The Drive in Series

By Butters2020

Published on Oct 13, 2021


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The Drive-in

Chapter three




It's a hot night but that's not why I'm sweating. It's trickling down my back and from under my arms. I'm scared I'm gonna pass out. We're in Frank's car. He hands me a bottle of Coke. "You look like me my first time," he says.

I want to thank him for the pop but my throat is so dry I can't do much more than croak. I nod and use my shirt to protect my hands from the bottlecap and pry it off. We're in line to get tickets at the Drive-in. I get in for free but Frank doesn't. I'm not sure if still get in for free if I'm with someone who has to pay and I really don't want to take time to work it out with Turkeyneck. I hand Frank a dollar. "Movie's on me," I croak. I take a sip of Coke.

"You ain't gotta do that," Frank said. I wave it away. I wish I would stop sweating. When we pull up to the ticket booth I don't look away like the cheaters and queers did the night I filled in for Turkeyneck. That would be a dead giveaway. I look right at him.

"Hey Turkeyneck," I say.

He looks surprised to see me in the car. "Zat you, Bobby?"

"Jeff has the bubble guts tonight. I don't want to miss this one, though and it's the last night it's playing."

He doesn't say any of his usual smartass comments. He just nods and gives Frank fifty cents back, not charging me. Frank drives straight to Condom Alley. "You okay?" he says.

"It's so goddam hot," I say. "Can we roll down the windows?"

"Sure." I roll mine down while he does the same with the driver's window. "We don't have to do this Bob. We can just watch the movie."

I shake my head and wipe the sweat off my face. We sit in silence for a while, just looking at the movie screen. Dancing cartoon hotdogs and boxes of popcorn urge us to visit the concession stand before the movie starts. For two years I been wondering what it would be like to have someone-Jeff mostly-play with my pecker. Or suck my hardon. Now here I am. The funny thing is, I'm not thinking of Frank doing any of that stuff to me. All day long all could think of was doing stuff to him: playing with his boner and sucking on it. I don't care if he does anything to me at all. I can jack off my dick anytime I want. But I've never touched anyone else's and if I don't touch another boy's dick or put a cock in my mouth...I just have to know. I mean I think I know but I have to know I know, you know? Is George right? Am I one of us? One of him and Frank?

I look over at Frank. I never noticed before how good looking he is. I say, "You look just like Spin from Spin and Marty on the Mickey Mouse Club. Did anyone ever tell you that?"

He groans. "Only all the time." He looks at me nervously and says, "Can I tell you something?"

I nod.

"I had a crush on you in seventh grade."

"Get outa here!"

"For real. Every time I cranked one out, I thought about doing stuff with you."

I blush. Never in a million years did I think anyone thought about me the way I think about other boys. I look at Frank's lap and see he's pitched a tent. "Can I see your dick?"

"I hope you wanna do more than look at it," he ways as he unbuckles his belt.

I want to ask him what kind of stuff he does with George but I don't want him telling people what we're about to do so instead, when he shimmies out of his jeans and then lifts up his ass and pulls his briefs down, and his boner is right there, sticking up and looking beautiful, I say, "I don't know what to do, Frank."

"Just do what feels right. Except cornhole me. I don't take it up the ass. Not yet anyway."

"Ain't that what queers do? I ain't arguing, I just don't know."

"You ain't seen George's whopper. He ain't putting that thing up my ass in this lifetime."

"Trust me. I don't have no whopper," I say.

"Yeah? Let's see. Fair is fair."

I've had a boner since we parked. It takes me ten seconds to get my jeans and boxers off. My boner is about the same size as his and leaking like a faucet. Frank is grinning. "You got a weepy one. I like that."

"It's never done it this much," I admit. "Truth is, this is the horniest I ever been." This time he's the one who blushes. I reach for him in a mother-may-I way and he nods, giving me permission. I finally get to feel a hardon that's not mine. It's not Jeff's but it's never going to be Jeff's. Frank's is a fine consolation prize. It feels hot in my hand. Hard, but soft if that makes sense. I can feel the power of him in his cock. He takes a sharp breath when I grab him.

I don't jack him off but run my fingers over the head of his pecker. He ain't got his foreskin, like me and Jeff do. It's weird feeling the exposed head of his boner. I let my fingers flit all over the head and it flares up. Frank takes another sharp breath. "You sure you never did this before? You know all the spots that feel good."

"I done it to me, but that's all." I leave his dick to explore his balls. They rest on the seat of the car. They're bigger than mine and hang lower. I roll them in my fingers, weighing them. "Do you spunk a lot? Your nuts are huge."

He laughs. "Less commentary, Dr. Anatomy. I feel like we're making a movie for Biology class."

I don't laugh back. I leaned over to study his balls and his aroma hits me. Something about the smell of his nuts goes straight to my dick and a big ol gob of honey oozes out of it. "Frank?"


I don't know how to ask what I want to ask, and anyway he already said I could do whatever feels right, and right now there's only thing I want to do. Hell, I NEED to do it. I lean over and grab his boner and bury my face in his nuts and breathe in his scent. My boner throbs. I don't know what I'm doing. I have no experience. I'm going on pure instinct. I stick out my tongue and lick his ball sack.

He does that sharp breath again and mutters, "Oh yeah." I take that as a good sign and lick his nuts again. Mama has warned me a thousand times that all it takes is one puff of Reefer to make me a dope fiend for life. If reefer is anything like balls, she's right, because after those first two licks I'm addicted to licking nuts. I don't know how long I lapped at Frank's sack while I ran my fingers up and down his boner.

After a while he says, "Bob, please. My dick."

What was it Mama said? You start with reefer and graduate to heroin? I start with balls and graduate to sucking cock. I'd been running my fingers up and down Frank's boner but now I grab it, like I'm afraid if I don't it's going to run away. Twenty minutes ago, my mouth was so dry I could hardly speak and now I have a never-ending supply of spit, which comes in handy when you're a cocksucker.

Why is that such an insult? This morning if someone had called me a cocksucker, I would have kicked his ass. Now I claim it with pride. You're goddam right I'm a cocksucker. Everyone should be a cocksucker. Doctors should stop giving lollipops when you get a shot and start giving cocks to suck as a reward instead. I'd get a shot every day of the week if it meant I could suck a cock. I must be okay at it because when I lick my way up Frank's dick he moans, which makes me moan too.

"Oh, Bob," he whispers. A tiny part of my brain remembers his window is open. I don't care. I'm too high on the taste of pecker. I keep licking up his dick until I get to the ridge where his shaft meets his head. I pay special attention to that part. Slurping and licking it and he moans again. From the corner of my eye, I see him put his left arm out the window and grab the roof of the car.

I run my tongue all over the head of his dick. "That feels so good, Bobby." I kiss his dick, the way I used to practice kissing before I went out on my first date with a girl, which I will never do again. With each kiss to his dick, I stick my tongue out and flick it against the head of his pecker. Every time I do, he moans again and tells me how good I make him feel. The whole time I'm sucking him, cock honey is flowing from my dick non-stop, but I don't touch my boner. My hands are too busy playing with Frank's balls and stroking his dick while I'm licking him.

And then I slurp in his cock, taking as much of him into my mouth as I can. He brings his arm back into the car and rests it on my head, joining his right hand which has been on my head for a few minutes now. He looks at me bobbing on his cock and now his hips are lifting up to meet me, fucking my face while I suck him and that knowledge, that he's fucking my mouth is intoxicating.

"Oh God, yeah. Suck me, Bobby. Jesus. I'm so close, please don't stop." No worries there. I never want to stop. I tug on his nuts and jack his cock while I suck his cock and bathe the head with my tongue. Jesus, who knew dick tastes this good? And then he's hissing urgently, "Oh fuck, pull off! I'm cumming! Pull off!"

No way am I pulling off. I want his cum.

"I mean it! I'm cummmunnnnhhhh!!!" and his dick is spurting in my mouth one blast of spunk after another and my cock is tingling so hard all it will take is one touch and I'll be blasting onto his front seat. I try to swallow all his spunk but every time I get it down my gullet another blast fills my mouth and he's still grunting and groaning and gasping and I'm not sure but he may be dying and how the hell will I explain that to the ambulance drivers and Sheriff Parker? But then his dick isn't spitting spunk anymore and he's breathing again and his fingers are running through my hair. "Jesus, Bob, that was fucking fantastic. Gimme a sec to catch my breath and then let me do you."

I sit up, smiling. He grins when looks at me. He reaches for my face and wipes up a bit of spunk that has oozed out the side of my mouth.

My boner is so hard it hurts and I'm more than ready for him to return the favor but first I have to know something. "Frank? Do queers kiss each other?"

He doesn't answer with words but mashes his lips against mine with a hunger that matches my own.


I don't know how long I was knocked out. I must have landed on my right side because my shoulder, arm and leg are beyond fucked up and my right hip is making noises and feels creaky like it's in two pieces instead of one. When I woke up I wasn't on my side, I was on my back, but still in the yard. The first thing I was aware of was how much I wished I was knocked out again. I never felt that much pain before.

The next thing I noticed was my dick was still hanging out of my fly. It was no longer hard. I was able to put it back in my pants with my left hand. Not back in my underwear, just in my jeans but fuck it, that had to be good enough. I tried to pull up my zipper but only managed to pull it up halfway.

I'd been trying not to cry out but the pain proved too much. "Mom! MOM!"

I must have passed out again. When I woke up the next time, I was in a hospital bed with plaster on my hip and casts on my right leg and arm. The arm and leg just felt stiff and like they belonged to someone else but my hip was killing me. Mom and Bob were in chairs next to the bed. Sunlight was shining through the window behind their chairs.

"How long?" I asked.

Mom jumped out of the chair and nearly climbed into the bed with me, smothering me with kissed. "Jeff! Jeff! Oh, my boy! Jeff!"

Bob said, "Since last night."

Mom was still hugging me to death but being careful to avoid the right side of my body. "What time is it now?" I asked.

Bob looked at a clock on the wall that I hadn't noticed. "Almost two-thirty. I ate your lunch. Sorry. I can get you something from the cafeteria if you want." I shook my head, trying to get used to the fact that I'd lost several hours. Bob said, "What were you doing on the roof?"

I remembered what I saw just before I fell. Frank's spooge on Bob's chin. I found it hard to meet his eyes. "Looking at Venus," I said.

"Too bad your stomach was feeling better. If you still had the bubble guts you would have stayed in bed."

Mom stopped hugging and kissing me to look at me all worried like. "Your stomach was bothering you? Why didn't you tell me?" She pushed the bell on the wall that I guess called a nurse. "Do you need some Milk of Magnesia?"

"I need something to make me stop hurting. What's wrong with me?"

The nurse walked in. "That's a comprehensive list young man. You have a simple fracture in your tibia, a complex fracture of your ulna, a dislocated shoulder, which has since been relocated, and your pelvis was broken into two pieces. I'll bet you felt that."

"Is that my hip? I still feel it."

"Not quite but the same general area." She took out a harpoon. "I'm afraid your right cheek is out of commission but your left cheek will do nicely. Rolling over won't be very much fun."

Bob saw the needle and smiled like he was remembering a private joke. Easy for him to laugh. He wasn't the one getting stabbed. "What's the shot for?"

"You won't like getting it, but you'll have having it. Trust me, sweetie." I know a liar when I see one and she was on the up and up. I let her help me roll onto my side and she wasn't lying--- it was no fun. Neither was getting jabbed with that ten-foot needle.

She fluffed my pillow and called me sweetie three more times and took my temperature and my pulse and left the room. Mom said she had to go to work but she'd be back soon and said Dad might come by later. She kissed me goodbye.

Which left just me and Bob. My best friend who I couldn't look in the eye.

"Venus?" he asked me.

Whatever was in that shot was already working. I felt a little woozy. "How long you been here?" I asked him, ignoring his question.

I could hear him talking but he sounded far away. That shot was ten times more potent than Uncle Jerry's recipe.


His guts was so tored up he couldn't go to the movies, but when he's miraculously cured an hour later, he celebrates by climbing on the roof to look at Venus? That's okay for when Mrs. Riley is in the room but I know better. "Venus?" I ask him.

He doesn't answer me. "How long you been here" he says. It ain't like him to keep stuff from me, not that I have a right to throw stones from my glass house. I say, "Your mom called my house last night but Mama didn't tell me till this morning. I came here right after breakfast. I coulda killed her for waiting to tell me."

He closes one eye, like that's the only way to stop seeing double. "Cut her some slack. You know all about not telling people shit," he says.

Did he find out I went to Hazelton without him? "What do you mean? I say.

His voice slurs when he answers me. "I been asking you all summer what's wrong with you when you look like you're miles away. 'Nothing. I don't know. The future's tugging at me.' That crap. Why didn't you just tell that instead of being with me you wished you was sucking Frank Edey's dick?"

Turkeyneck. That lying sonofabitch and his "my business is my business" bullshit. But it couldn't be him. When did he have a chance to tell Jeff? "That ain't true," I say. "All those times, I never once was thinking of Frank. I didn't know Frank was queer then. I swear." I don't bother denying I sucked Frank. I don't know how Jeff knows, but he knows.

He doesn't answer. I think at first, it's because he's so mad at me, but then I see he's sleeping. I don't know if he heard me. "I swear," I say again, more softly. I go over and stand next to his bed. He's completely out. I see beads of sweat on his forehead. The nurse just took his temperchur and didn't say he had a fever. I credit it to the Georgia summer. There's a pitcher of water on the table next to the bed and some washcloths. I pour some of the water onto a cloth, wring it out in the basin next to the pitcher, and wipe his brow.

"All those times you asked me where I was, I wasn't thinking about sucking Frank's pecker. I was thinking about sucking yours," I said. "I thought of kissing you, too. I daydreamed of you kissing me back. But that ain't never gonna happen. So last night I thought I'd try to grab a piece of happiness with Frank since I can't never have it with you."

I used the washcloth to wipe my cheek. "And I was happy, Jeff. For going on two hours, I felt a happiness I never thought I'd feel. I shoulda knowed I wasn't entitled to it. I shoulda knowed it was too good to last. Now I'm paying for it. You're hurt. And you hate me. Just please don't tell nobody, Jeff. I know you don't owe me nothing, but it would kill my mama and daddy. It's bad enough you got to share my punishment, but please don't make them share it, too."

I'm talking to myself. He's sleeping hard. His busted bones don't hurt him thanks to the shot the nurse gave him. The fall busted his bones but I busted something else in him. I don't know if it's his heart or what but I busted it. I hope the shot has stopped that from hurting, too, at least for a while.

Chapter 4 is coming soon. I enjoy getting feedback and answer all emails. Feel free to email me at

Next: Chapter 4: The Drive in 4

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