The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Feb 8, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. Some chapters will contain explicit sexual descriptions so if reading material of that nature if offensive to you or illegal for whatever reason, please click away now. As always, the author retains copyright, blah, blah, blah...

Keep Nifty free so donate, Donate, DONATE! I need some place to publish my stories!


The Author gratefully acknowledges Bruce Turner whose story Change Has Come greatly influenced my view on mermen and their culture. I liberally "borrowed" from his work but put my own spin on it. Check out his story if you have a chance and Bruce, if you're reading this, MORE PLEASE!!!

There should be nothing in this Chapter to offend snowflakes of either political extreme so you may read in safety. If you have questions, comments, complaints or suggestions feel free to drop me a note at or . I always write back: if you can take the time to drop me a note the least I can do is reply.

CHAPTER EIGHT: When Worlds Collide


Ben Dover, age 49 -- our Hero

CPO Levi Evans, age 27 -- Coast Guard Officer/Neophyte Druid

Jay Dover, age 15 -- Ben's newly-discovered Son

Colin Stanford, age 17 -- merman Prince and spoiled rich kid

Rachel Southerland, age 45 -- Ben's vengeful Sister-in-Law

Ethan Gray, age 44 -- Ben's live-in Boyfriend

Harrison "Harry" Stanford, age 41 -- Colin's doting Father

Susan "Sue" Stanford, age 42 -- Colin's not-so doting Mother

Glenn Gabler, age 39 - owner of Golden Gables Construction, Ben's Boss

Logan Stanford, age 76 -- perspective client and Colin's grandfather

Ben was late getting to the Harbor House Café; he came into the crowded spot near the Marina to find his lunch date, Chief Petty Officer Levi Evans, already had a table staked out on the expansive patio. The long, lanky redhead was dressed in soft shorts and a tank top that showed off the beginnings of his Druidic Tattoos. "Hey Ben, over here!" he called over the noise and bustle, "hope ya don't mind I grabbed us a table!"

"Considerin' how many folks `r' already here I think it was the right call!" the big man replied as he sat down. "Thanks, f'r meetin' me ol' Son!"

"The Archdruid said it was a `professional' matter..." the young Coastie said. "Honestly, I was kinda hopin' you wanted to ask me on a date but I'm happy to lend a hand if I'm able. What's up?"

"Y'r Patron Deity is Llyr, Celtic God o' th' Sea, right?" Ben asked. When the other man nodded, he continued his questioning. "Do ya know much bout mer' culture?"

"Llyr's partin' gift' allows me t' turn into a merman," Levi told him. "It's actually kinda awesome! I've met quite a few merfolk and they've given me some insight into their culture: I'm sort of a Priest' for their community. What do ya need to know?"

"Who, or WHAT, is the Adamantine Herald?" Ben asked.

Levi's green eyes grew large. "How do ya know about that?" he asked.

"I might BE the Adamantine Herald!" Ben told him.

"Fuck me!" the long lanky redhead exclaimed. "Maybe you better start from the beginning..."

Ben hesitantly related his recent sexual encounter with the young golden merman and his parents. "His Dad--Harry Stanford--gave me th' name..."

"Harrison Stanford?" Levi asked. "He's the grandson of the Pacific Merfolk's king!"

"He didn't mention that..."

"But he did name you the Adamantine Herald?" Levi asked. "Did you transform?" Ben nodded. "OK--what didja look like?"

"Kinda purplish silver-black..." the big man said hesitantly. "I got bigger `n bulkier as well."

"Sounds like what I'd expect the Adamantine Herald to look like," Levi said. "Did you display any unique powers?"

"I was able t' change back on m' own..." Ben said. "I was also able to sense young Colin's magic when it was used against someone else an' resist it when he tried snarin' me a second time!"

"Sounds like the Adamantine Herald," Levi agreed. "He is supposed to be an outsider who comes to speak Truth to the Mer. Once the Golden Prince transforms him the Adamantine Herald comes fully into his power so he can resists the temptations placed in his path and guide the Clans in the right way!"

"An' who's this `Golden Prince' s'posed t' be?" Ben asked.

"Among other things he's the only merman with `Siren' powers," Levi told him. "A few females have the power to compel men but mermen can't do it. He's also supposed to have wizardly powers and the ability to grant immortality! There's also a Silver Prince who is supposed to hold him in check if the need ever arises..."

"Oh, Good Lord!" Ben sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "I don't know who I feel worse for! Me `r th' Merfolk?"

"Why is that?" the Coastie asked. He didn't have to be any sort of Empath to see the concern on the other man's face.

"B'cause Colin Stanford is an entitled little rich brat thout th' slightest bit o' concern f'r others," the big man said flatly. "His Father, who might be th' legendary Silver Prince' is an enabler! The young un has been pullin' his folks' strings, prob'ly since he was in diapers an' Daddy is happy t' let im do whatever he wants!"

"That's not good!" Levi agreed. "Hopefully you can be a steadying influence on the kid or kick some sense into his Father!"

"From y'r mouth t' God's ear!" Ben said.

"If there's anything I can do to help I'm here..." Levi said, placing a comforting hand on Ben's arm. "At the very least I could make some introductions into the mer community..."

"So--what kind o merman are ya?" the big man asked curiously.

"Kind of a coppery-orange," the Coastie told him. "It's not a very common color among the mer but not unheard of..."

"What is?" Ben wondered; since he had clearly been drawn into the mer world the Texan knew he was going to have to start learning about them.

"Shades of green are the most common," Levi told him. "You also get blues ranging from deepest navy to pale turquoise and some orange, red and pinkish ones as well; a mer born or gifted with metallic scales is considered mystical!"

"Thank ya f'r that," the big man said. "I clearly have a lot t' learn!"

"So do I!" Levi said. "Hey would you like to go swimming with me?"


"In merform," the Coastie said. "You really need to experience it..."

"Ain't that a bit dangerous?" Ben asked.

"Not if you pay attention to your surroundings," Levi told him. "I like to go out to Farpoint Station; Nils lets me swim from his beach and I don't have to worry about losing my stuff. Also, there's not a lot of traffic out past Queen Anne Island! You can avoid fishermen and harbor tours if you pay attention..."

Ben was sorely tempted; Levi had a pleasant handsomeness about him and the big man knew for certain that he loved to get fucked. The idea of frolicking with him in the water would have been a great way to spend a perfect summer afternoon. "I can't," he finally said, "I dropped m' Son off at Westover High t' get tested an' I need t' pick `im up!"

"Wait--your Son?" Levi was shocked. "When did that happen?"

"He's th' product of a `youthful indiscretion'..." the big man said. (After much back-and-forth it was decided this would be the story they would tell to non-Family.) "His Mom shipped young Jay out rather unexpectedly."

"Problem child?"

"A bit..." Ben replied cautiously.

"I'm sure you'll straighten him out soon enough!" Levi said. "Hope it's not putting too much of a kink in your relationship with Ethan!"

"We're adjustin'," Ben said. "It's gonna take some work on all `r' parts but I think it'll turn out OK."

The two men said their goodbyes with Ben promising to make a "swim date" as soon as his schedule would allow. That done, the big man drove to Westover High School (which oddly enough was located in the East Hills); this is where Kings Harbor High School District tested incoming students to see which school and educational track would best suit their needs.

Ben found a parking place and went to look for his Son: even though it was Summer the campus still had a goodly number of teens and adults. Afternoon Summer School classes were just letting out so the big man decided to use the Parental Tracking App on his phone to locate Jay and was surprised to find the phone was turned off. He was about to have a panic attack when he heard a musical tenor laugh that seemed entirely too familiar and realized where his Son was.

"Hey Dad!" Jay said brightly. The kid didn't look like he'd been through three days of rigorous testing. "I made a new friend! This is--"

"Colin Stanford!" Ben said, trying not to growl.

"You two know each other?" Jay seemed surprised.

"We've met," Colin said smoothly before Ben could answer. "Jay-Jay, your Dad is totally HAWT!" Out of his "merform" Colin was still a very good-looking young man with a lithe muscular body (which he showed off in scandalously-short shorts and a tank top that could barely be considered a top). He was cute as a button but the Texan felt no stirrings of longing or desire. He was just another good-looking kid.

"Eww--GROSS bro'!" Jay exclaimed. "Dude! That's my DAD!"

"Maybe I've got a thing for hot Dads!" Colin said, giving his golden curls a toss and adding a saucy wink at Ben for good measure.

"What `r' ya doin' in Summer School?" Ben asked rather pointedly. "Fail a couple o' classes?"

"Noppers!" the young merman replied. "I'm doing summer athletic training for swimming and diving! I'm thinking of trying out for Volleyball as well..."

"Do ya think that's fair?" Ben couldn't resist asking the question.

"Totally!" the kid replied, moving so he could show off more of his well-muscled chest. "Dude--if you got rid of the Mer and selkies the USA would NEVER medal in water events again! How do you think Michael Phelps won all those medals? He's 100% Merman! Ryan Lochte too--but we don't like to claim him..."

"You're a Merman?" Jay seemed fascinated. "Dude! That's AWESOME!"

"Colin--r'member that talk we had th' last time I visited you?" Ben said, doing his best `disappointed Father' voice, "this is what I'm talkin' about! Son, ya don't know who might be listenin'! Ya don't go blabbin' t' relative strangers!"

"And YOU," he said turning to Jay, "ya don't go repeatin' things like that! Are we clear Son?"

"Yes Sir..." the kid replied.

"Guess what?" Colin said, trying to cut the tension. "Jay-Jay qualified for `Artsy-Smartsy'! How awesome is that?"

"Uh--what's `Artsy-Smartsy'?" Ben wondered.

"What we call Westover High," the young Merman replied. "Westover is where they have the STEM and GATE programs--it's also the High School of the Arts! Thus-- `Artsy-Smartsy'!"

"STEM, GATE?" Now Ben was utterly confused.

"Science, Technology, Engineering and Math is STEM," Colin told him. "GATE is Gifted and Talented Education! Westover has a bunch of grants from Future Dynamics and Wonderworks so the educational opportunities are off the charts! And my new BFF gets to go here with me! How totally KEWL is that?"

"Aren't ya a Senior?" Ben asked. He suspected this deep bond of friendship had more to do with him rather than a genuine interest in Jay. "Back in my day Seniors didn't bother with Lower Classmen!"

"Well I'm not your typical Senior!" Colin responded. "I think class distinctions are kinda dumb anyway so I'll be friends with whoever I want! If the `Sosh' kids don't like it they can kiss my curvy ass!"

"Are ya sure ya want t' go t' this school?" Ben asked his son, hoping he could persuade Jay to go somewhere well away from this boy. "Ya might find it a lot harder `n y'r old School back in Houston..."

"It'll look great on college applications," Jay replied. "Yeah, it might be a little hard at first--but, honestly Dad, I was BORED in Houston! Besides--you're bribing me to get good grades so I have an incentive to work!"

Ben sighed, realizing he'd lost this fight. "Just so ya understand boyo," he said, "once ya commit t' this ya can't back out!"

"I understand Sir!" Jay said sincerely. "It helps that I have a friend here that I can go to if I need anything."

"I'm totally there for you bud--promise!" Colin said then gave Ben a smirk. "I think it's totally cute how you call your Dad `Sir' all the time! Was he a Marine? He looks bad-ass enough!"

"I was in th' Army," Ben told the young merman. "I was a Ranger f'r six years. They taught me a bunch o' ways t' kill people..." He let the implied threat hang in the air while giving the boys a smile. "Come on, buckaroo! We gotta get on th' road an' head home. Monty `n' Figgie might start worryin' if y'r gone too long..."

"Text me later!" Colin called as the two Dover men headed back to Ben's truck.

"Why do I get the feeling you don't like Colin?" Jay asked as soon as Ben started the truck "Am I not allowed to have friends?"

Ben sighed. "Son--ya c'n have all th' friends ya like..." he finally said. "I don't trust Colin though; he's a lot more sophisticated n you and his folks r' WAY more permissive n I'll ever be! I worry bout what kind o road he'll steer ya down! I'm sorry Son--it's a Dad's job t' worry `bout stuff like that! I've seen what kind o trouble that boy can cause..."

"You wanna tell me about it?" Jay asked. "It might help if I knew what you did about Colin..."

The Texan related the story of what happened between him and his son's new BFF not leaving out his guilt and shame for what he'd done and how Sue Stanford had been treated. "An' that," he finally finished, "is why I don't trust y'r buddy Colin!"

"Whoa..." Ben couldn't tell if Jay was intrigued or grossed out by the story. "I'm sorry he did that to you Dad!" he finally said. "If he ever tries to do something like that again we won't be friends--I promise!"

"Son--I think I'm safe from y'r friend, in spite o' what he thinks!" Ben told him, "but I worry `bout what kind o' trouble he c'd get ya into!"

"I'll be good Dad--I swear!" Jay said. "I've got a good thing with you and I don't want to lose it!"

"It's not YOU I'm worried about Son..." the big man said as they pulled into the Firehouse past a woman angrily pacing near the front door. "Th' cherry on top o' th' shit sundae!" he sighed.

"Who's that?" Jay asked.

"Miz Robyn's Sister Rachel," Ben told him. "She's trouble with a capital T'! Stay b'hind me Son--don't git snarky with er: she feeds on it!" The big Texan walked to the door of the Firehouse. "Howdy Rache," he said. "Y'r broom break down?"

"What?" The woman looked confused for a moment then the comment registered. "How DARE you?"

"What d' ya want Rachel?" Ben asked flatly. "Whatever it is, ya ain't getting' it!"

"Who's that?" she asked as her eyes fell on Jay. "Your latest catamite?"

"This is my Son Jay," the big man said flatly. "You know th' one you an' y'r fam'ly flipped out about after he was born?"

"What's he doing here?" Rachel was clearly out of her depth.

"My Mom and Stepdad split up so they sent me to my REAL DAD!" Jay said defiantly.

"Don't you worry honey," the woman said, her tone turning sweetly concerned. "Auntie Rachel is here! I'll call Child Protective Services and we'll get you somewhere safe!"

Jay turned to his Dad. "Is she for real?" he asked with a smirk.

"Last count she was bout 80% Plastic," Ben replied. "Th' rest is ice n' cold steel!"

"You don't DESERVE a child!" she shrieked. "You don't deserve ANYTHING! And how dare you use MY family money to sue me?"

"An' now we got t' th' heart o' th' matter," the big man said with a resigned sigh. "What I DESERVE has already been d'cided by a Texas Court an' you lost! Just like y'r gonna lose out here in California! Ya told a pack o' frankly vicious lies that cost me m' job! It may take a while but I'll be takin' another large chunk o' y'r Sutherland inheritance--an' don't feel th' least bit bad about it! Ya go spreadin' lies t' CPS an' all that'll do is gimme more ammo t' use against you!"

"You're a DEVIL Ben Dover!" she screamed, "a Devil!"

"Bless your HEART Rachel!" Ben said, the sarcasm evident on his face. "I'd like t' say it's always a pleasure t' see you honey--but I hate t' life. Now--go `way so I don't hafta set th' dogs on ya!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me darlin'!" As if on cue Montresor and Iphigenia began barking like the very Hounds of Hell. "I'd be careful HONEY'..."

"You haven't heard the last of me, Ben Dover!" she shrieked before heading away.

"That's what I'm afraid of..." Ben said as he headed inside himself.

"Do we HAVE to go to Church Dad?" Jay wasn't happy about having his Sunday sleeping-in plans ruined by being dragged off with his parents. "I don't even think I believe in God anymore after what you told me!"

"It's part of your contract, Benjamin Jay Dover Jr.!" Ethan was really getting into the role of co-parent. "East Hills Methodist has an active Youth Group and it'll give you a chance to meet and mingle with more kids your age!"

"Also, ya don't hafta wear a shirt an' tie!" Ben told him. Scooter, Ben's Brownie Housekeeper had laid out jeans and Hawaiian Shirts for his charges. "B'sides--I wanna show off m' handsome Son!" He ruffled the boy's carefully-coiffed hair which made Jay grimace then smile.

"You really think I'm handsome Dad?"

"Y'r a Dover through an' through, boyo!" Ben said proudly.

"And, yes, your devastating!" Ethan assured him. "Your `milk shake' is sure to bring all the boys to the yard!"


"Too old?" Ethan asked.

"To steal a line from the `Black Eyed Peas', that's so "two-thousand and late'!" the boy said derisively. "Your showing your age Dude!"

Ethan sighed. "Pop culture has passed me by!"

"How d' ya think I feel?" Ben said as they made their way to his crew-cab Tundra. "I have no idea what EITHER o' ya `r' talkin' about!"

East Hills Methodist Church was large and lively with a good mix of older people and young families. Ben and Ethan were given friendly greetings by a number of people he'd met on previous visits and Jay was welcomed warmly. The young man's face lit up when he saw a familiar face--Colin Stanford. As usual the boy was dressed to show off his obvious physical attributes, pink short-shorts that molded his round ass to perfection and showed off a lot of well-tanned muscular legs. He topped that with a polo shirt that was an ombre of pink, lavender and baby blue that managed to highlight his good tan; the shirt seemed about half a size too small so every muscle was outlined. "Hey guys!" he called and bounced over to Jay, giving him a big hug. "How's my best bud?"

"Lookey, lookey! Here comes Nookie!" Ethan said softly. "I can see why that kid is trouble!"

"Mom! Dad! Come meet Jay-Jay's parents!" Colin called.

Harry and Sue Stanford ambled over to "meet" the parents; both wore casual clothing that was expensively effortless and carefully chosen to show off their wealth and taste. Harry stuck out his hand and gave Ben a friendly smile as if they were meeting for the first time. Sue gave Ben the "stink eye"; she clearly wasn't sure why she disliked the Texan on first sight but she did. Harry, on the other hand was all smiles and bonhomie. "Yes, our boy hasn't been able to stop talking about his new BFF Jay-Jay!"

"If any of us tries t' call th' boyo that he freaks out," the big man told the Stanfords. Guess he's willin' t' put up with a lot from your Son!"

"He's lucky to have a friend like Colin considering the uneducated clods he has for parents!" Sue said acidly.

"Ma'am, m' partner Ethan has a Juris Doctorate from Harvard," Ben said.

"What's he doing with YOU then?" Sue replied with a derisive scowl.

"He's one of the best men I've ever had the pleasure to meet!" Ethan replied sharply. "He's decent, kind, smart and loyal--maybe to a fault. I love my big bear and his lack of `book learning' doesn't bother me in the slightest!"

"And it doesn't hurt he's worth over 200 Million!" Jay put in.

This was enough to stop the woman in her tracs which allowed Colin to jump back into the conversation. "Hey Mom, Dad! We should invite the guys to brunch! Maybe we could go out on the boat afterward...?"

"Can we Dad?" Jay seemed excited by the possibility.

"I'd really rather not..." Colin's Mom said.

The merman began humming and Ben felt his magic gathering. "Don't do it!" he snapped. "Don't!"

"How dare you talk to my Son that way?" Sue turned her full ire on the Texan. "I don't know how they do things in whatever little Podunk town you hail from but in California we don't presume to discipline other people's children!"

"Sorry Ma'am..." Ben said. He was tempted to tell Sue what her son was trying (not that she'd believe him) but kept his mouth shut. Better not to let this get out in an uncontrolled setting. "Thank ya kindly, but no..." he finally told the group.

"Maybe next time?" Harry offered.

"Maybe..." the Texan said noncommittally.

"We need to head in," Ethan volunteered. "Church is about to start!"

"What just happened?" Jay asked once the men were seated. "That was totally weird!"

"That's a good way t' describe it..." Ben said but said no more as the service began. He was just glad he was able to dodge a bullet for now at least...

Several days later Ben was at work on the Merriweather Mansion when he got a message from his Boss Glenn Gabler asking him to meet with a perspective client. "Who is it?" the big man asked.

"That's the odd thing--he didn't say..." Glenn replied. "But he left $10,000 cash as a deposit and specifically asked to meet with you..."

"Wee-oo, wee-oo!" Ben said. "Son--sounds like we sh'd be runnin' away from this deal not walkin'!"

"Meet with the guy," Glenn said. "If you smell a rat we'll walk away--just know we'll be walking away from a big payday!"

The big man sighed. "This don't smell right Glenn!" he finally said.

"It's odd, I'll give you that," his boss finally admitted. "But you know these rich folks with more money than sense! Look--if the guy gives you the heebie-jeebies we'll walk away! You've got a good nose' for these kinds of things and I've learned to trust you--so I'll let you make the decision! Where r we s'posed t' meet?"

"Harbor House Café," Glenn told him. "He says to meet him on the Marina-side Patio and he'll recognize you."

"I'm gonna hafta run home an' change," Ben said resignedly. "We're missin' a couple o' workers on site so I've been lendin' a hand strippin' wallpaper!"

"Do what you need to big guy!" Glenn-Bob said. "Just close the deal!"

Ben was only a few minutes late arriving at the Harbor House after a quick shower and change into something more "business-appropriate". Now he wore a navy blazer, plaid open-throated shirt in blue and tan with Dockers to bring the whole thing together. The patio was crowded with boaters, tourists and people who worked nearby all trying to grab lunch or a snack before heading over to the Ferry Building.

The man wondered who he was meeting as he glanced around the crowded patio then he spotted a man sitting alone and knew it had to be him. "Fuck!" the Texan said under his breath as he regarded his lunch date. He was tall and muscular with a mane of perfectly-coiffed silver hair, blue eyes, a deep tan and an altogether too-familiar profile. He wore an expensive blazer with a complimentary shirt of lighter-blue silk then paired that with barely-there jean shorts and flipflops that revealed a lot of equally well-tanned hairy, muscular legs.

The stranger caught Ben's glanced and waved him over. "Hello Mr. Dover," he said rising and offering the big Texan a friendly handshake. "I was afraid I might have scared you away or that you might run once you found out who I was!"

"I don't run!" Ben said flatly. "Who are ya an' what d' ya want with me?"

"Logan Stanford," he replied with a broad open smile. "I wanted a chance to meet the fabled Adamantine Herald and to apologize for the trouble my grandson caused you! My Son was a little less than clear about what happened but I guess it had to be pretty serious if you reacted so badly. Please allow me to apologize on behalf of my entire family and the Pacific Merfolk!"

"Mr. Stanford--y'r Grandson coerced me into havin' sex with him!" Ben growled. "Yes, I enjoyed it--but that don't make what I did any less wrong!"

Stanford sighed. "Human values," he said with a rueful shake of his head. "We Mer don't worry about such things--once we can transform, we play with whomever we like!"

"Fish tail `r not, I AIN'T Mer!" Ben snapped.

Stanford looked insulted. "There's no need for pejoratives Mr. Dover," he said.

"Ya think that was a pejorative--ya ain't heard nothin' yet!" the big man said coldly. "Y'all c'n do what ya want in `Mer' world an' I'm fine with that! But I'm NOT Mer an' I never will be! I'm sorry if that don't fit y'r p'artic'lar world view but I don't see any reason t' change mine t' suit YOU!"

Stanford raised his hand in surrender. "The new Priest warned me you might be a bit `touchy'," he said. "So did my Son for that matter! Maybe I should have listened! Please sit down Mr. Dover, I'd really like a chance to get to know you better..."

"New Priest?" Ben said. Then; "oh--Levi Evans?"

"We call him Levi Llyrson," the older man said. "Please forgive an old man who might be a bit set in his way. I really would appreciate the chance to get to know you--and not just as the Adamantine Herald!"

The Texan sat down and sighed. "Sorry Sir," he said. "Dealin' with this has thrown me f'r a loop!"

"I completely understand!" the older man said. "And, damn me for being a foolish Mer myself, I didn't really instruct my own son in what it meant to be any kind of Mer--much less the father of the Golden Prince or the Silver Prince himself!"

"So--what does all that mean?" Ben asked. "I'm confused. I guess ya sh'd start with th' Golden Prince..."

"The Golden Prince is a creature out of our most ancient legends," Stanford told him, "at least until I experienced his power for myself! Until a few weeks ago I didn't look like this..."

"What do ya mean?" Ben was confused all over again.

"How old do you think I am Mr. Dover?"

"Is this a trick question or `r' ya fishin' f'r compliments?" Ben asked.

"No to both options," the man replied. "However, I gladly accept compliments if you're providing them! Would you please answer the question honestly? I promise I won't be offended."

The big man thought out loud. "Colin is seventeen," he said. "That `ud likely make his Dad forty at minimum so you'd hafta be around sixty..." he finally said. "But a very well-preserved sixty!"

"I'm seventy-six and until I encountered my newly-empowered grandson I didn't look like this!" Stanford said. He fished out his wallet and showed him an old ID photo: "that was me a month ago," he said. "As you can see, I've changed rather a lot!"

"So th' Golden Prince c'n restore youth an' beauty?" Ben said.

"You think I'm beautiful?" The older man preened. "I haven't heard that in a while!"

"Don't push it Stanford!" Ben said, half seriously. "You were tellin' me `bout th' Golden Prince...?"

"You've experienced his `siren' ability," the older man said, "and from the report I got you've experienced Colin's power to transform others into merform." Ben nodded. "Mer can't transform humans," he went on, "and male mer don't have siren abilities. Most of our women don't even have that!"

"What else c'n he do?" Ben asked.

"His greatest gift is said to be the power to grant immortality," Stanford replied. "He is also said to be a Wizard Paramount."

"Whatever that is..." Ben said.

"Indeed!" the older man said.

"Now what about th' Silver Prince?"

"He is the Lover-Companion to the Golden Prince, and is the only one who can fully sate his lust" Stanford said. "Oh Ben, don't look like that! Mermen don't have the same incest taboos humans do, especially when it comes to male coupling. The Silver Prince is also said to be able to control his Golden counterpart's power should the need arise."

"No disrespect intended, but y'all r' well n' truly fucked!" Ben said, "an' not in th' fun way!"

"Why do you say that?" Stanford looked genuinely concerned.

"Colin is a spoiled entitled brat who's never been told no in is life!" Ben said bluntly. "His parents enable his bad b'havior an' is dad outright encourages it! Th' kid has zero sense of r'sponsibility an' th' word restraint' ain't in his vocabulary! He's a spoiled little shit who'll be lucky if `e only takes himself down when he falls!"

"You were a teenager once, weren't you Ben?"

"I was," he replied, "an' I tested th' limits! But I had parents that weren't afraid t' step in an' kick m' ass if I crossed th' line--which they did! Frankly, I'm worried about Colin's future--but I'm more worried about th' affect he could have on m' own son!"

"I'll talk to the two of them," Stanford promised. "I don't know how much influence I can have but luckily for us the Adamantine Herald is on the scene!"

"Now what's th' Adamantine Herald?"

"He is an outsider sent by the Sea Gods to guide and ward the Mer," Stanford said. "He comes fully into his power with his first transformation and is the only one who is immune to the Golden Prince's allure. I understand you were able to transform without the aid of sex at will and you are immune to Colin's Siren call?"

"I haven't tried t' transform since that first time in th' Pool House," Ben admitted. "I've been in showers an' haven't transformed so I guess I don't have to worry about a `Splash' moment..."

"Young mer can only transform in natural salt water," Stanford said. "You're safe in the shower or a sudden storm. Frankly Ben, I suspect you'll be able to transform on your own both directions but we'll never know `til we test that in the ocean! Which brings me to the other reason I wanted to see you..."

"Go ahead..."

"I realize I need to be closer to my grandson," the older man told him. "I bought a place out on Queen Mary Island near Seal Point. Do you know it?"

"I've never been t' Queen Mary," Ben admitted. "I've seen th' island an' Seal Point from th' Queen Anne Ferry but never had reason t' go out there..."

"Well, you do now!" Stanford said. "The place is, as the Spaniards would say, `el Dumpo Grande' and it needs a lot of work! But at least it has a quarter mile of private beach! Therefor I bought it! I'd like Golden Gables to do the renovation and you to head the team!"


Next: Chapter 31: Dover and Son 9

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