The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Apr 21, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy; this Chapter contains explicit descriptions of sexual activity. If reading such work would compromise you or me be it for reasons legal or moral--please click away now! Otherwise enjoy (unless you have other plans).


Thanks to "Marko the Magnificent" for proof-reading and editing. His kind assistance has raised my writing game. Shout out to Carl and Mike out East; happy birthday Mike--hope you enjoy Carl's "gift" to you.

Questions, comments, suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome. Drop me a note to or use if you must. Should you take the time to write I WILL respond (if only to thank you for writing me.) Likewise, if you wish to be notified when new "Doververse" (or other) content is released drop me a note and I'll see you are among the first to get the news!

CHAPTER 26: "Pig" Sex


Ben Dover, age 49 -- our Hero

Mark Ryan, age 51 -- former Priest now Party Promotor

Ethan Gray, age 45 -- Ben's boyfriend and co-parent

Caleb "Catfish" Calhoun, age 34 -- Empathic Construction Worker

Carl Cipriano, age 57 -- Foreman and Wereboar

Corey Carpenter, age 27 -- Merman, relocating to Kings Harbor

Mike Meyer, age 55 -- "Birthday Boy" and werebear

Ben pulled the brand-new Candy Apple Red Ford F-350 Hybrid into the parking lot of Law Dogs; "Father" Mark's slightly-scorched Honda CR-V was already in the parking lot so the Texan hurried to the counter to put in his order. It took the big man a few seconds to spot the former Priest, this time clad in a silk Hawaiian Shirt and soft old jeans seated at a side table near a window. He was sipping one of the many beers the restaurant had on offer. "Howdy Father," Ben said. "Sorry I'm late--ran into an issue at work..."

"No worries," the former Priest replied. "I haven't been here that long but I must say I'm surprised you'd pick a place like this to meet!"

"Law Dogs has decent food," the big man replied. "It's close t' my latest Job Site an' on m' way t' my fav'rit' Tile Store. In addition--I thought it wouldn't be too intimidatin'..."

"What are you working on?" the former Priest asked, curious.

"Turnin' an old Lutheran Church into a private home," Ben said. "Conal an' Alex Macon--I think ya know em: Alexia' works Club Divinity."

"Yeah, I know who they are," Fr. Mark replied. "They are both crazy for Cosplay and Prop Manufacturing; not sure how they afford their lifestyle but who am I to criticize?"

"As long as their checks don't bounce!" Ben offered. "So--how do ya like livin' at m' brother's house?"

"I could get used to it!" the shorter man replied. "Honestly, I don't think I've ever been so pampered! I've got amazing meals whenever I want, somehow I woke to a closet full of perfectly-fitting clothes and Seacliff Manor is a beautiful place! Plus--I'm in love with that tree house!"

"You ain't th' only one, ol' Son!" Ben agreed. "So--how goes the mystery of y'r entanglement with Dionysus?"

"Slowly," the other man replied. "The link seems to resist everything Cliff or John-Thomas tries to get a reading on it. Honestly, I'm not sure I want to risk losing the link: right now Club Divinity is my only source of income."

"My bro' won't throw ya out," Ben assured Fr. Mark. "I'm sure ya c'n stay at Seacliff as long as ya need!"

"Your brother and his partner have been more than gracious," the other man replied. "I don't want to be a burden though!"

Ben reached for Fr. Mark's hand to give it a quick pat and both men felt that same electric thrill as before. "You're a friend," he said quietly. "Friends help each other; you w'd do the same f'r me if th' roles were reversed!"

"I don't want to be dependent..."

"Mark--STOP!" Ben growled. "Nobody will hold ya prisoner at Seacliff but y'r welcome t' stay as long as ya need..." The big man thought for a moment. "Is something wrong over there?"

"Not--really..." Fr. Mark replied. "If anything--I'm kind of attracted to your brother--John-Thomas too..."

"So why don't ya make a move?"

"Because they're involved!" the other man said. "I don't want to cross a line..."

"All I c'n do is tell ya about Ethan an' my experience," Ben said. "Ethan joined with Freya last Halloween an' now he's a depraved, thrill-seekin' hose monster! He CAN'T get enough dick! We've learned there's a difference b'tween making love and sex play with other folks. Cliff an' John-Thomas have made the same distinction since some o' the Druidic rituals involves sex; if you are interested why not at least broach th' subject?"

"We'll see..." Fr. Mark finally said but there was doubt in his expression.

Ben didn't have to be an Empath to know his new friend was conflicted; having been a Priest for so long, it had to be hard to find himself confronted with feeling's he'd been forced to suppress. Now an alien presence was bringing those "dark desires" to the forefront. The Texan wished there was a way he could help but he was at a loss. "Talk t' Cliff `n' John-Thomas," he finally said. "Tell them how ya feel an' see what happens from there..."

"I'll do that..." the former Priest finally agreed, however hesitantly.

"So, ya comin' t' th' Birthday Party at Carl's this Saturday night?" Ben asked.

"I guess," the other man replied. "Everyone else at Seacliff is going and I know they cleared it with the host! It's just..."

"You're afraid Dionysus will get outta hand?" the big man asked with a wry grin. "Don't worry--everyone at th' Party will be adults knowin' what t' expect. Mike built a `Rumpus Room' f'r Carl in the basement; the guys want t' show it off!"

"Oh God..."

----------Saturday Night, Carl's House----------

Ben, Ethan and Catfish exited the pickup and made their way to Carl's front door; between residents and party guests it took the Texan a while to find a space big enough for the massive Ford truck. "Are ya sure young Jay will be OK?" Catfish fretted from the backseat.

"Montresor is watching him," Ethan observed. "If Jay gets up to ANYTHING we'll get a report as soon as we get home!"

"Sooner if it looks like trouble," the Texan commented.

"Poor kid!" Catfish commented. "I feel bad f'r th' tadling!"

"How do you think Ben feels?" Ethan said. "Jay betrayed his trust and now his Dad is stuck trying to deal with the repercussions--including a mopey teenager!"

"Jay isn't THAT mopey..." Ben saw his brother and John-Thomas accompanied by Fr. Mark step into the modest Craftsman bungalow where Carl lived. "Looks like we're right on time!" the Texan said.

Carl, clad only in a clean Jockstrap and his work boots (with a silken cat-o'-nine-tails jammed up his back door) greeted his guests. "Howdy Boss!" he said. "Ethan--good to see ya! Catfish--glad ya could make it. Come on in guys!" It pleased Ben to see how quickly Catfish fit in with the jolly throng; it was clear the intensive training he'd gotten from John-Thomas was working well.

"Hey Ben--good to see you again!" Corey Carpenter, the blond studly Merman from Cabo came walking out of the kitchen with a loaded plate of food. "Is it me or did the music just get a lot better at this party?"

"I just got here so I couldn't tell." Ben gave his friend a quick bro' hug once the food was set down. "I didn't know ya knew Carl or Mike..." he observed. The big man didn't feel the need to mention it was likely due to Fr. Mark wielding, consciously or unconsciously, the "Attribute" of Dionysus. (He resolved to observe the party and see what happened with that: since sex was clearly in the offing it might get--interesting later...)

"I stalked your Facebook page once I decided to relocate to Kings Harbor," the Merman admitted. "Carl and I became friends and he invited me to this party--said I could meet some great guys!"

Ben glanced around to find Ethan engaged in some serious flirtation with Glenn Gabler, the man he and Carl both worked for while Special Crimes Police Officer BB Wolfe looked on. "I'd introduce you to my Partner, Ethan Gray but he seems to be busy at the moment."

"Does that bother you?" Corey was curious and concerned.

"When Ethan isn't near the lad he loves, he loves the lad he's near!" Ben told the Merman. "I knew what to expect when I came to this party so it doesn't surprise me. Honestly, as long as no outside force interferes in our relationship we'll be fine."

"I'm sensing there is a story..." Corey was even more curious now.

"Which I may tell you at a later date!" Ben replied. He was rather surprised to see Kevin McMasters come bouncing in with a wrapped gift. "Oh my, things just got more interesting..."

"Who's the little guy?"

"Kevin McMasters," Ben replied, "AKA the Mad Toymaker. You know the guy behind ToyMasters, ImageMasters and WonderWorks?"

The new arrival made a beeline for Fr. Mark. "He looks like a man on a mission," Corey commented wryly, "and you look worried!"

"I pr'sume th' Mer play close attention t' weather forecasts," the big man told his friend. "Y'all want t' know if rough weather is comin' y'r way, right?"

"Actually the Mer have an innate weather sense and we're very in tune with the sea," Corey told him. "In spite of what Disney told you we can't breathe water so we have to know when to leave the beach and head inland--but I think I get what you're thinking. Kevin McMasters is a Cat 5 Hurricane that just came on shore, right?"

Ben nodded. "Mind ya, Kev has been nothin' but good t' me," he said. "I owe him f'r helpin' rescue m' son an' Prince Colin! I'm grateful f'r that but I worry..."

"Why is that?" the blond muscle man asked. "You never struck me as someone who gets his knickers in a twist for no good reason. What's with the guy over there? He doesn't seem all that bad..."

"Father Mark's a good man," the Texan replied. "But, like me, he's God-touched; unlike me Dionysus is still connected to Fr. Mark! Kevin McMasters may very well be the single most powerful man on Earth! Mix that with th' attention o' th' Elder Gods and..."

"What is your awen telling you?"

"Not a damn thing!" Ben told the Merman. "In fact--I feel like I'm bein' blocked!"

"Is that even possible?" Corey asked.

"I'm th' wrong person t' ask," the Texan replied. "My awen has never failed me b'fore; I mean--sometime it goes quiet but I c'n always call it up when I need to! Now--it's--just--gone! I'm no more aware than y'r Average Joe on th' street!"

"Do you think Kevin is blocking you?" Corey asked.

"If he wanted to I think he could!" Ben answered. "It c'd also be Dionysus r some other Elder Spirit wantin' t' make a move! It might also be Manuel de la Rocha r one o' his Templar associates!" The big man gave his friend a quick sketch of what happened earlier.

"Now I'm worried!" Corey said. "Do you think I need to warn the Mer?"

"I have no idea!" the Texan told him. "Th' Templars use Magic--r maybe psionics--that much is certain! They are big ones f'r moral purity' an' very anti-Pagan! That means m' brother an' th' Henge r in trouble. I don't know what their stand on Exotics is--r if th' Mer are even on their radar!"

"Maybe it's best not to borrow trouble," the hunky Merman suggested, "and, honestly Ben, you should do the same! Odds are the reason your powers aren't working is because there is nothing to see!"

"Yeah, I guess your right. Ben hoped his words sounded more confident to Corey then they did in his own head. "Thanks f'r th' help buddy!" There was a commotion at the front door as Donte Benedict arrived with Coastie Levi Evans. When had those two gotten together? "Looks like th' whole gang is here!" the big man observed.

Corey smiled. "You don't think of `Hot Chocolate' as a summertime drink but I might have to take a taste of that!"

"Donte IS hot!" the Texan agreed, "an', bein' a Dancer he's quite athletic!" The muscular Merman watched with intense interest as the Werepanther began a sensuous strip, thrusting and grinding on Mike Meyer while Carl watched appreciatively, hooting and hollering his appreciation. "Wait, who's birthday is this again?" Corey asked.

"It's Mike's actually..." Ben said.

"But Carl's getting the gifts?" the beefy blond smiled. "Now THAT'S a good trick!"

"Ain't it though?" the Texan replied. "Gossip says Mike has all but moved in and since Carl is the one with a basement they decided to put the `Rumpus Room' here!"

"Wanna go check it out?"

Ben and Corey made their way downstairs and found a new-looking door that was just barely standing open. Beyond was a large room that was painted black, even the small windows. Black rubber mats were on the floor and Ben saw a large, raised dais that appeared to be covered in black faux leather. Something like an examination table that could be raised and lowered was also covered in the same fabric: both men could see braces for straps that could act as restraints. In another corner a sex swing hung and there was a beam just right for bondage games right through the center of the room. Black-painted cabinets along one wall held bondage gear and a huge collection of sex toys, including paddles. A set of drawers revealed lube (not that Shifters needed that) clippers and smaller toys and tools. A row of black-painted lockers had leather harness and fetish gear.

"Looks like this place has everything you could want!" Corey observed. "Who knew two old Lycanthropes could be so kinky?" Then: "did you notice the floor has a very slight slant?"

The big man pointed to a hose coiled in the corner. "They put in a drain over there," he told the Merman. "Th' hose c'n wash ever'thin' down and drain it away--in case they get into piss play `r somethin' equally messy. They've also got fans t' circulate air so th' place won't get stale!"

"Why the RED, YELLOW, GREEN Neon sign?" Corey asked.

"Safe words?"

"Seems reasonable," the blond man replied. "This place is truly impressive! I'll bet there are sex clubs that aren't set up this well!"

Ben smiled. "Two guys with no kids who enjoy their hobby!" he said. "Who am I t' judge?"

They made their way back upstairs where the party was cranking. Fr. Mark and Kevin had both disappeared but the music was throbbing and everyone (with the notable exception of Ben) seemed to be having a grand time. A few questions revealed that none of the guests had any idea where the pair had gone.

The Texan searched through the house peeking into closed rooms; it didn't take long for him to find Kevin and Fr. Mark alone in one of the bedrooms, both nearly naked. The Mad Toymaker was crouched over the former Priest thrusting himself down on the older man's thick, rock-hard, heavily-veined erection while Fr. Mark's big hands caressed Kevin's smooth, evenly-tanned gymnast's body. Seeing Fr. Mark naked for the first time Ben couldn't resist a look: he was broad with muscles covered by soft fat padding that made him look chubby but cuddly. He saw a good crop of light brown fur on the Priest's chest, belly, arms and legs. Both men seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves but, hot as the sex was, all Ben could focus on was the complex brace Kevin had on his right leg. Was it some kind of weird fetish equipment or did the Toymaker need that for some reason?

"I didn't know you were a voyeur!" Ben startled as "birthday boy" Mike Meyer came up behind him. "Sounds like somebody's havin' a good time?"

"Looks like it," the Texan agreed, letting the door close quietly behind him.

"Carl sent me to find you," the brown-haired werebear said. "He wants to inaugurate the `Rumpus Room' with a gang fuck? You down?"

"Maybe I'll do that..." he decided. Sex, if anything, could take his mind off his growing suspicions. At the very least, Ben realized (without the help of his awen Kevin McMasters was touched by Hephaestus--at the very least--but that didn't explain his long history of being the world's foremost Artificer. Was it a tighter connection than most or was it something more? Either way, Ben was going to have to tread VERY carefully!

The Rumpus Room was filled with most of the party guests (Fr. Mark and Kevin being the only exception). Mike brought out shears and cut Carl out of his jockstrap to the appreciative cheers of the crowd. The werebear then helped his "best buddy" into the sex sling, arranging the big man so his pale pink pucker was easily accessible. "Who wants ta spank the `birthday boy?" Carl bellowed from his couched position.

Mike removed the cat-o'-nine-tails from his best buddy's ass and silently handed it to Ben. "Ben! Ben! Ben! Ben!" The crowd was very happy with the choice. The werebear bent over the restraint table turning his bare hairy ass to the crowd. "I'm not about t' whip ya fifty-six times with this!" the Texan announced. "Your ass ud be hamburger an' m' arm would prob'ly fall off! I think three swats will be enough--don't you?" The crowd roared their approval but Mike looked a bit nervous. "One each f'r Past, Present n' Future!"

Ben raised his hand bringing the silken cat down. "PAST!" Mike's ass quivered as the black cords hit his flesh.

"PRESENT!" The second lash caused Mike to writhe but he remained silent.

"FUTURE!" With the final swat of the cat, Mike roared (along with the cheering crowd then stood up. "Fucker!" he growled at Ben but he was smiling broadly and everyone could see his nearly eight inches of thick bear cock was fully hard and oozing precum. "Ya better get ready buddy!" he growled. "I'm gonna give ya the hardest damn fuckin' you EVER got!" Giving action to his words, Mike walked over to his friend in the sling and slammed the entire length of his fat tool deep into the wereboar: both men howled lustily as Mike brutalized his best buddy, coming hard and deep.

One by one the other men took their places, fucking Carl. Some were fast and hard, some fucked him gently as they played with his fat erection, bringing the wereboar to climax several times. When Carl wasn't roaring for more cock he was busy sucking whatever dick was presented to his mouth. Ben was the last man to take possession of Carl's ass: having the biggest cock it was decided that he'd get the last fuck. For a brief while the cares of the world disappeared as he fucked away. He didn't worry about Jay, Fr. Mark or anyone or anything else; he just enjoyed the friction of the still-tight tunnel as he pounded away--finally dumping his own heavy load into the wereboar's surprisingly tight ass.

"Damn dude!" Carl panted, his face and belly covered in threads of white cum, his own and others. "Thanks to you an' tha boys I'm gonna be shittin' white for a week!"

"Thanks for making my birthday special big guy!" Mike said, wrapping the Texan in a warm bear hug. "This party was awesome!"

"Glad ya enjoyed it, boyo!" Ben replied. "Looks like t' other boys have split into smaller groups to keep th' action goin'!" Some of the guests were still using the Rumpus Room while other had moved elsewhere. "Now if y'all will excuse me--I gotta see what's up with Kevin `n' Fr. Mark..."

It took a bit of time to clean up before Ben finally made it upstairs where Fr. Mark, dressed but disheveled and smelling of sex, was looking around for the other guests. "I guess I missed the inauguration?" he said. Then he caught Ben's expression. "Hey--did I cross some line with Kevin?" he asked. "I thought you were just friends! Considering how you kind of pushed me at your brother and his partner..."

"Keep y'r pants on Father!" Ben said. "I'm not jealous."

"Then what's wrong?"

"You fucked Hephaestus," Ben replied bluntly.

"What?" Fr. Mark was confused. "That's not possible! Hephaestus is UGLY!"

"I like that!" Kevin McMasters came up behind the former Priest. "I thought I was boyishly cute..."

"Oh my God!" The former Priest turned his suddenly-pale face to the new arrival. "Then you are..."

"Hephaestus at your service!" Kevin said, sketching an elaborate bow. "And you, Ben Dover, are far too clever by half! What gave me away?"

"Ya overplayed y'r hand--my Lord..." the big man replied. "Ya fully blocked m' awen; if you'd only blocked me sensin' you I might not o' figgered it out--at least not so quickly!"

"Forgive me for not recognizing you my Lord Hephaestus!" Fr. Mark was quick to add.

"Please! Let's dispense with that nonsense!" the Toymaker said. "I've been `Kevin McMasters long enough--and that name has less baggage!"

"What's your story?" Father Mark asked.

"Some of the myths are bang on!" the Toymaker replied. "I was born deformed--an unforgivable sin on Olympus! `Mombie and Popsicle' cast me out of their perfect little Paradise because they couldn't bear to look upon my hideousness! I looked pretty much just like this, bee-tee-dubs! But the damaged leg was more than they wanted to put up with so I was gone! I lived on Earth and adapted--so I survived when the humans made New Gods to replace the Elder Spirits--and I've been living here in one guise or another since then!"

"What caused you to `come out' as it were?" the former Priest wanted to know. "Why reveal yourself now? You didn't have to..."

"That's Ben's fault!" Kevin said. "I know why you called on them to prevent Armageddon but the Elder Spirits got a taste of what they once had and frankly, a lot of them want more! You delivered Dionysus to me on a silver platter so I had to take his measure..."

"An' what didja find out?" Ben asked.

"Dionysus had the bad judgement to pick his perfect match!" the Toymaker said. "They are like two halves of one being! Fr. Mark's moral fiber fills in some of the holes of Dionysus character and my Uncle's `free-wheeling' nature compliment some of Mark's repressed feelings. End result--two are much stronger than either one! You're bound together for life--maybe longer..."

"So--ya can't split `em apart?" Ben asked.

"NO!" Father Mark roared. "I won't have it!"

"Toldja!" Kevin stroked his chin. "Don't worry Unc'-Father," he said. "I won't do it! It would damage both of you in ways I don't want to even consider! Besides, you two are good for each other!"

"Are the New Knights Templar yours?" Ben asked, adjusting quickly to the new reality.

"Not mine!" the Toymaker said. "His either," glancing at Fr. Mark. "But outfits like the Templars were never Unc's style! I wouldn't put it past Ares--but you humans have an amazing capacity for self-destruction!"

Ben sighed. "I guess m' life is doom t' stay interestin'..." he observed.


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Next: Chapter 49: Dover and Son 27

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