The Douchebag and the Hole

By Kyle Weaver

Published on Dec 22, 2014


Part III

I fumbled with my key as I left. In most dorms, doors lock automatically, but my antique—according to Joey, `dilapidated'--building had the old system where the door had to be locked manually. It was just as well. Apparently in the nice dorms the spoiled kids locked themselves out about once a week anyway, by leaving their keys inside their room and finding the door automatically locked when the door clicked shut behind them. With all the time it took to lock these doors, I'm not sure which system was better.

As I adjusted to the darkness, the air started to feel warm around me. A figure from behind reached out, twisted the door handle, and forced my door open.

I rubbed my eyes, not believing what was happening. I twisted around, taking in the looming figure.

"Duke," I whimpered.

Duke pushed me back into my room roughly. I stumbled and had to crouch down so as to not outright fall. Then Duke walked inside and pulled the door shut behind him. I couldn't see him very well, but I could see the shadows of his strong body. His silhouette was darker than the rest of the darkness.

He was still wearing nothing but jeans. My eyes soaked in the obscure outline of his muscular chest and arms. My eyes hadn't quite acclimated to the meager lighting cast from the lamppost outside, so I still couldn't quite see the expression on his face.

"What are you doing, Duke?" I asked. My heartbeat was wild. I felt a little scared and a little weak but also felt this inexplicable—I'm not sure how to describe it—thrill, I suppose.

"We need to talk, Holden," he said. He walked over and sat on the bed. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled half-heartedly, which was still enough to wrench me off balance. I took the cue and sat down next to him. "I don't want you to switch rooms."

I looked down. The smell of his Axe body wash and deodorant enveloped me.

"You've been walking all over me since the day I moved in," I said quietly. "With your stupid system of premeditated hotness."

"Sure, if you say so," Duke said. "But if that's the case—then why get upset about it now?"

I stared into space, my gaze falling on the hole in the wall. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm the same as I've always been," Duke said. He draped his arm around my shoulder. "Still holdin' Holden; still refreshingly arrogant; still hilarious; the coolest guy you know that's named after a noble."

I half-smiled in spite of myself. "I don't know," I said. I shook my head. "Joey and I—we have history, you know? He thinks you are a bad influence."

"So--your fight was about me?"

"No. Yes. Kind of. He thinks I've become childish and impulsive and sex-crazed—more like you I guess."

Duke smiled. "Impulsive? What happened to `premeditated hotness'?"

I bit my lip. "Joey warned me about you," I said. "Before he kicked me out."

"He kicked you out? Shit man. How'd that go?"

"Well, he thought I was trying to suck his cock, and he was busy studying—"

"Like you can't do both at once. So then what?"

"He made me leave. I asked when he wanted to see me again, and he slammed the door in my face."

Duke looked into my eyes. "He dumped you, man."

"Is that what that means?" I said, groaning.

"Either that or I am still dating like a hundred girls," Duke said. He wrinkled his brow. "It's still a little weird he didn't bone you, though. I'm not sure why that would happen. Maybe he has dick cancer or something."

"He dumped me," I said softly. I was never a master at social cues. I thought that was part of what worked between Joey and I—we both had a kind of aloof level-headedness. We didn't need to be subtle with each other. We were simply honest--until recently, I guess. It was my fault, wasn't it? A tear rolled down my cheek.

I sunk into Duke and he held me into his chest.

"It's okay, Holden," he said, tightening his arm around me.

His warm skin felt smooth and gentle, but as I snuggled into it, I could feel the firm muscles stiffen under me. The artificial chemicals he wore mingled with his natural sweat and invaded my nostrils. He flexed, ensnaring my face in the ropes of his muscles. He leaned back, making my face slide down his chest slowly.

"And I promise I'll never get mad at you for wanting to suck my cock," he said.

I tried to chuckle but the noise I made was more like a hiccough.

I descended into his abdominals. Then, I felt his palm on the back of my head. He pushed my face into his crotch. I could feel the outline of his junk through his jeans. He guided my head around, making my lips graze the contour of his cock.

"Duke!" I whimpered, but my noise was muffled. I flailed my arms, hitting his chest, and he flexed, barely fazed. "Duke!"

Duke let out a hearty laugh and released me. My body felt like jelly as I dropped off the bed and to the floor. I kneeled on my knees, facing perpendicular to him, deliberately shying away. I wasn't quite sure where to look.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked.

"You have a boner again, Holden."

"I'm still thinking about Joey," I whispered.

Duke snorted.

"Seriously!" I added, "You can't expect me to—have sorted everything out in my mind so fast."

"I'm not frikken Socrates. I'm not majoring in gay logic. You can't expect me to understand what is going on inside your brain."

"Well—I'm not Tom Cruise. I'm not majoring in douchebag logic. You can't expect me to understand what you have instead of a brain."

Duke groped himself. "Guess I'll fucking show you then."

He unbuttoned his jeans, and the stress inside them made the zipper unfurl part way. He wasn't wearing underwear, so his half-hard cock flipped out, already big enough to fill his fist. He stroked it few times, his arm and chest bulging as he moved. Then he released it—his mammoth cock standing majestically.

For the most part, Duke was a pretty-boy, but his cock was a monstrous. The smooth, sculpted look that defined the rest of his body was nowhere to be seen there; his cock was veiny and bulging, sporting a bulbous flare. A silver bead of precum waited at the tip.

Everything felt surreal. It sort of reminded me of a funny-looking cartoon character with disproportionate features, but I wasn't laughing now. I was awestruck.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Being a tease, I guess," he said, raising his eyebrows. "Don't hate me."

Slowly, he began to jack up and down on his cock. When he squeezed the base, the rest bulged out a little bit more. Then, he pulled slowly up the shaft, until he made the head bunch up and the precum drip out onto the floor.

He leaned back slightly, moaning; as he flexed, a ripple moved through his abdominals and into to his pectorals. He flashed me his porcelain smile and dimples formed.

I turned toward him and inched closer, looking into his eyes. He shrugged off his jeans.

I couldn't see the coloration in his eyes. It was too dark to see color. I could just see the halo of light cast by the lamppost behind him, and how it seemed to give him a silver lining, like a cloud at sunset. It was brightest around his head. I felt a little faint.

The strangeness of the moment was setting in.

Duke was sitting on my bed—naked—jacking his outrageous cock. I was kneeling on my knees between his legs. How did this happen?

My dick bulged painfully against my underwear.

Was I attracted to Duke?

I mean, of course he was attractive—but in a magazine cover kind of way. He wasn't my type really. I went for the more erudite, sophisticated kind of guy. Guys that were well-rounded and polite. I wasn't supposed to like guys like Duke.

God, what would my high school friends say if they could see me now?

I may not have been a social authority, but I knew that guys like Duke did not mingle with guys like me.

The moisture glinted on Duke's cocky smile. "What are you thinking about?" he breathed.

Could I? Should I?

"It's just—it feels like a dream," I said.

"You jacked off to me often enough," Duke said.

He added a second fist and pumped up and down on his cock.

"But it never felt like it could be—real," I whispered.

"Then let's make it real," he said. "Suck my cock, Holden."

I creeped forward. Duke stopped jacking off, letting his hands fall palm-up to his sides.

A road running into the horizon seems to come to a point, but still; you can't be quite sure if it ever comes to an end. His cock reminded me of that. The base was right in front of my face, but up this close it protruded, past where I could see.

I nuzzled into his plump balls.

Tentatively, I stuck my tongue out—and grazed the base of his cock.

Nothing happened.

I'm not sure what I expected. Did I think I was going to get struck by lightning? Or wake up, perhaps?

Slowly, I dragged my tongue up the long road from the base to the head of his cock. The veins seemed to throb as my tongue dragged over them; it was a rough and bumpy journey. It did seem it might go on forever—but I wasn't sure that I minded.

It was nice to just exist in the moment.

Finally, I felt the landscape change. I reached the mushroom head and swirled my tongue around.

Then, I looked up into Duke's eyes and breathed deep.

He smiled at me. "You are going to be my cocksucker tonight."

He grabbed me behind the head with both hands and picked me up in a raw display of power. I was on my tip-toes, my knees jutting forward, elevated slightly off the floor so he could find the angle he wanted for my head. He lifted me till my head loomed over his massive cock.

"Open wide."

I gaped and he pushed down, forcing the head of his cock inside. I gulped around it feverishly, then looked up into Duke's eyes again. He smirked and slammed me back down to my knees, impaling my face with a sizable slab of his monster cock.

I gagged uncontrollably. I could hardly inhale; my mouth and the tip of my throat were clogged.

With Joey, I would bob up and down, giving myself a chance to breathe and relax on the upstrokes, but with Duke, even when I stretched my body and craned my neck, there was still a wedge of his cock inside me. My eyes bulged as I looked up at Duke, realizing there would be no breaks.

And he hadn't even gotten his cock even close to all the way inside yet.

With one hand, he pushed on the back of my head, and with the other he gripped my neck.

He pushed me back down till I was gagging again.

"I can feel where my cock juts inside your neck," he said, pushing on the spot playfully, making me writhe around uncontrollably. "For the first time being the mortar to my pestle—you are doing pretty good. Just need to grind and smooth you out a bit."

I beat my fist on his chest, hearing the thump as I struck his hardened form.

He either had a pang of pity or sensed it was serious, because he shoved me backwards and I collapsed on the floor.

"I can't do it on my knees," I croaked. "I can barely breathe."

He knelt down in front of me and massaged my pectorals, feeling me up. He ripped the buttons off my shirt and it crumpled. He made sure I was pinned down with a soft guiding push and a light squeeze. Then he pulled my shirt off.

Duke clasped my shoulders as he crushed me against the floor. He snarled and grabbed my arms, pinning them above my head with one hand. He flexed; his firm ass slid up my chest; his legs laced around mine as he looked I to my eyes. His eyebrows cocked as he ran his hand slowly down my chest. He traced his own quadreceps, then felt behind him, slowly grazing my boner.

"If you can't get that pretty head around my cock when you are on your knees, then I'll fuck it into the floor."

I groaned in spite of myself. Sometimes lying down was harder for me, but I was willing to try. The distance between his cock and my lips closed... We both leaned in--until my soft wet lips met the head. I tasted it, drinking it softly, tantalizing him--but toying with it, not taking anything past the bulging tip into my mouth.

He snarled. "I know you can take it, cocksucker. Maybe it's too much for a girl but it's not too much for you."

I licked the head, slowly, three times.

"Take it," he repeated. Both his hands found the back of my head as he moved in, forcing his groin into my face. His thrusts and strong grip made it slowly but surely dig deeper inside. He got several inches down this way, snarling. My throat clamped down on his full, warm, breathtaking cock until I felt my head go light. When he saw me soften he grinded his cock in deeper.

"God this is hot," Duke growled.

The closest thing I could do to return the compliment was whimper.

He started to slowly hump my face. His entire body flexed as he did it. I wrapped my hands around his ass, squeezing the firm mounds, before pulling them toward me, taking more of his thick cock down my throat.

"Oh fuck," Duke muttered. One of his hands rubbed the back of my head, angling and cradling it, coaxing me to take more. I tried my best to swallow it. Each time I gagged, he slid a little more in.

"You can do it Holden," he said. His voice lowered to a whisper. "I saw you with that popsicle."

His hands were rolling across my flesh like electricity, lighting me up. My body was writhing and softening; I was energized; I was vivified; I was a storm of emotion and sensation; I was moaning so hard.

Something in me cracked, and in that moment, I knew I was Duke's boyhole.

I tightened my grip on his ass, pulling him into my face as hard as possible; I opened my mouth wide; I leaned and pushed my face into him until his shaven pubic hair was scratching at my face—I sucked with all my strength.

"Oh—god!!" Duke breathed. "That is what I am fucking talking about! Oh fuck, Holden. Oh FUCK!"

He started writhing as I curled my tongue around his cock. It tingled to the touch, pulsing. I hummed around it—my mouth couldn't smile, but my eyes could.

He started plowing my face, pulling several inches of his cock out of my mouth before plunging it back in. He did it slowly at first, and then sped up, his breathing growing thick. More and more of his cock moved with each successive thrust; each one harder than the last; I felt his balls slapping against my chin, my eyes were lost in the waves of his abdominals; I took in the smells, cringing slightly at the overwhelming scent of Axe. Now his whole cock was going in and out, making noises like raindrops on a rare object, stretching my mouth out to its limits.

One of his thrusts missed and the entire length of his cock ground against my face.

I breathed heavily as we both waited.

I opened my mouth again and slowly brought my tongue to his balls, lapping at them one by one.

"Duke," I whimpered.

"Yeah?" he said.

"Stop putting all that fake shit on your body. I want to smell you. I want to taste you."

"I want to be clean," Duke said slowly.

"Then I will clean you," I whispered.

"How?" he asked.

"Like this," I said. I ran my tongue over his balls again, sucking the grease off of them. I pulled his body down, sweeping out a new road. My tongue traced the curves of his abdominals and circled his nipples, eliciting a broken groan. I kissed a glimmering bead on his biceps—savoring the real sweat—before moving my tongue toward the spikes of his thin pit hair. I lapped at his pit. It was covered with Axe but there was a little bit of his tangy sweat mixed in.

He grabbed me by the back of my hair and made me look up into his eyes.

Then, suddenly, he pulled me in.

I thought for a moment he was going to kiss me.

Instead he exhaled into my ear. "Enough of this foreplay bullshit. Show me how badly you want my monster cock. I know you want my cum down your throat."

It was more than that.

I craved it.

Duke rolled onto his back and his cock jutted out into the darkness.

I leaned in, kissed the tip, and drank it clean.

He grabbed the back of my head and guided me down.

I started to gag again, but he ignored me, slamming me down to the base.

"Engulf my cock, bitch."

I realized that the jeans Duke had slipped out of were on the ground beside me in a clump. I started humping them as I slurped on Duke's cock.

He started to buck his hips, hard, and I felt myself tingling everywhere. It felt like the electricity was jumping between us, connecting us, as our breathing became closer together until it was one. Duke slammed me down harder, and I bobbed my head down as fast as I could, taking all of his cock, and swallowing over and over, ready for his cum.

I was damn sure my moaning lips took cock better than some stupid girl's.

"Fuck yeah," he grumbled. He thrust into me with ferocity, again, again, and again.

I moaned.

"Fuck, I'm cumming Holden," Duke said, one hand holding the back of my head so that I couldn't remove my throat from his cock. His forcefulness was redundant however. I wasn't going anywhere.

His balls drew up; his veins pulsed; his cock jumped in my mouth.

Then, a powerful bolt of cum rocketed inside me. He gripped me tight, and finally, his entrenched cock shot wave after wave deep into my throat. I could feel the load rolling down my esophagus and sliding into my gut.

I humped Duke's jeans passionately—the evidence of the stud I had somehow disrobed and mingled with after all.

I writhed around as I came, and Duke stroked my hair.

I lay with my head impaled for a few minutes. While his cock softened, I sucked the cum out of it like cream. It tasted sweet and sharp—addictive even.

"I knew you would like my popsicle."

When his cock slid out of my mouth, I lay my head in his lap—and closed my eyes, basking in the moment.

Unfortunately, t wasn't meant to last.

"I'd better go," Duke said.

He fished his keys out of his sticky jeans. I made myself pull my mouth off his softened cock.

"You could sleep here," I said.

"And explain how I woke up in your room to the rest of the dorm? No thanks."

"Pretend you got locked out."

"You can't really get locked out here, remember? We have the old-school locks."

He got up and walked to the door, opening it and checking each direction.

"Don't you want your jeans?" I asked.

"Keep them," he said. "You earned them. I couldn't wear them anymore anyway, knowing how you disgraced them."

I watched his perfect ass flex with each step as he walked a few steps nonchalantly down the half-lit hallway, naked as the day he was born. He turned to catch me admiring him, his chest muscles and cock curling into view.

He rolled his eyes and smirked, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

A minute later, I spied on him through the hole in the wall.

He had fallen asleep almost instantly—flat on his back in bed, his naked body in full view (well, as much as you could see in the lamppost light), with the content look of nobility etched into his smug face.

--- Let heaven and nature sing. I feed off feedback -- Tumble me on tumblr --

Next: Chapter 4

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