The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Jan 9, 2020


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Loyal readers, this is the next-to-last Chapter of The Dover Brothers AKA The Detective and the Druid. I hope you've enjoyed my story and since you have slogged through all the Chapters plus two Triptychs, I can only assume you aren't "hate reading" it. Thanks to all of you who have taken time out of your busy lives to drop me a note. Most have been wonderfully encouraging and that truly means a lot to me.

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Ben Dover, Age 49 -- God-called Hero and Birthday Boy

Cliff Dover, Age 38 -- Archdruid

John-Thomas Bilodeau, Age 41 -- Druid, Mind Magician and Cliff's live-in boyfriend.

Ethan Gray, Age 44 -- former CIA Agent, Exotic Affairs Division

Nils Gustafsen, Age 32 -- Rune Mage

Sgt. Sam Southwick, Age 26 -- KHPD Officer

Roger Quartermaine, Age 45 -- former Professional Footballer now Fairy Godfather

"What a crappy way to spend your birthday, eh bro'?" Cliff said, "sorry we can't give you a proper party!"

"Don't worry `bout it, ol' Son," Ben told him. "You'd be celebratin' Samhain in any case!"

"Doesn't mean we couldn't do both!" John-Thomas said as he came up bearing a heavy bundle of wood for the Samhain bonfire that would burn through the night. "Normally we'd welcome the spirits of the dead but tonight we have to keep them out lest they bring something nasty with them! Oh, but I brought a present for you..."

The tall Druid stepped aside so Ben could see Ethan Gray, smiling hesitantly. "Surprise!" he said. "I hope it was a good one!"

Ben wrapped his arms around the smaller man and gave him a huge kiss. "Didja come f'r a visit?" he asked, his heart beating faster. "How long c'n ya stay?"

"As long as you'll have me, I suppose..." Ethan told him. "I quit the CIA; sold my Condo in Georgetown, put what little I'm keeping in storage and grabbed the first plane out of Dulles!"

Ben gave the other man an odd look. "That's hardly like you, ol' Son!"

"I know!" the other man admitted. "I told you I was stupid-in-love with you. I don't have a job. I don't have a backup plan. All I can do is hope you care for me enough to give me a chance..."

"If you don't say `OK' I'm NEVER speaking to you again!" Nils came up bearing more wood followed by big, brown-haired Sgt. Sam Southwick also bearing wood for the bonfire.

"I'm all in Ben..." Ethan said before shyly looking down at the ground.

"Who could turn down those puppy-dog eyes?" Sam said teasingly.

"OK Ethan--we'll give it a shot!" Ben finally said before wrapping his shorter lover in his arms. "I'm stupid-in-love with ya too, ol' Son!"

"Oh, thank God!" Auntie Roger exclaimed. Today s/he was wearing a long leather coat and had something that looked like Wonder Woman's "Golden Lasso" it his hip. Gone was the mauve and burgundy, today the gorgeous creature sported denim, white cotton and black leather; the dear old Auntie looked decidedly Butch and ready to rumble! "Rumor has it our Ben has been moping around the whole Summer!"

"I wouldn't say `mopin'' exactly..." Ben protested.

"Don't believe a word he says!" Rupert "Roops" Forbes allowed as he joined the group. "He was moping from the end of July until today!" Roops was accompanied by his boyfriend CC Fox, Rod Cleighbourne and Scotty "the Body" Welles.

Ben gave the twittering group an appraising look. "Y'all know this ain't a Halloween Party!" he said seriously. "Things c'd get right serious t'night!"

"We know," the four men said in one voice.

"Look Ben," Rod said: "you may not have a lot of respect for us..."

"...and we're not badass Military or Cops like some people!" Scotty went on.

"But our town, maybe the whole world, hangs in the balance tonight!" CC finished.

"None of us know what we can do," Roops put in, "but we want to help!"

Ben smiled at the four men. "Thank ya kindly, boys!" he said. "I think we'll need all th' help we c'n get!"

"We're all here to help Sir!" This was from the newest Druid Levi Evans.

"Even me..." Nils Gustafsen said tentatively.

"That's good Son," Ben told the blond triathlete. "I'll need y'r help t' make m' plan work! I can't do it without you!"

Nils nodded. "Tell me--show me--what you need me to do and I'll try my best!"

Sascha Markov, the Dark Lady, Tia Sombra and two other women Ben didn't recognize made an appearance. "I think we're the last ones to make it in dahlinks!" Sascha told the group. "It took all of our combined magic to get past the Blackshirt blockade!"

"We'll just hafta make do then, won't we?" the Texan told the group. `Nils--I need ya t' come with me..." Ben led the other man to the central Altar Stone of the Henge and both of them climbed up then moved into a kneeling position. "Try t' open y'rself Son..." Ben instructed Nils,

"Father Odin!" the Texan boomed. "I offer m'self as th' vessel f'r y'r power t' come down and manifest itself on Earth! Your faithful children an' millions o' innocent souls need y'r aid t' battle th' forces o' Hell that even now `r' stormin' the gates! Fill me--lend me y'r power!"

The assembled group watched in awe as Ben seemed to transform. He grew taller and broader, the silver sidewalls spread and his brown hair turned into a silver mane. Lastly a pair of ravens settled on his shoulders. "Hugin, Munin!" Ben/Odin boomed in welcome. "Your aid will be required in the coming battle! Fly my friends--tell me of our foes and where and when they will make their assault!" The birds took off on their errand.

Then the man inhabited by a God turned his attention to Nils. "Child," he said, in a most gentle, fatherly way. "I require your aid. Will you allow me to fill you as a vessel?"

"Yes, All Father!" the blond replied, raising his face to Ben/Odin with calm acceptance. "I am your vessel! Fill me!" Ben/Odin wrapped Nils in a strong embrace then brough his mouth down on the blond triathlete's. As the two kissed Odin breathed the spirit of Heimdall into Nils' body.

The blond triathlete's skin paled until it was the whitest of alabasters while his gray eyes became the blue of a clear Nordic sky at noon. His hair stayed golden but it grew in length and a neatly-trimmed beard sprouted on his chin. "I am here Father Odin!" he intoned. "Order me!"

"You know what you must do Child..." Ben/Odin replied. "Be about it!"

Nils/Heimdall turned to the astonished crowds. "Open yourselves!" he commanded. "Allow the Elder Powers to Manifest within you!" There was no commotion as he continued speaking. "Spirits of Valhalla--come to us! Spirits of the Celts--come forth from the halls of De Daanan to dwell within us! Spirits of Olympus! We call upon your aid! Come now! Guardians of the East and South--we beg your aid! All of you who were created by the collective Will of Mankind come to us now in their hour of need!"

The call went out just at sunset even as the full moon was rising on the night of Samhain allowing the Gods and Elder Spirits to answer! Some came stealthily on little cat's feet others came with a rush of trumpets. Odin watched Dagda, King of the Celtic Gods take over Cliff while Toutis, Guardian of the Breton Celts flowed into John-Thomas. Llyr joined with Coastie Levi Evans while the Dark Lady became one with the Morrigan. Sascha Markov's hair went silver as a hut perched precariously on chicken legs marched into the Henge. The Baba Yaga had made her presence known! Oriental Dragons enveloped Dan Watanabe and Master Po while BB Wolfe was enfolded by the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl. Ben saw Hermes Trismegistus divide himself with Rod. Scott and Rupert. Even Odin wasn't sure which aspect was which but the three had worked it out among themselves. CC bore the aspect of Loki and the two seemed to be getting along famously. Tia Sombra and her two companions had taken on the three aspects of Selene, Maiden, Mother and Crone. Ben watched Sam Southwick take up Thor's Hammer as he prepared for battle.

Heimdall's call went out beyond the Henge and touched people outside as they too allowed the Elder Spirits to inhabit them. Young Jim Burkhalter took on Baldur's aspect and other people he didn't know took on Gods of the North and East and even the Southern Isles. Who was Maui? It didn't matter--he was on his way to join the battle. Even Sully got his own "Elder Spirit" Avatar as he joined with Cerberus, Guardian of the Gates of Hell. Ben/Odin was pleased so many Elder Spirits had joined with humans to come and defend the Henge because the Sons of Purity had Black Magic that was canceling out defenses as though they never existed.

"Children!" Ben/Odin boomed in a voice that carried well past the borders of the Henge. "Our foe approaches and we must meet them with all the Magic and Artifice we have! But, hear me! Many of our foes are deluded fools blinded by hate and leaders who played upon their darkest fears! They do not deserve to die for their foolishness! Furthermore, we don't want to have to explain this to the Mundane Authorities!"

And so, the battle was joined. The Sons of Purity found themselves fighting at the front and rear as Odin's forces fought to protect the Henge from within and other Elder Spirits attacked from the rear. Odin's forces did their best to minimize damage to the Blackshirts and their allies but the Sons of Purity had no such compunction. They fought with the blackest of Black Magic and slowly drove the alliances inward. None of the defenders had gone down--yet, but the night crawled onward as the battle raged.

At precisely midnight (the time between dusk and dawn not the hour on the clock) when Martin Oberdorf Sr, Junior and Oberdorf 3.0 stepped onto the sacred ground of the Henge. "Game over!" the youngest Oberdorf sneered. "Time to pay up!"

"You have no idea!" Ben laughed, slipping briefly out of Odin's avatar for a moment.

"Beelzebub!" the three men chanted in unison. "Open the Gates of Hell!"

"Belial! Baphomet! Lead the Armies of Hell onto the Earth in cleansing fire. Let Armageddon begin!" Three figures, each more hideous and evill than the last began to appear out of mist and fire. "Now you Pagan trash will feel the cleansing fire of Purity!"

"Actually no, you son-of-a-bitch!" These words were all Ben. "Thanks t' Seamus Kennedy's `death curse' I saw y'r plans and I know how t' defeat you!"

Then the Texan dove back into Odin and he raised up his Godly Aspect and wielded his Divine Attribute. "Heimdall! Iris!" he bellowed. "Broadcast my words!" Nils/Heimdall and a girl he didn't recognize who found herself inhabited by a Greek Goddess raised up their Attributes and broadcast Ben's next words to the Sons of Purity who stood in shocked silence to witness the betrayal of mankind by their leaders.

"Sons of Purity!" Ben/Odin boomed. "Behold the Lords of Hell conjured by your leaders the Oberdorfs! Know they would have released the torments of the damned on an innocent Humanity for their own self-aggrandizement!"

Then Ben/Odin turned to the three Lords of Hell. "No doubt you have discovered you cannot fully manifest in our world! Cerberus guards the Gate and while he stands you will not prevail here!"

The three Devils gnashed their teeth knowing the Texan being inhabited by the King of the Norse Gods spoke truthfully. "We cannot go forward. We cannot go back!" Beelzebub intoned. "But at least we have defiled the Henge and trapped all of you with us!"

"I don't think so, ol' Son!" This was Ben alone again. "There's a way t' send y'all back t' Hell an' I'm about t' use it! I offer you as a sacrifice th' bodies an' souls of th' Oberdorfs!" he said. "Take them an' go t' Hell! Literally!"

"Sire," Baphomet said softly, "we dare not remain here! If we are gone too long from our Infernal Realms the Dukes will rise up and try to take our places!"

"We dare not allow that Chaos to infect our holdings!" Belial offered.

"Then we are agreed!" Beelzebub said as he reached out and took Martin Oberdorf Senior by the throat. "Your death will be long and painful human," he growled, "and your soul will pay eternally for this ignominy!" Belial and Baphomet took the other two men. As promised, the Oberdorfs deaths were indeed long and painful and all assembled there had to watch the gruesome spectacle until dawn came up and the battle was over. The humans had won.

"Fuck bro'!" Cliff exclaimed. "That was awesome! Of course, now I have to re-consecrate the Henge..."

"Isn't it worth it?" John-Thomas said. Ben noticed the man's hair had somehow gotten a bit redder. "I think Toutis left me a little bit of himself as a remembrance..." he said, catching Ben's look. "Love your new beard, bee-tee-dubs!"

Ben rubbed his chin and found a neatly trimmed beard there. "Well damn!"

"I'm afraid I got a bit of a change too..." The Texan glanced at Ethan to find the man had become a golden blond but his eyes were still gray. "Freya inhabited me and I'm afraid I've become a depraved thrill-seeking hose monster!"

Ben just smiled. "We c'n work with that..." was all he said.

"It seems I've also acquired two cats!"

"That might be a problem..." Ben said with a laugh.

"How many casualties did we have?" Nils wondered.

"Actually, aside from the Oberdorfs, none!" Qwill said. "I was inhabited by Hades so I negotiated with Anubis and the Morrigan. We agreed that dead bodies would make things difficult to explain so none of the Death Gods harvested any souls. We've got ambulances on the way for the injured but Loki/CC has made up a story about the Blackshirts coming to attack the Henge on Halloween. To `break up the Satanic ritual' as it were! The local gendarmes will buy it and nobody involved will feel like actually telling what happened. Eventually this battle will become an Urban Legend!"

"Then all's well that ends well!" Ben said. Then he realized someone was missing. "Sully! Where's Sully?" The Texan began looking for his Mastiff Guardian but the dog was nowhere to be found.

{{Sorry buddy,}} Sully's mental voice said. {{Once my Spirit joined with Cerberus, I'm locked in. I became one with him so I'll be guarding the Gates of Hell!}}

Ben fell to the ground weeping. "Oh Sully," he sobbed, "I'm so sorry!"

((Don't be,)) the mental voiced soothed. {{I took an oath to `Protect and Serve' and I'll be doing that! I had a good life and I enjoyed my time with you. But, don't worry buddy, I'll make sure you have a guide and guard!}} And then the voice faded away as the sun broke through the early morning fog. Ethan came to comfort his lover, shedding a few tears for the loss of Ben's dear friend. Mostly he just knelt beside the big Texan and let him cry himself out.

Charles Corbett Foxworth made his way to where the two men sat while Ben recovered himself. His bond with Loki had left its mark on him as with all the others. The Texan hoped the Artist and those who had borne the "darker" Spirits didn't suffer any lasting ill-effects from the joining. "I managed to talk the Police around to my way of thinking before the spirit of Loki left me," CC told Ben. "It should be enough to keep them from asking too many questions!"

Ben nodded. "Thanks CC," he said, regaining control of himself. "We've all done th' best we can. We c'n only hope that was enough..."

"Who wants breakfast?" Scooter Brown called. "I've got an Omelet and Waffle Bar set up at the Main House! All of you need to go eat something before you fall over!"

"And," said Ben, "most of us hafta get t' work t'day!"


Next: Chapter 21

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