The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Jan 16, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. Some Chapters may contain explicit descriptions of same-sex coupling. If reading this offends you or you should not read such things whether it be issues of age or legality, please leave the way you came in. Otherwise enjoy!

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Because you demanded it True Believers! Welcome to the pulse-pounding sequel to The Dover Brothers. If you haven't read that story, I will do my damndest to make this one accessible to you. HOWEVER--you'll get a lot more out of the content if you read the other work first. Just saying.

Thanks to the twenty-six kind souls who took time out of your busy schedules to drop me notes of encouragement or complaint. This Chapter is marked SAFE for "snowflake" consumption whether they be on the left or right since there is no Political content.

Questions, comments, suggestions and even complaints are always welcome. Hit me up at or if you have something to say. I ALWAYS write back! Likewise, if you wish to be notified when new "Doververse" content or other stories are available for your reading please send me a note and I'll add you to the list. Now--on with the story!



Ben Dover, age 49 - our Hero, currently an Instructor at Kings College

Luke Lonnigan, age 26 -- Ben's Teaching Assistant

Dr. Adam Klein, age 55 -- Chairman, Department of Criminal Justice, Kings College

John-Thomas Bilodeau, age 42 -- Dean of Faculty, Kings College

It was the first Friday in May 2020 and Ben Dover, former Police Captain and head of the Narcotics Division of the Houston PD, now Instructor in the Criminal Justice Department at Kings College in California was looking forward to the weekend and a ride with his Motorcycle Club the Livewires. The big brown-haired Texan decided to make a quick stop by his office before heading home; he'd received a text from Luke Lonnigan, former Marine now College Senior and Ben's Teaching Assistant asking him to drop by.

"Hey Mr. Dover," Luke rose as soon as Ben came through the door. He was a tall and athletic former Marine who had kept his blond hair short after leaving the service. Joining with Hercules had left the man even more muscular than before and his fit tanned body was well displayed in a tight tee shirt and shorts. (Ben found himself secretly glad this young man would be graduating in a few short weeks; there had been an unresolved sexual tension between the two since Luke had taken a summer course from him the year before and the Texan was eager to remedy that.) Right now. though, the former Marine didn't look happy.

"What's up, ol' Son?" Ben was trying to keep the mood light.

"Dr. Klein wants to speak with you," the handsome blond T.A. replied, "as soon as possible..."

"I s'pose he didn't get ya a reason..." Ben observed.

"No Sir," Luke replied, looking down at his hands. "He just said it was important!"

"Then I guess I'd better git `er done!" the big Texan replied. "Ah well..."

Ben made his way to Dr. Klein's office and was promptly ushered inside. "Have a seat Mr. Dover," the Department chair said. Dr. Klein looked decidedly uncomfortable.

"Mr. Dover is it now?" Ben replied. "I think I'll stand. Why d' ya want t' see me Doc?"

Klein couldn't meet the other man's gaze. "We have decided not to renew your contract for the Fall semester," he finally said flatly. "I'm sorry."

"May I ask why?" Ben's words were polite but there was ice in his tone.

"There have been--issues--with you since your hiring last year..." the older man finally said, still refusing to meet Ben's gaze. "You know your lack of `formal' education has been an issue for the college since you were brought on..."

"I thought it was decided m' experience balanced that out!" Ben said, his tone icy. "What changed, Dr. Klein?" Now he was being as formal as the Department Chair.

"You know there were several complaints..." The Doctor was floundering and both men knew it.

"Really?" Ben said. "Yes, I'm aware of Martin' Oberdorf the Third's complaint but I thought that had been resolved. "We also know how the complaint Dr. Merriwyck's `patsy' turned out..."

"Yes, Mr. Dover, we do..." Klein still wasn't looking at the man. "We're sorry a student made false accusations against you and there is no proof Dr. Merriwyck was involved in any way!! Even so, that's not why you aren't being re-hired!"

"Then what is?" Ben wanted to know.

"There has been a new allegation--from one of your family members!" Klein said, finally forcing himself to look at Ben. "Your sister-in-law Rachel Southerland-Reynolds has submitted an extensive and detailed complaint about your previous behavior that has caused the school to decide not to continue its relationship with you."

"So--do I get t' see this complaint `r am I fightin' shadows again?" Ben snapped.

"Nobody has issues with your performance as an Instructor..." Doctor Klein tried to soothe the angry Texan but it wasn't working. "The Hiring Committee felt it would be `inappropriate' to re-hire you with such incendiary accusations floating around. I'm sure you understand!"

"I do!" Ben growled. "Here's what I understand Doc! You c'n show me th' complaint an' I'll walk away peacefully an' quietly! Or ya c'n refuse t' show it t' me in which case I'll lawyer up! I might not get m' job back but a juicy scandal like that'll be all over the local papers an' TV! Hell--it might even go National! Somethin' like that will surely make it `difficult' t' attract top people t' work here an' will no doubt have an' effect on enrollment an' fund raisin'! So, Doc--which way r' we gonna do this?"

Defeated. Doctor Klein reached into a desk drawer and produced a Manilla Envelope. "The complaint was delivered to most of the Faculty and Senior Staff several days ago," he said. "After reading it I'm sure you understand why the Committee chose not to re-hire you in spite of your performance record and generally positive relationship with your students!"

Ben read the complaint growing angrier and angrier with each false accusation. "An' I don't even get t' defend m'self?" he snapped. "God damn you an' this Kangaroo Court!"

"It was an administrative decision!" Klein said defensively. "You aren't able to reach Tenure so the college can simply refuse to hire you on for another year! We applaud your record and you've done well in the classes you teach--we, excuse me, the Hiring Committee, thinks you would be happier elsewhere!"

"Thank ya f'r y'r candor Doc!" Ben said with a smile. "I appreciate y'r honesty!" The man put the complaint back in the Manilla Envelope and started for the door.

"Mr. Dover! You can't leave with that!" Dr. Klein sounded like a yapping chihuahua. "That belongs to the school!"

"Didn't we just go through this, Doc?" Ben asked.

"Fine--TAKE it!" the Doctor yelled. "Take it and be damned!"

Rather than heading home as planned Ben made his way to John-Thomas Bilodeau's office and asked to speak with him. "What's up Ben?" Delia, Secretary to the Dean of Faculty chirped. "You don't look happy!"

"I've been fired!" Ben told her.

"No way!" the young woman exclaimed. "WHY?" She was soon on the phone squeaking indignantly to her boss. "He'll be right out!" she told Ben. "Dr. Bilodeau says there must have been some mistake..."

John-Thomas peeked out his office door. "Hey Ben! What's up?"

The Texan showed him the Manilla Envelope. "This!" he said. "It seems th' College has d'cided not t' re-hire me next Semester!"

"Excuse me?" The tall brown-haired Dean of Faculty looked confused. "Those decisions usually go through me and I haven't heard anything of that nature! Step inside a minute and we'll get this cleared up..." Ben came in, closing the door behind him so Delia's prying ears couldn't overhear.

"Doc Klein said th' `Hirin' Committee' had d'cided not t' extend m' contract another year!" Ben said. He handed John-Thomas the envelope. "He also told me most o' th' Senior Staff an' Faculty had gotten this. It's some rather incendiary accusations from m' sister-in-law Rachel!"

"I wasn't included in the decision!" the man sad as he looked at the list of accusations. "If something like this comes to light Campus Policy dictate we do a full investigation and I be notified with each step!"

"This smells like Gretchen Merriwyck!" Ben growled.

"It does!" John-Thomas agreed. "Let me see what I can find out..." The Dean of Students tapped on his computer and sighed after a bit. "It's a done deal," he finally said. "The paperwork has gone through and there isn't much I can do about it!"

"Don't bother!" Ben told the man. "There's no point in fightin' a war on two fronts!"

"So--you're going after your Sister-in Law?"

"Damn straight!" the man replied. "Gretchen Merriwyck may have pulled th' trigger but Rachel gave `er th' Ammo an' I ain't havin' these lies spread around! I'll be suin' her here in California! She accused me of serial adultery, spousal battery, an' child molestation! NONE of which happened!"

"Are you sure you want to open this can of worms?" John-Thomas asked. "It could get ugly!"

Ben smiled. "I beat her in court once already--in Texas no less!" he told John-Thomas. "She cost me m' job--that's defamation o' character! I have real damage an' she's got no proof!"

"And we might even be able to get Dr. Merriwyck as well!" the Dean of Faculty said. "She barely avoided losing her job over that faked sexual harassment claim she engineered! If we can prove she colluded with your Sister-in-law she's gone!"

Ben's former job as a Police Detective kicked in. "Well--ya start by findin' out who got these..." he indicated the Manilla Envelope. "You didn't! I'm sure Cliff didn't an' there are several other Instructors I'm friends with who didn't get one I'd be willin' t' bet!"

"Seems logical!" the Dean of Faculty agreed. "Doctor Merriwyck would want this to be done before you found out so she'd make sure none of your friends got wind of this!"

"That was their second mistake!" Ben said.

"What was the first one?"

"Tanglin' with me in th' first place!"


Next: Chapter 23: Wolfe and Cat

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