The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Nov 15, 2019


WARNING!!! This story is a part of a larger gay romantic fantasy. If the subject matter offends you STOP READING NOW! Characters, situations and everything else are entirely fictional and products of my fevered imagination. If/when I draw inspiration from another writer I will credit them here. As always, I welcome questions, comments or suggestions: if you want to hit me up please use (You'll get a faster response that way!)

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CHAPTER TWO: Waking From The Dream


Ben Dover: Age 46 -- former Police Detective now living in Limbo

Cliff Dover, Age 38 -- Ben's younger brother and Biology Instructor at Kings' College: Archdruid of the Central California Henge

John-Thomas Bilodeau -- Age 41 -- Cliff's current boyfriend and the Dean of Faculty at Kings College. He is a Junior Druid


The cool and quiet late night serenity of the pleasant Queen Anne Victorian in rural Kings Harbor California was shattered by Ben's scream as he woke trembling and sweating from his all-too-familiar nightmare. Once again, the horrible dream had come unbidden to shatter his sleep and torture him with images of his wife and son. As usual, Ben was nearly strangled in the sheets and the bedcovers had landed on the floor. The big man sighed heavily wondering if he was going to be able to get back to sleep that night.

Cliff, Ben's younger brother and his current boyfriend John-Thomas Bilodeau came charging into the large guest bedroom. Both were naked except for the leather cords with the druidic symbols they wore around their necks. Ben could see his brother's boyfriend had gotten a good start on his collection of ritual tattoos but his right side wasn't nearly as covered as Cliff's: this aspect completely confused Ben.

John-Thomas didn't wait for an invitation or permission: he simply jumped into bed and wrapped Ben in a strong but gentle hug. Cliff joined the two men on the bed and hugged both of them. "The same dream bro'?" Cliff asked.

"Same as always...." Ben admitted shakily.

"Tell us about it," John-Thomas said: he was taller than either of the Dover brothers and built slimmer: he had a taut, runner's physique that complimented his slender frame. His hair was dark brown and neatly cut, his eyes the gray of morning fog and his alabaster skin shone in the moonlight: brown hairs flossed his chest and belly and his legs were as hairy as a satyr. The man was truly blessed in the cock department as well but Ben didn't notice it: he was still wrapped up in the pain of his loss.

"It's always the same damn dream!" Cliff told his partner. "It wakes him up every night but he won't talk about it with me!"

John-Thomas nodded. "That's not surprising Cliff," he opined. "You might be too close to the situation for Ben to feel comfortable sharing this with you..." The slim man was still cradling Ben almost like a father holding a frightened child. "Can you try and tell us about the dream?" he asked. "Maybe sharing the burden will help you..." He bent down to kiss the other man's forehead gently.

"I know you've staked your brand on bein' the strong silent type bro'!" Cliff put in, "but--if I may quote Dr. Phil--`how's that workin' for ya'?"

Ben had to admit to himself: it wasn't working in the least'! He finally relented: "Robyn an' Doug--m' wife n' son--they're chained t' this gigantic statue!" he finally croaked out. "They're reachin' f'r me--beggin' me t' help em! They're beggin' me t' let em go! They keep sayin' over n' over again--let us go!' But I can't! I'm chained up as well! An' then th' water starts risin' an' risin'! I can't get to em--then they go under--an' there's nothin' I c'n do t' save `em!"

"Hmm... Yeah, I think I can figure this out." John-Thomas lacked the sheer magical skill and power of an Archdruid like Cliff but he had a real way with matters of the head and heart. "Tell me about the statue Ben..." he said. "That's an important component of your dream--maybe the most important of all! Describe it for me as fully as you can..." He still held the older man in the embrace but now he was looking Ben square in the eyes.

Ben wasn't sure he believed in any of his brother's "mystical bullshit" but at this point the Texan was willing to give anything a try. "It's massive..." he said after dredging up the unwanted memory. "Huge... Thick and utterly dead--just a massive lump o' gray stone!"

"There's more isn't there?" Somehow the slim man knew there was something left to say and that was the key. "What--no WHO--is the statue? You need to tell us!"

Ben didn't want to say the words but he finally forced them out. "It's me!" he mumbled as the tears began to fall. "That statue is me!"

John-Thomas used a corner of the sheet to blot Ben's tears: "the good news is--I don't need to consult the runes to know what this is about!" he told the other two men. "The meaning is clear as day!"

"Care to share it with us buddy?" Cliff commented.

The slim man turned on the bedside lamp so he could see Ben clearly. His words were blunt but the other men realized he spoke the truth. "Your loss and pain are holding your wife and son here," John-Thomas told the grieving man. "As long as you refuse to let go, they--and you--will be trapped in a never-ending cycle of misery!"

"I don't think you want that bro'!" Cliff said as he gently stroked his brother's back, "and I know that Robyn and Dougie wouldn't want that for you either!"

"An' how d' I do that?" Ben wanted to know. For all his Druidic power Cliff was at a loss for what to do. He could craft a potion to wipe his brother's memory but that would destroy his beloved older brother as surely as reliving this eternal nightmare was.

"I've got this Cliff," John-Thomas said. "Leave your bro' in my capable hands and I'll have him back to you first thing tomorrow!"

The blond Archdruid slipped off the bed then gave first his brother than his lover gentle kisses on the cheek. "I know he's in good hands!" Cliff said as he headed for the door. "See ya tomorrow bro'!"

"Uh..." Ben was awake but thoroughly confused. Cliff was leaving him alone with his boyfriend! What the Hell was that about?

"Don't you worry your pretty head about a thing!" John-Thomas assured him. "Your brother and I have a VERY complicated relationship! At work I'm his boss but he's the Archdruid and I am merely his apprentice at the Henge. I love Cliff and he's amazing in bed but we both know that we're not each other's Mr. Right. That being said--he's a helluva Mr. Right Now! And, frankly Ben, I think you could be a helluva Mr. `Right Now' yourself--if you just allow yourself to be!"

Ben pushed the other man's hand away. "I can't!" he growled. "I just can't!"

John-Thomas sighed. "Then I guess we're done," he said sadly. "You have chosen your fate. You won't let yourself move forward so you're stuck in a rut you can't escape! Maybe you should borrow your brother's sickle and cut your own throat then you can join your wife and son in the `Personal Hell' you've made for yourself and them!"

Ben roared and slapped the other man so hard his head rolled back but John-Thomas took it in stride. "Did that feel good?" he asked. "Do you want to hit me again?"

"I WANT you to shut the fuck up and leave me alone!" Ben was practically howling from his endless grief and frustration. To top it off he added a healthy dose of shame to the list for hitting a man who'd done nothing but try to offer him comfort!

"I can't do that Ben," John Thomas said softly: even after all this he was still holding the other man in a strong but gentle embrace. "I'm telling you the truth and you know it! The way you reacted to what I said proves that!" Then John-Thomas did something completely unexpected: he pushed forward and kissed the other man with an insistent passion.

The Texan was so surprised all he could do was freeze: his brother's long-term boyfriend was kissing him--and it wasn't just a peck on the cheek! This was an open-mouthed kiss that was equal parts tender, passionate and loaded with desire. Something inside Ben awoke and, even though he didn't want to, the man found himself responding to the probing tongue that was exploring the inside of his mouth. Ben was long out of practice at this kind of play but he was soon responding with a depth of desire he didn't know was there.

"That's right Ben," John-Thomas whispered as he stroked the other man's broad back, "let yourself go with the feeling!" Ben did--this time initiating a kiss that was surprisingly hot with desire. The slim man in his arms responded with equal passion as Ben felt his guilt and shame melt away in a hot pool of desire. Maybe tomorrow he'd feel guilty and ashamed for what he was doing tonight but right now all he wanted to do was feel this other man!

The Druid began kissing his way down Ben's body, first his throat then each clavicle as John-Thomas rubbed his cheek into the dense fur on the other man's chest. From there the slimmer man spent time teasing each of his beefy partner's nipples with kisses and gentle nibbles. Each time John-Thomas's tongue flicked over the sensitive nubs or his strong white teeth teased them Ben found himself moaning and writhing with unbound lust.

It wasn't long until the big Texan was fully hard and this made John-Thomas smile. "Excellent!" he said, coming off Ben's nipples to look him in the eye. "You're waking up!"

"Oh fuck," Ben told him. "I didn't know I could feel that way anymore!"

"You'd be surprised what you can feel buddy," the other man replied. "All you have to do is let yourself!" John-Thomas eased Ben into a prone position and resumed his exploration with kisses down the man's belly: his tongue flicked into the big man's navel which made Ben laugh. (For some reason this spot was ticklish.)

Eventually John-Thomas was between Ben's legs as the man felt first the Druid's breath on his manhood and then his warm mouth. The slimmer graceful man hummed happily as he swallowed half of Ben's Texas-sized sausage as he worked the thing up and down getting a bit more with each thrust. It took a while but John-Thomas eventually got the whole nine-inch length buried in his throat. He smiled to himself as Ben's brown pubic hairs tickled his nose. He kept working the thing, alternating long and short strokes to drive his partner wild with desire.

John-Thomas kept working up and down on Ben's cock: it wasn't long until precum was flowing from the head like a fountain. "Oh fuck boy!" Ben growled, "I'm gonna come!"

"Not yet you aren't!" the other man replied. "Neither of us is ready for the party to end so soon!" John-Thomas pulled off the big man's member and began teasing his balls, first sucking one then the other into his mouth. One of his fingers began to tease the big man's tender assbud.

"AAH--dude!" Ben snapped into complete focus at the other man's teasing of the sensitive ring. "What d' ya think y'r doin' ol' son?" he asked. "Ya think y'r gonna fuck me?"

"I don't THINK so!" the other man replied with a grin. "I KNOW so!" He speared his tongue deep into the dark brown cleft which made Ben practically levitate off the bed. Electric sensations shot through the big man's body with each swipe or teasing nibble at the ring. John-Thomas kept working until Ben was little more than a writhing puddle of smoldering lust. "Are you ready to get fucked buddy?" the Druid asked as he came off Ben's hole.

"I've--never been fucked b'fore..." Ben admitted. "I don't know if I'm ready!"

"You're ready buddy!" John-Thomas assured him. "Just relax..."

Ben wasn't at all sure he could but decided to be a good sport and give it a go. So much had changed for him recently--maybe it was time for this to change as well! He drew a quick intake of breath as John-Thomas's fat cockhead slipped past his outer sphincter. He expected a great deal of pain and there was some discomfort but that sense of uncomfortable fullness quickly faded to a growing sense of lustful joy as the other man's long, thick rod pierced him to the hilt. "Oh my God!" the Texan exclaimed, "it feels--good!"

"Surprise!" the slimmer man said as he pulled almost all the way out then slid the entire length back into Ben's quivering hole. Each succeeding thrust seemed to build up a flame of desire that consumed his entire body. All the big man could do was surrender to the passion as he arched to take even more of his brother's lover deeper into his quivering insides.

"I--think--I'm--gonna--COME!" Ben arched as the first spasm of thick white cream shot all over his and John-Thomas's chest and belly. It was the most shatteringly intense orgasm he'd ever had and it just seemed to go on and on.

"My turn!" John-Thomas redoubled the speed of his own thrusts until he exploded deep inside the big man. "Wow!" he said, falling into Ben's strong embrace. "That was fuckin' INTENSE! You `Dover boys are spectacular!"

This statement ignited Ben's guilt. "Dude--don't!" John-Thomas said, mock-slapping his partner. "Cliff knows what we did and I'm sure he's happy for the two of us! The fun we just had doesn't change the way I feel for him in the slightest! If the sex helped wake you up out of your funk I'm sure he'll be happy for both of us!"

"I dunno..."

"Trust me, I DO know!" John-Thomas kissed Ben gently on the mouth. "If you dream again tonight they'll be good dreams! Trust me on this!" Ben desperately wanted to believe the man who had just taken his virginity so he simply cuddled him close and let himself fall asleep.


Ben awoke after a long satisfying sleep. There had been no bad dreams to disturb his slumber but he felt a little sad because John-Thomas had slipped out of his embrace at some point and gone his own way. Wondering what was waiting for him downstairs the Texan grabbed a quick shower then dressed and made his bed. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee enticed him downstairs.

"Hey bro', you're looking well-fucked this morning!" Cliff said with his best shit-eating grin (#3). "Didja have a good time with John-Thomas last night? Want some coffee?"

Ben took the cup gratefully and stared intently at it as he began adding cream and sugar. "Somethin' wrong bro'?" Cliff asked as he wrapped the Texan in a hug from behind.

"Y'r boyfriend fucked me last night..." he finally said. "And I liked it! Damnit Cliff--I'm sorry!"

"Don't be bro'," Cliff told him then gave his brother a broad and utterly genuine grin. "From where I stand it looks like I finally got my big bro' back from the brink! If John-Thomas did it with a little bow-chicka-wow-wow, so what? All that matters is that he did. That's all that matter to me!"

"So--you're really OK with what happened?"

"100%!" Cliff assured him. "Who knows--maybe next time you'll fuck HIM!"

"Let me entertain you!" John-Thomas sang, "let me make you smile I will do a few trick--some old and then some new tricks! 'm very versi-TILE! And if you're real good--I'll make ya feel good! want your spirits to CLIIIIIIIIIIMB! So LET me entertain you--and we'll have a real good time!"

"Yes Sir!" Cliff chimed in.

"We'll--have--a real--good--TIIIME!" The pair finished off together.

Ben couldn't help but smile at the other men's antics. "You two fuckers are crazy, y' know that?" he said then collapsed into a fit of laughter.

"It's part of our charm!" John-Thomas announced. Then: "Cliff--your bro' has a great laugh!"

"Glad to finally hear it again," the Archdruid said.

Ben was relieved that what he'd done hadn't crossed any lines. "It feels good to laugh again," the man admitted. "But hey, John-Thomas, I got a weird question..."

"Ask," the man said. "I might even answer it!"

"Bilodeau--that's a French name, right?" Ben The slim man nodded. "So how did a `Frenchie' like you get involved in Druidism? I thought that was somethin' involvin' the British Isles.

"There ARE French Celts bro'!" Cliff told him.

"Spanish Celts too," John-Thomas added. "My people came from Britany so those Gods will listen to me." Ben filed this away for future reference: he realized he had a LOT to learn...

END CHAPTER TWO -- more to come soon!

Next: Chapter 3

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