The Dryad

By reece .

Published on Mar 8, 2012


All the disclaimers apply. This is a work that solely belongs to me and may contain scenes of sex between consenting legal guys. If you like my works then please drop me a line at

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The Dryad Part 2

My skin the colour of pastel lime, My hair as dark as Ivy, My eyes as dark as Belladonna and My aura as Powerful as can be.

We weren't always enemies me and the triplets although we were also never friends. We acknowledged one another but I had my circle of friends and they had theirs. However me and Mark did speak a fair bit he was the eldest of the three, the one who ripped his mother in half. He was the self-appointed ring leader of the three and we always said hi to each other but nothing beyond that really. I was never flamboyant in secondary school, I think it was just the constant lack of a girlfriend or an interest in girls that made people guess that I was gay yet even though people said these things and even though I hadn't confirmed it the triplets still smiled when we passed in the hall and Mark still smiled at me. So with everyone saying it I decided to just say yes every time they asked and I just agreed and they weren't shocked and life went on. It wasn't until two days later when the triplets came running from behind me, I turned around and thought they must be late for something so I just carried on at the same pace. That was until my pace was interrupted when a big fist collided with the back of my head and my face hit the asphalt floor. My pace was interrupted when a foot kicked me in the ribs whilst another couple of feet were stamping on my legs and kicking me in the head all the while having disembodied voices telling me that I was a disgusting faggot, voices that I recognized as the triplets. That was the first of many beatings I had from them and eventually I started running and more importantly escaping.

I woke up in the morning to sun peeking out around the edges of the curtains at the other end of the room, in the softest sheets I have ever felt and feeling refreshed and alive like never before. Speaking of alive, my dick was rapidly coming to life and being the age that I am I couldn't stop myself resisting its call. At first I was quiet repulsed by the idea of jacking off in my dead grandmothers bed but due to this new impulsive nature I just couldn't stop myself. So off I went, I grabbed my seven inch uncut dick and played slowly with the head of my dick using the back of my nail to stroke the nerve endings on the sensitive part of my head which elicited gasps as I felt the harsh mix between pleasure and pain rush through my body. I usually just went at it like a rabbit but I al of a sudden wanted this to be slow and oh so brilliant. I used my other, free, hand to caress my balls rolling them slowly around in my hand as I played with the top of my dick. I started to move my other hand down and, after slicking it with some spit, started to push it into me feeling around for my prostate as I started to move my hand up and down on my shaft. I found it and pushed down wiggling my finger back and forth as I moved my hand up and down steadily faster. The faster I moved my hand I started shaking but then I realised it wasn't me it was an earthquake the whole room was shaking but I didn't care I was so close. I moved it up down faster and faster and pushed my finger in deeper and deeper.

"AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH" I screamed in pure ecstasy my body racking around as the orgasm shot through me in waves. My eyes were completely hazed as a wave of what felt like electricity and fire coursed through my veins, along my arms, around my torso, down my legs till finally another massive explosion kicked off in my brain and I felt like screaming again but I was so lost in this void that I didn't know what to do or where to look or where to move to. Finally it the orgasm subsided and I stopped moving and after my vision cleared it was a few extra seconds before the earthquake stopped and I realised that I was glowing a pale green all over my body.

The slight pale green glow that had surrounded my body had now dissipated and I put it down to the fact that I was now a Faun. When I had got over the initial shock of how powerful my orgasm was and then the eventual realisation that it must have been me that caused the earthquake as there has never been an earthquake in these parts before, I got myself out of bed and looked at the time. Realising that I had very little time and that I was naked and had dried solidified cum stuck all along my chest made me panic a little. I had never missed a day of school although god knows I had every reason too. I ran into the bathroom and quickly turned the shower on and heard the hum of a boiler in the loft. Wow, I thought to myself, my gran had a boiler I though she would have cold water. Well she did have hot water sometimes she pour it on us, nothing like warm water to get your systems going in winter, was the reply I got from the rose bush outside the window. Great now I have to talk with plant, I though to myself, is nothing sacred I thought I would just get some cool abilities but no now I have to get my mind read by plants. Don't forget animals, replied a soft voice that came from a vixen outside the house, and don't worry if you train you'll be able to block us out but as your so new you'll just have to contend with us, she continued.

After I had finally got showered and more importantly got over the news that I could talk to animal AND plants I grabbed my stuff from last night, quickly put it on and ran out of the bedroom. My bag was by the door and as I moved to grab I stopped and looked at the kitchen contemplating with whether I had enough time to eat and looking at my phone again I realised that I would have to run all the way to school to get there on time. As I grabbed my bag and my keys, I quickly got out of the door spun around and locked it. When I turned away from the door in front of me was a rapidly growing strawberry bush and even though it was sprouting from the ground I was still going to be late yet I couldn't tear my self away from this bush that was now covered in strawberries. I took about seven, held them in my hand and thought a thank you. Unfortunately every living thing screamed back `your welcome', something that hurt my head. As I moved up the short bank of grass to the tree line I noticed the bear was back and was sitting on the floor waiting for me.

`Hop on' it thought to me, so I complied and jumped on its back and it set off at a pace that was quick enough for me to get to school in time but slow enough that I didn't have to hold on and could eat my strawberries. Bears have 42 teeth, just popped into my head and although it felt rather invasive I did quite like these little bits of information that kept on popping into my head from time to time. As soon as my strawberries where finished my bear seemed to have noticed as he started to run faster and faster until I was forced to hold on to his mane. We ran past many different types of wildlife and every single thing that we passed stopped what they were doing and turned to our direction, all of them stopping to stare at the new Dryad.

When we got to the tree line I though t that the bear would stop but the bear didn't he kept on running. Roark forest is pretty central and its only about two miles to school from there so I could have ran on my own and made it but the bear just carried on through the big field taking me towards the hill that hid the school campus, a campus that I had spent my entire life on. It had a primary, junior, secondary and sixth form education and I had been taught at all four. We reached the top of the hill and as I expected the bear stopped and let me down, I was very thankful something that I thought just so he would know I was yet I think he knew as before I could finish thinking it the bear kind of smiled at me.

`Your welcome but you must go from here as I cant be caught' the bear thought back to me and I was thankful that it did just so I knew for sure that it got my message. I looked down and checked my phone for the time and was happy to discover that I would make it in time. So there I was looking down this hill and I couldn't help it but this childish feeling came over me. I got down on the grass and ignoring the fact that it was slightly wet with the morning dew I laid down and acting entirely on impulse I rolled down the hill. Feeling the world spin around me and feeling myself coated in nature was simply bliss but alas due to the fact that I was spinning really fast and the hill wasn't massive, although it was fairly big, my little trip came to an abrupt end as I reached the foot of the hill and the gates of my school.

I'd made it just in time to get to my maths lesson and settled myself in to enjoy three hours of learning about binomial expansion, trigonometry and integration. At lunch I was sitting in the common room and looking towards the hill I saw Rabbits up and down the hill. Hundreds of rabbits. All of them staring at the school along with the constant stream of birds I now saw flying above the heads of the rabbits. Crows, seagulls, blackbirds, magpies, many different species that even from this distance I could pick out. It wasn't until the end of the day that I realised how different, weaker, I felt when I was in school compared to how I was when I was in the forest. I felt more alive than I ever had done in the past.

I though about going home to my house going back to that empty house but I decided against it, I had my own house and a family that was extensive and my home was surrounded by them. It wasn't just the trees and the animals and anything else that was there it was my heritage, my birthright.

As I was on my way back to the cottage I had only managed to get to the foot of the hill before I heard the shouts and jeers coming from somewhere behind me and instantly I knew it was them.

"Oi, faggot, wait up your due a beating you fuckin' queer" Mark shouted at me and my first instinct was to run but as I turned back to look up the hill I knew I couldn't run. One, because the forest was relying on me being a good guardian. Two, because I had power and I was sick of running from those overbearing bullies and three I wouldn't have been able to go anywhere as I was faced with a sea of rabbits all staring at me. Creepy. So I just stood there staring at them waiting for them to close in on me waiting fro their blows to come into contact with my body, feeling the fear and panic rise in yet knowing that I had to do this for myself, for the bear, for the rabbits, for the vixen and for the rose bush. I had to do it because I am the new guardian and it is my duty.

"Alright, the little fag has learned to stay put like a good little bitch" Mark said to his brothers who just looked at me and leered. Then I saw it, this aura around them an aura which took the shape of a beast, a beast that towered above them with neon yellow lights for eyes and the heads of wolves, long muscular arms with sharp claws and long muscular legs also ending in claws, all covered in fur.

`Werewolves, particularly nasty bastards with a mean streak and a knack for violence, as a nature spirit you have power over them and they should obey you although as you are really new to your abilities we will protect you for now' I heard recognizing the vixen from earlier in the day.

`Well what do I do and what do you mean WEREWOLVES those things don't exist' I sent back hoping beyond hope that no one else would but especially not the rabbits I don't think my head could manage everyone talking at once. Unfortunately the bunnies didn't get that memo and I was treated to a racket until I told them to shush so I could hear the vixen.

`Well fauns don't exist either and I think you'll be able to see their true forms you, something you are probably experiencing, can see auras to a degree however in supernatural beings you see their true forms and in this case you are standing next to werewolves, sometimes they run through the forest in their packs and your grandma let them however she raised hell when they went hunting in her forest. She ripped the power of the wolf right out of all the wolves involved in the hunt' the vixen replied to me giving me some information about the werewolves although if they ran in a pack how many more were werewolves that lived in these parts.

"Hey bro iv got an idea why don't we take him to the forest for a bit of fun" Nick said to Mark with that same cheeky look on his face "I don't mind sharing him with you" Nick said. Sharing! So his brothers knew and they didn't mind yet they still beat me up and Sharing! I'm not some piece of meat to be raped I thought.

`We know' replied all the rabbits in unison kinda creepy but in an odd way very reassuring.

"What the fuck?! You hate me but your perfectly fine with having a gay brother!" I shouted at mark completely shocked with the way he was behaving towards me and how hypocritical he was being.

"Oh I don't just have a gay brother. We're all gay but the difference is that Nick thought it would be a great idea to beat you down into a submissive slut and guess what you are. So now that we have what we want we are gonna treat you like the bitch you are!" he leered at me, spitting at me through clenched teeth. After he said those words to me I realised that I am no ones bitch if anything he was mine, I ruled him and in time I would learn, like my grandmother, and I would rip out his wolf straight from his soul.

"That's funny `cos I thought you were the bitch or at least a bunny" I said to Mark silently willing the rabbits and the birds to come to my rescue. The vixen said it herself I was new to this and had no control as of yet over my abilities and that they would protect me for now.

"A bunny?! Are you fuckin' mental. Bro I don't think you did a good job maybe we should just fuckin beat this shit to within an inch of his life and maybe then he'll realise how lucky he is that he's gonna get to service us". Mark said to himself and his brothers completely ignoring me until he remembered I was there and started to swagger towards me.

Then nature took over, instinct told my brain to scream `CHARGE' at the surrounding Rabbits and birds and the very grass beneath their feet turned against them. The rabbits ran at once around me and the triplets truly noticed them for the first time as the bunnies ran at them jumping and biting at them with their sharp teeth and as this happened and the triplets turned to run they saw the massive flock of birds heading towards them sharp talons and sharper beaks at the ready.

The boys didn't know where to turn and were surprised to see roots appearing at their feet entangling their feet. I stood there observing with the biggest grin on my face and they just stood their looking at me fear on their faces.

"Its not very clever to piss of a Faun wouldn't you agree boys?" I asked with a well deserved smugness in my voice. That was until something came flying at me. It was fluffy and it was white and it was limp. Its head was caved in. I caught it in my arms and looked down at it and something new erupted in me. The fear I felt for my own safety was my human instinct but the rage and fear I now felt for all these animals, all willing to die for me, was something completely new.

I laid the bunny down and shouted to all animals to move away from them my mental voice void of mercy and blazing through the animals minds' like a wildfire. My body took on that same glow and all stopped. All the boys stopped struggling, the rabbits stopped biting and the birds settled and stopped flying. The animals moved away from the boys and gave me a clearing, all them sitting on their haunches waiting for me to do something all of them chirping away between themselves.

First I touched the Rabbit that lay dead next to me. I felt with my soul how the skull had fractured and had crushed into the brain. I felt my grandma. Not as in a spirit but just a presence guiding me whispering words of encouragement in my ear. I skull reformed and the brain started to mend as an aura of green mixed with blue surrounded the bunny's head. Like reversing time in a tiny place. All the while the boys looked on as I brought this dead bunny back to life. It sat up and just looked at me. `I'm keeping you' I thought.

`Thank you so much and it would be an honour' it thought back to me. Even standing here glowing pale green filled with rage I couldn't help but laugh at how cute this young bunny's voice sounded in my head.

"I'm gonna call you Jasper if that's alright" I said to it receiving a curt little nod in return. So cute.

"FUCKIN' QUEER!" Mark spat at me re-fueling the rage that I was feeling moments ago. I turned to him and he was holding what was quite obviously a broken leg.

"You think that hurts Mark? You clearly need to learn a little bit about pain I said back to him leaving my anger for him to feel in full. I advanced on the three boys whilst thin brown vines encircled them, sprouting up from the ground and weaving between them. Feeling the pure anger emanating off me all the animals whop were curious about what I was going to do had decided to shuffle back lot more and I don't blame them. I was acting entirely on imagination and what I wanted to happen, I didn't know if it would work or not I just hoped it did. I wanted those bastards to know the pain I've felt and the pain they will feel if they touch any animal from my forest again.

"Babe can't we just talk?" asked Nick of course he just pissed me off further so I willed vines to wrap around d his head I wanted to save their faces but alas they might as well all be identical so I wrapped vines around the faces of the others as well. The vines then slowly developed thorns and the cries of discomfort quickly turned to shock and pain. I could feel my ancestors whispering to me telling me to continue, I could feel the rabbits and the birds, the vines and the grass, Jasper, The Bear, The Vixen all encouraging me to do it, to send a warning to all that oppose me and my forest. The thorny vines that were intertwined in the bodies of the boys started to rush back into the ground, the thorns ripping though their skin some breaking off inside them. The vines were detangling themselves and rushing back with such speed that when they returned to the ground the boys were unrecognizable. Their clothes lay in ribbons around them and their naked bodies were covered in a multitude of deep red lines running in, despite the situation, quite pretty patterns.

After I got down from my power trip I realised that I could have killed them so I quickly phoned an ambulance and ran up to the top of the hill. Whether they were conscious or not I don't know but I still shouted at them from the top of the hill.

"Think twice before you touch me or my forest!". They had no right to be how they are and I am so happy that they will learn what it felt like to be me.

I returned to my forest instantly feeling stronger and whilst walking through, a legion of rabbits behind me, I received many compliments from the trees and the other surrounding plants, I even got a well done from a queen bee. As I got to the cottage I noticed that the rabbits had dispersed to their own homes and now all that stood behind me was Jasper and Vixen.

`Fancy coming inside' I thought to them and got a nod from both. I walked down the little bank of grass and walked towards my house. I stopped at the newly developed strawberry plant and fed some of its fruits to Vixen and Jasper and had some myself. I stepped to my door, turned the key, and entered, closing the door after Jasper and Vixen had entered.

This is my true home, these life forces are my true family and this is truly were I belong.

Next: Chapter 3

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