tempestuous pounding at his ass was gaining more momentum. Wade had unleashed a storm, loosened a sexual demon from his cage. He was emersed in the fires of fusion and sexual plasma, to withdraw now would be blasphemous.

Suddenly and instinctively, Corey felt the anus grip at his cock like a vice, it signalled the pressure of his own cock, about to explode, Wade's own body shivered in a sudden fit of explosive energy. Together, the blew like a giant steam engine, that valve gave way, a torrent of hot juice, flooded wades anus.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....mother-fucker! I'm cumming...I'm cumming! he screamed, the hot load blew, sent a stream of hot fluid splattering all over Corey's body, he felt the warm liquid run down the side of his face, trickling all over his chest.

" hot butt fucker!" he cried, still shooting inside his ass, keep fucking my hot ass," he screamed again, flooding his anus. He felt Wade shoving harder, his anus sucking at his wad, wrenching the last drop from his bulging shaft.

The act was purely volatile, a sexual explosion as befitting as any performance past or present. Wade thrashed about...his he bit his lips...groaned from deep inside like a huge bellows...the air rushed out of his lungs, he wailed like a child, his face was flushed red, he cried literal tears of joy as the moment bloomed into every shade of passionate red.

Corey wasn't finished, he caught Wade's face, slowed down his rocking motion, then covered his mouth with a deep, wet kiss.

"You are the hottest thing I've ever fucked, you are the very best thing I've ever fucked!" whispered Corey, sandwiching the compliments between the deep kisses. He was still punching away in his hole, his cock still stone hard, Wade grunting between the successive stabs.

Corey's mouth left a trail of fluid, down his face, across the hot, pulsing veins in his neck, down his chest, across the stiffened pink nipples, sucking them deeply, swirling his tongue, teasing them until they shot up to touch his soft lips. Then he traveled down the sweetness, the sweat laden tunnel of his muscled stomach, lapping at the warm liquid, the essence of Wade's soul and body. He found the big erection, lashed out with his hot tongue at the shiny pink head. Tasted it fully, then let his soft lips succulently swallow the first four inches. He gagged for a moment, but went to it like a kitten lapping a bowl of milk. His hand and fingers clutched the savage thickness, felt the massive tube bulging, spreading wider, growing thicker. He could not help the compulsion that drove him to take the shaft deeper into his mouth.

Slurping, sucking...licking until he was certain this was a giant lollipop, delicious and sweet, ready to bloom in his mouth. Only minutes of sucking had set the flesh aflame, a guiet thunder was about to erupt, hot liquid igniting in the balls, a massive pulsation warned of eminent eruption. Sprurtttttttttt!!!! he shot fast and furious...sending a torrent of hot cum spraying into Corey's mouth, he choked, spat...gurgled, sucked like a mad man, nearly swallowing the big 10 inches...but he managed to gulp the full load, avoid being choked to death by such a massive thrust. He flung his head back, his cock was still in Wade, he felt it puckering, again he shot...burst a brand new batch off him. He heard his whimpers..his cries of fitful passion, getting both ends serviced, was the greatest of all sexual pleasures.

A violet haze swirled around the room, two males bodies tangled in an endless dance of sexual exploitation, mingling like syrupy liquid, the brew of every living desire, to the core of every fibre, a vat brewing a chemistry of life and living tissue, molding it them together.

How could he have let him go, his eyes grew watery, the tears ran warm down his face, his eyes were no longer that strong, clear blue, the redness mingled, muting it, somewhat defusing that shocking clearness. Wade watched his car pull away, kept his eyes on it, finally disappearing around the bend. He turned, feeling empty and helpless.

"What could he have said? was there anything that would have made a difference?" he wondered, crushed and anguised, he lashed out at himself. The frustration grew, like a giant miasmic cloud, engulfing him in a piteous cry, that wailed like a lost child in his heart. He wanted to run, to race away in the forest...scream out to the heavens, but nothing would bring him back now...he was gone, perhaps forever.

"What would it have been like, why didn't he ask me to stay? I would have got down on my knees and begged him to let me stay," he bit his lip, a trickle of blood ran down his chin, he didn't even notice it, he was so stunned, feeling lost and disemboweled. "He felt suddenly used up, all sorts of feelings streamed into his mind, then carelessness overtook him. The road began to weave like the back of big snake. The tears in Corey's eyes ran like water, obscuring his vision, he was off the pavement now, the car lost it's grip, the wheels grappled to support the car, it skidded and went over the embankment.

Wade saw the Sheriffs' car pull up in front of the office, watched him go inside, his heart shot off like a rocket, his pulse ran wild. A sudden bolt of fear burned his brain, his feet were moving, then running, he scrambled through the screen door, appeared there out of breath.

"What's happened sheriff, what's going on?" he shouted, between the gulps for air. His eyes darting around in his head.

"An accident up the road, one of your people I'm afraid," he said, his face was not exactly the barer of good news.

"Is it serious, fatal or what!" what the hell happened!" his voice was louder now, the concern blazed in Wade's eyes, the obvious concern would give away his real feelings.

"The boy was flown to Phoenix, he had head injuries, very serious, I can't tell you anymore," he said, turning to Harry.

"You got any information about the relatives, couldn't find any telephone numbers, he got any friends or relatives?" said the sheriff, flipping through his notebook.

"Yes, he's got me!" said Wade, turning to the sheriff," he looked at Wade a little strange, then just shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm taking off for Phoenix Harry, I got time coming, so don't expect me back for a few day," said Wade, turning quickly, his heart thumping his chest. "Oh please dear God, don't let him die, don't let him die!" for the first time in his life he suddenly felt the real pangs of love. That terrible feeling that he might lose Corey forever. "No way way are you gonna die and leave me! he shouted to himself, reinforcing his feeling until his heart beat out an sure rhythm, that Corey was going to make it.

"Hi fella, you okay, didn't get much of chance to tell you how much I cared, I thought you wanted to get back to L.A.," said Wade, clinching his hand. It was weak, he couldn't speak, his head was wound up in bandages. He felt his fingers tighten, the grip was reassuring.

Wade bent over the bed, turned to see if anyone was watching, then softly kissed his mouth. Corey's eyes grew suddenly brighter, clearly a brighter sparkle than was there a minute before. A very weak smile, slightly tilted the edges of his mouth.

"I love you, I love you with all my heart, I'm staying right here in Phoenix, until you get well, then I'm taking you back to Prescott with me," he vowed, then waited for a reply. Two squeezes meant it was okay...three meant he was in love with him...four---that would have to wait until he was out of the hospital.

Wade bent touch his mouth again, kiss it fully, then drifted off in the thoughts of their life together, the final chapter, the waiting, the lonely nights, the endless list of sexual partners was finished, his life was about to begin all over again. END

by Mark M. Forston copyright @-1989

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