The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Jan 3, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy containing explicit sex! If you do not wish to read such material or doing so is illegal in your location please be kind enough to back out now! As usual, the standard boilerplate and disclaimers apply.


We begin with yet another shout-out to the mysterious DB who requested the sex scene featured in this Chapter. (He also made a number of other requests which may or may not see print.) Thank you for continuing to read the adventures of The Detective and the Druid; questions, comments suggestions and complaints are always welcome. Drop me a line at . Who knows? Maybe, like the mysterious "DB" you'll get your wish and, also like the mysterious "DB" you WILL get credit!

Before we get to the "action" I want to shout out to "Burke" with the great mustache who said of my writing; "nothing about this story is normal, nothing routine, everything exciting!" (I changed the punctuation but the quote is exact.) To me this is high praise. And, rest assured Burke, there will be more twists and turns to come.

Likewise, one final shout-out to Steve in Dallas who is my first (and so far, ONLY) "subscriber". If you want to be notified when new content is put up drop me a line at the above address or so you don't miss any of the pulse-pounding action of Ben's exciting adventures. Now, on with the story!

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Cherry-Poppin Daddy


Ben Dover, Age 48 -- Instructor at Kings College currently renovating a historic Firehouse

Caleb "Catfish" Calhoun, Age 33 -- another of Ben's renovation projects

"Sully" Guardian Spirit inhabiting a male Mastiff

Jim Burkhalter, Age 21 -- Recovering Blackshirt

Jon Qwilleran, Age 51 -- owner of Bistro Q and Neighborhood Activist

"What d' ya think Capn' Ben?" The Texan could almost feel the excited tension washing off of Catfish as the pair checked out the newly-installed doors the younger man had crafted for the Firehouse. The $20 gold pieces melted into the panels made for interesting swirls shading from the palest yellow to deep red and even a bit of pink here and there. "The Design is the Runes for strength' an' durability' joined together! Mr. Nils says that'll just make th' spell stronger. He wants to be extra-careful-- `specially since what happened a while ago at school!"

"It's beautiful work!" Ben assured him. "I may hafta ask Nils t' put some o' them runes in stained glass above the front window panes." The Texan had already replaced three of the four front-facing windows due to vandalism. The first time Ben put it down to random mischief; the second time he had Glenn von Gabler put up fencing to block access; the vandals had replied by shooting up the glass. "Either that `r I'm gonna hafta invest in bullet-proof glass!"

"I'll talk to Mr. Nils!" Catfish promised.

Just then Ben saw a familiar face heading toward him. Sully went instantly on alert but the big man calmed him with a thought. {{That's just young Mr. Burkhalter,}} Ben told the bristling Mastiff.

{{That's John Burkhalter's brat!}} the dog replied. {{That's as Blackshirt as you get!}}

{{A few things have changed since you left us Sully...}} Ben sent to the dog. {{Burkhalter wanted to use young Jim as a `bait dog' to lure in gay men. Young Jim wouldn't do it so he moved out.}}

{{It could be an elaborate set up...}}

{{Sully--STOP!}} Ben put emotion behind the words and the dog whined. {{My awen tells me young Jim has a good heart! I hope you can trust me on this because I'm going with it!}} The dog laid down with an exasperated sigh but made no further complaint.

"Hey Mr. Dover!" Jim said when he was finally close enough for friendly conversation. "Nice place! Sorry about the windows..."

{{I suppose you don't know anything about that...}} Sully sent accusingly.

Young Burkhalter looked down in surprise. "Um--did your dog just talk?"

"He's inhabited by the spirit of Officer Patrick Sullivan," Ben told the handsome blond. "Say `hello' Sully!"

{{Hello Sully! Happy now?}}

Jim took the information in stride. "Oh wow!" was all he said. "Thank you for your service Officer Sullivan!"

{{You're welcome kid!}} Sully was clearly taken aback by how calmly the young man had accepted the news.

"And, um, actually I kind of know who shot up the windows..." Jim told the dog. "I created a fake profile so I could check out the Sons' chat rooms; somebody calling themselves StrongCock365' is claiming responsibility. I don't know who that is though--sorry..."

"You ain't th' only one guardin' y'r privacy," Ben observed.

{{Keep your head low in there!}} Sully advised. {{Hate groups don't take kindly to people trying to infiltrate!}}

"I'm walking a fine line," the handsome blond boy/man replied. "I participate just enough so I don't get banned from the group but I'm super-cautious about providing info about myself. You know in case the pigs have a Spy embedded'. It's the least I could do considering how much damage I helped create as one of the Sons'."

Ben wrapped young Burkhalter in a one armed `bro' hug. "Don't beat y'rself up over that ol' Son!" he told the handsome young man. "F'r all th' damage ya did I'm sure ya pr'vented twice as much! Yes, ya made some bad choices boyo but ya don't hafta define y'rself by those!"

"Um--thanks Mr. Dover..." Young Burkhalter seemed equal parts embarrassed, confused and gratified. "So--um--could I maybe talk to you?" he finally said.

"'Bistro Q' is just down th' street," the Texan said. "They have a good selection o' Afternoon Delights'; we c'n sample somethin' an' chat a bit! I'm just in th' way here an' I'm sure th' boys ud be happy t' git back t' work!"

"I know that w'd make Mr. Glenn happy!" Catfish observed.

"So why do they call this place Bistro Q'?" Jim wanted to know once the men were seated at a table on a patio overlooking the DeKoven Canal. "The Son's say it's because this is a queer magnet!"

"It may be," Ben admitted as he glanced at the menu offerings. "But that ain't th' reason! The restaurant is operated by a man named Qwilleran!" The man spelled it so Jim would get the unique sense of the name.

"Qwilleran?" repeated young Burkhalter, "what kind of name is that?"

"It's Danish." Ben glanced up to see a big beefy man with salt-and-pepper hair and a large brush of a mustache that matched. His eyes were a dark iron gray but his expression was friendly. "You're Mr. Dover, right?" he continued. "Aren't you refurbishing the Firehouse?"

"I have that honor," the Texan replied. "And you would be?"

"Jon Qwilleran," the stranger answered, extending a hand. "I'm the owner. Would you two gentlemen mind if I joined you for a bit?" Ben glanced at young Jim who silently nodded and Jon took a seat. "You're the talk of the neighborhood Mr. Dover!"

"In a good way I hope?" Ben supplied.

"It entirely depends on who you talk to!" Qwill said. "A certain someone--who shall remain nameless except to say his initials are Andrew Stuart is not at all happy with you for scooping up the Firehouse when he was planning on razing the place and stuffing the property with expensive Condos! Needless to say, most of the rest of us have a--different opinion!"

"It `ud be a shame to lose such a fine old buildin'!" Ben commented.

"Most everyone agrees!" the older man replied. "Of course, with the Blackshirts driving by to harass your workers and the vandalism..."

"Glenn didn't say anythin' about that..." The Texan commented. "Has there been any trouble?"

"Not much..." Qwill rubbed his abundant mustache. "Most everyone who works for Mr. von Gabler is pretty tough minded--except for that poor `Catfish' fellow... Still, if things get too rough, they are quick to call the cops and, for now at least, the Police are willing to answer! I suspect we can thank the Neighborhood Association for that!"

"Neighborhood Association?" Ben said. "I didn't know we had one!"

"ADRIAN--for Arts District, Residents and Investors Action Network!" Qwill told him. "Once this neighborhood started gentrifying, we formed a group to make sure our needs were being met by the City. We've become quite the local gadfly--and we are very politically active! I'd like to think ADRIAN is responsible for the `Reform' ticket doing so well in the last election! That's actually why I stopped by..."

"Lookin' f'r a donation?" Ben said wryly.

"While cash is always appreciated, I'm thinking of something of a more `personal' nature!" Qwill stated. "What we'd like is for you to volunteer your time for a new project!"

"I'm listenin'..."

"There has been some--trouble--in the Neighborhood..." Qwill said.

"Blackshirts hassle people coming out of the clubs late at night!" Jim supplied.

"Indeed!" the other man said. "Plus, there has been an upturn in residential and business vandalism! Yours isn't the only property that was hit! We've had several store windows broken--both by rocks and gunfire--and we've had quite the problem with hateful grafitti!"

"Thanks mostly to the Sons of Purity," Jim said glumly.

Qwill gave the young man a speculative look. "You seem to know rather a lot about this group young man...." He observed.

"I used to be one," the younger man admitted shamefully. "I'd try to talk them out of doing stupid shit but it didn't always work..."

"At least ya tried!" Ben said.

"Indeed!" Qwill agreed. "The Police have been somewhat helpful but some of us think we need more. That's where you come in Mr. Dover! We want to start a Neighborhood Watch--maybe even a patrol! With your Police experience you'd be a great man to take the lead on a project like that? Would you be at all interested in helping us out?

"That's dang'rous territory," Ben told him. "Some Blackshirts carry guns an' we don't want anyone gettin' shot! But, yeah, I c'n think of a few things! Even if ya just started an escort' program t' take folks t' there cars; that ud be a help!"

"Blackshirts don't pick on large groups," Jim observed. "Maybe they're chicken shit or just afraid of getting fingered!"

"Prob'ly both!" Ben commented. "But, yeah, I have a few ideas. Why doncha gimmie y'r contact info `Qwill' an' we c'n git t'gether an' hash this out when we both have time..." He gave young Jim a quick glance.

"OOH!" The other man looked a bit embarrassed. "I'm interrupting something! Please forgive me!" The two men exchanged contact information then Qwill departed (but not before telling the Waiter not to give the pair a check.

"Now youngster--what didja want t' talk t' me about?" Ben asked once he and Jim were alone.

"I think I'm gay."

"Son," Ben said, "ya don't THINK that! You either are or ya aren't!"

"OK, I'm Gay! Satisfied?"

"Not in th' least!" Ben told him. "What makes ya think y'r gay?"

Young Burkhalter sighed. "I've known I was different' since I was maybe four or five..." he said. "I didn't put a name to it until later--and by then I knew that gay' equaled `bad'! You know my Dad and everything he stands for! When my older brother came out, I thought my Dad would lose his mind. He beat the hell out of Josh and then kicked him out of the house! I don't know what happened to him..."

"I c'n see why you w'd want to live on the `down low'..." the big man opined. "So--what made ya feel like y' want t' come out now?"

"People like you and Mr. Kowalczyk," Jim finally said. "You guys aren't like the `Queers' my Dad and his friends talk about! You're just--you! And you are both OK with that!"

"Is there more?" Ben asked.

"Yeah," he admitted. "I'd like to try dating a guy! And--um--I'd like to do--stuff--with him..."

"Stuff?" the older man queried. "Stuff like play cards, go bowling, that sort of stuff?"

"Sex stuff!" Jim's face was red.

"I know!" Ben said. "I was teasin' ya buckaroo!"

"So--um--can you teach me?" he asked. "No, let me rephrase that--WILL you teach me, please?" Young Burkhalter was still blushing red as a stop sign but his eyes were interested.

"I c'n teach ya ever'thin' ya need to know buckaroo," Ben told him. "But if I do it'll change our friendship forever! Are ya ready f'r that?"

"Change is part of growth!" Jim said. "If I can't handle change, I have no business being an adult!"

"Well in that case buckaroo come out t' Seacliff Manor t'night an' I'll teach you!" Ben said. "See ya `round 9:00 PM!"

Scooter, the Brownie Housekeeper escorted young Burkhalter up to Ben's room then closed the door behind him, leaving the two men alone. "You seem nervous Buckaroo," the Texan commented.

"I am--a little..." the younger man admitted.

"Do ya still want t' do this?" When Jim nodded the Texan continued. "Lesson ONE!" he said. "Safe words!"

"Safe words?" Young Burkhalter was confused and a little frightened.

"It's used primarily in BDSM," Ben told him, "but we won't be doin' any o' that! Not yet at least... I want ya t' have some easy words if I do ANYTHIN' that makes ya uncomfortable! Got it?" The young man nodded. "OK boyo--your safe' words r' red', yellow', n' green'! Red means STOP! Don't use it less your dead serious because ever'thin' WILL stop! Yellow' means I like that but slow down a bit cause it's gettin' intense!"

"And green' means go!" the young man said. "Green!"

"Alrighty then," Ben said as he removed his shirt. "Lesson TWO!" He pointed at a small rosette scar on his right bicep. "Never--I repeat--NEVER allow an uncovered penis inside y'r body `thout one of these!"

"What's that?" Jim asked, utterly confused.

"You don't know bout th' HIV Vaccine?" Now it was Ben's turn to be confused. "Son--this has been around since th' Jackpot Years'!

"I know about that!" the younger man said. "They started with the discovery of Cold Fusion!"

"An' ever'thin' that followed it!" Ben agreed. "But there was also a revolution in medicine about th' same time! "We're talkin' th' anti-Cancer treatments, Stem-Cell therapy--tons o' stuff! Th' HIV Vaccine has made AIDS a thing o' th' past--f'r those smart enough t' get th' shot b'fore they get infected! Once you got th' virus y're doomed t' a life-long dependency on some pretty nasty drugs t' keep th' disease at bay! Mind you, it won't pr'tect you from any o' t' other Venereal Disease but HIV/AIDS nearly d'stroyed the Gay Community back in th' 80s and 90s. We don't need another `gay plague'. Leave that t' rural white teenagers and idiots who think they're immortal!"

"My Dad said the HIV vaccine was for--never mind..." Burkhalter blushed.

"Are y' ready t' continue?" Young Burkhalter nodded. "Have ya ever kissed a man?"

"You mean like a KISS-kiss?"

"In a romantic way!" the big man said. Jim shook his head and Ben wasn't surprised. "Have ya ever kissed ANYONE in a romantic way?"

"A few girls..." the young man admitted. "It didn't do much for me..."

"Would ya like t' try kissin' a man?"

"Yes SIR!" Young Jim stepped forward and gave Ben a hard, sloppy kiss which the big man endured. It took the younger man a second to realize his partner wasn't responding, "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, pulling away.

"It was a bit like bein' attacked by a love-sick Golden Retriever pup!" Ben told him. "Sweet--but maybe a bit much..."

"What do I do then?" Jim asked.

"Start slow," Ben told him, "like this..." The big man wrapped Jim in a gentle hug and then began a slow probing exploration of his partner. While their tongues danced Ben's, hands traveled up and down the younger man's back and explored his broad muscular shoulders and well-developed arms. "Like that!" the big man said when they finally came up for air.

"Oh my God!" Jim breathed. "My toes were curling! Is it always like that?"

"Sadly, no!" the Texan replied, "but when it is... Now, ol' Son, why don't you take th' lead? An' r'member boyo--you ain't an octopus tryin' t' eat m' face!" This time Jim's kiss was slower and more exploratory as he allowed himself to enjoy the experience of kissing another man. "Better?" Ben asked.

"Yeah," Jim agreed. "Much better!"

"Lesson THREE!" Ben said. "Th' greatest erogenous zone is th' human brain! Take time t' enjoy th' feel o' y'r partner, th' taste, th' sight `n' sound--all of it! You'll find th' whole experience that much more pleasurable! That bein' said there's a lot o' secondary erogenous zones t' explore!"

"Like these?" young Jim suggested as he tentatively touched one of Ben's big brown nipples.

"Um-hmm--like those..." the big man replied. "Take off y'r shirt boyo!" Jim did so and the big man rubbed his palms flat against the young man's pink buds which sprang to hardness at Ben's touch! "You like that, boyo?"

"Oh God yes!" Jim was almost panting with excitement. "I didn't know guys nips could be so sensitive!"

"Some r' more sensitive than others!" Ben told him. "Yours seem t' have a direct connection t' y'r cock! I wonder what ud happen if I bit `em?" The Texan began a slow downward journey toward his target. "As ya c'n see--skin c'n also be highly sensitive!" The younger man was thrusting hard against Ben trying to maximize their physical contact. The older man finally reached the hard-pink nipple and bit.

"Yellow!" Jim yelped.

Ben looked up; "too much boyo?"

"It felt good," the younger man admitted, "but it was super intense! Maybe if you went a little slower?"

"Lesson FOUR!" the big man said with a smile. "Tell y'r partner what ya want! Most folks ain't mind-readers so you'll hafta use words so they know what ya want!"

"I feel like I should be taking notes!" Jim said. "Is there going to be a quiz at the end of the session?"

"Don't be cheeky boy!" Ben growled in mock annoyance. "Of course, there will be a quiz at th' end o' th' hour--an' a Lab Practical!" Then he laughed. "So--ya ready t' get undressed?"

Young Burkhalter very nearly set a world record for disrobing. "OK," the older man said, "Lesson FIVE! Sex doesn't hafta be a race! Sometimes slam, bam, thank ya Ma'am' is fine but if ya got th' time ya might wanna slow down n enjoy t' experience!"

"Sorry," Jim said, "I guess I just got over-excited!"

"Son--don't f'rget--I'm more `n twice y'r age!" Ben said with a twinkle. "I haven't run as hot as you since b'fore I was married! So--why doncha undress me? An'--TAKE YOUR TIME, boyo!"

"Sorry Sir..." Jim went to his knees in front of the older man and carefully began to remove his sneakers and socks. Once Ben's feet were bare, he moved up to unbuckle the belt and unsnap the several buttons on the front of the older man's faded Levis 501s â„¢ jeans. Beneath, the simple gray boxer briefs were showing a very promising bulge. "Wow, you're big!"

"That's how we grow `em in Texas ol' Son!" Ben said. He patted the bed. "Lay down buckaroo--y' ain't ready f'r that yet..."

"Ready for what?" Then the young man's eyes got big. "OH!" he exclaimed. "Maybe I'm not--but I suppose I'll have to practice sooner or later..."

"We'll git there ol' Son!" the brown-haired Texan promised. "We'll just be doin' it on MY time!" The big man rolled into bed and embraced Jim. "Lemmie get t' know y'r body son..." Ben began kissing and caressing the younger man, exploring his smooth tanned musculature from top to toes which made Jim quiver with excitement. "Like that son?"

"Oh, YES SIR!" the handsome blond youngster moaned. "You're amazing!"

"Shall I continue?"

"Please!" Ben zeroed in on the younger man's cock, licking up and down the erect shaft as though it were a massive candy cane. The young man was already oozing copious precum so the brown-haired stud decided it was best to ease the blond boy in hopes of prolonging the party later. He took young Jim's velvety mushroom-head into his mouth and began working up and down on the thick column of manmeat. It only took Ben a few up and down thrusts to have the boy coming like a firehose! Ben swallowed hard and fast to keep up with the deluge pouring down his throat and somehow managed to get it all without choking. "Um, isn't that kind of gross?" Jim asked once the older stud finally came up for air.

"It is what it is, boyo!" Ben replied. "Semen is an acquired taste--some folks never do..."

"Can I try?"

The big man rolled onto his side so the young blond could see his nine ½ inches of pulsing hardness. "Ya think you're ready f'r that, boyo?"

"I don't know," the younger man admitted. "I guess I won't until I try!" Ben got the younger man moved around until Jim and they were in a 69 position. "Wow, that thing is HUGE!" the handsome blond young man allowed upon close inspection of Ben's 9 ½" ramrod. "I don't know if I can take that..."

"Take it at y'r own speed buckaroo!" Ben told him. "You're gonna find it has an unusual taste that might take some getting' used to..." Ben had thoroughly cleaned himself up before his visitor's arrival but still, it was what it was. "Don't try `n' cram th' whole thing down y'r throat all at once! That won't be pleasant f'r you OR me! An'--please, NO TEETH! I'll show ya on your cock--try an' imitate my moves if ya can!"

Ben began the candy-cane lick of young Jim's impressive manmeat. He wasn't quite as long as the Texan but the cock was still quite respectable and the big man was enjoying it thoroughly. The younger man tried valiantly but only managed to choke himself. Eventually though, he finally got the hang of it and was soon sucking merrily away.

"Let's, see what happens when I do this..." The man traced young Jim's prominent cord back between his legs and zeroed in on his tight little pink bud. Ben was relieved to find the younger man had cleaned himself up as well so there was nothing nasty to deal with. Ben touched his tongue to Jim's tender pink but which nearly made the young man shoot off the bed!"

"Oh my God, dude!" Jim yelped. "What did you just DO?"

"It's called rimmin' ol' Son!" Ben replied. "If there's gonna be any back door' action we're gonna hafta open ya up an' I don't think I wanna start ya on `Poppers'--at least not yet!"

"Poppers? What's that?"

"A lesson f'r another time boyo!" Ben told him. The big man went back to his lingual probing and after a while Jim found that not only was he getting used to the experience but he was quite enjoying it! Ben finally replaced his tongue with a finger and then a second one. "Are you going to fuck me now?" Jim finally asked.

"Do you want me to, ol' Son?"

"I do," the younger man replied, "but I'm a little scared!"

"That's why we have safe' words boyo!" Ben told him. "I gave you those f'r a reason! Don't be afraid t' use em!"


Ben reached for the lubricant tube in his Nightstand. He anointed his fingers and watched Jim shiver as the cold gel touched his tender insides, it took a bit but it wasn't long until the younger man was bucking on the digits working inside him. "Fuck me!" Jim exclaimed. "Green!"

"You're first time may be a bit uncomfortable," Ben told him as he moved into position and began to slowly push inside. There was a bit of a quiet gasp as the big man penetrated Jim's outer ring but then he sunk deep and held it there.


"You're doin' great buckaroo!" Ben told him. He held himself deep inside the young man. Jim quivered but was soon used to the sense of fullness inside him and the big man began moving again. It wasn't long until both men were working in a slow, rocking rhythm they were both enjoying. The pumping continued until Jim orgasmed and Ben followed shortly after. "What didja think boyo?"

"Was it good for you?" Jim asked.

"I was damn fine--f'r a first time!" Ben told him.


Next: Chapter 18

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