The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Feb 6, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. This Chapter contains non-consensual sex between an adult and a minor. If this offends you or reading such material in your location is illegal for any reason please click away now! Otherwise, enjoy!

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This chapter is one of the few that contains non-Consensual Sex; it is the ONLY ONE with sex between an adult and a minor. I debated with myself for a long time but decided this story needed to be written in this way. Enjoy it unless you've made other plans.

The author gratefully acknowledges Bruce Turner and his work Change Has Come: the "golden prince" and mer-culture are heavily influenced by his work. His story is well worth searching out in the Science Fiction/Fantasy section of the archive. Bruce--speaking for (what I'm sure are legions of fans) we'd LOVE to have more of the story!!! Rather like Calendar Mystery--I didn't get more so I wrote my own!

As always, thanks to the loyal fans who continue to follow Ben in his ongoing adventures. Questions, comments, suggestions and complaints are always welcome. Drop me a line at or . Shout-out to Paxi from Santiago Chile. So glad you enjoyed my story and thanks for being my first (that I know of anyway) South American fan!

CHAPTER SEVEN: Strangers in the Night


Ben Dover, age 49 -- our Hero and new Dad

Colin Stanford, Age 17 -- merman

Harrison "Harry" Stanford, Age 42 -- Colin's merman Father

Susan "Sue" O'Hara Stanford, age 41 -- Colin's human Mother

Ben couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried; part of him worried about how Jay would adjust to living in a new home with a Father he didn't know--one who happened to be involved with another man. The big man had no experience raising teenagers and his partner Ethan had less. (He been a standoffish Uncle to his siblings' five children.) Dinner was awkward and the contract negotiation for Jay's code of conduct was tense but the kid seemed pleased with the final result. (Ben included many more "perks" than the boy had with his previous parents and that made him happy.) The Texan should have been able to sleep but he found himself haunted by unbidden images of the golden merman he'd met in Club K. the weekend before.

{{Come to me...}} The mental pull was strong and the erotic images that went along with it had Ben painfully hard as the unbidden fantasies played out inside his head. {{Come to me! Come to me now...}} Ben heard, (or was it felt?) a strange music in his head and the sound seemed to be drawing him out of his bed. The man looked over at Ethan who was peacefully and deeply asleep. Monty and Figgie were also dead to the world having doggie (Pookah?) dreams on their big pillows and there was no sound from Jay or Catfish's bedrooms. The torment went on and on until Ben finally got up, dressed and headed downstairs. {{Good--I've finally reached you...}} the voice in his head told him. {{Follow the song--it will direct you...}}

Ben was in a daze as he walked out of the Firehouse and climbed into his pickup. The pushbutton starter quietly activated his electric Toyota Tundra and he set off across the midnight city. There were a few cars on the road but not many as Ben drove east into the hills until he found himself in a semi-rural neighborhood of large well-maintained homes (Mansions?) behind gates with expansive green lawns. Judging by the obvious property size, they cost a bundle. He spotted a tree-lined drive much like several others and pulled into 16 Parkside Lane.

The structure was imposing and dark save for one lighted upstairs window but Ben didn't feel the need to knock on the big carved double doors (matching seahorse theme he noticed). Instead, he felt compelled to take a side path which led to the back yard and a massive glass Pool House where lights were burning. He knew in his gut the merman he couldn't stop dreaming about was inside. The song was even more compelling the closer he got.

Ben found the main doors to the Pool House unlocked so he stepped into a warm space without the scent of chlorine. "Hey guy!" said a pleasant tenor voice from the pool, "I've been curious about you since I saw your aura on the train! Come swim with me!" Feeling like he was under a spell, the man dropped his keys on a handy table, kicked out of his flip-flops, pulled his t-shirt over his head and stepped out of the sleep pants he'd grabbed before leaving the Firehouse then walked to the pool and dove in without thinking or even knowing why.

The merman swam up to Ben once he surfaced and pulled him into a hug. "You're not pretty but you're fucking BEAUTIFUL!" he said in that musical tenor. "What's your name, big guy?"

"Ben--Ben Dover..." The big Texan knew he had to be under some sort of spell but at the moment he didn't care. The perfection of the merman's body, the strong yet delicate planes of his face, the sandy-blond curls, the honey gold eyes all combined to hold him utterly entranced.

"Really--Dude! That's a dumb name..."

Those words were enough to snap Ben back to reality, at least for a moment. "Who are you?" he growled, "an' what have ya done t' me?"

"I'm Colin," the young man said and Ben felt himself being pulled back into the merman's web. "Why can't I stop thinking about you?"

"Dunno..." Ben said thickly. "Maybe `cause I'm God-touched...?"

"God-touched--what's that?"

"It's when one o' th' Ancient Powers uses ya t' do somethin' in th' world; it leaves a mark..." Ben said as he stroked the smooth magnificence of the boy's chest. "Magical creatures--prob'ly th' wrong word t' use--bein's with magic c'n sense it..."

"That must be it," Colin said as he began caressing Ben's hairy chest. "I haven't been a merman very long myself..."

Ben tried hard to fight the feeling but his body utterly betrayed him; the big man knew he was rock-hard under the warm salt water of the pool. "What `r' ya doin' t' me?" he finally managed to ask.

"I guess it's a `Siren' thing," the young merman replied. "Honestly, I never tried it until tonight..." His hand reached down to caress Ben's erection. "God DAMN that thing is fucking HUGE!" he exclaimed. "Wonder what it would feel like in my merhole?"

"Your--what...?" Ben was still in a lusty fog but now was utterly confused.

"Merhole!" the kid told him. "It's an organ merman have that helps us transform when we've attained our power. It's also fun to fuck once you've learned control over your transformation. Wanna feel?"

"Um..." Ben couldn't figure out a way to get his mind under control. A shred of an idea came to the surface; maybe he could get himself free of the spell the merman was casting! He tried hard to focus on something in the real world. "Ah, where's your cock?" he finally asked.

"Oh--right where you'd think it would be!" the kid replied, guiding the big Texan's hand to a slight bulge on the part of him that was golden-scaled. Ben was surprised to find the scales were soft, warm and pliable under his touch but even more surprised when an unseen pouch opened to reveal a perfect-seeming human cock and balls. Young Colin was as long, if not longer than Ben but his penis was slenderer but just as hard. "Like it?" Colin asked. "Funny--I had you figured for a Top!"

"Ah--I am..." Ben tried to clear his head. "What have you done to me boy?" he finally ground out. "I--don't--WANT--this..."

"Yes, you do..." The young man stroked Ben's face gently. "If you didn't--I couldn't affect you!" He writhed forward and came into the big Texan's arms and reached for his mouth. Ben didn't resist--couldn't resist! He kissed back with a burning need and passion he'd seldom felt at any time before in his long life. He whimpered as he kissed back passionately. "Isn't that better?" the young merman in his arms asked. "Don't fight me Big Ben--we'll both enjoy it more..."

Colin guided Ben's erection into his grasping merhole; it was like fucking the tightest pussy on the planet but a lot livelier as the kid worked the schlong buried in him with talented muscles. Ben gave up and thrust inward as the tightness pulled him deeper inside making his partner moan with pleasure. "That's right, big guy!" the merman whispered. "Wrap your legs around me and fuck me HARD!"

"I'll drown!" the Texan protested.

"Don't worry--I can hold us both up!" Colin told him. "We mer have mastered water sex in all it's forms!" Unable to resist any longer Ben wrapped his strong hairy legs around the lithely-muscled form of the young golden merman; it didn't take long to establish an easy rhythm that had the big man grunting lustily while his young partner kept encouraging him with language that would make a sailor blush. Ben was almost in sensory overload as he rocked back and forth between the tight merhole and the long slim rod impaling him from behind.

"Gonna CUM!" Ben bellowed as he let loose with several massive volleys that more than filled the tight merhole. Colin howled like a scalded cat then dumped his own heavy load into Ben's grasping ass. The big man's lusty bass yowls joined the tenor counterpart as the hot white cream filled him up at least until the Texan felt himself start to change!

"Uh oh..." Colin said as Ben pulled himself away from the merman.

"Uh oh--what?" Somehow the big man knew his center of gravity had changed and he felt odd yet exhilarated. His tail splashed the water in confusion. But wait--his TAIL??? "What have you fuckin' DONE t' me boy?" he bellowed. The big man looked down at this silver-black scaled body with the multi-finned tail. He'd become a merman! "What have ya done t' me boy?" he asked again, panic rising.

"I--ah--turned you into a merman!" the golden prince said, a bit dismissively. "What does it look like?"

"Turn me BACK ya little sumbitch!" Ben had never been angrier in his life. "Turn me back NOW!"

Now the kid was scared and Ben felt the pull of Colin's magic but it didn't affect him. While the big man was debating on whether to beat the kid senseless, he heard the sound of running feet on the pool deck. Ben looked up to see a good-looking man with gray sleep pants and a woman in a pink nightie. He guessed they were Colin's parents and his awen told him that when Colin's magic hadn't worked on him the kid had called for the only reinforcements close to hand.

"Who the fuck is THIS asshole?" the woman said, giving Ben an accusing glance, "and what is this old merman doing fucking my seventeen-year-old Son?" At least he knew where the kid got his potty mouth.

"My God Colin, that's the Adamantine Herald!" the male said.

"God, what have I done?" Ben moaned. He wanted to vomit at the thought of what he'd just done--and how much he enjoyed it! "If ya need t' call th' Cops I'll go quietly Ma'am..." he finally said. "Honestly, I had no idea!"

"That's not happening!" Colin's Dad said flatly.

"What the fuck to you mean it's not happening Harry?" the woman shrieked. "You better God-damn BELIEVE it's happening!"

"Sue--THINK about it!" the man (Harry?) said calmly. "We call the Cops to turn this guy in and they show up here with him and Colin looking like THAT!" He pointed at the two mermen. "How are you going to explain that away? Are you ready to out your Son and me? Are you ready to give up the nice life we'd made here Sue?"

"He RAPED our Son!" the woman yelled and she was so angry spittle was flying when she spoke. "Our only child was fucking DEFILED by that smug asshole in MY pool! I won't have it!"

"Mom, if anyone was raped it was HIM!" the kid said just as angrily. "I lured him here and then ensorcelled him with my Siren powers!"

"That's ridiculous!" the woman snapped. "You can't cover up his wrongdoing!"

"Not covering it up," the kid said a bit acidly. "I tongue-kissed my first boy at twelve, sucked my first cock at thirteen and got fucked for the first time at fourteen! Face it, Mom! Your oh-so-perfect Angel of a Son is GAY and a Merman! I can't help either one of them and I'm happy with both! I don't know what compelled me to bring Ben here but it's MY fault and I won't let you ruin both our lives!"

Harry sighed. "Son--you know what you need to do..." he said.

Colin nodded and began the same humming that had haunted Ben for days and the big man felt the rise of magic. This time though, it wasn't directed at him. The woman yawned broadly and stretched which showed off way more of her body than Ben wanted to see. "We'll talk about this in the morning Colin!" she said sleepily and walked out of the Pool House, seemingly forgetting Ben was there.

"She won't remember a thing," Colin promised. Oddly, this didn't make Ben feel any better. In fact, it made him feel even worse for her sake.

"None of this has been easy for Sue," Harry said as he doffed his sleep pants and dove into the deep end of the pool. Harry came up as a silver-scaled merman. "I'm sorry we dragged you into our family drama." He swam up to Ben and touched him gently. "My God Son--I can feel the power radiating off him! No wonder you brought him here!"

"Who's the Adamantine Herald?" Colin asked as he swam up on Ben's other side. "Is he a long-lost merman?"

"Honestly Son--I don't know..." Harry said. "Your grandfather didn't teach me much merlore when it seemed like I couldn't transform..."

"Wait! What...?" Ben found himself being curious in spite of himself. "Y'r clearly a merman!"

"I couldn't transform until after Colin made the change," Harry told him. "I suspect he transformed me the same way he did you!"

"He fucked me while I was fuckin' him!" Ben said.

"That's how it happened!" the older merman agreed. He didn't seem the slightest bit annoyed that a stranger was caught having sex with his underage son.

"How c'n I turn back?" Ben growled.

"Since you're a merman now I guess my Dad is going to have to fuck you while you fuck me!" Colin commented. "That'll be hot!"

"Oh, HELL no!" Ben exclaimed. He felt the change sweep over him as his human body returned. The big man levered himself out of the pool and began searching for a towel to dry himself with.

"Wow, Dad--neither of us could do that the first time we transformed!" Colin said. "We had to get fucked!"

"The Adamantine Herald is supposed to come fully into his mer abilities with his first shift," Harry observed. Then: "Ben--I apologize for my Son! He's new to his powers and--well--so am I. Both of us a struggling a bit with all the changes!"

"Mr. Dover--I never intended for any of this to happen!" the kid joined in.

"Son--th' road t' Hell is paved with good intentions'!" Ben growled as he began searching for his clothes. "I don't know how things work in mer' world but I don't fuck children! That's just WRONG!"

"Age is just a number!" the kid protested.

"Y'r number is SEVENTEEN!" the big man shot back as he pulled on his pajama pants. "Mine is 49! That's just wrong in my book!"

"I'll be eighteen in, like, six months!" the kid protested.

Ben sighed as he dragged the t-shirt over his head. "Ya just don't get it!" he snapped as he stomped into his flip-flops. "There r RULES Son! Rules makes society function! We just don't get t' discard em `cause it don't suit us at th' moment! That goes DOUBLE if y'r an Exotic--especially now!"

"So--you gonna tattle on me?" Colin asked sullenly.

"No," Ben said, with a sad shake of his head. "I'm not gonna ruin both our lives b'cause o' ONE mistake! But it had better be just ONE! We clear?"

Colin started humming and the big man knew the kid was trying to entice him back into the water but this time it wasn't working. "Don't even THINK about it boy!" Ben growled. "That trick won't work on me a second time!" With that he grabbed his keys and left the two mermen to their own devices.

The big man drove home wrapped in guilt and shame, commanding the young merman's voice in his head to be silent. Much to his surprised relief, that was the last he heard from Colin Stanford--at least for the night anyway. The big man made it home and slipped quietly upstairs and back into his own bed. He hoped it would be the last encounter with the mermen but he somehow knew he'd be seeing them again and sooner than he'd like...

Ben found himself feeling a little sorry for Sue: surely she was acting happy insider her handsome home but how much was she being manipulated by that entitled little bastard Colin and his enabling Dad? Those two were NOT good news!


Did you find the Easter Egg in this Chapter? You might have to be of a certain age to get the reference...

Next: Chapter 30: Dover and Son 8

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