The Dreamer

By Roman Genesis

Published on Jun 2, 2000


-------------------------------------- About this story:

This is my first try at putting a story up on this nifty web site. Please Email me at with your reaction to this story and any questions or comments you have.

I want to address something right now though before I go any further. Some of you have commented on the horrible nature of Alex's character, but you have to realize that Alex is the perfect Anti-hero and while we can all feel sorry for him, we should not look up to him. Special thanks to all of you who have written. It makes my writing seem worthwhile. So now, without further ado...

The Dreamer - Chapter 4

I couldn't sleep that night. The implications of my discovery were to much to handle. I relived the dream over and over and the more I did the more sure I became. The boy from my dream had been Justin. There was no doubt.

I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was three and slumber was not going to visit me any time soon. I turned the light on and decided I would read something. Reading books for English class always knocked me out so I grabbed the book I did my non-presentation on, "A Separate Peace," and thumbed through it. I especially like the part where the narrator tried to kill his best friend. I could really relate to that. Finny, his friend, was just to perfect. I would have tried to kill him too.

At four I put the book down and turned the light off. I slept in short bursts throughout the rest of the night and when my alarm went off at 6:30 I turned it off and went straight to the shower. My dad was still asleep and I smiled to myself. I felt victorious.

At the bus stop the bus rolled up to me and I walked up the stairs and said hello to the driver. Today was going to be a great day, I just knew it. And I didn't even like Thursdays. I stopped short and looked at me and Michelle's seat. She was sitting in it and so was someone else. She shrugged her shoulders slightly and I shook my head. Sometimes it seemed that everyone and their mother would ride the bus and other days it felt like just me and Michelle. I had no idea where these people came from.

I looked to the seat next to hers and saw Steve sitting there alone with a slight grin on his face. I sighed and sat down next to him. "Hey, Alex," he said cheerfully.

"Hi, Steve," I replied. I looked over at him and saw that he had another one of his surfer shirts on. He looked really good. The bus rolled off and we sat there in silence for a moment.

"So, what are you making in Croon's English class?" he asked me finally.

"An 'F,'" I told him unashamed.

"Oh man. That sucks. Maybe we could study for the final together. I could help you out." I realized that my palms were getting sweaty. The thought of my and Steve alone together somewhere was making me rather hot and uncomfortable.

I didn't answer and we drove along in silence. Out of the corner of my eye I could see every little movement that Steve made. He fingered the edge of his ear slowly and tugged at the bottoms of his board shorts. I looked at his tan knees and felt myself getting aroused. I shook my head and tried to clear my mind. I always got an erection on the bus in the morning. From all the bouncing around I'm sure.

"So, does that sound like a good idea?" Steve said. I looked over at him and saw him looking me right in the eye. His lips were shaped so perfectly and his eyes were a piercing amber color. I felt his leg hair against my own leg and I started to get really nervous.

"That's fine," I said quickly, not wanting to take my leg away from his. I had to though or else I would be walking into school with my dick hard as a rock. The bus rolled to a stop in front of the bus ramp and we all stood up. Michelle made her way over to me.

"Sorry I couldn't save your seat," she said.

"It's fine," I said, cutting her off.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked me as we walked into the school.

I rolled my eyes and said no. She was always asking me if I was mad at her when I have a lot on my mind. It was kind of annoying. I didn't know what I was going to do about Justin today, but I knew I had to do something. I began to wonder if he had the same lunch time as me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Steve walking down a different hallway than us and I tried not to stare. I began to wonder if he was hitting on me. I wasn't gay, but I wouldn't mind if he was hitting on me either. He was very attractive now that I thought about it.

The day was slow as hell waiting for English to roll around. I had to see Justin again and confirm that he was the boy from my dream two nights ago, even though I didn't have much doubt. Finally, the bell rang and I quickly went to English. I wanted to be there to see him walk in.

I walked in and Mrs. Croon looked at me for a second and then back down at her papers. She was probably pissed that I was still in her class. I sat down and waited for the class to start. I looked at my reflection in the picture hanging next to me and made sure that my hair looked okay. Just then, Justin walked through the door and casually made his way across the room to his seat. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He seemed to move in slow motion and I held my breath as he walked. He looked over at me and gave me the same half-smile he had at the store.

Right after he sat down, Shannon began talking a million miles a second to him and I found myself becoming very jealous. I wanted to be over there talking to him and finding out all about him.

Mrs. Croon started the class and two students did their presentations. Throughout both of them I kept looking over at Justin to see what he was doing. Most of the time he was simply watching the presentation. I tried not to stare, but it was like my eyes were possessed and eternally attracted to this angel, this god, that had captivated them.

I began to formulate a plan as to how to approach him. I was sure that if I could get him alone again I could talk to him like a rational person and not a bumbling idiot. I could be just as cool and suave as Tim any day. I figured I would see how he gets home after school. That way I could maybe plan a "run in."

My plan was set and after the bell rang I waited behind in class and followed him out, but not to close that he would notice. He went straight to his next class, which was some art class and I went to my next class also. The whole day I found myself thinking of Justin and what it would be like to be his friend... or more.

When there was five minutes left in class I got all my stuff together and waited for the bell to ring. When it did, I basically ran to Justin's art class and waited for him to come out. I stood several feet away and in a place where he wouldn't see me. I hoped he wouldn't take to long because I didn't want to miss the bus.

I waited about a minute and I was about to give up when he walked out of the room and off toward the student parking lot. I followed him down the crowded hallway and almost lost him a few times because of the thick congestion of people.

He walked out toward the student parking lot and I figured he had a car, but then he kept on walking down the road. He must be walking home, I figured. I followed him as far as I could and then looked down at my watch. The bus was going to leave in about one minute.

I sprinted off back through the school and ran up to the bus. The driver had already closed the door and I had to pound on it to get his attention. He let me in and we were off. Panting, I sat down next to Michelle and tried to catch my breath.

"Where were you?" Michelle asked.

"I had to stay after and finish an assignment," I lied to her. I looked next to us and saw that Steve wasn't there. I was kind of depressed about that, but forced myself not to think about it.

"Oh. Can I come over to your house today?"

I looked at her and said, "Sorry, I have to work again today." She frowned and looked out the window. I knew we hadn't hung out in a while and she was depressed, but I had been really busy lately. We drove in silence the rest of the way, which was odd for us and then we got to her stop and she left after saying a weak good-bye.

I began to feel really sorry for her. She liked me a lot, I knew, but I just wasn't attracted to her. The bus stopped in my neighborhood and I got out and walked to my house.

By the time my dad dropped me off at work the rain had started and I was glad for that. The rain always relaxed me. The gloom and darkness seemed to mirror my very inner self and bring justification to my existence. I walked in soaking wet and clocked in. Going out to one of the registers I saw that Tim was here, mopping web spots by the door and right next to him, without fail, was Tina.

He would mop for a moment and then stand there and talk to Tina, leaning on the mop, looking as suave as ever, charming my poor unsuspecting boss. I'd had a little more of that little shit than I could handle. He was just too fucking perfect and maybe he had to hit bottom just once to realize what it was like from down here.

I walked over to the employee rolodex where everyone's telephone number was listed and looked up Tim McDaniel's card. I wrote the number on a small slip of paper and put it in my pocket. That fuck was going to get what he deserved. The rest of the three hours I worked just wouldn't go by quickly enough. Finally, when my shift was over I walked outside to the pay phone and stared at it for a while, the sound of falling rain easing my mind.

I guess I should have felt bad about what I was about to do, but I didn't. I felt only a lingering sense of justice. I picked up the phone and, dropping the money in he slot, dialed Tim's number.

"Hello," a woman's voice answered. The dye had been cast. Tim and Tina's lives were over.

"Hello, is Mr. McDaniel there?" I asked.

"This is Mrs. McDaniel, can I help you?"

"Oh, Mrs. McDaniel. This is Eric, one of Tim's friends. I work with him and I have something I need to talk to you about. I'm worried and I don't think I can talk to him about it," I said with as much urgency in my voice as I could muster. I used Eric's name, another kid at the store that I don't like.

"What is it?" she said. I could tell that she was really worried. This was going way to well.

"Well, it's about our boss Tina. I've noticed that he's been spending a lot of time with her and I just heard a rumor today that he's in a relationship with her. I didn't know who else to turn to."

"Oh my god," his mother gasped. "I have to go," she said quickly and hung up. I hung up as well and called my dad and told him to come pick me up.

After hanging up, I walked over to the curb and sat down. Looking up, I watched as the rain fell past the glowing orange light of the street lamp. It was times like this that everything in the world seemed worthwhile. God was in his heaven and all was right with the world.

The electronic door behind me opened up and I heard Tina laughing, coming out of the store. I turned around and saw that Tim was with her. "Hey, Alex," she said when she saw me. "Waiting for your ride?"

"Sure am," I responded, but I was cut off by a loud squealing noise. We all looked out and saw a car speeding across the parking lot toward us. The car screeched to a halt and a woman jumped out. She didn't look happy at all.

"Mom?" Tim said in disbelief.

"Get in the car Tim," his mother said, her voice cold enough to chill even me to the bone.

"What is this about..." He started to say.

"Get in the car," his mother shouted. Tim looked from Tina to his mother and reluctantly went over to the car. Tina took a step forward to intervene, but his mother stepped in-between them.

"I knew something was going on. Don't you ever come near my son again," Mrs. McDaniel said. Her voice was shrill and unnatural, the voice of a woman pushed to her limit. Tina stood there, unable to grasp what was happening.

And just as they were reaching their most beautiful moment together, my dad came pulling up and I walked over and got in. "What's that all about?" he asked, looking back at the two women facing off.

"Nothing," I said. "Let's just get out of here." My dad threw it in first and we were off. I sat contemplating the universe as we drove on through the dark and storm night and further from the beauty I destroyed.

End of Chapter 4 --------------------------------------

Email me and tell me what you think of my story. Questions or comments are welcome. I'm writing this for you all, so feel free to give me some suggestions or whatever. Chapter 5 should come in a few days hopefully.

Next: Chapter 6

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