The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Mar 26, 2020


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Thanks to all of you for bearing with me through the ceaseless "crapfest" that was the last chapter of this story. Dealing with the Corona Virus outbreak has kind of thrown me off my game: I hope I can regain your trust in this Chapter. (Curious about what I've been doing? Check out the "Beginnings" section of Nifty and read "Involuntary Quarantine" then you can guess which parts are real and which ones are part of my (literally) fevered imagination.

Questions, comments, suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome. Hit me up at or and I WILL reply! Likewise, if you wish to be notified when there is new "Doververse" (or other) content you can use either of those addresses and I'll see you are among the first to know when something is published.

CHAPTER 21: Return to Underhill


Ben Dover, age 49 -- our dauntless Hero

Colin Stanford, age 17 -- Mer Prince

Kevin McMasters, age ? -- Toy Maker and owner of "Club K"

Jay Dover, age 15 -- Ben's Son

Queen Vidra of Shadowholt, AKA the Spider Queen

Oberon, AKA Ryan Somersby, Fairy King of Arden

Ben was strongly considering punching young Colin Stanford as his son Jay had done earlier when the young Mer Prince came up to him, a sour expression on his handsome face. "I WANT my phone!" he snapped. "Now!"

"F'r th' FOURTH time Son," be said, with exaggerated patience, "what's LEFT o' y'r phone is in th' custody o' th' Constables at Kings Harbor Police Department! I've called your Father an' Grandfather an' I'll be deliverin' ya t' Casa Miramar once I sort out this mess with th' rulers o' Underhill who had subjects kidnapped by Barnsdall's boys!"

"Sorry, Prinny-poo!" Kevin McMasters put in, "but the ADULTS have to make sure the Fey don't launch an attack against a completely unprepared surface world!"

"You KNOW who I am, right?" the "Golden Prince" said with a threatening tone. "TELL him who I am Jay-Jay!"

"He knows who you THINK you are!" the younger boy said with a dismissive tone. "Do you know who HE is?"

"One of your fat Father's freaky-friends?" the young Mer Prince said derisively.

"Prinny-poo, may I present Kevin McMasters of ToyMasters, ImageMasters and Wonderworks!" Ben said with a wolfish smile as Colin turned the color of cottage cheese.

"And don't forget MY Father and his `freaky-friends saved our asses?" Jay snapped. "Dude--I am SO over you and your attitude!"

Kevin smiled. "I like you kid!" he said. "You can watch Colin while we deal with the Fey and figure out what kind of story we can tell the local Constabulary to keep them out of `Otherworldly' business!"

"Cool!" Jay said. "Mr. McMasters--my Dad told me about `Club K'. Could Colin and I go there while you guys get the clean-up work done!"

"Capitol idea, boyo!" Kevin exclaimed. He reached into a pocket that shouldn't have been deep enough to pluck out something of that size and tossed it to the young man. "There's 500 `K-Bucks' in that bag! It should be more than enough to keep you in goodies while we fix this mess!"

"Where's mine?" Colin groused.

"YOU don't get anything Prinny-poo!" the Mad Toymaker said dismissively. "That should be more than enough to keep you two in food and goodies for us to finish cleaning up the Barnsdall mess! But--know this Prinny-poo! If you try to extort or steal any of that coin, I'll know and I'll have you in my own personal Brig that will make you long for the tender mercies of Cullen the Interrogator! Are we clear, Prinny-poo?" Colin looked like he might have liked to protest but Jay literally dragged the young man through a door marked Club K. "That should keep the boys out of our hair long enough to get things fixed--if we're lucky!"

Then the Mad Toymaker turned his full attention on Ben. "So--what ARE we going to do with the human Psis?" he asked.

"I've got a plan," the big Texan told him. "Mike knows a bunker in th' hills above Silverton; they're takin' th' survivin' human Psis an' th' Underhill folk who have their primary residence on th' surface there. A huntin' party o' him, Carl, Cliff, John-Thomas an' BB r gonna find' em there--an' report it t' th' police! John-Thomas will do a bit o mental manipulation t' keep their stories in line. With any luck th' local gendarmes won't look TOO deeply into the story..."

"You realize Silver County Sherriff's Department and the Silverton PD aren't as sloppy as Kings Harbor PD," the Mad Toymaker observed. "They actually have decent Cops up there who take their jobs seriously!"

"Then we'll just hafta trust t' luck an' hope th' boys up there c'n `stage' it so it looks realistic..." Ben said. The Texan knew he was playing a weak hand but that's what he had so all he could do was hope for the best.

"I'll send some of my people to help out," Kevin said.

"Thank ya kindly, ol' Son!" Ben replied, giving the Mad Toymaker a friendly, one-armed hug, "an' thanks f'r lettin' th' boys into Club K!"

"My pleasure!" Kevin said with a smile. "Truth to tell--we've got way more trouble with pissed off Underhill Royalty then surface world Police! Aethylbryk and Titania are both out for blood!"

Ben sighed. "Here's hopin' past favors an' a good reputation count f'r somethin'!" he said.

"Ben--you're a God-touched Guardian!" the little blond man reminded him. "Believe it or not--that counts for a lot--even among the Unseelie!"

A few hours later Kevin led Ben to a pleasant forest glade where the Flower of Underhill Royalty awaited, chatting pleasantly with one another, almost as if they met and socialized regularly. Some of Kevin "soligramic" Staff passed among the group offering various Jewel Wines and tempting delicacies. Ben recognized King Aethylbryk of the Bloody Sun, his Queen Imratinya and their Black Knight Garethrokk, all decked out in their finest Elven regalia. Queen Titania looked resplendent in wisps of purple chiffon and enough jewels to open a store; the Oberon, on the other hand, had dressed down in a green polo that matched his eyes, a pair of khaki shorts that showed off a lot of muscular red-furred leg and simple deck shoes. There were several others Ben didn't recognize. "Who are all these folks?" the Texan whispered to Kevin, the only one accompanying him.

"The She Hulk Wanna be with the pale green hair is High Druid Pyracantha of the Laurelinden Dryads," the little blond man replied. "The elfies acting like they are above it all are King Telandil, commonly called `the Overfertile' and his current Queen Tamariel; they rule Sunset and Smoke, the Seelie Elfhame that connects to your brother's property. The human-sized Dalmatian in the green coat and bowler is Padraigogh, Lord of the Pookahs--not sure WHAT he's doing here in all honesty! The Dwarf with the salt-and-pepper beard is Arne Ironfoot of Undertowers; he's another wild card since I don't think any of his people were taken! The stocky strawberry blond with the gray eyes is Mischief the Tinker; he's King of the Gnomes. Oh, and last but by no means least, the Spider Centaur is Queen Vidra of Shadowholt, but everyone just refers to her as Her Many-legged Majesty! We've had--dealings of old..."

Trumpets sounded and a petite strawberry-blonde girl swathed in draperies that cascaded down her lithe body in pink, lavender and blue ombre spoke up in a voice that somehow managed to carry through the entire glade and override the conversation; "Wysart Cefn and God-touched Guardian Benjamin Dover!"

Everyone turned to the new arrivals. "Why did you summon us here, Wysart?" queried the Spider Centaur Dark-elven Queen.

"I didn't summon YOU, Your Many-Legged Majesty!" Kevin replied tartly. "Your realm shares a border with Club K so I invited you as a courtesy! If you wish to depart--you know the way! But, know this Queen Vidra, if you try to make trouble I'll deal with you worse than the last time we met!"

"You stole Half and One percent of my Realm to make this accursed place!" she spat.

"After YOU made war on me!" the little blond man replied lightly.

"Must ye rehash endless auld grievances yer Many-legged Majesty?" asked the Gnome King with a burr so thick you could almost cut it with a knife. "Ye started tha war wi' yon Wysart an' surely ye lost FAIRLY by all the Laws o' the Fey. Leave it be lass!"

"You wouldn't DARE speak to me in that tone if we shared a border like we used to!" the Spider Queen spat venously.

"Tis true ya hairy-legged auld git!" the Gnome King replied. "But know this yer Dark Majesty! Me Banner hangs in yon Wysart's Hall an' his Banner hangs in mine! Attack me an' surely ye'll attack him!"

Ben watched in curious wonder as the two very different foes sparred and wondered what the whole thing meant. Clearly the Spider Centaur and Kevin had a contentious past but the fact that he'd allied with the Gnome King seemed to shock all the assembled Fey--not just Queen Vidra! The Texan resolved to add this to his list of questions needing to be cleared up at some later date.

"I'm sure we're ALL busy..." the Oberon offered up. "Wysart--why have you summoned us here to speak with the God-touched Guardian?"

"You're on Ben!" Kevin said.

The Texan stepped up. "M' Lords n' Ladies--thanks t' all o' ya f'r takin' time out o' y'r busy schedules t' meet with me," he said, trying to balance his tone between humble yet authoritative. "Some of you..." he fixed his gaze on the four solid green eyes of the Spider Queen, "...had citizens kidnapped by a group of humans intendin' t' use em f'r biological experimentation. It sh'd also be noted they kidnapped human Lycanthropes an' Psis! It is m' pleasure an' honor t' announce all y'r citizenry has been returned safe an' made whole to y'r various realms!"

"If our citizens were harmed IN ANY WAY we demand recompence!" This came from Queen Titania.

"So--ya wanna play that game, do ya, y'r Majesty?" Ben drawled. "What recompence' will ya give me f'r attackin' m' Lover an' placin' him under a Spell that damaged r relationship?"

"If your Lover was too reckless or weak to resist an attack it's HIS problem NOT mine!"

Kevin produced a clear balloon filled with a yellow liquid. "So, y'r Majesty--if y'r not strong enough t' resist this Lemon Juice if I throw it on ya, that's YOUR problem?" Ben asked politely.

"Sure an' th' Lad has th' right of it!" said Padraighogh. ""Sweet Fairy Queen if ye seek another eye fer another eye `twon't be long before every eyes is blind!"

"I hate to agree with the flibbertigibbet Pookah but he speaks truth!" the Dwarf King put in. "Aye, we could do great harm to the Humans who dwell ABOVE but, should we come out into the open, we risk even more damage to ourselves!"

"Listen to him!" Kevin said. "Her Many-legged Majesty attacked me with 50,000+ of her finest troops! There was but thirty men to defend my Realm and I prevailed using only iron filings, toothpicks, salt water and sunlight! I'd rather not have to turn my magical might against you--but if you make it necessary..."

Ben tried hard to cover his astonishment but it was clear the other Royals believed the Mad Toymaker (and the Spider Queen wasn't happy to have her humiliation brought up in front of her peers). "Majesties--it should be enough that the man responsible will never again trouble you or your subjects!"

"I say wreak vengeance on the Human World for their perfidy!" All eyes turned to the Spider Queen.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you Queen Vidra?" Kevin said, not bothering to hide his snarkiness in the least.. "Whip up the others into a frenzy and let them send their armies to attack the surface! Then when they come home decimated they'll be unable to stand against your conquest attempt!"

"How DARE you impugn my motives you--INTERLOPER!" the Spider Queen seethed.

"The Toymaker speaks the truth!" Oberon commented. "Your war with Wysart Cefn weakened you! How better to--balance things out--by decimating our own armies! In the end, YOU would win!"'

"The Seelie is correct," Garethrokk, Knight of the Bloody Sun, allowed. "You, Queen Vidra have no stake in this war since none of your citizens were harmed! Your presence here is neither necessary nor desired! Cease your prattle woman!"

"Aethylbryk--are you going to let your Minion speak to me, my brother-king?" the Spider Centaur asked, turning to her only possible ally. "The Fey have too long been cowering in Underhill! It is time to STRIKE!"

"My Liegeman has the right of it!" the Unseelie King told his counterpart. "I saw what the Wsart Cefn's Light Golems did to your forces! There is nothing EITHER Fey Court require on the surface! Few of them can reach Underhill and those who can have proven--diverting..." His gaze moved from Ben to Kevin. "These men have proven to be stalwart allies! I see no profit in starting an unwinnable war with the surface!"

"Aye," agreed Mischief the Tinker, King of the Gnomes. The Dwarven King, Arne Ironfoot, nodded silently.

"We Dryads are not a warlike people..." their representative observed, speaking for the first time.

"The God-touched Guardian's brother holds sway over the entrance to our Elfhame," King Tolandil allowed. "None of Our subjects were captured and We trust the humans to deal with those of their own kind who make trouble for us! Come my Queen! Our business here is finished!" Tamariel rose and silently followed her husband out of the grove.

"No Pookah will help ye in yer foolish vendetta Fairy Queen!" Padraighogh said in his thick brogue. "I ha' spoken for me kind!" He dissolved in a green spray of crème-de-menthe smoke and the Dwarf and Gnome Kings departed as well. Aethylbryk, Imratinya and Garethrokk had already left without saying goodbye.

"It's just us and the Spider Queen now, my Queen..." Oberon told Titania. "If you insist on instigating this needless war I shall call for a Confidence Vote among the Fairies--and make sure they know the Wysart stands against us! Go home Titania! Your daughter needs you!"

"We'll have words when you return to Arden!" Titania said before storming off. "And you'd BETTER not be smelling of Human!"

"Everyone else is gone, Your Many-Legged Majesty!" Kevin said. "Time for you to be off as well! Shoo, shoo--before I send you home `Boot Express'!" The Spider Queen tried to wrap what little dignity she had left around her and fled as fast as her eight legs would carry her!

"Ryan--why don't you and Ben get to know one another..." Kevin suggested. "I should probably check on the boys and my more `mundane' businesses!" And with that he too was gone, leaving Ben alone with the Oberon.

"Ryan?" Ben said, confused.

"I spend a lot of time on the surface," the Fairy King told him. "While I am currently the Oberon I much prefer my role as simply Ryan Somersby!"

"Ah, I'm Ben Dover!" the Texan said extending his hand.

"Odd, I thought I'd be the one bending over!" the handsome redhead joked.

"We c'n make that happen!" Ben quipped. "So--have ya been in this grove b'fore?"

"Actually no," Ryan replied, "but I know how the Wysart thinks! I'm sure we can find someplace comfortable if we try!"

The two men strolled off into an idyllic lightly-wooded grove. It reminded Ben more of walks he'd taken in England rather than his brother's Redwood Grove near the sea but the air was pleasantly warm and smelled of flowers and plants brought in by a light breeze. "Hard t' believe this is actually part o' Underhill," the Texan observed.

"It reminds me a lot of Arden," the Fairy King told him, "but this is much-less crowded! Arden has a lot of Fairy and Pixie inhabitants along with representatives of several other Seelie Court races."

"I'm afraid I don't know much about either Court," Ben admitted. "I do apologize f'r any faux pax I might commit, y'r Majesty."

"Now that the Titania has gone home in a snit you can drop the `your Majesty' nonsense!" the beefy redhead told him. "Honestly ben, I'm really not that different from you; I still put my pants on one leg at a time! Also, if you've managed to win Aethylbryk's favor I'd say that's pretty impressive!" the beefy redhead allowed. "Oh--and just call me Ryan! Actually. I like it better than my given name!"

"What's that?"


"Makes me feel fine!" Ben sang, "blowin' through the Jasmine in my Mi-i-i-nd!"

Ryan laughed. "I'm actually much older than that song," he told Ben.

"So--ah--do ya mind if I ask ya an impertinent question?" the big man said.

"Fire away!" Ryan replied. "I might not answer it--but you can always ask!"

"What do Fairies do with their wings?"

"You really ARE ignorant, aren't you?" the beefy redhead replied teasingly. "Actually, our wings are psychocreations--they don't really' exist! As long as we don't do anything to attract the attention of the Norms' we're pretty good at passing as human!"

"So that's how ya maintain y'r human guise?" Ben asked.

"That, and the best forged background you can buy on Popular Street!" the red-haired Fairy King replied.

"Popular Street?"

"We'll discuss that--later!" Ryan said. He pointed at a willow tree at the edge of a large pond, or maybe it was a small lake. "What say we slip into the bower and get to know each other on a more--intimate level...?" His green-eyed gaze traveled slowly down Ben's body. "I'd love to explore more of that!"

"Back atcha, Ry!" Ben agreed. The big man followed the muscular Fairy King between the low-hanging branches of the willow to find a comfortably-large, surprisingly-soft space inside. "Wow!" was all the Texan could manage as he sat down on the soft, springy ground.

"You could pound me like a Drill Press and it wouldn't hurt!" Ryan observed. "I wouldn't want to try that on regular ground!"

"Wouldja like that?" Ben asked, a glint in his one-remaining blue eye.

"Maybe later..." The handsome, red-haired Fairy laid Ben down and reached for his mouth. Their first kiss was slow and exploratory so the Texan took the time to feel out the other man's muscular arms and caress his broad back.

Ryan finally broke the kiss and sat up long enough to peel his green Polo off over his head, revealing the well-developed chest and six-pack abs. It also showed a surprising lot of red-brown chest and belly hair. "Hmm--I thought Fairies `ud be smoother..." Ben observed as his strong hands ran through the soft hairs.

"Most of us can barely manage pubes," Ryan replied. "Rumor has it there was a Faun or Satyr a few generations back but nobody talks about that!" The redhead began unbuttoning Ben's shirt. "Let's see what you're working with, Cowboy!" he said then gave a satisfied sigh as Ben's beefy, brown-furred barrel chest and belly came into view!" "Wow! Just like I'd hoped!"

"Ya like beefy bears, do ya boyo?" Ben asked.

"I do!" Ryan agreed. "Humans are so much more--connected to the Real World than most Fey! I guess that's why I prefer to live there!"

The big man pulled his latest conquest down for another long, slow exploring kiss but this time one hand slipped down the Fairy King's back to caress his butt and slip under the waistband to enjoy teasing Ryan's furry ass crack hiding beneath the Khaki shorts. "Fairy ass good eatin'?" Ben asked once they had finished.

"Better than Elf-butt ANY day!" Ryan said. "Wanna taste?"

Ben nodded and the other man rolled off to kick out of his deck shoes then shuck his Khaki Shorts and barely-there green underwear. It took Ben a bit longer to divest himself of his Hush Puppies, dress socks, slacks and boxer briefs but Ryan seemed pleased with what he saw. "Jesus--Fucking--Christ! That thing is HUGE!"

"Ten-an-a-half inches o' Texas beef sausage!" the big man agreed. "Why don't I eat y'r ass while ya sample that thing?" The redhead was quick to plant his pink puckered hole on Ben's mouth while he moved to begin slathering the Texan's rampant erection with eager excitement. For Ben, eating the Fairy King's ass reminded him of slurping clover honey; the taste was delicious and Ben's flicking tongue only inspired Ryan to greater effort as he was soon working every inch of Ben's massive manmeat deep into his throat!

After a good long time, Ryan finally came up off the throbbing pole. "I think I need this monster inside me!" he panted.

"How d' ya want it, bucko?" Ben asked.

"Stay like that!" the redhead replied as he climbed off the Texan's body. "I want to RIDE that horse!" Ryan squatted over Ben's midsection, fitted the erection to his pink pucker then slammed himself down hard--taking all of Ben in one hard thrust. "FUUUUUUUUUCK!" he bellowed.

"You OK there, ol' Son?" Ben asked. The Fairy looked like he was having the time of his life but he was still concerned.

"Fuck--unh--yeah!" Ryan growled. "That monster is stretching me like I've never been fucked before!" The redhead grunted happily as he continued to thrust himself on the impaling root deep inside his quivering tunnel. Ben enjoyed the play of the man's muscular legs as he worked himself to a fast orgasm, coating Ben's brown-furred chest with ropes of white pearls. "Oh fuck, that was amazing!" Ryan panted. "Now--lets get your cum off, shall we?"

"How d' ya want it, ol' Son?"

"Roll me on my back!" the redhead said then rolled so Ben was over him. "Now--fuck me! Fuck me HARD!" The big Texan began thrusting, gently at first but soon growing to a blistering pace as Ryan encouraged him on with joyous cries and kicks of his heels. It wasn't too long until Ben was blasting the Fairy King's tight hole full with white manjuice. "Oh my!" Ryan said, "that was fuckin' INTENSE! And you're still hard!" His ass muscles gripped the still iron-hard rod buried deep inside him. "I hope we can do more of this!"

"I ain't nearly done, ol' Son!" Ben said as he began moving again...


Next: Chapter 44: Dover and Son 22

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