The Drawing Session

By John Galaor

Published on Feb 17, 2014




This story contains sexual references among male to male, one is a young shy boy of 15 and the other is more developed of 17. They met a summer in the beach of a lake in Wisconsin. Then there is oral sex, and anal sex. If these stories offend you, do not read any more.

Category: High school boys age. Oral sex and anal intercourse.

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A Drawing Session

Part One

We all have a gift. And my gift is... drawing. It is not that have much passion for drawing, but it was... something free one was born with. So, we should not despise a gift it could become... the key to enter into a venturous new world. I loved this idea precisely; my entrance in a new world. Or just reverse, one never is sure; it exist the possibility is if a new world enters into you. I was dreaming sometimes; I cherished some unknown ventures, some sweet... even if hard things... coming to me; even if I have not merits for them, if I do not deserve them, like my gift for drawing. Some of us are natural receivers; so we are eager... to ingest, or to swallow, or the take up... and in general... we are prone to delight on... the forbidden fruits of paradise. The bigger the fruit, the tastier and tempting it is to our eyes.

This are nothing but memories; treasured for years in some hidden drawer of our memory. It all happened long ago, when I was a young man of seventeen. I met someone called Lewis that was my friend... I mean... for some unfathomable reason... He has adopted me as a friend, more than I had adopted him. He was bereft of any tempting scent... in spite that he tried to be pleasant and caring; but he lacked of some mysterious essence; he lacked some... some radiation, he lacked the heat... I mean, the strong radiation that some human flesh shines all around. Then, if you feel cold, you want to bask under this shining,

So, thinking about it, I remember that Lewis was like a frigid rock of ice floating on the forlorn years of my sad youth. All around was frigid.

Anyway, er... I was not in a situation to reject anyone that wanted to be my friend even if he was a little iceberg. So we were almost friends. Then, one day Lewis began to give a great importance to someone called Antoine; and he said that this young man had recently arrived from France... so I found myself paying some attention to his words. Perhaps it contained come encrypted message in this name, Antoine.

In those years, I had just arrived to the town and felt alone. It was a town of cloudy sad skies, most of the year.

In general, I felt not any affinity with Lewis conversation, but he was very interested or even admired any silly thing I would had said in a conversation. Even he was also fascinated after I told him that I was an atheist; I wanted to make him stop telling me some nonsense religious points.

"I am not sure why are you telling me this; I am an atheist."

"How good that you are!" he said. "I will turn you to the faith."

I smiled inwardly. I was a hard nut to crack.

So, one day, the mythic Antoine came up, and Lewis introduced me to him.

Lewis told me he was nineteen... but he looked more like a stocky young man of twenty or older.

"Jimmy, this is Antoine. Antoine, this is Jimmy."

We shook hands and his strong grip made me wince. He kept holding my hand in his grip, as if he wanted to retain me in case we wanted to flee. Then, he retained me firmly in his power. I was mesmerized... and when he released his hold on my hand, I was totally domesticated. My hand remained meekly quite between his fingers for some ten or twenty seconds.

He looked at my eyes with a hard sweet smile... and my eyes remained controlled by his... till he interrupted his sight. All this maneuvering lasted like a minute.

When I met Antoine I was impressed by his... strong body. Then, Lewis had to leave us alone, for he was hard pressed to prepare himself for some exams.

I felt relieved to be alone with Antoine... and he also seemed to be glad walking by my side. We were talking endlessly about the heavens and the earth. That means we were on the verge of talking politics.

Antoine was a stocky boy of 19 or even 20, as I said. He was taller than me just a few inches... and I was very impressed by his strong body; for mine was rather slender and wimp. I really needed someone strong close to me. So I felt attracted to him at once. He had a deep voice... like a bass singer. And when he talked... his throat produced some... low frequency vibrations that reverberated inside my body. I loved that feeling inside me. It was a little like... he was sort of kneading or massaging some inner delicate folds and tubes within myself; just with the mere vibrations of his voice.

So, I suppose this is the reason that slender boys love to befriend the more stronger guys. Well, I mean... they get mesmerized at the sight of jocks, in a similar way we get mesmerized by an exhibition of cattle in a fair... I mean... as you amaze watching... the huge balls... of some premium bull. I mean, one gets very impressed with some big things, isn't it?

So, as I said, the slender boys need... need to worship... something big, like the muscular power some boys have. They are opposite poles of a magnet, like the yin and yang.

The Chinese say the sky loves the earth, and the strong loves the weak; or in a similar context, hard protruding things love to enter into soft hot humid caves or in the crevices of nature. This is, in a nutshell, the philosophy of the yin and yang.

Then Antoine was strong... but not overbearing for he was sort of... damn, he was great! He felt so sure of himself, for he had a natural command. You will give your own life for him. You would take torture, get flogged... or something for the sake of him. You would be ready to suffer... some unimaginable pains, just to please him. Just for the sake of making him happy. I mean... this was my mood walking by his side.

He chatted with me in a natural way and he had a sort of unbelievable "wisdom", for he had just arrived from abroad. Any silly thing he would had uttered, it would had looked to me like... the ultimate piece of wisdom of the planet.

He took care... of not to frighten me in any way. So, he was treating me like I would be a damsel... a delicate flower-girl of the Victorian age. I am not sure if he was aware of my admiration for his power. I never had a friend like him before. Then, like all the good things in life, our chat just finished, for he had some work to do. He was working in a black-smith shop of his uncle.

"This is the street where I live," he said. "I must leave you now."

"What a pity," I said unwittingly.

"We can meet another day." He said. "Walk a while in this street in you want to meet me again."

He did not told me where was his house in that street.

So, I frequently walked on the street up and down... just fancying a chance to meet him again.

I think that Antoine was sure of his power and never tried to be pushy with me, neither he slighted any silly thing that I would have said to him. On the other hand, I was in need of affection. I have not had any brothers, neither older friends to play with when I was kid. So, I sort of missed something; like an older brother to huddle with him in bed. I cherished an intimate proximity with him, like sleeping in bed. I mean... a friend of my age would be all right... but it would be much better if it was a sort of... someone like... a strong older brother; someone like Antoine.

I dreamed... I loved to feel the heat of his body near mine. I don't know. I liked Antoine, and I had a respect for him. I never touched him, or hung my arm over his shoulders. And neither he did such a thing on me, for these attitudes were not proper customs to be accepted in an old provincial city. A man should not touch another, and that is all. This prohibition worked like an invisible barrier of closer approaches.

Some day, Antoine told me of a property he had just recovered after a judicial process. It was the house his family lost during the civil war. His father and mother had fled when the war was ending, and this house was occupied by someone of the winning side. Now, Antoine asked me to go with him to visit the recovered house. He had taken only half the house, for the first plant was still occupied by the former occupier, that was now a tenant and had to pay a rent. So, we rose to the second floor of the house and... he opened the door. The flat had almost no furniture yet; only a old table and a couple of chairs. The place smelled a little of mold and Antoine opened the windows to ventilate. We were watching out the window and I rubbed softly my shoulder with his. But he seemed unaware of my contact. I would loved if he had put his arm over my shoulder, but he was not a man prone to show signs of affection. On the other hand, I did not dare to touch him for fear of a swift rejection.

After a while, he sat on a chair and I saw a writing pad and a pencil on the table. This reminded me of my gift for drawing. I wanted to draw a picture of his body.

"Would you mind..." I was hesitating, "Would you mind if... I make a portrait of you?"

"Can you draw?"

"I would love to make a sketch of your body."

"My body? Why?"

"Well, I don't know." I paused for a second or two. "It seems... it seems you have... a perfect body... for a drawing."

"Do you think it's perfect?"

"Absolutely. It's a... Renaissance beauty."

He looked impressed with my words.

"It is... you have a body like... the David of Michelangelo."

He was amazed and smiled.

"I would like... to make a portrait of your body. Do you mind?"

"No, no. Help yourself."

I took the notebook and the pencil and sat on the floor at some distance. Antoine took a pose for a drawing. He had an arm over the table, and he spread out a little his legs. One was under the table the other was outside spread outside. I was sketching the first lines and I was enthusiastic.

"Would you mind... to take off your shirt?" I asked him.

"My shirt?"

"Yeah. To better draw your pectorals. It's more... more like classic."


"Yeah. Showing the pectoral muscles, you know. It is totally classic."

He smiled faintly.

"Like all those statues... of the Greek gods."

He smiled as he took off his shirt.

I started a new quick drawing with him shirtless. When I finished...

"Would you mind to... to take off... your trousers?"


"For another drawing, you see. Legs are a part of classic art."

He took off his pants and sat in underwear. I started to draw another sketch; this time taking more time in the drawing.

I was very excited. I never had watched a man like him in underwear. I am talking of some poor times... when no one could go to beaches or pools. Sunny beaches were on the other side of the world, you know. But now here, I was watching Antoine in underwear and it was an amazing sight. I was raptured in awed. Almost inebriated... but I could make him another petition.

"What if we try a more classic pose?"

"A more classic pose?"

"Yes, like standing up. Like... in the David of Michelangelo's pose."

"The David of Michelangelo?"

"Yeah. Do you mind?"

"No. How is this pose?"

He stood up and showed his his wonderful body. I told him how to stand in the pose for the David of Michelangelo's drawing. I grabbed his arms to put them in the right position. My hand was shaking a little when I touched his naked arms. The scent of his body rose up to my nose and I trembled even more. Then I grabbed his legs to make him pose as in the famous statue.

I stepped back and I watched him from some five feet of distance. I was amazed. So much... that I had not yet started to draw a single line.

Then... I dared to say,

"It's more natural... more natural if... if you take... your underwear off."

"More natural?"

"Yeah. More classic, you know."

"More classic?"

"Yeah. All Renaissance statues were made naked, you know?"

He took off his underwear. He had big hairy balls and a nice black bush around the base of... his thing. You can imagine, it was hanging down and had such a big size. I felt envy of his hang; for mine was a little thing. His body was magnificent and I was feeling an erection. I was a little surprised, for I never had an erection watching a naked male. Well, it was the first time I was watching a naked man anyway.

His thighs were thick and strong. I was fascinated and felt the urge of caressing them. I wanted to feel them with my hands to caress the beautiful form, like... I imagined Michelangelo caressing the thighs of his model, a real living statue in all his hot flesh and palpitating... blood. A living statue full of power and thrust.

I started to draw the first lines of the astonishing body. It was the most thrilling experience I had ever in my life.

"You make the most magnificent David, Antoine."

"The most magnificent David?"

"Yes. Astonishing! It's like... like the body of a god."

He was flattered with my words and smiled.

"I would like to make a statue of your body."

"A statue?"

"Yes, in marble. It would be a wonder to watch."

"Aren't you exaggerating?"

"No. Not in the least. I think... I have a vocation for sculpture."

"You never told me."

"Well, I've just discovered it... now, as I watched you."

"While watching me?"

"Yes. Can I a make a new drawing?"

"Help yourself."

"This one would be a close up."

"Go on."

I approached to Antoine and sat very near him. The smell of his body was intoxicating my mind. I felt the temptation of caressing his powerful thighs. In other moment I want to touch his balls, to see how they felt in my fingers.

I have started to draw a picture of his body in perspective. His genitals were in foreground close up. Like in a picture. The sight presented a perspective of his balls and a dick that resulted in a blown up perspective. It was amazing.

Then, Antoine dicks began to rise up. It was rising and getting bigger and bigger at the same time. This was the most extraordinary sight I have ever watched in my life. I was trembling a little. My hand was shaking, and I could barely draw another line.

"Oh, this is wonderful!" I said. "I never imagined that... that such a thing could be so big."

"What thing?"

"That thing of yours rising up and pointing to the ceiling."

"You like it?"

"Yeah. Can I... can I touch it?"

"Yeah. Go on."

I began to appraise the wondrous thing with my sight and fingers. It was thick, it was hot, it was... oh, my god! It was... I felt in his dick the thumping of his blood pulsating. It was like... like I was hearing the thumping of his heart; thump on, thump on, thump on, I heard in my ears. It was wonderful.

I was discovering a new world. Then I was trembling and shaking. I began to jerk my hand on that thing, up and down. I approached my nose to his balls and inhaled. I felt a powerful thrilling. I was inebriated. I was on the verge of swooning.

Antoine stood there quite, like a god, enjoying the thrilling I was extracting from his thing. I approached my face to his crotch. I was not aware this act of mine was an abomination of the heavens. So, I moved my head driven by an irresistible impulse. I wanted to please him, I wanted to explore that thing he had, and smell it, and touch it. It was quite different to mine, for it was big and... powerful. My thing was much smaller. Even my smell was almost inexistent. While the scent of Antoine was powerful, like the might scent of the male gods.

So, I admired his wonder, and I wanted to be like him, when I would grow up and develop more like a god myself. It was an impossible dream. But, in that moment, I was unable to think clearly. I was mesmerized with the wonderful piece of hard flesh. My nose was touching his balls and I inhaled deeply again. Something like a mild electric shock shook my brain. Antoine pushed my head towards his balls. My nose was buried in them, his hard flesh was on my forehead. They balls big and tight. I felt the balls' hairs in my lips. My lips kissed them. I felt the need to open my mouth on them but do not dared.

Antoine make me stand up and held my head with both hands he kissed me. His lips touched mine and his tongue pushed and entered in. I felt his tongue coming inside and it was something really weird. It was the first time I had the tongue of a person in my mouth. Antoine's tongue was exploring my mouth and his lips were sucking mine deeply. Then his tongue caressed my lips softly. It was something very... very thrilling.

Then his arms pressed my body against his. I felt his thing pressing on my lower stomach. His hands were caressing my back and they were slowly going down toward my buts. They stopped there and were for a while kneading my butt muscles. It felt sort of pleasant to feel his hands in there. I felt like some electricity flowing towards my brain. It was an intoxicating experience.

He stopped kissing me and said,

"Come on."

He drove me towards a door and opened it. Now switched on a light. It was a faint light. In those times all the light lamps were of little power, some 25 watts. He unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. He threw my shirt on the bed. Then, he held my body and pressed it against his. Then he moved me sideways to produce a rubbing effect in my skin. After a while he threw his body on the bed, laying on his back and carrying me with. I could feel his hard thing pressing on my body and a great heat of his body burning me. I was profiting of his heat, for I was rather sensible to cold. We were like feeling each other this way for a minute. Then he said,

"Take off your trousers."

I stood up and began to strip off my cloths in a harry. Then he grabbed me by a hand and pulled me towards him. He was kissing me again.

After a while, he pushed me on my shoulders making me to move towards his lower body. He stopped pushing as my face was on his crotch.

"You are an artist?"

I was unsure what he meant and said nothing.

"You must study this."

"Yeah." I said.

I began to inspect his dick closely. It was a magnificent piece of hard flesh. The head of the thing was of great size, and was glistening at the dim light of the lamp. I began to jerk it up and down and it become harder. A little pearl of white cream appeared on the slit of the head.

"What is this?" I asked like a silly innocent boy.

"You have to taste it to know it."

"Have to taste it?" I feigned a surprise.

"Yeah. Lap it."

I was doubting two seconds, then I lapped the pearl of white cream. I tasted sweat and salty. It felt nice.

"Do you like it?

"Yes. It's so sweet. Can you produce more?"

"Sure. Go on and suck on it."

"I have to suck it?"

"Of course, but take care not to scratch it with the teeth."

"Yeah. I have to take care with my teeth."

"Go for it. It's all yours."

I was very thrilled and started to suck. It was the first time I was sucking a dick. It was a pleasant surprise the feeling of that thing in my tongue. It felt marvelous.

I was fearing it would have a nasty taste or something, for that thing was used to pee. But it felt nice and soft, like velvet. Hot soft and hard, but at the same time it was like slippery velvet.

After passing a time sucking on the wonderful head that was spiting drops of sweat cream, the hand of Antoine on the back of my head, was indicating, go for deeper. Then I began to take more and more dick in my mouth, and I was amazed at how much dick I was getting in my mouth. I was like with almost the whole member swallowed but not all. I thought it was impossible to take more dick in my mouth.

Then I heard the deep voice of Antoine saying in a slow soothing voice,

"It would be great if... you can take it all."·

Then, I felt myself obliged to please him, for this was what I wanted to do.

I swallowed deeper a little in a haste and I get back by a gage reflex.

"Keep trying," he said.

And he added slowly,

"Practice is the mother of perfection."

I was convinced that I could do it. Then, I tried to swallow it all.

Little by little I was trying slowly to defeat the gage reflex, and at last I triumphed, for I felt my nose buried in the sweet scented pubes of Antoine. I felt a little ticking of some pubes on my nose, but I had a sense of triumph. I had achieved something that looked impossible at first glance.

I was deep sucking for a time, rising my head up to breath, and the wonder dick of Antoine was then touter and started to do some jerks. I was really awed, but Antoine stopped this in the moment and he pushed my head up.

"What happened? Did I something wrong?"

"No, you were doing wonders. It was that was going to cum. I don't wanted to finish."·

"You don't want to finish?"

"Yeah. Have ever sucked anyone before?

"No. This is my first time."

"Then you are gifted for sucking. A little more practice and you can win an International Master in cock sucking."

"So.... did it do it so well?"

"It was perfect. You did like a pro. Top rating."

"Top rating?"

I was sincerely flattered.

"Come here," he said. "Lie over me for a while and don't move."

I was laying over his body, feeling all the heat he was giving to me. Then he started to kiss me in the mouth again. His hands were caressing my back and going down to my buts. He was caressing my buts and it was quite pleasant.

After a while he moved my body to a side and made me lay on my back. He was caressing my thing for a while till it was really hard, then he jerked the thing up and down for a moment. My little thing had become tout and rigid. He felt my little dick was about to explode if he kept jerking it.

"Oh, I was going to cum."

"It was too soon for that."

Then he stopped.

"Now, turn on. I want to take you on the back."

I had the inspiration of teasing him a little bit, feigning I feared of having his dick in my ass.

"Take me on the back? You mean... you want to enter this big thing?"

"That's what I want."

"But you could not make it. This thing is too big."

"It wouldn't hurt you."

I was playing a little bit with my fear.

"You are going to kill me. You are too big for my poor ass."

"Nobody had been killed by having a dick in his ass."


"It's the sweetest and nicer piece of hard meat you will ever have."

"I know it's sweet. But I heard a tale about a married girl that was hurt in her wedding night."

"Well, girls are different. You are not a girl. A boy is stronger than a girl, and can take dicks up a lot easier.

"That thing is too big..." I whined a little more.

I loved the haggle. I wanted to hear him persuading me.

"You are not a sissy boy, are you?"

"No, I am not."

"Then, you are brave and can take it."

"Yeah, but do you think it hurts?"

"Of course it hurts, but not so much that a man could not take it."

"So, you think I am a man?"

"Of course. You will take it up... like a brave soldier."

"Like a soldier?" I was flattered.

"Better still, like a French legionnaire."

"Then, it does not hurt?"

"Of course, it hurts. It hurts as it enters, the first time. Then pain wears off and that comes later is pleasure."

"All is pleasure pleasure?"

"After the first shock."

"And you? Would this act also hurt you?"

"Yeah, as it enters. I have to do a real effort pushing. For you are a virgin, and a virgin has a very tight hole."

"Then, you will also suffer?"

"Of course. But it is worth the pain. For gives later a lot of pleasure."

"Well, but if that thing hurts too much... you will have to stop."

"Yes, don't be afraid. It would not hurt enough to stop."


Then I turned on my body and lay on my belly.

He spread out my legs on the bed and knelt between. Then, as he was not in a harry and he lay over by back. I felt all his weight in my back and I loved it. I loved also all the heat he body was giving me, for I was mostly very sensitive to cold. I loved to have him heating me so nicely. I felt also his thick hard thing in my ass, near my rear crack. He was for a while rubbing his chest and belly on my back. I loved it. I could not believe that simple thing could had been so pleasant.

After a while of him rubbing his skin over my back, I was almost burning. I felt a sweating between our two bodies. He was blowing his hot breath on my neck and I got pretty excited. He breathed also on my ear and even blew a little there. I could not understand why this thing was so pleasant.

I was like sweating and my rear furrow was also wet with the sweat. Then, Antoine raised a little bit and pointed this hard thing to my rear end. The tip of the hard thing was like looking for the hole to enter. Then, as it found it, it began to rub on it up and down. I felt some weird pleasant feeling in there. Then, he applied the tip of his big pecker on my hole and began to push in. It could not enter as I supposed, for that thing was to thick or too big. No way this huge piece of hard meat could enter in there.

Then, Antoine put lots of saliva on my hole, and spread it with his fingers. It seemed that he even entered a finger or two in there. Then, he applied his thing before my hole and lay on my back. I thought this was all, and he had changed his mind to enter me in there. I felt a little disappointed for I wanted to suffer letting him to get into me. But having him resting on my back was sort of relaxing me. I wanted him get in there even if it was painful. For I was not a fag or a whining pansy. I wanted to take it all, even it is was a real pain to get it in.

Then, after a moment of Antoine resting on my back, I was about to ask him to try to enter me. But it was not necessary for he had already started to press in my hole. He pressed forward but it could not enter, but he relaxed the pressure and pushed again. I realized that he was seriously pushing forward, for I was feeling how hard it was the resistance of my hole.

He was pushing and pushing, but my ass hole seemed to have a will of its own, and resisted the powerful assaults. I could not believe from where my ass hole took so much power, since I was a sort of wimp.

For a while, there was a sort of balance between the power of the pecker of Antoine and the resistance of my ass hole.

"Relax," said Antoine.

"I'm relaxed." I replied. "It is not me, it is the hole that is resisting."

"Then, you should push out, like you were giving off a big turd out."


"Push out, like you were to shit a hard turd."

I began to push out, and suddenly I felt like a lighting exploding in my brain.

I felt like fire wheel of lights in my head; then I felt like a powerful sting in my ass. The huge pecker had pulled down the doors of the fortress. Then, I felt something bulky stuck in my ass.

"You got it." He said in a tone of triumph.

"I got it all the huge thing?"

"No. You got only the tip."

"You mean the tip?"


"It feels like... I got it all."

"You got the most difficult part. That is the tip."

"The tip is the most difficult?"

"Yeah. Once the tip is in, the rest comes in easy. It is a question of pushing a little more. Then it's all downhill."


"Of course."

Then, I felt he was pushing in more, then he moved back, and then in again, etc. He was for a while moving a little in and out, and I was feeling all right. Not only all right, I was enjoying that thing moving in my hole. Even if it was only the tip.

It was then that I felt like another "bump!" I felt like bolt in my head. I was like knocked out for a second, then an acute hurt, a might stretching of my hole.

"Ouch! Ough!! My!!"

Antoine was gasping due to the effort he made.

"What happens?" He asked.

"You had busted my ass!" I whined. " I must be blooding!"

"No blooding. This is only the pain of the stretching."

"The pain of stretching?"

"You got half my cock in."

"Half what?"

"My cock."

"Then this thing is also called a cock?"

"Yeah. Pecker is the name for the kids' penis."

"Oh, my!"

"Now, you got what you wanted, my cock buried in your ass."

I was getting used to the bulky intrusion in my ass. Then, I felt like... inflated. That huge cock embedded in my ass... made me feel like... fatter, or like more heavily built. My body felt like... well, I was feeling like... bigger. It was like the essence of his burly body had passed into me. All his power was now mine, I got it all in.

"Now, another push, and you got me 'entirely' inside you."


"Of course. When you got my whole dick, and this is like you got me whole inside you."

He was moved enthusiastically inside my ass, and I was enthralled by his passion. His passion and eagerness passed to my brain through my ass, and I was thrilled so high like I were fucking my own ass. I was like feeling his feeling, his emotional drive moving his member inside my ass. I was really impressed, then I asked him,

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah. It is the best fuck of my life."

I understood that fuck had to be what he was doing in my ass.

"The best fuck?" I asked.

"Yeah, honey. Do you love feeling me inside you?"

I was really enjoying his fat and hot cock moving fast inside me. I was sort of amazed. It was the first time I had such a huge wonder inside, such a source of pleasure moving inside me. I barely could believe it.

Then with a new push, his dick slid inside, penetrating so deep in... that I heard like a sort of click in my brain. He had pushed some inner barrier down and the tip got farther in, somewhere in my bowels.

Then, I felt the huge large thing moving in and out inside me, as long as it was. And this feeling was so strong that much later... I had been trying to experience the same with many other partners. But none were like my first lover Antoine.

"You got me whole in," he said.



most important part of me, in this moment."

I felt sort of proud of having such a powerful stud embedded in my ass.

He rested for a moment with his dick deeply embedded in my body. I was enjoying the feeling of so much bulk inside. I felt like a might stretching, and some feeling overcame my ass and my brain, and I was feeling some... like happy.

Then he resumed his movement inside my ass like a mad. His dick was coming and going inside my ass.

He was panting and growling, and making other noises. He was calling me 'his little whore of the prairie', and he called me also his bitch forever. He said I was the best hooker he had ever fucked. I was flattered with all these, even if I do not understood most of the words he was using, for he was saying many dirty words in French.

The power of his cock had passed a part to my little pecker that was now 'so hard' that it felt sort of pain. My small dick was flattered between my belly and the mattress of the bed. As Antoine was moving in and out, my little cock was being masturbating against the bed. Antoine was laying on my back as he moved in and out. Then my brain was overwhelmed by different feelings; my dick being masturbated on the bed, the cock of Antoine moving all along my ass, the feeling of his hot chest and belly on my back, his breathing and biting on my neck, and the lobe of my ears; his obscene words calling his bitch and little whore of the prairie, etc.

There is a moment in which you cannot stop an ejaculation. This moment arrived, and my hole began to have rhythmical contractions on the cock of Antoine, that exclaimed,

"Oh, my! I am going to breed you!"

He began to roar and to shout weird sounds like a wild animal, and I felt his cock having jerks inside my ass. I felt the hot shots of his cream inside my anal cavity and some of the shots went directly to my bowels to impregnate me with his powerful seed.

My little dick made a mess over the bed, and I had never had such a powerful ejaculation in my life. But the cock of Antoine was still having jerks inside my ass and he fell over my back full of sweat. It passed a while and his cock was still alive inside my ass, having jerks and giving off the last drops of his cream.

I nearly got sleep with Antoine resting on my back.

I awoke as he whispered in my ear,

"Did you love it?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Then, from now on, you are going to be my bitch."

"Your bitch? What word is this?"

"It means lover."


"Mostly it refers to the bottom lover."

"Bottom lover?"

"In love there is always a top and a bottom."

"A top and a bottom?"

"Yeah. And you are the bitch, that is the bottom."

"I'll be the bottom then."

"That's all."

"But I would never be on top?"

"Yeah. You can be on top of my cock, riding on, with my cock inserted your ass."

"I see. I will also be glad with it."

Then, after a while, his cock came out of my ass for it had become soft.

This is the end of part one.

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