The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Apr 17, 2020


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Thanks to "Marko the Magnificent" for his inspiration and assistance. He has most graciously agreed to be my proof-reader and editor so you should see fewer mistakes in my deathless prose.

If you want to see your "porn" self in the "Doververse" drop me a line at or and we'll see if we can make it happen! Suggestions, questions, comments and constructive criticism are always welcome. Likewise if you wish to be notified when new "Doververse" (or other) content is available you can use the above addies and I'll see you are among the first to know.



Ben Dover, age 49 -- our Hero

Fr. Mark Ryan, age 51 -- Director of St. Mychal Judge Center

"Sister" Gertrude, age ? -- Ogress masquerading as a Nun

Alan Bennet, age 63 -- Commissioner of Police, Kings Harbor

Manuel Íñiguez de la Rocha, age 29 -- Teacher at Notre Dame H.S.

Cliff Dover, age 40 -- Ben's younger brother and Archdruid.

John-Thomas Bilodeau age 42 -- Mind Mage and Cliff's boyfriend

Ben heard screams and picked up the acrid smell of burning wood and other, less savory, materials. Glancing around, the Texan found the ceiling frozen in mid-collapse then saw Fr. Mark straining with all his might as he used his telekinetic abilities to keep them both from being crushed by falling debris. "We've got to get out of here--NOW!" he bellowed.

"We need to check for survivors!" the Priest countered.

"No!" the big man responded. "We gotta get out o' here while we can! Your psychic abilities may have increased Father--but you aren't trained in their use! I can see the strain on your face! You can't hold this place up much longer! Once we're BOTH out of here we can go back in to check f'r survivors an' aid th' wounded. Hell, maybe the folks in th' Center fled when they started hearin' explosions! One `r both of us bein' crushed t' death won't help anybody!" Ben's awen led the two men on a winding path through the smoke and dust until they were standing on the sidewalk and able to see the burning wreckage of the building.

They found the plainly-dressed woman in the blue veil marshalling staff, volunteers and shelter clients a safe distance away from the burning structure even as Father Mark's psychic strength gave out, causing the place to complete the collapse as it fell in on itself. "Father--you OK?" she asked.

"I'll live Sr. Gertrude..." he said sadly. "Were you able to get everyone out?"

"Most of them, the older woman replied. Ben was a bit surprised to realize she wasn't human at all, but an aging Ogress. He found himself wondering if Fr. Mark knew. (Considering how the Priest had reacted when Ben told him about Underhill he doubted it.) "Most of our clients are accounted for and you are the last of the on-duty staff! I'm missing three of the Kitchen Volunteers though; that's where the first explosion happened. Father, I'm worried about Vera, Jane and Andrea..."

"Damn!" Fr. Mark looked stricken.

"Language Father!" the "Nun" snapped. In response Father Mark cut loose with a string of profanity that made "Sister" Gertrude blush.

The Nun turned her attention to Ben. "Who would do this?" she asked him, utterly stricken by the loss. "We're not hurting anyone here--the Center helps--helped--those in the most need!"

Ben sighed. "Sister, I c'n think o' half a dozen groups..." the Texan said. "It c'd be a re-energized Sons o' Purity' r maybe an offshoot. It could be a person or group who hates the LGBT Community! Hell, it could even be a greedy Developer who wants an excuse t' raze this whole neighborhood! It might be th' buildin's owner wantin' t' get y'all out o' a sweetheart' lease! We won't know til we start investigating'."

"Several properties around us have sold..." Father Mark said glumly. Then he turned his full attention to Ben. "Are you SURE this was arson?" he asked. "The building was old and not in the best shape..."

"Trust me," the big man said. "I didn't have a lot of experience with Arson cases workin' with the Houston PD but I did three tours in the Middle East while I was in th' Army. If there had been ONE explosion I'd put it down t' faulty r ill-maintained equipment--but I heard at least three in short succession! Couple that with how quickly th' buildin' went up an' I think a proper' investigation will find evidence of arson!"

"And what makes you think it won't be `proper', Mr. Dover?" Ben turned to see a well-dressed older man in a dark gray suit looking at him with no great favor. "Why is it when trouble rears its ugly head in Kings Harbor, YOU seem to be on the scene?"

It took Ben a second to recognize Alan Bennett, Commissioner of Police for Kings Harbor. "Do ya really want me t' answer that?" he asked with deceptive mildness. "Mind ya, if ya do I won't hold back!"

"Please, smart guy, what DO you think?"

"I've known your Police Work was, at best, slipshod since th' death o' Norman Young!" the Texan told him. "Ya have a lifelong teetotaler who suddenly dies in an alcohol-related accident? Doesn't that raise alarms in y'r pointy little head? It should! Then you have a man in his eighties dying from a fall from a ladder when he has a houseful of servants? Your department didn't do anythin' but th' most cursory of investigations! An' then there's th' matter of th' disappearances hereabouts. It wasn't that long ago..."

"The Police have REAL work to do!" the Commissioner spat. "Nobody cares about a few freaks!" Ben watched Fr. Mark's fists ball up but Bennet continued talking. "At least Father Mark's House of Homos is gone for good!"

The Priest cocked his arm back to punch the older man but Ben put himself in the way. "Don't do it Father," he said softly. "He'll have ya arrested and that won't do anyone any good! Just keep calm an' let me deal with this..."

"What are you doing with this Freak Show anyway?" the Commissioner asked. "Word on the street has it you used to be a pretty `straight-up' Cop back in Houston! Then you show up and people start disappearing! I really ought to run you in for questioning in the murders of the Oberdorfs!"

"Y're treadin' very close t' slander!" Ben warned. "You want t' arrest me f'r murder ya better have more n empty suspicion! We both know if ya head a shred o' evidence t' connect me with their disappearance I'd have already been questioned! Rumor has it, Oberdorf Senior n' Junior were big campaign donors t' the Mayor f'r his re-election campaign."

"You need to be careful Mr. Big-City Detective," the Commissioner growled. "You're not in Houston now!"

Ben gave the man a cold look. "You've done y'r homework on me, I'll give ya that!" he said. "If ya know me an' my connections t' th' Exotics then you know I have some powerful friends! Be careful Mr. Bennet--ya might end up as burned as this building!"

"Something else, you need t' know Commissioner," the former Priest said. "Three Volunteers were in the Kitchen when the place blew. They weren't local but suburbanites who come in regularly to help! The locals may not matter but the kind of people who matter'--to you at least, do! Someone murdered three valued' constituents when they burned down the Center! You might want to do a bit more than a cursory investigation this time..." Bennet growled but walked away.

"Nicely done Father!" Ben gave the former Priest a wry smile. "We'll make a street-smart badass out o' ya yet!"

"I'd thank you for the `props'," the former Priest replied, "but I need to call Pastor Rich at Lighthouse Methodist and let him know what happened to his Congregants..."

"Do you have your phone?" the big man asked.

Father Mark shook his head. "I don't carry it when I'm in my gym clothes; I left it in my office..."

"An' the Cops won't let ya back in there f'r a while yet..." Ben said, reaching for his own phone. "Here, use mine!" The former Priest took it and walked away to a quieter area.

While the Texan was waiting for Father Mark's return the massive black man he'd paid to watch his truck came shambling up. He silently handed back the partial bill. "Sorry Boss," the man rumbled, "I couldn't stop the dragon!"

"Excuse me?" Ben was confused.

"The dragon burned your truck Boss!" the homeless man replied. "First he burned the building down then he burned your truck! I'm rightly sorry Sir..." He tried to give Ben back the money again.

"No--you keep it!" the big man said. He gave him the other half of the bill. "You need this more `n me..." Ben made his way to the side parking lot to find his Toyota Tundra a burned-out hulk; oddly enough, an older Honda CR-V parked close by was barely scorched. "Fuck!"

"I'm guessing that was your truck..." Ben turned to see Fr. Mark. "I'm so sorry!"

"I'm insured," the big man replied with a sad shake of his head. "I do find it a bit hard to believe my truck could be burnt out while the little Honda right next to it is fine!"

"At least I'll have someplace to sleep tonight!" the former Priest said glumly.

"Father--ya c'n stay at th' Firehouse as long as ya need!" Ben said. "I'm not lettin' ya sleep in y'r car!"

"That will not be necessary." The voice was cultured and had the slightest trace of a musical accent. He was tall and athletic with sandy hair and green eyes. His patrician bearing spoke of generations of blue blood coursing through his veins. He looked at Ben with no great favor. "Mark can stay with me as long as he needs..."

"You must be Manuel de la Rocha," Ben said. Something about this man made his hackles raise.

"Manuel Íñiguez de la Rocha," the new arrival corrected.

"That's quite a mouthful!" the Texan said. "Mind if I call ya `Manny'?"

"I do!"

"Manny it is then!" Ben took a certain perverse pleasure in watching the Spaniard's blood pressure rise.

"Manuel--thank you for the kind offer--"

Fr. Mark tried to continue but de la Rocha cut him off with a look. "Mark, you will come with me! It is settled!"

"Are ya sure that's wise?" Ben asked, again with deceptive mildness. "I mean, some o' th' more `Conservative' folks at Notre Dame might not take kindly to ya having a gay former Priest as a roomie--even f'r a short period o' time..."

"Ben is right Manuel..." Fr. Mark said, deciding to assert himself. "I have some--personal issues Ben might be able to help me with; I really think I should attend to those as soon as possible!"

"Any assistance you need Marcolito" I will provide!"

"Manuel, I'm thirty years older than you. I am NOT your `little Mark'!!" the former Priest said, angered and insulted by the implied insult. "Thanks for the offer but--NO!"

"Marcolito--I insist!"

Ben gave the newcomer a hard look. "That's a mighty interestin' tattoo on y'r right bicep..." he commented. "What is that? A snake wrapped around a sword--`r is that a cross?" The big man looked closer, focusing his awen on the Spanish aristocrat. "That's a DRAGON!" he snapped. "Now th' only question is, HOW an' WHY didja burn down th' Center?"

"Marco--you cannot let this, this--PEASANT make accusations like that!" de la Rocha protested. "We need to leave this place--come with me--NOW!"

"Manuel--even if I wanted to go with you, I can't!" Fr. Mark shot back. "I may have been `laicized' but I still have a priestly duty to the clients and the Police might want to question me! Ben is an ex-Cop; he doesn't make casual accusations! Show me your tattoo--please."

"Marcolito--I do not think..."

"Show me the god-damned tattoo or I'll yank your shirt off your fucking body!" the former Priest shouted.

"Fine!" The Spaniard pushed up his sleeve to reveal an intricate tattoo of a red dragon curled around a blade that could have served as a cross. "I was sent here by the New Knights Templar!" he said proudly. "Your Center is an abomination in the eyes of God! It needed to go!"

"And Fr. Mark with it?" Ben asked. "Now Manny--how didja do it? Are ya a pyromancer?"

"You are very clever..." de la Rocha said, looking at Ben with no great favor. "I smell the taint of `false gods' on you! I will have to eliminate you as well..."

"Others have tried," the Texan replied, "but t' quote that Elton John song--`I'm still standing'..."

"Hold it!" Fr. Mark exclaimed. "The Knights ceased to exist in 1312! Are you telling me they survived until today?"

"I'm sure Manny bears no more relation t' th' original Knights Templar than either o' us," Ben spat. "He an' his cronies prob'ly don't even know what took th' Templars down--accusations o' witchcraft! Roach--ya just murdered THREE innocent people when ya burned down the center asshole! Those women were mothers n' grandmothers who did nothin' but try t' help those less fortunate! I don't know about y'r Bible but mine doesn't read like that!"

"You and all the degenerates like you will be cleansed with FIRE!"

De la Rocha inhaled deeply, preparing to burn Ben and Fr. Mark to the ground but a large fist slammed into his jaw. Sister Gertrude had materialized, seemingly out of nowhere and she hit the "Knight" hard. "You've done enough!" she growled (and for one brief shining moment both men saw her drop her glamourie to reveal her true Ogreish form. "LEAVE NOW! Before I lose my religion..."

Manuel fled but not before glancing over his shoulder. "We WILL meet again Marco!" he announced. "Then I shall burn you and your apostate trashy associates to ash!" The Knight began running then jumped high, sailing off into the westering sun where he was soon last to vision.

"Manuel de la Rocha is a flying fire-breather!" Mark sighed. "Ben, what am I going to tell the Cops?"

"How well can you lie?" Ben asked in deadly seriousness.

"I'm great at lying to myself," the former Priest admitted. "To other people? That I'm not so sure about..."

"You may have to try," the Texan told him. "I'm sure that asshole has a network o' friends that'll SWEAR he was somewhere else! Ya could tell th' Fire Investigator but I'm not sure he'd b'lieve ya; I hate t' say it Father, but I think y'r best bet might be t' answer th' questions truthfully but as minimally as possible!"

"I suppose I'll have to try that..." Fr. Mark said. "Who would believe me if I told them the Arsonist started the blaze with fire breath and then literally FLEW away. If I hadn't seen it myself I don't think I'd have believed it!"

"This is a new one on me," Ben admitted. "Here comes th' Fire Marshall; answer his questions but don't embellish. Be truthful but short--that's y'r best hope o' getting' out o' this thout an arrest r a visit t' a Psych Ward--neither o' which `ud be pleasant!"

The Fire Marshall instructed Ben to wait before taking the former Priest off for a private chat. The Texan decided to use the time to his best advantage. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed his brother Cliff. "Hey bro'! `s up?" As always the Archdruid of the Central California Henge sounded like a surfer boy. "John-Thomas said you'd be calling."

"I'm in trouble--again..."

"What happened?" Cliff was quick to ask. Ben gave his brother a quick recount of the fire at Mychal Judge and the encounter with the pyromancer Knight. "Oh, an' Fr. Mark got hooked up with Dionysus durin' th' `pocket Armageddon' last Halloween--an' they're still connected!"

"Thus you need John-Thomas's help!" the Archdruid said. "OK bro', we're on our way!"

It didn't take Fr. Mark long to finish his interview with the Fire Marshall and Ben was called in next. The Inspector kept his questions brief and to the point. Ben followed his own advice, answering truthfully but not providing any unasked-for details. He provided his contact info should the Inspector need to follow up and was released just about the time Cliff and John-Thomas arrived.

"Fr. Mark, I think you've met m' brother Cliff," Ben said. "This is his Partner John-Thomas Bilodeau..."

"Pleased to see you both!" the Priest said politely. "I guess Ben called to get a lift home?"

"Oh my God! You're Marko the Magnificent!" John-Thomas seemed genuinely excited to meet the Priest. "Club Divinity is amazing!" The Mind Mage blushed a bit. "Excuse me--I don't often completely `fangirl' out like that..."

"That's OK," Father Mark replied. "It's always nice to meet a Fan. Maybe I can hook you guys up with VIP Passes to the Club..."

John-Thomas positively squealed; Cliff smiled but looked rather embarrassed at his Partner's antics. "Ben tells me you are going to need someplace to crash while you get yourself together," the Archdruid said. "You could stay with Ben but we have a much larger home with a lot more empty space than my brother's house. Plus--when John-Thomas isn't acting like--that..." The other man struggled to get himself under control. "He's actually a pretty damn talented Mind Mage. Between the two of us we can probably figure out why and what to do about it..."

"Assuming you WANT something done!" John-Thomas put it.

Fr. Mark thought for a minute. "Honestly guys, I don't know if I do!" he admitted. "I like the new me and I really enjoy playing `Marko the Magnificent'..."

"It's settled then," Cliff said. "You'll come home with us!"


Next: Chapter 48: Dover and Son 26

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