The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Jan 23, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy that may contain graphic descriptions of sex (you can probably guess what kind). If reading such material offends you or doing so would place either of us in legal jeopardy PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Otherwise, enjoy!

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Shout out to all the wonderful people who have written me nice notes about my first book and Chapter One of the current epic. I was having a bit of a "down" day but a nice note from "Roger Roger" really lifted my spirits. If you have questions, comments, suggestions or complaints you can reach me at or . I ALWAYS write back--if you took time out of your lives to drop me a note it's the least, I can do...

"Dallas Stevens" was created in honor of my good e-Buddy "Dallas" Steve. He has a suggestion for a story that you may see later as a "bonus" track but in the meantime, you can enjoy his first appearance.

Oh, and one final thing. Snowflakes, be they Left or Right, this story is marked SAFE for your consumption since there is NO political content.

CHAPTER THREE: First Clients


Ben Dover, age 49 -- Construction Supervisor for Golden Gables

Nick Russo, age 50 -- Senior Executive, Future Dynamics and home-buyer

Adam di Capra, age 52 -- Project Manager, Wonderworks, and Nick's husband

Dallas Stevens, age 50 -- Realtor

Ben made the short walk from the Firehouse to Bistro Q and found his clients, Nick Russo and Adam di Capra already waiting for him on the patio. Nick was tall and beefily-muscled with black hair cut short on the sides, dark eyes, a decidedly "Roman" nose and an olive complexion. He showed off his well-built "gym rat" body in a tight black Tee and short khakis that showed off a lot of hairy well-tanned legs. Adam was a couple of inches shorter and bald but with a lush dark brown full beard. He was a frame size smaller than his husband but still well-muscled. His eyes were brown and a lot of dark hair showed on his arms and legs; some even peeked out of the collar of his polo. "You're late!" Adam groused. The man had an accent that was right out of Brooklyn.

Ben glanced at his watch. "I'm sorry Sir," he said politely. "I thought we were meetin' at 9:30 AM. M' watch says 9:25..." Neither men looked particularly pleased at being corrected and the big Texan began to realize why his new boss Glenn Gabler referred to them as "problem" clients." "Dallas texted me--he's caught in traffic and sends his deepest apologies!"

"We can wait for Dallas!" Nick enthused. Adam pouted at this.

"So--gentlemen..." Ben said, drawing on every ounce of patience he could muster, "tell me about what y'r lookin' for in a property!"

"We want something FABULOUS!" Adam jumped in.

"Fabulous?" the big man repeated. "That covers a lot o' ground! Could ya be more specific?"

"Could ya not tawk like a damn Hillbilly?" The bald man did a broad (and bad) imitation of Ben's Texas accent.

The big, brown-haired man had reached his breaking point. "Son!" he snapped, "I talk th' way I talk! I can no more help the way I speak then you can fix y'r `Brooklyn' accent! Now--if that's gonna be a problem f'r ya, we c'n end this right here an' now!"

"I wouldn't advise that..." Dallas Stevens came rushing up. He was only about 5'10" but built like a bull with graying black hair cut in a military style, blue eyes and a hard body that was shown to perfection in tight jeans and a blue polo. "Ben's the best at what he does and you two are lucky to get him! Piss him off and you'll probably lose Golden Gables as well! Trust me ladies! You DON'T want that!"

"Apologize Adam!" Nick snapped.

"I'm SORRY already!" his husband replied. "Sorry he's a hick!"

Ben made to rise. "Forgive him, please!" the darkly-handsome Italian said. "Adam isn't a morning person!"

"Or an afternoon or evening one either!" Dallas put in.

"I HEARD that!" the bald man growled. "Really Dallas! I thought you were on my side!"

"Maybe I sh'd just stuff m' socks in is mouth!" Ben suggested. (Adam looked oddly intrigued by the idea.) "Now--shall we get back t' business? What d' ya boys want in a house b'sides fabulous'?"

"Adam wants a new build but frankly I'd rather not have to go through that again!" Nick said. "We lost our home in the Eastwick Fire last November and the difficulty of re-building is too much for us!"

"Besides--we already sold the lot to some other sap!" Adam put in.

"So--refurb it is!" Ben said. "Now--I here y'all `r willin' t' spend up t' Five Million on a property?"

Adam nodded. "We've seen literally EVERYTHING on the market and it's all `meh'..." he told the men. "We want something with PANACHE!"

"Panache..." Ben said doubtfully. "I'm sure we c'n add that in for ya. Now--how many bedrooms `n baths? Also--do ya have any specific deal breakers we need t' know about?"

"Four bedrooms minimum!" Adam told Ben. "Nicky needs a private office and so do I! We simply can't get along working side by side!"

"If possible, we'd like a place for a home gym," the other man put in. "We'd also like a pool or space to entertain outdoors."

"Oh--and nothing in East Hills!" Adam added. "I'm so dunzo with that part of town!"

"I wouldn't mind living there," Nick said. "It's convenient to both our jobs and commuting from the West Side could be a bitch!"

"So, we take the Tube!" Adam informed him.

"That's a good option!" Dallas told the men. "Honestly, I leave one car at work and have one at home just in case..."

First World problems Ben sighed to himself. "Are you gents open t' Condo livin'?" he asked.

"Yes!" Nick said.

"Not no, but HELL no!" Adam replied.

"There's one Condo you should look at," Dallas told them. "It's a `very affordable' space in the Union Building downtown! 3000 square feet inside with another 950 square feet of undeveloped patio space. Plus, the Union Building has a 24-hour Concierge Service, a fabulous rooftop pool, club room, an on-site theater/bar and a gym that rivals the University Club!"

"But that's the second-best pick up spot in Kings Harbor!" Adam wailed.

Ben didn't bother to ask what the best one was. "That unit has some advantages,' the big man put in. "You're a block away from Grand Central Station', th' main' Tube an' Rail center f'r th' city plus ya have access t' all th' building amenities an' Downtown is pretty hip' and `trendy' right now!"

"The unit is a complete blank!" Dallas told the other two men," that'll let you put your stamp on the place!"

"Which is why you gents `r' payin' me..." Ben said with a wry smile.

"We can also view the Merryweather Mansion on Society Hill," the Realtor told them. "It's a historic Queen Anne Victorian that needs a LOT of love but could be a real showplace if someone is willing to put in the effort!"

"Ya can't beat th' views `r th' address!" Ben offered in an attempt to appeal to their vanity. (He and Dallas had met earlier in the week to tour all the properties the Realtor was planning to show them so Ben would have ideas to present. "It's well-worth a look!"

"We could look..." Adam said dubiously. "Is there anything else?"

"Castel del Moro is on the market," Dallas told them.

"Pass!" they both said.

Dallas didn't ask why, he just moved on. "We can look at Hibiscus House," he told them. "It was designed by Lloyd Wright, the Son of noted Architect Frank Lloyd Wright and the property has a lot of that design esthetic."

"Ooh!" Adam exclaimed. "That's definitely on the list!"

"Lastly, we have Villa Romano," the Realtor suggested.

"You mean the Porn Palace?" Adam asked incredulously.

"You've heard of it then?" the Realtor replied. "It's on the market again and, frankly gentlemen, it's a damn good deal!"

"Really Dallas?" Nick spat, "you want us to buy the Porn Palace?"

"It's actually worth lookin' at," Ben said. "Yes, what the last couple o' owners did t' it is a sin an' a shame but th' design is unique an' if ya pull out all the 70s renovations it c'd be a classic home! Besides, th' place has four Damian Storm statues! That damn near makes it worth the purchase price alone!"

"We should have a look," Nick decided, "if only for the laughs..." Ben found himself silently agreeing with the handsome Italian. The current owner, a Saudi Businessman, had painted the classic marble nudes by Art Deco Sculptor Damian Storm in a childish parody of "human" colors then added a ton of cheap plaster and fiberglass nudes, also garishly painted). The house hadn't been touched since the 1970s and it had reputedly served as a location for over a hundred pornos. Still, Ben had some thoughts on how to improve the place if the boys were up for a challenge and willing to spend.

"Is there anything available here in the Arts District?" Adam asked.

"Nothing you haven't already seen," Dallas told them. "Sorry gents--you know how cutthroat the Real Estate market can be here in the city!"

Adam sighed dramatically. "Fine!" he grumped. "We'll see what's currently available!"

"We'll start with the Porn Palace, excuse me, Villa Romano," Dallas said. "Then on to Hibiscus House and last we'll check out the Merryweather Mansion. But in the meantime, lets enjoy this lovely brunch, shall we?"

"My GAWD, it's HIDEOUS!" Adam sighed dramatically.

"Gents--look at it through th' eyes o' possibility!" Ben suggested. "Try t' imagine what it `ud look like minus th garden o' cheap-ass statuary with th' fountain cleaned up!"

Dallas brought out his Tablet and showed them a photoshopped image of the front of the villa with the changes the big man had suggested. "See?" he said, "it's not hideous anymore! Check out that statue of Hercules!"

"Now it's just dull!" Nick complained, "but I like the statue!"

"And there aren't even any WINDOWS!" Adam whined. "Not that there's anything to look at in this dull-ass Neighborhood!"

"Ya c'd change th' outside light fixtures," Ben suggested, "maybe `zhuzh' up the front a bit... Truth t' tell gents--Roman-style Villas are designed t' be closed t' th' outside an' have their views on th' interior! Shall we go inside?"

"Please?" Adam sighed. "I'd die if someone IMPORTANT saw us standing here gawking!"

Dallas opened the door and showed the men into a Grand Entry where there was a good view of the interior courtyard. It was littered with ugly, poorly-painted statues and a pair of higher quality works painted just as badly. The Courtyard was overgrown with half-dead plantings. "Oh my God!" Adam moaned again. "SHAG carpet??? Take me NOW Lord!"

"There's Terrazzo Marble under that shit," Ben told them. "In fact..." The man pulled back one corner of the ratty faded carpet so the perspective buyers could see an intricate mosaic of two men wrestling. "This might be more to y'r taste..."

"Not completely hating that..." Nick commented.

"Bedrooms to the Left, Living to the Right!" Dallas told them. "Which would you like to see first?"

"Living I suppose," Nick decided. First up was a small dark Den with narrow windows set high up. "I suppose we could use this for one of our Offices. I like the Fireplace at least.

"And there's Marble Floors throughout the whole place!" Dallas said.

"I'd hate to take a black light to this place!" Adam observed. "It's probably one giant Cum Stain!"

Ben bit back a comment about what he might find on his potential client should he "blacklight" him. "Th' room is a nice size `n' very private!" he allowed. "Put some art in here, some Modern furniture--this c'd be a mighty fine space!"

The Living Room was large, open and bright, thanks to the bank of south-facing sliding glass doors. "Visualize those sliders replaced with a single telescopin' door into th' Courtyard," he suggested. "We c'd even build `em into th' wall t' maximize indoor/outdoor livin'..."

"What's with the Dining Room?" Nick wanted to know.

"It's different..." Ben acknowledged. The Dining Room was set a few steps up on an elevated platform. "Notice th' Pergola above us..."

Nick looked up at a ceiling painted with naked muscle men peeking out from clouds around the edge. "I can't decide if I love that or hate it?"

"It's the only thing that can stay!" Adam informed him. "We could have a couple of the heads repainted to look like us!"

"The Kitchen is this way..." Dallas informed the men.

"Here's the Story--of a Lovely Lady..." Adam sang off key as he glanced around at the orange and avocado nightmare.

"You'd wanna gut this!" Ben told the pair. "It's well laid out but these cabinets are purely `builder grade' an' I don't even think they make this crappy-ass orange Counter Surface anymore! Plus th' appliances in here have clearly seen better days!"

"But this would allow you to design your dream Kitchen!" Dallas enthused.

"Moving on to--whatever this is supposed to be..." Nick stepped into a space with floor-to-ceiling East and West-facing Sliders. "Is this just a super-wide Hall or what?"

"I'd use this as a Family Room." Ben told them. "You've got views o' both th' Courtyard an' Swimming Pool plus access t' th' Rear Deck..."

"Looks like the Pool needs major repair!" Nick observed.

"It does," Ben admitted. "Th' equipment is original an' I don't think they did a very damn good job putting th' Pool in when it was installed..."

"There was a magnificent Merman Mosaic at the bottom at one time," Dallas told them.

"Well, it's not there NOW!" Adam shot back. "Moving on!"

"We can get to the Master through those doors..." Dallas said. The room had more avocado Shag Carpeting and some hideous flocked wallpaper. "Ooh--check out the LOVE Altar!"

"Yeah, I think I remember this room from half a dozen pornos!" Nick put in.

"That few?" Ben joked with a wry smile. "Concentrate on th' space, th' light, the nice big closets... There ain't much t' do in here actually."

"The Master Bath on the other hand..." Nick was clearly NOT pleased.

"It's a gut," Ben admitted, "but that way y'all c'n create exactly what ya want from th' ground up! An', ya got plenty o' space to work with..."

The other three bedrooms and remaining bathroom were none too impressive except for their views to the overgrown courtyard. "So, what did y'all think?" Ben wanted to know once they were back at the front stoop. "Keep it on th' list?"

"I don't know..." Nick was clearly on the fence.

"It's on the market for $525,000 and you could probably get it for much lower than that!" Dallas said. "The current owner is desperate to get the place off his hands!"

"But even if we cleaned it up, we'd still be the guys who bought the `Porn Palace'!" the olive-skinned Italian said. "We'd never be able to sell this place once we bought it!"

"Well I LIKE it!" Adam informed him. "It's big, well-located and you can't beat the price! So, what if it's a little notorious?"

"Maybe we should move on to Hibiscus House..." Dallas suggested.

"I don't CARE if it's a `historically significant house!" Nick bellowed. "I hate it, I Hate it, I HATE it! It's cold, dank, depressing and looks like a fucking OFFICE BUILDING from the 1960s! I feel like I'd be living in a concrete bunker! Plus, this place is already overpriced and would require a major renovation to make it livable," he said sadly. "Sorry guys--we're going to pass on this one..."

Ben found himself silently agreeing with the two men; with Hibiscus House having a place on the National Historic Home Registry there were limits to how many changes they could make inside and out. The current owners had set the price at Two point two Million and he calculated the renovations could easily run over another million and that didn't include furnishing the place. He didn't care if Hibiscus House had been used in any number of Hollywood movies, it just wasn't worth the time and expense.

The Merryweather Mansion was situated near the top of Society Hill, the first neighborhood where the city's elite congregated. As times and tastes changed the stylish moved on to new locations but now the area was experiencing a renaissance as the old Mansions were refurbished by those with more money than sense. This home was one of the last to be snatched up simply because there was so much work to be done!

"Before you start complaining about what sad shape the property is in take a look at the view Adam!" Dallas said, gesturing expansively. "On a clear day you can see all `Four Queens'!"

"It's a million-dollar view, I'll give you that!" Adam agreed. "Too bad the place is on the market for 1.3 Million! I think we should leave--I smell a Money Pit!"

"B'fore ya make a rash decision..." Ben put in, "let me make a few arguments f'r this place! If y'all don't buy it--somebody else WILL! In spite of its age th' place is very well built an' renovatin' it to current standards is completely doable! There's a lot o' space t' work with an' a good amount o land--by Society Hill standards at least... With y'all's budget Golden Gables c'd turn this house into a total showpiece an' still leave ya around a million bucks f'r furniture. It has room f'r everthin' y'all told me ya wanted plus it `ud be easily sold should y'all need t' move later!"

"We're here, let's have a look..." Dallas suggested. He led the men into the Entry Hall. "Notice the Callers' Bench'..." he said, indicating something built into the bend of the stairs. "That's where visitors would present their cards to see if Madame was at home to them' or not!"

"We should totally start that tradition up again!" Adam commented.

"We'd have to hire a maid first..." Nick replied.

{{Good luck with that ladies...}} Ben heard the telepathic voice then stretched his awen trying to pick up where it might be coming from. {{I've known you Fruits for less than a minute and you're already annoying me! I'd say to `death' but...}} Then the big Texan had it. He was hearing a Ghost!

"WHICH ONE OF YOU BITCHES SAID THAT?" Adam screamed like a Fishwife. "That's IT! We're DONE!"

{{Keep your panties on Sweetheart!}} The men watched in amazement as a figure materialized on the stairs; he seemed to be a black and white moving image of a man with impressive Mutton Chops and old-fashioned garb. He waved a cane at Adam. {{Don't make me take my cane to you Sonny!}}

"He'd probably enjoy it..." Dallas said under his breath.

"I HEARD that!" Adam snapped.

"What is that?" Nick wondered, "some kind of hologram?"

"Weird means of selling a house..." Adam observed.

"Forgive them kind Sir!" Ben was quick to step in. "They've never met a Ghost before..."

"A Ghost?" exclaimed the tall, dark Italian.

"Oh puh-LEASE Gurl!" Adam shrieked.

"Trust me gents, that's a real, `live' ghost..." Ben informed them. Something in the Texan's manner made the two Muscle Queens shut up and listen. "Again, beg pardon Sir! To whom d' we have th' pleasure of addressin'?"

{{I am, or at least, WAS, Jonas Clarke Merryweather!}} the apparition informed them. {{I built this house in 1889 and died here in 1910 when that bitch of a Second Wife Roxanne shoved me down the Back Stairs! Not that I can blame her after all these years. She did catch me frolicking with the Gardner!}}

Ben tried hard to keep a straight face. "Honored Sir," he said in his most formal tone, "these--gentlemen would like to purchase your home and, with your permission, restore her to the `Grand Lady' she once was!"

"Ah..." Nick wasn't sure about this.

"What's going on here?" Adam demanded.

"These gentlemen have enough of the awenspark to allow you to fully Manifest in their presence," Ben told all of them. "If you allowed them to refurbish this place, I think you could all live quite happily t'gether!"

{{Well gentlemen.}} the ghost said, {{what say you? Would you like to share my home with me? I'm willing if you don't do anything too foolish!}}

"Our very own ghost!" Adam exclaimed, "and a sexy one too!" Ben was surprised to see the apparition had lost his ghostly clothing and was now standing there naked, hairy and well built. "Ooh baby! That gardener was one lucky sumbitch!"

"Uh--I don't know about this..." Nick, being the more practical of the two was quite cautious by nature. "How is this going to work?"

{{We can figure it out...}} The ghost approached the tall dark and handsome man and caressed his face. Nick shivered in spite of himself but whether from excitement or terror ben couldn't tell.

"Maybe y'all sh'd take a look at th' rest o' th' house," the big Texan suggested. "It needs a major renovation but I have some ideas I think ya boys `ud like..."

"Um--maybe we should do that..." Ben noticed Nick was beginning to pant excitedly as Merryweather's ghostly hands caressed him through his clothing in the lewdest manner. Suddenly the dark man let out a startled Chihuahua yelp followed by a low moan as the big Texan guessed Nick had just had his tight sphincter pierced! "Oh--my--God!" he moaned as he grasped the bannister for support.

"Come on boys!" the brown-haired Texan with silver sidewalls said. "Mr. Merryweather--STOP THAT! That man's husband is getting' a might jealous!"

"Mainly because he's not paying attention to me!" Adam whined. "I'M the slut! Why is he getting all your time?"

{{Because he's the one who needs convincing to buy this house you silly chit!}} the Ghost told Adam as he continued to molest Nick's "tender parts." {{For someone with the awenspark he is entirely too practical for his own good!}} Ben caught a glimpse and was surprised to see the Ghost was fisting Nick--and Nick was loving it!"

"You WHORE!" Adam exclaimed. (He saw it too.) "You never let me do that to you! Why him?"

"I'm--not--LETTING--him--do--ANYTHING!" Nick panted.

"Bitch! You're not stopping him either!" Adam shrieked. Ben led the bald man away from where his husband was being ravished, half sorry he wasn't going to see the end of this show.

The big Texan put a comforting hand on the bald man's shoulder and led him out of the entry hall into the first Parlor1. "Notice all th' original wood detailin'," he said, going back into "sales" mode. "You'll also note th' original plaster medallions throughout th' home. It's rare t' find so many in such good shape."

Adam dragged himself back to the here-and-now while he tried to drown out his husbands cries of extasy. "The rooms seem kind of small and pokey." He observed.

"It's how the Victorians lived," Dallas told him. "The good news is there are LOTS of rooms in this house--most with their original `pocket' doors! You can easily open them up to increase the flow when you are having large gatherings!"

"An' I'm sure a talented Decorator c'd help ya encourage that..." Ben put in.

"What about the Kitchen?" Adam asked. "Is it little and pokey too?"

"It's not as large and open as a modern Kitchen," Dallas admitted. "But when this house was built, they had Servants to do all the dirty work!"

"There `r' sev'ral rooms that c'd be combined t' make a larger Kitchen," Ben said easily as the three men made their way into the tiny room at the back of the house. "O' course y' would want t' salvage as much original cabinetry t' give th' room a traditional look!"

"That's where you come in, right?" Adam said, some of his snark returning.

"It's what ya boys pay me for!" Ben told him. He pointed at the narrow back stairs. "Now these hafta be taken out!" he said. "They're dangerous!"

"Imagine servants in full skirts carrying full baskets of laundry going up and down those things!" Dallas said.

"Good news--with the plans I have in mind ya c'd turn `em into a perfectly-functional back staircase!" Ben said.

"Shall we have a look at the back yard?" Dallas suggested. Nick's delighted yowls from the Front Hall were increasing in volume and the Realtor didn't want to bring Adam back there just yet.

"Please!" the bald man sniffed. "I think I need some air!"

"There isn't a lot of space behind the house," Dallas said as they stepped out onto a narrow strip of lawn, "but there's a lot of yard on both sides!" He led the other two men down the rightward path. "This leads to a four-car Garage and guest house or Maid's Quarters! That was built in the early 90s so you won't need to do anything except maybe a cosmetic refurbishment."

"How many bedrooms are upstairs?" Adam asked.

"Currently six," Ben replied. "Likely y' would want t' reduce that number so ya c'd have adequate closet space an' add a second bathroom!"

"THIS HOUSE ONLY HAS ONE BATHROOM?" Adam was livid again.

"Two actually, one up and one down!" Dallas said. "Remember, this home was built in 1886--indoor plumbing was a novelty then!"

"There r' certain things y' hafta take with a Historic Home," Ben put in. "Small baths, kitchens n' few t' no closets chief among em! Still, we c'n fix that! I had thought t' turn th' Attic into a Master Suite with a Sittin' Room n Master Bath fit f'r a Queen!"

"Don't you mean KING?" Adam snapped.

"Nah--I said what I meant!" Ben gave the man a roguish smile which confused Adam utterly. Part of him wanted to be pissed at the Texan's sheer cheekiness but a far larger part was completely intrigued by the one-eyed Contractor. "So--shall we go check out th' leftward side yard? I think you'll like it!"

This yard was on the ocean side of Society Hill and had a commanding view of the Pacific. The weather had cleared, giving the group a stunning view of the Four Queens and the other smaller islands off the coast. "Ya c'd do pretty much anythin' ya chose with this space," Ben told Adam. "There's room f'r a pool, formal gardens, an outdoor kitchen--pretty much anythin' y'r heart desires!"

"I'd have to talk to Nicky..." The bald man's face grew cloudy. "I suppose we should go check on what that whore's up to..." They found Nick sprawled on his back on the Entry Hall floor a large wet stain showing in the front of his tight khaki shorts. "Did you have a good time?" Adam asked acidly.

Nick sat up and looked Adam squarely in the eye. "Actually, I did!" he informed the bald man. "I can't recommend Ghostly Sex highly enough!"

"You're such a whore!"

The beefy Italian stretched languidly. "Jealous isn't a good color for you sweetie!" he said with a smirk. "You're pissed because Jonas picked me instead of you! Why not admit it?"

"I..." Adam looked indignantly from his husband to the other two men. "Can you BELIVE that cheap little slut?" he snapped. "The NERVE!"

"He told th' truth an' both o' you know it!" Ben's words cut through the tension like a knife.

"How DARE you?" Adam's anger at his husband evaporated as he turned his ire on the Contractor. "You don't know me! How dare you stand there and JUDGE me like you do?"

"Son--on some level ya know about Magic..." Ben said. "Th' idea of a Ghost didn't faze ya in th' slightest! Well, ol' Son, I have a bit o' a gift m'self! It's called "awen* an' sometimes--not always, but sometimes--it lets me know things! Like now! In spite o' th' slut-shamin', you ain't mad that y'r husband did th' nasty with somebody else but that YOU weren't th' one he wanted!"

"Nicky! Can you believe that bucolic CLOD just talked to me like that?"

The Italian levered himself into a standing position. "He's telling the truth sweetie," the man said flatly. "I'm sorry Jonas didn't pick you but I was the one who needed convincing to buy this house! He used the best tool he could--himself! Once we've moved in here you can have your turn with him and, I promise you, it'll be well worth the wait!"

"Do you need to see the upstairs?" Dallas asked the pair.

"I don't think so," Nick told him. "Write the offer at asking! I'm sure Ben can turn this house into something truly magnificent!"

"So--we don't need to look at the Condo?" Dallas asked the two men.

"It seems Nick has made his choice," Adam groused.

While Ben was glad to have gotten his "problem clients' to finally agree on a house, he knew it was going to be a long hard process and it just might take a whip and a chair to keep these two in line! Still, life was nothing without a challenge and this house and these two clients would provide both!


Next: Chapter 26: Dover and Son 4

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