The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Mar 30, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romance which may contain explicit descriptions of sexual contact (which may not always be between consenting adults). If you do not wish to read material like this or it is illegal for whatever reason (you know your local laws better than I and Nifty reaches world-wide so take some responsibility!) please click away now.

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One final shout-out to Bruce Turner, author of Change Has Come (available in the SF/Fantasy Section of Nifty); his work greatly influenced my vision of the Mer: this book wouldn't have been written without his inspiration. And again, one final call asking for more of that story!

If you have questions, comments, suggestions or constructive criticism, drop me a line at or and I WILL respond. (If you take time out of your busy lives to write to me, the least I can do is respond.) Likewise, if you want to be notified when new Doververse (or other) content is published you can contact me at either address and I'll see you will be among the first with the news.

CHAPTER 22: Return to Casa Miramar


Ben Dover, age 49 -- our Hero

Jay Dover, age 15 -- Ben's teenage Son

Colin Stanford, age 17 -- Mer Prince

Corey Carpenter, age 28 -- Security for the Mer Colony and a good friend of Ben's

Charlton Stanford, age 97 -- King of the Pacifica Mer

Leland Stanford, age 76 -- Once and future Crown Prince of the Pacifica Mer

"You enjoyin' y'r first trip aboard a private jet?" Ben asked his son Jay.

"Dad, this is super-awesome!" his son enthused. "How long do we get to stay in Cabo?

"Until our business is concluded," the big Texan said mysteriously.

"I don't know what business you have with the Mer," Colin growled.

"You'll find out along with ever'one else," Ben promised. He didn't want to tell the young Golden Prince about his moment of awen that would change things forever for his son, the Mer but most-especially for Colin.

"I've got some `business' of my own to do down there," the "Golden Prince" sneered, "and when I'm done YOU won't be bothering us again! Adamantine Herald or not!"

Jay caught his father's "I know something you don't know" smirk but kept it to himself; much as he truly cared for Colin, the boy's attitude was starting to get on his last nerve!

"Gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts we are on final approach to Cabo San Lucas!" the pilot announced. The plane landed and everyone exited; after a perfunctory customs check the three passengers were escorted to a boarding area where a familiar, beefy blond, this time in a bright Hawaiian shirt and cream-colored shorts waited to greet them.

"Hey Ben!" Corey Carpenter called before wrapping the Texan in a friendly hug then moving in for a steamy kiss. "Welcome back to Mexico!"

"Howdy, ol' Son!" Ben said after returning the kiss with interest. "You r'member m' son Jay--an' I'm sure y' know Prince Colin.

"Good to see you again buddy!" the sturdy blond merman said, slapping Jay on the back. "My Prince..." He gave Colin the barest of nods before moving to transfer the luggage to a now-familiar Pearl White Escalade. The gesture wasn't lost on anyone and the "Golden Prince" was clearly, but silently, fuming as Corey loaded them into the SUV. "Thanks for bringing our Prince safely home to us Ben" Corey said as he started the car and they rolled away from the airport. "There's going to be a HUGE celebration at Casa Miramar to welcome all of you! I understand the King wants to thank you personally for rescuing his Great Grandson!"

"King `Chuckles' is looking forward to Prinny Poo turning his clock back!" Jay blurted.

"An' how d' ya know that Son?" Ben asked, looking intently at Jay.

"While we were in Club K Colin persuaded another visitor to let him borrow her cell phone and he called King Chuckles!" Jay said.

"His NAME is King Charlton!" Corey exploded.

"Shut up, Prinny Poo!" Jay said, "I'm talking."

"You little SHIT!" the Golden Prince shouted. "You PROMISED you wouldn't say anything to your fat father!"

"He's well-upholstered, not fat!" Corey put in from the driver's seat.

Jay chose to ignore this and continued speaking. "No Coll--you told me to keep, and I quote, `your damn mouth SHUT!' I never agreed to do it!"

Ben moved his gaze from Jay to Colin and the emotional temperature dropped several degrees as he did. "What did that idiot agree to?" he asked his son.

"He agreed to use his power to turn back the current King's clock," the younger Dover said, ignoring Colin's stormy look. "In return King Chuckles agreed to name HIM as air--bypassing Logan and Harrison!"

"Oh, HELL no!" Ben and Corey said together.

"Don't worry Corey," Ben said. "It ain't gonna happen!"

"We'll see about that!" the Golden Prince shot back. "You may be the Adamantine Herald but I'M still the Golden Prince and you don't have any power to stop me!"

"No, I don't..." Ben agreed. But Jay caught the expression on his father's face as he turned to face the road. He saw a knowing smirk...

The entire colony was assembled around the gigantic salt water pool at Casa Miramar where the ancient Mer King, Charlton Stanford, held court. Ben was surprised to see Queen Margaret sitting in the stands; it seems the royal couple had a parting of the ways and ended up getting a quickie divorce. Ben didn't know the "whys and wherefores" but he felt it was probably a good thing. Maggie was entirely too power hungry and she brought out the worst in the old King.

"Benjamin Dover, our esteemed Adamantine Herald..." the old King wheezed, giving the big Texan a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "The Pacifica Mer are grateful for the return of our Golden Prince!" Charlton led the assembled Mer in a round of applause, which seemed genuine enough. "We appreciate your service and you will be welcome to visit us--but for now it is time for you to depart! There are matters of succession to be decided that do not concern you!"

"As your `Adamantine Herald', I'll be stayin'..." Ben said flatly. "Y' may need my advice!"

Ben could see the old man thinking it through; since the Texan had been acknowledged by the Colony there was no way he could get rid of such a highly regarded figure without them taking Umbridge. The Texan quietly blessed the Mer's staunch adherence to "Tradition"; it would serve his needs perfectly "Very well..." the King finally sighed. "You may stay--but when our business ins concluded I want you GONE!"

"If ya wish..." Ben said mildly. He found a place in the shade to watch the fun. "Get on with it then, your Majesty! You were going to announce y'r successor I b'lieve?"

"Indeed!" the old King panted. "It is my--great honor--to name Prince Colin as heir to the Throne of the Pacifica Mer!" The crowd exploded into a hubbub but the old King quieted them. "Our Golden Prince will lead us into a glorious new era! I shall teach him all he needs to know about statecraft and the art of business to keep the Pacifica Mer prosperous!"

Ben stood up. "B'fore y' make it final, Y'r Majesty..." Ben drawled, "y' might want t' show `y'r subjects what ya agreed to in return f'r this Devil's Bargain!"

"Very well!" The King tore off his wrap and dove into the large pool. "Do it boy!" he rasped. "Make me young again!" Colin began undressing and dove into the pool, assuming his golden merform.

"NO!" Jay went to the edge of the pool. "Colin--DON'T DO THIS!"

"Why aren't you' changing me?" the old King grumbled.

"I'M TRYING!" the young Prince exclaimed in growing frustration. "I don't know why it's not working!"

"Lemmie show ya then!" Ben walked over to his son. "Jay--strip down an' assume y'r Mer form..." he told the boy. The youngster looked a bit hesitant but at Ben's nod, he pulled off his tee shirt, kicked off his sandals and shucked off his shorts and underwear. For one brief moment, Jay stood naked and unashamed by the side of the pool and Ben couldn't help but admire his Son's fine, athletic body. Then Jay jumped high and dove into the deepest part of the pool changing in midair. There was a collective gasp from the colony as they saw the silver scales of his merform.

"Oh my God!" Corey guffawed. "JAY is the Silver Prince!"

"He who can both satisfy the Golden Princes' needs and control his power!" Ben agreed. "Now, y'r Majesty--f'r th' sake of the Pacifica Mer--do ya STILL want that feckless pup t' be y'r Heir?"

"Release my powers NOW!" Colin ordered Jay. Ben couldn't help but notice his son's merform was bigger and stronger than the Golden Prince. He watched in horror as Colin began to hum his siren song.

"Stop that!" Jay ordered. Then: "Colin--I forbid you to use ANY of your powers except the ability to self-transform until I give you permission!"

"Know this!" Ben announced, as he moved to where the whole Colony could see him. "If any of you should try to kill my Son the Silver Prince, the Doom he as laid on Colin Stanford WILL continue past his death! Furthermore--if any of you so much as hurt one hair on that boy's body, I'll personally hunt Colin down an' carve enough Sushi out o' his lower half t' serve th' entire Colony! So says the Adamantine Herald!" Again, there was yet another explosion of hubbub.

"Jay-Jay--you can't do this to me!" Colin pleaded. "Please baby..."

"I'm NOBODY'S baby!" the "Silver Prince" shot back. "I'm sorry Coll--somebody has to save you from yourself!"

"Oh, and don't EVER call me `Jay-Jay' again!"

Ben turned his gaze to the angry ancient merman fuming at the water's edge. "So, my King..." he said dramatically. "Do ya STILL intend t' name Colin as y'r Heir?"

"If he does I'm prepared to buy a place a few miles up the road!" Logan Stanford allowed. "If my Father intends to lead the Pacifica Mer down a road that leads directly to disaster, I for one, don't feel any need to have a front-row seat!"

"So, my Son, you'd destroy the Pacifica Mer just because you were passed over for succession?" the old King seethed.

"No Father," Logan replied. "I'm trying to SAVE us all--from YOU! The Silver Prince has locked down my Grandson's Powers and there's no escaping that! He's not going to be able to give you back your youth; you MUST know he's not ready to lead the Colony! He lacks the experience and he certainly lacks the wisdom and discipline! If you stubbornly insist on keeping Colin as your heir it's not going to be pretty! In order to preserve what we've built I'll have no other choice! I'm sorry Father..."

Ben stepped up again. "Lemmie give ya an illustration..." he said. "Y'r Majesty--go sit on y'r Throne..." Grumbling, King Charlton did so. "Logan, go stand at th' far side o' the pool..." The silver fox of a merman did as instructed without complaint. Jay let go his merform and stood next to his father, naked and unashamed. "Now--you populace!" Ben boomed. "Pick a side! If ya stand with th' old King an' th' defanged Golden Prince, go t' that side o' th' pool! Those who stand with Prince Logan--over there!"

Corey was quick to move to Logan's side and many others followed him. It wasn't long until the assembled Mer had made their choice, leaving King Charlton in a definite minority. "Now maybe y'r Majesty there `r' some Merfolk unable t' attend this event who would side with ya--but I think ya need t' read the writin' on th' wall!"

"What's it going to be--Sire?" Logan asked coldly.

"Fine!" the old King finally said, casting a venomous glare at Ben and Jay. "My son Logan is reinstated as Prince of the Pacifica Mer!" There was a chorus of loud cheers from Logan's side and relieved glances from the old King's supporters. "I hope you're happy Logan!" the old King grumped.

"I am ever a loyal servant to the Colony, my King..." the Merman replied, giving his Father a deep, formal bow. Ben didn't know if his friend was being sarcastic or not but the Mer seemed to be buying into the story.

"This is so not FAIR!" Colin stormed off and Ben thought he herd the young Prince starting to cry.

Ben turned to his son. "Ya gonna go after y'r boyfriend?"

Jay shook his head. "Who needs that kind of drama?" the youngster asked with a wry smile but then his expression grew serious. "We're bound together forever now, aren't we?"

"Seems th' Mer Magic has chosen you..." Ben agreed, "an' frankly Son, I think it chose wisely! Just know--ya gotta grow up an' grow up FAST! Colin will try every trick he knows t' work around y'r blocks so be careful about how much freedom ya give `im--f'r a good long while at least!"

"I will Dad!" Jay promised. "Lucky for me I've got a good role model to learn from!" He hugged Ben for a moment, forgetting he was naked then pulled away embarrassed. "Sorry Dad..."

"Don't ever be ashamed f'r showin' someone ya love `em!" Ben assured him. "I hope Colin comes to appreciate all y'r good qualities one day!"

"When young Jay is among us we'll treat him as one of our own." Colin's grandfather Logan came to join the two Dovers. "Thank you for seeing us through this mess Herald," he said with a smile. "Jay, may I have a word with your father?"

"Sure--I see a couple of guys I met last time I was here," Jay replied. "I should go say Hi!"

"NO BEER!" Ben boomed as his son dashed toward several young men who greeted him excitedly.


"It looks like Jay got through the ordeal fairly well..." Logan observed after he grabbed a couple of Margaritas from the bar. "I'm glad to see that."

"Let's hope he doesn't end up with some sort o' PTSD after a while," Ben said. "I've seen folk come back from th' Middle East seemingly just fine only t' have `em wig out f'r no apparent reason a few months later."

"If he needs therapy we'll, of course, pay for it," the silver-haired Merman said. "Jay is truly one of ours now..."

"If he needs help I'll see to it," Ben said flatly, giving the older man a suspicious look. "I thought I'd have Jay talk with John-Thomas as soon as we get back to Kings Harbor. If John-Thomas can't help my Son, he'll be able t' recommend someone who can! Jay may be tied t' th' Mer now but he's still MY son!"

"I didn't intend to imply he wasn't!" the older man replied. "The Pacifica Mer owe young Jay--and you for that matter--a debt that can never be repaid! I'm head of our Business enterprises and I promise you Jay will have his college completely paid for! It's the least we can do!"

"Just know th' boy won't be visitin' here r anywhere else til he's eighteen," Ben said. "At least not without me bein' along! Thanks largely t' young Colin, I think th' boy has gotten into more trouble in the past month than ANY teenager needs in his formative years!"

"I AM sorry about that," Logan said, "truly I am! I'll talk to Harrison about keeping a tighter rein on the boy. I don't know how easy that's going to be with he and Susan splitting up."

"When did that happen?" Ben wanted to know.

"Colin's kidnapping was the last straw," the older man replied. "It wasn't easy for her to adapt to the new reality of Colin and his Father both being Merman; it was a world she could never be part of--and she didn't want to be! The boy--probably--doesn't know, at least I don't think so! I hope there won't be too much of a custody battle for the boy!"

"I'm not takin' `im in," Ben said. "I don't care if he needs some place t' crash!"

"No, that wouldn't be a good solution," the older man agreed. "Colin is OUR responsibility and if worse comes to worst I'll take him myself. Not that being forced to live in a situation with some real rules wouldn't be a good thing for that self-involved little twit!"

"We're all in this together," the Texan said. Whether we want to be or not!

Corey came ambling over. "You bigshots about done solving the world's problems?" he asked, a cheeky grin spreading across his handsome face. "Ben and I have some unfinished business of our own to conduct..."

"Does that `unfinished business' of yours have anything to do with what you got up to in that cave up the coast a ways?" Logan aske. "If so--do you mind if I come along?"

"I don't mind!" Corey turned to face the Texan. "For an old Dude, Logan is a pretty hot fuck! I think we could all have a good time!"

Ben turned his gaze on Logan. For a man in his middle seventies he was in excellent shape, with a dark even tan that didn't make his skin look like dried leather. He had a full head of lustrous silver hair and blue-gray eyes that mirrored the ocean. Even his sculpted features were positively patrician. While Corey had the beefy build of a water polo player, Logan was more of a classic swimmer with a taut, nicely-muscled body. "We c'n do that!" he finally allowed. "I s'pose Jay will be safe..."

"I'll pass the word before we go!" Logan said after draining his Margarita.

The three men doffed their clothing and made their way to the beach; the big man wondered if the other two would have to tow him with them but he found his Merform returning as soon as he was waist-deep in the warm waters of the Sea of Cortez. Before long the trio were swimming and sporting along, engaging in the occasional erotic touch that had all of them fired up when they finally reached the cave. "How are we going to do this?" Logan asked when they were safely inside.

"When Ben and I were rudely interrupted by my pesky Mom he was fucking my Mer Hole with his legs wrapped around me and I had more than half my dick buried in his ass!" Corey said proudly.

"Felt damn good too!" the Texan allowed.

"Hmm..." the silver fox said. "Maybe I'll just watch the two of you and beat off! Do you mind?"

"You wanna put on a show buddy?" Ben let go of his merform and resumed his human guise then wrapped himself around the navy-blue Merman, kissing him deeply as they ground their two muscular bodies together. Corey stroked Ben's beefy arms and broad back as both their cocks rubbed together.

"Let's see if we can make the old dude bust a nut!" Corey said before diving in for another steamy kiss. The Merman's dark blue scales were soft and warm against Ben's inner thigh as the two men writhed together, hard muscles working and straining. "God damn Ben, you're fucking HOT!" the young man panted as he finally let go of the Texan's mouth. "Fuck me!"

"Have ya ever had y'r mer hole kissed?" Ben asked, curious.

"Um--no..." the blond bull admitted. "Mer dudes just fuck it!"

"Well, lets see what happens!" Ben kissed his way down the merman's golden-tanned body, stopping for a moment to lavish attention on each of Corey's prominent nipples before working his way to the "mer hole" where the blonde's human navel had been. The scales parted allowing Ben's tongue easy entrance into Corey's inner recesses; the big man wasn't able to reach far in but the merman shivered in ecstasy as the big man worked the outermost ring of his sensitive tunnel.

"Oh God--FUCK me!" Corey begged. "I don't think I can take much more of your tongue!" Ben slammed his entire ten and a half inches all the way into the younger merman in one smooth lunge, drawing in a deep satisfied moan as he hit bottom. A few slow strokes in and out had Corey orgasming with his inner muscles. "Keep fucking me!" he begged.

"Slide that big mer cock in m' hole!" Ben said huskily, slowing down his thrusts to allow Corey to guide the long, thick mermeat into place. Again, it took a bit to establish a rhythm but soon the cavern was echoing with Corey's lusty moans and Ben's excited grunts as the Texan plundered the young bull's tight, grasping tunnel even as he was jamming himself down on the long mercock invading his own asshole. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" Corey grunted over and over again.

"Anythin' ya want baby!" Ben panted into the younger man's ear as he inched ever closer to his own massive orgasm. Corey's next "interior" orgasm caused his massive mercock to explode directly over the Texan's prostate, sending Ben into a massive explosion deep inside the clenching merhole. Moments later both men were showered with hot ropes of white jizz provided by the frantically-jacking Logan.

"God DAMN you too are hot together!" the older merman panted. "If I filmed that I'd have the world's first Oscar-winning gay porno!"

"You DO and I'll hunt ya down!" Ben said in mock seriousness. Then: "so, ya wanna play?"


Next: Chapter 45: Dover and Son 23

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