The Dreamer

By Roman Genesis

Published on Jun 5, 2000


-------------------------------------- About this story:

This is my first try at putting a story up on this nifty web site. Please Email me at with your reaction to this story and any questions or comments you have. Special thanks to all of you who have written. It makes my writing seem worthwhile. So now, without further ado...

The Dreamer - Chapter 7

Steve slowly walked down the steps into the glowing water and I watched his every movement from the deep end of the pool like the fox ready to pounce. He was so beautiful and perfect. I wanted to devour him. All I needed was a plan.

"This is so cool," Steve said wading further and further out. "We have this whole place to ourselves." I found myself growing more and more aroused watching him. I had to settle down. I dove down underwater and swam to the very bottom, the pressure growing almost unbearable. If this wasn't going to be enough to settle me down, I didn't know what was.

I stayed down as long as I could and then came up and gasped for air. I looked over and saw that Steve was treading water, watching me. I swam over to the jumping board and climbed out of the water. "Watch this," I said. "It's my perfect dive." At the end of the board I could look down at Steve and the refraction of the light let up a little. The underwater lights were making him glow and he looked so good.

I ran to the end of the board and dove down into the water, making sure my swimsuit had 'conveniently' slipped off. "Oh shit," I said coming to the surface. Steve watched intently to see what was wrong. "I lost my fucking suit," I said.

"Oh well," he said. "At least your dive looked good." He laughed at my predicament and I swam over to my suit which had floated to the surface. I attempted to put on my suit, but it was hard to put on in the deep end with nothing to hold on to... Just what I wanted.

I didn't really know what I was doing. I just wanted to be naked in the pool with this amazing guy. Steve wasn't saying much, probably unsure of what he was supposed to say... If anything. He floated there watching me, looking rather uninterested. I hoped I hadn't read him wrong.

When I got to the shallow end I put my suit back on, but made sure the strings weren't tied tight enough so I couldn't lose them again. When at first you don't succeed...

"How often do you come down here like this?" Steve asked, coming over to me.

"Well, I used to come down here a lot with my friend before he moved." I really didn't feel like talking about my past right now. I wanted to lose my suit again. "I'm going to try my dive again. I can do better."

He gave me a half-smile when I said this and it was eerily like the half-smile that Justin used to give me. I shook the thought out of my head. I didn't want to think about Justin right now either.

I hoisted myself out of the water and walked around to the diving board at the other end of the pool. I climbed the small ladder and stood there a moment, and took a deep breath. Perfect dive, I told myself. I ran down and jumped into the air and came down perfectly perpendicular to the surface of the water.

My suit slid down to my ankles and I helped them the rest of the way off. Not as perfect as I had hoped... But the real test of my dive was coming up. "Shit," I said coming to the surface. "Lost them again."

Steve smiled and shook his head. I must have looked like the biggest idiot. I probably read him completely wrong. What would this surfer-soccer player boy-god see in me. I struggled to put my suit back on feeling defeated and depressed.

"You might as well keep it off if you're just going to lose it every time."

I froze. Did I hear him right? I looked up at him and saw that he wasn't kidding. "Good idea," I said. I built up my nerve by counting to three and continued. "Only if you do also."

He seemed to consider this for a moment and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay." He made the motion that he was taking off his shorts and threw the soaking wet boxers out of the pool. I grabbed mine and threw them out as well. My dick became instantly erect. I couldn't believe I was in the pool naked with Steve. Steve of all people!!

"Weren't you going to work on your perfect dive?" Steve asked me. Oh shit. I was completely erect and Steve wanted me to get out and do a dive. I figured I could control it again by holding my breath. I dove underwater and swam down deep, the pressure once again drumming on my ears and I shot up to the top, gasping for air. I was basically back to normal so I pulled myself out of the water and walked around the diving board completely naked.

At the top I looked over at Steve and saw him watching me. Luckily it was dark, because seeing him from this angle was quickly arousing me again. After I dove in, me and Steve swam around the pool for a while, basically keeping to ourselves. We were two sharks, sizing up our prey, thinking what we should do next.

After a while, Steve went over and sat on the steps and just sat there. I figured this was my chance to go over as well. As I came up closer to him he said, "You know, we didn't get much studying done."

"I'm not worried. Are you?"

He flashed me a big smile and said, "Not anymore." I wasn't sure what he meant by this so I let it go. I was reading into his every gesture and every comment trying to find something that would give me permission to get closer to him, but everything he did could be taken the wrong way. I might have been reading him totally wrong and maybe he saw nothing in me.

"I always loved swimming," I said. "Me and my friend Sarah used to go swimming every day." I laughed nervously and went on. "We used to give each other foot massages all the time." I looked over to gauge his reaction.

He was smiling at me. "Hell yeah, foot massages," he said excited. I looked away and looked at the water rippling by us. I was so horny by now and I'm sure I wouldn't have said what I was about to if I wasn't.

I thought for a while if it would be a appropriate and then decided, to hell with the consequences. I counted to three in my mind like I usually do to build up my courage and asked the question. "You want one right now?"

I didn't even look over at him. I was so fucking nervous and the temperature of the water felt like it dropped several degrees. There was silence from him for a second and my comment just lingered there in the air. I had crossed the point of no return.

"Sure, I guess," he said. He didn't sound to sure. I turned and looked at him and he slid his body around on the step and stuck his foot out for me. He watched me with not so much as a grin. His face was gentle and calm. His hair dark hair looked so cute wet. I reached out with my trembling hand and took his foot.

I started to rub it and he just looked at me with the same serene look. I tried to concentrate on massaging his foot. I was starting to have second thoughts about this. Slowly though, he closed his eyes and tilted his head back, the muscles of his neck straining as he got into it. He wasn't watching and I slowly started lifting myself out of the water to get a better vantage point to see him.

It was the first time I got a really good look at him and his dick was sticking straight up. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a thick trail of public hair running all the way from his navel to the base of his dick and I started rubbing my hands up his up his ankle without even thinking.

He let out a slight sigh and I slowly sat back down. "God, you're good at that," he said without opening his eyes.

"I've had a lot of practice," I said, trying not sound to queer. I was still nervous of what he thought of me.

"You want me to do you now?" he asked. Hell yes, I thought. I knew he was talking about my foot, but it was fun to dream. I let go of his foot and stuck mine out for him. He took it in his hands and began rubbing. It was heaven on earth, feeling this incredibly hot guy rub my foot out here all alone with nothing on. My dick was hard as a rock and straining now. I wanted to put my hand down and just press it once, but decided I better not.

My eyes closed on their own and now it was my turn to tilt my head back and be transported far away. I wasn't in the pool anymore, I was floating through heaven. He slid his hands, ever so gentle, up my ankle, but stopped at the same place I had on him. I wished to god he would keep going up my leg.

He let go of my foot and I sat up and looked at him. "Okay, something's wrong with this," he said. My heart must have stopped beating when he said that. I sat, frozen in terror. Did he think I was coming on to him? Had I gone to far? I was at a lose for words, but he went on, "This is getting me really excited for some reason."

Relief washed over me and the whole realization of what he had said did not hit me because I was just thankful he didn't think bad of me. He sure knew how to scare a guy. "Probably from being in this public place naked," I said. We were both trying to act like we weren't interested in the other. I didn't know how long this charade was going to continue. At least I figured it was a charade. I might have been reading the situation all wrong.

"Probably," he said. We sat there in silence for a while and I watched the glowing green-blue ripples move past us. It was getting colder and I started to shake.

"God, it's getting cold out," I said. He smiled and I looked back out at the water. I figured I was going to have to make the next move. Maybe he would let me give him a back rub now since he liked the foot massage so much.

I counted to three in my mind and said it. "You want another massage?"

He lifted his foot toward me and said, "A foot massage?" I could detect the excitement in his voice. He was so cute.

"No, a back massage," I said. I couldn't keep back a big grin because of the excitement in his voice. He turned around and floated over the step toward me. I brought my hands up and at fleshes touch, my mind opened like a flower, allowing the full realization of the moment hit me. I had this guy completely wrapped around my finger and I loved it.

I gripped the top of his back and then let go. I slowly began rubbing in circles and all the way down his back. I was in lust, and my hands couldn't help but convey this. I was possessed, my hands wandering further than a normal back rub entailed. I rubbed further down his arms and further down his back than ever before. I gripped his flank and ran my hands up to under his arms, feeling the hair.

This boy sat helpless. I was in full control and I felt powerful. I had the reins now and the future held what I wanted it to hold. My hands seemed to be attached to him now and they groped around the back and sides and down the arms of this tan, built boy.

I wanted to lick him and put my hands on his chest and it took every once of control I had not to. I couldn't see his face, but I bet he was loving this. As much as I was... Probably not.

Again, I slowly began to rise out of the water to look over his shoulder. Inch by inch I rose, so he wouldn't be able to detect. My hands continued rubbing, further and further down his arms, feeling the muscles ripple beneath his strong biceps.

I continued to rise, and slowly, over the horizon of his shoulder, his dick began to rise, like the most beautiful sunrise ever. If I thought it had been big before, I now redefined my definition of large. This guy was hung like a horse, and every inch of it was straining straight up. Maybe he was enjoying this as much as I was.

When I saw his manhood, the barrier and everything that had been holding me were shattered. I became a possessed animal, out of my mind. Lust, yearning, desire filled my mind. I wouldn't be able to tell you the day of the week right now if you had asked. All rationale were gone. My sexual instinct drove me on.

My hands dove down over the horizon of his shoulder and down over his thick, muscular chest. I didn't stop until I ran over his nipples. I lifted my head up to the heavens and closed my eyes. It couldn't get any better than this.

My hands made their way back up to his shoulders and I continued rubbing his back with all of the ferocity of a hungry beast. My hands ran down to his flank again and their limits were broken again. They wanted to feel this guy's happy trail and nothing was going to stop them. With one hand, I reached around him and rubbed his flat, hard stomach and down to his navel. I slid over the hair below the navel and began to bring my hand back when I accidentally brushed the top of this hard tool.

He didn't so much as flinch. I was afraid for a moment that I had crossed the line that we had silently made, but I guess I was wrong because with his hand he reached down and grabbed my foot. I was startled at first, but then he began running his hand up past my ankle and over my shin. I mirrored his action and grabbed his shin and began sliding up and over his leg hair that was floating freely in the pool.

His hand slid over my knee and my hand ran over his. Over the rough skin of his knee my had traveled and then slowly up his thigh. He was driving me wild and I thought I was going to orgasm before he even touched my straining dick. His hand worked it's way to the inside of my thigh and up toward it's goal.

My hand was also running up the inside of his thigh, just barely skimming the surface, the hair becoming thicker. His hand was upon my dick at the same moment mine was upon his. The sensation startled me in a beautiful way. Tingles of pleasure ran up my spine.

My fingers ran up the length of his shaft to the head and back down. We were exploring and every move I made was a mirror of his own on me. I ran my hand back down his shaft and he shivered with pleasure as I did so. His back was still to me and I couldn't see his face. I didn't have to though. I knew exactly how he felt.

His fingers moved down to my balls that were hugging tightly to my body and I ran my hand over his. He obviously couldn't take the torture anymore because he finally gripped my erection, his youthful energy slowly beginning to jerk me off. I followed his motion and gripped my hand around the hard, pulsating shaft of his dick and ran my hand up and down. This guy felt huge in my hand. He must have had at least an inch on me and that was saying a lot. I wasn't that small myself.

My whole body began to tingle as we stroked each other. My breathing was getting heavy and my heart was pounding. I was in a state of ecstasy and I knew it wouldn't last much longer. I stroked him harder, my hand going all the way to the head and then slamming back down on the hairy base. His hips began to move as he fucked my hand and I did the same to his hand. The feeling was building to a violent climax and I knew I was going to cum.

I moaned as I started to shoot my load and my whole head spun out of control. I bucked my hips and he held me tightly as load after load where shot. The sensation was dying down and I began to get my mind back together after it had been so violently ripped apart.

I let go of him and floated back and away. I gathered a giant breath and sank down underwater, away from Steve. The sexual journey was over and had resulted in a devastating contemplation I neither understood nor desired, face to face with something superior to my ability to reason. One thing was certain though. My life would never be the same.

End of Chapter 7 ---------------------------------------------

Email me and tell me what you think of my story. Questions or comments are welcome. I'm writing this for you all, so feel free to give me some suggestions or whatever. Chapter 8 and the fall from grace are coming in a few days.

Next: Chapter 8

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