The Druid


Published on Sep 7, 2009


The response from the readers is most gratifying and the more the merrier I say. So do let me know what you think .......

Chapter 12.

The cock in the yard made his waking call and the people lying about in the forge stirred one by one coughing and spluttering. The druid was already awake and sitting outside facing the rising sun in the east. Stefan stood, stretching his beautiful lithe body and yawning as he looked about for his man in the crowd. He moved outside rearranging his morning erection to be less obvious in front of the younger ladies in the room. He went outside ducking his head to get through the doorway and saw his charge sitting in the morning sun glowing like a beacon. He moved towards him feeling a twitch in his linen shirt where his cock lifted the fabric slightly. He felt desire mounting in his heart and elsewhere as he placed his hand on the man's shoulder. The druid place his veined hand on the younger man's and looking upwards, smiled. 'Well my boy, did you sleep well', he asked. The boy answered with his eyes, winking and smiling as he turned to face his man. He looked down at his swelling cock and moved closer to the object of his desire. 'I slept but my body was aching for you all the time my Lord druid'. 'I can see that', he replied, as he touched the growing bulge in the boys shirt. The druid massaged the bulge ignoring the people who moved about in the early morning sun.

They paid scant attention to the man and boy who were of a different position and social status to themselves. This man was powerful and his warrior boy was quite beautiful and it was not their place to judge their betters. They moved past with their heads bowed and left the pair to consummate their happy activity. When the druid has consumed the sweet and salty contents of the young man's early morning erection he looked pleased and invigorated. He moved to stand and called one of the boys who had been watching from behind a tree and told him to help Stefan place his brat correctly around his waist and folded the rest over his shoulder fixing it with his beautifully worked bronze pin. The young boy smiled as he fixed the Kilt in place using the opportunity to feel the young warriors arse through the material. H e brushed the warriors back and felt his muscular and solid shoulders and arms, the druid looked on and saw that the young boy was having a great time and began to show it as his cock bounced against the warriors leg. Stefan pulled away slightly and looked at the boy who blushed. He looked at the druid and was uncertain of his reaction. He noticed that the druid smiled and looked pleasantly at the boy and back to him. He asked the boy if he knew how to get to the rath of Connor Og and would like to act as their guide. The boy smiled and said he would have to ask his father but it would come back he was sure. He moved away at the trot and soon came back smiling widely and saying that his father was proud to have him act as the guide for two important personages like themselves. He carried a small sack with him with some provisions for the journey. He was eager to move as were his two charges. They moved out of the village on the path and soon left the smoking forge and homesteads behind them. The forest became denser and the number of people they passed grew less and less until they were quite alone on the road. By the mid-day sun they had reached the half way mark and decided to stop and rest. The druid sat on a fallen oak tree and ate some bread, Stefan brought him some water from a nearby stream and passed him the cup touching his fingers as he did. The druid looked into his eyes and said, 'Stefan, I am tired after the journey but I would enjoy greatly if you would entertain me by teaching this young man a thing or two.' He called the boy over and asking him if he would like to wrestle and enjoy the pleasures of Stefan's company while he snoozed after lunch. The boy looked quizzically from the druid to the warrior and back again. He smiled, and rubbing his hands together nodded his approval. He told Stefan that he had no experience at all at all and that he was eager to learn from a great warrior like himself.

The boy stripped off his clothing revealing an adolescent body, his sixteen years had been kind to him, he was beardless but muscular and proud of his body. He looked at Stefan and folded his arms standing firmly on his feet and mocking Stefan with his eyes. The Druid laughed out loud as he eyed the boys young and smooth body. Stefan removed his brat and linen shirt. He stood naked in front of the Druid and the mocking boy who had rubbed his cock against his leg earlier that day. He felt a desire to show this boy who was the best man in front of his lover.

There is no need to describe the beauty of Stefan's body, suffice to say that both the boy and the druid drew in a breath as they watched him move in a circle about his prey. The younger boy crouched and turned on his feet as he guarded eye to eye contact with his opponent. The years as apprentice to his father, the village smith, had given this smooth boy a grip of iron and a dexterity which had to be seen to be believed. His sweating body glistened in the sunlight and he intertwined with Stefan, they fought like two inter coiling serpents, twisting their beautiful bodies about each other. The druid watched with enormous pleasure as the boys moved their graceful bodies against each other, rubbing, grabbing, holding and mauling each other like two juvenile tigers. The competition was quite fierce and there was much grunting as you would hear from a pigsty. The Druid sat on his tree trunk with a look of satisfaction on his face. The combat had lasted over half an hours now in the blazing sun and both boys were becoming exhausted, their naked bodies shining in the sunlight smeared with sweat and dirt.

Owen Mc Gabhan, (Owen, son of the smith), finally caught the bold Stefan by the hand turning it solidly behind his back as only a man with a grip of iron could. He held him is this position in agony and moved him forward breathlessly until he reached the tree trunk where the Druid sat. He forced Stefan closer still until his face was opposite the crotch of the old man and said, 'now my demand as champion is that you satisfy the druid as he satisfied you this morning as I watched you.

This is my demand also that you accept my manhood in your entrails while you do it. Do you agree'.

Stefan, said 'yes' through the side of his mouth. He gave the impression that he was not happy when in fact the idea of being forced to service his own lover while being fucked himself gave him an enormous amount of pleasure. He had an erection like cold iron and his balls were hanging full of Irish cream.

The druid lifted his long flowing white linen shirt to reveal his uncut cock in its nest of grey curly hairs. His bulls balls hanging down between his outspread legs. His rounded belly was just showing as it quivered in anticipation of the caress of Stefan's beautiful mouth.

Owen pushed the warrior forward until his face was right against the druids cock and said. 'Eat it warrior', he pushed harder squeezing Stefan's hand to breaking point. The warrior was in heaven as he opened his mouth and took the still flaccid cock in his mouth , he worked the head with his tongue making it harder and harder as he sucked like a demon. When Owen saw that his man was busy in pleasuring the Druid he released his hand which immediately rejoined its partner in touching the druids body, malaxing his chest and rounded belly while his mouth did the job. He separated Stefan's beautiful rounded cheeks and took his hole, pushing with great strength as Stefan did not know whether to come or go...It was hot and hotter still as the trio took and gave pleasure with the ease of a rich man giving alms to the poor.

The climax arrived leaving the men happy but tired and they half slept for a while all tangled up together in a relaxed pile of white flesh. The arrival of the wren who sang by the druids ear woke them. The messenger of the Dagda related a long story to the druid that only he understood. He flew off again and the druid stood. 'We must make haste boys' he said grabbing his staff and moving forward. The boys helped each other dress as they rushed to keep up with their master.

Next: Chapter 13

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