The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Jan 18, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed erotica. This story contains explicit descriptions of man-on-man action so if such contact is illegal in your location or you don't want to read material of this nature then leave the way you came in and what are you doing on Nifty anyway you perv?

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You don't need to have read my previous epic The Dover Brothers AKA The Detective and the Druid to appreciate this story. That being said, one of the main characters in this work had a part in that story. Likewise, you might not understand how the "Doververse" works if you haven't read it. Still, this is pretty much a stand-alone work so I hope you enjoy.

This story is a "bonus track" that takes place between The Dover Brothers and Dover and Son. In it, we meet our first "Shifter" character in the Doververse since Shifters will play a major role in the upcoming epic. Donte was created with considerable input from my e-Buddy the mysterious D B. He evolved through a series of e-Mail conversations. You too are welcome to write me with your questions, comments, suggestions and complaints. Hit me up at or . I ALWAYS reply. If you wish to be notified when new material in the "Doververse" or other work is posted drop me a note and I'll see you are added to the list. Now--on with the story!

Wolfe and Cat

The scene at Finocchio was rocking but something was wrong; Donte Benedict stood at the bar of the hottest Gay Club in Kings Harbor and wondered why he wasn't the center of attention. DJ Skylark had her usual excellent dance mix thumping through the state-of-the-art sound system. The crowd was an eclectic mix of gays, straights, freaks and geeks, tourists and hard-core clubbers all grooving to the beat. The bartenders were doing a good job (and looking HAWT) so why wasn't the crowd falling all over the cocoa-skinned Shifter to buy him drinks or hope he'd deign to offer one of them a dance? It took a bit of investigation but eventually the slim handsome man found the reason--and it was a damn good one!

The interloper stood about 6'3" and his athletic body was well-displayed in skinny jeans and a short-sleeve black silk pullover. His slick-backed long hair was black as a raven's wing and his skin was a deep golden brown which set off a pair of piercing blue-gray eyes. The prominent cheekbones and sculpted blade of a nose hardly made him beautiful but there was an air of masculine power that whispered ALPHA MALE. If this guy ever became a model, he'd sell a lot of jeans, underwear, men's cologne or booze. It wasn't like the guy had a lot of skill as a Dancer but the way he moved proved that dancing was just sex standing up. Something about this intruder made Donte's mouth water and asshole clench in eager anticipation. He moved closer to investigate.

The shifter boldly stepped up and gave his best pose to show off his lithely-muscled slim body. "Dance?" he said, giving the darkly-handsome stranger a smoldering observation that went from head to foot.

"Why not?" the gray-eyed man replied. People gave the two best-looking men in the club space on the Dance Floor as Donte and the stranger began to grind together. The first thing the Shifter noticed was the stranger's scent; he wasn't another Shifter--that was obvious! Still, there were notes of Earth and Fire in that smell. Was he some sort of elemental? Donte found himself wishing someone with True Sight could tell him what this man was and whether he should be worried.

Donte, even considering he was a Werepanther, didn't have much experience with the Exotic. Both parents passed on "Shifter" genes to their Son but only his Aunt had the gift and she was living happily on the East Coast. Lavinia had taught the youngster everything he needed to know to get along as a Shifter in the human world but she'd left the rest of the Exotic lifestyle a blank. Donte had managed to pick up a few tidbits here and there but not enough to be an expert.

As the two men ground together the Shifter could feel the palpable heat coming from the stranger's Dick. It was a firebrand stretching the black denim as his burning manmeat fought to get out. "I want to suck that!" Donte whispered in the other man's ear as there was the briefest of breaks between songs.

"Wouldn't be the first time the restrooms were used for that here!" This was just about the first sentence Donte had heard from the stranger. His voice was deep, gravelly and utterly masculine. It went perfectly with the body but this man was clearly not a singer unless maybe it was for a punk or "Screamo" band!

The dark Shifter thought for a moment as the beat changed. Yeah, he'd been sucked and fucked in restrooms before--even here at Finocchio--but Donte realized he wanted more. "My place is a couple of blocks over," he suggested, feeling excited at the promise of what was to come.

"Let's go!" the stranger rasped. "You're the only thing worth my time in this club anyway!"

Donte wasn't at all sure he was being complimented but the words send a frisson of excitement down his spine. He followed the dark man to Coat-Check where the stranger snapped "Wolfe!" to the Attendant. (Donte realized he must be a regular.) She produced a black leather bomber jacket that wasn't cheap. "Thanks!" the Wolfe said then guided Donte toward the door. This "Wolfe" was clearly a man of few words.

"So," the Shifter said once they were on the street, "do you have a first name?"

"BB," the man replied tersely.

"Is that short for `Big Bad'?" Donte asked teasingly, half afraid it was.

"Benjamin Brazos," the other man replied. "But, yeah, `Big Bad' works too!" He flashed the Shifter a toothy grin that sparkled in the streetlights as the pair approached a Harley-Davidson Livewire.

"I thought you'd be more of a classic `Harley' man," Donte observed as the Wolfe brought out two helmets from the cargo safe at the back.

"I was until a couple months ago," BB replied as he threw his leg over the sleek black bike. "Some drunk asshole ran a stoplight and totaled my Indian! Damn near totaled me in the process!" He padded the seat. "What's your address?"

Donte gave BB his address and the pair set off to the Shifter's loft. "Nice place!" the Wolfe observed as they pulled up to the refurbished warehouse.

"I like the finer things," the dark Shifter observed as they got into the elevator. "I also know when to pounce on a good deal when one falls into my lap! A confirmed bachelor' got himself tripped by a sweet young thing who wanted a real' home! He was desperate to sell and I made a good offer!" Donte opened the door to the unit, mostly a single room with dark-stained wooden floors and industrial features.

"Nice space," Wolfe commented as he stepped inside. "You couldn't afford furniture?"

Donte laughed. "I'm a minimalist," he observed. "I like a lot of room to move so I can dance. One of the downsides to this place is lack of amenities. We have a super-nice rooftop deck all the units share but that's pretty much it. We don't have a gym, pool or even a club room."

BB walked to the large bank of windows that faced the canal. "You get a pretty good view of the Firehouse from here," he allowed.

"And the Firehouse gets a good view of me!" Donte said mysteriously.

"So--you put on shows for the neighborhood?" the Wolfe asked him.

"Hey, I am on the third floor!" the Shifter replied. "Nobody can see me."

"The Firehouse has very high ceilings," BB told him, "and a rooftop patio that just about puts Ben and Ethan level with your windows... Not that either of them would object to the view..."

"Who are Ben and Ethan?" the dark Shifter wanted to know. "I heard some rich old fart from Texas had a midlife crisis and decided he needed a swinging `Bachelor Pad' to attract the girlies! Or is it the boys?"

"Ben is well off," the Wolfe told him, "and he's older but he's hardly a `fart'! He's a guy who's well-worth getting to know considering he saved the world a while back..."

The dark shifter decided to file that bit of info away to unpack later. Maybe he'd have to arrange a meet with the man across the canal. "Want something to drink?" Donte asked, trying to be a good host. "I've got wine, beer, soda..."

"Not much one for soda," the other man replied. "Sugar and caffeine don't react well with my body chemistry and I've pretty much had my limit of alcohol for the night! Too much of that isn't good for me--or you..."

"Should I be scared?" Donte asked. "You know I'm a Shifter, right?"

"I do," the Wolfe replied. "But, you pretty-boy, don't know what I am!"

"So," the dancer said, `what are you anyway? I know there's something special about you but I can't figure out what it is..."

"Honestly, I don't know," the stranger replied. "I'm stronger, faster and tougher than anyone has the right to be! I'd match all my senses against any Shifter be they bear, wolf, panther or whatever! Plus, I have a presence about me that attracts people and tends to make them do what I want. You don't want to know about my `scare stare' though--trust me!"

Donte looked deeply into the man's haunting blue-gray eyes and decided `no' he didn't need to know about that and definitely didn't want to have it used on him. "So--you're some kind of Psychic?" he said.

"Honestly?" the Wolfe told him, "I don't know what I am! There were bound to be a few Exotics in my genetic makeup but family lore says we've been this way since `Black' Tom Wolfe came to Virginia in 1643. If a Wolfe cub is born with these eyes then they have the abilities! We have family history that goes back before the American Revolution!"

Donte moved to a leather sofa arranged against a brick wall and indicated a spot near him. "Care to sit down?" Once the other man was seated conveniently near, he said: "so--what do you do when you're not out clubbing? Actor? Model? What?"

"Special Crimes Police Officer," the man replied.

"Whoa!" This was about the last thing the Shifter expected to hear. "So--you have much trouble since the President outed the Exotics?"

Wolfe nodded. "We have at least five times as much work," he said with a sigh, `and the Governor in all his wisdom hasn't seen fit to increase our budgets so we're constantly running down every complaint that comes into our office of a neighbor being a shifter or a psychic peeper! Nineteen out of twenty of these complaints end up being baseless neighborhood issues. Those who are actual Exotics nine out of ten of those are just folk trying to live their lives--like you!"

"I guess I'm lucky," Donte said. "I don't have to Shift so I can keep it on the down-low easily enough. I teach Dance at Kings College and they're pretty chill about exotics--with the exception of the Dean of Women's Studies! She wants every student and instructor to be `witch-wanded' to confirm they are human!"

"Dr. Merriwyck better hope that doesn't happen!" the Wolfe said, "unless she wants to be outed as a Succubus?"

"Say--what?" Donte's eyes grew large. "How do you know that?"

BB jerked his thumb toward the bank of windows. "Your neighbor across the Canal told me," he said. "Ben has True Sight so he was able to catch her out! Lucky thing too--nobody had any idea!"

"Clearly I'm going to have to get to know my neighbor across the way!" Donte said. "Later! Right now, I want to get to know you better!"

"Like how?"

"Well..." Donte said teasingly, "you could fuck me!" The Wolfe didn't reply; he just reached over and ripped the silk shirt off the Shifter's chest. Scraps of fabric and buttons went everywhere. "Asshole! That was a Gordon Gartrelle ™!"

"Knock off," the other man said bluntly. "That shirt was no more a Gordon Gartrelle ™ then either of us!"

"How do you know?" Donte was equal parts pissed and curious.

"One!" the other man replied. "I could smell the petroleum in the polyester fabric that shirt was made from! Two! Gordon Gartrelle only uses natural' fibers. Three! Those aren't Gordon Gartrelle ™ buttons--they aren't even very good knock-offs. Last but not least--Four! That seaming is pretty damn sloppy! Gordon Gartrelle ™ wouldn't send that to a factory second' store! He has a brand to maintain!"

Donte was impressed in spite of himself. "You picked all that up in, what, thirty seconds?"

"Before I joined the Special Crimes Police, I worked the Garment District for LAPD," the Wolfe told the other man. "Knocking off high-end designers is a big business and it costs the Design Houses a lot of money! End result--they want to help the Cops shut down anyone bootlegging their brands! I worked a ring counterfeiting Gordon Gartrelle ™ stuff so I got very good at figuring out what merch was real and what was fake!"

"Oh, one other thing," the Wolfe added. "That shirt--even if it was real didn't do a damn thing for you!"

"Look at you in your basic gear giving fashion advice!" The dark Shifter was partially embarrassed for unknowingly wearing a knockoff and angry at being caught out by someone he considered to be a cultural inferior. "Would you like to criticize my Loft now?"

"I like your space," the Wolfe replied, giving Donte a smile. "The minimalist esthetic works for me and these high ceilings and the industrial details really resonate! "Are you buying or renting?"

"Buying!" the Shifter said proudly.

"Now I'm jealous!" the Wolfe said with a rueful smile. "I have a soulless one bedroom on the outskirts and the rent is still killing me! Rents are worse here than in LA!"

"I watched my pennies," Donte told him, now feeling friendlier toward the darkly-handsome cop. "I got lucky and made a good offer on a desperation sale. If you are serious about buying you need to hook up with a good Realtor and have your ducks in a row then be prepared to jump when the right place comes along. You'll probably have to do some renovation if you want to buy anywhere close to the city. Otherwise think about looking in Silverton. Thanks to the Tube your commute won't be completely odious!"

Thanks for the advice," the darkly-handsome cop said. "I realize I'm not going to get an elegant place with all the amenities but I don't need a ton of stuff--just some place to park my truck and my bike and have enough room to knock around a bit!"

"You should look in the Union Building downtown," Donte suggested. "You can grab something that won't cost you too much..."

"Looked there," the Wolfe replied. "I can deal with the fact that it's a converted Office Building but with Association Fees of $1500 a month--no fucking way! Yeah, they have a Power Sphere and Water Mixer for the building and that super-nice gym and pool up top but parking is an extra $25000 per space! I can't deal with that!"

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Donte exclaimed. "Man, I had no idea!"

"Too rich for this Cop's blood!" the Wolfe said. "I'm honest!" He ran his strong hand down the Shifter's smooth milk-chocolate chest, stopping to tease Donte's nipple which made the little brown nubbin pop up in excitement.

"Shall we take this to the bedroom?" the dark Shifter suggested. "I have a feeling I'm going to get fucked HARD and I'd rather not have that happen on the floor!"

"Probably a good idea," BB agreed. "I always laugh when I watch porn and see them going at it on a desk or a kitchen counter! I can only imagine how much that has to hurt even if the bottom is getting into it while it happens!"

"I suppose if they take their time..." Donte gave the other man a lopsided grin. "But I suspect you don't plan on taking your time OR treating me like a petite flower!"

The Wolfe growled. "I can smell your ass lubing for my cock Shifter-boy!"

"Wow, your nose is good!" Donte exclaimed. "Most people can't smell me at all. Some people even wonder if I pre-lubed..."

"They don't know about `Exotics' then!" BB commented. The darkly handsome man was leaving a trail of discarded clothing as the pair made their way to where the Loft's King Size Bed was conveniently tucked away in a quieter corner away from the main space. Part of Donte was annoyed because this intruder was spoiling the ambiance of his "personal space" with random clutter but then there was the body that was slowly being revealed so the Shifter decided he really didn't care.

BB Wolfe had the kind of body that inspired sculptors of old: what little body fat he had was in just the right places to enhance rather than conceal his muscular perfection. He was a deep rich golden brown from top to toe and he moved with the grace of a hunting cat on the prowl. A carpet of black hairs covered his well-developed chest and six pack abs but it wasn't so thick as to obscure anything. More black hairs covered his calves and thighs. The only place where he was densely forested was in the patch surrounding his heavily-veined thick. uncut cock and massive balls. Nobody could describe this Wolfe as "pretty" but everyone who saw him knew he was gorgeous.

"Strip!" BB said once the pair had made their way to Donte's bedroom area. It wasn't a request; it was an order pure and simple to which the Shifter was quick to comply! Part of Donte was terrified but most of him was simply "horned up" beyond all belief as he discarded his remaining clothes as quickly as possible.

The Wolfe circled Donte slowly checking his naked, cocoa-skinned body thoroughly. The Dancer knew how to display himself to best advantage, even in this low-lit space. He moved just the right way to use the light and shadows to best-highlight his smooth musculature. His years as a Dancer and Model had shown Donte how to best display his "wares" and his Shifter senses told him he was having the effect he wanted on his guest. Donte moved to throw his ass into its most appealing curve. "You like?" he purred.

"You know I do!" BB growled just before grabbing the Shifter and pulling him close as his mouth moved down on the Shifter, kissing him hard and passionately. Donte was used to controlling things but it just wasn't happening this time. Now the Wolfe was in complete control and the Shifter found he quite liked it that way as the stranger probed the deep recesses of his mouth exciting him with every movement of his dancing tongue.

Donte growled lustily as the Wolfe's strong capable hands ran up and down his body playing him expertly and raising the Shifter's excitement with each skillful movement. Even the simple act of sucking Donte's lower lips sent the Shifter into a state nearing heat. He clawed the Wolfe's broad muscular back leaving a row of long scratches but that didn't stop BB. If anything, it made him all the more excited.

BB picked up the Shifter then tossed him onto the bed then came down atop his cocoa-skinned lover. "You want this cock inside you baby?" he growled deep and low.

"Yes!" Donte shouted. "Fuck me you bastard! Fuck my ass like a Barbarian!" The Wolfe didn't have to be told twice as the Shifter raised his legs to squeeze the lighter-skinned man around the ribs as he opened himself for penetration. There was no lubrication, no preparation of any sort--not that Donte's shifter biology needed it! The Wolfe simply positioned his iron-hard invader at the Shifter's quivering entrance and slammed his entire nine inches home in one hard lunge! The Shifter howled but it wasn't from pain; Donte was glad he self-lubricated and could adapt to anything inside him.

"You like that cock baby?" Wolfe grunted as he pulled nearly the entire length out before slamming back in with another hard lunge. He punctuated his thrust with bites to the Shifter's neck and clavicle as the Wolfe held the other man down while he pounded him hard, fast and deep.

Normally Donte liked to be in control--even as a bottom but that wasn't happening this time and the Shifter found out he was loving what happened. He strained against the Wolfe's restraining hands not because he wanted to get away but because it made the aggressor just want to fuck him harder. The Wolfe obliged his lover by pounding as hard as he could and Donte returned the favor with bites and thrusts of his own.

The fierce pace both men were setting didn't allow either of them to last long. "Gonna--fuckin'--COME!" the Wolfe bellowed even as his cock seemed to thicken in Donte's tight, grasping sphincter as blast after blast of thick white mancream filled the Shifter's tight willing tunnel.

"Oh FUCK!" Donte found himself unloading like a cannon all over his and BB's sweating chests. "Whoa!" the Shifter finally panted, "do you always come like that?"

"Nah," the man replied. "Sometimes I come HARD!"

Donte squeezed the rod still inside him and was surprised it hadn't gone soft. "Whoa, dude! You're still hard!"

"And I will be for a while yet..." the Wolfe told him as he began to thrust again. This time he was being gentler and more exploratory. "Is that a problem for you baby?"

Donte squeezed on the rod invading his gooey guts. "Not in the least!" he told the Wolfe. I just might have to keep you!" BB didn't respond but kissed his new lover passionately. Now that Donte had given himself to the darkly-handsome Cop there would be plenty of time for romance and the gentler arts. All in all it was a good night...


Next: Chapter 24: Dover and Son 2

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