The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Nov 25, 2019


This is a work of gay romantic fantasy. If that sort of thing upsets or offends you or if, God forbid, it should be illegal in your Nation, State, County or Community then please, in the name of All That's Holy, LEAVE NOW!!! I don't want any trouble and neither do you.

Again, thanks to all of you who have read and enjoyed my work. (I'm still waiting for someone to tell me how much they hate my writing and what an utter hack I am.) Questions, comments, suggestions and complaints are always welcome. (Yes, even complaints--otherwise how can I improve if I don't know where I'm going wrong.) Hit me up at for a faster response and I WILL reply. (It may take me a while but I WILL get to it.)

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Ben Dover: Age 46 -- recently relocated to Kings Harbor

Cliff Dover: Age 38 -- Ben's baby brother and Archdruid.

John-Thomas Bilodeau: Age 41 -- Cliff's boyfriend and apprentice Druid

Nils Gustafsen: Age 32 -- Crime Victim

Sgt. Sam Southwick: Age 28 -- Kings Harbor Police Officer

Orlando Ojeda AKA Orlando Two Feathers: Age 23 - Drug Dealer, Scam Artist and Rapist.

It hadn't been an easy twenty-four hours for Sam Southwick: after drinking some of Cliff Dover's Druidic "Puri-tea" he'd had bouts of vomiting and diarrhea followed by frequently-interrupted tortured and unrestful sleep. He'd slept (if you could call it sleep) the night cradled in the strong yet gentle arms of Ben Dover who held the young Cop while he sweated, cried or screamed then soothed him back to uneasy slumber. For Nils Gustafsen it had been much, much, worse.

The slim blond triathlete came downstairs looking shaky. "Please God Cliff," he moaned, "don't make me drink another cup of that awful `Puri-tea'! I don't think I can take another round!"

"Buck up buttercup!" the Archdruid told him with a sad smile. "Magic always has a price! You're trading months of lingering aftereffects from the drugs Orlando gave you--not to mention the psychological damage that shit did to you--for a few days of discomfort. You'll need to deal with the Magical Trauma the Lotus inflicted on you on your own: no spell or potion will cure that! You just need to ride it out. The good news is--your done with that part of the purification."

Nils shuddered. "Oh God!" he whispered. "I don't know if I can make it through this! Maybe I should just kill myself to make the pain stop!"

"Don't--you--DARE!" Ben snapped. "Th' people in this room put themselves in harms way t' save y'r sorry ass! Now you wanna disrespect our sacrifice by takin' the easy way out? Not on MY watch Soldier!"

Nils sniffed as he tried to get himself under control. "I'm sorry Ben," he finally mumbled. "All of you--I'm sorry for everything I put you through! I'm sorry I was so fucking stupid that I let myself get conned and ended up with nothing to show for it!"

"Son, call it an expensive Life Lesson," the big Texan said gently before coming over to Nils to wrap him in a warm hug. "You got y'rself wrapped up in somethin' you didn't understand an' the Ojedas had a good line. You fell for it--an' it cost you--but now y' know better. You won't make that mistake again!"

"WE won't make that mistake again!" Sam promised. "I still don't understand any of this! Why does Nils have these flashes? Is it Divine? Demonic? Psychic? I don't know..."

"Well--let me explain it to you," Cliff offered. "Sit down boys--this might take a while..."

"In the beginning Man created the Gods," the Archdruid began. "Some Peoples created their Gods in their own image--the Greeks, the Norse the Celts... Some created their Gods in the shapes of animals--mostly the Native American Tribes... A few combined the two: think of the Egyptian and Hindu deities! Some cultures created Deities of Pure Spirit--Yahweh is a prime example of that type. Humanity's Awen--the Divine Spark--created the Gods and the deities reflected their power back to mankind which caused our Awen to burn brighter!"

"Everyone is born with the Awenspark," he went on. In some it is barely a dead ember deep in their souls but in others the Awen burns brightly! You, Nils, have a fairly bright Awenspark that grants you moments of pattern perception, clairvoyance and precognition. That's what you felt when you determined that Norman Young and Sebastian Fredricks had been murdered and that both cases were related!"

"Sorry for interrupting," said Sam, "but I've got a question. You said Man created the Gods--what happened to those Gods when we quit worshiping them?"

"Nothing!" Cliff told him. "The Olde Gods are still there with all the Attributes and Aspects we granted them. Just because Mankind quit worshipping them doesn't make those Gods go away! They're here and they aren't going anywhere! In fact--new Gods are being created all the time! There are at least three versions of Jesus Christ!" He paused to let this sink in. "We also have multiple Mohameds and a couple of Buddhas! The thing is--unless you have a cross-cultural Deity like Jesus then the Gods won't answer your calls because they have no `family obligation'. That's the main reason why the Ojedas claim they would make you a Shaman was a load of bushwa!"

"So how was Gilbert Ojeda able to grow my Awenspark?" Nils wanted to know. "If he can't contact the Native American Gods how was he able to show me how to trigger my flashes?"

"Here's the thing," Clay told him. "Some people don't NEED to connect to the Spiritual Realm to activate their Awenspark: it's indwelling within them!"

Ben nodded. "Th' Apostle Paul talks about `Spiritual Gifts' in the Bible," he rumbled. "Preachin', Teachin', Healin'..."

"Prophecy..." Sam said thoughtfully.

"Exactly!" the blond Archdruid said enthusiastically. "You boys are gettin' it! We all know people who are very perceptive, charming beyond all reason, or just plain lucky! That's the Awenspark manifesting in them. Some few philosophers say that things like the ability to sing, play music, creative writing Artistic talent and Acting are other manifestations but I'm not sure I'd go that far."

"Without knowing exactly what Gilbert and his son did to, and with you, we can't say," John-Thomas interjected, guiding the conversation back to the topic at hand. "Most likely you improved your own Awenspark by willfully connecting to it and actively opening yourself to the Awen. Druidic study can show you how to brighten your Awenspark even further--if that's the path you want to take..."

"Wait," Sam said. "If Nils is Scandinavian why would the Celtic Gods respond to him?"

"They wouldn't!" Cliff told him. Then he pulled out the leather cord he wore around his neck: on it was the Celtic Tree of Life and a Thor's Hammer. "Our father's people are British Isles through and through," he told the men, "but our Mother is pure-bred "Scandihoovian! We have enough of a blood claim that BOTH sets of Gods will listen to us."

"Besides, Celtic and Nordic Deities are pretty much First Cousins anyway!" John-Thomas added. "Me--I'm 100% French Celt! I couldn't get a Norse God to answer my call to save my soul!"

"More good news--Nils doesn't need to connect to the Spiritual Realm," Cliff said. "His powers are inborn: all he has to do is exercise them--just like any other muscle! We can help you develop those gifts--if you want our assistance! But you are under no obligation."

"This is complicated!" Nils sighed then changed the subject. "Oh well--I guess now that I'm better I suppose I should head home..."

"I'd really rather you didn't..." Ben spoke up. "Julio Ojeda may be in jail but his Dad n' brother are still at large. Lovely as y'r house is--its very isolated an' help couldn't arrive in a timely fashion should you need it! I'd feel much better if you stayed here until those two are safely behind bars!" Ben offered. "There's no tellin' what Ojeda n' Son might get up to! Which r'minds me--didja check t' see if there was any activity with your Credit Cards?"

"I've been too sick to even think about that!" the blond triathlete replied. "I suppose I ought to check." Nils was back after a few quick phone calls. "You were right to have me cancel all my cards," he said. "Someone claiming to be me tried to re-activate every card I called about: it wouldn't surprise me if he did the sane with my department store cards as well. Hopefully they won't be dumb enough to issue new cards to him!"

"If they are--you're covered legally!" Ben told him. "I made sure o' that!"

Nils smiled wistfully. "Why are you being so kind to me?" he finally asked. "You don't know me! Why are you going to all this trouble: it's not like we're connected in any way?"

"My bro' is a classic `White Hat'!" Cliff put in. "He doesn't take kindly to bullies or Law breakers."

"Also. you're a friend o' my brother and John-Thomas," Ben added, "so, by extension, you're a friend o' mine! O' course I'd a-done th' same thing for anyone else in your position, ol' son!"

Further conversation was forestalled by Nils' cell phone ringing. "It's Orlando!" he gulped after glancing at the number.

"Answer it but put `im on speaker!" Ben said. "Cliff--record th' call!"

"Righty-o, bro'! Cliff replied as the blond did as requested.

"Hello `Pendejo'!" Orlando said. His voice was silky-smooth but there was a hard and angry undertone. "You really fucked up big time!"

"What do you want?" Nils asked tiredly. "You used my house as a drug lab--you used me as a Cum Dump and your personal ATM! Do you really think I'm anxious to give you a second crack at me? I'm clean now--thanks to Cliff and some REAL Magic! I know you were trying to scam me!"

"So--I told you a few lies baby!" Orlando's voice took on a gentler tone. "What of it? Thanks to what `mi papa' and I taught you--you were still learning to control your powers! We could still help you..."

"You mean you could help yourself to some more of my cash?" Nils snapped. "Please Orlando--just leave me alone!"

"Baby, baby baby..." the man on the phone soothed. "You miss me! I know you do! Don't you remember how you used to feel when you sucked my big, juicy churro? Do you remember how good you felt when I fucked you? You told me nobody had ever filled you up like that before! You told me you LOVED me!"

"That was before I found out you DRUGGED me you lying, thieving SNAKE!"

"Don't you miss my snake Nilly? You could have it again--as much as you want--you just have to leave Seacliff!"

"How do you know where I am?" Nils asked.

The other man didn't respond. TRACKING APP ON YOUR PHONE? Ben scrawled on a notepad and showed it to the man.

"That's not important baby!" Orlando said. "Cliff Dover just wants to recruit you into his Druid cult and you don't want that fat one-eyed freak brother of his to mount you! Not when you could have me! Here--let me remind you of what you're missing..."

Nils looked at the phone and frowned. "He sent me a Dick Pic!" he sighed. "Orlando must be getting desperate!"

"Mine's bigger!" the other four men said in unison then burst out laughing.

"Oh my God pendejo!" screamed the man on the phone, "are you letting those jotos listen in?"

"Ben told me what pendejo means," Nils replied. He was getting tired of talking to the other man. "I WAS stupid but I'm not any longer! The

Lotus--and everything else you gave me--is cleaned out of my system! Cliff isn't trying to recruit me into his Druid Cult--I'm going willingly because THAT'S WHERE I BELONG!"

"You and those pinchi cabron friends of yours are making a mistake!" Orlando said, "a BIG mistake! I can find you whenever I want--and I can do whatever I want to you--and you'll fucking love it! I OWN you, you little bitch!"

Nils looked like he wanted to cry but Ben put his finger to the blond man's lips and spoke up. "Nah son," he said. "It's YOU who made the `big' mistake! Your FIRST mistake was startin' this Con! You ain't smart enough t' realize you've pissed off both the Native American Deities AND the Gypsies! That ain't smart boy!" Not smart a'tall!"

"Ooh--I'm so scared!"

"The fact that you ain't scared just confirms what a dumbass you really are, ol' son!" Ben told Orlando. "Your SECOND mistake was targetin' Nils! He has friends in th' Magical Community--it's a wonder nobody exposed you for th' fraud you are b'fore this!"

"Magic isn't real--you fat hillbilly freak!" Orlando spat.

"THIRD mistake!" Ben told him. "Yes, Son, it is! You have NO idea what you've gotten yourself into boy--but, mark my words, you will find out!" The man wondered if he'd had a moment of Awen because of what he'd just said. "Your FOURTH mistake was tanglin' with the Dover Brothers! If ya had a quarter o' th' brains you think you do you'd be beatin' feet for th' East Coast an' prayin' to whatever God you worship that we don't follow you!"

"Like I'm afraid of a one-eyed tub of lard like you?" Orlando laughed mockingly.

"You really should be," Cliff said with deadly certainty.

"All of you listen up!" the man on the phone blustered. "Nils Gustafsen and EVERYTHING HE OWNS is MINE! Turn him over to me--NOW and you can go on your merry way! But mess with me and you'll end up dead! Got it?"

"Nils Gustafsen is under MY protection," Ben snapped.

"And mine!" Cliff added.

"And mine!" John-Thomas said.

"And mine!"

"Aw--Sad Sack Sam!" Orlando laughed. "What's a stupid fag hag like you doing mixed up with big boy stuff?"

"Orlando--we're hangin' up now!" Ben tapped END CALL then turned the phone off. "Block that number," he told Nils, "and don't answer any calls from numbers you don't recognize!" The blond man nodded and meekly complied. "You'll be stayin' with us `til this mess is over: that idiot Orlando doesn't have enough sense t' git while th' gittin' is good!"

Nils looked from Ben to Cliff. "I really don't want to be a bother..."

"Don't be silly!" the Archdruid replied. "We have lots of room here at Seacliff Manor--and, besides, we'll need to begin your education soon as may-be--not to mention keepin' you safe from that jerk!"

Later that evening there was a knock on Ben's bedroom door just as the big man was preparing to retire for the night. "Yes?" he called.

"Can I--um--come in?" Sam's voice was tentative on the other side of the solid oak door. "Nils is having another episode and I can't do anything for him!"

Ben opened the door. "Cliff and John-Thomas `r' with him--they'll get your buddy through this! I promise you that!"

Sam, clad only in black boxer briefs and a matching tank top that did a lot to show off his well-developed physique, came in and collapsed heavily on the bed. Ben, wearing only blue-plaid boxers came and sat down next to him. He wrapped the younger man in a comforting hug. "Oh God Ben--I'm scared!" the young man finally said.

The big man gave him a stern look with his one-remaining blue eye. "Son--do you realize what a dangerous game you two were playin'?"

Sam nodded glumly. "I do now..." he finally admitted. "Nils was upset about the two deaths--and he's convinced they won't be the last ones!" This rocked Ben back: new information! Still, he kept silent and let the young man continue his story. "When the police wouldn't listen to us Nils got desperate! He went to a couple of local Psychics but it was pretty obvious they were fakes!"

"Then somebody told `im about Gabriel Ojeda..." Ben prompted.

The young man nodded his head again and looked down at his hands. "They said Gabriel Two Feathers had a real `gift' and he seemed to be the genuine article! When Nils started talking Two Feathers--Ojeda--started filling in details! He said there would be more murders if Nils didn't unearth the connection and solve the case! Then Ojeda said Nils would need to become a Shaman if he wanted any hope of connecting with the Great Spirit!"

"Which involved Orlando moving in with Nils to be his `Language Tutor'," the big man said. "We know how that ended up!"

"It wasn't so bad--at first..." Sam said after a bit. "Nils was vibing' more and the vibes' seemed to be more coherent and logical! They had nothing to do with the case but it was enough to keep Nils--and me--on the hook!"

"Orlando started us on Peyote," the young man went on, "at least he SAID it was Peyote! He fed us some bullshit line about how we needed it to `connect to the Great Spirit'! I didn't care for it but Nils said it was really helping so I didn't say anything! Even though I knew in my gut it was wrong I let it continue... When I finally voiced my concerns, Orlando iced me out! I hadn't seen Nils for a while until he showed up at your party."

"Which catches us up to th' present," Ben said. He still had the young Cop in a one-armed hug. "Sam, it's very obvious you care about Nils," he said softly. "Y care about im a lot! But boyo--both o' y'all took a very dangerous gamble! Drugs are controlled substances' for--a--reason! A real' Shaman would have been there to guide you--not leave it to his kid! F'rget about th' part where there's no possibility th' Great Spirit' would hear Sam's call!"

"I know." The young brown-haired man was still looking down at his hands. "God--I'm an idiot!"

"Yes, you are!" Ben agreed. Sam looked shocked at these words. "Your heart was in the right place--but you made a bad judgement call! It happens. To ever'body! Even me..."

Sam looked questioningly at the older man but Ben went on. "Actions have consequences boy!" he said. "You gotta know that! It could o' been much, much worse! Frankly, th' two o' you r' getting' off lightly in my book! You made it through your time of trial'. Now Nils has t' do th' same! Lucky he's got a pair o' experts t' help im through this rough patch! Trust me, boyo, NOBODY I know is better n my brother Cliff an' John-Thomas t' help get Nils through this."

The young cop looked deflated. "God--I'm so stupid!" he sighed. "I knew in my gut what we were doing was wrong but Nils seemed so sure! I just wanted to support my friend!"

"Son--when a friend sees his buddy headin' over a cliff he tries t' stop `im!" Ben said, moderating his tone until it was gentler and more reassuring. "If y'r friend decides t' keep goin' over that cliff then it's on HIM! Get it?"

Sam nodded. "We're lucky to have people like you in our lives," he finally said, looking up into the older man's face. "I'm glad we have you looking out for us!" Then he hugged Ben hard. "Um--can I spend the night with you?"

"I sleep nekkid," Ben told him. "Is that a problem?"

"No SIR!" the younger man responded. "Truth to tell I always wondered what you Dovers look like naked--what it would be like to be with one--or both of you..."

Ben smiled. "Cliff is your classic muscular beach God," he told Sam. "He's got muscles on his muscles an' a very nice, smooth chest! Me--I'm a tubby ol' bear!"

"So--um--do you mind if I spend the night?" Sam asked. "I doubt your brother and John Thomas will let me in to see Nils tonight--not that he's in much shape for company right now... I could really use someone to hold on to--that is, if you don't mind. I mean--um--you're really hot Ben! The young cop blushed prettily to the roots of his short brown hair.

"Like I said--I sleep nekkid--is that a problem?" Ben gave the younger man a wry smile.

"I cuddle--is that a problem?" Sam returned the older Pirate a saucy smile of his own then pulled off his black tee then kicked out of his underwear showing off his hard, muscular body. Like Ben he was built on the beefy side but Sam hadn't had the chance to add a layer of padding over his developed musculature. Sam had a light floss of hairs on his chest and belly, a respectable pubic bush over a promisingly thick cock and a nice heavy ball sac. His long legs were strong and dusted with light brown hairs.

"You're a right purty boy!" Ben observed. Then he shucked his shorts.

Sam gulped. "Um--you're a right-purty man!" he said, trying to imitate the Texan's drawl. "And--Jesus--you're BIG!" Sam looked down. "Please be gentle--I'm a virgin..."

Ben pulled the younger man into a gentle hug. "Don't worry boyo," he told the other man. "I'll be gentle as a lamb! I've had m' share o' virgins an' I won't push ya past any lines you ain't ready t' cross!"

Sam blushed again. "You've really never bottomed b'fore?" Ben asked, surprised by this admission. "How th' hell didja learn t' Top boy?" Ben lay back on the King Size Bed. "Come here sweet Sam--get t' know m' body! I think ya want to..."

The young man really did want to touch the older cop. Ben's chest and belly were coated with thick yet soft brown hair. Yes, the older man was carrying around a few extra pounds on his middle but the soft upholstery covered what was obviously a hard, fit body. The big man purred contentedly as Sam stroked him. "That feels good Sweet Sam!" he said after a bit. "Keep strokin' me--stroke me as long as ya want!"

"Sweet Sam?" The young Cop looked up at the older man. "Why did you call me that?"

"I saw your face when you heard that asshole Orlando call ya `Sad Sack Sam'." Ben told him. "Y'r not a sad-sack boyo--y'r just in love..."

Yet again Sam found himself blushing at Ben's words. "Is it that obvious?"

"T' me it is." Ben stroked the young man's hard muscled body which made Sam shiver with excitement and anticipation. "It's purty obvious t' anybody payin' the slightest bit o' attention! B'sides--why else would ya have followed Nils down such a dark `n' dangerous road?"

"You're never going to let me live this down, are you?" Sam couldn't help but smile at his own cheekiness.

"I'll let it go--eventually..." The Texan pulled Sam close and reached for the younger man's mouth. Their first kiss was slow and tentative but soon Sam was enthusiastically accepting the older man's tongue into his mouth. Sam's cock began to harden as he rubbed against his partner's body. The muscular strength under the soft padding thrilled him in a way he had never felt before. Maybe there was something to the whole "bear" thing after all!

"Looks like y'r enjoyin' y'rself boyo!" Ben commented into Sam's brown hair. (The young Cop had started to work on the old Pirate's big brown nipples which he teased with his teeth and tongue.) Ben's cock was beginning to harden at Sam's obvious excitement. "Keep it up boyo!" the older man encouraged.

Sam looked up into Ben's one remaining blue eye. "May I suck your cock Sir?" he asked.

"If you want to boyo," the older man told him. "Go for it Sam--just take your time! That's a lot o' manmeat f'r beginners!"

Sam gulped: it really was a lot of manmeat for anyone! Ben's big thick tube of love muscle was around 9 ½ inches long and thickly veined. The big purple-red mushroom head of the thing flared out over the hard curve of warm flesh. Still this was a challenge the young man was ready and eager to accept: Sam brought his mouth down and enveloped the head in his eager mouth: the younger man found himself slobbering at the warm musky taste of the big man's rod as he caressed it with his tongue.

Ben shivered. "Oh boyo!" he moaned, "that feels good!" The older man fought to keep himself under control, not wanting to choke Sam with the massive rod he was excitedly, if inexpertly, working. "Keep it up boyo--y'r doin' great!" This just encouraged Sam to work harder until he got more of Ben's thick tube steak deeper into his throat. The big man stroked the younger man's hair and shoulders to let him know just how much he was enjoying what Sam was doing. "That's right boyo--take it at y'r own pace!"

"I can taste your precum!" Sam said, coming up for air.

"Give it a rest then, boyo," the older Pirate said. "We don't want this party t' end too soon!"

The young man realized that he certainly did NOT want this party to end any time soon: he'd enjoyed partnering with the few men he'd been brave enough to engage in sex play with but there was an elemental excitement he felt with the old Pirate that he hadn't felt before. It wasn't like what he felt when he and Nils made love but there was a primal vigor there that he'd never experienced with younger, less-experienced partners. "What are you going to do?" Sam asked in breathless excitement and anticipation. "Are you going to fuck me now? Please...?"

"We'll get there soon enough sweet Sam," Ben promised. "Right now I need t' get y'r engine revved up a bit!"

For his part the young man was fairly sure that his "engine" was already pretty "revved up" but he submitted to the older man. Ben rolled on top of the younger man, careful not to crush or overwhelm him with his weight and begin kissing and stroking down Sam's strong muscular body. The young man writhed and moaned: he was putty in the older stud's hands! Ben was quick to pick up on this so he began slowly building his younger partner's sexual heat. Ben worked his way down the young Cop's chest to his belly until he zeroed in on Sam's massively hard rod.

Sam wasn't quite as well hung as the old Pirate but his nine inches was nice and thick. At first Ben had a little trouble working the thing into his throat since he hadn't sucked a lot of cock (in other words none) in the last twelve years. When he began seriously dating Robyn (the woman he would marry) Ben abandoned his gay side and was faithful to her for the twelve years they were together: still he quickly picked up the old skill as his body remembered what to do and Sam was on a rocket ride to heaven.

Ben kept working the young Cop's man meat growing more confident with each downward thrust. It wasn't long until Sam warned the older man he was about to erupt: Ben just about had enough time to take a deep breath and go all the way down on Sam as the brown haired stud shot volley after volley of thick man juice into his mouth.

Sam flopped down on the bed in a sweaty, spent, heap. "Oh my God Ben, that was amazing!" he said. "What can I do to get you off?"

"Roll over on y'r stomach boyo!" the big Texan told him. "I'm gonna sample that sweet boy ass o' yours!"

Sam looked nervous but complied. Ben caught the change in body language. "Son--look at me!" The words were gentle as were the hands that caressed his strong, broad back. "I promised I wouldn't hurt you," Ben told the younger man. "If anythin' I do is painful `r even makes you feel uncomfortable--TELL me and I'll stop!"

The young man gave Ben a sheepish grin. "Sorry Sir," he said. "It's just--um--I'm a little nervous about--back there--and--um--you're really BIG!"

"That I am, ol' Son!" Ben agreed, "which is why I hafta be extra careful with a sweet young thing like you! R'member--I toldja I wouldn't hurt you an' I'm a man o' my word!"

"I really do want you to fuck me Sir," Sam admitted. "It's just I'm--I'm--scared!"

"Don't be boyo!" the older man said. "I'll be gentle and like I told you b'fore that I won't cross any lines you ain't ready for! Just speak up! I may have a bit o' the Awen but that gift don't manifest as mind readin'!" Ben straddled the younger man's legs and began to give his younger play partner a thorough but gentle massage interspersed with kisses as the big man expertly worked the tension out of Sam's body. "Just relax Son," Ben's voice soothed. "I'm in th' Driver's Seat and I'll git ya' home safe!"

The brown-haired Cop found himself relaxing even as his excitement was growing: the idea of Ben's entire massive length buried deep inside him was turning Sam on in spite of his fear. Ben's strong hands worked every kink out of the younger man's back as he expertly massaged his way toward Sam's bowling-ball glutes. After Sam's ass got a good working-over Ben continued down the younger man's strong thighs and calves. He spent a long time working Sam's feet (even going so far as to suck the younger man's nicely-shaped toes. Sam was in utter bliss until he felt Ben's tongue licking the cleft between his ass cheeks and zeroing in on his deeply-buried, dark brown hole.

"Oh--my--God!" Electric sensations shot up Sam's spinal column with each flick of Ben's practiced tongue. Sometimes the older man would change it up by spearing his lingual muscle deeply into the dark tunnel. Eventually the young man was a writhing, heated mass of desire. "Ben," he panted. "Fuck me! Fuck me NOW!"

"D' ya need Poppers `r just some lube?" Ben whispered in Sam's ears.

"No drugs! Ben was surprised by the vehemence of Sam's response but he nodded. "I'm DONE with drugs!"

"Hopefully not th' kind y'r Doctor prescribes f'r ya Son," the older man chuckled as he reached for the jar of lube. Sam had had his fingers up his own hole a few times but never any belonging to another man--at least not in a sexual way. The young man discovered he quite liked the feelings of Ben invading him and the slick coolness of the lube coating his sensitive inside. "You like that boyo?" Ben asked. "Your not fightin' me in the least!"

"It--feels--good!" Sam panted. "I--I want you inside me!"

"One more finger boyo!" the older man said. "I'm mighty big an' this hole needs t' be opened good an' proper `fore m' cock slides into you!" Two fingers worked their way inside and Sam found himself wanting more.

"FUCK me!" Sam almost shouted. "Fuck me NOW!"

"Y'r wish is my command buckaroo!" the big Texan said. "Hands `n' knees boyo--it'll be easier f'r you to take me that way--the first time at least..."

Sam prepared to be invaded as Ben lubed up his long, thick meat and brought his massive battering ram to Sam's back door and slowly pushed inside. The young Cop felt a sense of fulness as the older man's fat cockhead pierced his tight outer ring but he was soon flying on the feeling of the huge thing working slowly in and out of his virgin tunnel. Sam pushed back wanting to take Ben deeper inside him: his hot excitement was building with each stroke.

"Easy boyo," Ben soothed. "We don't wanna break this fine sweet ass o' yours on th' first outin'!" For his part Sam would have been happy to have his virgin hole wrecked by the Texan but on some level he knew the older man had the right of it: he stopped his movement and let himself get used to the velvety invader that was piercing his guts.

It wasn't too long until Sam found he was used to the cock lodged inside him. He looked over his shoulder and gave Ben a tentative smile. "Please Sir--I want some more!" He tried to imitate the line from "Oliver" which only served to crack Ben up and in turn made Sam laugh. (Ben had a wonderfully infectious chuckle.) The older man pushed a little deeper which made Sam writhe and push back to take even more of the Texan's ramrod into himself.

"If I didn't know better I'd think you liked this boyo!" Ben commented.

"Oh God Ben," Sam panted excitedly, "you're fucking amazing! I can't believe I waited this long to experience this! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

"We'll keep it slow f'r now," the older man told Sam as his hands caressed his back and shoulders. "You need t' get used t' that thing invadin' y'r insides!" Sam nodded and let Ben continue his slow thrust. The older man went a little deeper with each inward push. It took a while but eventually the big man had his entire 9 ½ inches lodged inside. Sam wriggled at the feel of Ben's thick pubic bush tickling his sensitive assbud. "You like that boyo?"

"Uh--hmm--Yes!" The young cop collapsed on his stomach and hunched his ass in the air. Sam was really digging what Ben was doing with him: "Topping" had its point this this was an entirely different kind of pleasure and Sam found he enjoyed submitting to an older bull like Ben. "Bring--umnh--your--weight--down--on me!" he panted.

"If that's what you want buckaroo!" Ben came down on Sam's back and wrapped his strong arms around the beefy young Cop. Sam was ready, willing and more than able to take everything the Texan had to give him and he wanted it all. The rhythmic slap, slap, slap, of flesh mixed with Sam's panting moans provided the counterpoint to the electric sensations the younger man felt with each thrust.

"Damn your ass is fine boy!" Ben told the younger man. "I'm gonna pull ya up now so I can see if I c'n make ya come when I shoot off inside you!" The process was slightly awkward and Ben ended up having to pull out to get Sam situated on his knees before he slid his thick warmth back into the younger man's waiting hole. Sam arched like a cat in heat as Ben mauled his muscular pecs and teased the young man's sensitive nipples. "You like that cock inside you boyo?" Ben whispered in Sam's ear before nibbling on his neck.

Sam would have liked to flop back on his stomach but Ben's strong arms held him up even as the older man's hard manmeat lodged deep inside him kept the two of them fastened together. "Getting' ready t' come boyo!" Ben panted. "Y' ready Sam?"

"Yes, Sir--YES!" Sam felt the first hot spurt baptize his virgin tunnel and this triggered his own orgasm. Volley after volley of thick white man cream shot into, and all over the young Cop's body. Ben wrapped the young man in a hard hug as he shot but let him go once his orgasm subsided. Sam fell forward panting. "Damn Ben--that was fucking awesome!" he said. "I can't believe I waited this long to experience that!"

"You were ready Son," the older man told him. Ben lay down beside the young Cop and cuddled him spoon-fashion. "Think y' c'n sleep now?"

"Not sure how I couldn't sleep after that!" the other man replied and punctuated his comment with a huge yawn. "I feel like I've run a marathon!"

Ben reached over to kiss Sam's cheek. "I'll be here if there `r' any troubles durin' the night. G' night sweet Sam..."

"G' night Ben..." It felt good (and safe) cuddled in the Texan's strong arms--almost like being spooned by a giant-sized Teddy Bear. Sam was asleep in no time and didn't wake up until the gray dawn of a foggy June Tuesday morning peeked through the windows. Even though there were bodily fluids crusting him in several places Sam felt more rested than since he'd drunk Cliff's "Puri-Tea" on Sunday night.

"Mornin' boyo!" Ben was up, dressed and had somehow managed to get a cup of coffee. "Shower's all yours an' I'm sure Brownie'll have somethin' f'r ya to wear.

The young Cop sat up and stretched lazily. He really DID feel good this morning. "If your brother and John-Thomas will let me I need to go back to work today," he told the older man. "I doubt KHPD will accept a `Doctor's Note' from a Druid!"

"You were seriously sawin' logs!" Ben commented. "I think th' `Puri-Tea' washed whatever was in your system right out! You ought to be fine!"

END CHAPTER FIVE: stay tuned for the further adventures of The Detective and the Druid!

Next: Chapter 6

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