The Dream Guy

By ten.feirb@yobrednU

Published on Mar 7, 1997



Note: If you are offended by gay, male sex, do not read this story.

The Dream Guy By Underboy

(Please post comments)

Every gay or bisexual man has someone in his life who is the perfect, end all person to be with forever under the most fortunate circumstances. A high school friend, a co-worker, or even a celebrity. Eric was mine. During the entire time I was in college, I had the biggest crush on this man who I had known ever since my freshman year. We actually went to summer school together before we started to get accustomed with college life. Eric was the cutest guy in the program. He had a handsome, manly face with smooth skin and twinkly, brown eyes. He had straight, jet black, hair which was parted on the side. He stood about 5' 9" tall with a trim, sinewy body and long, muscular legs. I nearly melted whenever he was near.

The problem was that Eric was straight and seemingly beyond my reach. Despite this obvious fact, I did whatever I could to get closer to him and find out for myself whether this wild stud could be broken.. We were really just acquaintances but I always kept in touch with him enough so he would remember me. I came across as quite straight to gain his trust. I would meet him for lunch or stop to talk whenever I saw him on campus. I even invited him to a party me and my roommates threw. He showed up and we smoked a joint together but that was it.

Another time he invited me to an artist's party he was attending with some friends. When I arrived at his place to pick him up he had just finished working out. He was wearing a T-shirt and sweats and looked very hot. I had to use his bathroom and when I came back out, he had already changed into some pants. Dammit! I just missed seeing him in his underwear! Fortunately, his pants needed more ironing so he took them off right in front of me while he pressed them. He was wearing a pair of white Jockey briefs covered by the tail of his long sleeve shirt. He looked very sexy in them as he pranced about the ironing board. He slipped his pants back on and we left for the party.

We had a good time but Eric got really toasted. On the way home we stopped for some munchies and he spilled some fudge on his shirt. When we got back to his apartment, he removed his shirt and plopped on the couch. He had a defined, muscular torso and a flat stomach. He then passed out before me. How I wanted to remove the rest of his clothes and take advantage of the situation. I thought of pulling down his zipper and fondling his crotch until he was hard. I knew I could service him better than any woman he had been with. But I was afraid he would wake up and freak out. Eric had mentioned to me on more than one occasion that other guys had tried to hit on him and that he didn't like it. I didn't want to push my luck and maintained my patience. I left Eric's place and had to settle for a view of him in his briefs and shirtless. But I was determined to see more.

The next semester I took a course in design film which required students to complete a one-minute film on just about anything. The instructor placed no limits on the content and showed us some really bazaar examples of acclaimed design films. I decided then to make an erotic film with Eric involving an abstract sexual fantasy. When I got the nerve, I called Eric to ask him if he would do it. I explained matter of factly that I wanted him to be in a surreal depiction of a woman's reverie, whatever that was. I told him a girl friend of mine would also be in it hoping this would alleviate any apprehension he might have. He agreed and I quickly planned out the film and my plot to finally have Eric.

I decided I would film Eric in all sorts of erotic scenes including the shower to see if he would respond. The fact that he agreed to do the film left the door open to other possibilities. I made sure Eric thought this was all on the level and I assumed the directorial position. He arrived for the filming and I was all business. I told him my female friend would come by later. I started off by handing him a pair of my Calvin Klein briefs and told him to put them on for the first scene. He raised an eyebrow but went along with it since my bedroom was surrounded with professional lights, stands, etc. He went into my bathroom to change and unfortunately closed the door. I knocked on the door and handed him my robe so he would feel more comfortable. He came out of the bathroom ready to roll.

I took my position behind the camera and began to direct. I asked him to lie flat on his stomach for the first shot which was a woman beginning her fantasy, or so I told him. He took off the robe to reveal his full, muscular physique highlighted by the stark whiteness of my Calvins filled by his wonderfully round ass. His limp but thick penis hung across his crotch resting upon his large balls, making for a fine basket. I tried to maintain my control but this stud of my dreams was turning me on. He lay down on my futon showing the shapely cheeks beneath the white briefs. His firm legs were draped across the bed as if asleep and his arms were strewn upon the pillow supporting his head. "Is this okay?" He asked. "Almost, but move your arm to the right. Here I'll show you." I moved to him on the bed and reposition his arms just slightly. I then took a hold of his leg and guided him to move it further apart from the other leg. As I moved his other leg, my hand brushed against the smooth cotton of his ass but he didn't flinch. I continued to move him and took hold of him by his hips, moving him slightly to the left as I felt the waistband of his Calvins. As I reshuffled his body I must have felt him "accidentally" 10 or 20 times but he didn't seem to mind. After all this positioning and touching I was bursting inside my own briefs, but fortunately had the sense to wear baggy trousers.

I directed him to flip onto his back midway thought the shot acting as though he was asleep. We practiced it once and when he was on his back, his crotch was much fuller as he had also become aroused by my touches. I could tell he was beginning to become erect although not fully hard. I pretended not to notice and so did he, although I had to muster my strength not to pounce upon Eric right there on the bed. I repositioned him again while he was on his back, moving and touching his arms and legs and hips. By the time I was ready to shoot, so was Eric as his dick was fully erect. "Al, can we stop for a second? Look, I'm not gay, but hanging out in this underwear is getting me, well, excited. I better take a break to, you know, calm down. I don't want to you get in trouble for showing me hard like this." "No, don't worry. It's just natural. I'll try not to show it in the shot. Besides, my professor is into freedom of expression. Plus, it adds to the eroticism of the scene." Before he became any more embarrassed, I had him flip onto his stomach to begin the shot. I did some last second tweaking of his body to make sure he would be hard for the shot.

"Action!" I yelled as I panned down Erics smooth, muscular back until I reached the waistband of those sexy briefs which he filled so nicely. I then queued him to flip onto his back for the frontal shot. His move was so smooth and natural as he turned to his side and then his back. When he landed on his back he revealed his raging 8 inch cock pulsing from beneath the white underwear. "Cut!" I yelled. "That was great. Only I want to try it again just a bit slower."

Eric complied as I began to direct and prod his body once more. Now, I felt a bit more relaxed in terms of touching his body as I repositioned him. He did not bat an eye as I brushed my hand along his thigh or rested my hand on his briefs. I even straightened out a few wrinkles of the briefs on his ass for a smooth appearance. Judging by that protruding boner which continued to stand, I would say he was also enjoying my choreography. Eric was literally putty in my hands since my directorial authority gave me the license I needed. I did several takes of the scene until Eric was ready to explode, but I wanted to continue building up the excitement. I was finally happy with the shot and I decided to move on.

"Great take, Eric. Now lets move to the shower shot." I handed him a pair of black Speedos to wear for this scene. "Here, put these on for the next shot." "These are pretty slinky." He noted. "Well, I want it to seem like you're really taking a shower." "Okay." He agreed as I began to reset the lights.

Eric must have felt more comfortable with me as he changed into the Speedos right there! He slipped off the Calvins revealing his smooth, round ass before me. I was so hoping I could get a gander at that big dick of his but he had his back to me. I wanted to grope his incredible nude body but I resisted, for now. He pulled up the tiny black trunks and tied the string. They were even sleeker than the briefs as he filled them quite nicely.

I completed the lighting for the shower scene and gave him the direction. "This woman is fantasizing that you are in the shower, rinsing your body. Then you begin to feel yourself as if you are masturbating." "For real?" Eric asked. "No, this is acting. I'm only going to show your upper body but I want it to look like you're getting excited, okay." I turned on the water and he stepped into the tub. His soaked trunks revealed the outline of his now soft penis. "Now I want you to run your fingers through your hair and slowly glide them down your chest until you reach your crotch. Then begin to feel yourself. Let's try a run-through." I got behind the camera and yelled "Go." I started at the shower head and then tilted down to Eric's head as he strummed through his hair. I continued downward and stopped as his hands fell to his crotch. I could see that Eric was getting excited again as the blood filled his penis. However, I caught the waistband of the Speedos in the bottom of the frame. "Eric, I'm getting the trunks in the shot. Can you lower the waistband a bit?" "Sure," he said as he undid the string and pulled the trunks down. "This okay?" "I think so. Let's try it again."

I practiced the shot again a couple more times as Eric got harder. Again, the trunks appeared in the frame.

"Eric, I keep getting the trunks in the shot. Would you mind taking them off just for this shot? Like I said, I'm only showing your upper body." "No problem."Eric said as he slipped the Speedos completely off finally revealing his semi-hard cock. His beautiful, thick member bounced forward as he stood naked before me. The steam filled the shower as the searing water cascaded down the muscular indentations of his incredible nude body. My dream was actually coming true. "Let's shoot this for real, Eric." "Do you want me to touch myself for real since you're not showing it?" I nearly lost it with his suggestion. "If it works for you, fine. Just go with it. Okay, this is for real. Give it some zing, Eric. Ready and action." I began the shot once more and Eric was getting into it. His fingers ran through his hair with his eyes closed as his hands continued downward. They slid down his chest slowly and sensuously, falling past his rippled abs until they reached his throbbing penis. Looking out from the camera's lens I could see that he took his dick in his hand and began jerking off. His prick was now fully erect and stood nearly 8 inches long as he stroked it repeatedly. His eyes remained closed with a deep concentration. "Keep it going, Eric. I'm shooting your face." I directed him as I nearly lost control of the camera and continued shooting his jacking action despite what I had told him. I would edit the film later removing the "dirty" parts but I was compelled to document this once in a lifetime sight.

Eric was now in the midst of an intense jerkoff session but I had to stop him before he reached his climax. "And cut." "How was that?" He asked enthusiastically trying to catch his breath. "Just great. But I think I lost focus when I tilted back to your face. Let's do it again, but this time with a little more passion." "Passion. Sure." Actually, Eric was quite passionate, but I just needed an excuse for him to jerk off even harder. "Ready and action." We started the scene again and this time Eric didn't hold back. From the start his intensity increased and I could see his muscles tense up and his body shake as began to masturbate again. He took a firm hold of his rigid member and stroked it intensely. His face crinkled up and his head shook as I could tell he really wanted to spill his load. I caught the shot I wanted and waited until just before Eric was ready for his orgasm. "Cut! That was great!" Now Eric was hot and bothered and not ready for the scene to end. His boner was still raging in his hand. "I'm sorry, Al. But I gotta get off." The lustful gleam in his sparkling eyes seemed to be an invitation. I moved from behind the camera and towards Eric. I felt as though this experience in itself would be enough for me, so I risked venturing further. I reached into the shower and took Eric's smooth balls into my hand, cupping them gently. "Ohhh." He sighed at the pleasurable feeling. He then took hold of my arm and pulled me into the shower with him. I immediately took his raging prick into my hand and continued jerking it. Eric cocked his head back with the excitement of another man grabbing onto his most private part. Suddenly Eric looked into my eyes and planted his lips onto mine and began a fervent kiss. His forwardness surprised me but his sexual energy took control over his uninhibited actions. My own ecstasy from this fantasy come true made everything else insignificant as I did not even realize that my clothes were completely drenched. I then held Eric and pulled him to me as I continued to kiss him and fondle his hard flesh. I felt his hand press against my crotch as he fondled my own bulging package. He unbuttoned my trousers, slowly lowering my zipper as he slipped his hand inside feeling my wet briefs. Our tongues slid together while he unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off me. My soaked pants fell to the bottom of the tub and I struggled to take off my sopping shoes and socks.

Eric and I continued this frenzied encounter as he grabbed onto my cheeks and pressed my body against his kissing me harder. Whatever inhibitions he had about being with me, another man, quickly faded and disappeared with the water down the drain. He reached into my Calvins and took hold of my quivering erection and squeezed tightly. I moaned at the touch of his hand on my hardened meat. I felt the tug on my waistband as he stripped off my briefs and they fell to the bottom of the tub. My steel rod lunged upward as Eric took it in his hand tightly. We were now naked together in this passionate fantasy which was now reality. The hot water splashed upon us through the thick steam as we embraced and kissed passionately. Our hands and arms flailed wildly as we explored the firmness of each other's manly bodies. "I want to suck your dick," Eric whispered in my ear not knowing that I was more than willing to service him first. Regardless, he began to kiss my neck and slowly drifted downward until he reached my brown nipple. His tongue danced across the medallions on my chest and ventured down the wisps of hair leading to my navel. As he squatted down, his face met my throbbing pole and he took it in his hand. He explored it briefly and then licked the shaft as if to make sure it was okay. He then licked the head lightly before he slipped it into his mouth. The feeling of a man's penis between his lips was completely foreign to Eric but he was also completely aroused. He quickly learned to slide up and down my pulsing shaft with regularity as I guided his head with my hand. Wanting him to go deeper I pushed his head upon it as he gagged. "Relax your throat muscles completely," I said as I could now feel my stiff cock hit the back of his throat. Eric now serviced me as good as any man, bobbing up and down like a pro. The tickle I felt upon my balls was an extra touch Eric discovered by my ecstatic moans. The sucking action which Eric exercised upon me brought me close to my climax but I was not yet ready.

I pulled Eric off my raging boner before it was too late. I pressed his head to mine and gave him a deep kiss before I slid down his body. I took his rigid tool in my hand and engulfed it with my mouth. I began to service him like he was the last man on earth. I plunged up and down his thick shaft repeatedly as Eric moaned with pleasure. The head of his erect spear pounded against the back of my throat as I felt his wet pubic hair against my lips and nose. I bobbed tenaciously upon his cement penis until he felt close to the edge. "Not yet, Al." Eric said in want of more pleasure.

I spinned him around against the shower wall and reached for the cheeks of his finely sculpted ass. I spread them apart so I could see his pink bud and then plunged my face into his crack. "Ahhhh," Eric moaned with delight as he felt the penetration of my tongue into his hole. Eric's pleasure was evident as I slithered my tongue around his sensitive orifice. His ass gyrated with delight as he pressed against my face. I spread his legs apart and slid my tongue from his ballsack, along his crack, to his undulating hole. I sent him over the edge with the last stroke as I licked up past his ass, along his back, all the way up to his neck. "I want you to fuck me, Al." Eric was now totally mine. I reached for the soap and ran it along his crack as I lubricated his ass. I continued kissing the back of his neck while I stroked his pulsing meat and soaped up my own waiting cock. I placed the head of my purple dick against his hole and slid it around, teasing him to no end. Pushing forward, the head penetrated his asshole as Eric cried out. " Ouuhh. Go slow, Al." Eric pleaded. I slowly eased my hard, thick cock into his tight virgin ass as he moaned in ecstasy. Finally, I thrust the entire length of my rigid prick into Eric's tight anus and began to pump in and out. The initial pain of my penetration subsided and he felt the pleasure of each plunging thrust. I braced myself with my hands on his shoulders as I fucked him in a steady rhythm. Eric never thought he could feel such utter gratification from another man engaging his straight ass with intercourse. He was completely aroused by this feeling of a man's penis sliding inside his body. In his ecstasy, he understood the pleasure that gay men experienced as I continued pushing forward, massaging his prostate.

I fucked Eric with faster motions and harder thrusts. As I bucked forward, Eric's body pressed up against the wall of the shower. He turned his head back to me and kissed me deeply as his body shook. Faster and faster I penetrated his hole, slapping my pelvis against his cheeks and jacking his prick. Finally I could stand no more. I pulled out of Eric's hole and began to jack myself until my load was ready to shoot. Eric had knelt down to meet my prick and I shot pulse after pulse of the white substance onto his face and directly into his mouth. He actually liked the salty taste of my warm liquid as he swallowed it completely. He placed his mouth over my softening penis and sucked out the last drops of my juice.

Eric then stood up and then jerked his hardened cock with a fast, firm motion. I knelt down to taste his forthcoming load as his body shook intensely. "I'm gonna cum!" he said as he spewed shot after shot of his thick, creamy load all over my face. I opened my mouth widely to take in Eric's virgin cum which landed on my tongue as I sloshed it around and swallowed it. I stood up as Eric expended his final energy and leaned against the shower wall exasperated. I embraced him as the water fell upon us carried the seminal residue away. "I can't believe I just did that. It was incredible, but I can't believe it." "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah. Just let me catch my breath." "Well, did you like it?" Eric looked at me as if I had asked the stupidest question in the world and then smiled as he kissed me deeply again. "Ready for the next shot?" Eric said as he laughed.

I finally had my dream guy.

The Dream Guy (Part 2) - Eric's Aftermath by Underboy

(Caution: If you are offended by gay, male sex please do not read the following story.)

It had been a few days since my cinematic encounter with Eric, my dream guy. He had not returned my phone calls and was obviously avoiding me. He was apparently going through the "straight guy got fucked" post stress disorder. I knew exactly what he was going through. The embarrassment and iniquity he was feeling after our "unnatural" experience reminded me of my struggle in coming out. I gave him some time to work out his heterosexual uncertainty but now I decided to go to his apartment to console his guilty conscience.

I knocked on the door and Eric looked surprised when he answered it. His handsome face reminded me why I pursued him all this time. "Hey, Eric. How's it going?" I asked. "Great," he squirmed. "Look, Al. I was just heading out..." "Can I talk to you for a minute?" "I really have to--" He stopped. "Yeah, sure. Come in."

He let me in and we sat down on his couch. "I've got a bunch of stuff I gotta do, so--" "Eric, are you okay?" I interrupted. "You haven't returned my messages. What's up?" "I'm fine. Really." "Eric, please. Talk to me."

Eric let down his guard and began to speak.

"Okay. I'm not fine. I mean I can't stop thinking about what we-- What happened between us. That's not me. I like women. Really." "Look, it's okay to feel the way you do." "No. You don't understand. You might be gay, but I'm not. For God's sake, Al. We had sex. You fucked me. I got fucked up the ass. I mean, me. Eric. Do you know how hard that is for me to say? I don't do that. I'm straight."

"Believe it or not I do understand. I felt the same way my first time. I felt guilty, ashamed, alone. I wanted to kill myself. But I realized I had to deal with it."

"Then how could you do this to me? You knew exactly what you were doing! Film project my ass! You planned to seduce me from the start. I trusted you and you deceived me. Didn't you think how I would feel?"

"Then why did you agree to do it? You could have said, no. Something must have entered your mind when I told you I wanted to film you in the shower. A good looking guy like you. Did you ever think I may have wanted you in that way?"

"I guess. I mean-- Maybe I did. I don't know."

"You knew I was after you. You knew what might happen. And besides, you didn't actually stop me. `I want you to fuck me'. Isn't that what you said?"

"That was in the heat of the moment!"

"Oh, you were hot, all right. Hot enough to bend over and--."

I stopped myself before I made Eric feel worse. I sat next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Eric. I didn't come here to argue. I just wanted you to know that despite what you're feeling right now, what we did was okay. I know how you feel and I want to help you through it as a friend. I know it's difficult to come to terms with it."

"I just keep reliving it over and over in my head. At first I was really angry at you for putting me through this.Then I got angry at myself for letting it happen. Then I remember shooting the scenes with you. I see the images of me in your underwear and you rearranging me and feeling me all over. And then us in the shower. It got me so excited. The more I thought about it, I realized that I liked it. I had to admit to myself that being with you was completely different than what I expected. It was really nice. That was the toughest thing, admitting my feelings. Here I thought I was Joe macho-straightguy and the next thing I know...I'm getting fucked. But I'm not gay. Or so I thought. I don't know anything anymore."

I pulled Eric to me and we held each other. "It's okay." I said.

"My brain has been going crazy ever since we did it. I've been struggling so hard with these feelings. I just assumed it was natural for me to be with women. I enjoyed having sex with them. But after being with you I don't know. Am I straight? Am I gay? Am I bi?"

"You can't get caught up with labels. You just have to be yourself, Eric."

"I asked myself why I allowed myself to be seduced by you. Part of it was curiosity and lust. I guess I've always known you were after me. The way you kept hanging around with me all this time. The way you would look at me sometimes. But I wasn't one hundred percent sure. Other guys tried to hit on me but they were so obvious. It was annoying how they would drool over me. But not you. You never hinted that you were going to force yourself on me. That's why I trusted you."

"Believe me, it wasn't easy. I've wanted to be with you ever since I met you in the summer program. But really, I was happy just to be your friend."

"When you first told me about the film, I knew what might happen. I asked myself what I would do if you tried something. I didn't know and I just hoped it wouldn't come to that. But it did. Then I understood that I wouldn't have done that with just anyone. I stopped and realized that--I really like you, Al. I always have. Now I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about you."

Eric looked at me with a twinkle in his sparkling eyes.

"I want you again, Al."

"Are you sure you want to do this, Eric?"

"No. I'm not."

Eric leaned toward me and closed his eyes as he kissed me firmly. We held each other tightly as our lips pressed together passionately. This time it seemed like Eric wanted to go slow so he could appreciate the romantic subtleties of our intimacy. Although he enjoyed the frenzied pace of our first encounter, he wanted to be sure this was what he wanted. I could tell that he didn't just want to have sex. He wanted to make love to me. Although it was scary, Eric had to know for himself if everything about being close to a man was part of his nature. Not just a fling. Not just a temptation. The answer lie in why he didn't call me back after the first time. Did he really want to be involved with another man? Eric knew that if the answer was yes, there was no going back. But he trusted me to show him the way.

As we kissed, I felt the soft, gentle touch of his hands caressing my back. I ran my fingers through his silky black hair and down to his smooth neck. He leaned me back against the sofa and climbed on top of me as his lips glided down my face to kiss my neck. His hand slid to my chest and he strummed my nipples above my shirt which he unbuttoned slowly. I felt his warm palm slip beneath the material and glide along my smooth torso down to my rippled abdomen. He pulled my shirt out of my pants exposing the whiteness of my waistband above my bronze skin while he began to kiss my tender chest and licked my brown nipple. The sensation of his fingers running along the waistband of my briefs aroused me immensely as I was wearing the very same Calvins he wore during our first encounter. His erotic touch was very exciting as he now controlled the deliberate action of this encounter.

As he kissed my nipples lightly, I pulled his black polo shirt out of his beige Dockers. The sexy, bright waistline of his Jockey briefs peeked out from his trousers while I felt the soft contours of his shoulders and back. As we resumed our deep kiss, my hands slid further down feeling the combed cotton of his underwear above his tight, round ass. His light moans indicated his pleasure while I caressed his melon shaped cheeks beneath the loose fitting pants. I could feel his quickly bulging crotch press against my pelvis as we felt each other's hard bodies.

I could feel Eric's hand slide above my trousers feeling my own hardened basket as it grew larger. He squeezed it firmly and grasped my stiff member tightly from above the thick fabric. Eric quickly unclasped my belt and then unbuttoned my pants before pulling my zipper completely down. He spread my fly open revealing the stark whiteness of my Calvin briefs and then plunged his hand inside fondling my bent erection above the soft cotton. The sensitive feel of Eric's versatile fingers upon my bulging member sent me into ecstasy as I clasped my legs around his.

I pulled Eric's shirt completely off and flung it to the floor as we kissed amorously. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his Dockers and slipped my hand around his swelling cotton-covered bulge. He whispered my name while I kneaded his protruding pouch and kissed his neck. I unbuttoned his pants and yanked them down his firm legs to his knees as I massaged both his gyrating ass and pulsing prominence. Eric beautifully shaped ass filled his bright Jockeys perfectly as I kneaded his pliable cheeks. He sighed with joy as my hand slipped between his legs and stroked along his crack and sensitive testicles above his soft white Jockeys. Eric yanked off my shirt and threw it into the air before he pulled my pants down to my ankles. As our clothes fell to the floor in a piled heap, we pressed our quivering bodies together separated only by our white briefs. Our warm tongues played together during our fervent kisses.

Our frenzied foreplay intensified as Eric slid down the length of my body kissing my neck, chest and stomach along the way. His mouth reached my briefs as he brushed his face along the soft fabric above my hardened member. He felt the wetness of my precum at the tip of my solid dick head.

"Those are the same Calvins you wore when I shot the film."

Eric growled excitedly as he buried his head into my crotch and lightly bit my thick penis. He thought back to when I shot the film and remembered me feeling him all over when I directed his position and straightened out the wrinkles in his briefs which I now wore. How excited he felt about wearing another man's underwear and me prodding and poking him under the authority of the director. He thought how deceptively clever I was to have manipulated him into this position only to succumb to his own horny response until there was no escape.

This time Eric was in control and it was his turn to seduce me. It empowered him to alleviate his shameful feelings in the aftermath of our first encounter. He bent my legs up and spread them apart and headed for my balls. He pulled the leghole of my Calvins to the side revealing my wrinkled sack and began licking my balls intensely. I cried out with the incredible feel of his probing tongue sliding along my sensitive testicles. He sucked them into his mouth and swirled them around while he bounced them on his tongue. Having tantalized my nuts, he worked his way up and took the waistband of my underwear between his teeth and pulled them off. My raging boner flopped up as he pulled my briefs down my legs and off past my feet. He crumpled up the Calvins up and rubbed them in his face smelling my unique, musky scent.

Firmly grasping my stiff, veiny rod into his hand, he slid it up and down. He stared at the purple head of my pulsing member and touched it with his tongue, swiping at it repeatedly like a snowcone. The buds of his slithery tongue rubbed against the sensitive bumps on the fleshy glans of my swollen organ. Each swipe of his tongue sent quivering impulses through my body until he engulfed the entire length of my thick shaft into his warm, wet mouth. The intensity increased as his lips passed up and down the smooth skin of my receptive pole.

Eric loved my dick in his mouth. The incredible feeling was still exciting and new to him as the unique object poked inside his cheeks, along his tongue and past his lips. The idea of another man's hard cock inside his mouth was emasculating yet arousing. He remembered joking about doing such a queer thing in high school with the guys, yet here he was, sucking cock and enjoying it immensely. The idea sent him further into the fellatious act as his head moved faster and more intensely. Though the feeling was pleasurable and stimulating, I had to stop him before I reached my orgasm.

I pulled my rigid cock from his mouth and flipped him onto his back. I kissed him deeply before sliding down to his sexy white Jockeys. It was my turn to service Eric. I looked at him as I pulled down his briefs exposing his thick 8 inch toy. I drew his underwear to my face to inhale his musky aroma as I began my oral performance. I held the base of his hard shaft with my hand and swallowed his protruding red spear into my waiting mouth. Eric sighed with pleasure as I slid up and down his quaking erection with my tightening lips. His face twitched and winced with each sensual pass of my mouth along his tender prick. He placed his hand on my head and guided me as I overwhelmed his sexual sensations with my skilled sucking action. He pushed my head down until his cock reached my tonsils.

A Eric watched me suck him off, he took pleasure in being serviced by another man. He wanted me to feel emasculated the same way he did, though I had long since come to terms with having sex with men. I was glad, however, to help Eric ease his insecurity and sucked him harder for it. He now wanted to inflict upon me the same degrading feeling he had after we had sex to assuage his own humiliation and guilt.

I wanted Eric to someday feel comfortable with his newly discovered sexuality and I knew this was part of his own arduous process. The discovery and admission of one's own homosexuality is a burdensome undertaking in a world where no one understands or cares. I lured Eric into this path and I owed him my support in getting through it. I knew what he wanted next and I was more than willing to comply.

My intense sucking action nearly made Eric cum but he stopped me and pulled me up to him. He gave me a long, wet kiss before he spoke.

"You're probably not going to believe this, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't get to fuck you, at least once." "I understand. It's okay." "How about if I fuck you first and then you do me afterward?"

What an offer, I thought. Here was my dream guy asking me if he could do to me what I thoroughly enjoyed anyway. And then I could do whatever I wanted to him. This was too good to be true. I decided to indulge his pleasure if it meant that he would feel better about himself. I knew this was just the beginning but I was in this for the long haul. "Deal."

Eric turned me on my back and climbed on top of me in the missionary position. He reached into a cabinet by the sofa and pulled out a plastic bottle of moisturizing cream for lubrication. He pumped out a dollop and smeared it around his bouncing red rod. Then he spread my legs apart and sensuously smeared some more along my butt crack and around my waiting hole. That feeling of him lubricating my ass aroused me enormously as he prepared me for what was to follow. He lifted my legs up and knelt so that his raging prick met my quivering orifice. He lubed up his thick cock once more before he placed the head of it at my pink bud and swirled it around my hole and between my cheeks. He knew he was teasing me as I moaned in ecstasy, and this was part of his catharsis.

He pushed his dickhead just into my hole and I winced at the sting of the initial penetration. Eric eased his shiny spear into me bit by bit, tantalizing me with every inch of his solid manhood. Then in a single thrust he pushed his rigid pole entirely into my anal tract as I cried out in utter ecstasy. Holding my legs up and apart, he began to pump my ass in a steady rhythm which grew more intense. I felt his thick tool slide in and out of my taking hole as his hips thrusted forward. I took my own hardened meat and jerked myself in the midst of the action Then he hit my prostate and sent me into nirvana as he intensified his jousting.

"You like getting fucked, huh Al?" "Only by you, Eric." I responded.

My response really turned him on as he pumped me even faster. Now Eric was really going at me. The slapping sound of his pelvis against my bouncing ass grew louder as my body shook around like a rag doll. I could see the muscles in his legs flexing with each back and forth gyration into my welcoming ass. I clamped down on his sliding cock with my anal muscles and he moaned at the joyful feeling of this penile massage. He threw my legs over his shoulders and lunged over me as my knees pressed against my chest. While he continued the intense thrusting my body undulated as I massaged his muscular back. He saw the extreme pleasure on my face as I played the bitch during this interlude. He leaned to kiss me deeply as he fucked me tenaciously. I grabbed the firm cheeks of his ass to pull him deeper inside me.

"Fuck my ass, Eric. Fuck me harder."

Pearls of sweat dripped down the sides of his face and wisps of black hair flailed over his dark brows as he neared his conquering climax. The massage he was giving my prostate sent me to heights unknown to me as I also approached the point of no return. Finally neither of us could not hold back anymore. Eric lunged up and withdrew his primed missile from my expanded hole. He cocked back his head and jacked himself frantically. I cupped his balls and massaged them gently with one hand while I grabbed my own throbbing muscle with the other, pumping it insatiably.

Finally, Eric released a cry as he reached his victorious orgasm. His face winced as he shot long, powerful streams of white rope up to my face and onto my chest. I felt the warmth of the thick liquid as it splashed into my mouth and my tongue hastened to taste Eric's salty essence. He continued to spew pulses of cum onto my glistening stomach sending me over the edge as I felt the tingly sensation of my own climax. Releasing my load elastic bullets of my creamy juice landed upon my neck and chest adding to the shining pools of Eric's ejaculation. As the final spouts of semen spilled from my still hardened mass, Eric leaned down and engulfed my penis into his mouth sending sharp sensations through my body before consuming the falling drops of my beckoning fluid. He swirled his tongue around the white honey before he swallowed it in a savory gulp. He kissed my wet stomach and continued up past my chest tasting the sparkling jelly until he reached my lips. Our mouths joined in a passionate kiss as we tasted the sensual mixture of our orgasmic juices.

"That was incredible, Al. Now I feel much better." Eric noted. "I'm glad you got that out of your system. I guess it's my turn. Are you still up to it? I don't want to push you." I asked.

"Actually, I think I am. When you fucked me before, I had no idea that it could feel so good. I mean really good. I liked what you did to me more than anything I had done with any woman. It's hard to admit that. But understanding how I feel about you makes it a little easier. Ever since I left your apartment, I've been fantasizing about you fucking me again."

"You don't have to say another word."

We kissed again before we got up and walked to Eric's room. I took his hand as we approached his bed. As we resumed our impassioned kiss, I pressed him against the edge of the mattress and we felt each other's naked bodies. Our quickly erecting members flopped together before they stood at full attention. I spun Eric around until I faced his back and my now hardened muscle pressed against his spongy bronze ass. He climbed upon the soft black comforter and stood erect on his knees as he waited for me to follow. I moved just behind him on the bed and held his firm, defined torso with my hands as his muscular back pressed against my smooth chest and his round ass pushed upon my hardened meat.

My hands wandered wildly upon Eric's chest and stomach as I kissed the back of his neck amidst his subtle moans of joy. His hand fell to caress and squeeze my supple cheeks while his other hand firmly grasped my solid, throbbing prick. He slid my rigid wand along his sensitive crack, moaning at what was soon to follow. I took Eric's silky balls into my palm and squeezed them gently before taking his thick tool into my hand, sliding it upon his veiny shaft. I positioned my knees between his as he spread his muscular thighs further apart. Our warm legs brushed together as I pressed my impatient cock against his round ass and slowly jacked his rock hard tool.

"I want you, Al. I want you now."

I reached for the bottle of cream and pumped out a generous portion into my palm and rubbed it along my throbbing red erection. I pumped out some more and applied it liberally between Eric's waiting cheeks. My middle finger smeared a bit around his tight, pink bud and he sighed softly as it penetrated his slick hole and slid just inside. I applied more of the cream onto his pulsing rod as I continued to jerk him slowly. Tantalizing him with the tip of my wide dick, I probed along his crack and around his puckering orifice.

"Stop teasing me, Al. Stick it inside me." Eric pleaded.

Not wanting to disappoint him I eased my sensitive head into his waiting hole. He responded with a slight whimper to the piercing sting of my penetration. I held his hardened tits in my palms as I thrust the entire length of my thick, hard cock into his impatient anus in a single motion.

"Oooohhh, Al." Eric exclaimed as he closed his eyes and furrowed his brow.

I then began to pump Eric's tight ass rapidly, giving him the anal satisfaction he so long craved since our first encounter. I held his burgeoning cock in my hand as I slid my slick rod in and out of his taking ass. He moaned and cried incessantly as I plunged into his writhing body. He held my head as he turned back to kiss me deeply while I forced my long spear into his sensitive anal tract. He pushed his ass into my thrusting pelvis and clamped his internal muscles upon my pole as I lunged forward. I began to sweat as my hips swung into his bending ass and I held his defined chest to brace myself. He continued to suck my tongue as his body bounced with each slap of my pelvis against his spongy cheeks

The bed undulated and squeaked as I thrusted into Eric more intensely. As I continued to penetrate him, I grasped his firm shoulders and pushed him forward until he was on his hands and knees. I then pumped into Eric's ass even more voraciously as he took my thrusting cock in this new, passive position. Eric felt vulnerable yet incredibly aroused as he was now on all fours while I pummeled his now rubbery body.

"Fuck me, Al. Fuck my ass harder." He demanded.

I responded by pounding into him harder and deeper as I felt his bowels at the tip of my pulsing probe. Eric now winced with each of my intense thrusts into his body as his solid erection bounced erratically. He felt as if my cock were about to pierce out of his mouth but he relished getting fucked by me so aggressively. His hands slid forward pushing the blankets into a wrinkled heap as his ass pushed into air to meet my unrelenting thrusts. I massaged his muscular back and held onto his round cheeks as my pelvis slapped them loudly. His face melded into the pillow and pushed into the feathered pouch each time I pounded his weary ass. He closed his eyes to feel the intense sensation of my stiff cock massaging his sensitive prostate gland. Eric was in utter ecstasy and realized that he absolutely loved to get fucked in the ass.

"Don't stop. Don't stop fucking me, Al!" He murmured.

I plowed into his pliable ass faster and faster as the bed creaked and shook violently. The feeling of my long, lubricated cock rubbing along his soft inner tissue was sending me over the edge. The docile image of Eric on his hands and knees as I fucked his ass doggedly finally propelled me to the height of my ecstasy.

"Eric, I can't hold back. I'm gonna cum."

As I removed my hard, thick tool from his tired ass, Eric quickly rotated his limber body to face my pulsing member. I jacked myself uncontrollably as he licked my wrinkled balls and grabbed my tensing ass. I felt the orgasmic sensation in the pit of my body as I began to spurt my hot load. Stream after thick stream shot straight into Eric's open mouth and dribbled down his lips as he swallowed as much as he could. More of my thick cream squirted on his face as it dripped down his chin. He licked the warm fluid around his lips and into his mouth savoring the last bits of my salty juice. He squeezed my expended penis to release the final drops of my white cum as they landed on his tongue before he swallowed the delicious syrup.

Eric was now ready to release his sexual energy built up by the incredible fuck I has just given him. He got up onto his knees and jerked his solid arrow intensely as his eyes closed and his head shook. I ran my hand beneath his balls and along his wet crack and then pierced his buttery hole with my middle finger. He moaned as I pushed it in further before he lost complete control and began to ejaculate. He shot his silver jism high into the air before it landed onto my chest and face. Spurt after spurt spewed all over my neck and shoulders and dripped down my body. I raced to Eric's pulsing cock to take the final eruptions into my waiting mouth. He shivered as I wrapped my lips around his sensitive head to suck out and swallow his warm cum. I rose up to Eric and kissed him as we tasted our mutual semenal flavors.

Completely exasperated, Eric and I fell collapsed onto the comfortable bed and held each other as we struggled to catch our breath. This incredible sexual encounter had to be among the best for either of us. We savored the moment of our intimate exchange as we looked into each other's eyes not saying anything. Our unspoken words said clearly that in the entire world only he and I existed for that moment. As I lie next to my dream guy, we both realized that together everything would be okay.

The End

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