The Downward Spiral of T.J. Neuman

By rob roberts

Published on Apr 5, 2014



The downward Spiral of T.J. Neuman

This is a fictional tale. It is isn't based on any real people or incidents. The story is the property of the author and can't be used without permission. If illegal to read where you are now or you are under 18, please stop reading immediately. If you have comments, please write to me at I invite all thoughts you may have. Thanks. rob

Chapter 1

T.J. Neuman awoke with a start not really knowing where he was. He looked around and again recalled he was sleeping on the couch in his uncle's shabby place. He sighed a deep sigh and immediately reached down to grasp his dick and to rub one out as he did every morning for the last couple of years or since he realized that doing so was one of the things he liked best and that relaxed him. As he stroked, it gave him time to start thinking again. He hated his now shitty life.

It had been so good before. He was an average teen with generally good looks he decided. He had been popular with the guys and girls in his upper middle class home and school. He played sports, basketball some, but mostly he swam for the team and ran track in the spring. He was pretty well physically fit with his size about normal, maybe 5'9'', a well developed body thanks to swimming and running and very popular with the ladies never having to worry about getting their attention. They all came to see him swim and he was real happy that they all liked how he looked in his school issued Speedo swim suit. He felt pretty good about it once he realized what they liked and tried to show off a little even letting the speedo droop a little to show off the top of his ass and the good package inside the crotch. It was a little tight but that kind of made him happy as it revealed his above average thick and bigger than average dick. He got lots of looks from the girls and even a few guys he smugly remembered. Yeah, well that was then.

Now his life sucked. He had lived a pretty good life never wanting for anything. He wore a lot of Abercrombie clothes and always was well groomed. He really lacked little in clothing or all the things teen boys of his age wanted. That all went well until he came home one afternoon from school in his relatively new car that his folks had given him for his good grades, and found a policeman at his door. The message was that his parents had both been killed in a private plane accident. T.J. really had no one other than his friends and two uncles, his dad's brothers. One was one T.J. disliked. He was kind of selfish and was married with two younger sons. The other was the youngest brother who T.J. did like and often, when he was able came to family gatherings, talked to T.j. and seemed to share similar interests. He was maybe 22 or 23 and was pretty good looking. He lived alone in some apartment that T.J. was not allowed to visit. That made him wonder why. His dad had implied that he was gay but T.J. didn't think much about it The uncle, Dan, was very quiet about a lot of things that T.J. wondered about. Dan was the only one who came right away after his parents died, and comforted his nephew. His other uncle, eventually came but made no offer to take care of T.J. which bothered him. It only reminded T.J. why he didn't much care for him.

T.J.'s dad had kind of implied that Dan had been the runt of the liter and was actually a mistake his grandparents had made late in life. T.J. thought that cruel of him but had said nothing.

After the funeral, Dan said it was decided that T.J. would come to stay with him while he sorted out some things. The boy wondered why they couldn't stay in the nice house he had known since birth where his friends and school were. He soon found that his parents were in debt up to their ears and the house would be lost. T.J. was very sad but being a teen and not too knowledgeable about life, simply accepted the fact and moved out taking what he could of his stuff to his Uncle's small one bedroom apartment. The area was dumpy and nothing like T.J. had ever experienced. His uncle did what he could to make him comfortable. He even offered T.J. his bedroom saying he would sleep on the couch but T.J. refused . He actually thought it might be ok if he slept with his uncle in his double bed but didn't want to bring it up. Lately, TJ had developed some interest in guys and had found himself looking at gay porn on his computer. He had seen his uncle look with a certain look that made T.J. curious, whenever they were together. He seemed to like looking at T.J. without his shirt on and in summer looking at him differently. T.J. knew he was good looking but wondered why his uncle seemed to like to see him somewhat undressed. Finally he figured out that Dan was probably gay although he dressed and acted like any usual guy, not like some weirdo type that T.J. had assumed all gays were like based on what his dad told him. T.J. was just curious about his uncle and maybe a little about himself.

T.J. liked having people look at him and he had found himself eyeing other guys too lately. Hmm. Was he gay too? He didn't know but recalled how much he liked it when a year younger kid on the swimming team actually offered to suck him off one afternoon in the locker room . It was one of the coolest things that he ever experienced and he soon in his dominant manner, got the kid to come over allegedly to play video games but it became a regular session of the kid worshipping his body., It made him feel real good and he threatened the kid never to tell or he would out him. He made sure by taking pictures of the kid with cum on his face. The kid seemed to fear yet love sucking T.J. and was about to try to fuck him but the accident came in the way and he no longer could work out meetings with the kid. Damn!

T.J. sadly had to accept the fact that life would change for him. He was a teen kid and lived in his own protected world so all this was new. He had no choice though and was glad he at least, had Uncle Dan to care for him

Sadly, T.J.'s friends and even his girlfriend dropped him like a rock. They no longer even called him or returned his calls. Once he was moved away, they saw he wasn't going to be the rich kid anymore and not like them. They were too much into that teen world they lived in to feel that bad for him once they came out for the funerals. T.J. was devastated and a mess. He stayed in the tiny apartment. He really didn't know what his uncle did but he came and left at all kinds of hours and never really said. He had studied for becoming a teacher but obviously, that wasn't happening. T.J, was only able to bring some of his stuff to his uncle's apartment. The rest was sent to the other uncle's house to be stored. His uncle could only afford Wal Mart stuff so even what he got new was kind of shitty by his previous standards.

He had asked his uncle to lend him some boxers or briefs as he only had one pair of his own. T.J. found that many of his clothes didn't make the move. His Uncle Dan looked at him and got red but told him he didn't have any either! He went commando! T.J. had done that but not every day. Well, now it was the way he went daily. After a few days, he didn't mind it and being in the apartment often by himself, he sometimes wore nothing. His uncle did that and for a change he got to see his uncle naked and it kind of turned him on. He didn't know why but it was one of the few pleasures he had. He sometimes jerked off thinking about seeing his good looking uncle naked . He wasn't some fashion model or big jock guy, but he had a nice body that was defined and in shape. T.J. hoped someday his young body would be at least equal or maybe better. What made him wonder about himself though, was his fascination with guys bodies. Maybe it was the kid who he made suck him off several times a week. The kid had a kind of skinny body but had a nice cock, not big but nice. Mainly though, he loved the power trip of having this kid so anxious to suck on his bigger, thicker meat. Man that was the stuff of dreams for any teen guy straight or gay. Having his own cocksucker was way cool.

T.J. laid on the couch and stroked his big meat giving him one of the few pleasures he had left. Just as he shot off a nice load and still sulking about his crappy life, his Uncle Dan strolled in the living room and laughingly said, "Nice one, Dude!"

T.J. had no idea his uncle was in the room! He turned beet red as he looked over seeing his Uncle scratching his nuts. He was as naked as T.J. T.J. looked at him and then away and then back. His uncle had a pretty good body. Not real muscular but well defined, a flat belly that seemed to show some definition and a decent v shape going down to his trimmed crotch. What shocked T.J. was that in his uncle's dickhead, there was a ring. It made T.J. want to see it up close. T.J. did admire the trimmed pubes on his uncle. His were kind of unruly and he was damn proud of every hair. He also had hair on his nuts and up his butt crack. He thought it made him look pretty manly. He also sported a fairly big bush under his arms. After swimming where he had to shave it all off, he had let his body go back to what it was supposed to be. He still had a hairless chest and didn't need to shave yet, something that he wished he needed to do. His uncle had some hair on his legs but it was clear that he groomed himself pretty regularly. What stunned him was his uncle sported some pretty big nuts and a fairly long thick dick like he did. Guess it ran in the family!

It kind of bothered T.J. that he was so fascinated seeing his Uncle's big dick! What had come over him? He never really paid much attention to guys junk. Oh, yeah, he looked sometimes to compare and was generally pretty happy seeing that he had nothing to worry about. He had been hung since he was 13 or 14. He was especially proud of his big balls that were lower hangers according to what he saw on the internet, when he could check porn on his own.

Dan strolled over and sat down, lighting a cigarette. T.J. was a little surprised it wasn't a joint. He knew his uncle smoked some and even let him do it with him sharing a joint that did make him a little less tense. He wasn't surprised either that his uncle was naked. He was naked a lot when he was home even going outside on his patio nude. He went outside in public, barefoot and shirtless quite a bit too. When T.J. asked about it, Dan laughed and said he had nothing to hide. T.J. in the short time he was there, had now gone to sleeping naked which he liked, and not caring if his uncle saw him. He had seen him jerk off though but it seemed that didn't matter.

After lighting up, Dan went to the tiny kitchen and put on coffee He asked T.J. if he wanted any and T.J. moaned a yes watching the tight ass of his uncle. He really wanted to ask about the ring in his cock but was hesitant to do so. He finally decided he would. Dan laughed stroking it saying it was a business decision. T.J. had no idea what that meant but nodded. Dan walked over and let T.J. have a closer look. He asked if it hurt much to put in. Dan said no. He was thinking about getting more. He touched it and felt the warmth of his uncle's dick and it made him start to bone up so he dropped it and let it swing. He told him it looked cool and Dan said he might let him get one too if he wanted it.

T.J. wasn't sure. He knew that he would be with his uncle awhile as he was the only family that agreed to take him. His other prick of an uncle said he couldn't. Dan was close to him and told the judge he would when it came to granting custody. T.J. was glad that Dan got the little money the state gave him for keeping T.J. It was the least he could do and he asked for little of it..

They sat naked in the kitchen eating some cereal and drinking coffee. They shared the little milk that was left in the refrigerator. Dan wished he could help out more but was actually a little intimidated to go and look for a job. The area was kind of scary to him. Nothing like he was used to. He had sworn he would do it though although he had no idea where or what kind of job he could get.

He wasn't even sure what his uncle did. He went out a lot at all hours and had lots of phone calls. He had a computer that he used privately but it was password protected and T.J. didn't know the password and was afraid to ask. He wasn't sure why.

They chatted some and T.J. found it easy to talk with his uncle. Finally, Dan had a call and after leaving the room to take it, he came back and said he had to go out. He slapped T.J. on the butt and said he had a hot ass as he went to get dressed.

T.J. washed out the dishes and went back to get dressed. He slipped on his cheap basketball shorts and a beater. He deiced he really had to go out too and see where he might find a job to help out. He was going to put on socks but again remembered he only had two pair and they were dirty so he just put on flip flops and then cleaned up to go out and meet his new world. He figured he had to do something or he would go stir crazy in the little apartment.

Dan told him to watch himself. He did say there was a park nearby where he might find some guys to play a pick up game of basketball. That sounded ok to him but he really missed the friends who dropped him. He didn't know what he find around the new neighborhood. Mostly, it looked Hispanic or black or white trash. He just didn't know anyone like that and he wondered how he would do. Would they try to beat him up and rob him? He decided he was strong enough and that he would just have to face it someday so he might as well do it today as his Uncle was going out someplace.

T.J. looked in the mirror in the bathroom deciding if he looked ok. He was a little worried as his dick was kind of prominent in the silky shorts but decided he had no other choice. He made a decision that he would try to earn enough to buy some cool underwear if he could. His uncle came by and said he looked hot. He looked at Dan and he looked kind of hot too in tight jeans and a tight tee and flip flops also. T.J. wondered where he was going but didn't want to ask.

Dan told him to have a good time and again to be careful. They left together, Dan getting into the car and T.J. waling down the street. Damn, it was hot already as T.J. ambled along avoiding the litter and looking inside mostly abandoned and empty stores. What a shit hole he thought as he continued on toward where Dan said the park was located.

He heard a few voices and the pounding of basketball as he walked near. It wasn't much of a park. The grass was mostly gone, kids play structures looked broken and there was a basketball court but several rims and backboards were gone, the pole just standing there. He walked toward the sound to see who might be playing ball. He spotted two guys, one wearing a beater like himself and the other bare chested. They seemed to be getting along ok and didn't look too threatening. One was a light skinned black guy, the other a Latino. The Latino wore the shirt, the black guy bare. T.J. watched them shoot for several minutes. They seemed ok and having an ok time. He was a little concerned because they both wore shorts like him but had on tennis shoes, but he found himself boning up again as he watched their sweating bodies play. Damn. There it goes again. He had just shot a little over an hour ago and now he was feeling horny again.

T.J. put his hands up and fingers through the chain link and watched the two guys play. They were interrupted by two smaller white boys who came in wearing just shorts and ragged tennis shoes. When they approached the two guys, the knelt down and took off the shoes and were barefoot. They each reached in their shoes and pulled out what looked like money and reached up to hand it to the tow guys. They looked down at them with some distain but big smiles. The two new boys handed the cash over to the bigger boys who had to be around 18. T.J. figured they looked just a bit older than he was. The kneeling boys looked around 14 or so. T.j. heard the black guy tell them not to keep cash in their shoes. They made the money stink. He bent down and took the shoes and threw them quite a distance. The Latino boy laughed and said something. The other white boy then picked up his shoes and threw them also. They hit the fence near T.J. and he almost ducked. The tow younger white boys then got up and went away barefoot. One seemed to have tears in his eyes. T.J. wondered what he just witnessed.

As he watched the two walk away barefoot, he heard someone yell over "Hey, white boy. What you doing?" Realizing after a moment it was now him they were talking to, he just kind of mumbled "nothing."

The two strolled over, the Latino lifting his shirt and rubbing his sweaty chest. He was pretty good looking. As they approached, T.J. got a good look at them. The black kid was fairly muscular. The Latino was thinner but had taut muscles. They both had very short hair, very black. The Latino had a pencil thin mustache and a generous amount of hair on his legs and clearly in his pits. His chest was smooth and he wore a chain around his neck that looked expensive. The black guy had less hair but in his pits and some on his chest. It was clear they both had generous cocks under their shorts. Damn. Doesn't anyone around here wear underwear, T.J. thought?

""You new around here? " The black guy asked.

T.J. kind of mumbled that he just moved in with his uncle. . They both nodded. "You play ball?" The Latino asked.

Again , T.J. trying to find his voice said he played a little. They motioned for him to come around through the gate and asked if he wanted to play. Not knowing if he should, he said he would. They looked him up and down before saying their names. The Latino was Bennito or Benny and the black guy was Thad. T.J. told them his name and added the T.J. stood for Thomas James but he preferred T.J. They nodded and tossed him the ball. T.J. took a few shots at the hoop and made two of three efforts. "Not bad, white boy. You wanna play? T.j. said he could play a little but had to get home. They shocked him by saying his uncle was busy all morning so he could play for a bit. T.J. wondered how they knew that. Even he didn't know that. They just smirked and then asked what he wanted to play for. T.J. said he didn't have any money so maybe just to play.

"No, we gotta have a goal. Maybe we'll play for articles of clothing. That's a fine set of flips you got on so you win, you get our shoes, we win and we get yours."

T.J. was shocked again. He had never played for anything like that. T.J. hemmed and hawed a little before they goaded him into agreeing. They were bigger and he didn't want to end up getting beaten up. T.J. had up until recently, been fairly confident. His friends had looked up to him and he showed he was kind of a leader

They explained the game saying each got five shots. Each shot had to be taken from a different angle to the goal. The one not making the shots had to give the other guys something. T.J. was nervous as he wasn't a regular basketball player but excelled in most sports, but nodded. They offered him some practice shots which he agreed to. As he shot, they said what a fine haircut he had. Actually, T.J. generally kept his hair pretty short but it had grown out a lot and now he kept it under a cap most of the time. It was long and curled up some. He wanted to get a haircut but didn't want to ask for the money for one.

He shot a few respectable shots missing one. They each took turns missing one each also. T.J. felt relieved. Maybe he could match them and it would be a draw and he would be ok. He really kind of liked the guys who smiled at him making him feel accepted. He missed that and needed acceptance badly as his friends were always calling or texting him and saw him as a kind of leader. This was all new though and he really had no black friends or any minorities for that matter. He knew a few guys but wasn't close to them. He just hoped his cock getting a little stiff in his cheap, thin basketball shorts, wouldn't betray him. He didn't know why he was getting hard looking at these two guys who seemed to possess all the macho coolness he usually had among friends but was lacking now.

Thad tossed T.J. the ball. He dribbled it a few times and then took his first shot from the far right side. Surprisingly, he made it. He moved over and took another shot and that one too, he made. His confidence was boosted some. Head on, he shot, and damn, he missed it as it bounced off the backboard. He looked nervously at the two"friends" who just smiled at him. He took the next two shots and made them. He had missed just one, the easiest one! He tossed the ball to Benny. Benny started where T.J. left off and missed. He mumbled shit under his breath as Thad laughed. He missed the econd one too and said fuck it and tore off his beater shirt revealing a smooth hairless chest that had a few tats on it. T.J. admired the masculine boy who had great pecs and dark nipples. His pit hair glistened . He took has next three shots and made them all. T.j. felt better. At least he was losing. Thad took the ball and made all five like he was some kind of pro. Benny tossed his shirt in the so called 'pot' of prizes.

It was T.J.'s turn again and he missed two of five. Benny missed one and Thad again missed none. Feeling compelled, he pulled off his beater too revealing his masculine yet not as developed chest. T.J. was probably a year or two younger than these guys and for the first time, he felt he wasn't top dog but he had nothing to be ashamed of. His nice brown nipples were fairly large and he knew girls had loved them as he had gotten them licked along with his fairly large 7" dick but only twice and he hadn't been allowed to cum. Damn he wanted that. And, a boy he knew to be gay had sucked him once right after he pissed and he thought that was hot. He just never got another chance to maybe let him suck him and maybe even cum in his mouth. He knew the kid was willing.

So, he pulled off his sweaty beater and hoped he wasn't too inferior when he knew the other two would look him over.

Round three came around and damn if T.J. didn't lose again and looked around helplessly. It was either his shorts or his flips. He didn't want to removed either. Benny asked him which it would be. He reluctantly kicked off the flips making him feel strange shooting hoops in his bare feet. Thad said not to worry, lots of white boys did it and it was the rules.

In the next round, T.J. found it difficult to jump up as he had. Even in flips, he had some protection for his soles. Not so now. In round four, Thad finally missed one and pulled off his head band. Benny said that was legal. T.j. had wished he thought of that. He could have dumped his cap. Really stupid he thought. The other two, just kind of smirked.

Finally, round five came up and T.J. lost again. He pulled off his cap revealing his sweaty but pretty blnd hair. At least it wasn't his pants he decided.

"Looks like you lost, white boy." T.J. wished they would call his by name but Thad seemed to like calling him white boy. "Come on with us. We're going to my place for drinks. You wanna come?"

T.J. thought a minute before replying. "Ah, well, I was going to go look for some kind of job. I really need to earn some cash. Any place around here that might be hiring maybe a busboy or stock boy?"

Benny looked at him and smirked. "Not really, we don't got many stores around here or restaurants either and we know what jobs there are if there were any. You might say, we kind of know this place pretty good. Been here all our lives. Why don't you just come with us and we can maybe help you out with some work to earn some cash."

T.J. looked down a little disappointed but had no other option. Maybe these guys could help him find something. He nodded and said he would go with them. He reached for his flip flops but Thad said ' no boy, we won them things fair and square. Just go as you are."

"but,? I got to walk barefoot?"

"Yep. Looks like it." Thad said. "Come on. It's not too far." T.J. suddenly realized he could have bargained with his cap. He still wore it, his blondish hair sticking out from the sides. Thad hadn't said but he thought the look made the kid look hot. It was too late though so he kept his hat. At least he hadn't lost his shorts!

T.J. nodded and began to follow the guys out of the court and up the street. "Maybe you ought to carry this stuff", Thad said handing T.J. his sweaty beater and flips. "Just can't put' em on though. They be mine now. " Benny just kept walking as T.J. looked at Thad and took his things or what were his things.

T.J. actually liked being barefoot when he was home. He had heard that being barefoot or wearing some kind of footwear that displayed your feet was hot with girls. He was used to being barefoot when he swam and even had tried it running. He liked the feeling and also found his feet didn't smell as much. But here, on this dirty inner city sidewalk, he didn't feel real good about it. He knew his feet would be grungy and dirty when he got home.

They only went a block or two and Thad pointed to a house that looked kind of decent really. He saw a Hispanic kid and another white kid around his age on ladders painting it. "Keep working boys. Make me proud." Thad said to them. Both with shirtless and wore very worn shorts as they labored in the sun. "When you get this side done, move around the back. That's where the sun will be next and I want you all tan and nice."

Both boys mumbled almost in unison, " Yes, Boss."

Boss? Why was Thad their boss? Did he own this house? He seemed kind of young to be owning a house. It was nicer than most in the neighborhood but still.

They went up to the door. Benny pulled out a key and opened the front door. A nice blast of a/c hit them. Not to cold but definitely nicer than the sweltering heat outside.

They all went in. "You guys want something to drink?" Thad asked. Being really thirsty after playing and the walk, both Benny and T.J. said yes. Thad reappeared in a minute with three beers. Holy shit, T.J. thought. He always liked a beer if one could be snuck at home or at a friend's house or maybe at a party. But here in daytime, T.J. felt almost like a man being offered this forbidden pleasure.

Thad and Benny sat down on a sofa both kicking off their shoes. They each wore short athletic socks that disappeared into their shoes. T.J. sat last not really being told or asked to but he figured he might as well. Thad flipped on a large screen t.v. similar to one T.J. recalled having when he lived at home. Now, a distant memory. On the screen, came some sports channel showing a basketball game. They all watched with T.J. wondering if he should say anything to remind the guys about the job they mentioned. He decided he would wait and sipped his beer as they guzzled theirs. T.J. really wasn't much of a drinker. The opportunity never really was thee and if the truth be known, he wasn't all that crazy about the taste. He actually would have been just as happy with a water or a coke.

Thad got tired of the basketball and flipped on a dvd player. The screen instantly filled with a video of a white girl getting fucked by two black guys. One was working her twat and the other her asshole. T.J. couldn't take his eyes off the screen. He had seen some porno on his computer naturally, but never on a big screen t.v with two other dudes. He often watched them as he rubbed one out in his room, something he had been doing several times a day. He glanced over at Benny and Thad. Both were rubbing their dicks through their shorts. It wasn't long before Benny slipped his shorts down over his hairy legs and revealed a monster cock all surrounded by dark rich black hair. It went down from his navel all around his cock and balls and disappeared into his asshole. The way he was sitting, slouched and all, his ass was exposed quite a bit.

Thad slid his shorts down too and revealed probably the biggest cock T.J. had ever seen. It must have been twelve or so inches long and was thick. T.J. felt really inadequate for the first time with his 7.5 inch cock that was thick and he thought pretty impressive until he had seen these guys. Benny must have had about 9 or 10 inches and was uncut, the long foreskin hanging over the edge but quickly being slid back to reveal his cock head. They both looked at one another's cocks and then to T.J. "Get comfortable, man. You like this stuff don't you?" Thad was smiling at T.J. when he spoke. Yeah T.J. liked it. His cock had gotten hard and a small wet spot appeared on his thin shorts. He just felt inadequate with a smaller cock.

T.J. a little reluctant slid his shorts down his cock flipping up and hitting his stomach. He was cut and his big head leaked out his boy juice. He glanced over at Thad and Benny almost unable to keep his eyes off their huge meat. No guys in his class that he had seen except for one black kid he only saw once, compared to what they had.

T.J. developed a lump in his throat as he swigged some beer but even then licked his lips. He didn't mean to lick his lips, it just happened. He was so damn horny he wanted to go and touch the other guys big dicks. He didn't dare though. He was no fag. He liked girls and well, he didn't mind the fag kid licking off the last drops of piss from his dick and he remembered it made him real hard thinking about the other boy doing it and had a few dreams of guys sucking him off. He even had a dream about sucking off his best bud, Scott, but had tried to get rid of the dream.

Was this a mistake for him to even play basketball with these guys? It made him horny but T.j. got nervous!

To be continued

Chapter 2

It had bothered him some that he had these almost secret thoughts of boy sex. As he grabbed his rock hard dick, Thad whistled and a door flew open and two boys, maybe 14, one white with dark long hair, the other white with sandy colored hair came into the room. They glanced at T.J. who was trying to conceal his dick. They wore just the very smallest of jock straps and they went right over to Benny and Thad and knelt down taking their hard, huge dicks in their mouths and started to suck. Their balls swayed back toward T.J. as they engulfed the hard dicks It appeared they were hairless. T.J. felt slightly more superior as he had regrown his pubes somewhat and had some hair in his hole. It made him feel more like a man. It was light color like his leg hair which had regrown. He had it all shaved when he was in swimming as all the guys did. He remembered they had shaving parties and shaved one another another thing that had made T.J. get hard and horny. What was with that, but several of the other guys had too. He knew several of this team mates were probably gay but he didn't want that know about him. Maybe he was into dudes? He had wondered. He just was sure he was horny and often.

He watched the two boys suck and lick. The one with long hair who was sucking Benny had his head pushed down and he licked his big hairy balls and then further still, his taint and then his hairy hole. T.J. was fascinated and never had seen such a show. Benny moaned as the kid's tongue seem to disappear into that hairy mess and go right into Benny's hole. Thad had less hair on his hole than Benny but even his boy eventually did the hole eating thing making T.J. lose his control and shot out a blast of cum like he had never done before. Holy, shit! This whole seen made him so fucking horny, he couldn't believe it.

Just about that time, Benny shot his load hitting the kid who moved quickly to get the rest. His face was covered in white cum . Then, Thad shot and his boy did the same thing. Covered with cum and some dripping out of their mouths, Thad and Benny pulled the boys up and kissed them. T.J. was so overcome, he had gotten hard again.

"Go lick off my boy over there." Thad said. The boys looked at T.J. and crawled over the short distance and while one buried his face in T.J.'s hole the other engulfed his rock hard cock and sucked it like T.J. had never felt before. T.J. was about to shoot again when he remembered that his hole, although he had cleaned it some, may have been a little sweaty and maybe dirty as he had farted a few times on his walk. Apparently, the kid didn't mind and licked like there was no tomorrow. T.J. shot again and had another big cum which the greedy boy swallowed. T.j. had tasted his own cum before as most teen boys do and had thought it not bad. Tis kid was making a meal out of it.

Once done, the two licked T.J. clean and moved back still on their knees. T.J. didn't know what to say. As he kind of sat back, the two took his bare, dirty feet and began to lick his toes and soles. This was really more than T.J. could have eve hoped for. No one had ever done that before. Damn, it felt good and he could feel his teen cock begin to harden again!

"You like that white boy?" Thad asked. These two are Sean and Mike. They work for me keeping this place clean and tidy. They keep me clean and tidy too!" He laughed as he spoke. The two looked at T.J. and nodded.

'See, I like white boys and Latinos. Benny, here is my right hand man. We kind of run this neighborhood. Neighbors don't mind when I explain the facts to them and they don't mind letting their sons and sometimes, daughters, work for us. They get some cash, we get some cash and we all look out for one another. Nobody messes with us much. If they do, we got some other players who take care of business. You might say, we keep order here and these guys, well, they know where they are and who they are. Mike here, lived with his momma. Once I laid out the facts, she sent him over to help me out. He didn't want to but even his momma now reminds him that he is one of my boys. I think he may now just accept that this is the way things are. Got the picture?"

T.J. wasn't sure he did but somehow got the idea that maybe Benny and Thad owned these guys. How could that be? After all, this was the U.S. and people had rights. We didn't have slavery anymore. And blacks were the slaves, not the whites. That was how T.J. had seen it.

T.J. just nodded still feeling kind of in a different world. He had loved being sucked and frankly, had thought about having some fags who would service his body regularly. It had been just a thought. Things like that didn't really happen. Yet, today, it did happen and it happened to him.

Sean and Mike got up and Benny said they should get them lunch. The two scampered out of the room not putting on any clothes. They darted out the door apparently just as the two who were painting the house came in.

"These two are some other helpers of ours. They do mostly outside work but are ready when I need 'em. Thad looked at the two maybe 18 year olds that they had seen on the ladders. They had a little paint on their chests and hands but not all that much.

"We thought we'd take a break if it's ok with you Boss." The one white boy said.

Thad looked at them and said I was T.J. They were fairly decent looking guys and wore old tennis shoes and kind of ragged shorts. "You guys know the rules. No dirty clothes in here.

"Right, Boss." They both opened and dropped their shorts revealing two naked bodies. They had kind of average bodies and were sweat covered. They kicked off their shoes and were totally naked like it was nothing. T.J. noticed they both had average six or seven inch cocks and pubes. They too had pit hair and leg hair. They made no attempt to sit on the chairs but sprawled out on the floor leaning on the arms with their legs straight out. They had bare feet that were a little dirty

"You want a drink of something?" Benny asked stroking his large cock.

""Yes, Boss. If that's ok. Benny walked over to the one and smiled at him. The kid looked up at the hung Hispanic teen. "Open" was all that Benny said and they did. He aimed his uncut cock at the one boy and nodded to him. The kid moved forward and took the big cock in his mouth and Benny sighed and began to piss. The kid drank it all down and then licked the head. "Thanks, boss" I needed some juice. Thad ambled over his huge foot long cock swinging gently and did the same or the other kid. He must have had a lot of piss as it ran out of the sides of his mouth and dribbled on his chin. Once done. He too thanked Thad and wiped off his chin and licked it.

"Now, you can get yourselves some water and get back to work. You got to piss T.J.?"

T.J. was shocked and his mouth hung open a bit. He choked out a no, he was good reply as the two sweating boys looked at him. There was no embarrassment of nothing at what T.j. had just witnessed them do. " Thad nodded and the boys got up grabbing their shorts. "Leave those here. You need a little color on your asses anyway and you'll be in the back." Thad said quietly. They nodded and scrambled to their feet. They looked at their shoes but Thad shook his head no and they went barefoot back outside. T.j. wondered if it didn't hurt their feet to stand on the ladder rungs but they didn't complain.

Thad went out naked and told the boys a few things they needed to do. They nodded and climbed the ladder as T.J. watched from the doorway. This was all so surreal to him.

A few minutes later, the two jock strap wearing younger boys came back with a big pizza box. Thad grabbed three beers and handed them to Benny, T.J. and himself. T.Jl. really didn't want one but took it almost fearful of what might happen if he didn't. Nothing was offered to the two boys who must have gone outside and to the pizza place wearing only jocks. That was weird! Who goes to the store in a jock?

The two boys came and sat on the floor and as T the others ate, Thad snapped his fingers and the two began to service and lick Thad and Benny's bare feet. "That's lunch for my boys. They'll maybe get something later. Got to keep 'em skinny though. We can toss 'em around that way. Don't like to see any fat white boys. As they sucked the guys toes and licked their feet, they were on their knees with their firm butts facing T.J. The jocks were small and their pink holes were pretty much visible due to the thin string that went past it. It appeared that white stuff, maybe cum, was leaking out of them. Is that houw they paid the pizza man, with a fuck?

T.J.'s head was a little spinning. He rarely had beers and several in one morning was a little much. Finishing the pizza leaving just some dried cheese and a few pieces of crust, That snapped his fingers and the boys went to town licking and eating the remains. Benny slumped down on the couch and called T.J. to come over . T.J. had no idea why but feeling a little light headed, didn't have the idea to say he was comfortable. He really wasn't but being naked and seeing all he had witnessed so far, he was slightly afraid but his head wasn't to much thinking about anything but the sex and perversion he witnessed. He got up almost spilling what was left of his beer and came over and sat in the only space available, between Benny and Thad.

As he sat, Benny stroked his leg and told him he had a cool body. It felt kind of good. As he sat, Thad pulled out some pot and lit a joint. T.J. had been around pot but had smoked it little. Only at a few parties had he partaken and he felt like it made him lose all control. That seemed to be the goal as the joint was passed and T.J. smoked some. One done, Thad lit another . by now, trying to keep his wits yet stay in the good graces of the two made him do stupid things. T.J. was pretty out of it and giggling a little when Benny put his arm around him and pulled him in to kiss him. He then pulled T.J. down and moved his face around Benny's big hair crotch. "You like that little one? I bet you'd like to taste it. T.J. was slightly nervous but feeling kind of out of control as he lsid down and began to lick the big foreskin. It began to recede and Benny kept moving his head around . It tasted a little funky and gross, T.J. tasting the old piss the guys had missed and something he never tasted before, cock cheese. He could smell the sweating hair on the crotch as Benny laughed and smiled and made T.J. do things he never did before. T.J. became lost in the act and really began to lick and suck whatever Benny let him have access to. Benny slid down and told T.J. he would really like his nuts licked. T.J. willingly complied even going lower and began to like Benny's musky taste. It wasn't long before he was licking all that hair and even moving closer to his butt hole. T.J., high from the beer and pot, became intoxicated at the raw sex . His cock had again gotten rock hard at That and Benny played with it and rubbed his tight pink, yet hair covered hole. T.J. heard Benny mumble and softly moan stuff in Spanish which he didn't know and now didn't care. The soft moans said he was doing something right. Benny slid forward more and T.J. found his tongue licking and sucking the hairy hole. T.J. tasted the funk of his ass and didn't even care. He loved it and wanted to stick his tongue inside which he eventually did tasting the seat and the funk that was there.

Thad began to insert his finger inside of T.J. and he found that so hot too. He had done it to himself before but never such a large finger or did it feel so good as to have another guy do it. T.J. became crazed with the whole thing. Eventually he was back up slurping on the big cock that was now exposed from the foreskin and leaking profusely. Benny moaned hard and shot a huge load of cum in T.J.'s mouth. T.J. could hardly keep it all and much ran down and out of his mouth. Thad then pulled hm over and T.J. found he was now doing the same things to him He no longer cared as the taste of the huge dong was different but equally exciting. He worked his way around the cock and found his way to Thad's big but less hairy ass where he tongue fucked this man too.

It was so much for T.J. to deal with that without even thinking, he shot another huge load. Thad snapped his fingers and the two young boys were on his eating it all. This time they moved around and began to eat his hole as well. T.J. couldn't keep himself still as he wiggled around with the tremendous experience he was having. Fuck, he had never had so much crazy sex in his life and he loved it. It made him lose total control as the two boys sucked his cock and ate his hole. He began to piss and the boys made a meal of that too.

T.J. was briefly aware that he was being drugged and made drunk so that he would do all these things. But, for the first time, he didn't care. He was no longer depressed about his life, something that hadn't happened for weeks and he was loving it. He was shooting cum and being eaten and just in a glorious teen boy fantasy.

Benny crawled up on the bed and gave T.J. another hit on a joint. He sucked it in like he was a pro. He was also so out of it by now that he just did it. Benny took the joint back and smiled at T.J. as T.J. wiggled around with the two other boys eating and licking him like there was no tomorrow. One now moved down and was sucking his toes and rubbing his body. These two must have been true whores or something but T.J. didn't care. Cum dribbled out of his dick. He must have been spent but really didn't know it. A week or so ago, he never would have dreamed of a day like this. Benny moved forward and his hairy but was right over T.J.'s face as he massaged the teens nipples. That was standing there watching . Benny lowered his butt to T.J.'s face and spontaneously, T.J. began to lick the hairy hole like a good whore and tried to pick up his head, difficult as it was to reach deeper. Benny moaned and massaged more T.J. who never had sucked off anyone now wanted his tongue in the dude's hole and wanted to lick or eat anything offered.

Thad watched it all and smiled. Another conquest and it hadn't been too hard to accomplish. He gently pushed his tow young teens away and looked at T.J.'s slightly hairy hole and licked his lips. He had his two young boys hold T.J.'s legs apart and he placed the tip of his monster head at T.J.'s opened hole and began to push in. T.J. was to busy eating Benny who now kissed Thad and smiled at him as Thad pushed his super sized dick in slightly. T.J. felt a little pain but was so toked up that he didn't react and allowed his hole to be penetrated as he hungrily ate Benny's twat.

Thad began to push in. He hadn't used lube or anything. He wanted T.J. to eventually realize that masters don't use lube on their cunt boys. He saw T.J. as a new recruit and he figured his tight muscular body was ripe fo the taking first by him, then by Benny an then, who knows whatever traffic would bring to make Thad a profit. Yeah, the boy's hole was virgin. He liked that. It wouldn't be for long. Before long, the kid might even learn to take a fisting or maybe even a dog as some of his customers liked that kinky stuff. By the time he was used up, his hole would resemble a permanent wide opening with it gaping and sagging. After all, he was a white boy cunt and he could get white guys to do lots of shit for him.

T.J. felt some pain and damn it hurt making him try in his fuzzy brain to figure out what was happening. The funky taste of Benny's hole was keeping him occupied. The two younger boys smiled at one another as they stroked their cocks and watched before Thad pointed at his ass and they began to eat him as he fucked. He liked that. Two tongues up his tight hole as he slowly took T.J.'s virginity. The two boys knew it hurt him and remembered how they had been fucked the first time a year or so ago, all with the permission of their own parents who didn't watch but knew what happened to them. They didn't choose to think about how they were now owned by Thad and Benny and how they rarely saw their own homes anymore other than to drop off the payments their bodies produced to their waiting mamas.

T.J.'s eyes began to tear up from the pain of it but he was too stoned to do anything as his hole was stretched wide to take on Thad. Benny actually sat down on T.J.'s face giving him little air. All T.J. felt was the scratchy but nice hair rubbing his nose as he licked and ate. Benny got so comfortable being eaten like this he let out some gas into the boy's mouth . He actually contemplated he might let a little shit go too although probably not today. He had done that to the two seventeen year olds who now painted his house naked to break them and make them his and Thad's a Thad looked on. He even made them lick out his ass after as they cried while Thad kicked them in the balls. Ah, what memeories. And, he still looked like a young sweet, Latino boy . He was only 19 himself.

Thad eventually sunk over time, his whole twelve inches of dick into T.J. and was pleased to feel his tight muscles down their give way to his big manmeat. T.J. felt a lot of pain but was now getting his hard cock sucked again by one of the boys. Man, they were good for being just 14, although T.J. didn't know their ages at the time.

Thad began to fuck his prize slowly and gently. He didn't want his hole or pussy as he considered it, damaged too much. He knew when he pulled out, there was likely to be blood on his dick and the boy would be walking funny and in some pain for a day or two at least, but he didn't really care. He felt he now owned the kid and he would be back for more. Next would be Benny's dick, although just slightly smaller, easier for him to take.

Thad also knew he would have to tell the kid's uncle that he now owned him but that would be no really big deal. He had worked that out and the contract he would get with the kid's uncle would make him happy.

T.J. lay on the bed legs still spread wide as the two younger boys now cleaned up Thad's big dick and licked the cum, shit and blood from the new kid they didn't really know by name but now were familiar with his body.

T.J. began to feel like his ass really hurt. What had happened to him? He also tasted hair in his mouth. In all the pot and beer, he had really lost it and didn't really remember what had happened to him. He knew he felt so good and his ass felt really full but now the pain down their really bothered him except for the gentle tonguing his hole was getting.

His ass felt like it was on fire and when the two were done eating him out, the pain was even greater. A naked Benny came up to him and said he took it like a man. He really didn't know what was meant by that but he was still groggy and slightly drunk. He was helped up by Benny. T.J. looked at the guy and saw how handsome he was. He didn't normally look that much at dudes but this guy was really good looking and had a great body. T.J. admired it and tried to smile at him. What the hell was with him. He was smilingand admiring dudes. It made him think of the times recently when he had looked a second time at cool looking or hot dudes and thought their bodies were great. He was still very proud of his own. These weird thoughts kept running wildly in his head and he had no idea why. Didn't he look at girls and want their pussies? Hmmmm. He was jolted out of his wild thoughts by the pain in his ass.

Benny told him to get up slowly. He was in pain and Benny kindly put an ice pack of some kind on his butt. It felt cold but good. "You'll get used to Thad's big one." He said gently. "Mine too!" and then he smiled showing off his white teeth and handsome face. "I know when I took it the first time, I thought my insides were coming out. But that was a few years ago. You should have seen these two get it the first time. They cried and screamed like little piggies." T.J. began to realize what had happened to him. Thad had fucked his virgin ass. No one had done that to him before and he was proud that he made those fags suck him off but he never thought of raping them. He had been raped and he was scared. He wasn't in total control as Benny helped him out of the bedroom. He saw some red on the sheets and realized it must be his own blood but he was too out of it to totally put the picture together.

Benny was bigger and more muscular. He was truly a man to T.J. being still a boy, a mature boy but still a boy and he welcomed the strong male body that was helping him to sit down on the ice pack. Thad walked in and saw him and smiled at him. For the first time. T.J. got a fairly, although foggy, look at this huge dick that must have been up his ass. Oh, Gawd he thought. He wanted to look at his hole and see what had happened but couldn't really stand. Benny had him lean over and he applied something cooling and nice to his butt that took away some pain. Thad offered him a beer but he just shook his head no. he was embarrassed and kind of mad that he had been abused so.

The two boys went to work cleaning up the bedroom. Sometime or other, they had lost they little jocks and now were naked. They seemed to be only slightly younger than T.J. but were totally hairless on the bodies. They were expressionless. When the one turned around, T.J. got a look at his hole and it was obviously stretched some. Thad saw the look of shock on T..J.'s face and smiled. "Yeah I kind of ripped them up. But they like my boy, inside them now. They are actually proud to take the money to their momma's that their holes buy. See, I keep 'em with me almost 24/7. They rarely go home. They got little brothers who they will eventually bring over too and teach them how to love black man's cock. They don't even go to school no more. They just service me and Benny and whoever I tell them to White pussy boys. but nobody messes with them."

T.J. was shocked to hear all this. They stay with this black guy and his buddy and their parents allow it? What the fuck! T.J. was so totally unaware of how this could happen. He now remembered what Thad had said before. He even had other white boys who he whored out. T.J. was afraid. Was this what was going to happen to him?

He knew he needed to sober up and get home to his uncle. How would he explain all this? He hadn't planned on any of it. He recalled he had just gone out to see if their might be some business who would hire him as a bag boy or something. T.J. couldn't really recall how it all had happened but he knew by his sore butt, that it had.

Still naked, T.J. looked for his clothes. He then remembered losing some to these guys but recalled he had had shorts and his cap. He just wanted to go home and cry. Tears were in his eyes as he thought about what had happened.

Benny was still stroking his leg and thigh which felt damn good but he had to excape. He wanted to run home and tell his uncle these guys had raped him but he also felt a bit powerless. He also even realized that he had almost enjoyed the day, a first in a long time. What the hell was wrong with him?

Benny smiled again at him and said he really liked how T.J. had eaten his ass and licked him all over. He said it felt so good and T.J. was good at it. T.J. felt embarrassed that he had eaten and licked another guy. But he also recalled how good the ass had tasted to him.

Thad said once he was a little more awake, they would take him home to his uncle. Gawd. These guys were brazen. They molested him and would take him home. What the fuck?

Benny said then that they knew his uncle Dan. He was one of the guys who sometimes worked for them. T.J.'s eyes shot open and wide. His uncle was a whore too? "He's got a nice body and some guys really like a more mature guy then these twinks." He said pointing vaguely at the two naked boys who now sat on the floor next to Thad, looking somewhat uninterested or not paying attention. Thad grabbed the one's head and pulled him into his crotch and the kid just like it was normal, began to swallow Thad's big meat. The other lay down and began to lick Thad's big bare feet.

There was a knock on the door bring them all into a bit of reality. Benny got up and went to the door naked. The kid returned to the cock. He lay there with his own smaller cock hard as a rock.

"Ok, boys. I got to get you momma some cash. Payment time." Thad pushed the naked teens off him and stood up his huge dick swinging and hard and went to another room. He returned and handed her some bills. " Here you go. Almost paid in full. Hey, what about that younger one you got. He looks good enough to eat. You need to bring him around I think. His days working for me are about to start. You can explain to the school why he won't be back. Whatever you want to tell them is ok with me."

The woman, Anna, took the cash and then said. "Oh, please, Mr. Thad. Don't take him too. I sold you this one and you promised no more. I need the money but he is my baby. I can't give him to you."

Thad looked at her. "Now you know the deal Anna. WE keep you safe and in cash to pay your bills. You knew when we took this one, Jamie, that little Mark was next. He was just to young. I think he is good now. What is he, 13? You can tell Maria when you give her money, that young Marco is about due to. I'll be giving him a birthday party in a week and then he comes over. It's almost like I get the gift, but you know the drill. They be white boys and you know where all white boys around here go, don't 'ya.? You still get to see them once a week and fill them up with that Polish food you make. You can bring me some too next time you come by. Now you take Maria's money too and be sure she gets it. Be sure to tell her Ricky is fine and doing good. He is one of my most popular boys just like Jamie. They are both fine boys doing what they are suited for. Heck, as I use 'em both more, I think they will be just as good as some of the older boys who I might need to replace.

T.J. couldn't believe this conversation was happening with him listening like they were taking about merchandise! This was all happening right in the city or well near the city where he was raised! What the hell had he wondered into anyway?

Anna stood up. She had tears in hers eyes but she just nodded, as she put the money into her pants pocket. Jamie stood up and came to his momma and Thad said he should kiss her good-bye. He had tears in his eyes too realizing his fate in life. He didn't seem bothered by the fact that he stood there naked in full view of his momma. He said something quietly to her and added to say hi to his younger brother. She nodded and kissed him and then turned and left.

"Sorry you had to hear all this but we got to talk with your uncle too. We are gonna get you work there boy. Just not sure when or what." He spoke to T.J. who was so still in such a state that he just nodded with his eyes wide and mouth hanging open in shock. T.J. wasn't sure he wanted to be here anymore. He longed for the days when he was a prep school kid and big man on his campus. Was that now gone?

Benny rubbed his naked shoulders and lifted him some so he could check his rectum. T.J. just let it happen as he watched the two younger boys go back to sucking Thad's feet and cock, this time trading places for before.

Thad stood and kind of pushed the boys off him and said he needed to check on his painters and a few others. The two painting boys came back inside with Thad still looking hot and sweaty. "You two, get in there and shower up. I got a client for one of you, maybe both in an hour." No mention was made of them getting a break or eating or anything. They just nodded and went off to clean off the their bodies.

"Baby, I need my pits licked." Benny said addressing T.J. Like the dumb teen he was, he buried his face in the hairy pits and began to lick. ?Was it fear of what might happen or a desire wasn't clear but Thad smiled at him and said " not to long. We got to get him home." Benny nodded as T.J. buried his face in the Rican's guys hairy pits, savoring the taste and smell."

Thad left and came back tossing T.J. his shorts and cap which had been knocked off in the wild sex scene that took place.

"Get yourself ready to move on home at least home for now." Gaining some semblance of reality, T.J. slipped his basketball shorts back on and put his cap on brim facing backward looking like a typical suburban teen at the beach

The doorbell sounded and Thad, now wearing shorts and a tank, answered it. Outside stood an older white guy. Thad welcomed him in and said the boy of his choice would be available in a few. The guy looked like a businessman who sat down and stared at T.J. and licked his lips. T.J. was paniced. Benny slipped on some shorts too and led T.J. out of the room to the kitchen

"I'll be by in a bit he told Benny. Take him home and tell his uncle I'll be by. Benny nodded and tossed on some shoes and a top and began to lead the boy out of the house. Still a little drunk and high, T.J. just followed like a lamb and they began to walk up the street.

Thad called the two other boys our of the shower asking if they cleaned themselves out. Somewhat frightened, they came out naked . "Pick your boy or you can have 'em both for $500 for the hour. The man looked them over and handed over 5 $100 bills to Thad and took the two 17 year olds back to another bedroom where he proceeded to fuck them both, have them suck him off and worship his soiled asshole with their tongues. Of course they did it not out of any pleasure but to satisfy Thad and sat and watched a porn movie listening to their tired bodies being used and abused.

T.J. walked gingerly, barefoot to his Uncle's apartment, shirtless and still a little wobbly. His ass hurt like hell and he thought he felt some moisture coming out of his butt. Benny smiled at him and patted his butt and said all was going to be just fine. He even put his arm around T.J.'s naked torso and rubbed it a little. T.J. was surprised that he kind of liked it which surprised him. Other guys touching him? Not ever before.

They walked up to his uncle's apartment and T.J. found his key and opened the door. He saw his uncle in the living room, wearing just some old jeans. It was obvious he had on no underwear as the jeans rode very low and exposed his ass crack As he turned around, the top of his pubes were visisible. Maybe this wasn't so bad. T.J. had wondered how he would explain his dress or lack of to his uncle. Instead, Uncle Dan, only a few years older than T.J. turned and smiled at him and gently asked where he was. Benny was right behind him although T.J. didn't know why he came in. Benny kept his arm around T.J.'s waist and smiled seeing Dan. "Hey good to see you man!" Benny said.

"Oh, hey Ben. I see you met my nephew. He just moved in with me like I , ah said he was." He Dan sounded like he was nervous. T.J. just listened to the exchange.

"Yeah, man. T and I met him earlier today and we've been haging out. Yeah he's one cool dude and damn if he ain't sexy!"

"Ah, well, I hope you liked him. He's going to be living with me as I said. His family just got wiped out and I said he was welcome. We've been almost more like brothers than he being my nephew. Dan continued to sound pleasant but T.J. sensed a nervous tone.

"Yeah, he met a few of the other boys today and I think he fit in almost as good as you."

T.J. wondered what that meant. Was his uncle hooked up with Benny and Thad?

Thad will be by in a bit. He dealing with some customers. I got you booked for tomorrow night and again tomorrow afternoon. You got anything for me to take back to T?

Dan got even more nervous and reached in his jeans pocket and pulled out some bills that looked pretty big to T.J. "This is from today." Dan said as if he didn't want to reveal more. "Ah, is T coming by later?"

"Yeah, man. Hey and be sure you got this dude over to us tomorrow. We going to get him a job and working, just like he wants and you said." Benny replied smiling. He then walked over closer to Dan and stoked his nipples. Dan seemed to kind of shrink but forced a smile. "You're going to be good man. With us all working together, you'll make plenty too."

With that, Benny hugged T.J. and said 'later, man.' And left the apartment.

Dan looked down and then at his nephew who was staring at him.

Ah, T.J., it isn't what it seems. I, I really don't know where to start but I need to tell you some stuff you didn't know and that I kept from you. See, I kind of work for Benny and Thad. It wasn't what I wanted but being near broke, with no real prospects, they hired me to do favors for guys. They pay me and then I give the money to Benny and Thad. They give me enough to keep going, to take care of rent and shit and now they got me two other jobs. See, I told you I wrote but that's been real slow. So, now I do cam stuff and guys pay to watch and I also bartend some days and well, I still write like I said but different stuff now. Some I get paid for. Some I do for free."

"Uncle Dan, what kind of cam stuff and all do you do? I don't get it. Are you some kind of whore like those guys I saw at Benny's house earlier?"

"Well, ah, yeah, I do video porn on the internet either by myself or with other guys. You knew I was bi and well, actually gay I guess, and I do video chat rooms and stuff. Guys pay to see me on the website. I still workout and all to keep me looking young so they pay. I work at a strip bar and tend bar and sometimes do strip acts. That pays good . Sometimes, I get offered cash to come to some guys place for a private date too. That's where I was today. See, I didn't want to tell you but I can't hide it and lie. When I went out the other night and left you here, I was tending bar."

"Well that doesn't sound too bad. But the videos???"

"Well, when I bartend, I am in only a jock and when they need me to, I dance on a little stage and guys tip me. They tip pretty good I found out when I wear just a jock or less if they have their way."

I wanted to make some real money and then move and take you to someplace like you had. Hell, I thought there would be money from when your folks died and I could get that to take care of you well. That didn't happen. Now, well, I'm kind of stuck here and had to take my chances with Benny and Thad. When they heard about you and saw your picture, they said they wanted to meet you too. I told them no that wasn't your think and you weren't going to do shit like that but they insisted. I didn't plan to have you meet them until later if I couldn't talk them out of it but well, you found them and they put two and two together. Thad is probably real pissed at me for not letting him know." Dan looked real dejected and depressed. His sexy body still looked hot and T.J. didn't miss that. He had jerked off only yesterday thinking how sexy his uncle looked which was weird as he hadn't thought much about him except that he was cool.

T.J. didn't know what to think now. He had had so much happen to him in the last few weeks, the events of today and now this revelation. Would it ever stop? He didn't know whether it was a nightmare or what. Yet, he was fascinated to think of his uncle naked and serving drinks to some guys probably in some rundown bar, wearing practically nothing. His dick got hard! Dan came over to him apologizing to him for not telling him. " It isn't what I thought and damn, nobody in the family, not even your dad would help me. Your grandparents and my parents if they were alive, would not have helped either. They didn't approved of my life style and, shit, now I've made you hate me too!"

T.J. thought for a minute and tried to clear his messed up head. "No, Uncle Dan, you don't mean that. I don't hate you. You're the only one who would take me in. Even my friends abandoned me. Yeah they were great buds when I had cash, but now, shit they don't even call me anymore. You are all I got and I don't hate you. I'd do anything to help you! We got to help each other. That's why I wanted to get a job."

Dan looked at him and tried to smile with a tear in his eye. He looked damn handsome to T.J. but that wasn't the point. T.J. knew his uncle well enough to know that he was desperate and trying to help both of them.

"I'll do whatever you say, uncle Dan. I mean it. I will do whatever you ask of me."

Dan nodded and then told T.J. about how he had signed some kind of agreement to have T.J. enter their fold. "You mean I got to be a whore or something?"

"No, T.J. He controls some little stores too. Maybe he will put you there and you can sell stuff or stock the shelves. He doesn't own it but controls the store. The guy who really owns it does pretty much what Thad and Benny say. Would you mind that? I know it isn't your old life but shit, maybe we can get this behind us and get away from here."

T.J. nodded and held his uncle. Dan held T.J. and actually kissed him. I love you so and don't want this to get us. We'll make it.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Dan went to open it and found Thad there. "Hey man, I see you met T.J. Really good kid and he said he would work for you. Maybe a store or something?"

Thad looked at him and gave him a paper. Dan didn't read it all as his stomach got nervous but basically it said he agreed to lend out T.J. to him for whatever need or service he might have. He couldn't show it to T.J. but signed the paper and handed it back.

"Have him come over tomorrow and we'll see what kind of job I can give him. Oh, I kind of broke him in today so be gentle. Don't use his ass." With that, Thad rubbed T.J. on the head and turned and left. Taking the signed paper and not leaving a copy for the guys.

They both slipped off their clothes and Dan asked T.J. if he wanted to sleep on the couch again or share his bed. T.J. shrugged and said the bed might be nicer and more comfortable. He smiled at Dan who smiled back and they went arm in arm to the bedroom where they brushed their teeth and went to bed.

T.J. laid there and wondered what the new day would bring. Overnight, he snuggled close to his uncle and felt his dick on his back. It actually felt kind of good to him. He woke up in the morning cuddled in his uncle's arm pit. It reminded him of Benny and he for some reason felt very secure.

T.J. felt down and realized his dick was hard. No surprise as it always seemed that way now when he woke up. The difference was instead of some hot girl he knew, he thought about Benny, Thad and now even his uncle. He realized he was leaking as he thought about these guys.

His uncle stirred and must have awakened to move his arm but he wrapped it around T.J.'s body and murmured a good morning. He was smiling at his nephew and he told him for the first time, how much he was glad they were together. "We'll get through this, Baby and we'll like it. I'm so glad you are here with me." T.J. had never been called 'baby' that he remembered but certainly not by any other guy including his uncle. He rolled over facing his uncle and smiled at him and said he loved him too. His Uncle reached down and took T.J.'s firm cock in his hands and said it felt so warm and good. T.J. wondered if his uncle was coming on to him. He had recalled a few times when his family was together and Uncle Dan came around, that he had looked at him differently than he thought was usual. Maybe he secretly had a passion for him. He would have rejected that thought a month or so ago but now it felt good. He actually wanted to be there in any way his uncle wanted including sexual. That was a unique thought for him. he reached out and took his Uncle's hard dick in his hands and said he wanted whatever his uncle wanted and if he wanted him to be there for sex, he would.

T.J. finally got the courage to ask his uncle if he wanted to fuck him. He knew he shouldn't ask to fuck his uncle but he would submit even though his ass hurt like hell. He got a hurt feeling down there when he moved and his uncle asked if he had been raped. T.J. honestly didn't recall all of it as he was to stoned or drunk but the pain was there so it must have happened. Dan rolled the boy over to have a look and saw the puffy hole and a slight bruise. The slightly hairy hole looked sore. Without saying another word, he bent down and kissed his nephews hole and licked on it. T.J. let out a moan that sounded like pleasure.

"I will never hurt you but I so want to hold you and make love to you. I know it is wrong but things have changed and I love you. T.J. ogt tears in his eyes and said he wanted his uncle inside of him no matter hwo much it hurt. Dan nodded and gently spread the boys hairy legs as he laid him on his back. He continued to lick his hole and his balls. "You got some hot body, guy. You really, uh, developed. Man you got some nice big balls and your cock is a real surprise. Man it got big." T.J. felt good about his masculinity and was real pleased his uncle took notice.

T.J. smiled back and said quietly that it was all for him now. Dan continued to lick and suck on the boy tasting his hairy nuts, his groin, his dick which he swallowed almost entirely and his hole. He pulled himself up and pressed his dick head to the boy's hole asking if it hurt him. It did a little but T.J. wanted it so he said no. T.J. was surprised how gentle his uncle was unlike what he assumed Thad had done. He looked in to the boy's eyes and kissed him on the lips as he slowly pushed his rather hefty dick inside the boy. Once in, he waited for the boy to adjust and then gently moved in and out. Both guys were rock hard. It didn't last long as they were both turned on and they both shot around the same time, T.J. all over his chest and Dan inside the boy. Dan withdrew and put his face down and licked out the leaking cum making T.J. almost go wild He then licked the boy's chest clean of his cum telling him how sweet it tasted.

Cum covered mouth, Dan kissed his nephew sticking his tongue in his mouth and letting him taste both of their cums mixed together. "You don't know how long I have wanted to eat your cum. I just could never say anything to your dad about it." T.J., oddly felt the same and nodded.

They eventually got up as the need to piss was great for both and they shared their piss at the same time. They cleaned up but stayed naked as Dan made them breakfast. Dan told his nephew more about being whored out and that thad got the money but that he paid Dan weekly for all his services. He told T.j. that he was fucked by Thad too and Benny as well although Benny was the better lover. T.j. admitted he liked Benny so well and how he had eaten his ass and sucked his hairy pits. Dan said Benny was that kind of guy. He told T.j. that both guys were actually into fucking pussy too but they liked having guys to get off on and to have at their command. He told him about knowing that they controlled about 10 families who eventually gave up their sons to be sex objects for them. He said they never crossed the two guys as they also had other connections and could not win no matter what they did. They wouldn't go to the police as even some of the police used their services and were paid or controlled by the two. He had no idea how they got so powerful but like all gangs, were hard to control.

Dan told T.j. about working at the bar and the things he had to do. Mostly, he wore just a jock. Some of the patrons were good and treated him well while others, mainly younger thugs both Latino and Black, could be abusive. He said it wasn't unusual for them to want to get sucked off, or for them to fuck him. Of course they paid Thad for that privilege. Dan said he got to keep most of the tips but the guys would take a cut of those too.

T.J. listened to all this wit h some fear . What would the y make him do? Would he and his uncle ever be able to get out from horror place. He didn't know and was too na?ve to figure it out. He was just 16 almost 17 an age when you think you know it all but don't know that you don't know anything really.

After eating, they both slipped on some sorts. Dan found T.J. some flip flops of his own and a tee shirt. He said he was to meet a client in an hour but T.j. should stay home. T.j. reminded him that Thad had said he was supposed to come over there. Dan nodded and said shit but agreed he could go and he would stop by to check on him later. T.J. asked if that was wise and he said he didn't care. He had to watch out for his nephew. T.j. smiled and looked his uncle over. He was pretty hot looking. Not overly muscular but well defined, great pecs and large nipples. His treasure trail rain down from his navel to his average sized pubic hair. Unlike T.j., his balls and butt had been shaved. When T.J. asked realizing his own hole was a bit more hairy , but not like Benny's, Dan told him the guys decided most customers liked his hole shaved. Dan said he was to meet some real estate guy for a morning romp in a hotel. He would stay with him like an hour and half. The guy liked to get full service, including a massage. T.j. nodded and said he would be at Thad and Benny's

As they left. T.J. wondered why he actually wanted to get back. He had decided he liked male sex ok but generally he had been into girls. Why the sudden interest and willingness t o do what his new found friends wanted him to do? He hadn't figured it out.

Strangley, he hadn't missed his parents much. They had really not been too interested in him. He wondered about his mother's death as well as the firy end to his home and his dad. For some reason, he had found it hard to cry. He decided he would ask more about their business when he next saw Dan.

He approached the house where he had consumed so much beer and pot the day before. He had a slight headache that reminded him that he wouldn't do that again soon but couldn't resist being there. He approached wearing just his shorts and his uncle's flip flops. He liked his body and sensed that the guys had liked it too. He had always been a showoff, maybe an exhibitionist and the guys he hung around with always said he was so cool. Showing off his smooth torso somehow mad him proud of himself and all the work he had done exercising, swimming and running.

T.J. knocked on the door of the house. He heard noise coming from inside so he knew someone was there. The door opened, and one of the naked boys from yesterday was there taking no measure to cover himself. It made T.J. hard. The boy let him in and told him to go to the bedroom where they both went. There was Benny and Thad laying on the bed and they smiled and said hi to T.J. as he came in. They told him to lose his clothes and seeing everyone else was naked, and no longer being as shy as he was yesterday, dropped his shorts revealing his boner. He reached down and just a natural as could be, grabbed his dick and separated it from his low hanging balls. Benny called him over and told him to get in between himself and thad Benny had that sweet smile on his face as he pulled T.J. in for a quick kiss before putting his arm around T.J. and steering his mouth to his hairy pits for attention.

Thad said he was to watch as the two younger boys climbed up on the huge bed one lay under the other. The one on top, placed his butt over the Latino boy's face and squeezed like he was taking a shit. Out of the top boys ass dripped rather a brownish looking liquid, that the boy on the bottom was fighting tears to take the load of piss, cum and shit.

Thad told T.J. that he and Benny had fucked the boys and pissed in them too. They had not allowed them to take a crap first so what was coming out of the top boy was a combination of all those things."They got to be trained to take anything a guy gives them. Today was a new lesson. In a day or two, they will get to be proud that they can do it. Even show their mommas maybe." He chuckled at his statement. T.J. found it gross and foul and hoped he would do that. The guys had promised to give him work but this? No way He was almost not watching keeping his face close to Benny's hairy pit.

"That's all they get to eat for now. Now the other kid gets to do it to blondie boy there." The two boys reversed positions and the young Latino crapped in the other boys mouth. They were both a bit of a mess. Thad made them get up and stand there with brown cum and some piss, on their faces. "Now lay down 69 style and lick out the rest. The two boys did as they were told and Thad jumped up to photograph and video it all. "They gonna be good butt eaters. First they get their pussies filled and then get to eat what is left there. Good days work for white boys. And to think, their little brothers are coming soon. T.j. wondered how any mother could allow her sons to be taken like that and used for this kind of activity. "We got ourselves some kinky motherfuckers who like seeing boys do that. Hell, they might be doing it for some of their old classmates pretty soon!"

It had been erotic to see but T.j. found it kind of disgusting too. He had never thought guys did that to one another but he remembered he had made the fag kid at school lick his cock after he shot a load in the kids's mouth. Maybe some boys just did that. I guess that's what might be called real submissive.

T.J., for the first time in his life, felt his body was not adequate. Ever since he first started to develop and get a bigger penis and balls and hair and all, he had been a superior male. Now, laying next to Benny and Thad after watching the boys, he flet more like them as he savored the muscular bodies of his two 'owners.' It was no shock to T.J. that he probably would have to do whatever they told him to do. He wasn't Mr. Macho cool guy anymore. He was at the mercy of these guys. Apparently, even his uncle was! He looked at Thad's very big cock that had entered him yesterday and almost destroyed his ass. It lay on his thigh but it was clear that if it hung down, it would go almost halfway to his knee. Benny wasn't as well hung but he had a nice prize too and seeing the covered dick laying there even soft, it looked impressive and the fact that he was uncut, fascinated T.J. to no end. He really didn't remember seeing any boys like that Benny was playing with his dick a T.J. now refocused on Benny's pits, his chest and hairless nipples. He wanted to bury his face in the thick bush of pubes that made T.J.'s look pretty sparse.

Thad leaned over and took T.J.'s meat in his hand and fondled it as he also did with his balls. "Pretty impressive for a white boy. T.J. was bigger certainly than the two other white boys who were used just moments ago. The yhad to be no more than 5 or 6 inches and not real thick. T.J. had well over 7 and was kind of thick. But next to Benny and Thad, he was still a boy.

"We'll get you all trimmed down like these guys and put you to work. You're first job will be doing some videos. Guys or maybe girls, pay to watch you do stuff. They can tell you what to do and you do it but mostly they want you to jack and cum for them. You'll be on cam for a bit aloe and then maybe these two sluts will join you and you can have a fuck fest with eating one another first.. Sound hot, white boy?"

T.J. hated that they called him white boy. It was demeaning. Yet, he knew he seemed powerless to chane that. He briefly thought of himself and who he was now. He decided that he was like the kid who sucked him off. Yes, he was a cocksucker and could not help himself. He actually wanted to be with these guys and didn't care. Maybe it was self preservation or maybe, just maybe, he had always been a fag like his uncle. He looked at his dick and saw it was hard and dripping and Benny was looking him over and smiling at him.

Thad pulled T.J. away from Benny for a minute and said he would have to undergo some changes to make him ready to be their boy. What the heck did that mean? He head was swimming.

"First boy, we ae going to relieve you of that hair on your dick and balls. See white boys don't need that. Like Jamie and Ricky here. Take a look at them. You notice they don't got no hair on them. I removed it all. Just nice little cocks, well not so little anymore, but we call them clits. Now look at their holes. Pussy holes they are." T.J. looked and saw the two young teens have very stretched and open holes. No longer were they tight but big swelled and hairless. "They will only get stretched more. They fought me some when I first took them. See, they thought they could go home. Now, this is home and they only see momma when I say. They don't get to fuck anymore. Only cum when I let them and they know who owns them . Why, if I told them, they would go out naked as they are and stand on a corner 'til some guy would come over and they would offer their twats for any black or Latino man who came along. They cried when I let some of their classmates come over and rape 'em. They learned then that they aren't men anymore and never will be but just some fag boys who do anything they are told to do. You will learn that too but maybe not as much. See, I intend to tell Dan that he owes me you. Yeah, he is still your uncle but we own you. We will pay him big time 'casue we know we can get it all back ten times or more. You'll be our drugged up pet for now until you just accept life as we decide it to be."

Benny handed T.J. a joint and told him to suck it in deep. This might be a long day. Jamie and Ricky just looked on without any expression. They had seen it happen to them and they knew their little brothers, so sweet and innocent, we coming up soon. See Thad and Benny liked to have younger guys available for his customers including the gang who kind of ran the neighborhood for them. These boys were toys for them and real profit makers too. All underground and all pliable. Hell, if Thad or Benny asked, they would go naked to their momma's houses and do any gastly thing they asked. He made Ricky's mom watch one time as Ricky was raped by a few black boys who used to be his classmates. They all just dropped some cash on the table and took him. One even pissed in his mouth when they were done with him. Ricky's younger brother was made to watch along with him momma and they both cried. Ricky was drugged slightly and had no inhibitions about it although he cried some when he saw it was boys who went to school with him who raped him. That was all normal though in the neighborhood. Ricky's momma never wanted to see it again. She sent him naked out into the snowy street with Thad who lead him away on a leash. The things she said in Spanish to him and about him were all she could do. She flet helpless. Now, at 15, she was just glad they hadn't killed him and she got to have him home with her and her other son once a week. Of course, he was dressed like a slut boy and she had to overlook that. Jamie's momma, a drug user herself, hadn't actually witnessed her son's getting raped but knew what went on and just accepted it along with the cash she got for his rental. The things it bought her made some of her disgust and anger go away.

The neighborhood just lived in some kind of fear and never would report it to anyone. They knew though, that some of the police and others knew about it and probably even partook in the debauchery and so it was just accepted.

Jamie and Ricky took their new comrade T.J. with them outside to so they could piss and then to a bathroom where they would help Benny deflower him and shave off his hair.

T.J. was kept naked and somewhat high on pot and a few other things so his resistance was down and he did pretty much what the other two boys did that morning. Benny and Thad had business to take care of. T.J. sat on the grass and watched the two older boys continue to paint Thad's house and do some gardening in back. They were kept naked too but had been allowed to keep their body hair and pubes. T.J. felt so naked and exposed but he couldn't really get his mind around it. The two younger boys brought out shaving cream and had removed all his pubes, his leg hair and most of what he had in his pits and butt. Benny had said he liked to see some of it and he rubbed his crotch thinking about fucking the boy when they were done. The two younger boys had brought him in and just stayed on their knees watching as T.J. was made to lick out Benny's hairy butt, suck his cock and then get fucked by him. The pain was still there but less so.

"I'm going to keep you with me 24/7 for a while. See, I know you like it and will do as I tell you to do all the time." He grabbed some pills off a shelf and told T.J. to put it in some wate which he did. He really didn't know why but wanted to please. "this here is a date rape drug. You may have heard about it. You will take a few a day to keep you submissive. I will train you and you will be my kind of puppy so to speak." He also grabbed a small leather collar and snapped it around T.J.'s neck and attached a leash to it. T.J. noticed that Jamie and ricky also wore a collar that could accommodate a leash.

"I'm your papi now. You will learn to do anything I tell you to do when I tell you to do it. You'll learn some commands like those two and be able to respond to me just when I point or give you a command. From now on, you'll only drink when I tell you to, eat when I tell you to and never complain. I own you now and Thad said you are mine to do with as I please. It pleases me to see white boys submit to a Rican like me. I learned from Thad who trained me and now we train other boys. See them thugs and paying customers like to use a boy, a white boy so even if I send you to school, you will learn to be my boy Others will sometimes give you money. That is for me. If I say so, you can be used by them. See they found that a tight boy pussy is better than most girls. We keep some of them too but we found boys are easier to train, expect less and usually aren't reported as missing like a girl. They are just assumed to run away."

T.J. just nodded. He wondered why this handsome Latino boy who was so nice to him was making him do all this and he wasn't even fighting him. Benny liked to be naked and whenever he was, one of the boys was expected to be doing something for him, rimming him sucking him or doing work for him.

"Your first lesson like Thad said, is to do on line videos. I will send in one of the others and when you are on line, you will perform with him for paying customers. If you do good, you will be allowed to eat. If not, I will have to punish you. You want to make Benny happy don't 'ya?"

Again T.j. nodded yes and let Benny do as he pleased with his body. After the video, I'm taking you down to the bar where your uncle works. You can see what he does and help him. It will be fun for you. Gonna take you down and trim up your hair. I like my boys smooth and all but with very well groomed hair. Let's head down there. Put on this pair of shorts and we'll go.

T.J. already y knew not to argue with Benny. Benny slipped on some jeans and a tee and grabbed some Van's sport shoes very much like T.J.'s from his former life when he dressed cool and was well regarded by his peers.

T.j. looked around and Ricky tossed him some shorts. There was no underwear to put on but T.J. had often gone commando so that wasn't to much different than usual. What was unusual was that the shorts were very short and torn and probably the size a much smaller boy would wear. It took all he had to fit in them and then he noticed his dick was practically sticking out of the one leg hole. He was embarrassed. Even T.J. who like to be sexy found these more than he ever would have considered. He looked at Jamie who smiled at him and Ricky who did the same. And then at Benny who finished dressing. "You look hot, white boy. Guys in the shop will certainly know who you are and want to get inside them shorts. His warm smile made T.J. almost melt.

Wearing only the collar and the too small shorts, T.J. was lead out of the room. At the front door, Benny snapped on a leash to the collar making T.J. feel like a dog. He eventually figured that was his job now. No shirt or shoes were offered and he followed Benny out the door and up the street, trying to be careful not to injure his feet which were not used to walking on pavement all that much. Benny let the leash hang pretty loose as he walked along. Some little kids came up and Benny talked to them. The black boys some younger, some older and some his age he figured, complimented Benny on his new dog. T.J. felt scared but was in this melancholy trance that blocked out his senses. He actually wanted to drop down and suck on Benny's big uncut dick but that wasn't going to happen.

When they got to thebarber shop, Benny lead him in where there were a few catcalls and some applause. Benny smiled his big warm smile and kid of pushed T.J. out front of him and said his boy needed a trim. The barbers and a few clients, all Hispanic or black talked to Benny and showed lots of respect. A black guy got up and let Benny sit. Benny motioned for T.J. to kneel down in front of him in a humiliating way. They all commented on him and a few came close enough to touch him and one even felt his dick up the opening in the leg of his shorts.

He got hard immediately and they all agreed that he was maybe a pointer! The two barbers said little and when the customer in one's chair was finished, Benny moved T.J. ahead of the others and told him to sit in the chair. Benny made him spread his legs and actually opened the shorts allowing T.J.s big dick to flip out for all to see. T. J. should have been embarrassed but he sat somewhat dumbfounded and just let it all happen.

The barbershop was one of those plain old neighborhood types where guys sat around and talked smack to one another. Pictures on the wall were of well coiffed black guys instead of what T.J. recalled in his neighborhood of hot white guys.

As the barber cut off most of T.J.'s hair leaving a ? in all over cut, T.J. recalled his days on the swim team when he wore his hair very short for meets. It really didn't bother him. He just sat and stared at Benny who smiled back at him and allowed some of the black kids to touch his hardon which of course never happened before.

Finished, Benny pulled up his shorts but the head of his cut dick stuck out. That didn't bother Benny or the others. T.J.'s cell phone which he always had on him, fell from the torn pocket. Before he could retrieve it, Benny took it and began to flip through the phone and text log as well as looking at his e mails. "Looks like you had some cool friends. I et they would love to see you now. T.J. thought this an awful idea and yet he was so sexed up that he preferred to focus on the barber, a younger black dude, who pulled T.J. forward as he unzipped his pants and pulled out a rather lengthy cock which went into T.J.'s mouth T.J. knew the drill and now began to suck it as the barber sent more of it down T.J.'s mouth and into his throat. Not being a trained cocksucker, he choked and almost threw up as the barber pulled back some allowing T.J. to lick the head and put his tongue in his wide piss slit. He was a hung dude and gradually pushed back in more until he nutted in the boy's mouth with cum running down his face.

Without, wiping him off, Benny lead the barefoot boy with his cock sticking above the waist band of his shorts, out of the barber shop. The boy was lead by his leash making him look kind of like a pet. T.J. was still kind of out of it and followed like a good puppy. Several older people on the streets looked at him with disgust but younger boys and even a few girls made whistling noises or catcalls calling him a whore but offering him their dicks or cunts to eat. T.J. just followed along until they got back to Benny's house.

"You got lots of boy and girlfriends I see. Wonder if they would like to visit you? Think I'll hang on to the phone and maybe we can call them." For a moment, T.J. though Benny was just being nice but then realized that if his friends were called, it would b to show him off to his friends. A child ran though him just thinking about it. It shouldn't have mattered though as his friends had pretty much bailed on him when he moved away with Uncle Dan. He was aroused from his thinking, as cloudy as it was when Benny told him to drop the shorts. He wanted to protest but did as he was told wit h Benny pulling him close to his arm pit to lick it. T.J. did really wanting for some reason, to please this handsome Latino.

T.J. got hard again, not that he ever really went soft with the date rape drug and two Viagra in him, he was destined to be horned up all day. Benny reached around and fingered his hole which was still sore but felt a little better after Uncle Dan had put some cream in it to help. Benny massaged his hole and made him moan slightly, his cock now leaking.

"We're going to train you to stay hard but not cum. I'm going to insert this rod up your cock to expand it and make the hole bigger. But, it will prevent you from spilling your cum. Once trained, the only way you will cum is to have a real man's dick up your boy pussy. See, that's what it is now. You don't got an ass like other guys. You got a pussy. Jamie and Ricky learned that a while ago. They are cunt boys and you will be too. I'm going to fuck you with my nice cock that you will suck for awhile while you worship my body. Then, after I fuck you, you will get some more training. You'll do video stuff on line for me, be a whore boy in the bar along with your Uncle and eventually, we will have you on the street selling your pussy. For now, though, you are my boy and will be close to me 24/7. See, T likes to tryout all his boys and does some of them regularly, but he also likes a hot pussy and gets it a lot. I prefer boy pussy now. It's tighter and when you're done, no pregnancies to worry about and no demands from the pussy boy. Oh they may want to ask for shit but they know they ain't gonna get it. Plus, it makes me feel so good especially if the pussy is on a white boy. White boy's always made this Rican feel less than great. But now, I control 'em and like them and their faces, buried in my pubes or my ass. They clean me up and do whatever I tell them. Life is good for me now, not like the old days."

T.J. just nodded his head. Like all teen white boys, he was just a pawn. He had no experience, although he'd get plenty, and if the truth be known, like all white boys, he was a bit afraid of Ricans and blacks. This was all new for him and he didn't know what to say. Yet, for some strange reason, he found this hot Latino to be so superior and he wanted to make him happy.

Benny pulled T.J. 's head around and told him to take off his board shorts so he could savor the intoxicating smell of Benny's crotch. He buried his face in the now bare pubes and wanted to take the big uncut cock, not a big as T's but still bigger than his and suck on it. He wanted to see that magical head appear from the foreskin. It was big and looked to T.J. to be delicious. T.J. had a pretty big head on his dick which was bigger than some of his buddies but not anywhere near Benny's thickness and length. His own dick stuck out as he smelled the ripe smell of Benny's big and fur covered pelt. As he began to suck away, Jamie and Ricky came in to see and got to work on Benny's ripe hole and his big and slightly hairy feet and toes. This was bliss for Benny. He didn't care that Ricky was a Rican like him He knew he was in power and loved it and it didn't matter if the suck boy was white or Latino. He figured he would likely have to skin back his boy though and maybe he'd do him in a public way to make him suffer. Ah, control. He secretly wished T would let him have a black boy too but that was something T didn't allow. No black sluts. They would be the men. For now, Benny didn't care and loved seeing the white boys especially servicing him any time he wanted. They were born to be cocksuckers anyway and he felt that all white boys, no matter how straight, would give it up to the right Latino or black guy He saw how easily he was already transforming T.J. and had done the same with his uncle. Just cunts he thought. But, for some reason, he found T.J. a somewhat muscular teen boy to be a hotter choice for him than some of the others who were less defined. He thought it cool that he could lead him around like a dog and make him want it even more. Maybe someday, he would actually breed him with a dog, the ultimate humiliation, he decided and would bring in more cash than he could dream about.

Benny ignoredJamie and Ricky when he got back sending them to wash clothes and floors. The two naked teens went and did what he told them for once not having to submit to him or Thad who was away. They knew they would get hard duty soon as Thad had told them he was going to let the dogs he kept use them. He knew that made for hot underground movies. They dreaded it.

T.J. and Benny went to Benny's room which was quite modern and up to date considering the house was old. Like Thad's it had been greatly redone and was very modern. A low slung king sized bed was the focal point and Benny led his new boy to it where he slipped out of his shorts and told T.J. to get naked. Benny admired his newly shorn boy and thought he looked hot with his body almost hairless except for a little he left in his pits and in his pussy. He liked hairy pussies and had decided that this one should stay that way too. He pulled his had on boy to him. T.J. wondered as best he could think being on the date rape and Viagra drugs why his dick never went down. "After you eat me and I fuck you, I'm going to open your cock some with a sound. It may hurt a bit but I'll show you later on the other sluts. I do it to all of 'em 'cause I like to do it to myself too. See, Thad taught me that when I was younger. You'll see, it looks hot." T.J. had all he could do to even figure out what was all happening to him. He didn't seem to care anymore if he was naked or at the barbershop, guys his age, old men and even a few young boys had touched him in places he never would even let other people see. He figured he even liked some especially when one guy was about to make him cum but then Benny slapped his balls hard gving him pain and he lost the need to cum. He was now kind of miffed with Benny, his hung Latino lover with the sweet young almost boyish face who controlled him.

Benny pulled him onto the bed and pulled his face to his hairy pits and T.J. almost naturally began to lick the moist pits and savor the flavor of his man. After he dutifully id both pits, Benny's hairless chest and nipples, all done by having his head guided from one area to another, Benny steered his head to his crotch when he began to lick Benny's big nuts. H didn't let him suck his cock although T.J. really wanted to . he loved how his big head began to stick out of the foreskin almost like magic to T.J. It leaked precum and Benny would rub it off and then on T.J.'s lips. But T.J. wanted to to suck the foreskin and taste his newly found master.

His head wa worked down until he was at Benny's hairy hole. He savored the taste there too, making the hair wet as he worked his tongue into the hole that now tasted sweaty and a little funky. Maybe from shit or whatever but T.J. found he couldn't resist. Yet his mind told him it was so wrong .He was always thought to be a dominant male young man and now he was doing, gladly things he hadn't even made the cocksucking boy at his old school do. T.j. was in what probably could be described as whore heaven. He was finding he would do anything for his man Benny, and Benny seemed to take note. While having his hole massaged and deep tongued, he even farted in the boy's mouth. It made him smile thinking no Latino would ever take that yet this white boy would. Maybe he would have to even shit in it like he had done to several others but he even found a bit repulsive as the white boy had shit in his mouth and on his face and wanted to kiss him!

Eventually, he deiced he would fuck the boy's ass as he was feeling his hairy balls send their signal. He pulled the boy up and flipped him on his back and then climbed up on top of him and simpley pushed his uncut cut into the boy, never giving him a chance to suck it first or to give the kid lube. T.J. gasped and cried out some but the deed was done and right then, Benny just needed to fuck him. he really forgot that he was priming this boy as his pet and maybe love once he built him up more. Shit, he evne was going to take him down for maybe a tattoo or so and certainly some body jewelry. The boy knew none of this. His hold eventually gave way to Benny's big meet which had gone into him much like Thad's had but certainly not gently like his Uncle Dan had done for him. it only lasted a few minutes and Benny moaned loudly and began to shoot his hot Latin sperm up the boy's chute. Damn it felt good to Benny. Even T.J., once he got kind of used to it felt the hot sperm and kind of liked it.

Both guys, now sweating and T.J. leaking, lay on the bed. T.j. was almost excited when Benny bent down and kissed his mouth like he was a girl. There was lots of tongue and T.j. knew he had to blow too but Benny said the only time he could cum was when Benny was inside of him. it was too late! Benny took hold of the boy's hairless balls and squeezed hard causing T.J. to wince in pain but also losing his urge. His dick had leaked a lot of precum and Benny scooped it up and fed it to T.J. via his finger which T.J. lapped up like a puppy.

Benny pulled him up and put his arm up high enough that T.J. knew where his face was to go- right into the wet pit and stink. He didn't care. His balls hurt like hell and his dick was almost purple and so hard.

Benny began to tell the boy about his new life starting today.

"White boy, you are going to be my little bambino pet. I'm going to take you after you do your video, and get your all pretty like the whore you are. I'm going to show you what some of the other boys do to pay me back and help me to make money so I can take care of them. I will teach you some rules for you to follow and then we'll go to the bar where you will get to work with your uncle. Ain't that cool?"

T.J. didn't know if he was to respond or not so he just kept licking and smelling the pit that was given to him . Benny played with the boys rock hard dick and stroked his balls until he sensed T.j. was going to cum and he squeezed his balls hard again making the boy moan in some pain into the hairy pit in some agony. That made Benny smile again and he went back to stroking the boy some more.

"Once I get you prettied up, like I said, we will put you up for show. I'm may evne get you a doggy tail and show you off on the streets. I think you'd get into getting fucked by men and dogs and they would pay me lots of money to see your boy cunt filled and knotted with a real dog and you the bitch. See, that's what you'll be, my hot bitch wit ha hot body. You're gonna work out everyday to develop those boys tits into real muscular tits. Then I may ring 'em . I like white boys who know their place. You'll look pretty hot and like a real jock boy only one who knows his place is at the end of a Latino or black dick or wherever you are told to put your twat. Benny found the smooth tanned skin of the oby to his likeing. He just wanted him to have an all over tan, not some white ass like he had. He would maybe get him spray tanned until he had time to have him naked outdoors maybe cutting the grass and doing yard chores like he had Mike and Sean doing. They were now getting an allover tan from painting the house and even though he let them keep most of their body hair unlike T.J., it was working well Some guys liked to pay to get off seeing two white guys doing it and he always bowed to what brought he and his partner the most cash. If they wanted to see a hairy white boy fucking a hairless one, that was ok with him. But, they weren't as pretty as T.J. and he thought T.j. would make a nice somewhat feminine, jock boy and the fact he was a bit younger, well, that was money in the bank!

After about half an hour of using T.J. as his personal wash cloth, he told him he wanted him to come and he went into the bathroom. He had T.J. kneel next to him as he let T.J. smell and lick his cock. He didn't want to get too hard though for this lesson. After a minute, he told T.J. to open his mouth and put just the tip of his uncut cock inside. He had him lick around the head and under the skin to clean out the cock cheese that remained there from a previous fuck. T.J. didn't really like the taste or have any idea what was next. Benny than let out a small amount of piss in the surprised boy's mouth. T.J.'s syes got wider than before and Benny grasped the back of T.J.'s head to hold him in place. "now you get to savor the taste of your man. You will do this for me every time I snap my fingers and point like I'm dong now. No matter where or what is happening, you will do it. Understand? T.J. nodded his head as a tear formed in his eye. Oh, fuck. What was he agreeing to? Benny let out a bigger stream and the hot piss went into T.J.'s mouth. It just kept flowing and T.J. could do nothing but swallow. It tasted awful he thought but by the time he had taken it all and licked his man clean, he figured it wasn't so bad. And more surprising, it made his dick hard again! "Good, boy!" Benny remarked as he tussled T.J.'s short hair. "Now brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. You will get more later after we come back."

T.J. wasn't thrilled but did as he was told. After, Benny gave him some almost see through small short shorts and they left in Benny's car heading to the place where T.J. had his boys marked. They went out with Benny dressed in shorts sneakers and a sleeveless top and T.J. just in the tiny shorts. He knew the routine and it didn't phase him much. They got in Bennys cut down Honda and went to the place which was only a few blocks really. Benny kept his big hand on T.J.'s thigh stroking him and occasionally smiling at him . T.J. liked the stroking and smiled back. He was a little intimidated but being on the two drugs, made him horny and so willing to do whatever Benny said and so wanting to be able to cum which Benny wasn't allowing.

They got to the place. And they both went in. T.J. had a huge wet spot on the crotch of the little shorts and his rampant boner was clearly visible. Benny sat on a chair and had T.j. get down on his knees in front of him, not letting his sit on any chair. Benny reached out and pinched one of T.j.'s rather large nipples and smiled at him. he twisted it an said how good a boy he was.

The man who apparently ran the store, came out and smiled and said hi to Benny. They shook hands and then looked at the kneeling T.J.. "fine young one you got there. You gonna add him to your group?" he chuckled.

"Yeah, he will be with me and the other two and of course, Thad. Might keep this one just for me. Make it my pet kinda and make a few bucks off him too." Got his unlce working for me and they might make a nice pair to rent out but I think I want to train this one more first." Benny chuckled too.

T.J. just looked at the two men in a kind of daze.

"Bring him back and let me know what you want. Got anything special planned?"

Benny pointed a bench like thing and motioned for T.j. to get up on it. He was about to lay down when Benny told him to get on his hands and knees. Strange he thought. "I'm thinking I want him to be kind of like a puppy look. I may let his hair grow out and give him a kind of Mohawk wit ht longer hair growing long and maybe down his back. We'll see. But for now, I want the usual ring in him and another one in his perineum. Maybe some leather straps and definitely a cock ring and some weight. His balls hang pretty good but I'm thinkin' maybe lower. Like a big ole horse or mastiv dog. Real low hangers. I want his dick and balls to stick out so they show nicely. I got this group I hang with sometimes who has dog boys I think he might be a prize winner for me. Plus, in a few weeks, I'm getting two new younger boys, brothers of the two we got now. I'm thinkin' they will be dog boys too and will show them all as if he is the main bitch and them two are it's puppies. Kind of hot. What do you think?"

The man smiled and said he could do it all. T.j. thought in his dazed state that it was strange but he couldn't find a way to object..

"Can you do it all today? I got him at the bar tonight with his uncle. I'm thinking it might show well. Oh, alos, I want a puppy tail for him. He's going to wear a jock tonight and the tail might be hot for the guys to see.

"Yeah, I can do it all. You want him sedated at all? You can pick out a plug wit ha tail. How big you want it?" the man asked.

"No on sedation. He's got enough in him now. I'll give him another one of these. I want that hole stretched so it isn't that hard for me or Thad to just fuck him. You know, my white boys don't usually get lubed. Maybe some spit."

The man showed Benny his selection of butt plugs that were also puppy tails. T.J. just remained on the table in a pose like a dog. He didn't even realize that but having the door to the piercing area left open, several other guys and a girl could clearly see him on the table naked. They all smiled and he caught a young guy rubbing his jean covered crotch.

The owner came back and stroked the boy feeling his nice nips and his thighs and butt. T.j. felt really good and enjoyed it. Benny came back in the room carrying several things. "Bennito my man. What'd you find for our boy here?"

Benny shoed him the tail with a nice wide butt plug, some puppy hand covers and knee pads that had removable ties in addition to fitting around his knees, his lower legs could be bound so he would have to move around entirely on his knees and hands keeping his feet up behind his legs.. "Nice choices." The man offered. He told Benny he had to have the boys lie down to pierce him. "Might be too much and make him fall off the table, plus I can work better with him on his back." The man enjoyed the feel of the boys tight teen body as he rolled him over and then put his legs in stirrups, spreading his legs nice and wide. "Shame, actually, that you shaved him. You know, puppies ought to show a little hair just like real ones." Benny nodded and said he liked the hairless look and T. had wanted that but he agreed that if he were his puppy, maybe some hair would be kind of cute. "Just not as much as his Papi here has. Want to keep him young looking but old enough when I get the other two, to make him look like the mamma and the two others his pups." He chuckled.

The man smiled and agreed. He took T.J.'s cock and stroked it back to iron. He took a sound and lubed it and told the boy he might not like it but it would make his piss slit nice and wide eventually, and make it have a nice look for anyone who wanted to maybe stick a finger inside. T.J. heard all this but it probably didn't really register. He just nodded, looked scared but let the two others do what they chose to his body. The sound looked scary to T.j. but it entered his piss slit with little difficulty. The man suggested Benny buy several so he could do it himself and keep making them bigger. "These will hold his cum in pretty much until you decide to let it out.'

Benny nodded as he watched and the man took a bigger sound, lubed it and slid it up T.J.'s dick. This one T.j. felt and he winced but made no real effort to fight it. Benny selected a few more the last one looking as big as a soda straw and showed them to the man. "Just keep practicing with this one and then slowly add the others. I got this thing with that encircles the cock too and looks like a snake head at the tip. Might be hot for showing him off sometimes but probably not when you have him as a puppy. Benny looked at it and then decided to throw it on the pile of other things he was buying.

The man left the bigger sound in him for a bit and played with the opening of T.j.'s piss slit. He then pulled it out and showed Benny the ring. He suggested that to keep him quiet, Benny out to put something in the boys mouth, a bit or something. Benny just smiled, unzipped his pants and put the tip of his uncut dick in the kids mouth."Won't he bite it?" the man asked. "Naw, he loves it and can't get it enough. Plus it will keep him hard." T.j. did love Benny's dick and Benny pushed it deeper so just in case, it wasn't the tip that would get bit. The man rubbed some alcohol on the tip of the cock and then in one motion, punctured the head of T.J.'s cock and created a second hole. T.J. cried out as best he could around Benny's cock and tears ran down his handsome face. The man then slid the shiny through the hole and locked it tight. He then cleaned up the blood, which wasn't that much but T.j. now had a hurting dick as well as hole. Benny said no more piercing for today but maybe he'd bring his puppy back for more later. He also thought maybe some tattoos on his back or butt saying something like puppy boy or cum slut might get added later. He withdrew his cock from T.J.'s mouth and patted the boy's cheeks. Keeping him lying there, he put the rings and weights on the boys that would make his low hangers hang lower and make his cock stick out. He then spit on the plug part of the tail and rolled the boy over and inserted it in T.J.'s sore hole. The man pulled out the smallest black jock strap T.J. ever saw and said that was his outfit. The leather straps over his shoulders were put on the went to another ring that slipped over the cock and came around his sides. T.J. was made to get back on all fours so the puppy hand covers and knee pads could be installed. The man showed Benny how the laces went around if he wanted to make sure T.J.'s smooth boy feet could be kept up from the ground 'to protect him' they said.

T.J. was slowly coming out of his stupor and becoming more aware of the guy in jeans who was watching earlier, standing at the door with an apparent hard on. He wore just a shirt that was open and likely wore no underwear making his hard cock show nicely.

Benny looked over and smiled at the young dude who he invited over to examine his new puppy. The guy didn't hesitate and went straight for T.j.'s hard cock and balls and stroked them while also touching his tail. The man explained it would wiggle some just like a real puppy when he moved and crawled and even if he walked. They made T.J. get down and crawl to show it off.

t.J. hurt from his piercing and the plug in his hole and hated it. His young teen body, with the beginning of what would be great pecs and his slight 4 pac abs made him look so sexy but his eyes were pleading with Benny not to do this to him.

"My baby is a real puppy. Now Papi has a real puppy to call his own. I think T. wil like it too and he will be a real show at the bar and who knows, when he is a momma doggie and has two more puppies behind him with their noses in his pussy, man, that will be hot and the subject of a great video!" Benny was smiling at the sad looking boy who felt so foolish in the getup. Benny sensed the boy's mood and pulled out another pill to send him back to his horny desirous state where he would just be wanting to have sex.. He swallowed the slippery capsule and Benny then spit in his mouth to give him liquid. Oh how T.J. had changed in such a short time!

Benny told T.J. to sniff the young guy's crotch just like a good puppy always does. The guy sighed and Benny told him to drop his pants. T,J. thought he would be expected to suck his cock but Benny had already decided that dogs like butts so he had the guy turn around and for T.j. to lick his butt and hole. It was hairy and slightly dirty. The guy obviously didn't get this kind of service often but like a good dog, T.J. stuck his tongue in and tasted the funky hole and remnants of shit on his hairs. Benny made him do it for about two minutes befoe he had the guy turn around and slip his dick into T.J.'s mouth. He only lasted a few sucks as he unloaded in the puppies mouth. "Oh, man, holy, shit, this was the best day of my life!" the guy exclaimed. He was maybe 19 or 20 and average looking. Benny figured that he got more than he ever dreamed of and just smiled at the guy. Benny had T.J. then get off the table as the guy pulled up his pants. Benny took the bindings and knee pads but left the tail in T.J. the guy left and Benny slipped the man of the store some bills. He'll earn that back for me in no time. Well worth it and I'll be back with this one and his two babies soon. The man asked Benny how T.J was going to work I a bar. "You know he ain't legal and his young boy good looks may get you some trouble" Benny looked at him and said he agreed but he had a fake i.d. for T.J. showing him to be 18. Legal age to be a worker, dancer or bar back but not old enough to pour drinks. The guy nodded.

Benny tossed T.J. his ripped up shorts but then laughed saying no way was he getting those on with his tail and his dick sticking out almost 90 degrees. Plus, he didn't want anything to rub on the ring on his dick to make it sore. "Just leave them here. You can go out naked just like a puppy. We'll go out the back in the alley and no one will see you. Plus, you look good like that and I want the boys and Dan and mostly T. to see the new you." Naked, T.J. followed Benny out on his leash being admired by a few horny customers including the guy he just ate and sucked.

T.J. realized that he couldn't sit with the tail up his pussy and looked to Benny to tell him how to get into the car. Benny made him ride on the seat with his butt resting on his heels like a dog when commanded to sit. Seeing his discomfort and a little concerned that he couldn't out the seatbelt on him, he pulled him over so his butt stuck up and his face was in Benny's lap. It was a good thing the steering wheel was away and the seat pushed back so T.J.'s head could rest there. "I know you want it so you just lick my crotch and savor up the smells. You can have more when we get back.

Arriving in just a few minutes at the house, T.J. was backed out of the car. Benny made sure he stayed on his knees so he could show T. the fulleffect of T.j. being a puppy and lead him with his leash on in the house not paying any attention to neighbors who were sitting on their porch. They knew enough never to say anything and their son, maybe 18 just rubbed his crotch as he watched. Benny nodded to them. T.J. was oblivious to the whole thing. Entering, they found T. on the couch and Dan sitting there shirtless but wearing shorts. He looked up to see his nephew come in and tears formed in his eyes. ""Man, what have you done to him, Benny. You promised you wouldn't make him one of your boys>"

"He ain't, man. He's my pet- my puppy. He will get special attention. Now you just mind your own business and get ready for working at the bar. My pup and I are going to rest a bit and I'll bring him around to help you later." Dejected and full of remorse for introducing T.J. to these guys, Dan shook his head but did as he was told.

T.J. saw his uncle and wanted to say something but just looked at him as he was lead on his leash to Benny's bedroom. "I bet my puppy is thirsty. You want a drink puppy?" Benny asked Actually, he was thristy. Benny kicked off his shorts, shirt and shoes and laid naked on his bed. T.J. just looked at him wide eyed but yet somewhat still in a trance. Benny pulled on his big cock and motioned for puppy to come close. He did and when he got close, T.j. just naturally now, took the uncut cock in his mouth and savored the taste of it. Benny began to piss and as he rubbed the puppies head, told him he would drink mostly fro Benny now. " You' lll be a good puppy for me and do anything I tell you. Gonna get you some babies to mother and let them suck on your titties and they will feed of your juice. Complete recycling!" He chuckled at his little joke. "You'll learn to lick your puppies clean to and they will you too. Man, we are gonna video it and sell lots of copies of you romping with your boys and then seeing maybe a real dog, breed you on cam too. Man it will be so hot and when you are tired and need a nrest, you will just nurse on your master here and keep him happy and smiling." So coolr, man, so cool. You'll see, even T. will like it!"

Finished pissing, T.J. just looked up to his master. He was so totally controlled now and in just a few days, even he didn't see himself slipping into Benny's control. He had no idea how far he had slipped and actually didn't care. Benny tapped the bed encouraging T.J. to climb up. When he did, Benny just pointed at his nuts and his hole and t.J. just dumbly went for it licking and sucking. He was kind of tired as was Benny and they both rested but T.J. not os much as he just kept sucking and licking until he was sound asleep. It had been a tough day and it was only half over.

As each one slept, their minds went back to other times for each of them. Benny feel into a dream about his younger days as a boy when first his older borther, then 16, had made him suck him off and followed that by fucking him and calling him all kinds of slutty names. Then, how when he had found it necessary to join a gang, he had been brutalized and raped by each of the gang members and made to go out sellig his young body at around 12, to anyone who would pay to use it. By 13 he was glad that he could leave the gang of alledged protectors who brutalized him in the name of protection, to move to New York. Living in a kind of barrio there, he again sought safety in what he thought was a gang where he could be an equal. He learned to box an wrestle and become a young thug. Only problem, he was too good looking and his smile made him attractive to be used. Not having any money, he sometimes sold himself on the streets to have enough to eat. His family was falling apart and he rarely even saw his brother or parents. His brother ended up in jail and when he lost saw him, he had become a bitch for a huge black guy and made to wear lipstick and all. Benny by that time had developed into a stud boy looker. He had offers to go hot Chicago to do porn films and he took it. He hated the demands they put on him and eventually met T. in a bar that could care less about legal identification. He joined him in a kind of prostitution ring that mainly pimped out younger girls to both blacks and whites. Being Latino, T. saw how some of the customers eyed Benny and T. made him do tricks too. For whatever reason, T. liked Benny and kind of made him a partner. Neither guy had ever done any thing legitmate but hung around bars where they soon discovered they could make more money renting out young boys than girls. Everything happened from there with them getting to be more connected to other gangs but for them selling skin was profitable and they found both legitimate guys who would pay for this service and gangs who they connected with who would help procure the young dudes. That is where they met Dan who frequented a gay bar looking for sex while in college. It was all just taken off from there.

T.J. dreamed of his former life but came to the realization that he needed people around him. His parents really didn't seem all that interested and didn't attend his sports events, or do much with him. They gave him a generous allowance but he always sensed they didn't want him around, taking vacation without him and travelling often leaving him with his uncle to come and stay or eventually alone. For some reason, T.J. just always had his friends who seemd to disappear once the folks died and he desperately wanted someone to love and care for him. He was not the type to cry so he just had become this macho kind of kid who was popular and blessed with good looks and a great body. When he found the gay kid who just about swooned over him and he met his own little cocksucker, he found someone who wanted him for him. The kid was happy to suck him off and be his bitch. Sadly, he never got to go too far with him due the parents death. He now found Benny who showed him some attention and wanted to be with him even though T.J. was too needy in his own way, to realize that he was being used much like he used the cocksucking kid. He found he had drifted away from being macho to just doing what others said and the drugs he had kept him constantly horny and in a dreamy world where nothing mattered. He would just be happy where he was. Maybe he was always submissive but now all he wanted was to please Benny and be like him even if it meant doing things he never would have considered before. Then too, maybe he was gay and didn't ever realize it but he did recall in recent months, maybe a year, that he took a real interest in other boys. Only thing was he saw them sucking him off not him doing it for others. Then he had thought about sucking off older boys as his interest in getting girl pussy wained. He didn't even mind much that he was now smooth all over. He was just happy buried in Benny's crotch or ass. He even thought his own ass now as something for other guys to use. Yeah, like a pussy.

They both awoke somewhat startled. Benny looked at the tail sticking out of his boy's hole and anytime it moved, it wagged. It made him smile. Unlike T.J., he got to be the macho guy and T.J. became a cunt.

Benny pulled his boy up and told him he needed to be cleaned out for the night. He went naked down to the kitchen and brought back a 20 lb bag of dog chow. He had bought it earlier and now dumped some in a bowl for T>j. who looked at it and didn't know what to make of it. He still had his puppy paw on so he couldn't really use his hands. Benny told him to eat it and then Benny pissed some more in the other bowl. Drink up puppy. It's good for you. T.j. now realizing he hadn't eaten in a long time, stuck his face in the foul smelling stuff and ate some. It wasn't too bad and him eating it made Benny stroke his butt making him feel good, so he ate some more. Benny came back in the room with Ricky and told him to take T.J. outside after to piss and shit. No bathroom? Nope, puppies had to learn to do it outside and that also made Benny smile. He was in total control of this white boy. Actually, he was in control of several and he recalled the abuse whites had given him in New York and had sworn they would pay. Now it was true. They were

Ricky took T.J. on his leash, out in the yard. It was clear others could see but no one other than the younger neighbor boy was there who longed to have a chance to fuck either of those white boys. he knew not to do anything without T's or Benny's permission though.

He just watched as T.J., like an animal and then Ricky, shit and pissed. Ricky being more in control, then made T.J. who was older, lick out his ass. He didn't offer to do it for T.J. though and simply grabbed the hose and squirted the cold water up his pussy and made him hold it until he let him shoot it out and then repeated the process. By now, the neighbor was horned up his big cock was in his hands and he was shooting at the fence he peered through. Jamie came out and did the same thing. Ricky told his mate that Benny had now said they had to walk this dog every day and supervise him. Although they were just whores too, they had some slight power over T.J. T.J. was too oblivious to realize it. They cleaned his body and checked out the cock head ring he had. They washed it carefully, smirking a little that this new kid was now 'ringed' and they weren't

"don't get to cocky with my puppy. Yeah he is the dog and pet in the family, but you are the whores. I will tell you when you can fuck him and what he will do for you. In the meantime, just treat him well. When he gets his own puppies, they will get used hard by him or it." The two nodded and said yes sir. Their nice young 14 year old cocks sticking out hard. "Now puppy," Benny said, " show your love to your tow masters and suck one and then eat out the other one. Take your choice boys. T>j. wasn't sure exactly what to do but when he got Jamie's cock in his mouth he did suck until the boy came. He hadn't cum all day so it didn't take him long. He then had his head directed to Ricky's hole and he licked. T.J. did notice it was swelled, red and really wide open. He had been used so hard, his boy cunt was a real mess. T.J. liked licking Benny's hairy hole which was tight and good but this young kid had had his hole used real hard and it no longer even wanted to close tightly. He ate anyway and soon was rewarded by all the cum that some guy left there, running down his tongue.

Benny watched and smiled then telling the two they had a video with another guy who was going to rape them so they had better move on. At least T.j. got to leave with

Benny. They apparently just got their holes drilled all day when they weren't cleaning inside.

Benny brought the boy back in all nice and clean. He took him back to what was apparently where he would sleep with Benny. Benny told him to put on the jock strap. It was black and very small in front. T.J. looked to Benny to see if he was putting it on right. Benny nodded and said it was just enough to be legal. Instead of coming around and down with one strap in his ass, it went around his upper thighs to leave his hole and therefore the tail, exposed. Benny took off the puppy gloves freeing T.j.'s hands which were now cramped a bit. He rubbed them to help the circulation.

"You look great boy, For tonight, other than your tail, you will be a boy, an 18 year old boy if anyone asks and your name is Pup. I never use the boys real names in the bar. Only I know those as does T. J. just nodded and followed the cool dressed Benny to the car. He wore slim jeans a hot looking shirt open quite a way down, socks and black boots He had shaved his pencil thin mustache as well as his face. He was so handsome and his deep brown eyes were like pools that drew you in. He had his smile as he looked over his boy and pulled him tight. "I'll be there along with your Uncle Dan. He serves behind the bar and you will be his waiter. He handed T.J. a small cloth bag that had a small velvet rope near the top that could pull it tightly closed. It also had a small hook on it. When we get there, you hang this from your balls weights. It is for tips as you have no pockets. You'll see how much you get. It might get heavy though as most of the money you get will be change. Guys love to open the bag and put the money right in giving them a chance to touch your smooth balls. You look so hot. Man, I want to fuck you right now and they will too!" T.j. just kind of stood there realizing he had no choice in the matter but now for the first time, wanting to be with his man. Strange.

Dan came out and looed very sheepish. He saw his nephew and although he knew he looked hot, hated the guys for what they had done to him and mad at himself for ever allowing it to happen. What they paid him wasn't worth what was to become of T.J. He thought about how he had actually sold or leased his son to them for a mere $700. More a month in his pay. Not worth it figuring what they made him do and the personal fun they had with him was worth maybe thousands!

Dan had essentially given up writing and his hopes to be a teacher at least for now and had settled on being a whore and a bartender always dressed sleazy so guys could use him. He hadn't even been allowed to tell Benny and Thad his limits os now he had to do anything they asked or the customer asked. He could see himself slipping lower and lower and had actually sold his nephew's body for sex. He was depressed at how low he had sunk.

T.J. got in the car. Benny hadn't let him lose the tail so he had to kind of sit on his knees for short trip. Dan was given some very short shorts to wear, his costume for the evening, but no shirt and only a pair of flip flops to wear as he had to wear something behind the bar. T.J. just wore his tiny jock, a collar and his tail.

They drove almost silently to the bar. T.J. had never been in a bar and was quite full of wonder when they got there. They went in a back entrance. It wasn't open yet so only the bouncers, a few parking lot kids who parked cars for guests but apparently were no slaves to the guys, and some young dudes who probably were the dancers. Dan explained to T.J. that they worked for themselves but wore what the guys wanted and got to keep their tips. T.J. wondered about his tips but was fascinated with the guys all male around 19-25, who were dressing or undressing in the small changing room. Dan went to work getting the bar ready and told T.J. what stuff he could do like putting the cut lemons and limes and such in containers, making sure there was enough ice available and wiping down tables.

As T.j. made himself useful, the dancers- strippers began to move to the bar area where they saw him and asked Dan about them. "He is the new server boy Benny brought in. Do you like him?"

The guys all looked him over and a few even touched him and said they loved his costume but doubted it would be on him long. A few came over and askedh him stuff and shook his hand and they all seemed real nice to him. A couple asked if he were really 18 and not knowing what to say, said he was. He knew they knew he was lying but said nothing. They learned his name but then T.J. recalled his name here was pup so he told them with some embarrassment. "Maybe I can use you in one of my dances", a hot looking guy maybe twenty or so said to him. "Love your tail and love how it wags when you move. You're one hot boy. Done this before?" T.J. looked at him with his innocent face and admitted he hadn't. "You'll learn the ropes real fast. Just hope that they don't overwhelm you . "Dan, you may lose some tips to this boy!"

The bouncer told them all that the bar was to open soon and they left T.J. to help Dan in final preparations.

The doors opened and only a few guys, mostly older about half of them black or Hispanic, came in. some sat at the bar and a few took tables. T.J. dutifully went to the tables to take order. That is when he began to feel very self conscious and began to realize how he was going to be used. Each of the guys, touched him in ways he had never been touched except for Benny, Thad and the house crew. One just pushed his jock aside to look at his boy cock. He was embarrassed by that too. He had never been before, but seeing Benny, Thad and a few others, he felt inadequate. He had maybe 7 inches and it was thick, cut meat. He had always prided himself on his man meat before but now, especially when the kid he got to suck him off almost choked on it, and when the girls fondled it a few times at parties, but after seeing Thad's 14 inches and Benny's probable 10, he felt like a little kid!

It was a long night for T.J. First, he still hurt. His cock was sore from the piercing, his hole was still sore from getting fucked now three times, the new large plug/tail he wore kept it open and sore inspite of the gentle care he had gotten from Dan, and now he was being touched, pulled and prodded by these guys in the bar. Even a few maybe college age girls who came in to see all the male flesh, had touched him a lot. He was glad when another bar tender and server showed up. He learned later that they were just employees, not controlled like he and Dan were. They wore the same type of clothes but T.j. noted that the server like him, got to wear a much sturdier jock strap and was allowed to reject some of the touching. He was not and had to accept whatever. The guy wore the same little sack attached to his balls for tips, but he got to collect paper money where T.J. had to ask for change. The other guy got some change too . He was also allowed time to take a break and to put his money in his locker in the changing room. T.J. didn't get a locker and had to just endure the weight of all that change pulling his already weighted balls down more. The patrons seemed to love it though and made every effort to touch and squeeze his nuts every time he delivered drinks. He made some errors in orders but he had no knowledge really of drinks. He had probably only had a few beers in his whole life and maybe smoked a few joints too.

He was one tired, sore kid. Benny eventually came by and put his arm around him also squeezing his bubble butt. He sowed him some loe though and kissed him and had him come and sit down with the girl he was with. That pissed off T.J. too as suddenly he resented this whore from taking his man from him while he worked.

T.J. was surprised by his own reaction but liked sitting there with Benny and eventually Thad. They rubbed his thigh and Benny asked him why his jock was so messed up. He told him the patrons just wouldn't leave it alone and actually had taken it off him. Benny smiled and said how good he was doing. T.J. liked watching the dancer boys who almost took everything off and sometimes did pretending to cover their junk with a hat or something. They were damn sexy and made T,J.'s cock get hard.

By the end of the night, T.J. was more than ready to go home. It was after 2 am and he had had a long day. Benny didn't have the Jamie or Ricky walk the pet T.J. that night. He just let T.J. piss in the yard and then took him in his arms and took him to bed. T.J. probably didn't even think about the fact that he hadn't hardly eaten all day other than lots of cum. But, he was exhausted and fell asleep in Benny's bed. Benny wrapped his arms around the boy and let him bury himself in Benny's hairy, sexy pits. Just almost naturally, T.J. licked and savored the man smell which propelled him to dream land. He never even thought about how he was at Benny and Thad's place and not sleeping on his uncle's couch.

Benny let the boy sleep. He didn't hesistate though to examine the ring in the kid's dick head. He grabbed some soothing cream and spread it around to make it look less red and ease the soreness. That made T.j. hard again and he awoke. Benny smiled at his puppy and pulled him close before pointing to his own big cock and telling his puppy he wanted it sucked. Enough rest for the boy! T.J. slid down and took it in his mouth and looked up to Benny for approval. Benny smiled and whispered good puppy to him. T.J. felt it good to be loved so and made the sucking more intense. Benny spread his legs and pushed his puppy's head to his hairy hole and had him lick it for while . It tasted funky but T.J. didn't protest. He eventually pulled him back to his big low hangers for a few moments before he told him he needed his mouth on his cock. He stuck just the tip of the uncut cock inside before he began to piss. T.J. wasn't a good piss drinker yet and spilled a little but got most of it down as he realized his own need to piss. Benny still was in no mood to let him up though and had him crawl up next to him. Benny pulled out the boy's tail plug which he had forgotten to take out the night before. He looked at the boy's pussy and saw an nice wide hole . He actually licked it making T.J. swoon but then shoved his big uncut dick up the hole. Benny's pubes tickled him some . both were probably surprised how it went right in and deep too. As Benny moaned things in Spanish he fucked the boy hard . In English he said something about the boy's pussy being smoother and better than a punta's cunt.

About that time, hearing the noise, Jamie and Ricky came in and watched the dog boy get fucked hard. After he was done, Benny let the two eat his hole more and sucked the ass fluids and such off his big cock. He then let them put the leash on T.J. and had him crawl outside to piss and shit. Before going, Benny told them they could piss in T.J.'s mouth and after they shit, to be sure he licked their ass holes. T.J. really was a lower cast than the other two boys. They smiled and knew he would get lots of cum too as they had spent the night getting fucked and still had much of it in their cunts.

T.J kind of resented eating the boys. They were owned property. Their own mothers had sold them. It eventually occurred to T.j. that maybe his loving uncle had sold him too. His mind was much clearer and yet he ate the holes and the boys smiled or maybe smirked at him showing him to be lower than themselves. Benny watched it all from his window and was proud of his new pup. When they came in, he gave the two boys cereal and dumped some dry dog chow in a bowl and put it on the floor. T.J. felt even lower now as he ate like a dog. Benny smiled at him, his big uncut dig still bare as it seemed most of the time, the guys liked being naked. He drank his coffee and the two boys made him some kind of egg dish and toast. They stayed back away as Benny rubbed his puppies head and said he was a good boy. T.J. felt a bit proud but soon found his place again when Benny told him to follow them around. "sniff their cunts, boy. You're good at it." Benny went a got dressed as T.J. followed the two boys around sniffing them as he went. They made no bones about it having him drink their piss when they needed to go.

It gave T.j. time to reflect on his new surroundings and what he had become. He was just glad that none of his former friends saw him! He wondered about them, his uncle and then it occurred to him that he didn't know where his phone had disappeared to. T.J. asked the boys if they knew and they said simply that Master Benny had it.

The boys eventually were summoned go to the video room where they did sex stuff for people who paid a fee t o watch them on the internet. Apparently they were popular. Benny took T.J. to watch as they ate one another, and showed off their pussies and cocks for the watchers. Eventually, their time was up and each was sent with one of the older boys, Mike and Sean who fucked them on camera and pissed in their mouths. That made T.J. feel a bit better.

Benny reinserted the plug /tail in his boy and kept a leash on him. Throughout the day, guys came and used some of the other rooms to fuck(T.J. assumed) other young guys who came and took their customers to various rooms. Even his uncle, Dan came in with an older guy and they disappeared in a room too. Most of the customers were black or Latino but many were white guys too. Thad seemed to collect a lot of cash. He and Benny sat around with T.J. on his knees wearing his tail. A few customers asked about T.J. who said nothing but Benny was quick to refuse all offers for the boy for which T.J. was grateful. T.J. still on some type of drug, probably ecstacy or something similar and a blue pill, probably Viagra to keep him horny, found although somewhat alert, he really didn't mind being Benny's boy or pup. He felt wanted and cherished as the two men talked and played with his body as he knelt or laid at their feet. He was enjoying the stimulation it provided!

Maybe he was just a boy whore like the others. He didn't care. While they ate lunch, he stayed under the table and licked their feet or sucked them. Benny made no apologies, nor did Thad when they pissed in his mouth and he found he liked their manly taste and scent. He even smiled when his Uncle Dan came down and handed Thad a wad of cash for which he got back only a part. He looked down at T.J. and actually kissed the boy before he left.

Benny liked to take T.j. to his bed where he had him suck, eat and lick his body before he would withdraw the plug and fuck him. "Not sure yet how much I want to stretch your pussy. I'm thinking I would like it wide open and hanging loose like a cunt, It may get totally destroyed from fisting or double fucks but you're my baby and you won't mind will you?" Benny said. T.J. didn't even know anymore but as Benny slid various sized sounds up and down his piss slit, he found they hurt less and the ring no longer was hurting his dick. Maybe it is just something all white boys need, to be used and degraded by superior, confident men. T.J. just complied> he did notice when he was taken to the yard to piss, his stream was much stronger and bigger than before, almost like an animals. He suddenly felt proud of that.

For the rest of the week, T.j. did his usual routine, eating out

Benny every morning, getting fucked by him, at least a few times a day, maybe getting fucked by Thad too, eating out the dirty holes of the two boys, watching the customers come and go and working at the bar as a server usually nearly naked in less than an hour after starting. He dutifully let Benny relieve him of the heavy sack of coins he got for tips, never getting to keep any of it. Usually, he was emptied several times a night and was now used to anyone who wanted, to paw his body and a few times even getting fucked while he sat on a guys lap. Benny was proud of him and told him he made pretty good money in the computer videos they made of him getting raped by other guys who belonged to Thad and Benny including now, Mike and Sean. There was quite a market apparently for teen boys getting raped and paddled by older white teens, a few black guys and some Latinos. Usually, it was two on him at once, double fucking him or spit roasting him for better than an hour. At a time. He was pretty tired after his body was used so much.

Benny made him work out in the basement gym he had. He said he wanted him to be prime meat and more muscular. T.J. recalled he was close to 17 years old and wondered if they would provide him a birthday.

In the meantime, he went to the birthday for Jamie and Ricky's two brothers. It was obvious to T.J. that they had no idea of their fate and enjoyed opening gifts, having cake and punch, all provided by Benny and Thad. He knew they had no idea they would never get to use the gifts and felt sad for them in some ways but felt they were no different than him. About 15 people attended the dual birthday party including some of their friends, both white and Latino. It was a shock when around midnight, afte much celebrating and happy times, their own mothers brought them, in front of the other guests, to Benny and Thad who then had their own older brothers, strip them naked for all to see. The protested but it was done under the guise of giving them a birthday spanking on turning 13.

Their trim little bodies were then presented for all to see as they tried to get away but were held tight. T.J. noticed they had only a little pubic hair, unlike him who had none but it was beginning to regrow and sparse pit hair. T. J. was happy in some ways that Benny let his hair grow out as he tried various ways for the boy to appear.. T.J. and the boy's brothers, had even been allowed to wear clothes for the party but all were tight and revealing. No one said anything. Benny and Thad let the guests all wail away with birthday swats on their naked little asses. Once that was over, however, Thad said the party was over. As the boys tried to recover their clothes, their own brothers kept them from getting the clothes and so they remained naked. At first, they laughed and found it cool except when the few girls who were there got to touch them and even were encouraged to get them hard. That was too much for the boys. Even their own mothers, not drunk or on drugs, watched and smiled but knew their little boys were going away and they could do nothing about it. Of course, Benny had made sure they both got decent piles of bills to pay for the two unsuspecting brothers.

Thad and Benny then just picked up the two and took them outside and carried them down the block naked. Their brothers and I followed and we went to the house where the men put the boys down and they immediately covered their crotches. They were wide eyed and scared. Their brothers and T.J. entered and immediately got naked. The new boys began to cry and ask whey they were here. They suddenly realized that they too were going to be like their brothers who they saw in various states of undress for the past two years and it began to sink in, that they two were now going to join them.

They cried and begged to go home but Thad calmly said that this was now home. They had reached the age to be used and their mothers had givne them over to them. T.J. felt sad for them but said nothing. Thad began to talk in a clam voice to them as they stood naked in front of him. "This is your new mother." He pointed to T.J. "Just like babies, you will both suck her and take your drinks and protein from her. Benny will put tails in your butt to make you look like puppies. You will crawl on your hands and knees at all times and follow her around sniffing her butt. See, she has a tail too and you will be our puppy dogs until we decide how to use you more. Get it? You ain't free to do as you want. We may even let your friends come by and fuck you. You ain't boys, no more. The sooner you get that through your heads, the better you will be. Don't go expecting your brothers to save you. Hell, they can't save themselves either. Get used to it!"

Benny came over with two lubed puppy tails like T.J.'s and stuck a finger in each boys holes to which they yelled out. Thad reached over and smacked them both hard as Benny began to stick the bulb ends into their tight little rosebuds. They all doubted anyone had ever penetrated either boy but they would learn that now.

Once inside of them, Thad pushed them down on hands and knees and came over to T.J. and stroked him nicely. See how nice your mama is. She loves her tail and will do anything I tell her too. Now you crawl out after her and do your pissing for tonight. If you piss in here, you will lick it up and with your tongues. Now when you get back, you will sleep in my room in the doggie beds and suck on your momma for a while I watch. Then you two will sleep there while you watch how a good bred puppy, takes care of her owner. The two still scared boys climbed about on T.J. licking his balls, dick and nipples. They actually sucked on his nipples as if they could get milk. The Rican kid, with an uncut dick like his brother actually moved down and smelled T.J.'s hole as best he could with the plug in it. T.j. was in a kind of bliss as no one had ever given him such a tongue bath before. "Now you need to get some juice out of her, just like momma's milk."

They both went to work until T.J. could hold back no more and shot off in their mouths and on their faces. He followed that up with a long piss which they lapped up and even cleaned him afterward along with the floor.

Benny summoned T.j. to his bed where the two watched as he ate his master's hole and pits and feet. They watched Benny's big cock get exposed as T.J. worked the foreskin, his favorite part of eating Benny. T.J. had in just a few weeks had become a slut for his Latino Master's body. The two younger boys got erections but stayed in the bed, tails in tact and eventually began to suck one another. Benny watched them as his main 'momma dog" ate him and gave him a tongue bath. He was proud of whathe made of T.j. and knew he would show well. Benny ended the whole thing by turning T.J. over and fucking the shit out of him T.j. just lay on the bed but with his head turned just enough to see his two new puppy babes watch it all. When he was done, Benny summoned the two to eat their momma's now exposed hole and savor his spunk. T.J. liked it too as their warm tongues entered him.

It was amazing how the transformation of first T.J. and then the two 13 year old boys took place. Even Benny was impressed with himself! He liked seeing his pups as he called them behaving and taking care of one another. He kept them hungry a lot so they readily ate the cum he gave them. The only thing that bothered him was, for some reason he couldn't figure out, he was showing some real care and maybe affection, to T.J. He liked looking at the boy and was impressed as he made him exercise, how his body was filling out. Even in the few weeks he had him, his pecs were bigger and he had redefined that nice v shape that led to his pubes. He didn't even mind that he was getting some of his pubes back, although not fully yet, and the hair began to regrow on his legs, his pits and in his ass.. he decided that like him, maybe this pup show be a bit hairy just like a real dog! He still had Ricky and Jamie walk T.j. outside with his two pups having their noses almost in his ass, watching them piss and shit outdoors but he so enjoyed the moments when the pups were made to suck off one another, usually for an audience which sometimes included the Latino and Black boys they had gone to school with and now were able to pay a little for some sex with them, and even more so in those private times when he bedded his main bitch, T.J. to eat him or to get fucked as he was about four times a day. He sensed that T.J. had given himself over to Benny and was now just a cocksucking whore like he enjoyed. He found himself kissing the boy more and liked it that T.J. never objected anymore as he had done earlier.

T.J., in one of the rare moments that he got to be alone with his uncle, even had confided in him that he loved Benny and respected him and especially, loved his masculine body which he wanted for himself. Benny was proud of how he subjected T.J. to demeaning sex when his buds came around and no longer tried to hide away. He just submitted to Benny and showed him the kind of attention his man deserved even in front of the other boys. Benny always seemed to have an entourage of young Latino and Black guys, many teens just like T.j. but it was clear that T.J. was Benny's 'girl' and would do anything he said. He even, on command, let Benny watch as Benny's friends sometimes got to have him suck them off or even fuck him right out on the back porch or even outside in front where anyone could see. They even pissed on him and in him and he just took it like the bitch he was.

One final test for T.J.'s total admiration for his master was when Benny took T.J.'s phone and texted pictures unbeknownst to T.J. or him sucking a cock or getting fucked. The pictures included full face shots. The texts were sent with an invitation to come around and see T.J. in his new life. He even offered to let them have T.J. suck them off if they came by. Of course, T.J. knew nothing of this. He hadn't even thought about his phone in so long that it didn't matter.

Benny was shocked at how many guys replied to his message. He must have got about 10 responses. He told them where they could come and when. Several replied that they would like to 'cum by'. One of the texts had gone to the boy who sucked off T.J. and even he was shocked but excited. Word travelled around and a group of guys put together some cash knowing they might have to pay and planned a trip there. Benny replied that he was looking forward to seeing them. He chuckled to himself and even shared what he had done with Thad who shrugged and said it would be good for the white boy. Never too much humiliation was enough for Thad.

Thad was still using his own boys and paid little attention to the boys that Benny had. Yes, he had fucked them all using his foot long hole wrecker on each boy. He had enjoyed raping the two puppies that were not assigned to Benny and under T.J.'s care as their 'mother' as they screamed and both bled a little but he liked the older white boys and usually fucked them once their cunts were full of paying customer cum. He liked that they were more masculine too. He still owned about five of them who he made do all the work on his house in addition to be whores for his customers, his buds and such and still expected to work a job to pay for their luxurious living situation. They were a tired group to say the least. He also made them work out too to keep fit and fed them only once or twice a day. He was busy though as the community protectors gang to which he belonged enjoyed raping his white boys and pissing in their mouths. The two gangs worked as a team. Thad even shared some of the profits he made from his prostitution ring with the gang as they provided protection from other gangs and the law. Benny and Thad would provide any whore they had with the right cops and others who made sure they didn't get closed down. Even the bar owner where the dancing boys were hired was able to enjoy the benefits and even allowed their dancers to perform naked sometimes which generated bigger tips. Benny liked that and had his pup T.J. sometimes serve drinks at night wearing only the little cloth sack for tips which he kept, that was tied to his low hanging balls. His uncle now wore just a jock most nights as did a few other bartenders. The place was often packed and the bar owner didn't mind that at all. He just worried that the police would shut him down but now seeing how well the right people were paid, he became more relaxed. It was one growing business that Benny and Thad had going. They even considered maybe getting more boys like T.J. who they didn't pay. They owned them! But getting slave trade as Thad liked to call it, was more difficult to do. There were lots of guys, some even straight, who applied to work there as the tips were great and they were likely exhibitionists at heart anyway. They just didn't tell girlfriends or families if they had them but made well over $2000 a week!

T.J. being na?ve, had no idea of the money being made around him. The guys didn't share that. The guys just knew never to cross Benny who they knew owned the boy and others. They thought it sad but fuck, it didn't really make any difference to them.

T.J. was so into what he was doing as a result of the transformation Benny made of him, that Benny found it pretty much unnecessary to ply him with drugs all the time. T.J. was just his docile pup and he actually liked him better without drugs. But, he was a kid and we all know kids are basically stupid when it comes to dealing with their rents or other authority figures even though they play tough sometimes to mask their insecurity. All he came to realize that was that he was well taken care of Benny and he fell in love with him.

Benny still liked to humiliate his boys. After all, they were white boys and he still recalled growing up first in Mexico and then in New York in a barrio where tough white thugs ruled. Eventually, it was black gangs and eventually Ricans. He was only 10 when he first got raped by some big white boys in New York and actually became their bitch as a way of protection. He hated it and was always angry with himself and with them. He had become a petty thief doing whatever the tough gang leaders demanded of him. He was also their occasional pussy boy when the girls whey hung with didn't put out or when they just felt like abusing him. he had no father but his bigger brother used him too. He swore that once he got on his own, he would demean white boys and even some of his own kind as well as blacks. He just didn't trust anyone. When he got here, he met Thad who for whatever reason, protected him and allowed him to join his gang. Thad was a few years older but protected him and when Thad finally broached the topic of him submitting to him for some DL sex, he agreed. He loved Thad's big man meat even though his own was getting respectable. But it was different. Thad seemed to show him love something he really didn't get from his own blood family. So, it was an easy choice to join Thad. Secretly, he had discovered he like boy sex almost better than girl sex. He liked being able to make both guys and girls do what he willed them to do whether it was to get in the gang or to get him stuff that he never had growing up. He was suddenly powerful and Thad didn't care that he used the young boys for sex. He just wanted them all to be white instead of black or Latino. When he got his first boy, he knew exactly what he wanted and used and raped the kid often and them made him steal and give him money earned as a prostitute at only 15. He thought about the kid for a moment but had no remorse at what he had done. The kid, Sammy, was just a white boy and when he got caught, made no effort to save him. he sat and smiled as the kid was sent to jail where he knew he would get raped more. He didn't care but needed more white boys to molest and humiliate.

For some reason though, he took a real liking to T.J. maybe it was that he was a suburban jock kid, a type he never really had before. Who knows, he liked how submissive he had become but he still, for the first time ever, developed feeling for him and wanted to protect him some. He just wasn't sure that he could trust T.J. when he said he loved him. the only way to find out was to degrade him more and see.

He also thought it would be nice to see these so called, hot suburban teens in their natural form and who knows, maybe find one or two he might want to take into his fold. He planned and sent a text to the boys. They assumed, foolishly, that it had come from T.J. Not what white suburban teen boy would actually tell his buds that he was a male whore? But they bought it and planned their night to the poor area of town and to go to this whore house where they could humiliate their once proud leader and stud boy. Oh how fun!

They packed into two cars. They actually had found out about the boy who sucked off T.J. and insisted he go along for, maybe retribution or something. He was actually looking forward to it as he wanted to see his 'god' again and missed sucking his cock. He didn't share that with the others however.

They drove down to the inner city with some fear. This just wasn't the type of area they usually went to, and found the address Benny had said was where T.J. lived. They drove up and some black guy and a 'spic' as they referred to him as being, were very nice and told them they would watch their cars. The boys weren't sure but didn't want to get their asses kicked so they agreed. The five teens went up on the porch and rang the bell. They were all nervous about being in the area but were so intrigued by the hot photos that Benny had sent to them pretending to be T.J. that they were anxious to see him and to see if he why he was in such dirty pictures.

Thad answered the door. He intimidated them a little. They were actually a little young, no one of them even 18 and a couple just 16. They had brought along the white boy slut who had sucked T.J. in his former life not so much as they were great friends but he had received the photos too and they had learned what he did for T.J. and had used him a few times themselves. He wasn't openly gay but had lusted after a few of the athletes in his school as he had T.J. and they took every advantage of him. They dragged him along just for fun really figuring they could use him after they saw T.J. and he was easy pickings for four other horny teen boys.

Thad welcomed them all in. The young slut, being the smallest, hung back a little as he was not only scared of the place they were in, but of his so called buddies who brought him. He didn't know but they were scared too. When they said they were here for T.J., Thad just nodded an called Benny. He wasn't too up on what was happening but figured a chance to make money from these white wannabe studs was ok by him and using the white boy's cunt was fine.

He called Benny who came down dressed like a Latino stud with tight jeans, a tight tee to show off his fine pecs and muscles, and dock martin shoes. He smiled his killer smile at them and gave some fist bumps.

"Ah, um we came to see T.J." said the boldest of the group. "Man, is he living here now. We thought he lived with an uncle or something."

"Yeah, he's here. His uncle's place was small and he lives here now. Works here too." Benny added. "I'll call him for you. I know he'll be glad to see you too."

"Ah, we wondered what he was doing now. I mean, those pics he sent were crazy."

"Yeah, those were just a few of 'em. Let me call him up here." Benny yelled "T.J. I got a surprise for you."

They heard feet running up the stairs. T.J. had been down stairs with his pups, feeding them and letting them out before Benny had told him to do some weight lifting. He was now a little sweaty but wore the most revealing, tight gym shorts, a size or two too small for him and nothing else. He had actually wondered why Benny had him wear those as he usually exercised naked as he usually was around the house. When Benny called, he always came right away as to not offend his master/lover.

T.J. ran up the stair and came to where he heard Benny. As he came through the door almost naked, he saw the group of guys who were his friends in school. Two were buddies, two were just swim team and track buds and the one was his suck boy. His eyes got as big as saucers and for the first time, felt shock as he saw them staring at him in his tight little outfit. He gulped and his throat went dry. He had not seen anyone other than his uncle, from his former life for weeks and to see these guys from his old school and being dressed like he was, he didn't know what to say or think. How had they found him?

He slowed down immediately and came in the room where the guys, somewhat shocked to see him that way but impressed with the improved body tone he had, all smiled at him and said things like "Hey, man, good to see you and damn those pics did show one sexy guy." T.J. didn't know anything about pictures but fist bumped them as they drew closer to him. Benny smiled broadly and T.J. looked at him in shock. He didn't know what to say or think.

Benny had the guys sit down and told them T.J. was his best boy. He even put an arm around T.J. The guys looked around and tried to make small talk. They couldn't keep their eyes off his body or the fact that his thick penis was so prominently displayed under the tight little shorts that exposed his butt some and looked as if they would burst open.

Benny picked up the talk as he pulled T.J. close and actually made him sit on his lap putting his hands between T.J.'s legs to keep them wide open. T.J. felt shock and some humiliation but he had gotten so into Benny that he didn't pull away. Benny then told them how he worked for Thad and him and actually performed sometimes as they saw in the pictures. Then T.J. realized that they had seen some probably very erotic pictures of him and Benny must have made sure they got them. His mind raced but then figured that as they didn't know Benny, he must have sent them on T.J.'s own phone which he realized he hadn't seen for some time. Benny's hand went to T.J.'s dick and he began to rub it softly. T.j. squirmed a little and the guys seemed to be quite taken by the whole thing. They didn't say too much other than a little about their home life. His little cocksucking buddy was licking his lips.

"Say, guys, I ought to let you have some time with T.J. and let him show you his new life. Hell, he can show you what he's good at and not even charge you. Maybe he can show you his pups too. That would be fun!" Benny began to get up making T.J. do the same. "Let's go back to a fun room. I'm gonna get his pups too so you can see how good he takes care of them. T.J., lose those shorts when you get back there. You know he pups are used to them!"

T.J. wanted to have the floor swallow him up. Benny was going to make him be a dog and make him be naked. He was no longer on drugs other than to keep him hard all the time which he come to accept but in front of his old friends! He wanted to die. Yet, he was so under Benny's spell, he couldn't refuse him he wanted Benny to be proud of him so he just nodded acceptance and wished the whole thing would go away.

He felt so exposed wearing nothing but the shorts and now they would go too revealing his dick and the ring in it. He didn't know why Benny had done that to him. He couldn't refuse Benny however and decided the guys may as well see him as the whore he had become.

He led the group back to a 'playroom'. Upon entering he looked to Benny to see if he really would make him strip and Benny nodded. T.J. just unsnapped the top snap and the shorts almost burst open revealing his rather thick and decent sized cock. The guys gasped when they saw it and the ring that went through the head of it. T.J. choked back his feeling and tears and let the guys look at him. "I ah, work, for Benny. He takes care of me and I do what he says. Right now, I work in a bar as a server." His soft boyish voice trailed off. "Oh, man, that's cool. You get to drink too?" T.J. shook his head no. "Oh sometimes, I get a sip of something but basically, I hand serve the drinks and get felt up a lot." He gave a weak smile and the guys all thought his job was cool.

They asked if he would swim anymore or run track. He didn't know what to say but said probably not. He was with Benny now and he would tell him what to do. They could see some resignation to his status as he sat naked in front of them. Just then, Benny came in with the two naked boys crawling in behind.

The guys looked shocked at the sight of two naked boys, both with things covering their hands, tails and collars like T.J. wore. "These here are T.J.'s pups. He is their momma and he takes care of them. They get most of their nourishment from his too. Go see you momma, pups." The boys didn't know what to say and had their mouths open as the two younger boys scampered across the room and began to try to suck T.J.'s cock and the other tried to get to his butt. T.J. laid back a little giving a little access to his hole. T.J. tried to muster the courage to show pride in his pups which he actually had and they were still on drugs to make them more submissive and didn't even let the boys' presence phase them. They thought the boys were just customers and they had been made to show themselves to their own class mates and neighborhood friends. They had just accepted their fate by now and no longer thought or cared about who saw what. The two boys almost acted like pets, trying to get the attention and love of their master. It almost made T.J. proud to see them and how they would do anything he asked just like he did for Benny. He had them roll over, fetch and such pet things. The guys all laughed. Once they got comfortable with them, the pups even went to the new boys and licked their feet and shoes. One of the guys even bent down and the two pups rolled over to have their bellies scratched. He did that but also rubbed their cocks an balls making them get real hard. "Be careful, they may shoot for you." T.J. said confidently feeling less judged and more comfortable.

The guys all laughed and then Benny told T.j. to put the pups away. Maybe the boys would like to see what he could do. Suddenly, T.J. was again embarrassed. Was he to suck off his former team mates? He was and Benny nudged the boys closer as Benny told T.J. to get in his own puppy style and submit. The guys were anxious to see this but nervous. Except for the one who already sported a hard dick and a wet spot on his shorts from seeing T.J., T.J. assumed them all to be straight. Whether they were or not didn't matter as they all rubbed their growing manhood in their crotches and approached. T.j. feeling defeated, got on all fours and stuck his cute butt up for all to see. The boldest of his friends, touched his butt and tried to be cool about it but was so boned he couldn't resist and gradually let his finger move to T.J.'s hole or cunt and touch it. T.J. had learned so well that when a man touches your rosebud, you moan and he did. "He sucks real good too. Best I ever had!" Benny explained. "Get comfortable and try him out. Maybe you guys might want to be regulars. Benny was also stroking his big uncut dick through his pants. The first friend, one of T.J.' closest friends, began to unzip. He just couldn't believe that he was going to get to have T.J. Neumann, the stud of his school, or at least before he was, suck his cock. The boy's cock wasn't huge but he dropped his shorts and kicked off his flip flops and got in front of his former friend. T.J. dutifully took the cock and began to lick and suck it. The kid only lasted a fe minutes before he shot right in t.J.'s mouth. Panting and exclaiming 'oh, shit, oh fucking shit this was hot', he hated himself for cumming so soon. Quickly the others stripped too and it wasn't long before T.J. felt a cock enter him and he worked it so well massaging the boy's tool. Yeah it hurt some, but mostly it was T.J.'s pride that was ruined and he just let them all take turns fucking him and having him suck them clean. Only the kid who had been his cocksucker in high school hung back. Benny finally said that he should join in. The kid got a smirk on his face as his former abuser was now sucking his cock. He decided he would also fuck T.J., something T.J. never did to him(but wanted to). All the guys shot loads in T.J. and it was almost pouring out of his cunt. Only his former cocksucker thanked T.J. and kissed him on the lips which surprised T.j. Benny had watched it all and had pulled off his clothes as well and then showed the boys how T.J. ate his hole. The boys were quite impressed with Benny's big dick and all the hair he had on his legs and groin and pits. T.J. became lost in it all and ate his lover out so well that two of his former buds, shot another load on T.J. as he ate. They liked looking at his well used hole and all the cum that dripped out. Their friend was the hottest whore they ever saw. He was much better than any girl any of them knew although only three of the five had ever had any kind of real sex with a girl and then only once. T.J. was one hot slut though and they all secretly vowed to come back even if they had to pay. Most of their sex had been blow jobs from gilrs and one was able to fuck a girl up the ass. That was all she would allow. T.J.'s ass was so much better as it was tighter, smoother and better than he assumed a cunt might be. His older brother had said cunts often got sloppy but this, oh, man, this one was great.

T.J. felt so used and humiliated. Yet he had done the deeds with friends or former friends. He just hoped they wouldn't tell everyone at school. The slowly got dressed. T.J. remained naked and even walked them out that way. Cum was running down his leg but he made no effort to wipe it up as Benny liked seeing it and if it made him happy, than that's what he did. They asked if they could come back. T.J. turned to Benny and he nodded. It will cost you some though. I just wanted you to get a sample and see your friend. T.J. whispered to them to please not tell others but he knew it didn't matter. They were free to say what they wanted although it was unlikely they would tell the whole school that they fucked a boy. It wasn't something they would want to admit to. As they left, the fifth boy, T.J.'s former whore, actually kissed him again as he rubbed .T.J.'s cock. He whispered to his friend that he still loved him and didn't care that he was now the whore. T.J. felt somewhat better but he still recalled how he had said really dirty things to the kid when he made him suck him. Now the shoe was one the other foot. This kid still had a home and didn't have to suck anyone he didn't want unlike him. T.J. weakly smiled at the boy as they departed.

T.J. had tears in his eyes as he and Benny stood and watched them go. They gave some cash to the two who watched their car figuring it was worth it if they came back.

Benny put his arm around his boy and saw T.J. had tears in his eyes. He kissed his boy and took the dripping kid to his own room where he told him how this had been a test to see how loyal he was. T.J. couldn't believe what he endured but felt comfort as Benny pressed his head into Benny's hairy pit and began to suck like it was a mother at her teat. After a while, he told T.J. to get his pups and walk them and bring them to bed. He decided it was too late to go to the bar that night and wondered if he wanted anymore guys or girls to handle his boy..J. let his pup boys piss and then led them up to Benny's room where he simply pointed and the boys lay on the big dog bed. As was the rule, they slept with one another's cocks in their mouths and gently sucked until they fell asleep. That way, if either had to pee, he could simply pee in the others mouth. Sometimes, they had to cum and that made that easier too. T.J. thought it was cute to see them. He also recalled, if they were bad, they slept with their mouths on one another's butts but the boys had already taken to being cocksuckers so T.J. most often let them leep that way.

Naked still himself, he got into bed with Benny who smiled his winning smile exposing his super white teeth and pulled T.J. close to him. He looked to his crotch and T.J. knew immediately to get down there and suck his cock which he now enjoyed, burying his face in the dense forest of pubes. He savored the man smell and even the smell of his stale piss that was on his dick head and inside the opening of his slit. T.J. wondered if he would ever have so much pube hair and figured it unlikely. It seemed to be more of a Latino thing as he was sometimes made to suck Benny's buddies and Latino customers. He was pleased that his own sparser pubes were regrowing as well as his soft leg hair and some hair in his butt. Benny said he liked the butt hair as it more reminded him of a pussy. T.J. was pleased if his master was pleased.

He sucked the cock and licked the balls until Benny took hold of his head and held it. T.J. knew piss was coming and he no longer even objected to drinking Benny's piss. He even did it when Benny's friends came over, usually with more ceremony as they liked to see a stream entering his mouth and his swallowing muscles working to take it all, which was followed by a hard fuck. Benny pulled him up and kissed him and then cuddled him. He had been fucked a lot today and Benny did not fuck him but stuck a finger in his pussy and scooped out some and fed it to him. It was the leftovers from his buddies from school. T.j. just moved around to accommodate whatever part of Benny that Benny wanted sucked or licked. T.J., by now, knew to start with his thick hairy pits. He sweat a lot and T.j. now savored the flavor as well as the moistness of the pits. He got hair in his mouth but just swallowed it down. Next came his legs and toes and feet. Each big toe was savored and licked and sucked and anything in between was swabbed clean. Benny liked to rub his big feet on T.J.'s handsome face and T.J. actually came to enjoy it and it made him smile. He liked being tickled by Benny's soft but bushy hair and he liked the taste of his feet and body. He wanted to dive in and eat his hairy ass which was the next thing he liked. T.J. was just enamored by Benny and felt so devoted to him. He never minded anymore being his dog when requested or his whore or just anything he asked to be with him. He had changed from the cocky teen boy he had been to a very submissive slave. He didn't even mind being naked and allowing others to touch or use his body. Benny loved to touch ti and play with it and made him work out hard to keep very fit. All that was missing was the running and the swimming and Benny had actually given thought to how he would have him do those things that he loved. Benny actually toyed with the idea of sending him back to school so he could be on those teams. School itself be damned. The only thing that would provide was maybe a scholarship to college for him and Benny wasn't sure he wanted him to go away to college.

Benny moved his thoughts to the back of his mind as he allowed T.J.'s talented tongue to separate the sweaty hairs in his hole and dig in for a fine tonguing of his hole. Damn he was good. He saw the two pup boys and made them get up and lick his cock and even had one who lick T.J.'s stretched pussy. He liked to have his boy get service too! He was generous that way! The pups were there to do whatever he wanted no matter what. He even found it funny sometimes to make them eat shit for food. Origianlly, they protested and cried and screamed. Now, they licked it as he asked and then ate it showing their open mouths to show they swallowed it. They were kept on drugs a lot and no longer cared what they did. Even their older brothers who found some pleasure in having them enslaved, found what he did to them was terrible but they had no way to prevent it. Plus, they were usually busy getting raped and molested in their own ways. Their hole were already stretched so much from rapings that they no longer looked like 15 year olds. Their cunts were stretched wide. The price to fuck them had dropped some. Thad had wondered about that and was thinking of ways to maybe sell them off to foreigners who would only destroy them more.

T.J. got to like his pups and took great care of them. He of course was taught that they were to drink his piss just like he did for Benny and Thad. Recycling was a good thing! Thad made sure he washed them and walked them and fed them proper food. He hated to see them eat shit. He gromed the pups keeping their nails trimmed as he did his own. It seemed that T.j. was treated real special though and went out with Benny often. He always hugged his pups before he left and put them in either cages or a room that Benny locked to keep the others from molesting them. He didn't feel the same for their brothers. Of course, going out, Benny made T.j. wear the sluttiest of clothes even when he went to an area not in the neighborhood like a mall where he got stared at and sometimes, laughed at by others his own age. As he was constantly working out, his body had become a beautiful thing to see and Benny made sure he showed it off. He made him wear whether no shoes or flip flops, ripped shorts and either a tank or tee that was cut off or ripped so his nipples stuck out. When they ate, Benny always sat next to him and stuck his hands or fingers down the back of T.j.'s shorts often with a finger in his ready and stretched cunt making it hard for T.j. to concentrate or not have a huge hard on which sometimes stuck out straight or popped up over the top of his shorts. T.j was always made to sit with his legs spread wide so if his cock was running down the leg, it often stuck out. Although Benny loved his boy, he wanted him treated as he flet all white boys should be treated, as sluts.

T.J. thought Benny was Rican but eventually learned that he had come from Ecuador. Ricans learned that and had treated him almost as bad as whites and blacks did. He was truly alone. How he ever came to be one of Thad's boys was unclear but T.j. knew he hated most whites, Hispanics and many others. He knew he was to be treated like a dog and a whore but had come to accept this and deeply loved his Latino master. Even though white, he was treated well and fed well and Benny took great care of him sexually. He was gentle when he fucked him although he expected T.J. to submit to any treatment he wanted including being sounded, having his balls stretched and his hole stretched wide. Benny like to look at him that way and felt all white boys should be treated as such. Benny was so good looking and young looking for his age of 23. He could have passed for a late teen. He was truly good looking and had great sex appeal to many guys and most girls who would have dropped their pants in a minute for him. he didn't want that too much though and liked having his boy on display for all to see how he could control him He liked having T.j. in his collar too. His love making with T.J. remained gentle most of the time and he allowed T.J. to cum whenever he fucked him. T.j. was made to watch him fuck other whites and Latinos including Mike, Sean, Jamie and Ricky who he almost always raped and then beat. He treated them badly. Then the abused boys had to come to him and suck him and sometimes he made them suck T.J. as well. He would yell things to them calling them his putas or his conos which T.j. later learned meant his whores or cunts. Actually, T.J. was learning lots of Spanish from his master and could reply now in some words. That made Benny happy. T.J. would fuck his dog boys but he often did it gently. He did cum in them and made them keep it in with their tails as he had had to do but he later would let them eat one another and clean out the cum he left them. They began to look to that as a treat.

Many days, T.J. and Benny would lie naked in bed and have the pups lick and suck them the whole time. Thad would sometimes join them and bring Jamie and Ricky to the big bed where they all watched porn. T.J. had become quite the accepting cunt boy and no longer missed his old life. He liked to see his uncle nearly naked and his uncle realized that T.J. had become much like Benny and Thad. He didn't mind working almost naked in the bar and told his uncle he should work that way too. While they watched porn,( Actually only Thad and Benny watched it)the others including T.J. , or as Benny called him, Cunt, were busy eating, licking, sucking or getting fucked by one of the two stud men. Sometimes, Thad, to show his power over all, would even make Benny take his big dick as the others watched. Although T.J. (cunt) belonged actually to Benny, Thad had his way with any of them including the young men he had doing other chores or fucking with clients and that included cunt's uncle Dan. Who would sometimes come in and submit to Benny and or Thad while T.J. just watched. It actually made T.J. feel good to see his uncle now get fucked like he did. It made them more equal and T.J. was even told to piss in his uncles' face one time. He felt weird at first but he got to enjoy it. Something deep inside him must had clicked to tell T.J. that his uncle got him into this situation so maybe he deserved to get pissed on.

On some occasions now, Benny would invite T.j.'s former buddies back but there was no pretense anymore. He was a whore and serviced all the boys including the one he had made suck him. Benny was actually trying to recruit a few of them as they were not bad looking boys and he figured he could make some decent cash off them once they were addicted to fucking his main boy. Benyy always made sure he looked over the boy afterwards. He was pleased that his hole was stretched some and now a little puffy. He liked to see it wide open and so round and pink inside when the cum ran out of him or after he pulled the boys constant butt plug or tail. He was pleased also with his maturing body that Benny made him work out so much on both a treadmill and with other equipment and taking him to the Y pool each week to practice his diving and swimming. T.J. was a magnificent looking male specimen and even his friends found him to be so handsome and hot. T.J. was proud that he pleased so many and was pleased to give Benny his full bags of coins each night he worked the bar. It also felt so good to take them off his swollen balls. Benny took lots of pictures of him and his low hangers and posted them for all to see to advertise his business. Not many guys got to use TJ. Or cunt, as the price for him was high, a $1000 an hour but young underage males built and looking like him were rare. He would let a few of his closest buddies rape him as they gave Benny and Thad lots of protection and often recruited and brought other new white boys to them to use or get taken for permanent use. Hell, some of these Rican boys even gave up their younger siblings both girls and boys for the sex trade they had. They even watched as their younger sisters got porked by Thad or maybe Benny. It was all cash, drugs and pure sex in any way they wanted sometimes the more depraved the better. That was their whole goal in life!

The girls fro mthe neighborhood were most Rican, Cuban, a few white or blacks. They matured early in that neighborhood and it they liked the attention the Papi's gave them. They didn't mind spreading their legs and maybe earn a few bucks. The boys were a little different each trying to be macho but quickly realizing that they often had to submit to the older guys in order to make the gang. It was a ritual. Some were made to bring a little sister and then rape her while the others cheered him on. Others got raped themselves and their only hope was that they, once accepted and marked as in the gang, could do it to another boy coming up, maybe as a way to redeem their manhood. Yes, many ended up in juvie at first and eventually jail, but they remained loyal to the gangs and to Benny and Thad who weren't that much older, just a lot smarter than them. The whites had little chance to move up to far in the gang and often got sold to be used as hustlers. The boys always made sue Benny and Thad got their cut or their pimping days were over and might be found dead.

Benny and Thad would sometimes come over to the garage or abandoned building where the gangs held their initiation rights. They found the young boys and the depravity they came up with for the young girls or boys was something that got them going and maybe they would use with their pets. The young fifteen year olds would bring the their little sisters who may have been only 11 or 12 some only starting their periods making them ripe for picking and the boys were about the same age with just the start of puberty happening. Their brothers, gang members already knew what rich guys in big cars would pay a lot to use up. Before that, they had to show their submission to the gang by offering a younger sacrifice. Benny often now brought T.J. or cunt who was made to walk over in just a jock with his two pup boys on a leash. T.j. wore his collar and sometimes, a leash as well and they were their to watch.

The young 14 or 15 year old Rican would bring maybe his sister or little brother or some kid from the neighborhood who hadn't yet been 'introduced' to the ways of the gang. He made them get naked and lay on the floor as he tried to be macho and either got naked or took off his pants. He would show his power by making them suck him sometimes drinking some of his piss. He then would fuck them hard cumming in them risking either a possible preganacy or seeing a brother bleed some . Once done, he would go to the leaders of the group, usually only about 16 or 17 themselves and get on his knees. He would often have to suck them as well with his damp cock exposed. He would then be told if they wanted him to do anything else to his victim which he would do willingly. Benny liked to make the Rican boys take a shit on the face of their victims. He liked to humiliate them even more. Once done, he would tell the shitter to eat some of his own and them they could go back to their leader and he would have two of his buddies hold him while he was punched him repeatedly in the gut. If the kid didn't break, the leader would pull out a small knife and mark the kid by cutting an x in his arm . The proud, bleeding kid would go back and piss on his sibling and then tell the leaders they could take him or her now and he would be responsible for them. The crying little sister or brother would then be taken naked and cleaned up some and put out on the streets to make the gang money. A few of the girls would be kept behind and the leaders might make her his girlfriend for a bit. She would be proud and submit to anything the leaders or his buddies would want.

T.J. and his pets would watch all this and by now had become pretty used to it. Benny and Thad would sometimes then be so hot they would want to fuck the pups or T.J. and it was done in front of everyone, girls, boys or whoever was there. They learned to submit and be glad they weren't cut or put out on the streets. Sometimes, even a cop would be there to make sure there was no trouble and he would be offered a boy or a girl to fuck or suck his dick. It was good money for the cop and fun too! He just had to make sure the law was always overlooked so the gang and Benny and Thad could profit more.

Another activity that Benny and Thad both liked was watching as boys usually but sometimes the girls as well, were taken where they got fucked by real dogs. For some, it became a regular habit but for others the fear they showed when the dog entered and the boy or girl was either held down or tied down and then the dog would lick them before sticking his long sheath into them and fucking them. Sometimes this was used by the gang as punishment for even their own members who got out of line. The hierarchy of the gang was strict. Many of the gang boys enjoyed fighting and trained a lot being beaten, punched and raped. The fights were held usually weekends with some guys paying big dollars to come and watch. For about $1500 a man, they got all the beer they wanted and a fight card was made up. The boys who participated usually ranged in age from about 16 to 20. They seemed to have a need to fight, wrestle and show just how tough they were. They were excellent specimans without hardly any fat on them . They were also exhibitionists and lived almost naked like slaves but with a superior ranking. They usually lived with a trainer who brought them. They were various races including whites, blacks and various Latino groups. Their abs just rippled with strength and masculinity. If they wore anything, they wore jocks but fought naked. There were no holes barred and anything was fair game in the rounds that lasted about 8-10 minutes. Once a victor was determined, he had his way and could do anything he wanted to the loser who had to submit. Many a boy left with severely hurt nuts and wounds all over. They were such exhibitionists into showing their strength and virility that they would gladly, (in most cases) join the ranks. They rarely did the grunt work for the rest of their gang and were revered by the other gang members as the epitome of male virility. Once their fighting days were over, they got dumped back in the gang as soldiers and regular fighters but they fought dirty as most gangs do and were usually very tough. Some went on the become more respectable but others ended up in prison or worse yet, dead.

T.J. and his pets were always just spectators along with their masters Thad and Benny and a few gang leaders. Those paying to see the fights were allowed to play with the boys but were not allowed to have sex with them. The fighters had to submit to inspections and usually got fucked by the suburban customers as a part of their training and demonstration of their virility. In some ways, they were like kept animals and didn't do much with the gangs who sometimes even feared them. They were tough guys who were lean and fit. All they did was submit and train.

Benny told T.j. that many of them like lots of guys, just need to be proving constantly, how macho they are. They are like gladiators or old times and thrived on their needs to be tough to show no mercy.

In the fights, the boys were always well oiled to prevent their opponents from getting too firm a hold on them. They were slippery as all get out from head to toe. Benny let T.J. help to oil them and they stood totally motionless allowing him to put oil on every inch of their bodies. Extra was put on their nuts and cocks to the point that they were almost dripping but oh so sexy looking. They even called T.J. sir and thanked him for oiling them. He was a little surprised as he was a slave too.

He had thought about his situation and realized that nine months ago, he was a regular teenage dude quite into himself and had lots of pride. In that short time, he had learned to be a submissive toy and sex object for this south American stud and his black partner. He no longer cared who saw him naked what they saw him doing or for that matter, what he did. He did his usual things every day such as eating his masters hairy hole, drinking his piss, taking care of two slightly younger boys who were treated and acted like puppies, having them drink his piss, being fucked by anyone Benny deemed worthy as well as working at the bar, doing occasional videos or sex acts, and being Benny's personal maid and slave. He exercised much more than he would have in his former life as Benny demanded he be a perfect white boy slave specimen. Almost like the fighters, he had little body fat and lots of muscle. Benny even took him to the Y where he was made to swim laps, and practice his diving. Most people who went there to swim, wore swim suits but as it was just men and it was legal, he swam naked and even came and went naked if Benny could get away with it.

It was now cold outside and yet things didn't change for him, He took the pups out and they were very cold and like him, they were nude. Benny liked to watch them hurry to shit and piss and then lick one another clean in the snow. The other boys who lived in the house were kept naked too including the older boys Mike and Sean and Jamie and Ricky. Only Jamie and Ricky were kept shaved except for the head. The others including T.J. Benny decided would again grow hair and T.j. was proud that his pits and pubes had regrown. He liked that he had a little hair in his pussy as he now freely called it. Ricky and Jamie didn't like that their little brothers were allowed to sprout hair while they were kept shaved but Benny said he liked some of his cunts to be hairless. T.J. had now become their overseer too, another thing they didn't like at first but he was gentle with them, more than they were to him when he arrived. T.J. had become quite the ass licker and even licked those boys sometimes. Never dirty but when cleaned. He was fascinated by their destroyed holes where their inner pink anal muscles wer now exposed and stuck out. Benny said they had nice rosebuds. Although stretched and slightly puffy, TJ. Maintained his hole as it always was all but stretched to accommodate quickly, Thad or Benny or anyone deemed ok to sue it. T.J.'s biggest regret was that he never got to fuck. Not even his pups and learned to cum when he was fucked. It was so different for him but that is what Benny demeaned his life and who was he to complain. He just complied willingly to anything including beating the pups and the older boys with whips or poles just to amuse his masters sometimes. Benny would never allow T.j. to be beat although he would fuck him savagely and sometimes use his bare hands the redden his butt.

T.j., now always the sharpest knife in the drawer as they say, just did everything as ordered. He had become so willingly, a complete submissive although he looked so macho. He liked to lay on the bed and allow his Latino lover man to do all kinds of things to him, most soft and gentle but occasionally, harsh. He had just accepted this new life .

He didn't see his uncle as much but when he did, he was made to suck him off and to kiss him publicly. Yet, he got to tell his uncle as Benny's and Thad's sometimes supervisor or his boys, what to do making him feel some power. His uncle was not allowed to fuck him anymore but he did sometimes suck his dick but was not allowed to let him cum. T.j. left those sessions totally frustrated. He would walk around dripping for hours or until Benny fucked him again. Benny liked to see his boy frustrated and he had become such a sexual being, he really liked to frustrate T.J.

Benny was pretty confident in his self image and didn't care what others thought of him. He would flaunt T.J.'s naked body even if he took a hot girl on a date taking T.j. along to be his servant. If he fucked the girl, he would make T.J. eat her cunt as well as to have him lick the cunt juices off his dick and balls, all in front of the girl . T.j became quite good at eating cunt but eventually found himself really preferring to be serving boys or men. The gang members never bothered T.J. although sometimes, he would allow one of them to fuck him right in front of the others to show their machoness and make T.j. feel like a woman. Benny even toyed with having his hair grown out to a long style and shaving him clean again to make him more of a female but he liked being able to rule over his almost 18 year old stud boy who he still called Cunt but lovingly. He dropped his plan. He was proud that T.j. had a decent sized cock and nice big low hangers thanks to his weights he made him wear for at least a year and then sometimes when he went out. He did insist that the balls be smooth unlike his own but allowed a farily dense bush and pits that he would trim. He liked that T.J. had a hairy hole just like his own but he rarely licked it but fingered him constantly both in public and when they cuddled on the couch. He loving having T.J. always on edge for sex. He often put a chain on T.J.'s dick or nuts when they went places. He no longer feared T.J. would run away but liked to gently pull the boy with it.

He then would turn around and let him discipline the fighters or some of the gang recruits or those who lived in the household by beating them with whips. T.j. was so used to the unpredictable that he no longer ever thought about what he was doing but just did it. He was always happy to get to discipline a gladiator fighter who lost. The matches were held about every two week and other underground fighting clubs from other places who knew one another, would bring their fight boys to town for matchups. If one of Thad and Benny's boys, although a real professional trained them but they funded the costs, lost, he would be taken sometimes beaten and bloody and they would have T.J. beat them more and then make the helpless kid suck his cock. Although T.j. didn't care that much to beat the broken fighter, he loved having him suck him off as Benny always allowed him to cum in the boys mouth relieving him of his sexual frustration. He then sometimes, secretly took the boy to another room where he comforted him and took care of his wounds as best he could. The fighters got to know T.j. and actually liked him and respected him which was strange as they submitted to so many as a part of their training, but respected only their coach and the other superior fighters. Sometimes, if T.J. found the kid handsome, he would even get Benny to let him take him home for more care and to help him recover. The boy, as hard as it was to change his feelings, sometimes almost fell in love with T.J. and Benny would laugh as this tough hombre of a guy would do whatever T.J. told him. That only lasted a few days before the kid would get returned to the fight club for more training and probable abuse, yet they all loved what he did for them. The fighters were taught early to submit to authority and did anything their trainer said they should. When they got sent home with T.J. and Benny and Thad, the trainer told them that they were his masters until he returned and to do whatever they told him. The loyal fighters would probably kill themselves or cut off a body part if told to do so they were so responsive.

As the days got cold, and winter was beginning, T.J. learned like the fighters, that he had to do whatever Benny and Thad told him. He began to protest when the snow fell and he was told to walk the dogs and no clothes were given to him. He learned by getting smacked hard, that that would not fly. Thad made them go out naked and barefoot into the snow. Worse yet, the pups had to crawl and go through their daily routine of removing one another's tails, licking them clean and waiting while each one shit. T.j. had been allowed to shit and piss in the bathroom lately since Benny stopped making him wear his tail but he had to go out with his pups as they were his responsibility. After shitting, the pups had to pick it up, place it in a bag with their hands and then relick the others pups hole. They were used to the routine after fighting it when they were first enslaved but now just wanted it over with. When done, they always scampered back to T.J., their mother as they thought of him, and kissed or sucked his dick. He was supposed to piss for them but sometimes waited until they came back in where he pissed in their bowls to soften their dog food and for them to drink. He hated to wait to piss as he always had a lot in the morning, but his pups, had learned to like drinking it and it was all they got other than their dry do g food and vitamins and sex enhancing drugs. They had to put their tails back in before they came in as Benny and Thad decided they were cuter that way. Then while T.j. made food for his men, they would eat theirs and then lie near the table to suck whatever the men wanted them to suck while they ate. T.J. was now usually permitted to sit with them but when they were angry or upset, he too had to eat on the floor and then let the dogs lick him and suck on his nipples or cock. Benny and Thad said it was good for them to understand the hierarchy in the house and realize the pups were at the bottom. T.j. remained somewhere in the middle

They got used to the cold and snow and being naked even in winter. Their older brothers were then usually allowed in as they sometimes even slept in the garage. They were cold and hungry too and T.J. was made to take them out to piss and shit also. They were allowed back to eat their food off the floor too and T.J. sometimes rubbed their tummies or backs to help warm them. Their earlier dislike for T.J. was gone as he did what he was allowed or could get away with to comfort them. They wore no tails like their younger brothers but were kept very stretched open. Benny liked to make T.j. pull out their big dildos and lick their holes as he watched. He thought it very cool to degrade any white boys, especially his own and see them doing things like that as he sat and watched morning t.v. T.j. was then made to suck both Thad and Benny if both were present, keeping their cum in his mouth and feeding it to the pups as nourishment. The whole scene was as depraved as they could make it. After all that, whole they figured the books and strategized about their day, T.J. and the two older boys had to clean up the house and kitchen.

All the boys had been somewhat easy to break and train. The two guys had marveled how they had done it and done it successfully with all their white boys. The older boys were put to work befoe they had to come back and before ready for afternoon callers to abuse them. Then they were sent out on the streets to be male prostitutes in the evening not returning until they made their quota for the guys. They then were given a few hours sleep and time to clean up before they started the routine all over again, 7 days a week.

Benny still loved his boy, T.j. best and made him work out for hours a day. He was usually exhausted by the end but had the body now to show for it. Where he had been athletic but young looking, he was now more filled out but still virtually no fat on him with a six pack and pecs that made girls in the bar swoon. He knew he looked good and was proud and that is when Benny complimented him most and showed him the most love and attention. That only made him strive to work harder. When taken for his runs, he was proud that he was the only boy who ran barefoot and when he swam he loved to win any competitions in the pool . He brgan to love to show off and even in the cold he overcame his objections and liked the fact that others saw him running in just a thin pair of shorts. He got lots of stares as he ran about five miles a day and now Benny trusted him to go alone or sometimes, wearing much more clothing, Benny or Thad would join him and run too. He liked the company and Benny always was ready to have sex with him when he got back exhausted but wanting to feel Benny's warm body on top of him.

Plus, when Benny fucked him, it meant he could cum which was now a rule. The only way he got to cum was when Benny fucked it out of him or when, if allowed, the pups sucked him and he was allowed to feed them. He had given up all hope of ever fucking anyone either a girl or a boy.

Holidays meant nothing to Benny or Thad as far as their boys went. Yes, there were fewer clients but they didn't celebrate them with any festivities or breaks. The days were the same. Benny and Thad celebrated and went to the homes of friends or family but the boys were kept usually locked up while they were gone.

Christmas was coming and T.J. hardly thought about it other than to recall some memories from his youth. If it wasn't for the obscene tree with sex toys hung on it in their living room, T.J. might not even have recalled Christmas but Benny told him he was being taken to his mother's house for the day. T.J. was a little nervous as he had never been there before and was worried he would be made to go naked when others would be in holiday finery.

It was almost that way for T.J. who saw Benny dress in tight skinny jeans and a hot looking top, socks and boots. Benny gave t.J. a too tight wife beater that was torn, and jeans that had more rips than cloth. His butt hung out some and there was a clear hole to his cunt. His dick, hard as always, was practically visible and totally visible under the tight fabric that threatened to tear more. The jeans were button fly but Benny had made sure most of the buttons were gone so the crotch was open. T.J. felt very embarrassed to find himself dressed this way. It was almost more obscene than being naked but he had no say. As usual, he was given no shoes to wear so he went barefoot and wore only his collar. AT least Benny didn't put a leash on him!

They drove and as usual, Benny had T.j. bury his face in his crotch and lick it most of the way there. When they arrived, T.J. looked around to see a really nice neighborhood, nothing like where the gangs and Benny and Thad lived. Benny of course wore several crosses and gold chains to show off his great body. He had T.j. get out and they walked to the door where an older latino woman answered it and hugged her boy and spoke Spanish to him. Benny pointed to T.J. and said in Spanish things T.J. didn't know but he did hear words like boyfriend and other endearing things and he hugged T.j. who felt foolish dressed as he was. Moments later, a girl about 18 dressed very sexually and a boy around 15 who looked just as handsome as Benny were introduced as his sister and brother, Carmen and Juan. The mom called Benny Bennito the whole time. The sister and brother all looked at Benny and T.J. and knew T>j. was a whore boy who was Benny's latest conquest. They both knew he fucked boys as well as girls but more boys lately. The difference was most of the boys before had been more "gay " looking or maybe feminine as the two said. They were impressed that Benny had somehow gotten a jock stud boy this time who had muscles and clearly a hot body.

They asked Benny why he wore no shoes and Benny just laughed it off saying white boys don't deserve no shoes. He made t.j. lift his foot to show how conditioned it was to hard walk ways and said he was just like a dog with tough soles for hard use. He also stroked T.J.'s leg and inner thigh wanting him to get hard to show off and probably stick out of the fabric.

Carmen said she thought T.j. was hot and asked if she might examine him more. Benny told her sure and let her take T.J. to her room. He followed in leaving the younger brother to play a video game. Before they even got in her room, Benny told her he was not allowed to cum so she should be careful. He did everything to make him cum and let her take off his clothes to see him up close and touch him wherever shoe chose. She loved his open cunt which she made sure was open by pulling out his butt plug and playing with his dick and balls. Finally T.J. could take it no more. He was turned on by having a girl stroke him and he finally shot a huge blast of cum. He was embarrassed, the girl loved it and Benny said he had to be punished. He told her to spank him and T.J. was made to lay on her lap, his still damp dick hanging down. She took his hand and put it between her legs exposing she had no underwear on and the feel of her soft pussy hair reminded T.J. of the time he had got his then girlfriend to let him touch her pussy and then suck him. Benny told her to give him five hard smacks on his bare ass and she complied, making him count them out as she went. He added five more swats for good measure and then said he was going to watch football. She should bring t.J. back when she was done. Alone with the girl, she made him put his head between her legs and lick her twat which T.j. didn't mind. He had done a few before but now doing it again, really wanted to be licking Benny's hole instead! Strange how he was transformed so quickly. He actually found her twat pleasant but not as satisfying a bung hole but she liked it and swooned and he made her cum eliciting her own female juices which T.j. found not to his liking and not something he had done before. His old girlfriend never went that far.

After about twenty minutes, Benny and his brother came back and looked in. Benny asked if she was having fun. She smiled and said she needed to clean up a bit. Benny told the naked T.J. to follow him and bring his clothes. As they walked down the narrow hall, Benny's brother asked if he could take the white boy cunt and if he might play with him too. Benny, always generous, let Juan take T.J. to his room where before he even got inside, Juan showed off his big cock and told the white boy he should get used to it. Almost shocked, t.j. was pushed on the bed where Juan pulled his big uncut dick out and told T.j. to spread 'em . Without benefit of any lube, he proceeded to enter the boy in one hard poke making T.J. gasp for air. He was used to big dicks as Juan's wasn't the size of Thad's thank goodness, but he was hung and T.J. felt every inch until he felt the generous hairy surface of Juan's crotch on his bare ass. He pounded him hard and said things about white boy cunts to him to humiliate him. T. J. had heard it all though and just accepted his fate. He shot some nice load in T.J. before pulling out and forcing it in T.J. mouth . T.j. had learned to like uncut cock and didn't even mind cleaning under the skin. Juan like some boys, had a fair amount of cock cheese there and T.J. knew his job was to eat it. When Benny came back in, Juan was rubbing his hairy hole and nuts over the boy's face and said to

Benny, what a big fat cock head T.J. had. He said he liked the big purple thing which after he blew a load earlier, Benny had inserted a sound. Yet, T.J was hard and Juan liked having his nads licked and his hole licked as well. He was well on his way to becoming another Benny where the body hair mattered. Benny sat down next to T.J. and let his brother play and told Juan he had some nice stuff too. Juan laughed and said he needed a full time white boy he could just abuse and slap around when his mouth wasn't full of dick or hole.

He asked Benny how he got T.j. but no clear answer were forth coming but he did tell Juan he might let him borrow T.j. or another boy for a night or two. Juan was happy . Juan asked if he bought anything for T.j. for Christmas but Benny said his pets didn't get gifts except when it made him happy. He wasn't sure if he was going to give T.j. a tattoo or more piercings. He showed Juan the ring in his cock head and the smaller ring in his perenium. Juan thought maybe a tattoo with and arrow pointing to his cunt saying something like fuck me or free cunt or something but Benny said his cunt only got special attention from him and Thad and anyone he allowed to use it. The two laughed when Benny told his brother how he sent him out with his two puppy boys each day and how he taught them to suck T.J. for cum like a baby sucks a tit for milk. T.J. just kept his tongue up the goys hole and tasted the funkiness of it but didn't complain. As a final tribute, he farted in T.J.'s mouth befoe Benny said it was time to have dinner.

T.J. put on his ragged jeans but his shirt had been torn too much to wear so Juan gave him one of his dirty ones that smelled of b o a bit but Benny thought it ok. They went out and sat in the dining room where a large turkey with all the trimmings was served. Benny made up a plate for T.J. and made sure it wasn't too full. The food tasted to T.J. so great he could have eaten more but Benny wanted him trim and fit and made sure he only got salad for more. He was given water to drink as Benny opted not to piss in a glass for his boy while at momma's house. T.J. was so glad for the bountiful food and getting to sit at the table and eat with utensils. That sometimes didn't happen at his new home.

They sat around and chatted and Benny's mother tried to talk with T.J. but Benny answered all the questions for the most part allowing T.j. only occasional one word answers. By late afternoon, it was time to go home and feed the other boys. Momma packed up some food but T.J. knew the other boys wouldn't likely get any. Without a coat or shoes, they left and T.J. rode home with Benny's big cock in his mouth sucking out a load of cum and a piss. Before they got home, T.J was naked sitting as best he oculd in the little car with his face in Benny's crotch. He was enjoying it though if only it wasn't so damn cold outside. Once home, Benny had his piss outdoors before taking him in. He found Thad had tied four of the boys together with their cocks in one another's mouths for something to dirnk. T.J. released them and felt so bad that they were left that way. He had come to kind of love his pups and their older brothers and hated to see them treated so bad. He put out dog chow for all including the two older boys, Mike and Sean and was then ordered to make them all go outside to shit and lick one another clean.He hated that they had to do it and even more that he had to shiver in the snow. Benny came out for a moment naked from the waist down but wore a leather jacket over his naked top. He hugged his boy and fingered him and said hwo damn cold it was . he told the pups and the other boys to hurry the fuck up as Sean was having trouble shitting out there. He usually wasn't made to do that. He eventually had some luck, had Mike lick him and then they all came in to warm up. Benny brought them all to his room. He gave them all gifts except for T.J. They all got new butt plugs which Benny wanted inserted. T.j. got no gift then but was promised that he would get taken someplace special for his gift in a day or so.

The boys and pups all bedded down for the night. They all looked kind of sad to T.J. who got in bed with his lover/master and seeing the exposed hairy hole, he went to work eating and sniffing it. Even though T.J. ate the hole and by now actually loved doing it as it made his master moan so happily, he was angry that the pups and the other 4 boys were made to freeze and got tied up for the day. He knew the pups and the boys had long ago resigned themselves to being treated like animals or at best, whores. They knew their lives as free boys, was long over. They accepted as T.j. did that white boys would be subject to abuse and degrading and they accepted that latino boys and Blacks were superior. T.J. just didn't know how Ricky and his brother, both handsome Latinos were grouped with the whites. They didn't care anymore and actually loved and respected their master. Their minds had been altered enough to accept that Benny at least fed them and whatever they had to do, he would be happy if they did it without protest. The older boys had also accepted their fate and now when Benny or Thad sent them their home, even their parents like Ricky and Jamie's mothers had done, accepted their sons as lost to them.

T.j. decided though he wanted his boys, his pups treated better so he decided as he ate the hairy hole of his master, that he would find a way to ask him to be more kind to them. He would never ask for their freedom but just hated to see them freeze outdoors like they did. He knew he might get beaten or suffer the same consequences, but he decided to risk it in the morning.

After Benny came and T.j. licked him clean, Benny offered his softened cock to T.j. for a shot of piss. T.J. just dutifully drank it all down and then cuddled with his master as he directed savoring his pit hair and fell asleep in the warm bed.

In the moring, Benny did his usual routine but when Benny told him to take the boys out, T.j. found his courage and asked his master if they could stay in and piss in the bathroom. He said it was so cold he was worried about them. Benny at first, looked at him as if to say how could he speak up but then nodded his head and said to let them go in the bathroom., climb on the toilet and piss balanced on seat like animals. T.j. was happy with his small victory and took all six boys there. They were grateful not to have hot go outdoors. Their was some major cock sucking on their part for T.j. and he fed them their breakfast, straight from his cock before he took them Benny, for some chow. He even boldly put cereal in the dishes for them to eat instead of dog chow. All the boys including the older ones, loved T.J. and wanted to even let him fuck them. T.J. knew that Benny was insistent that the only way he was to cum was when Benny or Thad fucked him or when he was to feed his pups. Still, like most teen guys, he had a load waiting and his constant use in sex made him twice as horny. Benny let his uncle suck him a few times too but generally, T.J.'s dick was used for play only and stuck out like an ornament. Benny loved it and only convinced himself that all white boys should be slaves and could be made that way for his benefit. He had noticed how horny the boy who was T.J.'s cocksucker in a previous life got whenever he came over. By now, he had access to wheels and came over a lot. He liked to make T.J. suck him now but Benny had other ideas. Yes, he allowed the kid to fuck T.J. and T.J. to suck and rim him but he decided that he too could be a cocksucker slave and he could be introduced as a fuck toy. He probably wouldn't keep him at the house as it was already full of boys who lived and got fucked there but others who came just for their duty of being used or videos. Plus for Benny it was a great way for him to learn his place but go home to the burbs at night wanting more black or Latino cock. He had T.J. invite him to stay with T.j. pretending to want his average sized cock up his pussy. The kid wanted it badly and took very little prompting and agreed to come and stay the next weekend, lying to his parents where he was going.

The kid, Randy, showed up all smug dreaming about fucking the shit out of T.j. and Benny allowed that but also invited his brother who was a year or so younger. Juan came in and Benny let him watch and then just walk in on the fuck fest. T.J. knew what was happening but Randy did not. He was immediately embarrassed but the hot Latino full of confidence and bravado, just came up and dropped his pants and grabbed the kid and made him suck and swallow him. Not that Randy hadn't done that before. He actually sucked a number of guys including the white boys who he often accompanied to see T.J. but this was different. After face fucking him, Juan just let go a stream of piss and the poor kid almost choked himself off trying to keep up. The kid had sucked a lot of dicks and had been fucked too but never drank piss before. He tried to fight off the boy but Juan was stronger and held him tight.

He then proceeded to rape the kid and make him worship his hot tight body for hours with T.j. on the floor eating his ass, showing Randy how to do it. Randy was made to suck other black and Latino boys as T.J. was made to watch. The poor kid was a mess of cum, piss coverings and all that plus a little shit on his face and hair. In one short night, he was made a cocksucker to black and Latino dick.

His transformation took only the weekend and he was commanded to come back where he began working for Benny and Thad as a whore, not telling his parents about his new job for several weeks until they were sent a video of him being spit roasted by several Latino teens. Being religious zealots, they tossed him out of their house and he found himself making a call to Benny to save him. Benny ever resourceful, had a few of the gang boys go and get him. Of course, they were invited to rape him on the trip and he arrived naked with black boy cum running out of him and he would become a resident at least for now. He was assigned to Mike and Sean who taught him the ropes and he was allowed to sleep in the garage. Quite a comedown for the cocky teen who had loved to fuck T.j.

T.J. had become somewhat hardened to life in the city and had little feeling for his former cocksucker. They didn't keep him long as Benny actually sold him for cash, to a depraved group who used teen boys as bitches for their well kept dogs who fucked them for show. They made quite a bit of money on Saturday nights as wealthy people paid big to see the dog rapeings. Benny took T.J. to one event and T.j. was fearful that he would be made to do it, but he simply watched his former cocksucker get raped three times in a row by big menacing looking dogs. He saw that his former friend was scratched and had his balls stretched. He was kept thin and lean and fed dog food like the animals. He was made to suck off each dog after they raped him. T.J. went back to see where he was kept in a cage like room along with other boys. All were kept doped or drugged to be more submissive and were often dirty. They all crawled to the cage side to see the well dressed Benny and the naked T.j. and wanted to suck T.J.'s cock hoping to get saved. Benny just made T.J. piss into their pen and then left.

T.j. didn't think twice about it. He just smiled at his former friend but wondered how long he would be kept that way. When he asked, Benny just said he had a long way to go but would eventually be sold to some guys in Mexico where he would end up. T.J. asked no more and made extra sure he ate out his lover well that night in gratitude for not being treated as a dog bitch.

Time went on for T.J. he kept his pups, worked the bar and even was taught to be a dancer there. He saw little of his uncle but sometimes when he did, they talked and his uncle always had a tear in his eye and said how bad he felt for getting T.j. involved. T.J. just looked at him and nodded saying nothing to relieve his guilt. He wanted his uncle to feel bad and yet now he knew no other life and was grateful to be Benny and Thad's toy. He would never work or go to college or have a regular life at all. His days were focused on what he could do to please his masters. He actually liked the sex and living naked 99% of the time no longer bothered him. He didn't care who saw him or if he had to join in when Benny decided he wanted pussy. He would never have a girl again but he learned to not mind eating pussy for his master.

Eventually, by the time he was around 20, his age no longer mattered anyway, Benny and Thad were tired of their business. The mobs had always been a source of income and a resource for the two guys and they eventually took a huge amount of cash for their property, their boys and their girls and decided to move to a warm climate. They would take only T.J., a boy that Thad had trained, the pups and the cash and go. They left the pups older brothers who eventually were sold to the dog breeders anyway as their hole were so stretched and used, that Benny found them unattractive. They cried when they went but the hardened T.J. was just glad the pups weren't left. He had learned to love them and now Benny allowed him to fuck them. They were like his children in a way and he cared for them like the animals they had become.

They all moved to a remote beachside hacienda in Mexico. They found several Mexican boys who they kept as servants. Benny enjoyed getting fucked by Thad on occasion and Thad had his own white boy to use daily. Thad had found a run away kid before the left the city and had taken in him under the premise of giving him pot. He gave him lots more than pot and eventually took ownership of the kid. He was about T.j.'s age and Benny and Thad found them to be kind of like a pair and even talked about making them both pony boys when they got to Mexico. T.j. and Benny slept together and T.J remained Benny's wife, his whore and in all actuality, his slave for life. He didn't miss anyone but even as they all aged, Benny was still handsome, T.J. remained handsome due to his natural gifts plus the regiment that Benny had him follow and his pups became very pretty. He kept them in their own kind of doghouse where they would live happily as animals, allowed to roam about on hand and knees and lay at their masters feet sucking his toes and his cock whenever desired. It was a life of total depravity. T.J. enjoyed seeing the naked Mexican men and boys who worked there and served him as if he were Benny's wife. Benny allowed him to sometimes let them suck him off and then returned the favor. They all enjoyed seeing T.J. get fucked right out on the patio by the pool and one even was kept to eat him afterwards. Life was good in their strange and sexual world.

T.j. and his pups and the white boy were eventually farmed out some days to be used as day laborers or wealthy Mexican's estates. They enjoyed seeing the naked white boys work in the hot sun. They paid Benny and Thad generously for the use of the boys. They were even hired as waiters for some of their bigger affairs. The guests enjoyed seeing naked white boys wearing only bow ties, serve the food and drinks. The money they brought in helped to cover Benny's and Thad's drug and drink expenses.

All of the boys had become truly conditioned to their lives and learned to be the best whores they could be

The End

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